Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 28, 1825, Image 4

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    OTiliO iX-liSS.
Sheriff’s Sales. Mid at the Court House in Tatt-
\J7 nail County, on the fmt Tuesday n
Fern uary neat, at the usual bout s of s«lc, t
Ten likely negroes, D.nah a woman, 35 ot
40 years of age, Charlotte, about 15 yearn old,
Tom, a boy about 12, Cyrus, a boy about 10
toilet, about 30 years old, Dill*, Miry, Goci.
end Hester, girl*—Harry a boy about,7 nn.ntlu
bid. All levied on hs the prope- ty of James
A. Tippinl, to satisfv ? fii fix, in favour of th<
President, Directors anu company ot the Du
lien Bank.
Also, 300 seres of land lying in said county.
t ranted to John Robison. Also. 200 acres n<
nd, g anted to John Uyard. Ais>-. 400 acre
of land granted to Joseph Robertson. Al
lying on the waters of the Ohoopie, in *»id
County, levied on as the property of Caswcl
Moore, to satisfy sundry Jifat from « Justice*.
Court, in favour of Alb it P« well—levied by
constable and returned to me.
Also, 520 acres lying on the Ohoopie, with
fome improvement, levied on as the property
of John ll’Fatiaml, to satsfy his tux for 18*3.
All concerned will please take notice
S2J December, 1824.
dec 30 30
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in February next,
Wli.1. sold at ti.e Court-House in sir
W city of Savannah, between the hours oi
ten ar.d four o'clock,
• Eighteen negroes, via. —Charlotte. Baerus
five, Tenah, Titus, Sambo, Nero, Belinda
Dorcus, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Uirius, Cloe, Peg
gy, Anne, B tty, and Monday, levied on b\
Consent, as the properly of N. G. Ruth jrforii
Under a fi fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage
in favor of the Bank of Dnrien.
nec6 10
On the first Tuesday in February next,
plLL be s.dd at he Court House between
the hours of ton and four o’cloi k, the
following three Negroes, vis i
Mary, otherwise known by the name of
Constance, and h*»r two children Lucy ami
R si ah, levied on under a foreclosure of a
mortgage, as the property of William R. Hol
land, to satisfy Gaudry & DuftHire.
dec 4 9
SheiilF’s Sales.
On 'he first .yin Feb uary next,
\ro.LL so u at tne ^iiuit-House,
W tween the usual hours of ten and four
Improvements of Lot No* 10, St. Gall, city
of Savannah, levied on as the proper'y of Ann
Pitt, to satisfy an execution in favor of ihom
as Lucira.
Lot ho. 15, the corner of Franklin and
Spring-sin. Oglethrope werd, with the im
provements thereon, levied on as the P< *>p-
erty of Thus: Williams, to satisfy an eiecn
turn in favor of Jas. Hay man, for use of Win
A house n*he nmth corner of lot No* 6.
O^iethrope ward, near Chatham*st, city o 1
Sav.nnab, to SHtisfv an execution in favor of
Joseph Burnet aga'n.'t Ju ia Briskel.
Half lot v o. 4, Ewinshurg, Oglethrope
Ward, and the untspi ed lease ot three year:
from lat January nest, levied on as the prop
erly ot Robt. Lewis, to satisfy an execution in
lavor of J. ti M. Penderga3t* The above
property levied on by a cohstaable u> de
ecutions from a Justices court and returned to
I. D’LYON, S. C. C.
jan3 3?
Sheriff’s bale.
O N the first i m-sday in February next, he-
ween the usual hours, will be sold ut
the Cou t II oise, in the couuty of Glynn,
Six liu d '-d and forty two acr. s of land,
tho.-e or le u, .imate on the Island of St Si
mon's,'compou d *f several separate tacts,
•Aommonly kno* n is the village and the farm
tracts, levied on and to be told as the prop*
City «f George B*i!lie, under a rule absolute,
granted by the Superior Court of Glynn Coun
ty, on the foreclosure of mortgage, at the in
stance of Rnbeit Scott,administrator of G<org»-
fic 'tt. dece^ e-l. Conditions ca*h—»puri h s-
cr to pay for idles. I AMES BLUE, &.G.C.
Dec* mb r 30, 13 ’4.
de.e.31 31
Sheriff’s Sales,
th*‘fist Saturday after 'he fiat Turs-
II d: y. m Febroaiy neg „ will b sold at the
lurket House, in the town of St Marys, b«.
ve» n the hours of ten and four o'clock, a ♦ w
story house ond out building% situated in the
'• wn of St. Mary*, on lot number four, Icvt-
d on as the property of George W Martin,
lo satisfy an execution in favor of Belton A.
