Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 13, 1825, Image 3
<A . d mm xnm PORT OP SAVANNAH. arrived, Bri* Georgs' \V11sluus5tm1, Utioiles, Bal timore, 6 Java, to Hull & Huyl, D naliim A. SurrtH, I',nice & Mackenzie, J. i). Herbert &. cu, utid J. W. RudhcII. Selir. Franklin, Pariah, Norfolk and FicdericIia'inrB. Vir. 4 days, .Corn and Flour, to W-Taylor. Sloop Northern Liberties, Crowell, Rich mond, ;> d-AVe. via Norfolk, to Ponce &, Aluo- kenzie, mid Ciiminingdi Gwnthmey. Sloop Rising S1111, Chase, Darien, 2 days, wite Cotton, to II. VV. Doliunuter. Sloop Howard & Jumes, Luce, Sapclo, 2 days to the master. anilM CD KHO’l this POUT, At Charleston on .Monday, steam boat Pendleton, llrackeu. UP KOH THIS I’onT, At Charleston, ttttli inst. Bleam boat Hen ry Shultz, Lubbock. At Boston, 27th ult. srlir Ruby, Linnikin, despatch. At Philadelphia, 4th inst. Delano, to sail 5th. sloop Spartan, FV3.E INStJTUJfCW. rplIE HARTFORD FIRE INSUR- A ANTE COMPANY, make i min ranee against LOSS or I)AMACK l>v FIWHvby S. H. PARKMAN, Agont. .Inn 13 I In Lard a’ tt V rime Led’. 2 r KF.G8 LARD sJ ‘.10 Barrels Prime Beef Landing from Louisa Matilda, and for sale by EDWARD WILEY, Taylor’s Buildings. Jan 13 41e Meivm-lVtat Woelc. OH S H A R E S OF STEAM BOAT OU STOCK, for sale tiv y S. B. PARKMANit Jan Ip 41 p • T ami in aj, From T.nirisu Matilda amt Haiard, rtP FIRKINS prime Goshen Butter i Tierces prime now Hams 10 Half libls. Pulton Market Beef 30 Barrels and 15 half barrels first rate Cider 30 Barrels Vasear’e siincriorAle 25 Barrels Pilot Breucf , u /' , t 16 Barrels Flaxseed Meal, for cows 16 Barrels Apples in h to nr., Barrels Pork and Beef Kegs Nails and Tobacco. Por sale low by W. LIP PITT it CO. Jan 12 40p for Liverpool, The first rate, fast sailing cop- pored ship JTOW M I L T O N, ^KnUSUyL S. .S. Webb, Master, Wiil commence immediately to load for’ lev rpooJ, and positively sail on :lie first proximo. For freight of throe hundred; bales, apply to WM. UASTON. j % Jn»: id 41 | lit- Livcrpooh I Thu first-rutu. copper fastened new ship (1LI YK-BUAN CJI, i Robert Hurtling* .1 l ister, j This si'lljt, built for n regular trader between Savannah and Liverpool, is particularly f calculated for slowing cotton. Fhu has om-Ultpl of her carpi) provided and will i meet (fit. 1 /prompt dt^pateli* Per freight, a; j Iv to the mxisiur on board, ut Smith’s Wharf, or to. > 8. B. PARKMaN. .Inn 13 ' 4 II To Families I J EST received per ship Louisa Matilda, the following description of TEAS, viz. IMPERIAL. HYSON. YOUNG HYSON, &. POVVCHONG OR BLACK TEA, jest imported hy Thomas H. Smith, of Ncw-Yovk, and selected hy a tirst-rate judge. Customers may depend on the ■I'.ialitv of those teas. For stile hy A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbous’ Buildings. Jan 15 ln ! e iop Rice anil Iiice jpOR SALE by Jan 13 Flour, landing, FROM SHIP COTTON PLANT, 4 i|A KEGS American White Load, JL\Jvr warranted equal to English 50 half boxes > 4 Cabanas' Sugars, re- 100 qr. boxes S cowed per ship Comet 33 hlids. St. Croix Sugar 26 bbls. Whiskey 4 half pipes Pico Madeira Wine, su perior quality 10 eighths do. do. do. do. 20 barrels * Vumle water’s’ celebrated Hams 10 half pipes 4 Samos 1 Wine For sale by JOHN VV. LONG. . T.