Newspaper Page Text
wwm saom>
Sheriff’s Sales.
^IvILL be snM it the Coufv House in Ta't
W nail County, uii the firrt Tuesday »
February neat* at the usual hour* of sale, t>
.Ten Ukely negroes, D nah a woman, 35 -
40 year* of ag/», Charlotfe, about 15 yew* old,
•Toni, a boy *b nit 12. Cyrus, a boy about 10
Toilet* About A) years old, Hills Ur,r>, G act *
end Hester, girls—Harry a boy about.7 months
fid. AM hiried on *s the propet ty of
A Tlf>piM£ to onuofV i fit fa, in favour of the
President, Uirscton ana Company of the Da.
flea XLiuk.
Also, 300 sms of land lying in said county,
granted tr John ftubison. Alan, 200 ams of
fcnd' granted to John Byard. Also, 400 acre-.
«f laud granted to Joseph Robertson. AI
lying on the waters of tnc Ohoopie, in stiff
county, levied on as the property of Caswell
Moort, to satisfy sundry/Jut from a Justices
Courts In favour of Allen F well—levied by».
Constable and returned to me.
Also, 520 acres lying on the Ohoopie, with
tome improvement, levied on as the property
of John M'Panand, to satisfy his tax for 18*5.
AH concerned will please take notice
A, JOHNSON, a. T. C.
S2d December, 1824,
dec 3d 30
mw smm
AiliovitY’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in February next,
be i0 * 1 * * l tn<: Couvl.House III h
w city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o'clock.
Eighteen negroes, vie. —Charlotte, Oaecns
five, Tcstah, Titus, Sambo, Nero, Belinda
Dyreus. faaac, Bess, Sippio, Carlus, Gloe, Peg.
Ky. Anne, Betty, and Monday, levied on h\
Consent, as the property of N G* Rutherfo d
under s II, fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage
In ftvot iff (be Bank of Darien.
nee 6 10
f/Hi'.Hlt' b » SALK.
On thefirst Tuesday in February next,
ul* be sold i*t .he Court House between
W the, hours of ten and four o’clock, the
following three Negroes, via i
Mary, otherwise known by the name ot
<JOfidi jtnee, nod her two ch ldren Lucy and
.nil, levied on under a foreclosure of a
f»g«fe, as the property of William It Hoi*
id, to satisfy Gsudry St Put-nre.
I D’LtfON, S. C. C.
dec 4 9
Sheriff's bales,
O N th ft at Saturday nfier the fi st Tues-
J.y. mj Fchrua-y m-xi. will b- sold at the
: rhet Hoi se, in the town of St Marys, be-
ween the hours of ten and four o’clock, a tw <
.>ry house oml out buildings, situated in the
wn of St. Mary*, on lot number four. levi«
••don nsdlie property of Gt'ofge W. Martin,
t*> satisfy an execution in favor of Belton A.
Also, two negroes, Colerain and Silvia, lev
ied on a* the property "I John IVker, to
satisfy an execution in favor of Scott and Bai
ley, and olher«.
Also, one negro man named Boatswain, le
vied on us the property f Samuel Swearin
'en, to satisfy an execution on the foreclosure
•f a mortgage, in fi.v«r of Thomas li. Miller,
for Andrew I.ow & Co.
M H. HUBBARD, 4*. C. (\
January 1. 18 5.
.?«• '8 7
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the first Saturday, after the first Then-
dttv in March, will he a Id at 'he ita «
set Jlcuse. In tha town .fat. Mans, b- tween
the hours of ten and fnu o’clock, a m:gr
bov named Ml ^es, levied on as i'.e proper!
of Cornelius Hu in, to -a'sly an exeeudnr *>•
firec'osme of a r.urtguge in fivor of .1 h
C ievh ler. M. H HF.BBAffl), 8. C. C.
St Marys, January ', 18 5*
1 8 ' *
She.iff’s Sales.
On the fit st Tuesd, yin Feb uury next,
TiLL oe aj'u at ihe Court-House, be
tween the usual hours of ten and four
Improvements of Lot No* 10, St. Gall, city
of Savannah, levied on as the property of Ann
P.ft, to satisfy an execution in favor of Thom
•l Lucina..
Lot bo. 15, the corner of Franklin ana
Spring at*. Oglethrope ward, wuh the im-
prove men's thereon, levied on as the
erty of Thus: Williams, to satisfy an execu
ti* *‘ in favor of Jai. Harman, for use of Wm
A house n the north comer of lot No* 6.
Ogleftbrope ward, near Chatbam*at, city ol
to satisf * an execution in favor f
Jtsev h Burnet against Ju U Br ake!.
_ 4a*r 4. E* n»burg. Oglethropc
Ward, aba tne hu. kp, cu icoatui
from 1st January next, levied on at the prop
er y ot R«bt. Lewis, to satisfy an execution in
ftvor of J. M. Pv ndergast* The above
property levied on by a cuhstsable ex
jecutiom from a Jualices court and returned to
iii bULli i.
