Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 13, 1825, Image 2

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    a* J
Our columns arc principally occupied
With the annual Report of the Secretary
of the Treasury, which, with considerable
labor, we are enable ! to lay before our read
ers entire this morning. It is a paper always
of high interest, us the othcial exhibit of the
finances of the nation.
National Legislature.—Nothing of im
portance occurred in either house of Con
gress on the 3d or 4th instant. In both
houses, on the 3d, the Annual Report of
the Secretary of the Treasury was receiv
ed and ordered to be printed. It will be
found below. A report was ulso received
in both houses, from the joint committee
appointed to inform Geuoral Lafayette of
thd y aS8a ? e the act in his favor, and to
request li’ om * l,,n the acceptance of the pro
vision made V r him by Congress. Tne fol
lowing is the ?£* ,l y the General
WASHLNOfJanuary 1, 1025.
Gentlemen of the Committee of both Houses,
The immense and unexpected gitt, which
in addition to former and considerable
bounties, it has pleased Congress to confer
upon me, calls for the warmest acknowledg
ments of an old American soldier and adopt
ed sou of the United Slates—rtwo tries
dearer to my heart than all the treasures of
the world.
However proud I am of every «ort of ob
ligation received from the people oi the U.
S. and their representatives in Congress,
the largo extent of this benefaction might
have created in my mind feelings of hesita
tion, not inconsistent, 1 hope, with those of
the most grateful reverence. But the so
Very kind resolution of both houses, deliver
ed by you, gentlemen, in terms of equal
kindness, precludes all other sentiments but
those of the lively and profound gratitude of
Which, in respectfully accepting the muni
ficent favor, I have the honor to beg you
will be the organ.
Permit me also, gentlemen, to join a ten
der of my affectionate personal thanks to
the expression of the highest respect with
Whicb-Phave the honor to be,
Yf4«t* »licnioiit oorvunt,
—— j
Treasury Department,
December 31, 1324.
Sir—I have the honor to transmit a Re
port. prepared in obedience to the “Act
supplementary to the act to establish the
Treusury Departineut.”
I have the honor to be, with great respect,
air. your obedient servant,
Hon. Speaker
of the House of Representatives.
In ob»?d»ence to the directions of the “Act
Supplementary to the act to establish the
Treasury Department,” the Secretary of
the Treasury respectfully submits the pil
lowing Report:
1. Of the Public Revenue and Expenditure*
for the years 1U23 ifrui 1624.
The nett revenue which accrued from du
ties on imports and tonnage, during the
yeur KtvJ, umounted t#
J 17,01)8,570 80
Public lands 7G8 805 10
Dividends eft stock in the Dk
ol the United States
3o0,000 00
Arrears of internul duties &
direct taxes, and incidental
receipts 07,321 37
iu the War Department for
services or supplies, prior to
1st July, 1816 42,*IU» 60
Loan, under act of May 2*1,
1824, for paying the awards
under the Florida treaty
And the actual receipts into
the Treasury, during the
fourth quarter of the year,
including the moiety of the
loan of live millions, author
ised by the act of the 26tll
of May, 1821, for paying
the 6 per cent, stock of
1812, are estimated at 7,350,000 00
Making the total estimated— —
receipts into the 'Preusury,
during the year 1824, 20,080,083 08
\nd, with the balance iu the
Treacuryon the 1st Janua
ry, 1821, forming un aggre
gate of 30,444,810 77
The expenditures during the
three first quarters of the
year 1821, are estimated to
iiavo amounted to 21,563,702 73
Civil, diplomatic, and miscel
laneous 1.7s»2,150 00
Military service, including for
tifications, ordnance, Indi
an Department,lit volution-..
nrv and military pensions, - '
aiming tin; militia, and ar
rearages, prior to 1st Jan.
1817 4,548.3; t 19
Naval service, including tho
gradual increase of the na
vy 2,172.071 31
Awards under the Florida
treaty 4,175,071 90
Public debt 0,274,520 :, l
And the expondituies during
the lburtli quarter, ure ec~
timutod at 10,371,115 13
Civil, diplomatic, and miscel
laneous 6'fO.OH) 11
Military service, including ;«r-
titications, ordnance, Indi
an Department,UeVnlu! ion-
ary am! mil**ary peiMona,
arming tin. miiiMu, and ar
rearages, prior to 1st. Janu
ary, 1817 713 in 35
Naval service, including ttio
gradual increase of tin* na
vy 734.313 82
Public debt 8.2t*'J,3:M 85
Making the total ofiniuUd
expenditure of the year
18-1 31,938,117 86
day, including awards not
applied tor, at
. 14,016 53
clra of a lower rate may bo substituted.—
But, as the value of the imports depends
more upon the ability of the importing coun
try to pay than upon the amount of duty
levied upon the articles imported, it is uot
1634, 1,654,153 73, it 4J per cent.
