Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 24, 1825, Image 1
JCtfW ftwries—\<A- VlL 8AVANNAB, MONDAY MORNING, JANUARY Z4, 1825. THE IS EDITED AND PUBLISHED I* TUI CITY OF SAVANWAH, Bv G. fj W. Robertson, AT EIGHT HOILAHB PBR ANNt/W, TAIARLK IN AUVASCE. ;§< iSwfifot* FOR THE COUNTRY, f3 n.jblished to meet the arrangement ol (he mail, three times * week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Doily Georgian, and contiina iH the intelli- e-ente, Commercial, Political and Miseelfan* eons, including advertiseinente. pub'iihed in th The CounOy Paper it seetto all parti of the Stole and Union, or delivered m the city, It five dollars tier annum, payable in .dvance. Advertisements are both pa mra at 7i cents per square, of 14 lines, for ne tiriu insertion, snd 37J for every succeeding pnb- *' Cotnnuii'ienlions by Mail, must lie Pest-psid Sslrs Ilf land and negroes by Admumlro. *nr». Ex- colors or guardians, are required, ! bv I,w, lo he held on the firs' Tuesday in the 1 month between the hours often in the foie- b and throe ill the afternoon, at the Court LSpmw of the county in which the property is '/situate. —Notice of theae sales must be given r in , public gazette sixty days previous to th« 1 day of sele. liOTTElAX NOTICE. O RDERS received for Tickets, in the following, or any other. 1 Lotteries, in the Southern and Northern States. 840,000- 20,000—10,000, Capital Prizes in Grand State Lottery of Maryland,drawing every w.eek in Baltimore. TICKETS TWELVE DOLLARS. 810,000—7,000—5,000, Maryland University Lottery, No. 3, to be drawn 27th inst. in a few minutes. TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. 810,000—5.000—3,000, University Lottery, No. 4, tho drawing will take place this month in Baltimore, and finished in a few minntes. TICKETS SEVEN DOLLARS. 810,000—6,000—4,000, Qunntico Canal Lottery, Fifth Class, draws in Richmond, 8th February, in five minutes. TICKETS FIVE DOLLARS. *Solioe of the side if personal properly must he”give in like manner. Fo 'y day* previous 83,000—1,000—500, Charleston Lottery, Second Class, for the benefit of the Academy of Fine Arts, draws on the 2lUh instant. to the my nf r.a«e- Notice to the debtors end creditors of an estate must he published for Forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court nf Ordinary f<>? leave to sell land, mus; be published Nine Month Whiskey, Share Mou.ds, Pa- per, i^c. C. C. GRIS WOLD, offers for talc, |i)£i HHiiS. whiskey SO& 15 tons share moulds 3 tons steel 120 kegs white lead 18 do Verdigris 12 do black paint 100 reams copying and letter paper nov 28 Butter, Lard, fi c. Just received by ship William Wallace^ w KEGS first quality Goshen Butter J l 20 Kegs Lard 30 Barrels prime beef 200 Baskets tabic salt 40 lbs superior American mustard 10 Barrels Servant’s crackers 5 Barrels smoked beef 20 Barrels prime perk 10 Half barrels F. Market beef por sale by DlhLDLE Y,CLAGIIOfiNb WOOD, Anciaux’s Wharf. dec 9 H P. M’Dermott, AS just received by the siiip Globe from Philadelphia, 15 barrels beef, put up expressly for family use. by Mr. Shuster C puncheons N.Orleans rum, 4th proof 35 barrels whiskey 6 cases hats 8 bales domestic goods 20 jack screws 4 doz. patent cotton gimlet* in STORE, 500 barrels supf. Philadelphia (lour 100 half do do 200 bills No 3 mackeral 20 bugs black pepper dec >■ Dry Loods. Deceived per stoop Delight, $ N invoice of ti-4 cambrics, A Shirtings, Garment Dimities Fancy printed check muslin Fancy chintz printed jaconet muBlin Marseilles bed quilts Cambric prints, &c. Por sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 1 fchoes and Quills •T ADIES’morocco heeled and spring heel P l cd thick and thin soles Do. leather, thick and thin solos Do. Denmark satin Gentlemen’s fine and common boots Do.. Bootees and shoes Boy’s shoes and boots Children’s morocco and leather bootees Also Negro shoes, and 10,0(10 Dutch Quills For sole low at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, nov 18 Liverpool Ground Salt fii/DdVIt BUSHELS afloat—for sale SS'iyWSJ by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 13 Bloom Raisins, J UST imported for family