Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 31, 1825, Image 2

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BY «l. * w. HOBERTSON, puulihhkh* of Tilt i .v*vs ok thk uMov. a |, au ^ j u f* r om Havana tor Vera Cruz. Havana papers to t!io 15th instant have been rmuvrd at Charleston. A consider able body of troops had arrived at Burnicoa from Spain, destined for Havana and Veru Cruz. A frigate, three sloops of war, and bcvoral transports with troops onboard were DAILY HAI'EU, : COONTHY PAPER, » EIGHT HOLLARS. : FIVE DOLLARS. MONDAY MORNING, JAN. 31,1»^ The mail north of Charleston Ima again failed- Five are now doe. By the steam-boat Augusta, arrived yes terday, we were favored with the Charles ton paper of Saturday afternoon. Rer.ept'on if Lnfajtiie.—-At an extra meet ing of the Common Council of this City, held on Saturday, the following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted :— Resolved, that Aldermen li tmus, Hul- toeii, Mims and Jackson, bo u Committee of Council to report tu this board at their ■ext regular meeting open the best manner and mode ofreceiving Gen. LtfAvr/rTE on hia arrival in this City, having due regard to hia high character and standing as a Revolutionary Officer and Patriot, and the wish of the inhabitants on this subject. Tht Indian Treaty.—The Inst Georgia Journal states, that since the arrival of Col. Campbell, one of the Commissioners for concluding tho Indian Treaty, at Washing ton, a full developement has taiten place of the causes which led to the lute failure at Bro ken Arrow, and that those who spread toils for others, have been, fur once, caught them selves. Another meeting of the Indians and Commissioners, is expected to take place shortly nt the Indian Springs. The same paper observes, we presume upon good authority:—“We are gratified to know, that whatever may be the determin ation of others, our delegation u re determin ed to persevere to the end in their support of Mr. Crawford Naval Promotion The Charleston Cou rier informs us that alctter has been receiv ed in that city front Washington, which atatoS that the President hue nominated to thy Senate, 96 Mipshipmen as Lieutenants in the U- S. Navy, and that tho nomination had paesed the Senate, by a pretty close vote. These promotions embrace the whole number of Midshipmen who have success fully passed their examinations, with ono exception only. A Washington correspondent of the Bos ton Courier writes a. follows “ No ap pointment has yet been made of a Minister to Mexico, and probably, from motives of delicacy and respect towards his succi>sor, (whoever he may be) the President will leave the vacancy to be filled by him. The new President will have a fire opportunity of providing for his friends in the diplomatic line, os there are now two vacancies to bn filled, at Buenoe Ayres and Mexico ; and Mr. Rush, at Loudon, and Mr. Nelson nt Madrid lave both expressed their deter mination to return in the spring; I should not be greatly s irprised, if Mr. Wirt Bhoultl have the offer of the mission to London, and a better appointment could not, probably, be made.” A bill 1ms been introduced in Congress to exempt boats exclusively employed on Canals from enrolment or tunage duty.— The second section provides for the sei zure and confiscation of any vessel naviga ting any Lake opening an intercourse with the British provinces, without a license.— The residue ofthe bill relates to cargocs&c. One the documents transit,itied by the President to Congress on the 17th inst. an nounces the fact that the Western Bounda ry established by our treaty with Spain, has been recognized by the government of Mex ico as the true boundary between the Uni ted Slutes and Mexico. Very late from Peru*—The schooner En deavor arrived at Charleston on Friday.