1836, 4,735,290 30, at 5 percent.
This includes all the public debt of the
United States, except 7,003,000 of 5 pci
cent, slock, subscribed to the capitul of tin
Bank of the U. States, and § 13,296,231 46
Disaster at Sea.—-The schooner Ram
bler, Captain Sheldon, which sailed iron
t his port for Providence on the 20th Deccm.
i 'oi-*; 5er, when lying to, on the morning of the
payable discovered to be on fire near the
As, camboose, whore it had burned a hole four
it session of Cuigress, by aggregate. Upon the whole, therefore it is under the foregoing view of the debt, all inches wide thro 1 the deck. Everv *
The only failure lias been! believed that the revenue derived from ini- that will be redeemable aftor the year 1828 . , y
of the public Junds ; and j ports will be increased by the operation of will bo at an interest of 5 per cent., or less ’ y earing and cutting through
i result of a didaunointineut'the nnw tarilfin a rat.ionoarlv equnltu that —and as the 5 per cent, stock, subscribed the deck, to extinguish the flames. The
And leaving in the Treasury
on (lie lust of Januuiy.1825,
an estimated balance of 4,596.668 91
It is to be observed, however, that t his
balance is uot to be considered as subject
to appropriation, as t!u*ro is about nil equal
amount of unsatisfied appropriations, which,
though .not called for in the year 1824, are
necessary fur the objects for which they
were severally made, and which ure, there-
tore. Mil UXtiUlllg ujjuii thu mcanu of
the Treasury.
2. Of the Public Debt.
Tho funded debt which was
contracted before the year
1812, and which was unre
deemed on the 1st of Oct.
1823, amounted to 16,697,318 5C
And that which was contract
ed subsequently to the 1st
January, 1812, ami was un
redeemed on tin; 1st of Oct.
1823, Hiuuunleu to 73.951,515 45
Making the total amount of
funded debt, unredeemed on
the I st of i Ictober, 1823, 90,451,861 03
In the fourth quarter of that
’ear, there was added in
'reasury note 6 per cent,
716 7/3
The actual receipts into the
Treasury during the year
1823, amounted to 20,540,666 26
Customs 19,088,433 44
Public lands 916,523 10
Dividends on stock in the
Bunk of the United States
350,000 nO
Arrears of internal duties
nud direct tax, anu inciden
tal expenses 131,951 69
R payment sat advances made
in the Wir Department,
for services -r supplies, pri
or to 1st July, 1816
53,968 03
Jdaking, with the baiaiu* in
' the Treasiry on the 1st
January, 1823, of
4.237,427 55
24,770,093 01
An aggregate of
Tim actual expenditures du
ring the year 1823, amount
ed to 15,314,171 00
Civil, diplomatic, and miscel-
lar.f eus 2,022,093 99
Military service,including for
tifications, ordnance, Indi
an Department. Revolution
ary and military pensions,
aiming the militia, and ar
rearages prior to 1st. Janu
ary, 1817 5,258,294 77
Naval service, nolcding the
gradual increase of the na-
.. vy, 2.:,53,765 83
Public debt 5,6:10 016 41
Leaving a balnnci-. in theTren-
ury> on the first. .»<' —
1824, of 9,463,922 81
The actual receipts into the
Treasury during the three
first quarters of the year
1824, are estimated to have
aip-uinted to 19,630,893 96
V iz:
Outturns 13,372,268 80
Making an aggregate of 90,452,580 78
And there was paid, in the re
imbursement of deferred 6
per cent, stock 274,565
Reducing the funded debt on
the 1st January, 1824, to 90,178,014 90
From that duy to the 1st of
October last, there was add
ed, in tour and a fiaif per
cent, stock, under thu act
of M ay 24, 1811, 5,000,000 00
Making an aggregate of 95,178,014 90
During the same period
there was paid
Thu residue of the deferred 6
per cent, stock, 3.>7.546 26
And, in purchasing the 7 per
cent, slock 4,1J3,397 io
Making together
4,480,943 36
Byt .e proceeding cxhibitioi of the fiscal
operations of the year, it will be perceivoii
i. fiat, if the expectations formed respecting probable, that, under the present circuin- _
the lburtli quurter should bo realized, the stance* of the commerce of the United of J por cents; both »t which are paj
receipts will have exceeded the oHtimate pro-; Stater, there will be any diminution in the at the pleasure ot the government^
Bunted at tho last t
about $400,000.