use, and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings dec 10 .Marking ftruaiws, O F * superior quality, just received and for sale by GEO. RYERSON nov 20 Hide Whips. GROCE Hide Whips, received and for talc by ’ N. B <le« 13 , WEED. TICKETS FOUR DOLLARS FIFTY. Literature. Lottery, N. Y'ork, the scheme nf the next class, will be received in a few ifoys, at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 0 CHEWING TOBACCO. J UST received, a supply of Cavendish IJ Plugg Tobacco, and it is recommended &s being a very superior article, for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. nov i f* feather Beds bolsters and Pillows A UST received, an assortment of the 4» above articles, warranted to be of the test quality, for sale by I. W. MORREL. oct 28 Superior sweet Oil. f UST received in bottles and flasks, for f sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. nov 18 State of Georgia, By Elijah Balter, Clerk of the Court of Or- . dinary, for Liberty County. M RS. ELIZABETH WALTHOUR, «p plica for letters of aUminiatrution on Hie estate ard eff cts of Thomas G Webb, ps noxtcfkm: These are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors of the Said decraved, tofiP their objections, if any thev have, in my office at lliceborough, on or before the first Monday in Ma*chneat, otherwise letters of admins iration will be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hund and seal, this tenth day of January, in the the year of ou« Lord eighteen hundred and twenty five. (L. S.) E- BAKER, C. C O L C. Jan U 41 X$W-\m,YL State Literature Lottery, CLASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, 1824, TO BE DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. ®m®sr CANAL LOTTERY, SIXTY NUMBERS,NINE B ALLOT8 TO BE DRAWN. SCHEME. 2 Prizes of J10,000 in 5,000 3,082 1,000 500 200 100 00 12 G $30,000 15,000 3,002 17,000 10,000 8,200 6,1(10’ 3,000 20,808 68,850 13,395 Prizes, ) hi 20,825 Blanks, $171, H»‘ 34,220 Tickots. In this scheme with nine drawn billots there will be 84 prizes with three numbers on them, 1836 with two numbers on diem, and 11,475, with one number on them,— Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 31,220 tickets, the 60 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on tho day of drawing, and nine of them will be drawn, and those tickets having on thorn as a combination the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000. Those having on them the 7th, 8th and 9th—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, 2d and 5th, will each he entitled to $5,000. That having on it. the 1st, 2d and 6th, will be entitled to $3,082. Those having on them the 34,220 Tickets at g6, 1st,2d, and 7th 1st,7th and Sth I st,8th and 9th 2d, 3d and 4th 2d, 3d and 5th 2d,5th & 6th;3d, 7th and 9th 2'1.7th & 9th:3d, 8th and 9th 2d,Sth & 9th 4t h,5th and 8th In this Scheme, with eight drawn ballots, there will be 56 prizes with three numbers on them, 1456 with two numbers on them, and 10,688, with one number on them. Those ckets having none of the draw n ballots on them being blanks. To determine the fate of sll the tickets in the above lottery, 60 numbeis, from one to silty inclusive, will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and eight of them will he drawn, and that ticket having on it at * combination, the 1st, 2d and third aum bers drawn, will be entitled to g.50,000. That having on it the 4lb, Sib and 6th, will be entitled to g 10,000. Those having -u them the 3d, 4 hand 5th and 6d, 7th snd Sth, each g5.030 Those having on them the 1st, 6th and 8th. tad 1st, 7th snd fi'.hftearh 2,128. Those 20 having on them the 3d,4th & 5th 3d,4th & 6th 2d, 4th and 9thbd,7th & 8th Sth,6th and 7th 6th,7th and Sth each $1000, Those having bn them the 1st,3d and 6th;2d,4th & 5th 1st,3d and7th'2d,5th&7th I st,3d and Sth 1st,3d and Sth 1st,4th and 8th 1st,Sth and 7th 2d 3d and 6th 3d, Sth and 9th 4th,6th and Sth 4th,6th and 9th Sth,7th and 8th Sth, 7th and 9th tith.nth and 9th each $500, 2,1,6lh *r,d 7th ’d, 6ihand 8(h 2d. 7th and Pth 3d,4'li and 6th 3ilj 4th and 7ll 3d, 4th and 8th 3d, 5tli and 6th 2d,5th &. Sth 2d,5tll&9tll 2d,6th & 7th 2d,4th Si 9th 3d,Sth & 6th All others (being 41 Tickets) having .hree of the drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d drawn numbers on them only, will each be entitled to 100 dollnrs. The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th drawn numbers on them only, will each be entitled to 60 dollars. All others (being 1731 tickots) with any two of tho drawn numbers on them, wiil each be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having on them any one of tho drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each entitled to 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, of a superior denomination, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu a!, to a deduction of IS per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing nil the combination numbers, from one to sixty, which parcels arc warrnnted to draw at least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the cap ital prizes. J. B. YATES, ) ........ A. M’INTY RE, < Man »g e «>- PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. Georgia—Camden County O N the first Tuesday in March nest, 1 wiil sell aUkflersGn, in said county, » negro nun, named Daniel, the property of the es tate of Mic<jab Crews, dc cased, pursuant to lehve grunted by the Court of Ordinary. MARY CREWS, Executrix* Jan 14 41 Administrator s Sale. HI- be sold at tile Gourt-House in Sa.< vannah, on the first Tuesday in March ne t, between the Ilnurs of ten aud two o’clk. OI K CHEST 03? CARPENTER’S TOOLS, 6t If UNI) KV PATTERNS for castings, tin personal estate cf John Clink, deceased Terms of sale cash. HENRY W’ALPIN. Admiuii.rator uf J, Clark' Jan 14 42 Administrator’s Sa’e. W ILL be m d on the first Tuesday in March neit, it the Court-House tn the city oi Savannah, within the hours prenoribet! by law, TWENTY EIGHT SHARES OF PLANTERS’ BANK STOCK, Vloifging to the os ate ofCom ttnt Freemen, Esq- deceas cd' Sold fw the benefit of the heiri and creditors of said estate Terms of sale cash- JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Jan 14 42 Notice. 4 LL peruna hiving demands against the . estate of Coiutant Freeman, Esq. late of ' M' S4t«i 1 —- a the city of I Washington, deceased, are re quirt'd to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed by law : am! those indebted to (aid ei.t.te, are required lo make immediate [iym.'nt, to ' v -• I JAME'i HUNTEB, Adm’r. Jan'14 I 42(.l UutYpA Hair .Matrasses. T HE subFtriber lias just received an as- sortmoit of tho above articles, war ranted to bdoftho best quality, for sale by 1 /. IV. MORREV. oet W. The peculiar advantages of thia scheme, are, that it has turn highest prizes—the number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of cash to be disposed of in pri- zes.(l7I.IOO Dollars) and the price comes within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at the office of the Geor gian, by W. ROBERTSON, whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot tery, have produced a forge amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50’s, &c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th Class, received as cash. Jan 10 AUGUST G. OEMLF.R, H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to the corner of Broughton and IVhitln- ker-slrcets, opposite Cot. Shellman't Mansion House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of FRESH MEDICINES AND GARDEN SEEDS, and various other articles suiting his line. He abstains relating the whole string of names oftlie things lie uffurs, and only men tions a few which are not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz:— Fol Sabina Pyro Uinbellata Degitalis Purpurea Scullcap, Hyssop German Leopard’s Bano,(arnica mon- tana) Elecampane, (Inula Holenimn) Hops, Ergot Tonquin Beans Squire’s Elixir DafFs do ■ Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyre Jesuit Drop Cough Church’s Drops Aromatic Vinegar Toilet, Vogctali|e& other Soaps Macassar Oil Phosphorous Ox. Mur. Potasse James’s Fever Pow ders Infantile Powders Read’s Stiptic Spirits Soap Fumigating Pastills Pyrolignious Acid Black Drop Respecting the utility of thfo last article he refers to the last, but one, page of the Georgia and Soutli Carolina Almanac, of this yeor. Opt 9 **0f FIFTEENTH CLASS—NEW SERIES. STATE LOTTERY T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th March, 1825, and finished in a few minutts—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be drawn, ScAwme. 