Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 08, 1825, Image 1
W ssmm Vtt. SB ,fi SAVANNAH, TlflSfDAf MORNfN(V f ttBRUARV 8, <825. J*o. 05. THE >8 EDITED AND PUBLISHED IF TH1 C17T or SAVANNAH, Tk G. W. Robehtson, l% xionr 0"i.uM v KH affvm* 1'AtAOU IF AJlVAXCi. §*0— §S&< %mK* POU TIIE COONTUV, 19 urtbilMd ty «h« v »K» mull three VHOt’8 A Wdfck, V fu<W>^i Thii.*l»y »nd 8ntmJi.y) .Hhc OWoe gf :ht I)ai | v Ororri.n, and contains aft the M'dli Irene*, Cornmei 6»l, Political end Nie^ll.n ecus, including advertisement*. pub iehed u U 'l hr Country P«r tr the suite end Union, or delivered in the city. *1 five dollar* per annum. peyeble in idveect. Advertisements ere inverted in both p« cf. »t 7i cents per aware, of 14 bnee, for ie fir. insertion, end 371 f°t «"* succeeding pub Commininellont by Mall, *c/>».< p nd Seles if lend »nd n- groee by Admin-tie. # ' Vx •cuHirt or guardians, arc required, bv Vw,' to be held on the fifs Tueeiley in the month, between ill.’ Umira of ten in the fore noon end three in theeftetno..n.ettheC<Hirt H m«c of the eoi'«tv ln » ,l,ch 'he property m rituete —Notion nf iheee selee met be given fo e public gm tte iibi/ydayi previous to th. »«>* ofp.rsoo.1 property ".»•< be-give in He m.nner, tort} dey. previou. to the dey nf eel*- . , Notice to the dnbtore end creditor! nf sn estate moat be publish’d for Forty days. Not'CP that application will be made to tlit Court .if Ordinary fortenveUi sell Und, rou«i be published Nine Months. a-as© spotifo Reduction in Prie s! Goods to be what they are Sold for !! And Honed Weight. if Meaeure Given !!! T HE Subscriber as willing as others to arrange his business to suit the pre- ieut times, and save tho public the trouble if making bargains, adopts a mode lately node use oir in this city of advertising the 'rices of his Goods, (the whole being too te- limis to enumerate, although not having hose enormous quantities that are usually •hUo be sold w hen called for,) names the allowing articles, and assure* tho Public hat the rest of his Stock is reduced in the lame proportion: Lamp Oil (bnt not the beet quality) - P«r gallon M Do do do 0 50 Do do best quality, per gall. 0 62} Paint do do do, 0 80 Spirits Turpentine do do 0 fio Mixed Paints (but not the best Greens, liluea or Yellows) per ,b. 0 14} English White Lead, per 48 lbs. (not because put up ill iron bound kegs) American White Lead. 281b keg. laboratory manufactured Broca, lyn, Nuw-York, (manufactory price per cwt. 412 50, whicn mny be seen by looking at the New-York Price Current) 3 12 * by 10 Glass, bnt not the bast American, per box 3 50 10 bv 14 do do do 4 all A lo'rge and consta nt sumily of'he above irticlesand goods generally in the I'aint, Oil: Color, Gloss, Varnish a:id Brush trade will he kept. The iiibsrribor having made arrangements with Maaulactnrers in New-York, Philadelphia. Boston, ar.i 1 else where, from which places ho will continue to receive those goods direct, of the best description, and on the most advantageous terms. Ho also offers his Professional aer- vicca in , Painting, Gilding § Glazing, which he execute! on improved principles at reduced prices, in Town and Country. No. 5. Whitaker-tired, 5 damn from the Ray. P. MARLOW, ian 44 5 ? 