in the proceeds of t
that has buon the result of a disappointment; tlnMiow taritnn a rationoarly equal to that —and as the 5 per cent, stock, subscribed. the deck, to extinguish the flames. The
in regurd to the relinquished lands; great 1 i.i which it is estimated to have been in- to the Bank, is reimburseuble in such per- f irC| | 10WwvaP gnfjM the t
portions of which wire supposed to ulllri creased during the third quarter of the j>re- tions as the government may please, any . , . - , ■ . . .. H % n
stioug inducements to puriliusers, in their;sent year in tho ports above mentioned— surplusses which may remain in 1829, ^nd e omuiueu to blaze,to four
IbrtThty, and situutiou, and other circuin- lor, about 7i\ per cent. This increase, how- subsequent years, utter discharging the feet, and on examination, no hone bciufr left
, a,
may lie obtuiued ut. tj pur cent, or even nt thrown by a part of llm ermv anil pnssen-
a lower rate nf interest, reimbiiruculilu in gers, whilst the remainder wereengaged in
1 11(34, in which year, it will lie perceived . . , f ,
only a small sum is redeemable. J ,f? a '‘ * al1 u P on t,,e ve " sel ‘ 811(1 dl8 "g-'
Acco "i; g to \lns exhibition of *he cubjcct, ing hr r course for the nearest land the wind
--.Id por.nit. Preparations wcic also made
ft 111.000,000, it dependent ol the stock sub . launch the boat, by throwing over forty.
.cvih.A in the II: uk, which m.y *lw*>. be j „ n o hales uf cotton, wind, were on deck &c
con Idered as'.ftsci by ihe government sniiies . . h-otr
in the Bank, ii wil be perceived that, by si- | * or ”‘ e pwservaLon ol those on board, u» a
I wi. K I0,0e0,000 annually, with m mldecm- 1 last retort. The vessel was at this tint,
al million in the Kf»t year, the wnoit of th<*i AA f
pub in debt of the United Sla‘a« will b« ex | “ ^ m L ’ 8 * :i • a bu sixty S. ot Cape Iluttirue,
iiitgui*hcd b> lb;* end eft. c year l J, JS land 120 from tin* port of B.aulert N C
I" -Pf-kiug efthe publi debt, it ra.y be! At ,, p. M . mll( , e lj0|)k Unt l llt ; 0
p oper to notice the reduciioa th. t has o^en! , ... B k
price 1ms not, wiifi lew exceptions,
ud the minimum price fixed ny law It is Customs,
to be observed, however, that the actual re-1 Lands
j ccipts from that scource of revenue during | Brink dividends
the present year, will exceed those of tin;
preceding year; and it is estimated that
those for the ensuing year will not be loss.
The gross amount of duties oil imports
and tonnage, which accrued from the first
* of January to tho 30th of tfeptemb- r hist,
inclusive, is estimated ut $m,u0U,(mj0, and
that of the whole yeur at J2,5UU.UU0 dolls.
Of Ibis ,-um, tlmi portion which accrued in
the first halfof the your, exceeds, by about
jSjo.liMKM), and t hat ill tho lluce quarters ny
about $ 1,200,OUl), the peri ions which
M iscolhi noons
n and inciden
Making toge
And the re
sidue of the
loan autho
rized by the
act of 26tl»
of May Inst'
crurd in the corresponding quarters of the Forming an
preceding yeur.
Tlu* debentures issued during the three
first quarters of the present year, amount
ed to $2,952,009 ; which is loss by § 160,OiH)
than ilie amount issued during the cor
responding period of the preceding year :
ami the amount of debentures oul. li>tiding
on the doth of September hist, and charge
able upon tho revenue of 1825, w as $ 1.004.-
000; which is less by §101,0 :> than was,
on the same day in 1823, chargeable up
on the revenue of 1824.
