Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 08, 1825, Image 3
■ > V ' ^ MSSfaTOIBIBo I THE subscribers ***** I CONTINUE THK COMMISSION DUSINlblS IN T HE subscriber intruding to closo liis business in tbi* city, niter* his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting nf Bldcltonrds of vnrinus patterns, Secretary ' and Boult Cases, Wardrobes, French Press- eB Bureaus. Ladies’ Dressing Tablca.Com- modes. Pill&r and Claw Work lobes, Card Tables, Tea Tallies, Dining Tables, Jbuakt'ast Tables^ioolleinen’s W ntirtg Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands. Candle Stands,Work Stand*, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy dt.Windsor Chairs, dtc. at the Ware-House, corner of n hitta- kor-Slrect and Bay Lane. J H. O. alsorequosta that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, slid those having any demands, present their accounts ^“‘^V : fan 85 51 H To the Lovein of P*atural Heads of Hair. rriHE SUBSCRIBER, who is just arriv X ed in this city from New-York, offers for sale an extensive oasortment of L&dits nod Uentknitn’g W\ g8 , &fc. All of his own manufacture, and at tlie various prices, from 15 to 30 dollars each..— His lowest priced Wigs he warrants elmll equal, if not excel, those made elsewhere in America, in every respect, whatever they may cost. The admiration with which the fashions- ble world have viewed Quirk’s new inven tion, and the reputation which has univer sally attended his ornamental production*, pre-eminently rank him above all competi, tion. By many yeara studious application to the principles of his profession, lie has at length boon enabled to introduce to the pub- Jic ono of the most extraordinary discoveries in the system of Wig-mnking that human imagination could suggest, and which lias obtained the appellation of Quirk’s HEADS OF HAIR. Those ladies and gentlemen that may ho nor him with their calls, he feels confident that, from the superiority of his work in eve- ry resjicdt, fie will secure their custom for the future. the City Hotel, from 10 until 8 0,clock, where the subscriber will itu ready to attend upon those gentlemen that may be E leased to honor him with their commands, .adies leaving their orders will be wai'ed upon' immediately. His stay in Savannah Will not exceed six days. THOMAS QUIRK, No 492 Broadway, New-York ID* Where all orders after his departure Will ho thankfully received. fell 7 62e CONTINUE THK COMMISSION DUSINXSS IN LIT- ERPOOI., UNDER THE FIRM Or \&aJU3, LOW & 00. A ND will at all timon mnko liberal ad vances on produce consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool radn, and owning a convenient wharf, bit which there aro roomyJire-prutif .lores, cot ton will be received and (hrwardod in their own veesela, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed and only a commission charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF British Dry toons, is just, being bought with money and selected by one of the partners, they will bo furnished as low as by any regular Importing House in the United States, and nn along credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW A CO. oet 25 78 For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LlNF.,) The regular packet ship SAVANNAH, Wm. Behee, Jitter, , ..I, Will meet with despatch. For , freight or passage, having elegant needm- modations, apply >o Cant. Bcbec, on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to IIALL it IIOY'T. . Jnn 5 1HVLU ant\ MvttVAll.VL P. E. BRAS8INNE, R espectfully informs and the public, that he has Goshen Butter, Laid, Ac J UST received per ships William Wal lace and Juno, 15 Kegs Prime Goshen Butter VO do Lard 10 Barrels choice Hums 10 Half barrels Pig Pork, put up for family consumption 0 Barrels Sargent’s Crackers 18 Half barrels Fly Market Beef 3 Barrels Smoked Tongues IN STORE, 50 Barrels Prime Beef 30 do Mess do 60 do Nn. 1, do 40 do Prime Pork, city inspection 12 do Mess do 75 do Pilot and Navy Bread 50 do Potatoes 40 do No. t, 8 and 3, Mackarel 100 Half barrels Flour 50 Whole do do Together with a general assortment of all kinds of Groceries & Ship Chandlery. For sale by BRADLEY,CLAGHORN t WOOD, Anciaux’ Wharf Jan 87 his friends has purchased the establishment in the above business, be- longing to Dr. A. Delsroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a largo assortment of Yre»\i MfcAielnea, and ChthieaU, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantfiarides. Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Pinery. Gum AasafCDtiila Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal •Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo,Lnnceis, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Fiowors Sulphur, Senna. Nutmegs N"x Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil . Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, -Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Roclu'He Salts Tartar Emetic. Spirits of Turpeutine Butter, Lard, rti ms ' c. Just received by tlup IVm. Wallace, 1 A FIRKINS Goshen Butter, 1st qual’y X Vr 20 Kegs Lard, from 30 to 40 lbs each 10 Barrels Burlington Hams, small size 10 Half barrels Mess Pork 10 do do Pig do 10 Casks Cheese, first quality 30,000 American Segars IN STORE, 100 Barrels Pilot and Navy Bread 50 do Beef and Pork 50 dd Tar. Pitch and Rosin Cordage, Lends. Lines, and Twine Toge.ther with a full assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ID* Ship Stores put up at short notice, and low prices, by ABNER BASSETT, No. 1, Mongol's New Buildings. Jan 46 Cider, 1'ork, Landing from *hip Savannah, "t A BARRELS “Oaklny’s” *np. Cider 12 do Newark Cider „ do Mcbb Pork do M« sp Beef do Prime do IN STORE, 20 Barrels l 1 rime Pork 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 30 Barrels Albany Beer For sale low by II. B* HATHAWAY, Jones’ Upper Wharf.! Fob 5 6Ip j & 5 10 For Providence, The ship MARY A L M Y, C. C. Conk, faster, Havinp three-fourths of her car* f o encaged, will have immediate despatch. 'or freight or passage, apply to Captain Cook, on board, at A. Low A Co’s. Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. Jan 31 50 TO RENT. THE tenement brick House in York-Street, recently occu- pied by O. Sturges, Esq. dec.— a possession given immediately Also, THREE STORES, in the vicinity of tho market—rent low. Apply to T. R. PRICE Jan 11 30|ja NfcW-YOliK StaleL terat m e Lottery, CLASS IV. ID* TO BE DRAWN ON THE SIXTH or APRIL NEXT. AND tlE CON- CL UDED IN ONE ERA WING. Passage for Barbadoes, The fast sailing brig SPLENDID, Captain Shephard, Will sail for the above port on the 10th inst. wind and weather permitting,and con handsomely nceommodate a few pas sengers, for which, apply to the master on board, at Williamson’s Wharf, or to COHEN A MILLER. Fobs 6lp For New-York, The fine new schooner LAURA JANE, Captain Boose, Will have immediate despatch.— For freight, apply to DOUGLASS A SORREL. Feb 5 61c For Providence, The packet schooner GEORGE, C. Harris, Master. ,For freightof 50 bales of Cotton, or passage, apply to the master oo board at Moore’s Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. fox 7 «>■ For lYwston, The schr. ABIGAIL, Wm. Nason, Master, .Having the greater part of her freight engaged, will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to contain N. on board ut Mongol's upper Wharf, or to COIIGN Si MILLER, feb 4 60 p Lor talc, freight or Charter A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five tone, a first-rate sailer, and in com* Pffi \ ptate order for any voyage. For further particulors, apply to BRADLEY\ CLAGHORMb WOOD. dec 24 For New-York, The sloop MECHANIC, Somers, Master, Will meet with despatch. For freight nr passage, apply to Capt. Somers, on board, at Taylor’s Whnrf or to C. C. GRISWOLD. Febt ’ savannah and Augusta Line of Staves, In conseqncnce of the accident to the steam-boat, the Savan nah and Augusta Line of Stages, is extended from Purysburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central oi,„ nr 1 Whnrf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues- fcrill) b'lare M UiliS, Pol k, H. C. day, Thursday and Saturday, at half-past six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the Va'nws tt j uhA \yv Oi\. > White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalls Jiipau and Copal Varnish. VvYf mwCT’S. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Boat English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instrument* and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of j warranted quality. I .Tan?*' 47 C. C. GRISWOLD, offers for sale, BARRELS Northern Gin • fJ 20 do Whiskey 8 Tons Share Moulds 20 Barrels Mrs? Pork, New-York City Inspection 15 Barrels Newark Cider 100 lvogs White Lead 52 do Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown VO Barrels Whiting 3 Tons Steel Jnn 31 Fresh 'Feus, Hams, Flour, 2Q CHESTS Hyson Teas passertgere to that place. Only eight w. I be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 38 I N this sfhrme the amount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing maitnet:— 2 ITizcs of 810 000 3 -• 5 000 1 8,082 17 1.000 20 500 41 ----- - 200 51 100 and a largo number of smaller denomina tion, and chances for a ehort time only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ex pense, by W. BOBEKTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for persons in this city, No. 25,313, combination 54,28.30,41000 2,810, 8,28,29, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jan 26 830,000 810 000 5,000 5,000 CAPITALS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA i Union Canal Lottery■ 15th Class—New Series. T HE above splendid Prizes will be dis tributed on the MltUh of March negt. Those who would become candidates will hand in their names without delay, at EXCHANGE OFFICE. Where Tickets can at present be ordered at Seven Dollars. feb 4 60 (JramA State Lotterv of M A IIY L A N D, THIRD CLASS. T HE Official List of the eleventh draw ing is received. The following aro the prizea taken from the wheel. No. 8652 £1000 570, 100S3 1640, 19283 6028, 12281 m Ido 50 . And 193 prizea of 210 The following are the BRILLIANT CA PITALS to bo drawn. Some of them will probably be nut on the 12th drawing, which is due here on the 11th instant. 840,000 8,40,000 TICKETS TWELVE DOLLARS. Orders taken at the above price at LUTHER'S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Feb 1 China and Glass-Ware. Just received by the late ar- rivals from Liverpool, N. York, and Boston, a very elegant as- sortmont of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASS-WARE. AI.80, PLATED CASTORS, BRI TANNIA TEAPOTS, and a variety «if i FANCY ARTICLES, which will be sold 33 Keys No. 1 Tobacco 1 Iiiid Richmond Cut G!n*-s Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv- | ow f or cash or city [iaper . T. G. CHAMBERLIN, ed per Laura Jam** for s»1p by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 fthiMi.g so For snlo by Feb 2 do do do Molasses IIALL & HOYT. 50 «aitiniore Vi hiskev BARRELS BALTIMORE WHIS KEY, junt received and tor sale by Feb 5 CALVIN BAKER. ad Hoes. New-Grieans Sugar and Mo- D AY A MARTIN’S Genuine Japan' IasSCS Blacking,in casks of 10 a 15 doz. each 1 JYjfkHOGSHEADS Prime New-Or- No. 3. Patent Hoes ] L"” leans Sugar For sale bv C. VV. ROCKWELL & CO. fth 1 62p Laurel Haw-Mill. TPHE above Mill is now in complete nr- ** dcr, and will cut and deliver at Savah- or at the plantations on the river, lum ter of every description wanted. Applv to HORACE KIRBY, Savannah, or to JACOB READ,Drakie’s Plantation. <toc 43 lfipNH* ft TRAi'sbi iiRLxYCiijd, 9t\i\Uttrg AND AIL OTO'XR ORNAMENTAL St FANCY Painting E XECUTED in a V»rv superior manner, by WM. ROGERS, , Kork S,. three doors west of Whittaker-St. r '2nf Notice. A LL Persons having had suits, or other official business, ponding befure S.tMr- , son Morpecai. late, a Justice of the Peace , for Chatham County, are informed, and rc No. 5, Gibbon's Buildings. ON CONSIGNMENT, 20 Barrels Shell Bnrks 4 Boxes Garden Seeds 1 Case Cloth, Ilair and Hearth Brushes 1 do Japanned Bellows 1 do English Fancy Soaps 2 Casks Day & Martin’s Blacking Jan 8 37rp|i Jnn °7 Wanted Immediately. mwo FIRST RATE JOURNEYMEN X BOOT-MAKERS, to whom constant employment will be given. Also, a tree colored apprentice, to the above business, of about fourteen years of age. JOSEPH SINGER, Broughtnn-Strcct, near Bull-St. J. S. informs his custom ers, that in making Boots for £6 5(1 per pnir v aod foot ing for £.150, it is for CASH Bro -4- mr v/iiuuiaui vuiuitv, mr niiuimuii, ujju n- n vr quired to take r.oticu, that his dockets and ^ 'r hen s "°™ 8 n ? lve "’ ‘!