-n 7 !»', m Ai h rfiL *$i> m> ¥OU WJLVR.. A LINE OF PACKETS has been esta- blishedbetween New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the First find Fftvrnlh day* of each month during the year. The ships composing the line, are .fast sailers, well found and cuimnuudcd, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise ali that enn be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for g 140 each, for which thpy are furnish ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample storen of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The. expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that muv be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must he addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. •Agents, New York. oct. 14 72 87 CALVIN BAKED, THIS-DAY, T3tli inst. At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, a general assortment of GnocKKir*, and at half-past XI o’clock, in store, a gen- erol assortment of Dry Goods. Jan 11 8. B. PARKMAN. 41 p H PKfr-ON* AVINO business with Wm. Bklciibii, NOTARY PUBLIC, may for the present find him at the office of Alexander Hunter and William P. Beers, Notaries Piniic. in the Exchange. Jan 13 41 Office of t.e Marine and Fire Insurance Company. Savannah, January 12, 1325. T HE Meeting of Stockholders, which was to have taken place this day, is ^ .deferred until SATURDAY NEXT, at 'TICKs.ft&CVAVfiil. TWELVE O’CLOCK. GEO. SCHLEY, President. •Tan 13 41 < ft.„ raadm CANAL LOTTERY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 507000 DOLLARS HIGHEST PRIZE. «-UO|.F. TICKETS, ITM.Vl'.S, (4UAHTKKS, AND MOUTHS. T HOSE pel-sons who have ord-red tick ets auj shares, .’.iinoigh the aiibseri- bur. in this BRILLIANT LOTTERY, are inluinsMi that they were, received by last night's mail. As !he drawing may be re ceived this niglit. their orders should be se cured IK early as possible TlliS DAY.— Tim Mowing are the SPLENDID PHI ZES—all In be determined ir this drawing: frti.hliil ill ILL A |5S, 21,Dull DOLLARS, Hl.ijnO DOLLARS, 5,non DOLLARS, d.tnii DOLLARS, 20 n f i.nun DOLLARS, and upwardanf r.v< Ive: iem.-iuid nf 500, ’00, and infer ih maun.ate n. Apply at the office ol .he Gieirgiu.u, to VV. UUBEIiTSON. Jen i3 1 lil'oYiuutiun W ualtii. 850 RFWVltD A SMALL DARK HAIR THUNK, about two feet long, containing ten doubloutid. (gold) a quantity of paj.-rF. some wearing apparel, consisting of shirts, cra vats and stockings, marked J. II. S. two vests and a gold mounted hair watch chain, has been missing since the fire on Tuesday niglit laRt. Any information respecting the above articles, will bo thankfully re ceived and the above reward paid for the trunk and its contents, tit the store of Mr. B. W. DELAMATER, on the Bay. J. II. SU\'DAM. .Tim 13 Up llais ti.. Hums, »jC. BOXES Muscatel Raisins ** 1000 Pounds Georgia Hams 1000 Pounds Middlings 4 Small casks Loaf Tobacco 2 Casks. Chesnuts 6 Hogsheads New-Fmgland Rum 20 Barrels Prime Pork 20 do St. Croix Sugar 100 Barrels Potatoes 50 do Flour Just received and for sale by H. BLAIR, Moore’s Wharf. Jnn 10 3ftp 0 Cognac n randy. PIPES “Smgnetto’s Brand,” just re ceived per Louisa Matilda, for sale hy J. B. HERBERT &. CO. IN STOUK, 50 Tierces new Rice 10 Pipeu Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 3f» Barrels I Lima 73 Barrels Gin 60 Crates Crockery 20 Kogs Butter 50 Barrels Muckarel, No. 3 20 Cases Port Wine 10 Casks Oil .Tan 12 or r evidence, The fast sailing regular packet ship RISING STATES, IF. Pierre, Muster, Will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, applv to the Captain on board, at. Rice’s Wharf, or to ORRA Y TA FT. dec 30 30 For W\v-\ ork, [ESTABLISHED LINE,) The fast sailing regular packet ship LOUISA MATILDA, D. Wood, Master, Will be despatched immediately. For freight on deck or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Capt. Wood, on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to !uu 12 HALL & HOYT. Hav, Corned Bed. ijc e>;c. Xfk bundles hay *.