30,000 Dollar* is 819.000, 10.000 5,000 2,123 1,000 500 100 59 16 8 10,000. 10 000. 4/ 56. 20,000. 15,000. 5 ’00, 5,200. 21), 800 81*1154 J.05,320 4th,6th and 8th 4th,7th ai d 8H» th,6th and 7th 5th ,6th and 8th 5th,7lh and 8il» each $1900. 3d, 5th and 7th 3d, 5th and 8th 3d, 8th and 7th 31,6:h anc! fltii 4t!i,5tband 7;h 4th,5th and flth Uh.6th and 7lh| All others, being (30 tickets) having threv of the d r awn number! on them will each be entitled to $500. The 52 ticket! having on them two of the drawn numbers and those two, the 4lb and th, will each be entitled to $100. The 104 tickets having on them two of the drawn numbers, and those two the 6(h and 7th, or 6th and 8lh, will each be entitled to $50. Ail others (being 1300 tickets) having .two of the drawn numbeis on them, will eacii be entitled to $16. AH those having on them any one of the 1 awn numbers, ('./t*ng 10,608 tickets, or 13 6 each drawn number) will each be enti tled to $8. No ticket which shrill have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable thirty days after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a deduction oLt5 per cent* A considerable portion of this lottery is put up in parcels of 20 tickets, •embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty, ■vhfch parcels are warranted to draw at least $64, lerg the deduction of 15 per cent, with so mmy chances t\»r the capital prizes. Packages of 20 tickets, by certificate, may Iso be bad by the payment of the difference between the price of the tickets and the amount which they must of necessity draw, such difference being $65 60. MARYLAND. HIGHEST PRIZE 40,000. SCHEME NO. 1 Prirc of—840,090 ia 1 Prize of 20,000 ii 1 Prize of 10,000 is 2 Prize, of-— S.MiCi is 30 Prizes of—--1,000-is (J Prizes ot——590 is 50 Prizes of ——10U is ICO Prizes of ——SO is 5000 Prizes of—-—10 is III. 40.000 Dollars. 09,000 Dollars. 10,01-0 Dollars. <0,000 Dollar*. 30,000 Dollars. 10,000 Dollars. S.i 00 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 50,000 Dollars. 5<-05 Prizes. 14795 Blanks. 180,000 Dollar*. 20000 Tickets it 89, it 180,000 Dol'a s. The whole of the prizes to be floating from the commencement of the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz: On the 5th day, : : i s $10,000. On the 10th day, : • , 5,000. On the 16th day, : : ; s > 20,000. On the 20th day, : : t t 40,000. The whole to be completed in UvaviAa a only \\ The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty days after the com pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioners appointed try the Governor and Council 0\>\»osUft the Academy. A5.EU, RESPECTFULLY informs her friend* Kt- and the public, that her school is now own, opposite the Chatham Academy, for the reception or pupils. Assisted by her daughter Miss E. A. Hsurison, she offers her services in teaching the following useful and ornamental branches of educa tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks for the patronage hitherto extended, she hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and her increased exertions to further the pro gressofher Pupils, to deserve a still fur ther extension of public favor. The course of tuition, and the terms on which scholar, are received, are— 1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and Marking, per quarter, : $4 00 2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithme tic, ills::: 8 00 The French or Spanish Languages, including elegant embroidery, on lace or muslin, to any pattern, per quarter, 10 OO Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00 CP The poBt careful attention will be paid by Mrs. Ker, to tho deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge, nov 2 95 Consumptions, Coughs, £50. The above Lottery commences drawing in Baltimore, on WEDNESDA Y, 11th inst. Tickets $12—Shares in proportion. ORDERS eceived at the Baltimore price, and prize