Thomas Cummintf and others, Complainants
and IVitlimn f i'ttllaee and others Defendants*
Chatham Superior Court, January Term
182 ft"
I T appearing to the Court, by the a ISh»
vit of Joseph C.umming that William dV.u
v:t- and Sarah his w ife, Mary Clay, Aon CL •
I’l’Ztt Clay, M>.ry Jane Clay, William Cli
loscph day, Ralph Cl»y, fclary Ann Cla
Henry Clay, and Fdizabetb Clay, who art p»u
ica defendants in the above case, resid
joyond the fim ta cf the state of GR^rgi-
*nd within thi 1 United States,and th: t. Jar.
lay, als > a defendant, is in foreign pa ti
beyond ihe limits of the United States. ••
•‘notion of complainants* snlieitoi's, it isor .L
p.d that the smu! defendants, first named, •'
respectively apprur and answer the c/ mt lr.r
suits' bill, within four months from the date
this rule, and the »»id .fumes Clay. wThin r,ii*.
iiionths. Audit is further ordered, that th
rule be published once b week, luring
months, in on.: of the public Gitettt.x oftb
aiale. A true copy fronr. the min tea.
A. 1». FANNIN, OIrrk.
may 11 4'f ■
.fan 3
I. O'l YON, S. C. C.
Georgia—Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Jhplcins, vs, Langley and Sehester
N petition of Timothy Hnpkina, stating
that in considetaiion of certain prom
imnryi notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one t'«v r ble with intceat, from first
of January, 1821, on the first of January 1822:
u second pavablc as nforesni', on the first of
January, 182.1 / and a th'rd pnvable ai af *re»
said, on the first of January, 18 ?4. executed a
mortgage to said 'f’hnotuy Hopkins, Ilia her a
and assigns, on ai. those four tries of L.„d,
situated in 'lie county aforesaid, convoyed by
the said Ti nothy, to the said Fangley and
Relvester, and lyi'ig on the south side o ?
Grot Satilfa River, one tract containing sev
enty-seven! acres, more or less,* two tmcis
contnhinn fif y acres, more or less, and one
dher tracN cgi tainiug one I undred kud eigli-
tyeight acrer, more or less, conditioned for
he pay n ent of t -e three said several n»»lcs,
on tnc days ar»»>ve mentioned, and thst said
st veral notes remain unpaid—on motion ot
Arc.l -h dd Chirk, attorney for plainti^, it U
ordered, that th-- antd Langlev and 8t Iveta ,
tliti’* heirs or vgVigns- pa> tntoCotir», witlu.-
'wciVr; mouths from this date. t..t sunn due
ou said n'Ucs, and the intcrea* and c :ats, *»tt»
crwi.».e that 'ne uquitj ot redemption be fo -
•vev foreclosed, ir.rj that su h other proceed
.•gst»!t>.- pi c.e, m are >• lrsuant to l«^.
True » x*‘n*i from the min ies, 27th Octo
ber, 18 4. JOHN HAILEY, Cietk
n v 4 87 4
IS elite.
N INE months after date application will
bo made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known ns number eight. 8th District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan 5 34n4
iii bUUtii.
Between 8. Davies, .idnvninhutor. Complain
am and John x.'u noihun *hbirtr.itrui'r d
buds non with the wi 'l unn.xed of (Jeo
Richardson* and otmru, J) J aidants /'
t qur<y Chat hum Superior Court— Chancery,
■ Uth A gust, 1824
I T appearing ihat John llurrsy Cxmochnn,
one of the defendants in the said b:li t
complaint mmed, resides without the s'-ate <
Gco -gia, in that part of the Uniud Kmgdon
o' Grrtat Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland
It is ordered thKtthe said John Murray Car
nochan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's a»id bili> witnin nine months frm
the date of this order, otherwise tlut ti
said bill, as to him, be taken pro confesac .•
ar,d it is further ordered, that a copy of thi
mile* be I'ubiiah* d «*no*« a wt>ek, in one w
the public Gazettes of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within which the said dr
t'tndant is required to appear and answer f-s
True cony from the Minutes, thi« "1st dnj
AuguMt. 18J4- A- B.FANNIN, Clerk,
sugux' 94. 50+
bheritt ? s bale.
O N the first *'•». ed«y in Feoru^ry next, be-
.ween the u?ual horns, will be sold at
the «u t House, in tue couuty ot Giynn,
Six uu* dred and forty two acres of land,
no. * or ie*. M»uate on the Island of St Si*
tnm \ composed f several separate t acts,
€*»mmonly known us the village and the farm
trncti, levied en and to be sold as the prop
erty «.f George Baillie, under a rule absolute,
grj'tixl *»y the Superior Court of Glynn Coun
ty, on the foreclosure of mmtgage, at the in-
SUnre ot Robert Scott,adminiai rator of Gorge
8<- tt, deeeated. ttonditions ca«b—pun has-
cr to pay for ''ties. iAMES BLUE* 4’ G.C.
1) -:»-mbrr30 1824.
3i o’
f heiiti s ales.
On thefi' si Tuesday in .March next,
* L he sold ai th: Court :louse between
VJr di«i li')U"8 of 10 and 4 o'clock,
: .to follow ng » x n* gr^es, L‘ n mh, l«aac,
Lo:i on, William, Petes and H uiiiah, levie.
or. uitdvr a fi- fa. on foreclosure from Job
Hu-l^r to the Planters'Bank.
F ur negroes, Billy, Moa. s. Will and Jen
ky levi ?d on under a fi. I». t>n foreclosure
ol h «no r tgage from C. H. Hayden, to J-:remi*
ah Cu l-rr.
