Newspaper Page Text
i fewrvafeAJV uV. > VI.
jfieSi ',r wws* ..mwwew** ■tti*»fe»a«ny <
s=s "f i
Bv G. <5 W. RonBitTsoN,
at Vioht nr'tt.A'.m van ae vum,
IS Jiiihlisheil to meet the Hmuigcine Hi
th.-, t»tcc time* a week, (Tu*.W»y,
Thut»d#V wtfB.ti.wtay) »«“>e Office, f It;
Ueuriisn, ami contain* *11 the it elk-
ovnte, Coiuniercial, Political ami Jhkf H«*
* .ns, .nduiling aiivertueitient*. pub. if I ml .1
^ThexUrnw »’»re* 5* se tto kll YW» «*
the state ar.d Union, or deltfend in i\ • nit
•t live rtnlitts per annum, payable m il*ant«.
Advertittwent* ate maettedin beta pa e,»
at 75 cent* net annate, ol l*l ne», for c fit*
inert:on, and 37* for every aucceeding pii ■
^'cmnmuFteMinfl* by H-ih mutt he P;‘< P “d
8de» iflwul and n-gnw* by VM tt .
tors. Kx onto,* or gnat.lltot, are '"IV!'" 1
v- t tv, to bs held on tin fir. Tneidvt mlhe
ninth,between the bmttaofte- <«•{••’»»«•
"00 ,,1 three in the afierl.'.o", a. 'he Court
H no- t.f the county in when, the t ,rmiert) •
" ,ite -Notice..f:h'.ea.!e. n«4 be given
In 8 public gukette tixiy day* prevn.u* to th.
dA Nmiec rftfc* cale -f ?«'■»"•> ptopefy nut:
be f. ve in hire manner. Ft <P d*7» P : *”" ou
to N<'tice , tn dt deVtcrs and emditora of an
estate must bn tmhtuh-tl tor Forty day". •
Notice that apphretinn whl •><: made to the
C url f 0-din*' > forVuve to aril land, .nun
be niddi n 1 A»u'-'eutla
lit - net ion in Pric s !
Goods to be tvimt they are Sold for ! 1
JhuiHmnl Weight if Measure Given!!.'
P|Y HE Subscriber ns willing as others to
X arrange his business to suit the pre-
Ben times, and save the public the trouble
oi malting bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use of in this city of advertising the
Prices of his (lends, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not having
those enormous quantities that are usually
Bind tu be sold when called for.) names the
following articles, and assures the Public
that the rest of his Stock is reduced in the
Same proportion :
Lanin Oil (hut not the best quality)
per gallon $v’ 3 ^s
Po do do 0 50
Po do best quality, per gall. 0 ti-Jd
Paint do tlo do 0 SO
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 SO
Sdi.veti Paints (bet not the best
Greens Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 13- a
English White Lend, per 20 lbs.
(not because put up in iron bound
kegs) 3 50
American White Lead, 2Ulb kegs
lain r ■ i orv manufactured Brook
lyn, iSew-Yurk, (manufactory
price per ctvt. 412 50, which
may be seen by luuking ut the
New-York Price Current) 3 '-5
8 by 10 Glass, hut not the best
American, per box 3
10 by 12 do do do ^ 4 50
A large and constant supply of the above! goods generally in the Paint,
Oil, t'eiur. Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
will he kept. The subscriber having
made, arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York, Philadilphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places he will. continue
to receive those gouds direct, of the best
description, and on the most advantageous
terms. He also offers his Professional ser
vices in . .
Painting Gilding ty 67 Zing,
which he executes on improved principle,-
at reduced prices, in Town and Country.
Ku. 5, Whilukcr-slreet, 5 doom from tin Ihy
jan 21 n 0
In olice.
tejTNE months after date application will
Lv be made to the Honorable the Jus-
11-08 of the Inferior Court of Chatham
bounty, for leave to sell a tract of land,
mown as number eight, 8th District, Pike
formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
if the heirs and creditors of the estate ol
f N. 3. Bayard.