#vJ 30 Barrels Prime Pork,city inspection 30 Barrels Cider 100 Boxes Soup Half Barrels Beef Rounds of Corned Beef For sale on bounl ship Cotton-Plant, at Hunter’s Wharf. Jan 6 35 For I iverpool, The well known coppered British brig ELIZA ANN, John Baird Master, Has part of her cargo engaged and will meet with despatch. For freight of 400 bales cotton, apply to the master on board, at Scott & Ballbur’s wlmrf, or to JOHN H. REID, dec 1G lu I i«l!< bt ilfti. ill liL U& CONTINUK THF- COM MISSION BUKINK88 IN LIV- KIU’OOI., L’.NJJKH TMK FIRM OF VSA&U, l.OW & eo. I ND will at all times make liberal nd- vunces on produce consigned to them fur sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade, and owning a convenient wharf, on u hi di (here are rnotayjiye-ftroof stnr/.s, cot- tt n will be received and forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for nv*vehtindize.\viU be executed and only a eommi.-sion charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A (JKNFII U. ASSOJtT.MK.NT OF Itiirmii Day Coons, is jwsr received, being bought with money and selected hy one of the partners, they will be furnished ns low as by any regular Imianting House in the Uuiiod States, ami on along credit, for unproved piper. ANDREW LOW &. CO. net 25 73 Negro Cloth 6c Nads (*> f\ f\ YARDS American manufactur es? .V/vS/ t*d negro cloth 150 kegs nails, from 3d to 24d 40 do brads from fid to 24d 20 do sheathing nails For sale by THOMPSON vV BONNEY. Jan H I**t For Liverpool, The staunch brig CHATHAM, Captain Holland, f .It? now loading at Smith’s Wharf. From 200to 300 bales cotton, will lu» taken on freight at a very low rate. Apply to S. B. PARKMAN. Jan fl 37e Northern Lumber l’or Sale, f reight or charter. A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five tons, a first-rate sailer, and in com plete order for any voyage. For 5**. further particulars, apply to BRADLEY, CLAGHORNi WOOD. dec 24 KPilEO 87 CALVXN BAKER, THIS DAY, t3tli inst. At XI. oVIock, in front, of his Auction Store. 20 Bids. Rye Whiskey, 30 do. North ern Gin, 22 do. Mesa Pork. Jan 14 To HE T. THE tenement brick House in Yol k-Street, recently occu pied by O. Sturges, Esq- dec.— possession given immediately Also, THREE STORES, in the vicinity of the market—runt low. Apply to T. R.’PRICE. Jan 11 3P||u \ KOTTEIW XOT1DE. O RDERS received fiir Tickets, in the following, or any other Lotteries, in the Southern and Northern States. 840,000 20,000—10,000 Oni>it«l Frizus in Gmml Suite Lnitery of Maryland,(Itawing- every week in Baltiinut. T1CKET3 TWELVE DOLLARS. 810,000—7.000—5,000, Mnryianii University Lottery, No. 3, to be drawn 47th inst. in a few minutes. TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. 810,000—5 000—8 000, University Lottery, No. 4, the drawing will lake plane this month in Baltimore, and finished ill a few minutes. TICKETS SEVEN DOLLARS. 810,000—6.000—4 000, Qanmico Canal Lottery, Firth Class, draws in KkJimoiid, bth February, in live minutes TICKETS FIVE DOLLARS. 83,000—1,000—500, Charleston Lottery, Second Class, for the benefit of the Academy of Fine Arts, draws oil the 4Cth instant. TICKETS FOUR DOLLARS FIFTY. Literature Lottery, N. York, the scheme of the next cluss, will be received in a tew days, at LUTHER’S £ XCHANGE OFFICE. Jnn 6 anal Coals. A XV wfcrnmtion respecting Hr-nry Hut- 1 4 FEW Chaldrons of Superior Canal cilifoil. of Mould Gale, countu nf OTil. C« Mi'jiud Gale, cTninty of Kil- ^4- Coals, suitahlo for fiimilius, for sale on 1 ruinud, who arrived in Savannah board the iihip Milton, in lots to suit pur- iutipool, in the biup llluchcr. Cnpt. chnauM. Apply to Oapt. S. S. Webb, on November or Dm emlmr. 1322 board, or to • - ’ BRADLEY, CLAGHORN it WOOD, Jan 7 Aucinux’s Wharf. lftiuy from Pott. Bhurtly utter .sailed for New-York, and has 1 not since in -n heurd of, will ho thankfully! n-e. iv*-.! hy tile subscriber, directed to Sa-, G“0. Mim bus Ititely had luttcru ^110**11' from t*i«,* of said Hutchison, express-; ^ cilia i\UllL ui;r tin ir an.Vfty to h ar if he be alive. I @)(i\ HHD.