Newspaper Page Text
"si \
fc111.i8iiE.19 or nir. laws op tup. union.
This is the age of project! end project ™.
ami there are tew bo absolutely reiliculous
us not to obtain supporters. \V bother the
following is one remains to bo seen. A
Population anti rrprtitnlntion of Georgia.
—In 1817, according to the census tuson
that year, the appointment ol' representa
tives among the several counties in this
stuto, 3U in number, was made by the l«-
daii.v I'APEit, : :
eoe'THV FA I’UK,
• KIVK 1)01.t. \HS.
gale of wind would inaltu sail havoc with Until lull to four members,—Jasper, Jones,
these proposed hurricane liuuses. Morgan, Putnam, ami Willies—S—20.
A writer in the Kentucky Argos rccom- Entitled to three inemhers-Durko, Co-
best judge in thelase, and why isnot th®
same allowed to the niorchunts l They
want Hbttiy in their moveiounls as the pre
sident of the board of commerce remarks,,
ami that would give them the activity and
advantages so much desired.”—Daily Ad-
An accident occurred on Tuesday morn-
lmnhia. Clark, Cliuthutn, Elbert, Greene, jng last, to the Western Stage, on its trip,
uieiuls that, instead of turnpiking, our pub- |j a i| Cnc ) ti Jackson, Franklin, Oglethorpe, down, being the first we believe which has,
. lie roads be centred Kith a roof from town Richmond, Twiggs, Warren and Washing, ever happened on that line. Wearcploas-j
... ..._ » rone-walk toll—I t—42. ed to state, that no injury aecruod to the I
to town, l ’ Entitled to two members.—Baldwin,Cnm- passengers, though It resulted in the loss of
For Darien,
The fust Hailing sloop
Howland, JtituVr,
Will sail with all possible dis
patch. For freight or passage, having su-
perior accomodations, apply to the captain
on board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf.
jun 2ft 54
- t I J L J 1 11 JJlIllMCU IW trru lliuiliubio. a,,..-....., - jiuno. II(^’ H’l vnuug.i 1CUU.8VH ... —
lft ,'». • which he thinks could be done cheaper tnan Jefferson, Laurens, Lincoln, Liberty, a vuluable horse, to the enterprising pro-
' _I_1_ turnpiking, slid he kept in repair at a very Madison, Mlntosh, Pulaski, Scriven and prietor, Mr. Muring. The horses took fright
ll,. unus it will ho no- Wilkinson—11—22. , from one of the wheels running against a
moderate expel ■ y *!„#i»i«.j in one member—Bryan, Bullock, suppling ill descending a hill, und started to
mol, Glynn, Montgomery, run, but went but a few yards before the
stage striking against a tree, the tongue of
P3 ' 1 ' 1
Last night, but one Waslii.igton paper moueravo oageoso. lie says it will be ne Euf . flod
1. 1 ,„pi,ii» 1 i„l„hia and north of that ceseary to use cedar or locust posts, or stone Effingham, Kmnnnnl
and two re ’ j , pillars every 15 or 20 feet on each side of TatnaU, Tellnir and Wnync-tf
city were received. They are absolu ly P ^ ^ „„ vnnr „ k ts tt ml ruf- Total, reproseni atives
barren. Five letters mails came to haml.
The Augusta Constitutionalist says,
but his wrath was
snows have disappeared and culm and su
■nine have agaib sucvec-ucu.
the road ; on these put your plats and ruf-
| ters, and cover the roof with good ouk or
, ash boards about 3 feet long, well nuiled
By thus keeping the rotu! perfertly dry
the carriage gave way, and (he horses were 1
1 consequently at liberty. They set oft' at 1
full speed, with the longue attached to them,
but in short time two of the horses extri
cated themselvo8 from the harness, the re
sume, and to Jan. 18M, the following nmiuitig ono continued to run, keeping in
Li: ruling,
1 AA Bundles Huy
JL vrVP 33 hnrrels Whisker
8 do 1st quality Newark Cider
5 casks Cheese
4 bales Brown Sheeting*
For sale by
jnn 2ft r,4p
w. T. WttYumvs,
S iust received, Memoir of the ] ir .
and character of the Khrhi it.
® URKB ' by James Prior, ^
The Human Heart,
a new novel—87} conts.