— The latest accounts received at Panama, previous to the sailing of the E. left Boli var in possession of Lima. On the 'it’d Do cember, Commodore Hull had declared the port of C'aliao under blockade, in conse quence ofthe illegal seizure ofthe ship Chi na,of New-York, by the Royal Uuncral Lodcll. | By an nrrivul at Norfolk from Valparai so, wo learn that Capt.Carter, who sailed from Norfolk in command of the U. 8. ship ■ Peacock, hud taken his passage to return to i the United States, leaving Lt.Beverly Ken- 1 non in command of that vessel. I Tl,e frigate United States, Com. Hull, and Peacock, Lieut. CuniMl Kennon, wore at Callao on tho 10th of September; tile latter had lost a lew of her men by antall pox, but its depredations hud been cheeked und the crew were nil in good health. A letter received by tuo Canada, from Valparaiso, states that a battle hud been fought on the 3d Sept, between Holivnr and Cunternr—the two armies amounting to a- bout 17,<100. Tho slaughter was prodigious —3 to.7000 men being left on tho field, two- thirds of whom were Royalists 1 Victory decided in favor of Bolivar. ) Messrs. WoRTf.KY, and Dr.Ni- son, tho Members ofthe British Parliament, | who have been on atour through the Union, arrived in Charleston on Thursday. From the Southern Patriot of Saturday.— Attempted Assassination.—Tile Pensacola Gazette of the 6th instant, mentions that an attempt ivus made on the Monday pre vious. in open day-light, in one ol'tlie streets of that place, by Peter Alba, jnn. then May or of the town, to assassinate Col. White, one of the Commissioners for ascertaining Land Claims, in West Florida. The cause of the attack is snitl to have been the dis covery and exposition by Col. White, of a scheme of fraud, in which Alba with others is asserted to have been engaged, to pos sess themselves, by fabricated titles of some ofthe most valuable property in the coun try. Extract of a letter from Mntnmas, dated 13th instant “ We have accounts hereof a horrid deed being committed by the Pi rates. It appears that the brig Betsey, Hilton, from Wiscasset for Matanzas, was wrecked on the Double Headed Shot Keys about ten days ago. The Captain and crew fortunately saved their lives by lauil- ingon one of the Keys. They had got as fur as Santa-Croz in a fishing boat, when they were fallen in with by a piratical boat, and all murdered, excepting one man, who for tunately Was knocked overboard, and reached the shore. It is reported the pi ratical boat and crew wore afterwards cap tured hy a British vessel of war. There is much excitement here on the subject.” Tea Plant of Louisiana.—The tea shrill) of Louisiana, has attracted the notice of onr fellow-citizens in ditferent sections of the United States. We have been inform ed by Mr. Win Lewis, who first made its discovery known, that there are several small plantations of it now growing in this state, and that it thrives most luxuriantly. We have been likewise informed by the same gentleman, that, from a comparison recently made ofthe seed of the Louisiana tea shrub, with that, of China, there re- mams not a »iuui»«. »»*’ »i.« "itmK of this conn* try bemg the genuine tea-plant. Home it only remains tor ourselves to cultivate it in fiiu h quantities as to supercede the necessi ty of importing it. Remark.—The information contained in the above article, which is going the rounds of the papers, is now ascertained to be founded in error. What, has boeu called the “ Tea-Plant of Louisiana, w turns out on examination to be a species of Indian Mallow, indigenous in this country, and growing spontaneously in tho middle latfi- tuiles. When it was announced about a year ago, that the Tea plant was in suc cessful cultivation in Louisiana, dried leaves were sent to Ur. Mi lei tel as of Hyson, and made the subject of experiment by himself, am! wore distributed among his friends.