■ N. .T. BAYARD,
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
.Inn 5 -t int
I JERSONS buying demands against the
. estate ofThomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Rooin of R. it J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate of’J’humas Johnston.
Hoc IK 2l+i.
r *lR 9iib§ T'l)«rs being about to decline bi
ii:ir?s in 'bis place, request persons hit
i|C demands tig ia«i them, to present their
ir payment,
r\r.t 5 6P+r
N INE months lifter due, application will bt
made to the Inferior Court of Chuhair
County, sitting for ordinary purposes for ai
orde' - , absolute, to sell lots N^a four an* five.
(4 and 5) in Carpenter*! Wow, and lot N>.
one, (l) Green Ward,in the ci«y of Savannah,
being tbe real estate* of Francis Jalineau, dec
for the benefit of tho beira an'l creditoia o<
«fcid catate WILLI \ M GAS ON.
Qualified Executor,
.f W*
ib&m* & wmx 3
ttFPEH FOll b Vl,H,
Cl/J> HOGSHEADS pnmn and second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
. 7U bags prime green coffeu •
30 crates blue and green edged plate*
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
f> do Holland gin
fi hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quurtcr casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones > /
200t) hush J- »*» ■.»t« ,rn
COO do Long Island valiitr, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nev 23
Feather IF els Bolsters aiul
'JUST rr*cHvod, an asKortmpn* of tho
above articles, warranted to be of the
best quality, for sale bv
7. W. NOEH EL.
ort 26
Georgia—Camden County.
i | die first m Msrch next, 1 will
" w sell «t ,!• ff. rflon, L* szid county® a negro
nan, r-aincd Daniel, the property of th;: es-
te nf HiC ftrewf, f. 1 © *»•*«*- ?1 pnrSMSnt to
leave gr.mted bv il l 'Jourt of O dov-rv.
M.VIY CREWS. R .ecu rix*
.?• r IA / 41
i ivcipool round alt
& 3lT., / *S S4CKvi‘Liverpool Ground Salt,
V/sSi/ received per sloop Good Intent,
and for Pale fcy ’ B. HERBERT &. CO.
nnr 6 . -
tan p Masses
ROUND nnd plain, of every description
xJI Glass Peg Lamps
Tin japanned do with candlesticks
Tin Lamp Feeders
Lamp Wick, nswjrt.rd, &c.
Constantly on hand und for sale by
GEO. RYERSON, Druggist,,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Streets.
nov 20
Ivory and Horn Comb .
CASES bock, side and fine horn com!-.
* 1 case fine ivory do
Received per ship Emperor, and for sal-
o\v, by JV. B. WEED.
dec 28
Ii ass Hire Sifters
a N aBsoitineut of the above article re-
I ceived per the Augusta, and for sale
by N. B. WEED.
T 11
,'x FEW barreli 7 just received and for
sale, by A. BASSET,
No. 1, Non gin's new Buildings.
nov 2 3
Liver pail Ground
/} 'TVf > MACES Inn ding from sloop Ex-
•SaXvi#''w pre.r-s, and for sale by
nov 97
^ SUPPLY of Hair and Wire Sifters, re-
C%. ceived and for sale by
26 No. 6. Gibbons’ Range.
CRATES low priced at , L'dcrock-
ery, landing this dnv. >i• *• i for trio
by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 1
VvDRfc W’UftY.
A FEW dozen superior Freneh Rose Wa-
* ter, in large bottles, just, received nnd
for sale by G EO. II VERSON.
oct .’6
Liverpool Ground Salt.
#VfiBUSHELS afloat—for snle
by J. 11. HERBERT & CO.
dec 13
*• Heel's” Axes,”
T>ECEIVED by the Augusta, and for
Ii sale by N. B. WEED.