Also, two negroes, Colerain and Silvia, lev
ied on as the property of John Tinker, to
satisfy an execution in favor of Scott awl Bai
ley, and otherr.
Also, one negro man named Boatswain, le
vied on as the property • f Samuel Swearin
ren, to satisfy an execution on the foreclosure
f a mortgage, in favor of Thomas H. Miller,
for Andrew Low & Co.
January 1,18.5.
tar ‘8 *>7
Georgia—Camden County.
StrrF.Riou Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and isclvcster
i | N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
f that in confederation of certain prom
ssofyi notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with interna*, from firM
»f January, 1821, on the fi*st of January. 1822
Sheriff’s Sales.
O v ’he finrt Saturday, after the first Tues
day in Ma r ch, will be SjIiI at the Mur*
• et Mouse, in tha town * f St. Marys, b-twee
the hours of ten and Jour o’clock, a negro
bo, named M res, levied on as the propert
»f Cornelius Rain, to aal a'y sn execution on
foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of .Mm
Ch -Vf»;ier. W H* lUSHBARD, S. C. C .
8t- Vprys, January 1825*
Jan 8 37
Marshal's .’Yule.
On the first Tncsd'y in Ma"ch,
ILL be sol i before ih *. Court Ilnu*'*,
the city of Savannah, beiw. en the
hours of 10 and 2 o'clock
> h 8*5 TWO LOTS, Nos 27 aid 28, lark
son Ward, a d impruvi me: thereon, levie
on as the property of J bn H Morel, to snt»
r y the balance decreed to be due on a dis res
warrant, isNiii g from the Tr .-sury Depart
ment of the United Stmes. ngi-i gi A. 8. I)u:
loch, John H. Morel, a d O -vid Loion*
Mni sin 1 l)ii. G :o,
.1 47
.dministratoi's ale.
\W'I-L«»e wld at tin: Gou t-House n- Sh-
'•Wf vsnnah, on the first Tuesday in M: rch
neat, between tbe hours of ten and two o'cl •.
the n rno id estate f John Clark, deceated
Terms ot sale cash.
Admiuiu ratoi nf J r.lark*
Jtn14 4 *
Adininistratuj a
Le sud
SheiiH ’s • ales.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
>A, be sol:' st th *. Court-House between
the iiou-’S tf 10 and 4 o'clock,
The following six m grots, H^n.iah, Isaac,
London, William, Peter, and Hannah, Ir-viei)
on under a fi- fa. on foreclosure from Job
Hu ’ter to the Planters’ Bank.
F ur negroes, Billy, Mos< s, Will and Jen
fty levied on under a fu la m fot< ch surc
of a mortgage from C. H. Hayden, to J. rein.-
alt Cu ler.
^ A q lantity of Hons hold and K- chen F*:r-
Bitu e, levied on under a fi fa on forccloNure
of a mo tgage, from Ele zsr Early to
jjn 3 32
W ILi. le and mu the first tuesday i*
*I n rch nc*t. at the Court Hr ujc in the
city ot Savannah. wi»h»n ;he hours pi-eacribe« :
PLANTERS' B ANK S TO- K, belonging n
*h-; es ate of Con t ent Fi- emen, Esq duceas
ed* ^old fo the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said e«t n te Terms of sale cash*
jsn 14 42
1M EUL'int.
Thomas Cummintf and others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendunts,
—— Chatham Superior Court, January Term•
182 *
I T appearing to ihe Court, by the a ffida
vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wal
lace and Sarah his wife, Uary Clay, Ann Clay,
Eliza Olay, Mary Jane Clay, William Cla\,
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Olay,
Henry Clay, ai d Elissbeth Clay, whqare par-
»ies defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the liinih» of the state yf Georgia,
and within the United Status,and th't Janie*--
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign pa ts,
beyond the limits of th<* United Rts’es. lii
moiiuo of complainants' solicitors, it is order
ed that the said defendants, first named, do
respectively appear and answer th* com: lain
ants' bill, within four m-ntlia from the dale of
this ride, and the said James Cin>, vit bin nine
months. And it is further ordcied. that this
rule be published once a week, during nine
months, in one of the public Grzc.ttva of th;
state. A true copy from tbe minutes.
A.B. FANNIN, Cleric,
nw 11 4T-v
Vegetable Catholicon.
^JIHE subscribt r respectfully solicits the at
manity, to to the above new and invaiuabh-
s tunted in the county aforesaid, conveyed by
the said Tinothy, to the ssid f-angley and
Selves!er, and lying on the south side of
Great Satilla River, one tract containing aev
eiity-seveii|seres, more rr fess,* two tracts
containing fif*y acres, more or less, and onr
•ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh
ty-eight acres, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three said several notes,
on the days above ment toned, slid thnt aaiii
several noles remain unpaid—on motion ot
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintiU, it i*
ordered, that th said Langley and Selvesie%
their heirs or assigns pay intoCour., vnlliiu
twelve months from this date, ih« sums dm*
on said notes, and the intrres and costs, oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be lo -
ever foreclosed, and that suc h other proceed
mgs take place, ss arp pursuant to law.