> e P™ e paper, have been delivered over to me, and 18 f f or an ? S . 0 ft)r *?“"?; . tbit my first Court will be held on the 22d . my day of this month, feb 7 62p M. J. KAPPEL, Justice of the Peace. 53 PKR ONS H AVING business with Wm. Bsi.ciier, NOTARY PUBLIC, may for the present find Kim at the office of Alexander BARRELS NORTHERN GIN.for; Hunter and William P. Beers, Notaries sale by CALVIN BAKER. 1 Public, in the Exchange. I'ehb | JaoI3 « H : n a supply of the FINEST CALF SKIN, suitable for first rate boots and shoes, which will be made up at the above price, both in the finest anti strongest manner. Jan 19 46n|| T ' kets Received, In Qrand State lottery of Maryland, THIRD CLASS. T HOSE who have given orders for Tick ets in the above Lottery, are informed that they are ready for delivery at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, feb 7 Viuai’d and Lodging. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN can be accommodated in a respectable private family with Board and Lodging, and a sep arate sitting room, if required, handsomely furnished, upon moderate terms—or three Gentlemen wishing to form a private party, may be accommodated. For particulars apply at this office- Jan 22 • 48 5. | CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, Savannah, 4th Jan. 1825 P ERSONS liable to City Taxes, are hereby required fo make their returns on or before the TENTH DAY OF FEB RUARY NEXT. In case of default, dou will be assessed on all defaulters after that period, in conformity with the or dinance in such case made and provided. M. W. STEWART, City Treasurer. Jan 19 46 raw &jkm EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY OAX.VXH BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH NEXT, At XI o’clock, will bo sold in front of the Court-House, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson, Old Grace, Young Grace, Kink and Jenny, belonging to the estate of David Johuson, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the Executor. raikM BV J. B. HERBERT * 00. On WEDNESDAY,9th inst. Will lie sold before our store,.at XI oVlk. a general assortment of GROCERIES.— Also 10 Sacks FRESH ALMONDS. Feb 8 YL\J>'AW-\ F ROM the subscriber, on t he 10th inst. a negro follow, named JEFFKRY, about thirty years old, and about five feet ten inches high, dark complected, and has tolerable small eyes. Hnd on when he went away, a brown coatee, with a small velvet color—ho took all his clothes with him, among them were one blue and one black broadcloth coat. He will no doubt trv to get to Savannah, where he was rais- ecf, and formerly owned by Samuel Gold smith. A reward of twenty-five dollars will bo given to any person who will deliver him ttf me*in Augusta, and all reasonable ex panses paid, or ten dollars to have him lodg ed in any jail in Georgia or Sooth Carolina. ROBERT LANG. Feb 3 59l| HEAD QU H rERS, Savannah, 27th Dec. 1884. TVrigtu\ft Orders. The Colonels or command ing officers of the Regiments of the First Brigade, First Di vision, Georgia Militia, are or dered to have their respective Regiments and battalions, un der arms at the times and pla ces, which inay be directed by the Inspector of tile Brigade, for tlie purpose of being trained and instructed by him, in the exercise, and evolutions pre scribed by Congress. The General will review the Militia in each County, and will notice in publietir- dors, the appearance and conduct' uf eacii corps 1 giving all proper praise where it is due, and censuring without reserve, any misconduct or negligence on the part of the officers or privates under Iub command. However unpleasant it may be, it will not be pretermitted, under any circumstan ces to enforce the provisions of the Militia Law, to its fullest extent, against all who may render themselves liable to its penal ties. Tlie inspector is charged with the pro mulgation of these orders, and the most punctual at'ention to tho performance of the important duties of his station, upon which mainly depends the'discipline of the Brigade. By order General Hirdev. SAMUEL STILES. Aid-de-Camp. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, ) Savannah, Jan. 18, 1885. j In conformity with the above order the Colnnels.oftbe Regiments, of the FirBt Bri gade, will muster their respective com mands at the times, and in the manner fol lowing, viz:— On Friday the 4th March neat at 11 o’ clock, A. M. aconveution ofthe field, staff, company and non-commissioned officers of 35th Battalion belonging to Chatham Coun ty—And on the 6tli March next, st 11 o- cloch, A. M the review and inspection of the Battalion belonging to Chatham Coun ty- On Thursday the 10th March next, at 11 o’clock, a convention of the field, staff, company and non ^commissioned officers of Effingham Battalion—And on the 11th of March next, at 11 o’oiock, A. M. the re- view-ahrf iflfpecHoh oPsjpSDamltoB. -- i On the 16th March uhxt, at 11 o'clock, s convention of the field, stqif, company and non-cominissioned officers of the Camden County Battalion—And'on the 19th March next, at 11 ojcfock, A. M. the review and inspection uTlnc Battalion. On the 21st Marc!) noxl, st 11 o'clock, A. M. a convention ol the field, staff, comps- ny end non-commissioned officers of the Wayne County Battalion—And on the 22d mn*f, r »t n, TT"'6YellIcS, -Ad-Ms-*J»# Mm view and inspection ofthe Battalion. . On the 2lth March next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, com pany and non-commissioned officers of the Glynn County Battalion—And op the 25th March, tlie review and inspection of the Battalion. On the 28th March next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention ofthe field, staff, com pany and non.commiesionedmfficers of M’- Intosji County Battalion—And on the 29th March, the review and inspection of the Battalion. On the 30th March ne- t, at 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, com- K and non-commissioned officers of the rty County Battalion—And on the 31at March next, the review and inspection of the Battalion- On the 1st of April next, at It o’clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, com pany and non-commissionpd officers of the Bryan County Battalion—A nd on the 2d the review and inspection ofthe Battalion. On the 7th April next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention ofthe field, staff, compa ny and non-commissioned officers of the let Regiment (City of Savannah) and on the 9th April, the review and inspection of the Regiment. It is required, and ordered, that all offi cers, non-cominissioned officers, and pri vates be armed and accoutred according to law, except such as belong to Volunteer Corps, whose equipments shall be in,con formity with tho ruioB for the government ofthe corps. Field Officers, with theig staff, of this brigade, are required to attend tlie reviews and inspection within their respect ive commands. All officers will be provided with their commissions on th$ day ofinspec- tion and review, and those commanding companies are ordered to furnish the Ad jutant at least five days ppoVteus to the re view and inspection, as above urdergd, with an exact return of their respective compa nies ; which returns will be consolidated by the Adjutant,the same to be delivered to me at the commencement of the inspection of the Battalion. After the review and in spection, such further exercises and man- ouvres, will be performed as may be re quired by the Commanding-General. WM. C. WAYNE. Brigade Insp. 1st Brig. 1st Div. G. M. Jan 19 46 LW J. B. HSRBRT U OO. On THURSDAY, Ifrth inst. Will be sold on Jackson’s Wharf, st XI o’clock, for account ofthe underwriters .-.nd all concerned, One Mast, one Jib Stny.Fcro- sail, one Flying-Jib, Bonnet of a Jib, and Running Rigging, damaged on board the aloop Spartan, on her p%*age from Phila delphia, to this port, and suld by advice of tlie Port Wardens.