Jan A
Administrator’s Notice.
VnNttiSO.v'THSfrom this date, v/e shall ap-
lx ply to the’ Honorable the Inferior Court
>f Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, to sell the real estate of Wtliisir
Maybe w.
augu«t 12 4$
Administrator’s Notice.
\TINF* MONTHS after date® I shall apply
to the Honoiable the Inferior Court ot
Qbtoham county, (when sitting for ordinary
nurp 'ses) for, leave to step the real ^s ate o H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred
•tor!. C« H HAYDEN,,
anoiist 12 ^5
State Literature Lottery,
•f '
P ERSONS having demand* -paint the es
tate of the 1-te Willi*m Crtig, dec. »r<:
.-•q.ieated to render tte »a-ae t nroperly s'
lasted, within the time prescribed by taw, am'
.hoar indebted to **id estate, «re e*.-ne*»-i
called upon to scute the lame without de-
“* y ' JOHN H*NISH, Executor,
oet 13 n
2 Prizes of 410,000 is 4 -0,000
3 5.000 15,000
I 3,082 3,082
17 1,000 17,000
20 500 10,000
41 2u0 11,200
51 100 5,100
r.i no 3,‘ltiO
IT‘I4 1'^ *H,rto«*
lir+5 6 €U.».|0
13,305 Prize*, (
wO.;i25 Blanks, J
34,4 >0 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be 114 prizes with three numbers
oil them, I83G with two numbers on them,
and 11,475, with one number on them.-—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the Tate of the 34,220
tickets, the GO numbers will severs y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
ticket* having oil them as a combination
the let, 2d and 3d. and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn; will he entitled to #10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, Oth and
oth—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, i. J d and 5th, will
each be entitled to # >.000.
That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to #3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, and 7th|2d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th
1st,7th and Mth;2d,7th & 9Hi 3d, 8th an* 9th
1st,8th and 4th 2d Hth & 9th'4th,5th and 8th
2d, 3d and !th ! 3d,4th & 5th!5th,6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5th:3d. 4th Hi 6th'6th,7t.h and 8th
'd, 4th and btli 3d,7th & 8th* each #1000.
Those having on them the
• st,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5th|3d, 5th and 9th
fst,3d and 7th 2d,5th & 7tJi|4th,0fh and 8th
i at,3d and 8th
vt,3d and 9th
2d,5th & 8th
2d,5th & 9th
:st,4thand 8th 2d,6th & 7th
1th,6th and 9th
5th, 7th and 8th
6th, 7th and 9th
6th. 8th and 9th
each #500,
st,5thand 7th 2d.4tii &. 9th
id 3d and 6th 3d,5th &• 6th
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
.hruo of the draw’ll numbers on them, will
ach be entitled to #200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
'rawn numbers on them only, will each be
.wiL-idtu 100 dollars.
The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
• rawn numbers on them only, will each be
nt itled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) wbh any
wo of the drown numbers on them, will
• ach be entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
rawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,273 for each drawn number.) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
IVb ticket which shall have lira wn a prize.
<>f a superior denomination, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days sifter the drawing and subject as usu •
•il, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put. up in p» reels of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at least, 54 dollars less the deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances for the eap-
iial prizes.
A. M'LVPYRE, \ Muna S cra '
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
t he amount of cash to be disposed of in pri-
zes.(l7l,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the office of the Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50*s, &c.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 14th Class, received as cash.
Jan 18
H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
the corner of Broughton and Wkilta-
ker-atreet*. apposite Cal, Shellmnn's Mansion
House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line.
Ho abstains relating the whole string of
names oftho things he offers, and only inon-
tions a few which urn nut commonly lound
in every Drug Store, viz:—
Ful Sabina S Church’s Cough
Pyre Umbellnta 5 Drops
Depit.alis Purpurea j Aromatic Vinegar
Scullcnp, Hyssop 5 Toilet, Vegetable &.