Tin* amount, of bends in suit, on the*30th
September last, war §2,909, : HJU ; which is
§ 2,000 more than v»is iu suil on tin; same
(Iny of tho preceding yeur. Di dueling from
the whole amount of duties outstanding on
bonds and otherwise, an th«* 30tli of Sept,
last, the debentures actually c.liargeabb; up
on them and the bonds in suit, it is estima
ted, that the sum payable after the expira
tion of the present yeur, will be ubuut §12,-
200,000. Ti is amount, however, is sub
ject to debentures which may si ill be issued
—but, as an u'iownnce has already b' ,n n
made for those which are now chargeable
upon i’, no considerable deduction on that
account is to he expected. A portion of
the amount, also, is not payable until IH2C;
but the residue, together with so much of
the duties accruing in the 4th quarter of
tho present, and in the wlmlc of the next
year, as may be received during that year,
will, after deducting the expenses of
collection, constitute the receipts from the
customs during the year 1825.
Tho productiveness of the customs, how
ever, depends upon the state of the foreign
commerce of the nation. It is estimated
that, in the year ending on the 30th of Sep
tember last, the value of domestic articles
exported was §19,684.710 ; which exceeded
by §2,529,302, the amount exported in the
preceding year ; and that the value offor-
•4an artirW exported whs §25,248,782 ;
which was less, by $2,294,840, Hum the a-
mouut exptfjrtod in the preceding year. The
value ofimports, during the same period, is
estimated at §78,516,183; which exceeds
the imports of the preceding year by §9.16,-
For three years past the average annual
value ofimports has be»;ii§79,?78,: , !'7 ; that
of foreign articles exported 25,026,201;
and that ofd'um'stic articles exported §13,-
901.732. The little fluctuation that has ta
ken place in those years, and the improve
ment in the hist year, may be regarded as
indications that the connmrce of the coun
try is tending to u regular ami sound state.
If no extraordinary events should occur to
interrupt it. it is reasonable to infer that
there will be no material or unfavorable
change in the ensuing year.
For the two years ending on the 31st De
cember. the average annual gross amount
aggregate of
The expenditures of the year are estimated
ns f'Hows:
tic.anrf Mis
cellaneous §1,685,026 7G
Military ser
ing fortifi
cations,ord* .
nance, Indi
an Depart
ment, Re vo-
lutiomirv fc
military pen
sions, arm
ing the mi
litia,and ar
rearages nri
or to the 1st
of Jan. 1817 5.013,283 GO
Nu* al service,
the gradual
increase of
tin.* navy 3,044,780 31
cluding a
pnyim-ut of
§7,65 1,570
93 of princi
pal 11,962,068 97
M aking toge
ther 21,706,163 64
Which will leave in the Trea
sury, on the 1st of Junnu-
ry, 1826, after satisfying all
the demand of the year
1825.a surplus estimated at 32,244,836 36
On the first of January, 1826, a hu ge a-
mouut of debt incurred by the late war. viz:
19,500,01)0 of tho nix per cent, stock of the
year 1813, will ho redeemable. As it is not
probiiUle iliac die surplus mn«>» .ctL. r —.-
1826 will be more than equal the amount
of the sinking fund for that year, only
7,uot),000 of that slock can be dischargi d
out of the ordinary revenues of the year.—
On the 1st of Jauury. 1827, the 6 per cents
of 1814, another portion of the war dent
amounting to 13,000,000, will become re
deemable ; and, in that year, also, it
is probable that not mure than 7,000,000 of
the principal can be discharged. There w ill
then remain in those two years 18.000,000,
which cuinnot be paid out of tuc revenue ol
those two years. In 1828, the union.H of
principal redeemable will probably not ex
ceed the means ef the Ticviaury. In the
years 1829 and 1830, no par! of the public
debt is redeemable, »i*d. in 1831, loss man
19,000. Policy would boem to suggest with
a view both to dm convenience of the on-
23,950,000 ( 't tii*cted, dining the lust«'glit years, both u,
- — te tmi.m.t (4 principal a< it mlj of into res 1 —
On the ltiof Uneary, 1817, w’** ie del*
o>‘ the United Staits i>/»h $1*5,49.,96*> 16-—-
o' which •5,25' f ,b05 48 w* r hmiicd, bea*-
ing an avenge interest or ft * 56$ j.irceiit.
pei annti . On ^hc 1st Dnuury u it, ike
whelo del\ will be £86 045 .05 18, btaring
an average interest ef 5 i ; which shews u
reduction of 37,446, 61 98 of principal, an
of 0 ; 6| in the avrtage rate . f miercst.