Theodor ic,
a Domestic Tale, and other Poems h.
Thomas Campbell. ’
Buclia man's Skrtckes
ofthe Nurth American Indians—1 vul 4i so
Tulrsfir M then, *
translated from the Freucli of J. N. Bouilh-
I 7» cents. >•
1200 Bushels of fine Indian CORN
Corny it's Digest of the Lan
lev r»st we were visited by » snow »»• "J “'"P" 1 ® “ ' “M Since, end to Jan. 1821, tkc following niuiuitig ono continued to run, keeping in » — ~ ^ for sal » " n board sebr Thomas, j with the addiUon^nfe irifcinal AM Pm
® atl ^ . . n ,i,rpw mo the writer thinks it would be a better and. roUI „ j os |, ave been formed, entitled each to the roud, for five inilnu when from co» .;>lete Jins day. For terms apply 1 to the master on CAN DECISIONS bv Thr.m? • hu, i? ‘
itorm, and winter seemed in an angry mo-. than any now in use, ami it 'one representative and one senator exhaustion, he fell dead—Hal. Reg. .board at Ancieaux's wharf. Jtr 1 honi,'.- Dsy,
moot, to assume all the terrors of his re,gn, clieaperone Appling, Bibb, Crawford, Decatur, Do j =* | J an 2 * * 4r
of short duration, the * 0U Wlns * » n j Kalb. Dooly. Rarlv Fayette, Gwinnett. Ha-1 Ship Building.—It is stated that the n
and comforts of such a road, the writer, «hani .Hull. Henry. Houston, Irwin Mon-; Mexican ‘Republic is about appropriating,
; adds, would be uuequalled upon earth—; roe, Newton, Tike, Italmn and Walton.-19 bight millions of dollars to build a navy | m HE subscriber offers the following ar-
Tlie traveller in winter could pursue his representatives and 19 senators. and that the Repub'ie ot Colombia and the tides for sale, for cash or city accep-
* Tnlol lnef Inmelnhirn. rnno. 112 „f»l.. . .. . — • *
It will be perteivod by our note of Con- j uurni 'J u l ,0 “ a s,nootb ’ dr J- firln su,n ""' r ’ 6
gressimml Intelligence, that tho Bill to a-, rond ’ a,,J wul,ld be l )crfui:tl y Becure wi,h -
bulisli imprisonment lor debt has been re . joul the incumbrance or expense of leggins,
tented in Senate bv a majority of three.- 1 or an umh " lla “'>">„.er,he would be pro-
Five members of'the Senate were nbieut i tectlid fn,m tl,e “ corchin ff fays of the sun
on this vote, but it is not supposed that their j * >>d thc drenclli "8 8l »°' vcr “ of r&in ^ he
presence would have varied the result. On j wo,lld be rolievcd iu a e reat lnca " m ' c '' f f° m
the abstract question, (we use tho remarks
of the Intelligencer) of the expediency of
felieving the body ofthe honest debtor from
imprisonment, we believe there is no dif
ference of opinion in the Senate. The only
question is ns to thc details ofthe measure.
Its interference with established practice,
and its repugnance to deep-seated preju
dice—these objects may bo overcome, if a
bill, on other accounts unobjectionable,
could be devised. We are not dishe&rted,
for our part, by the present defeat of this
measure, There remains no doubt of its
ultimate success. By every discussion, the
objections to its passage will become appa-
tent and tangible, and, of course may be
more easily met. We think it probable
that, ultimately, the measure will connect
itselfwith some general bankrupt or insol-
tent lasv, the want of which at present is a
reproach to our system. Every debt-
duced by cutting up the roads whiie wet
and pulverizing the clods when dry.
National Leghlnture.—fn thc Senate, on
Monday Jan. 17, the engrossed bill “to a-
bolish imprisonment for debt,” was again
read : and. on the rjmv’ion “ shall this bil’
pass after debate, the bill was rejected by
yeas and nays— Venn 20, Nays 23.
The Senate proceeded to eonsiifer the
motions ofthe 13th inst., directing the Sec
retary of War to lay before the Senate an
abstract ofthe rules and regulations of the
army ; and a report of the divisions, brig
ades. regiments, battalions, and companies
of militia; and agreed th rcto.
In the House of Representatives, Mr.
