Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 08, 1825, Image 4
Jflra L2(9 8MA VOTHUIO iA-L'IL no ijL-ii. Sheriff’s Salts. On the Jirst Tuesilny in March nex‘, W ILL be •■■Id »t the Court Douse. in tht «ity of Savannah, between the hours o ten ami four o’clock. The following * negroei, via : Peter end hi. wife Berth, their children Mery, T< ro, end Pcrolla, levied on •• the property of Jeme. Bdho, to aat<afy tn execution in furor of the Free dent, D-rectora end Company of the lla-ik of the U. States. All that lot of ground known and deaigni- ted ai garden lot No> thirty-nine (39) and alao that adjoining half part of another, known aa lot No. forty-two (49) containing, together, eight and a naif acrea, be the same more or leaa, aituate to the eaat of the city of Savan nah, and bounded to the northwest of lot No, twenty ail (36) to the aouth and east by lands belonging to the eatate of Hampton L IKbrldge, and to the weat by the public road leading tu Skidaway Island, whereon a brick yard ia now established and known tty the name of Frtim’a brick yard, together with all and aingular the improvement at d appur- tenancra thereunto belonging, 'eried on at the property of lacub, under a rule abso lute, from the Hon. the Superior Couit of e'iti^iham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland and Sum i 1 '* w . ir ®- „ All that lot Ol ™ • nd Ha- onranam aireeia, “*‘d No. twelve (I?) in the city of Savennnt, together with ad the buddings, impruvementa anti nppurte nances thereunto he onging—levied oti at the f iroperty of Jamra Bilbo, under a rule abio- ute from the Honor<ble the Superior tout of Chatham County, in favor of the Commiat aionert of Pilotage of the pert of Savannah. • The eastern half tot aod improvements, known in the plan of the City of Savannah, bv No. five (5) in Oglethorpe ward, bouoded aouth by Margaret-atreet, eaat by lot No, four (4) and north by a lane—levied on aa (be property of George L. Cope, under a A ta, on a foi es'.oaure of a mortgage in favor ot John Hover. A1', that tract of lard known by tie name of Tweed Side, containing (346) acrea, 264 acrea high land, third quality, 82 acrea low land fi-at quality, ooundod on the north by Savannah river—levied on under a fi fa in fa vor of Simon Donald and wife, complainant#, "s-.Ti-t Thomas N. alorel, and others, heir* of Johh Morel, dee. A negro man named Soloman, levied on aa the property of John Womack, to aatiafy exe eutini ain favor of the Batik of the State of Georgia and others- Buiidmgaon part of lot No. thirty one (31) Liberty ward, in the eity of Savannah, bound, ed north on York-strect, south by a lane, and west by other part of said lot—levied on as the property of Wm. M.hcw, dec. to satisfy an execution from a justices court, in favor of Thompson A Bonncy, against Am. Mafaew, security for E. Swift. ISAAC D’LYON, S. C. C. Jan 31 56 Sheriff ’s Sale. On the Jinl Tuesday in March next, \IWILl b- sold at the Court-House, be W# tween the usual hours o ten and four i clock, Eighty negro slave!, via. Nelson, Rachel, Sam, Morris, Cha irs, Mitlev, Hannah, Harry, Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules, Braboy, John, David. Nancy, Philip, Judy, John, Har ry, Eve, Philip, Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tenth, Molly, Henry, Ben, V.-nus, Cain, Cumba, Celia, Flora, Nelly, Hannah, Simon, Lukey, Paddy, Jenny,Brutus,Cinria, Beck, Fanny, 'or, Heater. July, Phebe, Jack, Bella, Fanny, Jack, Hobart, Isiac, Pompey, 0*(ir, City, Willoughby, Fortune, Kaehrl, Phillis, Rich ard, Miner, Jane, London, lfavy, Iihmael, Lizzy, Suzy George, Grace, Cudjo, Caty, Bet sy, Sampaon, Billy, Molly and Abraham, to gether with the fiiture issue and increaze of tlie families, levied on under a fi. fa. on foreclosure nr * mortgage from George I.. ope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, Juhn M’Niah, and Hubert Mitchell. I. D’LYON, A' C C. ded 31 3t Sheriff 1 ’s Sale. On thefirtt Tuesday in March next, dTfriLL be sold at the Court-House m the \f# town of Jeflerwn, Camden County, between the hours of ten and four o'clock* Nine Negroea, Grace and her children. Harriett, Charlotte, Lucinda* Usual, Louisa,, Eliza, Henry and Bob, levied on as the