Aq uttity of lions hold and KiichenFur-
Ititu e ,'^vied on unner a fi fa on foreclosure
of a mu from Eleaxer Early to An' »
I D’LYON, 4'. C C
jan 3 32
Sheriff's .Sale,
On the first Tuesday in'March next,
It-: sold »t the r 'our»-House, be
V# tweun the ususl hours o ten and four
ou.v k,
Eighty nrgro slaves, vix. Nelson, Rachel,
Sam, Mnrrs, Cha les, Millev, Htnmah, Harry,
Flora, A u, Sam, Si ivy, Hercules. Braboy,
Jjhn, Da i\ Nanny, Philip, Ju^y, John, Hat
ty, Eve, P .ilipj A n* f Lucy, Monday, T>n»»h,
Hotly, Hemy, Ben, Venus, Cain, Cumts,
Celia, F'or», Nelly, Hannah, bimon, Luke«.
Paddy, Jennj,Brutus,Cinds, Beck, Fannv, 'o'*,
Hester, July, Phebe. Jack, B<-8s, Fanny.
Jack, Robert, I»ae, Pompcy,, Cat\,
Willoughby, Fortune, tCehel, Piullis, Ric-
trd, Mine-, Jane, London, Davy, Ishtrm^l,
Lizzy, Siuy George,Grace, Cu Ijo, Cat), Bm-
•y, Sampfon, Billy, Milly and Ahruhiin, to
gsther with the future issue and increase oi
the families, levied on under a fi fa. o
T<*r«<dwmte.of a mortgage, from Ge. rge L.
rnpe, in fkvdir of Peter MHcheli, John
U'Nish, and Robert Hit-.hell-
1 D’LYON, 4’ C. C.
led 31 31
Reduction cf Price on Seidhtz
AND not iRjpufuclured in this city, but
xv regularly imported—for sale at dl per
box, ai yetail, by A. PARSONS,
tf—’bgiet, No- 8, Gibbons’ Building?
■ -*«*« _ ^
Camden Superior Court.
Hf.nrv Harford, j . .. ,,,,
V9 r Verdict MarrhTerm,
Thomas King. y
O N motion of thn Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above case, it in ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the lirst day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not he entered* in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808;
and that publication be made of ties rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from the Minutes^
dec 23 •»*. 2Mu
— - ■ — Ss*,
Notice. ;
a^TINE months after date, I shall Spply t'
Lx the Court of Ordinary of Camden com
1 v rf for leave to sell the ie:d estate of.Juh
D Young, late of Raid county deceased, forth-
benefit of the raid deceased.
Administrator estate of John D. Yoiiry
J--.-17 ‘JM
^^INE months after date, application wd! b
Lx made to the II n n. iht J.nigesof the. Cim •
of Ordinary ''f Cha<ham ceiu-ty, fur leave t
seV all the real * state of the tale William Craig
■'■’ceased, for the benefit of the lieira and c»e*
•ra of said estate.
JOHN M'ivISH, Executor
o*** 1° 7;
N INE months after date, I shall apply t
the Court of Ordinary of Camden corn
■y, for leave toaell a lot of land, lying in M<o;
roe county, in the tenth distr.ct iu nbt
ninety-one, belonging tn the orphans of I.e»
Johns, dec. for thebeiufi* of said ornhana-
Jin' 1 17 ••»()
N otice
'pilAT three months after dote, applioa
■ tion will be mode to the Bank of the
State of Georgia, to issue a new ccrtifiicatc
ofatock, for one lost, issued ore the 17th
March,1819, in favor of John M’Kinne.Jun
or twenty-five allures, and numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta. Dec. 18, 1834.
d(l,: ll! 31 tp)
Adniinistrat’ r’9 Notice.
N ?N:' 4iO.* I MS from this date, we shall up
p«v t’ the Honorable the li.ferior Cmr t
t JhatV.ain county, when sitting for ordinary
• i: poses, to seif the real estate of Wilhatr.
august 12 4*
Administrator’s N otice.
N INK MONTH i after date, I alv.1! appi,
• the Hnnoia de tlie lufetior Court o-
.fiham county*, (wnen sitting lorordmoiy
a'Tn sea) for ieavt- to »*»ll th»- real a ,t s
H« JUobina, to satisfy th^ h»irs an-' r*•. *•
‘ors. G. H HA YD a
august 12 .,5
r HK snhaeriheri being about tn decline bu
■ineasin ibi, place, request peranna l.a
ng demands agunat them, to prei.cnt then
.'r payment.
A. B. FANNIN & ' O.
■cl * 6<'|,
I IHE aubscrib r t’Hvngdisvt-v .• Lli con.
/‘AJiACEA* has tow & supply on h<nti fur
*.e i he has reduced thep ice from g3 5d, ti
$2 JO, or by the dozen 8^4.
Ail charitable instuutious in the U. State*
ml the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities sm
‘•aus, will appoint an agent to order an
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will b(
Th-s medicine is colebtalcd for t?»-* cure o<
• e following diseases:—*• scrofula or king**
•vd, ulcerated or put'd sore throat, lniu.
landing rheumaticafierrtous, cutaneous dis
•ases, white swelling i>.l d:s; 'is« of th: hones
tnd nil eases generally of th ulcerous charac
er, and chronic diseases, generally ,.g r,
lebilitated constittifions, hu» rr.oio CKpeciallv
'' syphi'is or'. ctiu- ^ a 1 using ih.-icfro rt:
doer? in the larynx^ nodes, Me. and th»
i r eadful disease o' ctslo. ed by a Jong yr.