3 50 Notice. rINE months after date application will I be made to the Honorable the Jus* is of the Inferior Court of Chatham jnty, for leave to sell a tract ot land, iwn as number eight, 8th District, Pike inerly Jilunroe) County, for the benefit lie heirs and creditors of the estate ol j. S. Bayard., N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Jan 5 34nl Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the estate of Thomas Johnston, will please iresent them, properly attested, at the Counting-Room of R. St J. Habersham. HAMUTALJOHNSTON, Executrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston d re 18 41fi. NOilCK. [TIE subscriber, being .bout to decline bil- L tineas in this plsce, request persons ha* g demands agunst them, to present them rp,ymen ‘‘ A. B. FANNIN & CO. oet .4 NOTICE. NF. months after dite, application will be roadie to the Inferior Court of Chatham ity,eitting for ordinary purposes for s' r, absolute, tooclllots Nns- fuurano five, d 5) in Carpenter's How, and ltf No. (I) Green Ward,in the city of Savannah, { the real estate of Francis Jaliueau, dec ie benefit of the heirs and creditors of estate WILLIAM GA'dlON, Qualified Executor % >7 97a BUMbOa & ®OTIf a OFFER FOR BALE, O/fivHOGSHEADS prime and second quality St. Croix Sugar. 50 barrele do do do sugar 70 bugs prime green coffee 30 crates blue and green edged (dates to tons iron, assorted 6 pipes cognac brandy 5 d6 Holland gin . . 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipes, quarter casks, end half quarter caslts wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 300 grind stunes 3000 bushels Maryland com - 800 do Long Island white, equal to i,a ¥ S- Georgia flint corn . - nnv 43 Feather Beds Bolsters and Pillows J ITST received, on assortment nf the above articles, warranted to bo of the best quality, for sale bv /. W. MORREL. net 48 Georgia—Camden County. O f the lint Tuesday in U.rch next, 1 will eell at Jcffcrion, in seel count,', • negro man, named Daniel, the properly of the ea- 'titeof Eioijih Crewe, d« eaecd, pursuant to leave granted bv the Itnert nf O'diiinry. MAHY 40V. 1V3, Esecun-ix* J«n 14 41 Liverpool i> round -alt. SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt, received per nloop Good Intent, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. nec 6 Lamp Glasses G ROUND and plain, of every description Glass Peg Lamps Tin japanned do with candlesticks Tin Lamp Feeders Lump Wick, assorted. &c. Constantly on hand and for sale bv GEO. RYERSON, Druggist, Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Streets. nov 40 Ivory and Horn Combs, CASES back, side and fine horn combi i case lino ivory do Received per ship Emperor, and for sale ow, by JY. B. WEED. dec 48 Brass Wire Sifters. 4 N assortment of the above article re ceived per the Augusta, and for sule by N. B. WEED. nov24 TAil. i\ FEW bnrnds just received and Tor Su 8ale, by *0* R*dSSE7^% No. 1, Jlongin's new Buildings. nov 2 3 Liverpool Ground S<ilt. Jl'T-'T'' SACKS landing from sloop Ex- pret-p, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. r-'V 27 .VEW-XOUK I Sf;atcLiteratuie Lottery, CANAL JxOTTERY, CI, ASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, 1824,! T 0 BE DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. SIX I'V HUMDE1U,NINE BAM.OTS TO BE DRAWN SCHEME. 3 Prizes of« 3 1 17 30 41 51 51 1734 11475 10,000 5,000 3,084 1,000 500 200 100 00 14 13.395 Prizes, 40.345 Blanks .1 i <20.000 15,000 3,082 17,000 10,000 8.200 5,100 3,000 30,808 68,880 $171,100 31,440 Tickets. In this scheme with nine drawn ballots there will he 84 prizes with three numbers m them, 1836 with two numbers on them, und 11,175, with one number on them— Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 60 numbers will sovrra y be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and nine ofthein will be drawn, and those tickets having oil them as a combination (lie 1st, 4d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th imbers drawn, will he