prop erty ai Joseph Rain, to aatiafy an execution n favor if vVdiam H Williams md »thr ; ra G W, THOMAS, V. S. C. C. Jefferson, Jan. 22,1825. Jan 27 *3 Sherift , ’s Sales. YTWlt.L he told, st the Market Huuar, in 'll the Town of B’. Marys, on the first atuid'y after the Aral Tuesday of Ma-eh next, between the hours often and four o’dk - One negro man named Cato, levied on aa the property of Joseph Rain, tn satisfy an ex ecu’inn in favor of Helton A- C pp. Alan, One undivided third of three negro slaves o wit: (Sophy, Jessenter, and Sandy, levied nn aa tlie property of Jane O’Neal, to satisfy an execu.ion in favor ot It Brunet, by his Guardian. Alan, One tract of land on Crooked R'lrer, containing 150 icrrs, bounded north by va cant land, eaat by A J Pratt’a land, south bv Crooked llivcr and marshes, w«st by E.Shvur man, the greater part ofaaid tract is under cultivation—one pair Card Tablet, one nair fir- . Jogs, thovel and tongs, one clock, half a di sen (si'ver) Table-spoons, lev) d on aa tlie property of Ahrarn Pratt, toaalitfy an execu lion in favor of B A. Gopp. M H IIBdUARD, S.C.C St- M-rva, Jan. ‘ 9.1825. Fe * 2 58 LIST OF LETTERS, R EMAINING in the PoBt-Office, Havnn- nulr. on the 31st Jamiery, 11125. Ap plicants for letters from this list, are re quested to nsk for utlverlised letters. A. {Win Long Jahn II Allen 2 5 Soluman Ludtvick jliss Susan G Allen ’ M. Miss Susan Aggnew { John Mage Hartley AvercIT $ Cap R Mnrilin Miss Eliza C Manor Jacob Lang { Mrs M Wyllcy Richard A Lane,Bui-j Ralpli Wriglit Inch county John Lasscro David Lewis 2 . Isaac Low 2 Miss H 11 Long 2 Fob I Lt T M Whipple j Alfred Woodiiuuse 2 . Miss Jane AnnWoo- | vertun J. SCUDDER, P. M. 57 Attachment Sale, On the Jirit Tuesday in March next, \* V ll,L be snitl at '.he Cornt-imuse, be- 1// tw-’en tlie horns of ten and four o’clk. Two negro slaves named Sampson and Ah- -ier, attached aa -lie p-operty of William E, r’ergu-on, and sold bv order of Court 1. D’LYON, S C. C. Jan 70 56 Hnriley Benjamin Allison llonry iS Atwood B. Oapt Bengdon Miss Rhonda Barns Eliza S Bains Dr Elijnli Ball John W Bullias 2 John Black David Brandon Richard Blank 2 W C Burton Jas Barn John Bresser Richard A Bird Lewis Bird, Ebeno Capt W Brotton 2 Lawrence Byrnes Soloman Ilryan John S Brigs Eliza Bowler James Broughton Charles G Bonsimy Eliza Bowler 2 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in April next, [ WILL tell at the GourtHouie in J ffer- ton Camden County, between the usual hour* of salt*, Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and he (our children, Daniel, Stephen, John and Yor ick, the property of the Eatate of Ge rgt Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of Un creditors and he»rs o» said et'.ate, pursuant to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary of said County. GEORGE MORRISON* Administrator, with the Will annexed, of George Morrison, Sen. deceased. Jeff’W'in, 24 ! h Jan. 1825, Feh 2 53 Sheriff’s Sales. On theJirst Tuesday in April next. C¥T>ilL be aold at the Court-Home in the \}jF city ef Savannah, between the hours of ten and four o’clock The following aeven negroes, vi* : Davis, Maria, Patience, Dublin, Beck, Tret hina an - Oscar, with the incrcaie of the females levied on under a A fa on a foreclosure of a mortgage ea the property of Jozeph Carruthen to satia- -»/ tU&JMHh >/ftbo M»*te *f OxxrgU, Also, the following 18 negroes, via t Peter, Cbrrisaa, David, 2, h, Berger, Caty,, Antho ny, Batty) Mary, Dinah* Jaek, Jim, Aggy, Hope, Reaailb, Margaret, Lucy and Adam, •t tit the ine ease of the fern***"!, ’“7^ ~ der a 6 ft. on a foreclosure of a "’ortgage as the prnuoriy ef Wm. C. Wayne, to aatisly the Bank of the State of Georgia. Aba, 'he following J5 negro's, vis: Coffee, (Cooper,) Harriet, Afl'y, old Charlotte, Javk, Sky, Charlotte, Petidaw, Bess, Prccessa and s;i4.fep'i*hyiiV^ff&uS , jen,.