Q, ' M - ve Wf' f mercury, cfc> H is aiao ub-
ti *n Ui.- rtis -hs,? ot th-.* nvev.»*
I have within the mat t..... .. -ira had an ni>
• lunity ot seeing a ve. ai ca.ea ol verj mvo
rate ulcers, which having prev; no y j.. e,
.1 thn -eguiar modoa I t ci'munt wer-
jHleJ by the use >t ,, . .a ..eirr.’r Vanacea,
ud 1 da believe, from vin, ] |i.,vo anon,
•at it will prove an imoortam rein' <ly ia aero
uloua, venereal and niercm i.i d.seavna.
N. ch.u'u «.»
Frofesaor of t-‘e Iimiiiutea and practice
of Physic, in the University ol t'enn
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Saai-r.
n numerous inct.rces, within the b.s' it rv
earijand have always f,.und it extreme
llicacioua, eapeciailv ,o --enndary avpni ■
md mercmial d'seases. I ham no lieaitutiv
• pronouncing it a mrdiei e nf ineatiniahl
M’lv- W. GlltSON, M l>
i’l-ifcjaor of Surgery in ||i,- U vSy of p,.|u
Philadelphia, Februarv 17, 18J.1.
,, JOHN SHINN. Chemist
Phil tklplnn Nov. '7 18..3.
N otice.
pF,RS01SS having demnnda Rgainst thn
1. ustntn ol'Tliomas Johnston, will plpusc
present them, properly attested, nt the
Counting-Room of R. & J. Hnbcrslttnn.
Kxecutrix of tile estate ofThoniiiB Johnston,
dec 18 ou,
JN otice.
WINE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will lie made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinorv of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. \V. STACV.
. Administrator.
% ib , . pi. .
V ,NK mon,hs d t-r application will hr
j” Wide to the Inferior Court „-t h
County, sitting for ord'narv eurpi s s n r ■■■
irder. ah.idntc, toselilntsN s f. ui'an f.v
.4 ai d S) in Caipenter'a dnw, and lot N
one, (l) Gr- en Waul,in flire ci.v n; Si non; 1
oeinjf the r -id ostat; ofF'.nois ja'incau d .
credtto.a ,1
W'U.LI 4 Vt G8.S 1 0 4
Qua 'ifhd e.r r t'air.
f"r the henefit of tin heirs
said estate
P ERSONS having demands araiust th° rs-
tzte of the L: e Will am Cri ig. d,- c . an-
•queste to render ti e az ne, nr*i ,erly »t
oxied, xrth n the t«mp ».resc'«bc<l by la*v, ana
dtoseindcbted to said estate, , ri . earnest y
called upon to settle tlie same without do-
oetJS -»HN»»'W8H l E«r eut „ P:
Vegetable Catholicon.
/pHE lubicribrr rezpi clfully zolicit* the at
tentiun of every friend of suffering hu
manity, to to the above new and invslusbl*
remedy, whose unequal power* in eliminating
from the system the very aeeds of disease*,
a .din restoring the deranged and morbid
cnniiiti n of the organs of life to s free and
healthy exercise of th’ir fund on*, h&s exci
ted the rntunishmen*, and completelv ailen
t:nd the rhjeotion* of the moat mcr» d ilous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of tueLwholicon to as severe a
acr tiny as possible, it wan offered by sdver-
t aemrnt together wit ) the nttend»nce cf a
nhyp’C -in, gratuitoiisly to any pets m who
wou’d apply for it, sn l wh.»se cause miglu
leem t come within the range of its healing
power—numbers or severe cases of long si A d-
ng,a«-d ?'.mc of them seemingly d^ p* r .»c
1/K-s, pr anted themselves, all of which have
bt en cured or so much relieved a«j to warrant
tliv.- assertion ’bat a little perseverance wi;ldo
so In fact, cuoli is the confidence of the physi
clan under whose ca e these patients were
tihiCed, in this reme Iv, a coi fide ce rcuiit
ing from the irr-i-hlihle r.«n\ic:i-n that has
Mean for>d upon Ins Mind by ocular demon-
et ration, and » person .1 trial nf it on himseff
*hat lie "perm,is rue tu declare ii as Ins d ci-
did opinion, Out lie Gath ilicon is nut only *
perfectly safe and i nocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluabte rtmedy in Ci:r»ain dis-
n»es and state* of the s- stem, such a* the fo.-
loWiu.r t—
Fe' ihty resulting from intemperance and ioii} Old and invcteimt Ulcers . Pains
in t!’-e bt n-..s attended with swellings of the
jr» n*fi j Indigvsti'jn, Bluhhcs on the face,
uiM.p t , ike. j AI complain's of the Liver \
retie"; Yaws 5 Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases
g»*neer!*y i Mercurial and scrofulous corn
pi int.s
The Catholicon (which the proprieter s(*l
emnly pledges h s woid consisis exclusive 1 -
f veg-:table maMc) with the exception of
si ghi d t rmi istiou to the bowels, which n
,jres- ’ ves in a sulubie slate, acts insensibly, i-
)lc4S*n( to the taste, and re quires n pariicu*
ariefimi-n, ,abstinence lr.m spiriuous ii-
q.u;r»< - Lvays cxccptcd.) or confinement. A .
ig ntle, sa’e andsg'-eeab’e cathartic med-
ci. e- improving the appetite ami restoring the
general toiv* J ’he sys'em, it in contid ntly
rocommeudtd to iadies in a delicate situs*
on. W W POH ER,
66 Chesuu’vsireet.
Philadelphia, May 31, 1874
At the request of Mr. »V. W Potter, I h ive
•ute v exhib.ted, in Severn 1 instances, a
•.•“•I called Po tor’s Vegetable Gslho-
iCOii. with the moat decided advantage. 1
**s, hb et, !ti-vi*r failed effecting a cure in
.eiy case in which I have Piougl t proper to
mployit. 11. M'MUH U1E, M J
Phi adephia* July 28th* 18.’4.