True t Xira'M from the minutes, 27th Octd*
her, 18 4. JOHN BAH RV. Clerk.
nov 4 • 87 4"’
Is otice.
N fNR mnn’hs after data application will
ba madt! to the Ilonorablo tho Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known ns number eirrlit, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Munroe) Comity, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of tile estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bnvard.
Jan 5 3lut
Adininistrat r’s Notice.
N ’N^Ke:<T[IR from this date, wealiatl.p
plv to the Honorable the Inferior Cen t
t;hatham county, when sitting- fur ordinarj
purposes, to sell the real estate if Wilhsir,
auf-u.t 12 4,
Administrator’s Notice.
N ine MONTHS after d,it», I alisll apply
lo the Honorable *|.e Inferior Court oi
'Jbatham county, (when siting for ordinary
purpusrs) for leave t- sell the real s 4ft o
Is sc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs snrl ored.
Hors. C. II H4YDK>^
Admmihiratoi •
august 12 45
— ■ ■ *
T HE subscribers being sbout to decline bit-
ui-tes, in this place, request persons ha
_ng demands ag inst them, to present them
tor payment,
f'rt 5
A. B.
Sheriff^ Sale.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
HL* bi sold ut the Ooun-Huuse, he
tween the usual hours o teu and four
O Ciock,
Eighty negro s’aves, viz. Nelson, Rachel,
Sam, Morris, Cha lea, Midev, Hsnr.ah, Harry,
Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules, Braboy,
John, David Nanny, Philip, Judy, John, Har*
ry. Eve, Philip., Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tenah,
Molly, Henry, Ben, Venus, Cain, Cumba,
Cell*, Piora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Lukov,
Paddy, Jenny, Brutus,Cinda, Beck, Fnnnv, T o ,
Hester, July, Phebo, Jack, B> lla, Fanny,
Jack, Robert, Iiaac, Pompey, U* ar, Caty,
Willoughby, Fortune, Hnchtl, Phillis, R»c! -
•rd, tsme", Jane, London, Davy, Ishmnel,
Lizzy, Susy.George, Grace, Cudjo, Caty, Bet
ty. Sampson, Hilly, Molly and Abraham, to
gether with the future iasue and increase of
the families, levied on under a fi fa. 01 •
foreclosure of a mortgage, from George L.
G’opo, in f*vor of Peter Mitchell, John
M’Niih, and Robert Mitchell.
1. D’LYON, S. C. C.
ded 31 31
Attachment Sales.
On Ihe fin Tuetdnn m February.
OfflLL be sold »l the Court House, he
W tween h- hours of ten and fouro'dk
iiree ba e. of Cotton, attached by Petty
a Dreed aa tbe piopertv of Oeorge Cub-
bidge- ! • D’LYON. S. C C.
Jau 31 48
Between W. Davies, Jidtn nistmtpr, Comphiin
anf, and John 1 amoeban v ldm nistrut a*, d
b-nis nov with the wi t tmmxed of Georre
Richardson, and otiurs, Defendants hi
equity Chatham Svpo ior Court— Chance* y,
<0th Jhigust, i 824.
I T appeam.g (ha! John Murray Carnochar .
011c of the deff ndaots in the said bill oi
complaint named, resides without the state oj
Gen-gia, m that part *f tliff Unit -il Kingdom
•*’ Great Britain at.u Ireland, cal;ed Scotland
It is ordered that the said John Murray Cat
oochan, do appear a' d answer to the com
plainant’s sairi hill nulnin nine months fror..
'he date of this order, otherwise that th
sud bill, as to h;in, be taken pro contesse .-
»;d it is further ordered, that s copy of th
‘•rder be publislud once s week, in one •
ht public G zettes of this stat •„ until the tx
*)iraiion of the time within which the suiddt
'endant is required to appear and answer ns
True copy from the Minutes, this 21st daj
August, 1824. A B.FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 5U+
Camden Superior Court.
Henbi Harfoao, 1 „
’ f Verdict MarcliTorm,
Thomas Kino. ) " ,08 -
O N motion of the Attorney of the I’lnin-
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do show cause, on or be-
fbre the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 j
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, fur four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Filrartfrom Ihr. Minuter,
dec 28 25(n
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T HE subscriber havingdia nvc^.-d * h< com
PANACEA, has now a supply on hand for
sale ; he has reduced thep« ice from fc3 50, to
S$2 SO, or by the dozen ft ti.