tickets taken in payment, at LUTHERS THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE AT BIS PERFUMERY DRUG AND FAMILY MEDICINE Ware-House, The tickets will remain at the echzme price, (g6) until Wednesday, Ihe Util ins;, when they wil he advanced to g7. J. B. YATES, ) ,, A. M’lNTYRE, ( Man<t S or3 ' Philadelphia, January 5, 1825. Jj“ Orders for tickets or shares, received, and prize tickets in fourteenth class, taken in payment at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 18 Aniw mati'jn Wanted 1 I F G>;ORGF, MILLFR, otherwise DAN 1815, arrived in Snvanmh, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Messrs. Dnwson & Sor.s, of London is living, and will apply to a friends in England, he will hear of •netHng much to his advantage, He left •Mte Aberdeen while she lny at Savannah, and baa not been heard of by his fiienda ainc» : hat period. He had been many years a sr.i* i or, anil while on board the above vessel, was employed as a carpet t«*r. If he left Sa vannah at that time, it is probable that he entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is lands. as in his last letter, he sta<ed that it wa9 his intention to do so. Sliould he have died at any place where a register or certifi cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received snd sll cxpecres attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W.&T.L. CHESTER, New-York sept 9 57 Savannah. Female Asylum. 4 N election for a Matron to this Institu tion, will take place at the Asylum House, on the first meeting in February.— Application for the above to be handed in to the subscriber. By order of tho Board, E. M. LLOYD, Stc'ry. novl3 94 JOHN T. ROWLAND, C ONTINUES to do bu«ine»s in UiHedge- ville, and tenders the ofler of his ser vices to hi* friends *nd the public, in the trans action of agency business generally oct 5 68(b&t§ Beers’ Axes. A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received and for Bale by N. B, WEED act 27 EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Row. nov 9 91 AND GENERAL M ACASSAR/ Russia, Bears and Antrque Oils { Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts of perfume Rosp, Orange, Flower and Lavender Waters Cologne Water in hosea Milk oi Roses, or Beauty's Preservative Low's auperio” merited Shaving and wash Soaps, all sorts of perfume Naples Pof, Cuke and Quintessence^ Shaving Soaps / B * 11 Windsor Perfumed Fancy Soaps, by c SoB p 1 Hair Powder, Plain and Scented Powder Puffs assorted sizes Ladies* and Gentlemen's Pocket Books, with snd without clasps, of all sizes La Fayette, Silk and H ir Sleek* an elegant article for Gentlemen's wear Ladies* Imtispensables, assorted patterns Gilt Card Cases, assorted sizes Visiting Cards do do Silver Pencil Cases, best quality Do. Tooth with tweazera do Lead Pencd3, warranted of the best Penknives, Segar Boxes, Dominoes do Fancy Smell Bottles, Dice, PJayirig Cards Ladies' Toilet Dress Cases Gentlemen's Shaving do. Marshall's Superior Dentifrice Belton's do do Button's do do Prepared Charcoal, from the willow bark Do do Common Charcoal Eye Stones, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortment, Reeves* colours Floating Nuremburgh and French Tapers, for burning on oil Durable Ink, Aromatic Spirits of Vinegar Phosphorus Boxes, Hair Powder Boxes Platina and Fancy Wood Shaving Boxes Round Shaving Cake 8oap do Superior and large Ivory, Bone aud Wood Tied Shaving B ushea English, French and American Superior and Fancy Penetrating Hair Brushes, of all sizes Fine Hair Cloth Brushes, all sizes Do Whist Cloths do Plate, Kail and Comb Brushes Furniture, Shoe and Whitewash do Sweeping and Hearth Brushes Also, his much admired durable and Fancy silver wire I’ooth Brushes, mode on an improved plan, and to order, with plain and fluted handles John Barber's and Thomas Scargill's superior Razors, in single and double cases made to order, warranted to please the pur< chaser, or to be returned D»y and Martin's imported Shoe Blacking Genuine Otto of Roses, large and small size bottles Pearl Powder for beautifying the skin Macrboy, Scotch and Cephalic Snuffs Lorillard's fine cut Chewing Tobacco Tonquin and