Mr. W W Roller,
Desv Sir—V a expressed s wish tint 1
yoitld give a concise stutement of my st fi* r
n, ?i from • the hopeless commencemei.t. t:
o present propitious stage of rav disease 1
Ab >ut live years ago, on tny p** Iron-
t *id* .xuK, duriug*the month of January, from
nprud-ut exposure on deck, I was seized
v ith a violent fever. Having no medical si-
eiular.tson hoard, I wus compelled to K-.jv
N as I r g.<t fur two reeks, when on my i.r-
-ival at C.« vrlcaton, S. C. it was pealed v
fyphus. l be -sk 11 <,f my Physician subdu- d
the fever, but Pi:0!ni*-hke, t!if» tevniinslii.*i!
f this gave ris- tusdl.-i-ase tqml!) d'8l cs-
njr, sn>» which, till now I had ch ught iuou -.
•hie. Vh ;ous abscesses nude thei unwcl-
■«ra« appearunce, paruculurly on th..- j
which we e r’we itd t»> an enormou- ly/.* —
I’liesc giadtialiy Mio/ided into ha"u luuiort,
-tne of which on my left knee affec ed t'.e
uone—«n incision wus now made a lurvc
evacuation of mis, mixed with p-rcf-s of hur t
>ook p»»ce. f-i addition tn this, Iv ffeiec tin
nnst exciuei**tir»g paiir. iu myj-nnis that man
°>er experienced Every tiling .lut was
udintnirter^d either gave mo no rrlVfi r .«si
vedio aggravate the •.Iwea-.r-, thes-*vctit> -.1
whi' h inervased wuh every succc* I»ng year.
Such w-’S nv p»i .fuisi nation th&tY 'e-paire-.
u.'ever being rertoied to my hi a I h ; I had
•iot o -lv tr.el tie i e *»ila? m^atis of relief,
but used, though in vp'n. every popular rem«
-dv 1 co.tM h« a - o' It wan in this aw fid and
.levmd-n,* c indho .,hai I was persuade - , to
ommen tea eon -jr* ofv- u V ••■.*( tab n f ’ll ••
■oo, an * •’ e ba.ip* runfit i-, **/ om the use
>f the two h <tl s my whole sysHin has under
g'.t t conih’e! • itvo a linn my pains have fo s i-
ke me if ihedi s * h*.r;*e frnn my n r >: oegun
o i m ui$h ( and s o craved ulioget 1 er, the
ihe.*lr->m nh^nce it ptocceded being com
: s'.cL lia'-zled. The tumors, for the r«-moval
•if which I have tried in vain more remedies
■•'.an t cun oame. ar-.* ivpidly decreasing ; my
р. pp -tile, which was gone, Has returned—I an
in f.-t, near y wol-, and f. el confd -X M at a
few bottlen more ofy-u., (to me) invaluable
uedicine, will m ke me p r eetly so.
Your obi g (I fri**ml,
Phil<idc phi i, July f '6, 18*24-
Mv cor.fideree in v get *h‘e oathoiicoi
> u umliminishod, and js in fences of it*
powers sr.. daily occuiri g, in my own pinc-
•ice I! avt: no he-sitatiun in recommen-Mng i
i:- the peculiar diseases to u! ich it is spohea-
o. v, as superior toa»iy mme 1** I am acq mint
ed with, M. M'PU t i IDE, U. I).
Phi!a b fphia, May r .8 18 4
Six—Tn con«rq ionce of imprudent exp *a
iireiu'. ais ng«i.I iud 'the misfortune o b'V
'onit •• ffl ctcd with a disease, the painful r*‘
nil's of vhich induced me to Apply in §u-.
с. 8s';».) to several respectable physicians of
’'■is city, from whom, however, I n.cuveri
. fil er no reii?f, or fron whose rcn 1 re-
reived another complaint quite as digressing
is the former. My ’* h.ue yste w became a*-
' •8**8, I could get no rest at night ou *c-
ou:fi of tt*,e violent pain that I felt in every
pari of my b .dy ,* the weakness and e '-acia
iioocf whic*; w-a c U « hthat I could scarcely
w»!k. In tins statu I fortunately h ard of
your vvgetplde cadulicon- fjur boP»-?s ot
which, Us complete*'.} restored me, t have
now rio p#iT.; my appetite is good; and mv
strength rstored With many thinks tor
th..* relief your medir-ne bus given me, latn
your obliged friend. &c
^worn and subscribed to lu-fore m», May 28
1834 JOilN IilNNa, A Jecman.
Philadelphia, May 38,1S'*4.