—Terms cash, Feb 8 RICH CUT GLASSWARE. BY X 8. HERBERT U OO. On SATURDAY lithinst. Will bo sold before our store, without re serve, an invoice of rich cut Glass, consist ing of Sets of Dishes of different P»‘ terns Qt. and pt. Decanters «>*,_ Butter Toko <md tft an a 9 j„. do." Jugs mid PI* tee do. do. Tumblers, Wines, Cordials, Clarets, Ac. They can be examined al any time pre vious to the sale, at our store. Terms, cash. feb 5 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY X 8. HERBERT * OO. On FRIDAY, 18th March, Will bo sold at lire Marble Yard in State afreet, next to Dr. Habersham, at 11 0 lock, a quantity of Marble Slabs,'Brown Stone, and Stone-Cutter’s Tools, together with the Building on snid Lot, being the personal eBtate of William Masterton. deceased, ai.d sold byorder ofthe administratrix. Tr m» cash. feb 7 iU'KvAft fcfcofcAV c U. P ERSONS who have -ordered Tickets in the MARYLAND STATE LOT- LEUy. now drawing—ten days over— FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS high- est prize, are informed that they are re ceived. Tickets TWELVE DOLLARS, Halves and quarters'in proportion. A ; m, ticketu in the NEW YORK I.ITEKA .TURE LOTTERY, to be drawn thh of April. Highest Prizes TWO of TEN THOUSAND, THREE nf FIVE THOU- SAND, Ac—Tickets SIX DOLLARS, Halves, Quarters and Eighths, in piopor- tion. Orders received lor tickets in the PENNSYLVANIA UNION CANAL LOTTERY—Highest Prize THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to he drawn, on the ninth March. Tickets SEVEN DOLLARS—Halves and Quarters in pro portion. W. ROBERTSON, Feb 3 PENNSYLVANIA UNIOX C.miL LOTTERY 1JERSONS who have ordered Tickete'in i tft'fc atwtre Lc-ttery can obtain them-by application to the Subscriber. Whole Tioksta - £7 09 Halves . * 3 50 Quarters • • 1 75 Eighths - * 0 871 , WM. ROBERTSON. feb 4 OGLETHORPE BALL, Br the Savannah Volunteer Guards. ttWktng. A FEW dozen of Day & Martin’s Genu ine Blacking, for sale by P. E. BRASSlNNE, Druggist, oppesite the Exchange. Jan 25 Tar, Uitch, Rosm i$c. JUST RECEIVED, QA BBLS TAR £t\J 10 do Pitch 10 do Rosin 5 do bright Varnish For sale by ■ A. BASSETT, No. 1, Mongin’s New-Building, Fob* Hair Sifters R ECEIVED by the Louisa Matilda, and for sale by N. B. WEED. Jan 15 Com. ft -f AA BUSHELS CORN, afloat, for & IUU sale by HALL A HOYT. Feb 3 Oznaburghs. . K p* BALES Urst quality OZNABURGHS, O just recsWtd and for sale by - - CALVIN BAKRR. M EMBERS who are subscribers to the above Ball, to be given on the 11 th inst, in celeb ation of the first settlement of Georgia, are requested to call at the Bonk Store nf Mr. W. T. Williams, for their tic kets previous to that day. Those members who have not yet sub scribed, may leave their names With either of the undersigned. W. C. Wayne, 1 J. P. SenEvEN, F., < F.W. Heimmann, W.T.IIinteb, ) f ( Wm.Robebtson. Feb 1 57 Notary Public. T HE subscriber has taken No. 14. Mon- gib’s West Wharf, fronting the Bay, where he will attend to all business us s PUBLIC NOTARY, and for the SHIP PING-OF SEAMEN. Having been com versam in cases of Insurance, ho also of. fers hi8 services as an INSURANCE BRO KER. In commercial cities, besides incor porated Insurance offices, it is common and usual to have offices where individuals un derwrite, and who' often take risks, when / the incofporatqd'j/jtfices refuse, and often / the insured divide the risk between the one / andthe othor.’ WM. BELCHER./ Feb'2 " 58l / ... THE DRAWING OF ...... J 2d v>LA8S C HARLESTON LOTTERY for the benefit of Fine Arts and tlie Literary and Philosophical Society is received, and can be examined at LUTHER’S Exchange Office. feb 4 60 Marine and Fire Insurance Company. A N election will be held on MONDAY, the 14th February, at the office ofthe Marine and Fire Insurance Company, for seven Directors, to manage the affairs of the Institution for one year. ALEX'. M. KER, fiec’ry. Feb 1 57 . iNotice. A MEETING of the Stockholders ofthe y 1 • Steam-Bnst Company of Georgia; w ill, take place at the Office in Savannah,, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of next month, February, at ten o'clock, A. M. on businesa of importance. A general attendance is requested. N. B.—Any absent stockholder may, .by power of attorney, under seal, authorise any other stockholder to vote for him or her, WM. P. HUNTER. Treasurer Steam-Boat Company, Jan 19 38 . mi