German Leopard’s £ other Soaps
Bane.(arnica inun- s Macassar Oil
tana) < Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula ; Ox. Mur. Potasse
Hclenium) t James’s Fever Pow-
llops, Ergot J ders
Toiiquin Beans < Infantile Powders
| Read’s Stiptic
J Spirits Soap
j Fumigating Pnstills
| Pyroligiiious Acid
Squire’s Elixir
Duff's do
Ess. Mustard
Ess. Tyre
Jesuit Drop
Black Drop
Respecting the utility ofthis last article,
he refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year,
oct 9 10+
T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 8th
March, 1825, and finished ill a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
drawn. —
I Prize of 30 0 JO Dollars te $1° 00' J ,
10 000 10 0 0.
5 000 10 00'J-
2.IM8 4, 56,
1060 ' 20 000
510 15,000.
100 5 °00.
59 5 200.
16 ?() 8 0
8 8 <64
12,1 SO -a, l w !>2 . € 8305,320
32,100 H,auks,5 ^ l
34.2 '0 Ticket! at fc‘05,320
In this Scheme, with eight drawn ballot».
‘here ivbbt 56r»riz a aith three m mKcaor
;!)e«n. t4^5 (vuli two numbers on them, ar il
t0,6 0 ’ wth one number on ihem Tlm.'i
cketR ha^ng none of the drav n ballot! w
them bmmpdm.k!.
>o dfii-m n- the fate of •!! t.he tickets in
•benboYi* otterVy 69 i.qmbe !, ftom one tu
i‘*ty In*din|vf» will neverail- be p'aced in *
wiieel on tie day of dniwrng, and eig'-t ot
le dr»wn, and that ticket having on
4 •%» u nation, the lst,2<l and thin! iuui<
*etf. .►•nwn, will be eut-tled to 830,000 .
i^irtt havii^ cm it »h* 4th, 5th and 6lh, frill
V entitled ti 8’0,090.
Tt’oar h -viaf? a tt»**m the 3d, 4 h and 5tt
.nd 6d 7'.h tiiid 8th, enrh 8 '.000
Ti oefhvving on them tae 1st,6 band 8th«
•;n 11st, 7' li sud M b, ea< h 2,123
Thf>se having on them the
4th 6th and 8th
tii,6lhan(! 7-W
5th ,6th and 8* 1^,7th an6 81.
each 8^000.
2 *. 6»h and 7th 3.1, Sthand 7t'»:
^d. 6-!i anil 8-h 3d, 5lb and 8 h
2 ■ 7'h arid 8t! 3<L nth and 7tii
! d 4-h *n«l6'h 3.«,6 hand 8l i
3.f 4th and 7*'. 4'V5‘hand 7 h
3 .,4’ a ant’ 8 ;• and Hi';
3d, 5th and 6ih ’th 6ih and 7(h|
All other!, being (30 ticVeJs) having thre
' r the d awu mun' eu on them will each :v
ut it ied to 8500.
The 52 tickets having on h two of the
drawn numbers and those tw .v the 4th and
th, each he entitled to 8 ! °0.
The 104 iiokets having on them two of
‘he drawn i iimheis. and those two the 6ih
.nd 7lit, o> 6 u and 8: It. will each be entitles
A uthirs (being 1360 tickets) having two
»f the drawn numbers on them, will etch be
-y'.li'. »Vxi W
A ! I th»!e having on them any one of Po
■; awn nsnribers, (ntMig '0 608 t»c!rets, or 13‘ 6
,r each itrawn nmnb.»r) will each be enli-
‘led to 88.
No ticket which th !! Ituve drawn a priz*
* superior denomi.tiuiun can be entitled to
t*n inferior iviao. Prizes payable thirty da>«
after the dra * itig, and subject, at ttauah to>
dndur.tioii <4 15 per cent*
A cons derab'.^ w.;*-;L..i »*» this lott ery ia pu
up in psreeh o*' 20 t.ckets, oml-.rar •; ill tfiv
-oiv.hioalion numbers, from one to aiat ,
"• ‘ych parcels arc warranted to draw at lm f 1
§64, leas h • deduction of 15 per cent, with
3'* muoy clntnc's f «he capita! pr zes.