. sir “ I nm ""W. thank- to your medicine, a
ucai y mu F ii nearly six years I hive been
* tnai’tyr to u d- .ease, whose Paftagca threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
«Y es, ^pnce. Having had no regukr medi-
ril BJrtcq from tue cjmmencement, mv
comnlft' & t ( ar ,t gut to auch s heiglit th3t 1
not swallow without great pain and
T.dV ulty. Tumors formed in different parta
rJ rr y body, and l began to think my situation
almost desperate. The fiv * bottles of the
Caiholteon which I have Uken have com-
pfeiely cured me, aud 1 am now as well as 1
canid wish tobe. With my thanks, t am your
obliged liumbie servant, Wo
City of Phi'adc'phia, st-
George Kmc, of the District nf South*
v'lirk, personally appeared, and, being dul
.worn, doth declare and say that the aboVL
stafe mentis in all respects correct and true.
«nd that the signature to it is in the baud
•vriling of this deponent.
,{f)H'- T BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 18j4-
The Vegetuble Catholicon is peculiarly
»da u.ed to those diseases which are prevalent
among the colmrr d population of tne south
In that disease winch is railed yaws, it tfa
sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince
p unters of its superior tfticuc) to any feme
dy of a similar uature i.uihe U.iited States’
The advantages of this medic'n ** ore, not
confining the patient uunecea *. tly to the
house, ur keeping him fr- m his business/—
With one solitMi y exception hat o ! * S’Mrvu-
0119 li'juora, it do. t not lay any nstric ions upon
his apptlue It in*** gcliUo :tl its«
•hut the p lieiil finds luinsr If getting well he
cannot tell lioiv. A.i it i» not the wish of the
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give h cousi jeralton equal in value
persons at u dint .nee who may wish to try
sis ircdici-ie, but who are not certain if it
be apphcoble to their complaint, are request*
*(l to describe iheir case and symptoms in
a otter, p ♦ st-paid, and directed to fern—-tb.s
letter will be immediately olacei in buuis
felly e&mpetcnt to deu.d* the question.—
Slinuld he remedy not ses.m to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told so.
To prevent d ^appointment it is well to
it'ite thHt it txirmi in ordinary cases f*on 3 t>
5 bottlev to effect a cure sothatpeis oib v/h"
ire labouring under any ser-oua in.iriml.v,
must make up their mind to pers .vttre to that
tixk n« at least— if they do not, they mighi ar
well s ; ve themselves the trouble and exj. - n,o
f ir tog asm-.Her qiiantitv.
All orde s p,s; paid and enclosing the m -ney,
immediately firchded t«*, aud he muiica.fc
OHckedanu delivered with directions for us*;.
any place in the city, and forwarded ?.* di
re t»
N. B. To prevent the possibility of »l! im-
p'lsition, it wi! b^» sold in the oily ofl'hiUde!-
ohif.. ui the t'fficr in Fifth near Itaet-i>liv c- r
the dwelling of the nropri- uii*, ix - .). 66
'Jliernut street, only, and abroad by his au
thorized agents W W l»tiTTF.H,
66 Che*nul St eet, Phdadepfi.a-
l have appointed GEORGE RYE {SON.
OruggiKt. oi Savannah, mv sole agent. Drug
cists WH .tug the above valuable* medicine
will bsj supplied by him for cash, at the ssiik
rate, as. if ordered direct from mo—'viz. g.‘>0
pei d z or three dollar j a a ng:e bottle.
W. VV. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any pe son on application to the subseth -r
wdi l>“ Garnished with certificxtes of the «ffi
ct-cv H 'he medicine, suffi.-..ent io con
vince the mind of the most acepticai, ishhougii
t>»o numerous un i I ngthy fo- newspaper n-
icriion. GE<». KYERSOr, Dtugglat,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets,
dec 13
1 11113 m dicinc is offered as a remedy fer
. Evt-of'il* or Km.'/s Evil, Ulcerated uort-
Throat,«ong standing rheumatic affect ions,Cut
aneous Diseases, W'hiteSwell:ng un j d.soa .e r#f
the Bone* and all cam.s geoeallv of an nicer
‘tun cb ■ ixctt r, cmi • h-oivc ii*«cui.e<< Mfisi -g in
•le^dir-ficd, 1>|P imnc es t c..«ily
/or Sy;»li s. or affbcicax arishig the f*um
• 'cor* of tiie Larynx, Nudes, ’’ic., a .d iha
lr..-nO,fiil disease occasioned bv along>-
c-'8*iive use of*#, cury, &c- &c.—It h»s als:
>ecn foiinrl ii c «.-f-il in Diseases of ihe Livr.
In nil oinorder s arising from m impire oi
non'fi.iii r * ited stsle of th# Blood, ii will he
fmo'd * powerful and an rff ctual r»?mcdv—
hi; discovery of’his nod cine h->s been the
Ifect of long and atlen-ive 8tU'»y, nnd it i-
•oar made pil'd c from the most decided non-
vie'ion, founded on ample experience, of its
tiu'- er in ersdicatmg ioonj; diseasek, after eve-
y other met trine has failed-
I cannot, however, bo supposed, that this
Pahicka wdl invariably cure—the must es
teemed medicines, employed by the F ruity
will often fjil in the very dhe.-scs f>r which
thov a«-e considered specifics; hut if the use
•fit be persevered in, it will radically r:-*nnvM
imost every cause of the disorders spe«
Thousand u;e lingering under thosecuir.|daii.ti
in aoine foro>, sink ng u* 'he grave, wilhnu*
a remedy, whviu this medicine would certuin-
ly rente* v to perfect health and vis. ur. It •
ifety sml innocence have bsnn tally tested,
eo th* t it may be administered to the tender,
est infant. The moat diidiriguished physi«
ciuuo iu ih i United States recommend it, bu-J
it, ihai a more important d'seovery in me
d cal ycience has not been trade / and to use
h ; laugtn-ge of one of he most em n< nt Pro*
feisovs of the ag»\. it is a triumph in the h:al
iagart. To the (-res ml aim using genera-
• on* the benefit ^tigt provs 'iiculcul ole, not
nlv by saving many valuable lives, hu* im
parting strength Htid soundness to debilitated
• d corrupted Co'iHlilU’ionw, thereby preserving
their off spur, g fr»m hereditary discus’*. These
cts, tsg-'.htfi *l!i he uu.ueroua cnrcuTDiide
cm irresistible proof of th* high value of this
reined). No one, However, is a U ised to t.:ke
wdhnnt liist fully convincing h 1 true If of
the truth <*f what is here stated, and the rec
titude of the Proprit.ior'8 intentions.