^"id Peggy, B utus, Jeaae, Brutus, Sandy, Maria, Cynda, Dick, Toby .Sophia, Daphne and child, Jaeob,Sye,Beckry end John,with the increase uf the females, levied on aa the property of Nicholas Cruger, under a A fa on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favour of John Cirnaban and James McHenry for use of Chria:iana Levett. Alao, a negro man named 4am. levied on as (he property of Char’es E. Flin, under A. ta. on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor ol James Anderson. Alao, the following 19 negroes, vizAbrz- him llzrry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaron, Samba, Looy, Bcium, Maryan, Rachael, Lon don, Airgy, Simon, Grace, Eliza. George, Ro- dy, and Jim, with ths increase of the females, levied uu a, the property of Flemrn-ng Akin, der. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort gage in. favor ol Wm. Dixon Is Co- assignees of Murdoch M’Lzod- I. D’LYON, A'. C C Jan. 11 56 Marshal’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in March, ILL be sold before the Court House, tlie city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 2 o’clock l h as TWO LOTS, Not 27 and 28, lack son Ward, and improvements thereon, leviei on as the property of John H. Morel, to satis fy the balance deereed tu be due on a dia'rea warrant, issuing from the Treasury Depart ment of the United States, against A. 8. But loch, John H. Morel, ai d David Leion- JOHN H. MOREL. Marshal Dia. Geo. Jan 21 47 Admin st ator’s ifalc. W ILL be sold on the Brat Tuesday in April next, at the Court-House ill the city of Savannah, by permission of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, One undivided fourth of a tract of land, containing about five hundred acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden County,known as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth of a certain tract of land situated on said Island, containing about fiv.e hundred acres, originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln- tosTi, and bounded on the south by tho said Plum Orchard Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate on the Ogeechee Road, three miles from Savannah, containing about 6ix hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors, of said estate. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. 8. Bayard. Feb 2 Sliuf Sheriff's sales. On the first Tuesday in Match next, V\#ilLL be «old at the C*urt House between vJr the houra of 10 and 4 i»’«:ioek» The following sis ii’grot*}, Honnaii, l«apc, London, William, Pete-’, and Hannah, levied on under a ft fa. on for ’cloaure from Juftii Un iter to the Planters' M \nk. F ur negroes, Billy, Motet, WiU and Jen ny,. levied on under a fi. fa. on forerlceure of a mortgage frun G. K. Hayden, Jeremi ah Cuvier. A q:'*o’ity of !!o» •-hold &nr * K’‘ chon Fur- nitu e, levied on under aft fa on Dreclnture •f a mo igf'gr, from Eieuzer Early to Amoa Sgidder. I D’LYON, 6\ 0. C. jan 3 32 Administrators Sale. CfBlLL be sold at the Gourt-Hoiiie in 8a. 'Si vannah, on the first Tueaday in March neit, between the houra uf ten and two o’clk. ONE CHEST Ot CARPENTER’S TOOLS, ik SUNDRY PATTERNS FOR CASTINGS, iho pc.tao—• gatate of John Clark, deceased Terms of zale cash. . HENRY M’AI.JTN, Admiuiairator of J. ttlark- Jsn 14 41 Administrator’s Sate. W ILL be sii.d on the first Tuesday ir, March net, at the Court-House in the city ol Savannah, within the hours prescribed by law, TWENTY EIGHT SHARES OV PLANTERS’ BANK S 10; K, belonging le ilie et-at”. of Oonstanl Freemen* Esq deceaa ed- Sold for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors ofaaid estate Termi of sale cash- JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Jan 14 42 City Kheriffs Sales* On the Jirst Tuesday in March next, VhhrILL be told in front of the Court- <## House, in the eity of Savannah, between the usual houra of ten and three o’clock, AM the buildings on the ess ern half of lot No. 5, live, St. Gall, Oglethrope ward, levied on aa the property of E’ias E. Roberta to sat isfy an execution in favor of the German Lu theran Church, vs- Elias E. Roberta- One negro woman named Maria, and her rhild Doll, levied on as the property of Rub’ Charlton, dec, to aatiafy an esc-cution from ti e Couit of Common Pleat, and Oyer an Termini r for the City of Savannah, Salma Menton v>. Eliza Charlton admmiztratrix Robert Charlton, dee. AI. D’LYON, 1.1. Jar 30 56 An opening for enterprize! SOO \ aYm\b\fc 1A)T $ * Situated on the principal streets in Lmccr Hamburg,[improved and unimproved.) W ILL be sold to the highest bjdder, on Tuesday, the 18th January’next, in the Town of Hamburg, S. C One half of the purchase money, cash i the other half, to bear an interest of seven per cent, per nnnum—the interest to be paid annually.