^. superior St. Croix sugar II. Hulvhiwm is about eighteen years uf »»liuftelieada ( v F | I •I'-.fiiireninpl-xion. liylit brmvnhuir, and! 3-barrels Eii(,lait rum 'hnul five feet nine inclnts high. I ^ ust received and for sole by The editors of papers throughout the Cnton, an* particularly requested' to give 1 th^ notice a fmv insertions, and lend their 1 a, V r ° rofitore this young man to iiis discou-1 Solute pi. runtw • .lor 24 P. M’DERMOTT. Jan 13 HENRY M VCDONNELL. Executor’s Sale 0 X Wod". y;J„v, and of Febnmrv next, , *■>» he .old m the Mnater Ground, in i Captain Hall’s District, Camden County, pursuant to an order of Court, the fidlow- dig negroesj Daniel, Alurch, Lucy, Sticky, Hannah J awl Eve, it being a part of the persona! ds- •nte nf James C. Dilworth, late of said I coimty, deceased. Terms known on Hie 1 *<y Ot sale. JOHN HARDEE, , „ Executor. Jan 13 4| „ Flour and Corn, BARRELS Baltimore sitpeifiiic 20(10 Bushels M(Ireland White Corn For sale by HALL & HO YT. dec I Northern (li t. t.- c. WK BARRELS Northern Gin • l Chsv*. i’h r Glasses 1 do PrintH Received pur Cotton-Plant, for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan fi Administra'bi’s Sale. •n e . t * , ' r '! S:itur<,a y in February next p wul be Bold pursuant to an order of .Jr"’ a f, lht plantation of D. O. Jones, fate or s .n) county, deceased, the Ibllowinc- of l, ‘« Personal J- land d 'S HaSni1 — a " Household |«ja K G C ,c h ; n M^ mt ' lre ' CamSe JnilN HARDEE, Admin’r. Jan l3 C ° Unty ' JilnUttr y 6ll >> 1«25. J " " 4le 4>\™,rn S S 'P eliin - B OOk8, and for unit* by W ]uoIJ JY. B. WEED. Whiskey arid s idei ; HOGSHEADS Rye Whiskey ^4 vJ 22 Barrels Newark Cider, 1st quali« ty, landing from ship August a. for sale hy C. 0. GRISWOLD. tiov 22 Whiskey. Huns, and r>0 barrels whiskey, ——landing and for sale by •Inc 27 HALL St HOYT. TO PRINTKRs. RAMAGE PRINTING PR ESS, com plete and in good order, sufficient to work an iniperinl form will bn sold at a low price, if applied for immediatniy at the of fice of 1 be Georgian, uov 1 T HE subscriber oilers for sale, a quonti- feavun iull aild AllgU tu Lille ot ty ot searotu'd ' ^ or Iicru While Fr e Hoards, clear and murchantahlo, in lots to suit pur chasers, at low prices. J. B. RICHMOND. Jan 3 37nll Stapes, In conf-'cqnence of the accident 10 the —steam-boot, the Savan- '.iii« nBMWi'liii* nait anil'AugiiHiu Line of Stages, is extended from Puryuburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central Wharf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues- . _ _ ... day, .Thursday and Saturday, at half-past Five Brothers, at Trifair’s Wharf, for sale., o’clock, A. M. whicli will convoy the orn a ut BliViIKLS Prime New North '■Jvl/l/ Carolina Corn, on bounl schr. Apply to Cant. Fuller, on board, or THOMPSON & BONNEY. Jnn 11 39 Just Received B Y the brig Frances and ship Milton, from Philadelphia, 20 Hogsheads I Philadelphia Rye 2t»0 B tirels <( Whiskey. 100 Barrels first ami second quality Loaf Sugar 50 Bags Green Coffee 3 Tons Shot ubs’d For fiiUi hy P. M’DERMOTT. Jan 5 passengers to t hat pJace. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 02, v uileu am- Al.TK.ciei. IlIIDS prime. St Croix Sugar 20 bills do do do 40 bbb» and 35 bags prime green cofTee 200 bbl*< No :j ninekarnl Now lunding and for sale bv HALL &l HOYT. nov 35 i I’iain i 'ook, Washer is lroner O hire hy the year, applv to W. T. flee M For part ion In rs, WILUAMS. ©ju.