The perfermed in hia citv alone, cs*
talffis i's superior virtue on a basis too solit 1
to be affVcttd by the maiigisity of t! e cnvioin
^•It is worthy of remark, that the greater
;>art f the pniicntji who. have been perms
uently cured, bad, previous to the I'.oprie-
tor'a undertaking them, received the ablest
assistance, and several were ah* .done.', l>\
their Phydcians, ns beirg beyond the roach of
human skill. Such is Ihc fact and so expuor
iKhttry were many of the casts that (in exhibition
sous made of them in the University of Pmn
sylvanin* by the Prof nor of Surgery, b fore a
crowded nudimcc of S.udcnts, who pronounced
them wonders in the heating art. It lias bee:
lutrorluaed mto the Pmlvl *’ >5\ia Alms-Houv
and Pennsylvania and Ncw-York llospitais,
and such 1 wfe its surprising fleets—its suc
cess after all other medicines had failed, that
ihe Surgeon of the Pennsylvania Hospital,
'K Wm Price, was induced to abandon his
‘ ighly respi crahle office, from the laudable
tesign of benefiting his fellow creatures, by
carrying ’hePanacea to England; where it
has already superseded the use of the genu*
ine French Rob of LufocCeur in a number of
nstances, in diseases for which that is intend
ed, and its virtues are publicly acknowledged
by some of iie most eminent Surgeons there.
In all compl cated cases of Scrofula and
Syphilis, and where the Syphilitic Virus of
•he parent causes a develop erne:, t t.f ScrofuL
m the child, this is the only remedy upon
whi h a single hope of recovery can be rea
sonably founded ; there has been no instance
if Us failure, where properly used. It im
parts vigour to tne whole Rvstem while the
r *« r « »» going o »__nn operation so long looked
for in the medical world ,* at the same time the
patient is enabled to take nourishing ford,
is usually withhold from the snfferer. In mi.
uy instances where »he hcrrir le ravages of
ulceration had laid b .re hgjnv-nt and bone
and where, to all appearance, no human means
hut amputation cotffii luvesiived life | in cs«
«:u extreme even a» here desortbed, have
Iiatients been snatched >rnm the grave aid
-e tored to good health, und the devouring
Unease comofefelv eradicated. The dLcove-
ry of a remedy like this now offered for suit has
been a desUlc alumf om time immemorial.
I lie Proprietor docs nut auppose Ifis bsre
assertion will con’ ince . lie will therefore
give reference to sm h as have been curej,
and ho|e under his care, among whim *re
many hi^h y respcctsble citizens, that fluff
satisfy ih most incredulous of iu superior ef
ficacy in the disorders for which it is hers re
commended. Every member of society should
aid n diff using information of - his discovery —
humanity a one makes it a du y.
" I have within the 'sat two years had
opportunity if seeing several caw iff very
nveteratcu'cc'S, Which, having : esisted
yiotisly tiie regular mod sof t e'fim,-.i.*, w-re
healed by the uii- oi Mr. Swv.m's i'aia*’c i
and 1 do believe, from wuat i have- seen, lut
it will prove an imporunt ty m scrofu
lous, venereal, ami in. rcurial ihs- s^-^s.
ProfesHor of the Institutes h d Practice
of Physic in the Univursity of pci.n-
•ylvuiiu, &<*. &c,
<r Ph.lsde]phiu, Fehiuary 16, '823."
“ I have e*np!r»yed ihe Panacea of Mr.Swsuvi
in numerous insiimces, witmu the isct ibr.*e
'••ears, sikI luve always! tou .d it extremely efi-
fi;jcious. e.ppf c.-iilv ill secondary syjfi i s and
in metcnriil disease. I have no hesMsumo in
pronouncing it a medicine of i ie.uim -blc v*I-
ue. W. GIBSON, If. D.
Professor of Surgery in the University nf
Pennsylvania, S-ir-^con sod ffli.'cl
Lecluicr to ihe Aiin^ House ;n.
r.ry. five*
« Fc uuai y 17.1623."
“ I have repeatodiy um d t ;w«irr I '. Pnuncoo
both in (lit. hospital u: d in P-ivate ; -#.« tict*,
-nd hate found it to l> a v«hi«41<* irK-.fic -e
'.-i chronic, s, [ hilihc ami fc-oitiiiius corny*a.;us
and in obst-nate culanecus »ff..*rt ona*
VALEN'llNE xiiHT, M D.