— My individual Notes, and the Notes of the following Banks, viz. The Bank of Ham burg, Bank of the United States, the sever al Banks of this State, and the Bank of Au gusta, will be taken in payment. The pnr- e.hasers of unimproved lots will be required to improve thereon. Tlie sale will contin ue from day to day, until the whole is dis posed of; when the terms of sale are com plied with, indisputable Titles will be made. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburg, Nov. 21. Sale Continued. T HE sale of tlie above Lots lias been postponed until Tuesday, the Hid of February next, on which day the sale will rc-commcnce. The Charleston Mcreury, the Charleston Courier, Southern Patriot, City Gazette, Columbia Telescope, South-Carolina Re publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savannah Republican and Georgian, will publish the above once a week tor three weeks, and forward their accouuts to me for payment. HENRY SHULTZ. January 26 Jan 30 56fp Tuei- Mar. Sheriff ’s Sales. fkNtbf first Saturday, after the first VI day in March, will be sold at the ket House, in lha town of St. Marys, between the bouts uf ten and four o’clock, a negro boy named M -aes, levied on aa the property ef Cornelius Rain, to satialy an execution on foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of John Chevalier. M. H- It EM! A III), S. C. C. 8t- Marys, January I, I8 "i- Jan 8 37 Notice, T HAT on the second Saturday in March next, at the late residence of John Bryan, dec. all the personal property of the aforesaid deceased, will be offered for sale, to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the heirs, consisting of Cattle, Hogs, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, together with sundry other articles. TcrmB mado known on the day of sale. SOL. BRYAN, ) ISAAC BRYAN, I Executors. JACOBBRYANA Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 2*, 1825. Jan 26 fijtf Georgia—Camden County. Superior Court, October Term, 1824, Timothy Hoplcins, vs. Langley and Selvester Bryant. a AN petition nf Timothy Hopkins, stating ' J that in consideration uf certain prom issory! note*, made to the taid Timothy, K v them, one payable with into eat, from fir of January, 1821, on tbe first of January, 1822 a second payable aa aforeaaion the first n! January, 1823; and a th'rd payable >• afore said, on the first of January, 1824 executed a mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, bia heir < and assigns, on all those four tnc'a of t-uid, •ituated in the county aforesaid, conveyed b) the said Timothy, ta the said 1-angley and Selvester, and lying on the much aide of Great Satilla River, one tract containing aev only-aeven!acres, more nr lets; two traei* containing fit y acres, more or leal, and one thcr traet, containing one hundred and eigh- -y-tiglit acres, more or leM, conditioned foi he paytiASi of the three said several nntea, on the days.aunve menrt6hnl, dyrt *.aii! several note* remain unpaid—on 'mnlibP of Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintil, it i- ordered, that the said Langley and Selves!e>, their heirs or assigns, pay intoCour-, withi welve months from this date, ll.e aiimj (in; on laid notea, and the intereu and c-s's, otli erwive that the equity of redemption be foi - ever foreclosed, and that su h other proceed mgs take, aa are puisuaol to law. True extra.