All charitable instiiutions in the U. States
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order tno
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will bf
This medicine is celebrated for th< cure of
the following diseases:—“scrofida or king’*
evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, Ion*,
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis
oases, white swell* ng md disease of the hones
and all cases generally of the ulcerous charge,
ter. and chronic diseases, generally a »a -ig m
debilitated constitutions, but more espe'dall
Lo n syphilis or tdf >ctio is arising therefrxr.;
ulcer- in the larynx^ nodes, 6fc. and tha
dre»dful disease occusioped by a long an•’
excessive use of mercury, Wc* ft is sign use
fill in the disease of the liver-"
I hive within the lust two yeitrs h.d an np
ourtunity ot seeing, vc:,! ca*ei* of very inve
orrate ulcers, which having pvevinualv reatai 1
cd tbe regular modes ,,f treatment were
nealed by the use of Mr. >Swaim*a Panarea,
-nd I do believe, from what 1 have aeon.
Sat it will prove an important remedy in ,cro’.
uloua, venereal and meren i.l diaeaaei.
Profeasor of toe lnsli'utes and practice
of Physic, io the University ol Penn
sy) vania
I have employed ihe Panacea nf Mr. Swaim
o numerous instance., within tbe Isa' (lire'
ears, and have always found it cxtremelj
■ffiracious, espeeiallv *n aee.ondarv syp iilir
nd mercurial diseases, r have nn .neaitalion
n pronouncing it a medici-e of inertirnsbi.
•»l»e. W. nillBDM, M I).
Professor of Sn-gery in the Um’ly of Penn
Philadelphia, Feb-nary 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Cbcmiat.
1‘hil rklpbla. A’ov 17. 18 !3.
N otice.
P ERSONS having demands against the
(wtnlu of Thomas Johnston, will |rlense
present thorn, properly attested, at. the
Counting-Room of R. & J. Habersham.
Executrix ofthe estate of Thomas Johnston,
dec 18 21
State of heorgia.
By Elijah Baker, Clerk if the Court of Or
dinary, for Liberty County.
M BS. El IZvrtEiIi WALTHnUR, ap
plies for ' iters of ariminiatrstion on
Ihe eatate and eff els of Thsinas G W ebb,
sa next of kin: These are theret-re. t cite
and admoniah, all a. d singular the hir.d’ed
and creditors ofthe said dccea.ed, tofil their
objections if any tbev have, in my offi eat
liicebnrnii^h, un or before tbe first Mon 'ay
in March neat, otherwise Iciters of admin s.
trstioii will be granted to the said applicant.
Given under my h.nd and seal, this tenth
day of January, m lire the year of our
Lord eighteen hundred a d i wenty five
(L. S.) K. BAKER, C. C. 0.1. C.
Jau14 4t
\TINE months after dite, applies’™ will he
; ' -nade to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for n'dinsry purpmea i -,r an
order, absolute, lo sell lots N s lour an. five
4 and S) in Carpenter’s How, and lot N i’
one, (I) Green Ward,in ihe cry of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jaliiieau, dee.
tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors ot
said estate (VILLI AM GASTON.
Qua’i/ied Executor,
n 97.
P ERSONS having demands against the es
tate of the Lie Wili am Craig, due. are
requested to render the same, properly at
tested, within the time prescribed by law * n d
i hose-indebted to said estate^ are earnestly
called upon to settle the same without de"
JOHN M'NISH, Executor.
ocl 13
healthy euercise of their fuuctons, has exci
ted the astonishment, and completHy silen
cod the ol j actions of the most inert d iloun —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to pul
the virtues ot tee Catholicon to as severe a
scrutiny as possible, it was offered by adver
tisement, toge' her w»ti the uttewhmee tf a
physician, gratuitously to auy peitm who
woo’d apply for it, an! vh»*e cause mipht
seem t come within he range of its healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long sta d-
mg, a* d ;ome of them seemingly detpt-r te
ones, or ented themselves, all of which have
been cured or so much relieved as t» warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance wi:l do
so In fart, such is the confidence of ihe physi
cian under whose care these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a coi fide ce revu-t
ing from the irreiis'ihle conviction that h«s
been force d upon his mind by ocular demo»-
s'ration, ai d a peraonal trial of it on h'mse-'
that he permits me to de- lure i' as fi s d 01-
dtd opinion., th»t *he Oalholicun is not only »
perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pew-
er'.ui and invaluable remedy in certain tba-
hhp.s and states of the s stem, such as the fol
Denlity resulting from intemperance and
dissipation} Old and inveterat U c^rs . Bams
in the hrnr 8 Attended with awellmgs of the
join's; Indigestion * Bljt'.hes on the fuue,
plrnpe-, Ac.; AT complaints of the Liver;
Tetter.. y.4ws ; Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases
generally ; Mercurial ami scrofulous com
pi tint*
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges It s word consist* exclusive y
f veg-table mad- ^ with the exception of a
•d ghi d'-t^rmi <atio(i to the bowels^ which it
t reserves in g soluble state, arts insensibly, is
pl -asan‘ to the tflM«, and r- quires n- pamcu-
ar reg*mi'ii, (abs’tin-nco Ir on spirhinus li
quor® 1 vuys eset-.p*' d,) or confinement. As
» gentle Sd'e and egree^bie cathartic nn di
c <.e ‘mprnving tin; appetite and restoring the
rfencrnl * n •»' the »y**eoi # it is cotvfid mtJv
recominei'dcd to iadies in a delicat» situa
tion. \V W POTTER,
•fi6 (Jlissnul-street.