— From the trials then made, un opi .ion was favorable to the actual culture und spread of the Chinese Tea-plunt in the open air and gardens, until a parcel of seed from the Louisiana plan.t arrived here in October, l U21. when it was discovered that the ve getable producing such seed had no analo gy with the two species described in tho Linnienn class from which the genuine tea is obtained in China. One distinguishing character of the latter is, that it has a cap sule containing thnt roundish or oblong seeds, and no more. The Louisiana plant has a great number of seed*, very dilferent- ly disposed iti the pericarp, and of a vGry ditferent figure und size. The seeds wore transmitted by Dr. M. to the Horticultural Society for culture and investigation ; with an opinion however, that they were not the produce of the Chinese Ten-shrub. Within these few weeks the subject has been cleared up. Branches, as well as seeds were received from Mr. George Wallace of Braddock’s Field, where the shrub is cul tivated us the Tea-plunt, by which its bo tanical name und position have been correct ly ascertained. They are well known to botanists ; but it is not so generally known that the leaves ofthe % shrub were of any dietetic or medicinal use. The branches and seeds reebived from Mr. Wallace, were made the subject of a communication to t he class of Botany and Materia Medica on the 27th November last; und the facts now mentioned worn stated in an article which appeared in the Minerva on the 4th Decem ber foliowing. We understand that Charles Henry Hall, Esq. of this city, has politely oifered to procure the genuine seeds ofthe Tea-plant from China, for any gentleman who wishes to cultivate it in this country. Ev. Pont. received have gone into store. The finer qualities of bleu-lslauds are still brisk of sule at previous prices. Eire.—The demand for Rice has been limited this week ; the sales made have been at previous rates—strictly prime, if such were in market, would, no a-.ubt, com mand a ready sale. . We quote 2} to 2j. fbf inferior to good lair, und from to 3} tor prime. Havana, Jan. 15.—Rice, sound and clear grain, 4 6 a 5 1 ; Soap, 7 a II; Co lice, 1st quill. 12 ; 2d and 3d do. 9 a 11; triage, 5 a 8 ; Molasses, keg of 5$ gulls. 3 a 4 ; Su gars, ass. 3-5th while, 2-5ths brown, 8 & 12 a 10 fa 14 ; white alone, 11 a I4J ; brown alone, 8 a 9$ ; Muscovado, 7 a 8; Segura, 8 4a 15. Exchange—On London, 18 a 19 per cent prem. in demand ; United States, 6 a 7, do. —Export duty on gold, 1£ per ct. ; and on Silver, 3 per con*. Freights—To Grcat-Britain, £ stg. 4$ a 4.J per ton. ; U. S. $4 perhhd. $1 4 a l 6 per box. £ ct. per lb. Matanzas, Jan. 15.—Sugars, (scarce as yet) assorted, 3-5ths white, fa 2-51 hs brown, from C a 12 arr. ; brown alone. 8 rials ;— white do. 12 do. : Muscovado, 6 n 9; Mo lasses, keg 4i ; Co tie e, 8J a 12 ; Rice, ql. 4, improving; Exchange on United {States, f. a 74. iVl SAVANNAH. JAN. 31, 1325. DOMESTIC ART ULUS. Cotton—Upland, pMii -16; tuir to good, 13 a 14 / infer»«»r, 12 ; Sea Island, Vfi « 40. Rice Flour—P'riladoip H. B Richmond, h: rl A'exaud'ii, superfine, 5} .. 5$ Corn—43 a 46 cents per b'Lucw Oat a -50 do do Peua —50 do do Hoy -Prime Northern, 80 cts Whiskey-*Pennsylvania,# a 28J cents per gol \ cw England Ruin’—$6, sales, do do JSo thcrn Gin—35 a 36 ({•» do Tobacco Kentucky; Gco gia, &c. 4^ a 5. I ul ow—8 cca’.s, toil. Fotfc-Mess, $14; Prime, It. Muckare'■—No- 2, $5 , No. 5, 4 a 4$. Bacon—St, 8$, plenty. L ird -10 naies. Butter-—10 a 19; Northern, inferior, 8 a 13.' Cheese—5;; 7 cents Soup Yeilow, 4 a 9 cents Candles—Northern, mould tallow, 10 a 10 Georgi 1 , 15; Sperm, 31 FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. B igjing—Dundee and Inverness 42 inch, V2 n '5 dull Oxnabwghs—10 a 12,. Cognac Brandy—\ 0i 137 ?ts per gal. Holland G.n -9" a 95, do. do. //•on—$ A-edos 93 a 95 per ton ; English do 83 a 85 do. ; American do ; 83 •. 85 ; Slue, rev cw'.. 9 a 9. Suit -Liverpool, coarse, inbuk.4? a 48 sales* pl.-nty. Sugar—white. g!2 a 13 ; Brown, 8; if s'c vado, 7$ 4 10 ; Sr. Cro.x, prime, 10 a 10$; N^w-Ov.eauf,8 i9; ft. fined Loaf, 16 n 2), dull Coffee-Havana green, t* ; St. D >rningo,from good to gree-., 15 a16 Hyson Tea—100 a 105 ee^s per lb. Rum—Jamaica, 90 a 100 cen 8, dull; West In* d< rrnar, i?im*n-i. .Molasses—W eat India 28 J —None in market Britsi Dry Gouda.