Packages of 20 tickets, by c.*rtifi:atr, ms\
iso be hail by the payment of the <1 fferenc*
between the price of the tickets and th.
•mount w!"oh they mu t of nects dy draw,
such-i itfvrence being 8^3 60.
The ♦ k ts will remain at the scheme
vice, (yoi m'd H ‘dneslay, ih'* 12th ins .
when ttiij '• ! he vi1v**»c.-d to 87.
S< n. YATES, ) ..
A. M’l.NTYlui, ( Managers.
Phil«d' li‘l*t i Ja iUv j 5. .tt25
IO* Order? for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at
Jan 18
V i.kuv nuxti m Wantfeti \
i r GPOHGE HIM EB, otherwise DAN
iEL Ol.AND MIL.LFII, who in the year
<815, arrived in Savannah, in the Abeidcui
•rsiispftrt, belonging to Me?sr. J . D wson &.
Sona of London is living, and wiil apply to
iis fiends in Englwnf.', he will b**ar oi
"metl'«ng hia advantage. He lef*
ue Aberdeen while fhe lay at Savaniinh, aiu!
H8 nft been l'e*«rd of by his t iendv, sire;
hat period. Ht had b.en many years* wii*
i or, and while on hoard the above Viss.’l,
was employe*. »a v. carpenter. If he left So-
vannah a» that time, it ia probable that he
''tfred some vessel going to the Brazil Ia-
unds. ns in hia lust lettci, he staled that it
war h*s intention to do s.i. Should he have
liv.dat anyplace where a legister orcertifi
':ate of his burial can he obtained, it would hr-
than 1 fu! y received and all expense) attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
■ept p 57
Savannah Female Asylum.
\ N election for a Matron to this Institu
tion, will take place at the Asylum
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application for the above to be handed in
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
- E. M. LLOYD, Scc'ry.
novt3 91
C ON TINUES to do business in Milledge
ville, r.nd tenders the offer of his ser-
^iceato h'a friends and the public, in the trans
action of agency business generally
oct 5 6Rfb&**
Beers’ Axes.
L SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and for sale by JY. B. H EED.
oct 27
I Prise of-840*000 ia 49 ' '’0 Ucffiars.
1 I* tze oi—-- 0,000 is ‘\i.000 Dolkra.
1 Hr-ae o ! ——10 0D9 is 10 J f >0 DolKr*.
2 1* ’l- 8 of — 5.000 is 0.000 !Jk*dars.
30 Prix^a of. 1,909 is 3T.000 Dollars.
%’ Prior! ot-———5 'it is .10,099 Doha's
50 Prizes of — —100 is 5, 'OtJ Dojl ir.i
190 p- res of —SO Is 5,000 Dolkru.
5000 Pnaea of———10 :s 50000 Doliata
5- J 05 Prixrs. 180,090 Dollar!
H?9.J Blank!. ——
20--00 Tickets at 59, ia 180 900 ToTa s.
The whole of the prizes u be floating
from the commencement o. the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in th** wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5?h day, : : i : #10,000.
On the 10th day, : * . 5,000.
On the 16th day, : : ; ? 20,000.
On the 20th day, : : : : 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Twenty J'TA’wift a oi\A^ \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -Tlin whole
payable in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners appointed hy the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WED.N'F.SDA K, 17/A inst.
Tickets Jli!—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic -ets taken in payment, at
No. 8, Commerce-How.
nov 9
Consumptions/ ougus, tyc
F OP the cure of fJolt:w» Coug*'« # Consump
tions, SpiltU'g of Blood, Ast hums, and
itseaaeH ofthebreaut and lungs.