It .Hj s! o de m> d proper to state, that the
? oan of 5,000000 I *r the payment of 'he •
wards under me Florida Trea y, and he loat
o; 5.000,090 fur puyi; g the 6 per c» nt. slock'
o; 18 2, bo*h ot which were author iz( d si th
last sescon of Uocgr.fc-, at 4J ;-er cent, i aw
been lakeii h) toe Buts, ut ti.. United Sta’e*.
at par. The mccu.s i*f dischaiging the awbid-
ifvlerthe Florida treaty, were require*» B"
s;t n..ftcr the authority wsu g von .o make
•lie loan, ;»s i.ot to Rave time nt f >
tnseU nv: porj o a «fn.m« diK'ance i ard th.
ofler of the h*nk*f r '.he whole loan, ci pat,
was accepted. For the &ub.*i queut lo 'ii, vu
•* otis proposals were reci iv*?d, aniounting, ir
h*- w of . ind* pe uleitt!y ( ft’ i.t >4 t! o H rk
t>* 2.551,586 7. al rates var)ingbc.wt en pi*
•md 4^ c C;"l. :: erninm, anil forming mj prtm cm o; 97 l*3ptrc n: on the
’.'iiotc feirnuir.l t.J| ; ed 1 ha pro, osul of >.he
U:u,k w«s f>r tie 'v ludt sum, ».♦ par* Ahb ogh
t • •* imll-ideal oll'cr« aie, np-ureut'v. more
ftvunibL Umi» '.bat of the b.inki >ct, tt'.iig in-
» *c i. s : Uration tb»l Ute Go'fc,nri»t-.i .s the
r'pr.o o f >*n..-fifti» of the capiial 3) t'-e
ban*, »iid that .• . ortion ol »he me.:-.* of U.u
; tf.k, t qu- l'*• th- i uhiijmI of tbv lo^n, —noi
herv..s;: In ve een unempioyeti—ih>* offer of j
,* * c r- .. rnment and the advantage of tlu; coin-
ol duties on imports u-ns!;,. T his ] nmuitv. tmu t!.e oxcww of debt «inch eun-
sum upon the animal avurneo value of tho not be discharged in 13dl! and li>27, should
whole importations lor the three years end-1 lie thrown in equal portions, upon those
,8ff ™ ,llc ® l11 o' tsopiember, Ifidl, was, .ears in which nothing is payable. For
*” * * a . n “* “JbmUie average a-, rim pri «u*nt, however, it may ho vuflicieDt
muunl nf importations, alter .leduetmg the j to coniine such un arrangement to the ex-
expo, tso! foreign article*, It was 12-id per ; cess of tlm year ll,d«. From tint state of
cent, ror the same two years, the average j the money market, ttnd the hit'll credit of
annual nett amount ot duties, including | the Government, no doubt is onti.-rtaineii
tonnage. &C. was HUM.Ml ; and, for the, that the I -2,003,two required to provide lor
reasons ulreanv atnion. u mnv hn nnmu.m.,i ,1 .*.i. •. i., ‘ *
And reducing the funded debt
on thu lat ol October, ll!d4,
to • 00,607,071 SI
In the fourth quarter of tho
year, it is estimated, there
will be added, in four and a
half per cent, stock, under
tlie act of May d6, 1824, 2,500,000 00
reasons already slated, it may be presumed,
that, indeprndant of any influence which
the new tarilf may have upon the revenue,
the amount which will be received into the
Treasury from customs during the yeur
1825, will be about equal to that sum.
The operation of the new tariti upnn the
revenue cannot, now, he correctly estima
ted. On one .important hrknehof imports,
those from bavond the Cape of Good Hope,
its provisions'will not take effect until tlie
l-i of January next. As it is only since the
1st ol July last that it lias been in opera
tion in regard to other importations, and us
the collectors arc allowed, by law, three
the excess ofthodebt on tic 1st of January,
1828, may beborr-wed at 5 per cent, reim
bursable in 1!>2U, and lt.Jtl. And, if such
an arrangement is approved, it is respect
fully proposed tlml authority be given bv
law lor that purpose.