—30 a 6u per cent advance. Vickery. 0 h 30 per cent. do London Porter—$ ’ 75 a 3 00, per d -sen. STO K8. United State.a Rank — N ' .ales. Bank of the State of Georgia—81 for 100 p d m. Planters'' Hank—67 for 80 paid in. Darien Ba\k—No s<d-.*s S.eam li at Comp-uiy —No salen- Marine and Fire Insurance Company—No nales N B »t«lc Bmk <>; G.u-Kia, payable in SuVfi'nah, Planters'Bank, and Bank of \u g Sul, notes, received in p lyment for buuJs EXCHANGE. On F.ndand—^^ m 10 ?e c*»»it.’ei. F ance—5 15 h 5 '0 -n Boston —50 day*, p »r to 4 ..(tht, 1* r. S. jY York. 6t d .vs p »r : sig t, la ^ Ph'hule'phia. do do. Baltimore d ► do Char'esto ,sight. 4 to 1 prera. A On olinn S B ink A©tea ,) ;r J a ii, Cape Fear and Awe n l > 3 d.s* FREIGHTS. To Ragland. 5 8 to $ F mne, o in French vessels. JYtw York $ ct, REMARKS. COTTON.—Uplands have been Helling from 12 a 16, during the past week—the latter price given for selections. Sea Islands range froin26 a 10, and some fine fancy brands go above our highest quotation. The demand is steady, and the certainty of a short crop, renders it proba ble that prices will be supported through out. the season. RICK—May be quoted at $2 25 a 3 12$. Tho stock is not heavy. Tho sales of the week have been about one thousand cusks. CORN—13 a 45 cents. A ship took a pilot ofl‘ the Bar yesterday. The ship Edward, from this port Ibr New York, wus spoke 20th inst. lat. 32, 30, long. 78, 48. , .The brig Celia, Fuller* for Charleston or i Savannah, was up at Baltimore, 17th inst. The schr. Uose-iu-Bloom, was up at Charleston for Darien, on Saturday ; sloop Je opard, Sturtuvtnt, at do. for St. Simons with despatch. ci.EAUKO FOIl THI8 PORT, At. Charleston on Saturday, sloop Herald, Heath. ARRIVED FROM THIS PORT, At Charleston on Thursduy, schr. Eliza June, Davis, 1 day. up for this PORT, At Charleston, 17th instant, steam boat Hamburg, Blackman, despatch; steam boat Edgefield, on Saturday. T HE Commissioners of the AUGUSTA MASONIC HALL LOTTERY, have the satisfaction of announcing to the pub lic, that they have completed the necessary arrangements for offering tiie tickets for sale, and now present the following very desirable exhibition of the favors of For tune, which are promised to all who will participate. From the general desire n»ut\- ift sied tor the encouragement of this favor ite SCHEME, they anticipate a very early commencement ofthe distribution of prizes. AUJIW31F& MASONIC HALL LOTTfcRX, AUTHORIZED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF T1IL STATE OF GEORGIA. For Providence, Tilt! slli|l M A It y A L M Y, C. C. Coilk. Mush r, Havin': tliroc-tourtlis of Ucr csr- f o uinjujfod, will have iinmniliatu ik'rt|ia!eh. 'or freight or passago, apply to Captain Cook, on board, ut A. Low* &. Co<s. Wharl, or to PARIS HILL. Jan 31 . ; hfi THE Dramatic Y cntr\\uqu\a\, f NFORMS the public* that he will give a MUSICAL AND COLLOQUIAL DI- VERTISEMENT, at the Exchange Long' Room, on TUESDAY EVENING NEXT, to commence at seven o’clock and conclude at nine o’clock, on which occasion, Mr. Taylor will exercise the most extroar- dinary inflect ions ofthe human voice. ■ For particulars tee bills ofthe day. Jan 31 55 1a w,> rplIF, subscriber has removed bi B X to the brick tenement belon™,,,. 'S‘ S;;tes. Esq. near the (State and £*: Slutes Bunks, in Drayton-Sired. fcU CHARLES H. STARR ^' ul 31 . itie Semi-Monthly Jisseniliu^' A w/.'v tvr! 1,6 g !' e " To-MGRltoiy L\ LX1XG, at the Assembly Hki\ Broughtun-street. * ’ ^ Jan 31 i 55 OFlEiS. 150 sale bheriil ; s aalts. On Hu first Tuesday in Ma ch r,« VV 1L) ' be . 2 iu *“ , !‘ e ‘ 0urt H"ww. m Y Y cii) el S.vani,»b, between the L01 ? N l ;en and lour "’clock, ’t The following 5 negro.., v , Pc , hi. wifs tt-eir cin'd i n Mt.r>, Ti v, M i I’e.c lla, levied oil .