Philadelphia, May 31, 1824
At the request .»f Mr. . W Potter, I ii »ve
•Lie y extiib-ted, in sever*-* in'.tanceB,a <i.e.di
y*t*'d sirup. caiPd do tor’s Vegetible Calho
tieo.-i, wit 5 * the ni-». ; .f dec-ded id van tags* J
lias, -js et, nev-r Uti -d -. tf-icting a cure in
:*>erv case in which I have t-.oiig't proper t*
employ it. H Vf’MUK i'RIE* M O
Ph adephiu, July 28ih, 18.'4.
Mr. JV IV. Putter.
Dear* Sir— Veu expressed a wish vh»t I
would give* concise statement of my snff’-r
uigs from • the ’-opcless commencement. t-<
‘he present propitious stage of mv disease'
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, i was seized
with a violent frver IJa’.ing no medical at
tendnntson board, I was compelled to bear
it» a? I m-ght for two weeks, when on ir.y ar
rival at Charleston, S. C. if was t e«ted a<»
Typhus. I he skdl of mv Physician subdu* d
the fever, but PI «nix-1ike, the termination
of this gave rir tot disease rqnaliy dishes 1
ng, and which, tiff now, 1 had th; tight incur.,
able. V:f.oui abscesses made thei unwel-
come appearance, particularly on the j > nts.
which were swelled to an enormous siz*v—
These g adualiy subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—*n incision wir imw made ann a lart-e
evacuation nf ous, mixed with piecoit of hone
took place. In ahhiion to this, I suffered the.
moat eacruointiiii; ham, in my j tints that man
e»er experienetd Every "thinf- that was
administered either gave me no relief or se -
vedto a(-f> avate the liaeiNe, the aeverit" of
wiii h increased s»*i:Ii every succeed.year.
Snrh w ,s oiv psir.fui si'uation tb.t I lespviren
<n ever beinif restored to my heal Ii; i had
on- only tried t> e e -nlav mean, of relief,
bet n.ed, though in v.-n, every popular rem
edy I could heai O; It was in tin, av ful and
<le *pnnd ng coi’dit O'v inil I was persuade.' to'.e a con-se i.fv-'iir V-i-etahie ’ ■ th
c,, and t e hsppe result is,. f om the ute
of the tree b'tlll,. my whole ty.wm htr under
amt a complete revo ittitin my point It V fi sa
ke me s’ the diseliHree troni my ke-e .icpnh
..o f. mmsh, and si.o i ceareu al'-H- itrer, i'll,
nl :ei from .hence it proceeded being com
pieielv healed. The luiriors, fur the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedie I can name, are. rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, »inch was gone, liaa return, d—1 an
in fact, n ariy well, and f: el contid -ut tl at «
tew hottlea more of your, (10 nt) invaluable
medicine,-will mi ke n.e p. r tctly so.
Yourobl g-d friend,
Phitadclphii, July ‘6, !8'4.
Mv confidence in tho v. ge' tide, catholicon
I, undiminislw-l, and as fresh in taiices of >t.
powers xre daily oocniri, g, in mv own pr»c.
lice I! ave no hesitation in recommending i
m the peculiar diseases to which it is npnl ca
ble, as superior to any re'mc 'v I am acquaint
ed with. M. M'ltUll i IllE, U. D.
Philu.ii jMa, May ?8 18 4
Sin—In conroquenc- of imprudent expos
lire In i * ears ag.. I hau Am misfortune to be
come : ffl ctcd with a, the painful re
sul'Bol wbmh induced me to apply j„ SU c.
ceoshm lo several respectable physicians oi
*•*'-• ci'y. from whom, however, I recr.iveo
eitiier no relief, or from w Itose I re.
ceivcd another complaint quite as distressing
"» the former. My v hole syate v became a -
fecled, I could get no-rest a> night on ac-
ouot of the violent pain that I f„it j n every
part nf my body ; the weakness and e r.scia
tino of wliich was surli tiiat 1 could scarcely
walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard i f
your vegetable cutholicon-fjur bottles oi
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is goon ; and m.