Webster laid on the table the following res
lit solved, That the President of the Uni
ted States be requested to communicate to
this House any correspondence which may
have taken place between the U. States
or their agents, and tjm Government of tin
Netherlands, relative to the claims of citi-
2*'us of the United States on t.lmt Govern*
According to the census of 182-1, the sp*
portionmuit of representatives among the
several counties in this state, 60 in number,
two, Upson and Ware, having been formed
last year, is as follows :
Entitled to fovr members—Jasper, Tones,
Putnam and Wilkes.—I—It).
Entitled to three members—Burke, Cha
tham, Clark, Columbia. Elbert, Franklin,
Greene, Gwinnett, Hull, Hancock, Jackson,
Monroe, Morgan, Oglethorpe, Richmond,
Twiggs, Warren and Washington.—18—
Entitled tot wo members—Baldwin.Carr.-
don. DeKalb, Habersham, Henry, Jefl’^rpon,
Laurens, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison. M In-
tosh. Newton, Pulaski, Scriven, Walton
and Wilkinson—16—3 ?.
Entitled to one member—Appling, Bibb.
Bulloch. Brvan. Crawford, Decatur,‘Dooly,
Early, Effingham- Emanuel, Fayette,Glynn,
Houston, Irwin, Montgomery, Pike. Rabun.
Tattnall, Telfair, Upson, Ware and Wayne.
Total, representative! 124
senutors 60
Drought to be absolved from his debts—nor j mont, so far as such communication may be
deemed by him not injurious to the public
pre-existing debts, but debts hereatter to be
contracted—on his delivering up, for the
equal beuefit of all his creditors, whatever
property he is possessed of. We do not
know what more severe punishment of his
debtor the hardest creditor could desire,
than to strip him and his of all their world
ly geer, and turn them naked out of doors.
Yet this is all the mercy which even a hu
mane bankrupt or insolvent system asks for
the unfortunate debtor. We do not see,
that, in devising such a system, we are un
der any obligation to copy those objectiona
ble features ofthe British Law, which have
made its expediency questoinable. Our go
vernment was. at the time of its establish
ment, unique, and we do not see why we
Bay not have an insolvent system, as we
have a Constitution, tui generis. We con
sider this whole subject, however, as being
by the decision ofthe Senate yesterday, de
ferred to the next Congress.”
Banks.—\ writer in a Boston paper
Btaies that there are now in operation in
Boston. 13 Banks, besides the Branch Bank
of the United States, the aggregate of
Whuse capitals is a little over ten millions
of dollars. There are in Boston 21 incor
porated insurance companies, whose capi
tals exceed six millions of dollars, 16 of
them having capitals of three hundred
thousand dollars each, and two of larger
Thcre,are in the city of N. York, twelve
Banks, besides the branch of the United
8t.ates,the aggregate of whose capitals is
g13,450,000. There are in that city ten
marine insurance companies, with copitals
•mounting to j 1,650,000, and twenty three
firo insurance companies, with capitals
•mounting to 800,000. Thc amount of
the dividends made by the twelve Banks in
New-York was 792,250 dollars ; by the
Bank of America, 5 per cent, the Mecha
nics’, Phinnix and North River 7 per cent,
the Manhattan 0$ per cent, the Union 5?,
the Merchants’ 6, the City 5, the New York,
•nd Franklin, 8, and thc Tradesmans’4.
The dividends made by the Murine In
surance Companies amount to 317,000 dol
lars. Three of these companies divided
twelve por cent, including the two dividends
for the year; two divided ton per cent, one
tight, one three, and three nothing. Thc
Fire Insurance Companies made dividends
to the amount of 567,200. Three of these
•>rnp&nic8 divided nine per cent, five divi
ded eight, two seven.
Stale Trafficking.—A bill is before the
legislature of Pennsylvania, entitled* “ A
“bill for the promotion and regulation of!
manufactnringand mining establishments”
which proposes to sell the rights of a corpo
ration to those who are disposed to embark
in this business, and who will pay a certain
■um at a bonus into the treasury of the
Mr. Rankin, of^Mississippi, offered the
following, whieh lies on the table one day,
by a rule of the House
R» solved, That the Secretary ofthe Trea
sury be directed to inform this House nf
the names ond number of persons who wero
entitled to claim land under the provisions
ofthe act of the 3d of March, 1817, entitled
“ act to set apart and dispose of certain
public lands, for the encouragement of the
cultivation of the vine and olive,” and .of
those who have actually complied with
“conditions of settlement aid cultivation of
the vine and other vegetable productions, ”
according to the stipulations of the contract
entered into in conformity with the provis
ions of said act, with the number of the
tract allotted to each individual ho comply
ing ; and also the number and names ofthe
! individuals, aird number of the tract allot
ted to each, who have forfeited all claim to
any portion of said lands, by reason of fail
ure to comply with the conditions of settle
ment and cultivation.”