« ibe pmpe'iy cl j'„ ; B ihn, to lat'it'i an eiicvUn inlnvor .Pierileat, Utracto.a and Comr.anv ., ,f Ba k of bv U Mates. 1 J U !hf Al tiita, lot of ground knoa-n end r-e BAGS Prime St. Domingo COF-' t r <l ui 5 J F d . eU tblrtv-r.irt (33; i B ? fc J >U FEE, entitled to debenture, Ibr 't 'avn , by J.P. HENRY. ^ i T f At ’ a 1* ... -/■ e gb»« u i o- f ticre«, be ibe s m.. tr?« * * an i. a*, aitua'e to the of th#. r \-.. V** r,f SALT. < Oft ft ^ U S H E L S Liverpool lO^UUU* Ground Salt, lauding from (he ship James uud brig Osgood, for sale by P. M’DERMOTT Jnn 31 SC II E E. 1 Prize of 3U.000 is 30,000 1 Prize of -20.000 is 20.000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,(t00 10 Prizes of 600 is s.niio 50 Prizes of 100 is 5.0110 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 5175 Prizes, ) 12025 Blanks. ( 133,(100 18000 Tickets at Ten Dollars. Less than two and a half blanks to a prize. THE PRIZES ONLY TO BE DRAWN. All the prizes to be floating from tho com mencement, except the following, which will he deposited in the wheel at definite periods, viz.— On the first drawing 1 prize of 10,000 and 1 ofoOO. Oil the 2d, 1 prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1000 and 1 of 500. On the 3d 1 prize of 10,000 and one of 500. On the fourth 1 prize 5000 and 1 of 1000 and 1 of 500. On the 5th I prize of 10,000 nnd 1 of 500. On the 6th 1 prize of 5000 and 1 of lOuO and 1 of 500. On the 7th 1 prize of 10,000 and 1 of 5000 and 1 of 500. On the 3t|i 1 prize of20,000 and l of 1000 and 2 of 500. | On the 9th 1 prize of 30,000 and 1 uf 1000 and 1 of 500. THE WHOLE LOTTERY TO BE COM PLETED IN NINE DRAWINGS ONLY. [UF The drawings to commence as soon as a sufficient number of Tickets are sold. The whole of the prizes payable in thirty days after the completion ofthe drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent.— All prizes not applied for in twelve months, to be considered as a donation io the funds of the Masonic Hall. Lime, a In utter Sails, •. c. K ft CASKS fresh Thoniastown Lime Ovf 30 Barrels New-Eiigland ltum 20 Barrels Glauber Suits 30 Barrels and half barrels No. 1 Boston Bay Mackarel 30 Do do No. 2, do Landing from schooner Ruby, and for sale low if taken from the wharf, by ROBERT S GOFF. Jan 31 56p (Hit, Slim e M mills Pork, ire. C. C. GRISWOLD, offotfl for sale, WX BARRELS Northern Gin • 20 do Whiskey 8 Tons Share Moulds 20 Barrels Mess Perk, New-York City Inspection 15 Barrels Newark Cider 100 Kegs White T.f-ad 22 de Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels \V biting 3 Tons Stool Jan 31 PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, TEN DOLLARS. For sale in a great variety of numbers, at the COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE, in Broad-street, Augusta, a few doors below the Bank. J. S. BEERS, Secretary ofthe Hoard of Commissioner\ Orders for Tickets from any part of the • U. S. (post paid) enclosing the cash, uddres- 6e.J to Urn Secretary, will meet with imme diate attention. Rules and regulations adopted at a meet ing of lira board of Commissioners of the Masonic Hall Lottery, January 8th, 1825. 1st. The Commissioners shall assemble on the Saturday of every other week. 2d. A majority of the Commissioners shall constitute a quorum tor the trunsac- •VtUice. T HE subscriber offers the following ar ticles fur Bale, for cash or city accep tances, VIZ. 125 Elds. Phil, and Balt. Whiskey, 20 Hhds. do. do. do. 100 Barrels Northern Gin 8 Hhds. do. do. 125 Kegs Nails, 100 lbs. each 70 Barrels Prime Pork 60 Do No. 3 Mackerel 50 Do No. I & 2 do. 20 Hhds. Jamaica & St. Croix Sugars 70 Bags Coffee 60 Barrels Loaf Sugar 20 Pipes Holland Gin & Cog. Brar.dy 100 Bags Shot, assorted 50 Kotk Dupont’s Powder 2.7 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted 20 Casks London Puner, pints and Quarts , 50 Barrels Flour, 10 Bags Black Pepper 10 Do Pimento 10 Boxes Cotton Cards Hyson and Gun Pow der Tnu.