«aa»7, ( hina and Glass-Ware. Just received by the lute ar rivals from Liverpool. N. York, and Boston, a very elegant as sortment of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS-WARE. ALSO, PLATED CASTORS, BRI TANNIA TEAPOTS, and a variety of FANCY ARTICLES, which wiil be eold low for rush or city paper. T. G. CHAMBERLIN. No. 5, Gibbon’s Buildings. ON CONSIGNMENT, 20 Barrels Shell Barks 4 Boxes Garden Seeds 1 Case Cloth, Hair and Hearth Brushes 1 do Japanned Bellows 1 do English Fancy Soaps 2 Casks Day &, Martin’s Blacking Jan » 37rp|| Muscatel u air ins Kiel figs, Rf reived per A ago da, BOXES Muscatel Raisins • JvF 50 Drums Smyrna Figs For sale by J. B. 'HERBERT & CO. Jan 5 Swaim ’s Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated Medicine, just received per chip Globe, and for sole by GEO. R VERSON. Her | Brass Fenders, O NE cJegffjit brass fenders, received per Etfueror, and ior sale by dec 20 N. R. WEED. Printing ppUer. REAMS of good quW v T, «P« r *nl Printing Paper, for sale at t cn6t u,,( ^ J charges for cash. Apply at this Office' ; dec 27 ‘■id licat,ljD\u\iaus Orders. Persojih liable to Militia du ty. belonging to the Second Beat Company, will appear on their Parade Ground, in Mar ket-Square. on FRIDAY, the Mth inst. precisely at. ten o’ clock, A. M. armed and equip ped according to law. And on the sumo day an election will be held for a Second Lieu tenant nnd Ensign, for auid Company. LOUIS G1RODON, Captain Second Bent Company. In case of default, you Rre summoned to appear before a Court of Enquiry, which will be held at Justice Barton’s Office, on MONDAY 23d inst. at 3 o’clock, P. M. Jnn fi 37 < ig anil Harness for Sale A N elegant second hand Gig, with pla ted Harness, for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to the Editor. Jan & 37 G RAND CAPITALS in Pennsylvania Union Canal Lottery, 14th Class,which drew in Philadelphia on the 5th inst. Those who have ordered tickets or shares, in this lottery, are requested to call and receive them at Tpunraq ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. '• 87 3. 8. K.BRBE&T A OO. On SATURDAY, 10th inst. Will be hired before our store, nt XI o’rllt, a Family of Negroes—to he hired until tbs' first day of January, 1H2U. The tsoft having the negroes to give an ii|>|'rovo4' endorsed note, payable at the expiration uf the time, aud find clothing, &x. Jan 3 EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jnn to (Brnmu AT ATE LOTTEM OF MARYLAND, NO. III. 4£> T HE seventh drawing of the above Lot tery, is received aud ready for exami nation. The following were the principal prizes No. 11,233, 14.406, prized of $1000 12,440, 100 3,338, 8,399,13,591,15,242, ) 17,100, prize# of J 192 of 10 The eighth drawing was on 5th inst. | $10,V>00, | 5,VHlO, the capitals still to be distributed. TICKETS TWELVE LOLLARS. IT' Orders received as usual, at EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 1» ' FHI L1CH’ Academy andBoariling School. M R. PHILLIPS has the honor to inform the public, and particularly those La dies and Gentlemen who intend placing their children under his tuition, that he will open school on Monday, the third of Janua ry next, in the upper part of tho house at the south-west corner of Col. Shad’s build ingh, JohiiHton’s-iSquarc. dec 22 24 Office of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company Savannah, December 2d, 1824. V|ERSONS holding bills of this Compa- *. ny, are requested to present them for payment forthwith, as it is desirable that they should oil be redeemed a9 early as may be convenient. GBO. SCHLEY, President, dec 4 9 Crockery. iTJHE subscribers continue to file orders for Crockery, of any description, on advantageous terms Persona wishing to order for tin* spring, would do well to napd in their orders, as early as the month of January. ' J. B. HERBERT & CO. nov 