entitled to $10,000. Those having on them the 7th, llth and 0th—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, -d and 5th, will each be entitled to $5,000. Tlmt having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th, will bo entitled to $3,084. Those having on them the tst.Jd, and 7th|3d,5th & 6th;3d, 7th and 9th lst,7tli and 9th 2d,7th & 9th 3d, 8th and 9th 1st,8th and 9th|4d.8th & 9th'4th.5tli and 8th 2d, 3d and 4thl3d,4th & 5th 5th.6th and 7th 2d, 3d and 5th'3d,4th & 6tli]6th,7th and 8th .’d, 4thand9th 3d,7thSt.8th 1 each $1000, Thusi having on them the 1st,3d and 6th 2d,4th &. 5th lst,3d anil 7th 4d,3th & 7th I st,3d and 8th 2d,5th dr 8th st,3d and 9th 2d,5th & 9th 1st,4th and 8th 2d,6th & 7th lst.5thund 7th 2d,4th &. 9th 2d 3d and 6th 3d,5th St 6th All others (being 41 Tickets) bavin, 3d, jith and 9th 4th,6tli and 81 li 4th,6th and 9th 5th,7th and 8th 6th,7th and 9th 6th.8th and 9th each $500. 9 ) three of the drawn numbers on them, ach be entitled to $400. The 51 Tickets having sving , will AitVfcTS. a SUPPLY ofliairaml Wire Sifters, re- £x ceivcd and for sale by jr. n. weed, 26 No. 6. Gibbon*’ Ranfifp. the 1st and 2d Irawn numbers on them only, will each be ntilledto 100 dollars. The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th Irawn numbers on them ouly, will each be entitled to 60 dollars. All others (being 1734 tickets) with any two of the drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having on them any one of tho drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each ntitlcd to 6 dollars. WOTlPItrt bvv.k—k. -L.iii—iln'i’n ^ prize of a superior denomination, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty clays after the drawing, and subject as usu al, to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in paroels of 20 Tickets, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw at least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the cap ital prizes. J. B. YATES, ) A. MTNTYRE, ( by Crockery, CRATES low priced as*-crock ery, landing this day. and for Hale 1 LI V I) 11V dec t J. B. HERBERT & CO. UoBft WftUr. A FEW dozen superior French Rose Wa ter, in large bottles, just received and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. oct 26 Liverpool Ground Salt. BUSHELS afloat—for sale by J. B. HERBERT A. CO. dec 13 R «• Beers” Axes,” ECEIVED by the Augusta, and for sale by N. B. WEED. .Inn 4 N Aclniiiiistiotor’s Notice IN K- lfie\»THS from this date, we shall ap _ ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court if Chatham county, when aittirg fur ordinary purpose!, to sell the real estate of William Mayhew. C. H. HAYPBN, P. MAYHEW, Administrator's, august 13 1 45 Managers. PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it has turn highest prizes—f-tlio number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of cash to be disposed of in pri zes,(171,100 Dollars) and the price comes within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at the office of the Geor gian, by W. ROBERTSON, whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot- icry, have produced a large amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50’«,&,c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th Class, received as cash. •Kn 1B Administrator’s Notice. N ine MONTHS after date, 1 shall aPpVj to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, (when sitting Tor ordinary purpuses) for leave to aeil the real cs.ate o'. Isaac H. Hobiua, to satisfy the heirs and ored. Mors, C- H HAYDEN, Admini.tratoi' avignat 12 45 NOTICE. P ERSONS having demands against the es tate of the l.te