«, fac. &c. far. L. PETTY. Jan 31 5 Rj a, »uu«'eto the cast oI the ci*y o' nth ai.d hounded 'o the .iorthwesf of kq • D ‘ tv,e ty. s ,x (i6> to th. !c„th ,r„l U’ <18 h«l- nging to the of Ihnr-Try L lib’idge. amt to the west by the rn d 'ending to S»; d,wny !..ia n; l, wh- rC ui, [' buck (MM IS !i«w esiablab tl k ,,d k!o'.;„ j th ■ n .irt- of Fahtn’s b? ckynrfi, t»gct*,e" with jail anti «in;;Ul«r ti e imp nvemtnt d .,p !tonsne*atiicrcunK,beloti^ing;’ev',rt: •:all in oper y o' Jacob F h-n,' under a rale a;, M . life, from t:,e Halt the Superior ,-uu.t t h„ haul County, in favor of Aaron Cievuard »r,d 3 ivi,n b a wife. A : '.list ulof laiul rituute on Fry nar.d Hv. h ril,am-streets, W-i«n wad f'o t»v, e (I Jj rn the city of Savn' neb, ttiRoiher wi'.ti a', ill- buddings, in.provemei Is nt din. arte nonces tbereuntn bctonvii p— levied "ii as it,e prope-ty of Jai- es Uiibo, ,li.d- rn ope t L S o. u.e from the Honor bie the fuiperinr ('(ur of ■ ■hajiarn County in favor of,} K ct.;mri« m iner, of Filotuge of tbc ptr; nfSavat,.! . fhe eastern liulf ,ot . .d impuivement, known in tbc plan ofthe City of Savmnali, br No. five f.S) in Oglethorpe ward, boty'drl soil b by MHrgjut-street, er.l hi t:i K 0 four (4) and north by a lane I v ed on at the propelly oi'Georgt L. Cnpr, under - h i on a fineclosure of a aio tg. h e in favor of tohn Hover. Alt that tract of land known hv the mr., of Tweed Side, containing (3,6) act.s, :vi sires vgh lard, third quo itv, Hi’ »c: cs |o» ia..d fi r,t quality, ,uuul d on the nta'.V. '.j river—lev" d or,der S fa la ft voro Simon Donald and nifr., ccm;.:idnenu, agsinst Thomas N. Jlorel, and otb . 8 be!., .f J ihn Morel, dee A negro man named Solum n, levied on ti the pr./pcrtv at John V' r r. neb, to »a! fj ?>■:; euti' o si i favor of the Book of the State nf Georgia and others- Kuadiugson part of let No. thirty one ^ ; L bertv nn.rvt, in the city of .iavrncah, boil'd* ed’borll. an lforit-rtreet, sou'll hy a laoe, and west by other part of .aid tot— levied on at ibe property of Win, U.lietv, di e. to autisly an execut or, 'row a juntices cnui q in tavur ,f Tbompson Ik Bonncy, against Wm. Hahev, security for E. Sa ift. I3AAJ D’LYDN, S V C. J,n 3\ h6 fnvUttttiar Js’ttice. O N Thursday ni^ht last, Joshua Has- koll, Isaac B. Wentworth, John Pat terson, and Michael Lindevist, rcgulnrlv nr- tir.led and a„ro!l"d sen,non on T.or.rri - 'the v k v a , ldJU ; in , Uu . u ,, r ling Cltatlmni, ot Boston, then laving near | (]l lev , c(1 „ n .;. c |ir .. pc I' ic.i > l as Ciugei. umier • fi L v:?? r. io Sherift’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in April next. Of fyiLL be sold at the Court house ;u (he Mrj city of Savutmah, between the hveifeuf ten and t -u» o'clock. i he following «evt n negroca, it ■. Dhyi.-j, U*iia y Patie. Cw-, Dublin, tW.k t T;t^ h;..<a suui 0«c*.r, With tha mcreaf-e ol ill.; ft males I v rd on unnci fi fa on a foiecloj.urc of a n: ns the property nr Jos«-pi) Carnuhots to fy the. Bfi. .-ftiic, iia'.i? of Als ", ti c foln-7 i8 m'giocs, v s., Clm-riiBa, Divid 2. h. Boiler, Amho- oy, Betty, M»ry, Dinid 1 , *vk, Jim, /g^;y, ll tpe, Heanifil), H«trgttn;i, Lucy aud Adam, with (he u c case ot the females, lev'it.d on wil der « fi ff«. On u foreclosure of a us tl e |.ropert) of Mm. 0. M avne, lu sansly the 9rtu’i of lh- Sta'tf of Giiorgm. AIsu", fie fo!h»wisig J5nvg. (* -s N viz: C .IF j (fJoopcr, • H-niioi, Ally, oki ui* e, Jit ic, ' S y, Ch*<l L*, Pendaw. Bins. Pr c .:.a :»ed child, B» dgef ami Peggy* Wul :n» Ivs-.., Uid y. P-t.hp Phyllis, «.J. •lunib,-. J i t y. <. I Peggy* B ulu , Jeiwe, U uVn, ;'n-j..y, ut- r <?ypea,, Tt*h>,S ^.hia, Dui-: ••< a *J < b,eye,Heck y a[id;Julm,’\ic.. Four Milo Point, in Savannah River, ami bound tor Liverpool, stoic the boat of said brig Chatham, and deserted. Ship Mas ters und Public Notaries, are hereby cau tioned against shipping either of said de- sorters. Landlords and oiher persons arc cautioned against harbouring, entertaining or conveying