Strength restored With many thanks tor
the rebel your medicine has given me, 1 am
your obliged friend, hr
Sworn and aubacribed to brfo-c me, May 28
1824 JOHN UINNS, A.derman.
could wish to be. With my thanfci, I am your
obliged humble icrvant, eta.
City of Phi’adelphia, ...
George Kmc, of the District of South
•ark, personally appeared, and, being d J
worn, doth declare and say tlmt the above
statement is in all respect; correct and true
mid that the signature to it is in the hand
writing of this deponent.
J ilt ’ BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,, 1824-
The Vegetable Catholicon is peculisrly
adapted to those diseases which sre prevalent
voting the colour, d population of tfie auutli
III that disease wlne.h is railed ya vs, it is a
sure remedy , a single trial nf it, w ill convince
p.enters of its supe rior c to any rente
dy of a similar nature in the United states-
The advantages of this medic'll ■ are, not
cottoning ttie patient unnecessa. Jy to the
house, or keeping him from Ins business.—-
With one solitary .-.ception, dint n’ soiritn
tuts liquors, it dot. not lay any rctricilont upon
hit appetite It .» m gentle in ns operation
that the p.ticnt finds himself getting well he
cunnot tell how. As it is not the wish ofthe
proprietor to take any tiling tor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
p-rsons at a distance who may wish to try
nis medicine, hut who are not certain if it
he applicoble lo their eoinnlaint, are requen
ed In describe'heir esse and symp omt in
a 'ette", post-paid, and directed to him—tie
etler will be immediately placed in hinus
fully competent to decide the question,—
,Should ihe remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be fmnklv told so.
TO prevent d sappoiritm-nt it is we!! to
d>ite Inst it tsees in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 oottie., to effect a cure so that persona who
sre labouring under any serous infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to that
exi. n .it least— if they do not, they might as
well asve themselves tne trouble and expense
f usings su iter qiisntiiv.
All ordert P'>oi p ad and e'ic'osing the money,
inmed.ateiy to, ut.rt lie mrdisint.
pacxed and delivered with directions for use.
1 ' «ny place in thecily, and fur warded aa cii-
re •»( d*J
N. B. To prevent the possibility of »•!; im*
r> sition, it will botuM ie the ci»y of Phlladei*
dhirt, a 1 the office m Fifth near Ract-S»r»*et
*>rat the dwelling ofthe oropri- tor, N>. 66
;hesnui s'raet, only, and abroad by hia a»i’
ihoiiZcd agents. W W
66 Chemist St eet, Pin lade pfi.v
I have appointed GEORGE RYE (SON
Dmggist, of Savannah, mv sole agent. D ug
wa/ ting tbe above vaiuabie medicine,
.‘till b». s- pplied by Itim fur cash, at tlu* s»me
rde, a** it ordered direct from me—v-z. ft30
per d .»t‘i), «>r three dollar* a a ngle bottle.
W w. dOTTEH, itiiiiadelphia.
Any person 0,1 Application to the subsct-P »r
wdl be furnished with c-irtificates of tho . ffi
c.'.c'- oi !|;e Above, medicine, sufficient ’o ''on*
vince the mind of the most a jept'cal., although
too numerous i>nd lengthy for newspaper >n-
sertion. GEO. RYEttSO’' 1 .. Dr i, gmt,
Conner of Bay and Wliitlaker-Streets.
dec 13
Philadelphia, May x8,18°4,
Sir—l *tn now, thank* to your medicine, a
hearty ma;. F n* nearly six years I have been
a martyr to h disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at last got to *uch a height that I
could not swallow without great pain and
difficulty. Turners formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost desperate. The five bottles of the
Catholicon which I h*ve taken have com-
plclely cured me, tad I tm now aa well aa I
N otice.
N INE months sfter date, I shall apply to
the Court uf Ordinary ofUumdeti cour.
ty, for leave to.ell a lot of land, lying >n Mon-
rue comity, in the tenth district m. nbe
ninety-one, belonging to the orphans ofl.evi
Juhnj, dec. fur the benefit of said orphans.
tune 17 20
N otice
-J’HAT ihree months after date, npplica-
" tion will be made to the Bank of the
State ol Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate
ol slock, lor one .lost, issued on the 17th
March,1819, in favor of John M’Kinne,Jun.
or twenty-five shares, anti numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinnc, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824.
rice 18 9!fi'(
VTI^E months after date, I shall apply to
Jlv toe Court of Ordinary of Cam Jett court*
•y 0 for leave to sell the'teal estate of John
0. Young, late of said couutv deceased, for tbe
)>enefR ui the heirs of said deceased.