Tlie same object might, perhaps, he ac
complished by an exciiaitge uf the slock re
deemable on tile 1st of January, 11:26, for a
■5 percent, stock, redeemable "in III-23 and
1838. But, it is believed that better terms
may be obtamed by a loan. A proposal tor
a loan invites competition from ail the mo
neyed capitalists, including tho B uilt ofthe
U. States: wnerous an exchange of stock
Making an aggregate of 6J,137,U71 54
And, during ilie same period,
it is estimated there will be
paid, for the redemption of
the residue of the 7 per
cent, stock, 4,483,083 17
And of the exchanged 6 per
cent, stuck, 2,608,874 88
Making together 7,1,62,088 to
Which will reduce the funded
debt, unredeemed, on tlie
first of Jan. 1825, (inclu
ding J7.OUO.OUO live per
cent, stock subscription to
the Bnnk of the U. Statea,
fur which the stuck of the
Bank held by the Govern-
m-nt, is considered as an
equivalent,) to 80.015,003 38
The amount of Treasury notes
outstanding, on the 1st of
October, 1824, is estimated
tho morning ofthe 21th, cleared the Shoal
and made for tlie above port, whore she at
rived next morning. Christ inns. Men wer
then hired, the decks cut, and the- ex
tinguished. On examination, the larg
timbers under deck were found to be burn
entirely and the deck to the hatchway neat
ly through. From the commencement
the fire, the crew and passengers wer:
compelled to remain on dock, although
heavy sen was running, and the weatlic
was intensely cold^ in consequeneo of tifi
suffocating smoke below,
on vessel and cargo
four to five thousand
Ml Lull.:' IjilVIHi: XJi '.ilCfl
below. The whole lo^ql
rgo is estimated at ironi
ml dollars.
Napoleon's ffovjte at. St. Tfchnn.—A cor»
respondent ofthe Liverpool Mercury win
subscribes “ A Sailor,”states that ho Jnf
recently arrivod in Grcut-Britain, from St
Helena, that the house in which the ex
Fimperor of Fiance was imprisoned, hai
been converted into a barn ; and that if
the room in which he breathed his last,
there is new a machine fur thrashing - corn
Tlie Grand Lodge of Maryland Freorn*
sons have giv.m a splendid dinner to Get-
He gave the fol-i
h b to* 1 at j sr. wu* (it ci ed the m* a ud | Lafayette, ut Baltimore.
' Hitoffeinni «o the Goveii.ment: be.n,r equal, i ou .: no .
«o r. ndivldus oiler of4^ . rce> premium. Unst 1
.'h. il.rt -.a . it 1 I It 'I'li/i momoMi
rha*. .'ur. g the i f* ; rent ot tl.e r* j<n p-
t:un «.f the. petiti ; debt^ a/.o/i^idt 'able smciim 1
•n«v b appMt by h j idiuiuus ini<iag«.m.nt *
of the i iibhc riivunin., tu oftn.r ttan *he or-, poon r °n*® when the anniversary of hie
dinury o'j(.cts ol expei
The memory of an illustrious Patriot
and Mason, GeneralRicgo—may the dayj
•nury D'ji.cts ol expei enure, is j martydom will be celebrated in Spain s
•» well Irom a retioapeet rf what bar. biee , , 1
imp. in t t qHi •*>»h»i*v u r.oe**' - a *°ne tor the base and ferocious cele
tiou or tne present yeur.
months for rendering their accounts, the | confines the doinaml fu'r'lhu"new stork to
addtion caused by the new tariff cannot, tlm hoklcra of tho old stock, who constitute
00^0, r-tmoflim vea hr '7"T ''° r !' ut 8 ’' n811 tlm capitalists.
?" 6 t acc ,racv w ■ b . T T bu ' • 1 '"' rt " ,n '"tor.-sted in preventing the
. ,U V 's'a It-'ved, however, that. ,u.ami|dialiinoiit ofthe oxehaugo. Store-
the nivesligatio" winch has been made will: over, the exo-rience ofthe truvcrninent
timatineft*tfleels'S'i, ,!r r ‘l"" 1 ,; ' r 1 '! u ' i,,fr 1,10 la ^ tlvo years,justifes the pre-
? t ' si,runout exactness t* rotice lor a loan. In 11122, a law was
that upon the wlmiiThm! "‘■' sll ' ? 'i n , "'" ul i’ 8,SBl1 authorizing an exchange of 20,000-
tilm tlmir vabie'Rt tlie Tnt 0 ^. Il ! nll ) : («!“>'!'»• i «>« ol thu 7 per cents, and of .he 6 per cents
iniim the 'tnlUtb.i.l r f '' 1 ' 1 ',' 1 lil , l0r ' I uf ,l,e >' B8rs '13, >11, and ’15, for a 5
couriers of the v nr ^- r1,1 ,llc tltree: per cent, stuck, redeemable in the years
I me UP .bo ? r r ,' c J " th uf i ^ ana ’.S3, and only 56,704 77
27 45nor'cem A ?b„T'" > and, under the act ofthe
the nresent tariff i, j i* ' * !' rates of ■ last session, authorizing an exchange of
me present tariff had been applied to the 115.000,000 dollars of The 6 Der coats nf
same importations, the duties would have i inu, only 3,3 8,3 7.45 were exchanged.
enlistin'* 1 t0 3l ’" i0 pcr "' I,icl * 131 Should the suggestion herein offered he
duries of o"^?,T "Ti! 0 , am,,,,nt oP j sdopted for disposing ofthocxcc ’
that^ *^ Ut ‘• ^ apppars, |redeemable'
Horn*, in i!i«* Dun v**n.a ttV ron .r
sou between thi probable receipts and expen.
ditures in subsequent yea.a.