-;' from the minutes, 37th Octo ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk nov 4 87 6 e Alx Magny Thus Maguire Augusta Mallar Wm C Mills Dr Melian Geo W Milne Mrs Harriet Miller Wm Mcxsion Miss Mury Myers Benj Morrell 2, Ef fingham county Henry A Moore Mrs Ann Morrell Jacob Morris J Wm Morrell {MI Moses {Jas McKcnstry } RobMcDow » Miss Mary Ann Mc- 5 Intosli { D M'Gover < W J McCoull i Jus McCouky > Tlios M'LougMin Alexander Bowman \ W McLain Camden Superior Court. Hknry Harford, i m vs. f Verdict MarchTerm, Tiiomss’Kixo. ) 1 ' 10 "* O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain tiff, in the above case, it is ordered t hat the defendant do shew cause, on or be fore the first day of the next term, why a final judgment should not be entered in the above case, as of March Term, 1808 ; and that publication be made of this rule, once a month, for four months, in one of the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy he served on the defendant, sixty days be fore the next term. Extract from the Minutes, JOHN BAILEY, Clerk, dec 23 25( U State of Georgia. By Elijah Baker, Clerk if the Court of Or dinary, for Liberty County. M RS. ELIZAUEIH WALTHOUR, ap plies for letters of adminiatn.tion oi he eatate and eff eta of Thomas G Wehb, a next of km: These are therefore, to eit, md admonish, all and aingular tbe liiudre Old creditor! of the said deceased, to fil their ihj -ctiona if any thev have, in my office ai .ticeborouyh, on or before the first Mnn ta-. in Mareh next, otherwise letters of admin s- ration will be granted to tbe aaid applicant. Given under my h nd and seal, this tentl day of January, in tlie the year nf nm Lord eighteen hundred and twenty five (L. S.) E BAKER, C. C 0 L. C. Jan 14 41 Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY 'CONtEUN. TWHEHEA8 Belton A Gopp, E^q applies to the Court of Ordinary of aaid coun* ty* for Letter! of Administration on the e9UU of Joseph Bixby, late ofaaid coumy, deceaa ed: Theie are, therefore, to cite and admon ish, til and singular, the heirs md creditor! of aaid deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office, on or uqfore.the first Monday in March ne*t, oiherwi** letter! will be granted the applicant. Witness the Honorable William Gihsw, one of the Justices of laid Cour’, this twenty-seo n i day of January, 1825- JOHN BAILEY,'C. C. O. C. C. Jsn 27 5 7 i ast Sheet iron Box . toves, F or sale by N. B. WEED, No. 6, Gibbons’ Range. nov 24 Charles F Brown Mrs Eliza Buford Geo Buchanon 1 Mrs Sarah Baxton Juhn G Butler 2 Simon Bunco Clcsse Butler C. Mr Cachon Jus Cannon Aaron Cluftin Capt Chase j Airs Lourany Capps, J O. Effingham county { James Oliver Mr Copniun ' u —• a 01 Mr H Clark John D Castoline Margaret Clievars Pat Carrol Owen Carrol Mrs I, A Carson {John R McKinnon | Danl McDougall } John McMalsnn J Sliurrud M’Call { Be sey B McCall j N. | Wm B Nadal 5 Joscpli Nasli j Jnmcs D Nugen t Win Nye 4 Cap Stephen Nye i Charles Nichulas < Rev Jas S Olcott {MrsCathrine Odell S Patk O’Hara {Roselle Oliver i P- ! Mrs Susan Platt 5 Charles Parlow Miss Jlarey E Cope {Henry Pattersun Airs Frances C Coo- { Mess IVrryJf Wright * Cup Alicliel Peck ) Pearce BPcndergast 5 Wm Pearce, Effing- { ham county {P Pitcher 2 j Dan) Proctor | Coni Powers, Effing- 5 ham county j Miss Mary H Pome per 2 Luke Chrystie Jos Childs Rob Commelin, Scriven county James Conners Ephrin Cooper Geo R Collins N Cruger John Davis 2 Miss Mary E Darby Elizahet h L Devant { ham county John T Dairce * Wm Pollard Miss Frances A De-' Win Pope, Jr. Hil mere Gedion Dolley roy 2 s W in Portus , Clein Powers,Effing- Geor R Dolly John Duglcss Saul Dupoii 2 E* John Everingham 2 Thomas Elken Everingham 2 } M Riely as M English J Isaac Ri 1 ton’s Head, S C i Charles Powels { R. ( Richard Rawleigh ] Miss Susan Ann | Romson {Elliot Reed M rsSizrah Ringgoald Thos Thomas M English | Isaac ILich John C Everett, j Abraham Ricker Bulloch county (Henry Ringoa!d2 Sarah Everingham { James Ross F. 5 Mr Rolie Rufus M Farrington j Wm Robinson 2 •Too’’ Fall t Mrs Ruxby AI Rob- Robert Fair : bins )>r Jeremiah Fick-J James BRoss ling JJrs Jane Fisher Miza Fisher John Titsworth John F Floyd 2 John Foot G. Henry M Graybill John Graeen T V Gray 2 James Grogan George Gena Stephen Grellett 2 Mrs Alarion Grieve John Gibbons Royul Giflord Miss Alary Griffith {Isaac Russell j B }i Rutlidge 2 ( S- | missF-lizabethSpark- S niuu | Geo Savory t James Swain \ Samuel Sealer < Alary M Slappy {Joshua Sikeil l Farley R Sweet / Levi Stevens * ; John Sike 5 James AI Smith I IN KttUITt. Thnimis Cummin? and others, Complainants and William Wallace and others Ihfvml tnti, Chatham Superior Court, January Term. Iff 2.