Administrator estate of John 1). Young
J’p*- 1?
N INE mouths atitr (Lie, application wll be
uiiide lo the Hen. tlu* Jiirigca of the Court
.a Ordinary **.f Chu'-ham county, for leave to
sel: i! * tlw real estate ofthe iate William Cra’
dcceuhcd, ior the benefit of the heirs and cied-
t *ra of said estate.
JOHN M’NISII, Executor
O'l 1?
r-»» MON I1IS after the data hereof, an-
I iii.c.iuiiivillbe nimte to the Hotmrsblt
.nr Inferior Court of Chsihsin county, when
aittit.g for ordinary furpnses, for leave to sob
- lot, wit'i tho improvements, situate ill the
city ot S.vsmn.h, in the said county,mid known
in Hie plan ofs.iid cilv by the Nn. S3, Brown
Ward, tor tue benefit of die lieira and legatees
nf the estate ot tbe Ute Hugh M’Lall, de-
OCt -4 jy
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 oj
4 LL person, h.ving demanda against the
cate of Constant Freeman, late of
the city .f Washington, deceased, a>e re
qoired to hand them in, legally a,toted,
within the time prescribed by law : andthos'
indebted to said est ite, are required to m, k
mmediate payment, to (
Jsn 14
Hide Whins.
fi(D c R0 F*‘ I,ide WI| ‘P“> received and
for sale by JV", B. JVEKD.
dec 13
• rraaoTxpa tniTioa. ’
P a. O P 0 « A L %
Ry r A ft!f E u r - j\-o 50
rortiAf//. H t on for pabHUdng dl.oi-r.
FA MILT BIBLE, contain, JZ }. 5
f "at Hefermct. to be to~p Zdh^r
Vor.UvlE't BO FA I. Ot TM'oZl*
bt,Lebed With a likener-, ofthe Author-
T shall he well printed, on good p,p f .
be comprised mats handsome vcltr, ,
will contain tiie Scriptures of t|„. (j.,
Mv Te'lament!, the Introductory 0
Explanatory .\ote,, and Pracncal Ifc!' "'
!•" 1 “« 'ha cop a Mar -inn BefcrZe, ■
•ni; primed word lor worn ft n„'ii ie , , '
3lereutypc Edition, pubhihed -Snub lire 'a?,*
thor’sdecease The price wih l„.
hoard-: g'4 inahonp, B30, in eahh*!?
Mv,*82E * Urk W ‘“ bS re “ iy ford “ritilii
F.x raet, of Lette-e addn.tedto thePubj,' -
I eateem Dr. Stott's Fim'ly Bible, emi;l ,‘,|,
calculated to promote the cause of . J
F 10 7,i Po-t ble for onclj
read daily he Nmea.nd Oi« t , v ai|„, ls
Favni.y Bible without becoming -i «,'< . 5
better man. F.D'.VAItf) 0 r, t FI’IN
lhHve seen no comm -nUry . .
acnptnru. which I think w well aJaottSta
general use and edification. It |, ,
which every famaly ought to poaacaa. *
It if a work distinguished f„ r ltle , im , •.
tv ..ud convenience ut us arr.nginicnt Hi.
clc.rneaa and fi lelity of its einosiiiona' the
neatness and nerspicudy of it . style, the o e .
uevul n:e and CMiidour of iu apiriq the cw-,.
ciseness and pertinency of us applies'! ni
tndfitr Us uniform let d. ncy tu pro note cv.n>
ge!ica< trutli and piety.
- * A BIEL iiOLME3
Df Or. Scott’s F.mily nu>ie, I ie | free „
sat, lii-rt III mv estimation it deseivedly t ,iki
among our ablest and bos. ri.i.nm nt.-i,.,'
_ „ , „ THOM'.-, BALIItvjj
D... Scott** Famdt R b!c niti'nde.. «,...t c [,
pecislii' tor reuse of (ji,i istitm .mihr. „•,
work high y evsngehcai, exteits.veiy mat uc-
live, and deeply »iiUTc*:it,ir
The character of Dr. Seoti’a
on th-* Bible ta so generaII, am, to
i ghiv app.oveu amongst the m m i B tellig.Bt
and pious Ui.r,L.t.a.|»thr ,ii, ( :iout our cn nVtrv:
and has passed rapidly tf-.u R ‘, an many Is
ediiiona, t'-at I decn, futtber lec mmenda
uons needir sa*
. . J VO : ^E.