Fat tlu* etglit years, oerr.mer.cing on tbe 1st
o! Jsuunrvj 18*7, ho toiul nwans of the Ti cs
sury, iiicluMn.' u buisnee on hmd, on ibst
<*av, •» 22.02 19, snd tlie sum of 15,336, •
7?7 14, since dm'iveairoin losus, m .y fit* e#
lur.Htn? tit 210 .*75,899 11
Ai d het.slsl cspni.diturc, hi '- ; 05,769,«o(j 2 ‘
Of this ainoimi* nearly ore
half wiii have. ne*» >; p n d
to (b pay men! (T?«*c prin
cipal and interest of the
public debt, viz, 101,365,990 67
To iii<* ps)mcnt of claims un-
dei tlie Flo idu tcc-ty 4 *791,368 56
To the pcitaiuaeis oi ihe l(tvo
lecon 9,41*0.Out; 09
To the erection of F ut fics-
t»onl 4. 09,000 00
To ibe iici'euse ofthe Navy 6 uU0,u0U Vo
Ami. to ill- '.svmcui or «l«**
mands hi icing uu< ofthe Lie
w«r. itsj than 4.500,0t0 0u
f.e.»v;ng. hi uil ot.’ier objrsia
ot expcnuiiuie, inc’.u*i*ng
tne 'civ <1 list,in e.-course w ib
foreign n«i»oi.* # army »*. d
mvy, pensions, arming (he
n-i'ilia, buiidiiig nf hgh-hou-
F'*'}, catmeuon of Indian ti*
Mrs, and miry ing ol pub
lic iHiKts. iic u C. ( c 75 400 < 00 00
Whic*. Durr,, l vi.itd nmorg
!».• e*gfi: yestrs, is about 9.4:;5,000 0i.
P'-" H'llill II
l 1 Wi.l he i eceived, that, excluding the
h/anr, i!u.! avnage c*1 ret eif If n !!•* sc
'ears, may be eflimuic i »,t ftD,7«»0 VuU 09:
and, u i -n 'he a * ,i vend/ sh *w.t, tlm annu
*• r * v '»«•'» subs q-mii vi*m, may a m# b»
efi st 2 , 00 i.'OO f.0. bli'iuid no im
r-risni change bo nud' in th:* ex if ing na-
alcrtabliyhmt ris, the ordinsr* anmuil cx-
oortililuresexclusive **f what wy ••• q .ired
fir thaerceiioQ offortifleat'oru., *t:,d f.e in-
c esse • I*the navy, « ay be csl'mtatd u« abmit
A* ’ 500 0j0 v0- Ti>m. :fi*;r providing fn
be Htmual il*»m«.o«h* for the pHur-cn’t of tlu
(incipai mi d inte.est ofthe pub'ic debt, am.
!or siltl.e ord niry expencci* of the Gnvcru
WMt, there will remain, fur the neat clover
years, an annual surphu of abnut 3 009,000
•hicli, s*ficr the ext* c'jon ofthe c'e'u in th.
far »835, n i'l 'eo*. ive an anmul a ulil.on o
the 10.090,1*00 now appropriated to h'- publ
(1 bt j wh'ch surpluses may be app!i «i tu
tujli object, conducive to the conitnon de
f n«*e him g ne.;*l welfare or me nation, *>»
u.av oe Wih <» tne const it ulmnal powers o<
Longrcss, n d ai they in tl»« ir w.aiom, mai
dee*" proper.