William Craig, d'ec. are requested to render the aarne, properly at tested, within the time prescribed by law, and thove indebted to said estate, are earnestly called upon to acttle the same without de- Uy ' JOHN M’NISII, Executor, oct 12 71 IMiDMSio AUGUST G OEMLF.R, H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to the corner of Broughton and Whitta- ker-tlredt, oppotite Col. Shdlman'. Mantitm Home, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of / 'RESH MEDICINES AMD GARDEM SEEDS, and various other articles suiting his line, He abstains relating the whole string of names of the things he oilers, and only men tions a few which are not commonly found i’.i every Drug Store, viz:— Fol Suliina I Church’s Cough Pyro Uinbellata « Drops Depitulis Purpurea ' Aromatic V megar Sciillcep, Hyssop i Toilet, Vegetable & German Leopard’s j other Soaps Banc,(arnica inon-! Macassar Oil tana) \ Phosphorous Elecampane, (Inula \ Ox.Mur. l'otaseo Holcnium) j James’B Fever . ow Hops, Ergot . i ders Tonquin Beane j Infantile Powders Squire’s Elixir { Read’s Stiptic DatTs do Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyre Jesuit Drop Spirits Soap Fumigating Pastille Pyrolignious Acid Black Di rop Respecting the utility ofthis last article, he refers to the last, but one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct 9 I'lFTEENT* Cl.AB,—NEW SERIES. T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th March, 1825, and finished in a few minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be drawn. ScYiwkdb. 30,090 Dollars ia £10,001', I Prize of t 3 4 20 SO ■ Sit i(W |700 ' 10,508 inooo 5 000 2,128 i.oto 5'.iQ 100 50 16 8 10.000. 10.000. 4, 56. 20,000 15,000, 5 ’00. J CO. 20 8^0 81,364 SKSESy** Ticket.. { J4;2?0 Tickets at g6, • In this Scheme, with eight drawn balloti, ihefe wil! ho 56 prises with three numbers on them, L.H5 with two numbers on them, tod *0.608 with one number nu them. Tho* cket* having none of the drav n ballots nr them being blanks t o determine the fate of sll the tickets in thesbove lottery, 60 mimbe s, from one to ineUnivfc, #} will seversllv be placed in s wbeei on the day of drawing, and eight of them will be drawn, and that ticket hiving on it os a comb ins* inn, the 1st, 2d end third cum bers drawn, will be entitled $30,000 That having on it the 4th, 5ih and 6th, will be entitled to $I0,(*J0. Those h '.vitag o them the 3d, 4 h and 5th and 6d 7th and 8thj esrh $5,000 Tliosehaving on them the 1st,6'hand 8th. an 11st, 7th and 8th, each 2,LIB. Those 20 having on them the STATE LOTTERY or MARYLAND. 2-.', 6th and Mb °d, 6i hand 8th 3d. 7th and 8tl. 3d, 4th .ml 6th Id, 4th and 7th 31,4th and 8’h 3d, 5th and 6th 4th,6th and 8th (th,7th ai d 8th ■ th,6th and 7th 5th,6th and 8th 5ih,7th and 8'h each g 1000. 3d, 5th and 7th 3d, J hand 8'h 3!. 6th and 7tl 3d,6haoeRtt 4'h,5,hand 7 li 4th,5thind8t'i 4th,6th and 7tb| All othera, being (39 ticket*) having ’bre.- uf the d-iwn numhera on them will each be mtitled to $590. The 52 ticket, having on ih m two of the drawn number* and thoae two, the 4tb and 5th, will each be entitled to g!00. The 104 ticket* having on them two of the drawn numbers, and thoae two the 6ih and 7th, or 6:h and p.h, will each be entitled o fc». An others (belhg 1300 tickets) having two of the drawn n'mbera ou them, will each be titled to $13. Allah xe. saving on them any me of the 1 *wn nambera, (be : ng <0,608 tickets oi i.l T, fur euch drawn Number,) will each be enti led to g8. No ticket which sh-ll have drawn a prize of a'uperior denomination can be entitled to an iaferior p,ia7. Pvizea payable thirty days «tie( the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a deduction uf 15 par cent- A conitderable portion uf this lottery ia put up in parcel, of 20 tickets, embracing ail tin omhinaiion-Bumberfc. fra* one to sixtt, rtuen parcels are —-Wf-Jr M )( , u , 864, lesa he deduction uf 15 per cent, with an many chaecus f r the capital prizes. Packages of 20 tieketi, by certificate, may Iso he had by the payment of the d fferenc. between the price of the tickets and tin amount which they muat of necetaity draw, such ufference being 86 ’ 60. The ti.kcts will remain at (he siheme mice, (86; until Wednesday, the 10!i mat. when they wi! he “dvaered to 87. J. B. YATES, ) M A.MTNTYRE, ( PhilaJrJjHU. Jeaa UJ )’ 5, i825- rr Orders for tickets or shares, received, and prize tickets in fourteenth class, tRken in payment at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 18 lufurmotiim Wanted \ I F Gl.ORGE MILLER, otherwise DAN IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the year 815, arrived in SctvannJi, in »he Aberdeen rfnsport, belonging to llcssrr. D; wson & Sons, of London is living, and v ill upply to Lis f iends in Englano, he will hear ol • imetl'mg much to his advantage, He left he Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and >gf nut been lieatd of by bis f ienda sinci hat period. He had bc-eti many years a sm- ior, a-d while on board thea^ jve veaael, was employed aa a carpenter. 7f he left Sa vannah at that time, it is probable that he ntcred some veuael going f*.* the Bruz ; l Is- •auda. aa in his Lst letter, he ata'ed that it wa* hit intention to do an. &hould he havt lif-dat anyplace whei e * register orcertifi ■jate of his burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all ex}«en '«* attendiug it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W kT.L. CHE9TER. New-York sent • 57 kavannah Female Asylum. 4 N election for a Matron to tliis Institu tion, will take place at the Asylum House, on the first meeting in February.— Application for the above to be handed in to the subscriber. By order of the Bonrd, E. M. LLOYD, Stc'ry. novl3 94 JOHN T. ROWLAND, C ONTINUES to do busineaain Milledge- ville, and tenda-a the offer of his aer- to h'a friends snd the public, in the trana- icticn of agency buaineaa generally no’ 5 o8jb«l7 HIGHEST PRIZE 40,000. SCHEME NO. III. 1 Prise of—840,000 ia 41/ 0U0 Dollars. 1 Prise of--,.. 0,000 it 20,000 Dollars. I Prig* ot-.—IQJjpO it 10 J90 Dollars. 2P is of — 5,000 it 0,000 Dollars. So* of • 1,000 it S’ 1 ,000 Dollars. "0 Prizes ot—— 5u0 ia 10,000 Dollars —100 it 5,f 00 DollaK. 51 It. 5,000 Dollars. -—10 ia 50,000 Dollara. lHO.O O DoUart. 50 Pntcs of ICO P irea of- 5000 Prizes of- 5 ’05 Prizca. 1479; Blanks, ZO’-OO Ticket! at 89, it 180,000 Pol’* a. The whole of the prizes u, be floating from the commencement 0 the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz: On tho 5th day, : s 1 s $10,000. On the 10th day, : • . 5,000. On the 16th day, : t , f , 80,000. On the 20th day, t : 1 1 40,000. The whole to be completed it. Twenty Dva-wia a only \\ The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty days alter tho com pletion of tho drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commitrionert appointed hy the Governor and Council Tho above Lottery commences drawing ill Baltimore, on WEDMESDA V, nth inst. Tickets $12—Shares in proportion. ORDERS ' received at the Baltimore price, and prize tic’lets taken in payment, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Row. nov9 of CoiroVMiTIONfl, f atlGIIS, AjC BUTLER’S [•Oft the cure bf Gultis* Cough*, F < lion*, SpiUtfg of