There is perhaps no m< diral observatim
belter e*'aij.ish;‘d, iwne more generally con-
• t; .rmed by the experience of the physiol ■
ns of all ages and countti a, and nme dl
or- impurtunce to the human family, t!.ai‘
ue fuci that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptiors originate in neglect <•
colds*. In a cl'irtsie to variable as our*, w he.*f*
'be change.: of the weah ir are fr-qu nil;
Hidden and unexpected, it requires im-re ca x
nr ? spent ion to guard against tin* Uungercu
-lt^my of life, than most people imagine oi
nre :.b<eand willing to bcs'ow. '« he bills
mnrtaliiy exh b*t the melsncho’y fuct that tL
proportion of deaths by this disease may hi
onaidered as about five to one. I asmnrl
‘hen as ibis fatal disease frequently t i ,s dffi
puce lo the nkill of the mosl learn d physr.i
ill.*, it is a gralification to the pro ’victor that
e is enrbled to oflerto those effl ,;ted with
it, ago.-dlyprospect ofreiief.ii that tight*
valuable remedy, th'? Vegetable Indian Sp ci-
,fic. The Indians are happy in ihur know-
ledge oi m dical plants; g' v, ; rned wholly hi
experience, they a e certain as to their r.ffccl,
and ii is said by an author of great character,
>hat a tiue consumption is a disease never,
known among them.
This Specific is obt ined by extr ction fron.
herbs, root-, flowers, pi nl , &c. when in per
fection. In consequence < f a happy corohina-
tion of the most valuable herl-s, &c. it becomes
a balsam of a tuperhr value, it heals the it -
j i'ed parts, opens :h i ; pores, «nd composes
toe disturbed nerves, alter the manor * f a.
anodyne; conseq-iOtly the obstiuction ot
the ches< and tbe lungs which constitute
disease, parti uJarly med its use. It promotef
expectoration, which iecoustanth c tiled for
*nd whilst it clears s a> d heals, it also giver
fi'rengih to the tender lungs In this manner
it removes the hectic fever, Improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerve!, repairs the
-ppt t te and improves the spirits. This sped
fie mav always be givtn in safety it is mild
pic' sant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, lb" which it is of inestimable value
It affords relief in bowel complaints t. eiliing.
whooping coughs, tic. and ia found particu-
Lriy useful ir, hypochmulri cul, nervous and
hysterical diseases. E rh bill o* direction
ontains a d.-lail.-d account ofthn disease in
uii its difft r< nt stages, :md will accompa
, i“d wi<h the signature of the prnpiietor in
Red Ink. It is offered for **»le by GEO. BY
KH;’ 0 , only (my B 'le agent) 1) uggist, cor
icrBav an i Whit;akcr-streets, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
PurltA Hair ^\attas8t»
T HE subscriber has just received an as
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
oct 29
mmmiL 4
tVvv &CbiVbu\y,
— ■ ■ '
RESPECTFULLY informs, her friend*
* * and the public, that her sciiooi is now
»> rn. opposite the Chatham Acacfi tny, fb,
me reciition of pupn.a. Assisted b»
her daughter Miss E. A. JIarbizok, shi
otters her services iu teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. V\ liilst she returns sincere thanks fo,
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, trum the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to ftirther the pro
gress of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur.