Ail wnic'rt is respect"uHv tubm ttedi
Taiisrnr r>sriaTMeicr* #
Htetmbe. 31,1824
-so a9 q
that.ineiehtof th. nriiiciiml m.’’!‘cc , :' uu , ,0 , in l,i ' 6 8,1,1 1U8, > 1,18 amount the Celebration
Unite? «h^XiS'«p^ tt ’ beaghfoUows’: reUCem ‘ We in °“ Ch w ‘“ ofthe surrender of Cornwallia at Vorktown,
ss of debt
1827, the a mo unt
A wooden goblet and horn ladle used in
Baltimore forty years ago, at the Celebration
19,756 00
And the amount of Mifshsippi
stock, unredeemed on that
wholp amount of importations during the
third quarter ofthe year 1H23, was 211.36 ;
and, (luring the corresponding quarter of
the year 1H24, it was 30|98 per cent. But,
it is to be observed that, in the third quar
ter of 1824, the importations from beyond
the Cape of good Hope were not subject to
the increased rate ofthe new tariff'. Tlicse
it is estimated, would have made the rale
ot duties in that quarter 31.40 per cent.:
which iv equal to an increase, upon the a-
mount of duties, of 7.57 per cent. Tile
new tariff may, perhaps, have some effect
1 "Pen the importation of those unities which
(pay high rates of duty, audlhr which *rti-
Iu 102.«. £7,051,57'93 of6 percents.
7,002,358 62 6 percents.
7,01,437 83 6 per cents.
9,490,' 99 10 6 per cents.
6,09 .‘,000 0 •, proposed to beat
5 per cent.
6, 0 n ,0jn oo, the same.
c.018,901 59, the same.
6,018,909 72, of which £l, r l8,-
0 -0 72, are at 5
per cent.& 5.00
0 0 at 4 J per cent.
6,873,055 31,all at 4* percent,
except $18,90159,
et 5 per cent.
were placed on the table at the Masonic
Dinner given to General Lafayette at Bal
timore. Some ofthe brandy whichretnain-
ed after the celebration just mentioned,
was also produced and a little of it used iu
honour of the occasion. Some of this an
cient liquor is still preserved.
Militia—The returns to Congress ofthe
militia of:he Republic, give, in round num
bers, the effective force of 1,053,787 mvu,
armed and equipped.
Notice is given in tho New-York pspera
of an application to bn made to the Legisla
ture of New-York, for a charter for a com
pany entitled the **New-York Mexican Ali-
ning Company.”
The Supremo Court have set aride tit
sentence, delivered some time niucc in tile
Court of Common I’ieas of Pennsylvania,
sentonring a common an,Id to bo ducked o*
u ducking stool.
Tin- total loss upon bonds given during
tho 30 years iu the principal districts of the
U. S. are
BtiNtun, 10,8.102 .71
New-York, .pu 74
Philadelphia, sto.uff, nj
Biillimoro, M:.;,,i « 0
Norfolk, 78 1.'it 72
Charleston, ir, v; to i
SSavaiinah, 7J,o29 sj j
Washington. Jan. 3.—Thr. .AVic-Fc/ir.^
On Saturday last, being the first day ef tie
year, the ditors of the. President’s Home
were thrown open, in conformity with bug
established custom, for the rcceplion ofslj
classes ofpersons who desired to avail tVm-
sclves of the opportun ity of offering comp'.i-
inents to our venerable and most excellent
Chief Magistrate. On no similar occasion
have we witnessed such an eager press of
citizens and distinguished srrongers, all
anxious to get a lust shake of thu hand, cr*
last look at tho Purtnwoil *1 e arc won, chests
of our last Revolutionary Fresideut. The
visitors began to assemble at 1 o’clock, tnd
from that hour until after 3, notwitlistind-
ingthe inclemency ofthe weather, tlienin
descending during the whole time in torirnt*
there was a constant succession of newer-
rivals. The President, wc rejoice to kv,
socius to he in excellent health and spi(ts,
which wo fervently pray may be long un
turned to him.
Chrittmni, Police, S(C—That all rt ligjn*
are tolerated by the laws is true ; but Lt
exactly by public opinion. VSekiol tin-
ford, came to complain of Terry O’RouTe.
He was sawing a load of wood in his «>*-
tion, patiently and horn ally, on Clirhtnu
day, because wood is necessary on Chrivt-
mas, which always i'«U« j n , Tent
was coming from church, and swore thc
no man should work on Christmas, by th*
powers he would nut tolerate such tlonga.
so he despoiled poor Zekiclof his buck aid
saw, throw the wood about, ami Hays, Juni
interfering and arresting Terry, he was rc»
cued by his companions, but after sundr
bustlings he succeeded in securing his mar
ami lodging him in Bridewell. Terry swor
that there was no freedom in this countn
in locking up a inuu because he protects
religion.—vY. F. Abt. -Id?.