Blood, Am. ,/Ci.iwump. •.as, and ciiaetaea uftnebrcaat and lunga lliere ic perhaps no medical nbaervatiot better established, none mote ; c i rally con =ir.ned bv the ez^enence of the h .st physir.i- •tin of ail ayea and criuntrirs, and none ot orr. importance to the h.un j fimily, than :«e fact that many of the most J iHcult and in “urable consumptions origiiu. t< in neglect <! colds« In aclimaleso variabii as ours, when ’he changes of (he wea h ;r are tri qu ntly Ridden an.i unexpected, it r< xpiiresmnre can* und attention to guaidagai. i< (bia dangernu t?nemy of life, than must p i jple imagine or ire able and willing to ben»x>sv. 7 he bills o‘ mortality exh bit the mei. forScJy Lit thattht proportion of dea’hs bytf * «?isea*c may In considered as about five^to ont\ I aamucl: then aa this fatal dii-e^ frrquentlv ui s defi ance to the skill of the mo»i learn.,*J physici ans, it a gratification to the prounttor that t e ih enabled to oHer to those nffl med witl it, a goodly prospect of relief* i«< ih*t highly valuable remedy, ihi* Vegetable / dian aptci- JSc. The Indians are happy in their kn'ow- iodgp of m dical plants; gt Vurned whoiiy »> experience, they are certain as to their iff et, and it ia said by an author of great character, hat a true cxnaumption is a disease never known among them. I bis Specific ia obtained by extrsetion from herbs, rootn, fl iwcrs, pLnt, &c. when ill per faction. In consequence of a happy con.tbtna. tion of the moat valuable lierhs, he. it bt/comcM v balsam of a superior value. It hcah; the in. j.i-ed parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, after the manner i f an anodyne; conseq 1 ently the obstruction ot the cheat and the lungs which uonstitute this disease, particularly need itsiuir. It promotes expectoration, which is constantly culled for, and whilst it clearsos a* d heai», it also give> strength ' i the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fevec, improves diges tion, gives strength to nerves, repairs the ippetite ar.d improves the spirits. This speci fic mav alwitys be givr n in aufety it is mild, pletsant to '.be tas .e, and may safely be given o infants, for wiixh it is of inestimable value. It affords relief in. bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu- I <riy useful In i r, pochondri ical, nervous and hysterical dist »ses. Each bill of direction ''ontaina • det:died account ofthis disease in aII its difffr"i! t stages, und will bj accompu • ied with th-. signature of the proprietor in fled Ink. It . I nffered for isle by GEO. RY KKbO'O, only (my a >Je agent) D.uggist, cor aer Bay and Whitiaker-streets, Savannah, at one dollar r> : r bottle. f WM BUTLER, dec 3ft 30 Beers’ Axes. ... . , a s s»sr ^Twzs.*l’““ Ji “* • | oct Uur\e,A \\«Ai Matrasses. T IHE subscriber haa jnet received an as- aortniunt of the above articles, war [iiality, for sale by oct 27 . S©liliDL3j OppoBlta the &cadt*nvj. —«*«-— StRft. KEU, T1ESPECTFULLY informs friemis * . nru toe public, tliat her sc hooi. is now '»■«», opposile the Chatham Academy, for toe RKcEeTioN or Pt'Pu.s. Assisted hv her daughter Miss E. A. IIsmuson" B |,e otters her services in teachinpthc following usclul and ornamental branches of educa- Hon. V\ hilst she ret urns sincere thanks for be patronage hitherto extended, she Dopes, lrom the reduced rates of tuition and her turreaAed exertions to further fhe pro gressot her Pupils, to deserve a still fur- * r r ®* t * n «lt | n ofpuhlie fzvor. Th* cimree or tuition, and the terms on which scholar* are received, are- let Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and Marking, per