* T Appearing to (he Court, by the * IHcla* _* vit of Joseph Cummin# that William Wal lace and Sarah his wife, Mary Clay, Ann Cloy, Elisa Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William Clay, Joseph Gluy, lltdph Clay* Mary Ann Cl»y Henry Clay, and Elisabeth Clay, who arc pai * ties defendants tn the above case* reside beyond the limits of the state of Geor#!*, nd within the United Staten, and that James Clay, also a defendant, if in futei#n pn ts. beyond (he limits of’the United Sta'ea. »»« notion of compiainents'iniicitora, it is otd^r- *d that the said defendants, first named, do respectively appear arid answer the complain xnta* bill, withm four months from the date his rule, and the mid James Clay, within ninr. months. And it is lurther ordered, that this nlc be published once a w «eb, durin# nine nonths, in one of the public of this uate. A true copy from tne mmutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, mav 11 42fr« Constantine Smith Win Smith R B Stilwell xsaiOD i’llXlJ VXilllllll < H, D klMMYUI Messre. Nealer it 5 D W Shine i John W Stirk < AI & A Smith Griggs Airs Alary Griffith M Griffith i D B Squieru Thomas Girler | Jos Spenny CharlesS Gooiirich2 J Jas O Screvin Thomas- M GoddardJ j John Simms 2 David Googel j Fratera Simmons Mils Maria Gold- ivril James Govan . H. Ilall Cluarles Hart Surah Hall Hatcher (J haries Harley li aac Harris lire Alary Harrison / Lain Hatcher Jabey Handy Alichie! Hanley Charlos Hawley .Mrs Sarah Harley Molly Harrison I lichiel Hanley Capt Jos Horad Bangs Ilallet Edvrd Hopkins Ben.j Horton J E ii Hopkins Benj Hopkins Miss Ann Hoy Harriet Howard 2 Col John L Hopkins Mr Holland David Ulughs William Ja ekson Charles J Jenkins 3 Shandy Johnson Mrs Jane W Joyncc Lewis Johnson K. . James Kcnycn \ Jos Wiggins Messrs Kerrs &Gra- JSC White ham j Jus Willet George King } Aire AI Wiggins George W King 2 »Jack Williams Joseph Kingsliey i Tlios Wylly L. } P AI Whipfo Aliss Alary Lav ender < Thos Williums John II Lafl'ett {John White Mrs Jane Lab'utt {Thos A Wiiliams Goo Sliick Miss Martha Spald ing S H Stocking ■Tor A Scott Wm S Scott _ C Snhmitli Cap Danl Sullivan Rev Jos Tarply Mrs Ann Tuagrove J C Trienftcn 2, Ef fingham county I, Towner Edwd Toben Jas D Tucker Wm Turner W. W Wheaton James Wallace Timothy C Ward ' Charles Watkins Furney Willis and John Walthoure John Walch Charles II Ward John Waters R B Waren Tlios Wells Mrs Jane Welch Wm Willson John Whitfield A Welkins ; Cap Ben Wing {C Wisenbaker (JnoT White IN EQUl I Y. Between W Davits, Admiiistmtor, Complain ant, and John •’ amoeban Adm’nistrat ir, d bonis non with the will annexed of Geor re Richard»on t and others. Defendants In equity, Chatham Superior Court— Chance* y, 20th August, 1824. I TNppefcrii’gduii John Murray Csrnochan, . one of the defendants in the said bill of omplaint nr.mod, resides without the state ol Geo gia, in that part of the United Kingdoms if Great Britain ami Ireland, called Sc itlsnj : It is ordered that tbe gnid John Murray Car* nochan, do appeal at d answer to the com* iUinant*s aaid bill, within nine months from the date of this order, otherwise that the laid billj as to him, be taken pro confess . a id it ia further ordered, that a copy of tlji* »rder be publish* d once a week, in one ot he public Gvzettea of this stale, until the ex piration ot the time within which the said de fendant ia required to appear and answer as •fore said. True copy from tbe Minutes, this 21st dr.y August, 1824. ▲. B.FANNIN, Clerk. fttignsi 24 50f Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT three months after date, applica tion will he made to tlie Bank of the State of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate of stock, for one lost, issued on the I7tli March,1819, in favor of John AI’Kinne,Jun. or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243. B. Ai’KINNE, Guardian of John Al’Kinne, Jun. Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824. dee 18 2lfp» Notice. INJS months after date, 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Camden c<>un< for leave to sell the teal fatale of John g, late of said county deceased, fo.-the •• J, • ' D. Ynung* _ benefit uf tbe heirtt ol «iud deceased JBSSKUHAWFORD, Administrator estate of John D. Young Jun** 17 20 SCO ITS BIBLE, ITBIItOTVrB 1D1T10JI. " V a (I P 0 ii) L « fly SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG Me. S'l Barnhill II s on for puhlishiny .YCO/T'4 FAMILY It I RLE, contnininy ull /he Mi.