On motion of Mr. Livingston, it was
Resolved. That the Committee on Roadi
and Canals be instructed to inquire into the
expedieev of causing an experiment to be
made, at the seat of government, on a email
scale, of the most approved mode of con
structing roads on the plan practised under
the direction of Mr. M’Adorn, in England,
and o ’ railways under the patent granted
to John Stevens, to Hoboken in New-Jer-
e £h
he House then went into committee of
the whole, on the bill to provide for the
continuation ofthe Cumberland Road, Mr.
Sterling in thc chair. •
The question being for fil’itig the Manl;
for an appropriation with 150,0(H)—which,
after debate, was passed by a majority of
ten. Nothing further of any importance
came before either house.
There was a vote t.akon yesterday, in th'
House of Representatives, which wo regard
as a favorable augury of the .success of tin
foil for the continuation of the Cumberland
Road. We refer to the vote, by a majority
of 10, to fill the blank in the bill with the
sum of 150,000 dollars.
The House was full, and we consider th«*
vote as almost decisive of flu* hhcccsh of thi
biJU Tiie vacant places and privileged seat*
of the Hall were crowded with ladies, am
the gallery was filled with the lords of crea
tion, attrnctrd by t lie expectation, apparent
ly of hearing Mr. Clay speak on the occa
sion—in which expectation, it will be seen
they were not disappointed.
Among the numerous auditors that
crowded the Hall of the House, of Represen
tatives yesterday, to hear thc speech of Mr.
Clay, we observed General Lafayette and
Son.*—Nat, Int.
New. York, January 13.—Accident.—A
large crowd of spectators assembled
Cortlandt-Hfreet dock about 12 o’clock this
day, under the expectation of witnessing the
landing ofthe pirates, which arrived here
yesterday in the British brig Rifleman,
boat, with the U. S. Marshall, was seen to
put from the brig, in the North river, witli
a number of persons in her, and pull in for
the dock. The crowd anxious to see the pi
rates, pressed forward on to the bridge or
stairs which leads up from tho water on to
the dock, and just as the Marshall nnd the
bout’s crew stepped out of the boat on to
the stairs, down the whole went in a mo
ment and precipitated upwards of fifty por
ous into the river where the water was
Total last legislature, reps.
Tn 1820, the population of
the state amounted to
In 1820, it. amounted to
Whites 191,519
Blocks 153,254
In 1824. it, amounted to
Whites 222.281
Blacks 170,61ft
Increase, in 14 years 140,461,or 56 pr.ccnt.
in 4 years 48,126, or 14 pr. cent.
The following remarks are translated
from a Paris paper ofthe 31st October, for
the New-York American. The editor in
udvocating the convention of Jun! 24th,
1822, replies to several objection* which
have been raised against it, as being unfa
vorable to French merchants, and tiieu pro
ceeds thus:
“ It isnot yet forgotton what an absolute
stagnation followed the rupture of our di
rect relations with the UniLu] States; and
the same state of things would infalli
bly return, if we were blind enongn to our
true interests to recur to the narrow and
shutllmg system to which wo then resorted,
and winch is as well able to introduce rude
reprisals now as in 1820. Tlie distress of
which our maritime commerce complains,
would be much increased, insti ad of being
diminished, and Frunce would, in a gmai
measure, lose that commercial activity
which proves so advantageous, and which,
whether it is performed in French or Amer
ican vrswels, is no less precious to this coun
largo appropriations for the like purpose.—
That, it will be the interest of these states
to build their ships in tilts country is a fact
not. to be doubted. That we build butter
ships than any other nation ofthe world is
now fully admitted by men of naval science
in every country of Europe—better in beau
ty of model, in material, in sailing, and
more easy to work in both light and heavy
weather, than any other ships now afloat on
the occean. For tho purpose of ship build
ing the port of Baltimore is admirable adapt
ed—our artizans, in every brunch connect
ed therewith, are not excelled if equalled
on earth, our facilities for procuring the very
best materials, are extensive and various,
and there is reason to expect from all these
circumstances that some at least ofthe ves
sels to be built for the new government of
the south will he constructed in Baltimore.