Vinella Beans Apothecary's Scales and Weights Evans* Crown Lancets. Spring Lanccta with extra blades, with a fine assortment of Surgical Instruments, Apothecary's Glass Ware, kc. &c. Together with a very general and extensive assortment of Drugs* Medicines, Chemicals Patent Medicines, Spices, Dye Stuffi, &c._ All of which has been selected by liimst If and in lieu of the word Per Centage, are all offered st Wholeaile and Retail, each and ev ery article as low priced as hit neighbors. A PARSONS, I Druggist, No. 3, Gibbons* Building* F OR the cure of Cold* Cough., Consuieo, tioni,.Spitting of Blood, Aaihmu, ana disease, of the breast and lungs There ia perhaps no medical observation better esiab iahed, none more generally con. armed by the experience oftlie beat physiol, mi* of all ages and countries, and none of r.orc importance to the human family, than ihe fact that many of the most difficult ard in- curable consumptions originatn in neglect-4 colds.. In a clinr ate so variable at oura, where the changes of the weather are Frequently sudden and unexpected, it requires mure car, and attention to guard against this dangerous enemy of life, than moat people imagine or sre able and wihingto bestow 'I he Mils of mortality exhibit tho melancholy f .ct that the proportion of deaths by this disease may be coniidercd as about five to one. I.aamncb then a* this fatal disease fi t quently LI is red- ance to the skill of the moat learned phjsici. •ns, it ia a gratification to the proprietor that ’■'! i* enabled to ofler to thbae afflicted with ■V zgotdly prospect of relief, in that highly valuable remedy, Ihe Vegetable Indian Sped. *c. The Indiana aie happy in their know, .edge of medical plants s governed wholly by expetieiioe, they are certain aa to their (fleet, snd it ia laid by tn author of great character* that a tiue consumption is a disease nevet known among them. 'This Specific ia obtained by extraction front herbs, roots, flowvra.pI.nL, Ac. when in per. lection. In consequence of a happy enmbina. lion of the most valuable herb*, Ac. it become* a balsam ot a superior value. It heala the in. • j T” , - — .MW IH- T?1 j:!)”?’ "P e "»’he poiea, and composes b after the manner of »n BUTLER’S .tic disturbed nerves, >iiw anodyne; consequently the obstruction of he chest snd the lungs which constitute th.a disease, particularly need its use. It promote! expectoration, which is constantly called for, and whilst it cleanses and heals, it a>Ho give* strength to*:ie tender lungs In tins manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges. tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the sppetite and improves the spirits. This spec!* tic rattv always be given in safety it is mi Id, pleasant lo the taste, and may safely be given o infants, for which it is of inestimable value. It aff ords relief in bowel complaints, t°ethinp, whooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu* Lriy useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and hystericsl diseases. Each bill ot direction contains a detailed account of this di.cesse in all its different stages, and will accwnpa* Jed with the signature of the proprietor in Red Ink\ It is offered for sale by GEO. IJV* F.R.-O':, only (mj sole agent) Druggist, cor ner Ray and Whittaker-streeis, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. , „ Wll BUTLER, dec 30 30 Northern Gin and New-Eng- land Rum. m BARRELS Gin, high proof — 30 barrels New-England rum Landing from ship Oglethorpe, and for sale low irom the wharf. J. B. HERBERT & CO. doc 1C Liverpool.Ground Salt. SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt, received per sloop Good Intent, and for sale by J. 8- HERBERT &. CO. nec 6 Lamp Glasses. ^4ROUND and plain, of every description Vfl Glass Peg Lamps Tin japanned do with candlestick* Tin Lamp Feedera Lamp Wick, assorted, Sic. Constantly on hand and for sale by GEO. RYERSON, Druggist, Corner of Bay and Wliittaker-Streets. nov 20 Swqim's Panacea. (1 It ®O^EN received per brig Frances* u W Druggists in this state wui be sup plied at the original prices, by applying to A. PARSONS, Agent, Druggist, No. 8, GihbeMtBqddijig*. dec 8