-, final Reformat to be r.oirp ii-/l , n . i y VOLU <!E . IIOYAL OCTAVO, and m bclhshed wi th a tikrnesi of the Auihvr- TERMS. I -* all-ill be well printed, on good paper, a n fl K be comp iird inaix handsome vdu-ei. |- W'll contain the Scripture, of ' te 02 J Nov Tcrtamcntt, t ie Introductory Ohviua-em Explanatory A owt, an-1 Practical Obsenoiien (ii ; all the copious JMur.nna! Referencei, i, e ; mg prinied word tor word from the Lotirtoj Stereotype Edition, published since the An- ; hor'a The price will be g21, i e hoard, i $24,inaheepi R3CI, in calf binding The while work will be ready for delivery in May, 1825, Ex rocli of LeUrs addi cored to the Pub is'no, I esteem Dr Sco t’s F.mi'y Bible, eminutu .a'culated to prom ite t ie came of truth and I-ie'y It seema scarcely poaeible for one tg trad daily the Note, and Obseivationa in the Family Bible without becoming a wi«.-Mn) letter man. ED-WAUD D GRIFFIN. have seen no co.nmsiiUry of lite Sacred 1 Scriptures which I think so well adapted te I awneral use and edification. It ia a trearutc which everj family ought to possess. A, EATON, It is a work <Jatiniru..h*d f,„ ,i, e simplici- | U, and convenience of its arrangement, Ihs J clearness and fi telity of its expositions, the leatneait ami perepicudy of ita style, the ne. aevol- nee and candour of ita spirit, the one- ciseness and pertinency of its application^ ted for its uniform t-ndL-noy to pro note ev»n- )e'ical trutli and piety. A BIEL HOLMES. Of Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, I leel free in say, that in my estimation it deservedly rank* » .long our ablest »ud best C.umm n's ii-s THOMAS BALDWIN. Dr. Scoti’a Family B bte iiitundeil more m. pec-ially for t-r use of Uiuiatisu,iai work high y ev -ngelical, extensively instruc tive, and deeply interesting Daniel c. Sanders. The character of Dr. Scott’s Coinmemirv Ti thr- Bible, is so generally known, and la ,ghly approved amongst tlie rp iat intelligent ' - pious Christians throughout o-ir country, ill - tics passed rapidly th lough an uianyls've <-ii’tons, that 1 deem further recommeni, lions needless- J RO'tSB. I am acquainted with no Cum->eul»ry oa ' !i Slope.' t c iptu.-es. which I would more ■ rec ui.m. ci tor general use. The dan uf the work is good JOSHUA HATES, Perhaps in no way, can ministers, ins;- ucitiri f youth, and private Christians, do grer.trf -orvee to society, than by exerting them, (elves to disseminate this fulv i.-vaimble work JOSHUA HUN ' INGTON. I znowof -.0 Oummenla y which i, bitter alculatcd fur diilusir g correct vie s of till gust truths uf Chrirtnnily, si d leav ngsslu- ary impressioirs on th- mind when rising rent the pe'u-J of it,tliin the one you ne bout to publish, DANIEL SHARPE. No writer seem, less disposed to con.end iur barren specula'i ,na. None moreuniiom, ly or more pow ifully inedcates the giest» ■ entiala of religion. The spirit which per- "ados the Work is excellent i it is the me k, afleotionai-e, healing, yet faithful spirit of tlie ’ DANIEL DANA. NOTICE. VTINB months af>er date, appliention will be i.^1 made to tbe Hon. tbe Jti'<gF»ot the Court jf Ordinary nf Chit hum c< uuty. fi*r leave to <?ell ail tbe reslestatf of the late William Craig, deceatK.d, for the bum-fit of the heirs ar.doi ed itors of said estate. JOHN M’NISH* Executor, oct 12 71 hi otice. N INE months afterdate, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Camden coun tj\ for leave Uiacll a lot of land, lying in Mon* roe county, in the tenth district ni Tiber ■linetyone, belonging tn the orphans of Levi Johiw, dec. for the oencfii of vaid orphans. JOHN LEE. Guardian. in nr 17 20 NomiE. N INE MONTHS afierthi* date hereof, ap» plication will be made to tbe Hon the Inferior Coui t of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to gr:li R lot, with the improvements, situate in ti e city of Savannah, in the said county,and km wn in the plan of said city by th* No. 53, B own Ward, lor the benefit of the heirs and legatees of tho estate ol the late Hugh M’Call, de ceased. THOMAS M’CALL, PHULdP BRASCH, Executors. or |*4 72 Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of this notice, application will be made to the Honorable tlie Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, ilcreased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors ofaaid deceased. JOHN \V. STACY, Administrator. dec 18 si Notice. 