them, or either of them, away. An opening for euterpnze i uA&mi irarafAL PORT OF SAVANNAH. COM1W3RGIAI.. By an official notice from the Lords ofthe Privy Council for trade, the officers of the Customs in the Went India Islands, art! in structed to demand the tonnage duty of 4s 3d per ton only once upon the same voynge unless it shall be positively known in the West-Indies that the Alien Tonnage Duty is levied more than once upon British ves sels trading from the West-Indies in the same, to the United States, in the event of their touching at more than one port of the Union. quotation. Saut.ees and middling qualities of Sea- New York, amounted last year to a sum. ] s ] an ,]. s are in less demand this than the Chur lesion,, Jan. 29.—Cotton—Sea Island, 30 a 40; Santee and Main, 20 a 28 ; Upland 11 a 15,',—-Cotton Bagging 20 a 22—Rrice, Prime, jfl:J a 3$. Cotton.—Upland : The last advieps from Liverpool seem to linve imparted firmness to the market. There lias been during this week a fair busiiwss done, and it has recovered from the depression of the pre vious fortnight, the prices now obtained be ing those which were asked during the last and the preceding week, nnd which could not be reulized. Sales this week have been principullyy from 13 to 14 cents for the Liv erpool market. Selections of fine lots, in sqiiure hules, still command our highest The expenditures of the corporation of l. xceeding nitu hundred thousand dollars. | previous week—most of these descriptions ARRIVED, Sloop Caroline, Howland, Norfolk, 6 days, witii Corn to the master. Sloop Rising Sun, Chase, from Darien, wiiii 135 huies of Cotton. Sloop Mercy, Boles, Riceborough, 3 days, Cotton and Rice, to J. A. Maxwell, Bulloch fa Duuwoody. J. M’Nish, P. Devillcrs, J. D. Mongin, R. fa J. Habersham, E. * Reed,* J. Anderson fa co. and the master. Steam Boat Georgia, Dubus, Augusta, 55 hours, with Boats No. 1 &, 17 in tow, with 1238 bales Cotton, to Cumming fa Gwuthmoy, G. B. Lamar, Geo. Gordon, P. Hill, S. Wright, VV. Gaston, H. Lord&co. J. N. Nevin, S. J. Borgaux, Duhamel fa Auze, S. B. Parkinan, J. Meigs, It. S. Goff’, and J. K. Kilburn. Passengers, Mrs. Riley and child. Steam Boat Henry Schultz, Lubbock, Augusta, 2 days, with 600 bags Cotton for Charleston, and 220 for Savannah, to G. B. Lamar, Jandon fa Crowell, L. Petty, and others. Passengers, Mrs. M’Laws, Mrs. Reid, family and servant, Mrs. Davidson nnd servant, Mrs. Barrie and family, Miss C. Cattonet, Rev. Messrs. Lathrorp, and Brantley, Messrs. Moran, Kilman, Rock well, Meriman, Shad,Tiickiiiott, Green, Mil ler, Dr. Patterson, and 15 for Cliarlestqn. Steam Boat Augusta, Green, Charleston, 16 hours (outside,) in ballast bound to Au gusta. i. , * , ui t mivrviiiM I in in, wi uuiui ill t utiu, 11» ii \ , tiunot business, ami a majority of tlioao j „„ tlie peiiulity of the law will be enforced, preaent at any■ meeting, aim 11 govern in all without rmoiril to persons, cuscs, except those hereinafter specified. s. B. PARKMAN, 3d. It shall bo tho doty of the Chairman Consignee of brig Chatham. to preserve order, to appoint Committees to Tan 31 5<)r supervise the Books and conduct ofthe Se cretary, and he shall have the privilege of voting upon ull subjects ; and also of ex pressing his opinion. 4th. A Secretary shall be appointed with a salary ot eight hundred dollars per annum, and shall give bond and security for the faithful performance of his duties. He shall keep fair minutes ofthe proceedings of the Board of Commissioners—shall act as nn agent for the sale of tickets—keep a regular account of his sulcs, and deposite all monies received by him, (as soon as received,) in one ofthe Banks ofthe city. He shall, more over, transact all business relating to the Lottery, to which he shall be required to attend, by the Commissioners. 