That. England has hitherto had the charac
ter of building fine ships is true, but that
she has of late years yielded the palm to
the United States is equally certain. When
the Franklin, seventy four, first visited an
English port she was the admiration of eve
ry beholder, and several artizans there re
quired permission to take a model of her.
Since that period the English hnve endea
vored to build some ships after the Ameri
can model, but they hnve not succeeded.
Their ships do not Kail or work so well as
ours, nor have they that mass of excellent
materials for their construction und durabi
lity, which the extensive live oak and cedar
forests ofthe United Stales furnish.—It is
right the new governments should be fully
apprized of these circura lances, and we
make the statement, in good faith, with a
sincere wish to serve them, ns well as in jus-
tire to our country, and to those artizans
and mechanics, wno for ability, intelligence
and industrv, leave nil the
125 Bbls. Phil, and Balt. Whiskey,
20 lUids. do. do. do.
100 Barrels Northern Gin
ft Ilhds. do. do.
125 Kegs Nails, 100 Ihs. each
70 Barrels Prime Pork
60 Do No. 3 Mackerel
50 Do No. I &. 2 do.
20 Ilhds. Jamaica & St. Croix Sugars
20 Bugs Coffee
60 Barrels Loaf Sugar
90 Pipes Holland Gin & Cog. Brandy
100 Bags Shot, assorted
60 Kegs Dupont’s Powder
26 Tons Swe des Irou, assorted
20 Casks London Porter, pints and
50 Barrels Flour,
Hyson and Gun Powder Teas, die
Slc. die. L. PETTY.
Jan 2ft 541,
T HIS EVENING, the aath January,
the Exchange Long Room, will be
other nations far hehiml, iiiuliimnnjrsi whom i
exhibited u variety of
!’ktu: esque and Mechanical
The perlbrinunee will commence with a
i)i»tilay of AUTOMATON FIGURES, al
ter which American Scenery.
Lafayette, bnmirlit to the Shores of Amer
ica in the Car of Neptune, guarded by Lib
Performances by thc Figures ; to be sur-
eueiicd by Chinese Fire-Works, williom
„ flume ur Smoko, in wIim.Ii will be exhibited
.mpotlt..r»of; thllS thl> Arms of Georgia, and Wei-
numbers ofthe very best are to be found in
come Lafayette. To conclude with pur-
Ship Ophelia, Bliss, Charleston,
S. II. Parkinan.
Ship HenryTuke,Candler, Charleston,
S. B. Pnrkinnii.
Schr. Five Brothers,Fuller,St. Johns,E.F.
Sloop Maria, Snow, Darien,
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston,
Rrhr. Th onas. Revel, from Folly Land
ing, Vir. will) corn to the nuister-
Sloop Express, Harnett, Charleston, 1
day, to Cohen & Miller, M. St A. Smith,
Butler & Scranton, S. A- Condy, C. W.
Rockwell St co. E. Read, J. Gardner. A -
try. fir the best channels nf„xport are there- Mille „ r > C.BakerPhUbrick & Scranton,
by secured l o her productions, and the best i r Mr * K««y. 1
modes of import for the materials required „. ‘ m,’ °« ’, an )I a ' < !' . ,, •
by In r manufacturer. ' L f lo,, P r br «® hors, lowland Darien,
“ Instead ofseekinglo exclude the Amo- 1 da >' a ' f h t®. bales Cotton, oC,miming
rlcan flag from our ports, as the means of « &
i n tro.l.,efngn hurtful competition, our tT 1 ’ 1 ""' and N. J Bayard.-
chants ought rather to study out the can-
bus which render it prejudicial to rrude ;, „ ,.,i n . „ .
to search out the means by which that na-1, .fft, P.T' Dan,n l Vil'T’
t.on so recently entered on a career which )! db Co “ on ' to 0 1! ' Laraar - a nd 1 • J* 111 '
isopon to all. lias boon able to extend its i «, r n • m ...