tiler extension of'public favor. The cmirsa
ot tuition, and the terms on which scholar,
are received, are
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sowing and
,, Marking, per quarter. : Jt I 0®
2d. Claes.—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme-
tic, 8 00
The Freneh or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroiderv, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
_ per quarter, : .• : : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: t 8 00
IT The most careful attention will h«
paid by Mrv. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov8 ns
I NFORMS his friends and the public get*
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re*
tail, on the most reasonable terms. Th*
following articles comprise a part of hlz
present stock, viz.---
10 Hog-: e ids pHme St. Croix e «igaf
10 Baxes White and J u . j
0 Boxes Brown > H*'ana do
6 : ' H -iretg Loaf aud Lump do
50 B.'gg Havana Gr.'en Coffee
6 Pi*»es supermr 4th ''root B andy
r Pipes do Holland Got
5 Pipe j Imitation B:-andv, 4th proof
5 Do do Gin
2 Pipe* very superior o'd Peach Brandy
2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey
50 Hogsh ads and ? PbiLd lohia Rye
100 Barrels J Whiskey
100 Bsrrelt Northern Gin
2 Pipes supe ri ir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipe* superior old Lisbon do
10 Q tarter Casks Tenenffe do
Very superior old Madeira W’ine and
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
ISO Whole and > Barrels sup*ofl-. e Irtsk
luO Half $ pi ur
106 " No- :i. New Mt.ckarel
50 Barrels No 2. do do
l^oO Buskers Tsble Salt
20 Caskfi Gnfihcu Cheese
20 B.uivls Copperas
200 Reams Wrapping Panel
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 Boxes Chocniste
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Bar els Glue
100 Kegs HE nod I1F Dupunth Gunpowdtv
5 Pound Caniste s of superiur da
100 Pieces 4.' inch Cotton BsKfriuz
2 Bslei; Buggmg Twine
10 WhoL and 7 Boxes S WhittimoraV
6 Haif 5 genuine Cords
1.9 Boies Wool Hats
5 b -xfcs Straw Bonueis
10 Coil.« Buie Hope
5 D-.xen Bed Coi ’i
50 Da Plough Line!
lOo founds Saib Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cases colored arid bleached sort u»
bleach ed Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table spoons
IS I)o do Tea do
* 0 Do TruUnia Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cant, Wrought and Compose
tion Tea Kcttlea of ail sii.s
Bras - K-dtles for making preserves
20 Sets of Di«h Covers
VO Tons Shuar Moulds
1 D » S<id Irons
1 Do Bin Lead
1 1)j Sheet Don
100 Cv.sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, 'Toss Cue and Whip Saw, Ri&fe
expressly fu* this market
20 Doseri Ilai.ds-Wa, Woous.-ws and Ten»
nsnt Saws
Blacksmith Sledges ami HsmUiammem
Anv'ds, from 1 to VOOlbs. real mouse
BNcksmith's Bellows,from 24 to 3f
Single and Double Screw Kates
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Hooks and Hinges
Hutss Anoirons, from g'3 50 to fj
t B'»:» '"ul Wire KfikH' *, w.ih thi.veta
*rd long* to mulch
5 /taskB’i 1‘Btent Hi Cl
100 D Zcli I'udlocki
hie ;iy*' d* to weigh from 200 io 5001b*
3 Too., of Steel, conMting of 9lie»r,Eng.
liah, Bliitered *nd <J**t
Stove* with Pip ■
1C00 I'oundi Waggon Bella, uaotted
Fancy Curtain Pin*
5 M*g. Trace Ohuin*
2 llosen Curiyiug Knive*
30/1 Dozen Curr. Combs
fi Seta While handle gnjvc* *nd Pork*,
cor,listing of JOp eCea e«uh
10 Sett Britauni. Teapots,
Sugar and Cream do
6 li nen Patent Shot Belt*
9 l)n*,'i: U.nie Bog*
2 U iim Powder Horn* and Full
1 C m double *n ' tingle barrel Gun)
10 Dozer. Wire and 20 do*, Hair Sifter*
2 Di.zi.-n Fiiocy Hull Hat* and 50 act* s
Table Hal*
ALSO, ......
A general *asortmeiitnfC«neTil*rfisF/»nak
Aruahe*, and Fancy Bellow,, wiihrbJiiy jnf>et
" tide, in the above line,too tediou* to vbu
20 Tons of i i'irrui CtMiug*, which will kc
sold low from the whaif.
no* 15