6th. No ticket shall be sold on a credit, unless by an order of the Board of Commis sioners ; and not then, without such securi ty as shall be satisfactory to a committee appointed for the purpose of receiving the same. 6th. The tickets shall be signed by the Commissioners, in equal proportions ; and not more than one Commissioner shall sign any ticket. 7th. The Secretary shall not be entrusted at anv one time, with more than five hun dred Tickets, and shall exhibit at every meeting of the Commissioners, his Bank Book, and an account plainly shewing the amount oftickets sold, and the number in band. 8th. The tickets after they arc numbered and signed, shall be deposited at Bank, and only drawn thence by a committee, of which the Cliairmau shaff be one 9th. No money shall be drawn from Bank, but by a check, signed by a majority ofthe Commissioners, and for no other pur pose, but the payment of prize?, or neces sary expenses. Jan 31 56p Situated on the principal streets in Lower Hamburg [improved and unimproved.) W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the 18th January next, in the Town of Hamburg, S. C.—One half of the purchase mon^y, cash ; the other half, to bear an interest of seven per cent, per annum—the interest to be paid annually.— My individual Notes, and the Notes ofthe fallowing Banks, viz. The Bank of Ham burg, Bank ofthe United *States, the sever al Bdnks of this State, and the Bank of Au gusta, will be taken in payment. The pur chasers of unimproved lots will be required to improve thereon. The sale will contin ue from day to day, until the whole is dis posed of: when the terms of sule are com plied with, indisputable Titles will be made. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburg. Nov. 24. Sale Continued. T HE sale uf the above Lota has been postponed until Tuesday, the 8'Id nf February next, oil which day the aalc will re-coinmence. The Charleston Mercury, tho Charleston Courier, Southern Patriot, Oily Gaiette, Columbia Telescope, h’uuih-Carolina Re publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, .Savannah Republican and Georgian, will publish the above once a week fur Ihroo weeks, and forward their accounts to me for payment HENRY SHtJLTZ. January 26 Jan 38 t6fj) n m itgage in f .vcur ot John ra»-i&li: ,n :.;;d Junes UcH'.nrj fji uls of Cl.:;s Inna I.i*'» Also, a o- gro mmi named 4sin ievic.d u, the property of Char es K Fun, un kr li j. •m a foreclosure of a mortgage in favoi I ’sum’s Anderson. Vli •, the following 19 negroes, viaA :, rus h:.ui, Harry,, Cha »ce, D;*ni«.l. Asrcn, San 5o, Lucy, Scipio, Marysn, R irhuel, f o don, A*fgy # Simon, G* »ce, E iza G- urge, H h dy, and Vim, wkli itu increa e of the fenial**i levied an as the property oi Fb mffvng Akin, den. under « fi. fa. on a foreclosute of a mort g?ge in iavi.r o! W*n Dixor. fc Co* sasigiteri oi Mtirdu.'.h M’Lrod. 1. D’ YON S. C C .Im . *1 56 i ity he. itt's 8a!cs* On the first Tuesday in March nczt t 1. 1. be »oid in Irani ol ih^; C«iurt- \E§ < ’.oust*, in the city of Savannah, bt twtea tj..: usu d iM ura of ten and three o*ab>ck, A’t the hiid'iiogs on the eaa ern half of lot N « 5 ive, St. Gall, Oglethrcpe ward, levied on »if> thr property of Ft is* V,. Unbent* to s-st" isfy an execution in f v«r of t1<» m»n Lu theran Church, vs. Fdias E Kobcits* One n r gro woman named and her child Do ?, levied on as the property ofR.'bn Ci\t*rlton ( dec. to satisfy an ext cation fro« the Court of Common Pleas, and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savannah, S.lmi Haikon v§. t’.Mz t Chariton administratrix of Hobert Charlton, dee. A I. D'LYON, C. S. Jan 30 56 Attachment Sale, On the first Tuesday in March next, \4WlhL be sold at the Court-Mou^e, be- NUT tween the hours of ten and tour o’clk. Two negro aiavea oamed Sampson ai d Ai>- ner, attached a* »he property of William E. Fergiiaon, ami aold by ord-r of Court. I. U'LYON, S C. C. Jan .^0 56 Mil. DKNTI8T, W II.L be again in Savannah, this win ter. and will as usual, attend to the duties of his profession. N- B Due notice will be given upon hi» arrival. Jan 3) H 0u t