relations to every aceosssibln to com- r ® ,,aln .' ^, 3 days, with
inerce ;to rival tile English in China and C, "! on - Ma " ,
and even in India; and to take upon itself! r 1 Darien, 3 days, with
to furnish the markets of St. Domingo and , Cutton ’ t0 B,,lb ' r& ,:0 '
South America with articles of the first j SAILED,
necessity. Finally, it will be important to : Ophelia, BlUs, Charleston
examine why France has never adopted Henrv Tnk«», Candler, Charleston
the principle of reciprocity now received Chatham. Holland. Liverpool; srhr. F
by all other countries—a principle, so eon- 1 Brothers, Fuller, St. Johns, E. F. ; sloop
formed to social rights and justice, und so Maria. Snow. Darien ; sloop Delight, Coop-
favorable to tho union of nations, and the er, Charleston.
formances by the Automaton Figures.
flj* Doors to open at half-past six, ami
performance to coinmunce tit seven piocise
j ly. Admittance for a lady and genth .nan
! 75 cents—single tick'd 50 cents. Children
j 25 cents, to be had at the Bar of the Ex-
! change, where refreshments may be had as
Jan 28 54
R ICHMOND superfine Flour, Hnxall’s
Falmouth, Va. do do Thistle, in whole and half bbls
Philadelphia, do do in whole and J bbl.-
For sale in quantities to suit purchasers,
and on accommodating terms, for upprovec
jan 24 50l
Gin, 1'tvk, S a e Moukis, a
C. C. GRISWOLD. ctTers for sale,
K BARRELS Northern Gin
Ul 0 ilo Prime Pork, New-York
city inspection
20 do Mess do
0 Tons Share Moulds
2 Tons Steel
12 Kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
Jan 1ft
do do
JtisWcto t>£ tlw. L'eftce am\
HutoUc Ofivt-.e.
rglHE subscriber respectfully informs the
X Public, that his office is now kept in
| llryaii-Street, iu thn building recently in
ship tbe occupation of Dr. Minis, and in the rear
pregress of civilization.
" Thc only cause of the preference giv
en to American mivigaliou iu our ports, in
brio ofthe City-Hotel, where lie will be found
— 8 at ull hours ofthe buy, to attend to the du
ties of either department.
Jan 27 53|.
A ship was in the offing yesterday.
The sloiim boat Edgedeld, Brooks, from
voL. I and 2—price fl per volume.'
Cow, ns New-York Hi ports,
2 vuls * CO '' ti, ' U “ iion of J U l'«so„’» Reports,
Peake's Law of Evidence,
containing decisions in the t.'i erent st.-fet
and united Hiatus Courts, by Jobunli J)
Norris, l vol. p. *
Cow's Practical Treatise,
Oil the Law of Partnership, 1 vol. $!'.
Montague's Digest ofthe Lino
of Partnership
enlarged by copious references to Ann ricag
d cisions.—2 vols. jju.
Pocket Guide for the Tourist
and Traveller,
along the line of Canals, and the int ri -r
commerce of the State of New-York,
H. G. Spaflurd.
2 vols. 12iiio. jjl.
Jan 27 f,;ln
Goshen J Sutter, I,aid,, c
J UST received per ships William IVo*.
lace and Juno,
15 Kegs Prime Goshen Butter
20 do Lard
10 Barrels choice Hams
10 Half barrels Pig Pork, put up 6/
family consumption
8 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers
12 Half barrels Fly Market Beef
2 Barrels Smoked Tongues
50 Barrels Prime Beef
30 do Mess dq
GO do No. 1, do
40 do Prime Pork, city inspection
12 do Moss do
75 do Pilot and Navy Bread
50 do Potatoes
40 do No. 1, 2 and 3, M&ckarel
100 Half barrels Flour
50 Whole do do
Together with a general assortment of al
kinds of
Groceries & Ship Chandlery.
For sale by
Anciaux’ Wharf
.Tnn 27
Feather Lin.s
J EST received by the William Wallace,
a Inrge supply of the above nrlirin*
with Bolsters and Pillows to match, war
ranted to be ofthe best quality
Jan 27
i. w. Morrell.