Pr -fess .r - f durg.u-y in i!,t- U;nv- rsfiv of
Ne'-v-York, Surgeon of die New-York
Hospital, Uc.
“ New-Yor^ 1st mo. 5th, 1824."
Boston, J. P iia No* 1, Uninn-Street;
s c:w Y.jrk, CoUdij 6> IPiodhv, No. 23-J
H'.rcri, John It. De-Id A Go. Druggivts; \J.
hiuiy, Manoiiis & V.UMie-hurgh, D ..g, •
Luncarte*, Pt-im-fleery Keffi* • P.t*si): ra *
Perm Char!-a Avery & (•«. Dcuggi-tH ;
*iiiii*ti, Ohio J h i Lc« 6i i;u ; VV I ;i;' .fr?
rtel. Joseph Ih ’ii^lnitsi, Druggisi, p..;t» r„
Henry Pricf-.Dm^gi-!, jjarket-Strciji ,* Whsu-
-gtonCUy, Mi- William Guntmi. Drugnat*
Ah x-ndria, Kdwurd Subl. “ *', Va. J ni-js V
Norfolk, C mt.ober H til, Bmk S'-'iler '
.ffurlcstoii, S. 8 Huud, D n uggist, Hro.ff-
K .don, D'-i.igg! ;
• Irff tSuvwnsh, C. o Anstm ftarson.i, liruir.
girt f Nate lex, L.hnian & Ueaumorfi, Dr-iir*
g*ats; New-Orleans, William M K -OI, _
Vcn's !.i other citipK w;l! lie apiioim^rt
faliems whose sii.isiinn anil ciicu.nstmces
• jo!J ei shle them tn cuo.e t.) this city, nni
'h mse'vea under the profirietor’s c»ie.
■» m.j fi:,d it much tt. their stlvstit.^e.
• lie Brest demand ami wotn>erfui suncess uf
tin. itietlteiiie, have inducttl a number of
persons to nnttcte tit its various wavs -- So.’.e
•re selling Sarsaparilla and otuer s.-ups im.
’"""S ‘hem on Ihe i| f.rthe Panscm;
■« are mixin.; the tfeimimt m , dinne w.lh
mnltsse,, Ac. mikin'- th e ■ buttles mit ( ,f
Il ls retaining of its virtues. The.-; un- and d ilterations h,.ve, in msnv m.
.tsni'es, protract, d • ue suHerines of i.sltient, '
.ti ceres where tne r mn’iciue wo.ill
ti-ve proved univ , i|j , u .. „us. i tne
teem it a ilutr 1 owe the puhlie, to tu:
■ Item, tint it ts imponinle, from ;!i
'.ire uf its emisl tin.irs, tu be .i.seov. rr:il bv unal>sisj anilcons.-quently that ,-ll
mixtures represented tn he none and soiil ns
niic.i, nrr Ir.iliilci t rinl hsse impouiiinus c ,l.
culaieil to deceive the ignorant ml ui-'vire
I he Reniiitne mntlieine I.,. m „ •”
label repi'eiientiofr /f inici an-lll.e llyil< a a d
*ny I'snie on the s.a!, 3
Price % ■ SO p e , h«fle or 3:10 pa t .
vevy ivi-
UJ* Punted
13 South Ninth
accomn'-nv fit#;
WM KW-‘.,\/.
vers . t lfP , . "'.W'+i'e the Uni-
yeiu tj ij rennsylvan n.
lie I’ui'lio Avt n sju-*:tInUy itfir.rrrc^ i
I lu-ve tip. intti! h. H .UiO -S ol ,v
na/i mv v->le Agent for th*'Stnvn of f;,
I c st»r.:i wisbinp to pu c .as. hi vs ’. :e
nr relud, will pm chose n! Ifm nt the -me
pricer ns film me, and .hall „o 1 Mlniicc
aupplv o dors, only .h.-im k h him.
wm. swaim;
Plulsdidphis, October to, lflii
net >| 75
iN’ ( >. I UK.
N ine months ,,r . rthr ,i„ei,.,
plication will I,e ni icl<. to tin* H-
thii Inferior Court of (;h.ulM? n cc.r t
silling for ordinaiy t ui|itises, fo- ”
« lot, wiMi ih 1 ’
ave to •
i<j>rf.v*'rpr*nts. situa-e
n, 11 f f* v «”; li| b''>‘ l «.nin comity,end kmu-rj
m the plsn of *"d cu a; the No. .1.1, Mwt
VVst il, to- the he.iffit nf the heirs and Lgj Je
of the estate of the Isie Hugh U'Cali, de
oct t4
Till 1 has M’GAI.L,
i’lltUi- UHASUtt,
Cabanas Scg.u-s,
343-DiDD CAB . A!l jA.Sf:<JAR8.jtu
recnivud aud fiir sale l.v
nov 24
Ivory and Horn Combs.
SI CASES back, side and fine horn combs
6- 1 case fine ivory j 0
Received per ship Emperor, and for sal*
ow > b t y -V. B. WEED.
doc 28
Day & Martin's Real Japan
I MPORTED and for sale by
w ... A. PARSONS,
Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildiims.
nov .10 “
Durham Mustard,
J UST imported tod warranted to be the
first quality.
For sale by A. PARSONS,
... , . , n —* , Druggist, No. 8, Gibboos’ Buildiu^.
which undor the common modes of praotice, I decj-l °