quarter, : 44 06 2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithme tic, 8 00 The French nr Spanish Languages, including elegant embroidery, on laco or muslin, to any pattern, per quarter, t : i : : : j 10 00 Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00 4t The most careful attention will be paid by Mrs. Ke«, to the deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge, nov2 ns P. M’DERJVJOTT, I NFORMS his friends and the public gen erally, that he has received by recent arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot Gi occi ies, Hardwure and Dry Goods, which will be disposed of wholesale and re tail, on the most reasonable terms. The following articles comprise a part of hi® present stock v viz.— 20 litsgsi; till* prime St. Croix *uear 10 Boxes White and ? Uott 0 R ises Bwwn J Hmni du 60 Burrell I.oat aud Lump <]<> 50 B mJ s Havana Gr?en Coffee 6 Pi; rs superior 4th Proof Brandy r Pint s do Holland Gin 5 I’incu Imitation Btandy, 4th proof 5 Do do Gin 2 Pipes vi jry superior old Peach Brandy 2 Punch** ms do do Irish Whiskey 50 Hogsh ids and \ PbiLd.dphia Bye JW Bvrok , . t. -ft-' * Whiskey 100 Birrela Korthern Gin 2 Pipe; s. i i. rnr old Madeira Wine 5 Half Pi p superior old Lisbon do lo Q .srtr t Casks Tenerifte do Very h noerior old W|d»tm x Wlne sod.i 150 Wh e and > Darrels rupel flue fires? j 100 Halt 5 FI ur 100 «»rr. sh No- 3, New Macksrel 50 Ban m No. 2, do do lfiOO Bask :et* Table Salt . .. 20 Cas! tn G*SuC7l Cheete 20 Barre/s Copperas H^ima Wrapping Paper , 50 B »R* Black Pepper 10 Boses Chocolate 20 ’ Five ffnlloo Demijohn* 5 ■ .1 100 Kegs HE and liF 5 1 Pound Cunisteisof superior (' 100 Piefccs 4.' inch Cotton Bagging 2 Rales Bagging Twine 10 Whole and > Boses S. Wbittirr 6 Half y genuine Cords 10 Boxes Wool Hats 5 Buies Straw Bounet# 10 Coils Rale Hope , 5 Dozen Bed Cords 50 Ho Plough Lmes 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Dales Point, London D. llle Blankets 10 Hiseb colored and bleac’ w d and u blearlied Homespum 70 Gross Iron Table .Spoons 15 Du do Tea do ?0 Du Teutonia Table do Plated Table and Tea do Ccppei.CaHt, Wrought and Cnr.poia tion Tea Kuttlei of all .i.a <\ Bras-. Kettles for making prt-msts 20 Seta of DLh Cov< rs SO Tors Shear Moulds 1 D > S»d Irons 1 Do Bs- Lead 1 Du Sheet Iron 100 Cask* assorted Cut Nstls Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, r^de expressly for this market 20 Duxen Bandarw», Wooti*aw**tid Tyn- nsut Saws Blacksmith Sled ges and Handhamrerra Anvils, from 1 to 200ibs. rest mouke hole Blacksmith** Be Howr.from 24 tin 36 Single and Double Screw PMta Corn Mills, fro'f. No. 1 to 5 2 Tons Hooks and Hinges Brass Andirons, from $2 5^to $3 B ats and Wire Fende.s, wj;h shovels and tonga to match 5 Casks Braid's Patent jrloei 100 Dozen Padlocks eteelyards to wtr/.h ft ora 200 to 5001b* 2 Tons of Steel,co listing tf Sbtar, Eng lish, Bl : ster«d and Csst Stoves with Fijv • 1000 Poundu Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtail* Pins 5 Hags Trace OVi.uns 2 Duzcn Curryi>.ig Knives 20't U*:zen Curry Combs 6 Sets White, 'handle Knives and Forks, coiiaifiir g of 50 p cces each 10 Sets Britam •* Teapots. Sugar and f rftani do 6 D »en Patent $lwt Belts ? Dnseu Game Bars 2 Dozen Powder Horns and F!aska 1 Ctiae double sav5 aingin barrel Guns 10 Dusen Wire ami 20 dex Hair Sifters 2 Dozen Fancy H ill Mats and 50 sets o Table Mata ALSO, A general assortment < f CsroenterV Planes, Brunhes, and Fancy Bellows, with many other articles in the above line,too tedious to enu merate. FXPECTED (DAILY, 20 Tons of Ctrron Cutirgs, which wilt he sold low from the wharf nov If