Sutter, Fins and hai-i s
| KEGS first quality Gohhen Butter
L ii 15 drums fresh Figs
10 boxes MusnifTl Raisins
Just received and for sale bv
No. 1 Mongin’s New Buildings
Jan 7
Printing Paper.
REAMS of good quality Imperial
Printing Paper, for solo at rnst uni
charges for cash,
tire 27
Apply at this Otiico.
I and ng
pROM the schooner Nile, from Now
sfe**! *-»**«-
Which will be sold low from the wlirrt— to P. M’DERMO'lT.
Jnn 15
Q BUSHELS Corn on boardwht-
JL /v Hampton, for sale by
lan 22
spite of all the duties imposed upon it; is , Hamburg and Augusta, arrived at Charles-
the economy which tliey have 1h.i.i ly intro- • *° n 0,1 Tuesday.
duced. in the fitting out and the saoing of ——— ■' ——
t lieir ships. Every vessel is manned wiin as
email a number of bailors as possible; the
rapid improvements in the arts of naviga
tion, have permitted them to dispense with
many expensive precautions against the.
3 KO BARRELS Superfine Flour
*3 ml 63 Half Barrels do do
Lauding from schooner Friend to Peace,
dangers ofthe seas ; and finally, their ma- and will be sold low, if taken from the ves*
rine law, respecting the right of free bar- eel. Apply to IIALL & HOYT,
gains, does not interfere to impose embar-1 Jan 19
raising conditions upon the merchant or the ' —— —
sailor. Things are not established on this I line nf
system in France. Our maritime trade is ■ J-#C/iiiij wima, UI
shackled with petty regulations, which in-! OUPERIOR fourth proof Brandy
crease its expenses nnd confine its motions. , ^ Do Moih ira Wine
Tcncrifle do
Old Peach Brandy
do Irish Whiskey
Holland Gin
Thn ship master must take his sailors in
such u place or no where; the law prescribes
tlu* number lm must take to work his ves
sel and to supply a loss ; and he is not al
lowed to take any man as an officer who ! For sale low, by
has not proved before the proper tribunal 1 dec 26
that he has passed through the regular 7TT i /.
course of an apprenticeship. VVlPC rCdUCl'S Si* Q V ciSt-IPOn
“ All these regulations are as old as the ( himnev Hnrlra
7th Century. They are contemporary with 7. n ’
those which wore placed by the government JlbbLIVLIIpcr snip Corsair, and for
in our pianufactures, when they were con-1 ^ «alo by N. B. WEED,
sidorod injurious to our interests. Those ” <>c
laws whirl) prescribed the number of work- j
men permitted to each branch of inunufac-
Pi ot Bread
over their heads Assistance being ready
at haml. all, it is bolioved, wero saved, I lure and the quantity and length'of the 1 4 O HALF BBLS. India’ Pilot Broad,
though there were two or three hats re- thread which was to enter into every fab-jX^5 just received and lor sale by
e.ivor.el which they cannot yet find owners rio, have been abolished in our day. I'ri-1 J. B. HERBERT St CO.
_p„ i vote interests has been recognized as the dec 29
for.—£r. Pott.
50,000 ^ DS MOS9 ’ —
Jan 27 t. W. MORRELL.
Swaim’s Panacea.
k FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated
rfi Medicine, just received per ship,
and for sale by GEO. RYEKSON.
dee I
I ast A’ .- licet
1,-OR SALE by
nnv 24
ion 11 ox ; to ves.
No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
State Literature Lottery,
Viait iMft.ti’hssftg.
J UST received by the William Wallace,
an additional supulv of DOUBLE ami ;
will be warranted ofthe best quality.
I N this scheme the amount of casht*
DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the trie
lowing manner
2 Prizes of Stoooc
Jan 27
...... 8,083
....... 5()0
and a Inrgo number of smaller denomin*
tion. and chances for a short limo only, SD
DOLLARS—Shares in proportion.
Orders received and forwarded, freo of c *
pense, by
who ordered in the Lottery just closed,
Hair Siftees , persons in this city,
R ECEIVED hi-,h. i «, ... , No.25.343,combination 54,22.30,
Ihil 1 ; h b> te ^‘“"Matilda,and 2.H10, 8,28,29. 10°
Jan 16 id 1 ^ N. B. WEED, , and a large atnonni in smaller Jiriicr
I J*A*«
Georgia Syrup.
just received and for sale by
Jan 27