26 ... - T HERE will be sold on the premises in the Town of Macon, on the t bird Mon day in February next, Twenty Half-Ant LOTS in said Town, on the originial terms, u that the purchasers of said lots, shall pay one-fourth of the purchase money down in cash, or in bills of some of the churlmcd banks of this : state and give bond with good and sufficient security for ilie residue,puyable in three equal annual instalments.” The •sale will be continued from day to day, utitil icofjipk’tod, and the lots to be sold urejn n v ry itesiruble pan of the Town, and dispo- y -X <•?- by the undersigned Coiiunvsionersj pursuant to uu act of the last GuneAl Ail* senihly of this State. This 1st Jan. 1825* WILLIAM HAMILTON, PLEASANT PHILLIPS, O. H. PkINCE, JAMES SMITH, And ABNER W 1MBELLY. 36 fu Jan 6 LAW. rpHE subscriber tenders his professional 4 services to the public; ami bugs len\c to inform them, that he may at all times he found at the office of Messrs. Davies ^ B< r- rien, situated in Hunter’s buildings on the Bay. JOSEPH’ VALLENCE DEVAN. Savannah, Oct. 26.1824. IT The Confttitntii.iialisf, Onorftfu .louf- nal, and Washington News, are req tested to give the above 3 insertions, weekly, oct 27 80 Notary Public’s <iltice, ior th“- hipping of ■ cameri. rpHE sub.-crilfr having been Jett out of A the Magistracy, in the Third Compa ny Beat, aud by the Boat*; of Aldermen, as a Port Warden, for the Port of •'•bivminah, now offers his services to the Shipping Mer chants of Savannah, for the SHIPPING OF SEAMEN. Him experience, as b. ing formerly a merchant ami ship owner, &c. &c. &e. he thinks will he useful. The most prompt attention will be paid to the orders and wishes of those who may favor him, and a suitable person will he engaged to procure seamen. WM. BELCI1ER. Jan 6 35i. l4rou.trage, Coa.»ii»d(t:t, l^c fc, , T IIB unuersigned tenders his best set) vices to the public, iu the General Brokerage and Com mission Business. He has taken those fire-proof buildings on the Bay, formerly occupied by MesBrs.Jnmet Dickson & Co. and has made arrangements for liberal advances on all species of pro p erty deposited with him. He will buy and sell all kind of stocks, real nnd personal es tates, nrnl attend to all agencies, connect ed with the above business. J. P. HENRY. Jnn 3 32re o it”-:. 4 Pl'HERE is at the Stenin-Boat Wharf, .1 three hales of cotton, which have been received by their boats, and not claimed, dec 16 19 N olice. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Sleam-Boat Company of Georgia, wjU take place at the Office in Savannah, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of next, month, February, at ten o’clock, A. M. on busitu isb of importance. A * general attendance is requested. N. B.—Any absent stockholder may, by power of attorney, under sen), authorise any other stockholder to vote for him or her. WM. P. HUNTER, Treasurar Steam-Bout ComjvJiny. .Tan 10 38 flutter and rno/.ed Toi puca, J UST received by the slt.p A.igujta, . 24 Kegs Goshen Butter 2 Casks Smoked Tongues, And for sole by J. B. 1IERBER T & CO. Jan 4 18 Pr'me Green ».ofiVc BAGS Prime Green Iln v." p-. Cnll'ce, for sale by U. C. GRIS V.OLD. Jan 4 PbiLiklpIiia and l a ( more Whiskey 4 AA BARREJ.S Philadelphia and Pal* Xvfvf timore Whiskey, just received and tor sale by CALVIN BAKER. Jan 4 93 (in BARRELS Northern Gin, for salt by CALVIN BAKER. Jan 4 40 Pi, lies. BOXES Negro Pipes, for nalo low by 1IALL & HOYT. Jan 7 36 Gin and Pork. BBLS. country gin, firat quality 80 do prime pork 20 do mess do Landing from ship Corsair, for sale Ity dec 27 C r GRISWO*’ D. Hour and (Jura *)|Y(rv BBLS. Bupurfine flour tJ'S/v 1 # 1500 bushels Maryland white cora afloat, for sale low, by dec a HALL 4 HOYT.