4 LL persons hiving demands against ti e estate of Constant Freema a, Esq late ot the eity of Washington, deceased, are re q tired to hand them in, I. .pally attested within the time preocribrd bv law : and thos- -mlabtedto said e-tate, are requited to iriske mmediate payment, to - .V-r. JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Jsn 14 42pL Notice. T HOSE who have any demands against the late Matthias Schlosser, late of Chatham County, deceaned, are requested to* render in their demands, properly at tested ; and those indebted to said deceas ed, to make immediate payment, to CHARLES RAPP, Qualified Executor. Jan 15 43i.f From particular eximifisti''n, and coring ring testimony, there is no doubt on my mind that Scott’s Fumiiy Bibl- is superior to si? others JOSEPH EMERSON. You will pleas-? to sc- d ne six copies of 3c«»tt*s Bible ; I refer to your lately proponed edition Pei imps l ihalt induce five mure te t<k?. the s me number. II- L. It is u <lh extreme pleasure I perceive you are sbout to publish a ucw di iou of Scot's Bible. Having been in puss.-ssicni of •t more than 20 yrms, I tros‘ I know smre* dung of its vniiift, Hiid aji dete.« mine \ to prrv .note i:a circulation Miong mv Y ii wili please forward six copies xt goon «s r’Ui' shed, u I hsve obtained four subscribers for t!:e excellent work you are publishing II, S. I propose to Uke seven sets .-if Clou’s Hi- ole, and will be accountable for the same. J C. I have obtained s bscribtrs for nine copies ,of Scott's Family B blc. J. C. I shall probably need eight or ten s .-is f Scott’s Family Bible. J. P* Kef. S. S. ot P. has o tsined ten s«ibscri- bets. E. It. | i iiave observed tbst you are sbo*it pub. lisbing another edition of Scot’s B*hle Nope you may succee-l xs you h ve done in i’omer edition j. I have been endeavoring 'o .vcocure subscribers smoi g our p-n. : euor more subscribers will be ub-»• n - II. I will teke ten sets (of Scoti’a H *e) bcvnd and lertcreil. T V i have obtained ten subscribers foi y or viition of the Family Bible—and hsvc l-»ubt but h^-re might be someth, g like. iOO oopres v old in this place if you hau un sg nt li* pc—I .bought »i’e wi.’-k ought co b<- en« cott.-aged and fir hut re .son to'. k a sot s:r o- lion paper. It is a work that every f-indj .-should have that is able to purchase. J. F, tl’C. I sm glad, that y u propose to print Scott's excellent Family Comm-n'.ary, sr.A iUoijld be very glad if it were in rny power to f{ive a more liberal patronage to the work, man, as cirrmmstanees are, I can. I »li»U* iiowever, be able to do something; eight <1 »en sets I shall certainly take; and it may be, double that number. A. B. 1 haiu procured fifteen subscript rs to Scott’s Bible. J V* B, l hmk 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or m j e of he Family Bible. E. B 1 have circulated propoas's fir Scott’s, Bibl: ; how many have been engaged in alii cannot veil i but between 20 and 30 sets is h.s vicit.ily. J* ?• I have cnnclided to become responsible to you for thirty sett of Scott’s CoramenK y. C. 8. I have procured t06 iub<c-ibera to tht Bible; 6 sots to he bound in eaif; 3 sets io be done in boards the other 9T se s, bound and lettered as described in the prospeems. H. M. 1 presume I could procure 5U0 subscri- :'>pri Iur y-iur edition of Scott’s Bible Ih* dnpjsr.d ia increasing for them. Ih v Vk,l ‘ Ii•!««•> supersede every other ? srge or FafO'lf li.-ble. Fitly o« my subscribers five within I circle of 8 miles! J **• just pubii 'tisd an edition of the sxwa wosa, completed in .-ix volume* without maijp"** references; price in bonrus ®18; »o sheep <21,- in calf 827. Eithvr of th ae edffi™’ m«y b<- Cart of t!«- publisher in Rosion / " r< " S. G. A J. SCLENCK. Savannah. Ms ■ II Z- Hide Whips. GROCE Hide Whips, received and for sale by ' N. R, IVEiVlX dec 13 Marking BruaVves, O F a superior quality, just received! »na for sule by GEO- RYERSON nov 20