I am acquMnf with n*> (lom-M iu-.r on
th Sacred c q’lu.ea, wbirfi I would m«-e
oordially»mcna I'or general u<e. Itt
plan ofthe work iaruud
Perhaps in no way, can miniate rs, i st uct*»t
of youth, and private Oh iatians, do eu'itrr
aerv’ce to society, than by exert ng tiiem*
selves fo didu'.minvte this r ulv invn'uibie
wo-k JOSHUA HUN ‘ irvGTON.
I^now of no ‘romm.fnta y which i, b- ttef
calculated *br diffusing correct viws of «h»
gr» at truths uf.CInisliunity, ai d leaving sshi*
•ary inquessioiis on the mind when riirg
'm m the pr.’u ul of it* than the one you arc
abuut to pub Jib.
No writer seem* loss dxpnsed to contend
for barren speculati ns None more unif rm-
ly or more pow< Ttaly inculcates the great cu
sentials ot religion. The spirit which per*
vadea tbe work it excellent; it is the me<f;
uffeotionare, healing, yet fadliful spirit of the
ffospel. DA MEL DANA.
From particular ex.uniuati n. and concur*
ring ttsiimonv, the r. is no d-'ubt on my mi..d
that Scott’s Family Bibb* is superior fo ail
Olhei* JO-f P;i EMERSON.
Vou will please to se- d me six copies of
Sc It’d Bible / I refer lo y:.ur saiely proposed
edition. Pernapa I Khali induce five m ire to
k«: ‘.he si*me number. ||. L.
I‘ is with extreme pleasure I perceive
y<u are about to publish a’new edition *f
bc< t’*b Buile. Having been in ponscssmn >f
t more ti<a) <0 yt*ai>| 1 trus I know some*
thing of us va.ue, and am dettr. mineJ to n^o.
nune «•» c ivulation among my friends V m
wih please forward six < opies ah soon as puiv
Mslu’ti. o. M.
1 have obtained foil*- ’nibfCfbers f°r ihe
excellent work you are publishing If. S.
1 propose to take seven ,»efs nf Scoti\ Oi*
bit, and wiii be accountable tor the same.
* J G.
I have obtained suhtciitiirrsfomim c- pir.i
of Scou’.n Family Bible J
J shah prohiibiy need eight or tfn * »s J
Scott’s Fumily Bible, J P*
Rev, S. b. ot P. has o l lained ten subsetr
hers. k. U.
I have observed that you are about pul»-
iishing another edition of Sco t’s B ble (
hope you may succee’i as you li ve done in
former editions. I have been endeavoring to
procure subscriber* •m-ji g our people, ami
euor more subscribers wiii be ob ai-ed.
0. S If.
I will take ten sets (nf Scott's Ij.hie}
bound and lettered. J. F*
I have obtained ten subscribe* s fm* y u?
edition of the Family Bible—and li*«v "
d ubt but there mij;ht he s-mclli" g i-ke '.0>
copies rold in this place if you had an a^»n*
tare—I thought the work ought to bv* en
couraged and for lint re-ison took a subscib-
iion paper It is « work that every fund?
should have that is able to purc.hf>sc.
J K tTC.
I am glsd, ’hat y r u propote to print Wr-
8coti*s excellent F .mily Cornmen ary, ai d
should be very glad if it were in my power >c
give a more libmal pa'ronage io the 'vo*k r
than, as circumstances are, T can I shall)
however, be able tn do something ; elf,' i 1
ren se'* I shall r e rtainly take; and it ir.a> be,
double that number. A, 8.
1 have procured fifteen subsrribirs to
Scott’s Bible. J *,L).
1 vh.nk I shall dispose of 20 seta or m > e it
T.e Famdy i .ble. E. B
I have circulated propo*k!s for Stott’s,
B’blc ,* how many have been engaged in ail 1
cmnot i» V f hut between 20 sad 38 sets io
h s vicini'y. J. S.
I !»ave c ncl'ided to become responsible
to you for ihivty set* of Scott’s Commeid« f y.
C B.
I have procured 106 aubreribers to the
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in calf 3 sets o
be done in boards the other 97 jets, bound
and lettered sa described in tbe prospectus.
H. M:
1 presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers for your edition of Scott’s Bible Tha
demand is increasing for them They wi'l
finally supersede everv other ’arge or Family
Bible. Fifty of iny subscribers live within a
circleof 8 milts! J. L.
Just published an edition of the sam* work,
.ompleted in »ix volumes without ruaiginsl
references; prict* in bo:.rds ftl8; in sheep
£21 ; in calf ft27. Either of th.*oe editiwnl
»n»y be had of ilm publish*'r in Bos on ; cr of
3. C. & J SCKENCK, Snvunnuh,
la 11 39
«>\ar U.vng BtusAyra,
O F a superior quality, just received and
for sale by GKO. RYEKSON
nov 20