Newspaper Page Text
New femes—ViA ML
J*o. 61.
IS edited AND published
IK Tits
B\ G. W. ItoBEllTSON,
it fight nous.i pan *h.him,
is nuMi.lied to meet the arrangement 01
nail, three tin** a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday ar.J Saturday) at ’he Office of he
21 ly Georgian, *>' '".f" 1 -
el" tryCommercial. *nd Miscellan-
| cu », including advertisements. pub .shed n
11 The Cocntry r F.pef 1. «• t to .11 part, of
the State and Union, or delivered in the city,
•t five dollars po annum, payable in icvsnce.
Advert"emint. are inserted .n both p. era
at 7? cent* per square, of 141mjz, .or ,efit
hnaertion. aid 37* for every succeeding pub-
“communications by, nmt be .if land »nd n“tvn«s oy Adminisi--,
t-irr F.X cutors or guardian., ate rcqmi-d,
by7™. to be held on the firs Tuesday in tin
.11, between tile hnurs of te. in ill - f° re
and three",, the afternoon, a. the Coir.
House of the county in winch the property »
*„ate.-Notice of tb^se sales must be Riven
in .public gazette lix.'y days previous to tin
d, t !',{ire*iiftbe sale of personal property must
be give in I he manner, Fo-ty day. prevmu.
to ti# ;ay **f sale* .
Notice to lh debtors an 1 creditors of an
estate mustbr published for Forty days.
Not ce that application will he made to the
Court .f O dinar- for leave tv sell land, mini
bo • o'.li bed JWae Month*
(P»S5© IpflFlFo
Reduction in Prices!
Goods to be what they are Sold for !!
Jlnd[lunrsl Wei^hl St Manure Given !!!
rilHE Subscriber as willing as others to
I arrange Isis business to suit the pre
sent times, and save tiie public the trouble
of making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use of ill this city of advertising the
Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not having
those enormous quantities that are usually
said to be sold wnen called for,) nam.-s the
following nriiclcs, and assures the Pub he
that the rest of his Stock is reduced U) tile
.time proportion:
Lamp Oil (but not the best quality)
per gallon “, 5
I)o do do . 0 ol)
Do do best quality, per gall. 0 (12)
Puint do do do 0 00
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 6!>
Mixed Paints (hit not the best
(Ji—ens. Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 12J
English White Lead, per -’3 lbs.
(not because put up in iron bound
geos) 3 50
American White Load, 281h geos
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, (manufactory
price per cut. gt" 50, which
tuny be seen by funking at tiie
Now-York Price Current) 3 1-1
8 by 10 Glass, hut not the best
American, per box 3
10 by 12 do do do 4 >0
A large and constant supply of th? above
articles and goods generally in tiie 1 oint,
Oil. Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
will be kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York. Philadelphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places lie will continue
to receive those goods direct, el the-best
description, and onthero-st ndvaniagoouB
terms, lie ulsooffers his Professional ser-
vires in
Painting. Gilding § Gl Zing,
which he execiite^on improved principle,
at reduced prices, in Town and Country.
An. 5. U'hUuhcr-stcect, 5 th’urxfrom tlir Huy.
jan 21 50 *
lajiUiiL & wmnt 9 FUR SALE,
e»r*\ HOGSHEADS prime and second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
SOhnrrels do do do sugar
7() bugs prime green coffee
30 erates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 roils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
* M®-eMo — Long Island white, equal to
Georgia flint corn
nov 23
Bulbous TYoNvwr YuooIb*
J U3T recc’vcd by the rubscriber, and wn-«
99 runted of ti e hat sep.ionL growth, a
boxes G irden Seedpiiumbv A. M’Mahon k
'o. Philadelphia. rxpr( «sly fnr t v> ii market
id curtaining the following MSiortin* nt«, viz.
1. D-umhesfl Gabbagi
2 t ong Red Beet
3 Lo ipO.wge Carrot
4 PaHuy
5. Leek
ft. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
M. Eirly Purple do.
9 H 'Und leaved
0. Early Turn.pi
1. Late, do
2 7a'«afy
J Asparagna
4 Earl) curled Ltt
15 Hoyal Cabbage do
l 0. Mutmeg Mvbn
7. Spinach
8. Summer Savoy
■9 Sweet B>sil
0 Sage
1. Na'lu-tium
2.1. Celery
’1 Early Peas
‘4. Lnte do
IH Enrl»' hr,neb b**ne
6 Ucd French . do
A l. S O.
?0 ”ackng' , s contai nng ihs following Bui
*ous Blower litoots, viz
1. Doub e Hyacinths I 4.*?e*ie nt-gerflowe.
F ne Tulips I A D >uble Tuberose
J NarcUsis I 6 Star M‘ Bethlehem
Tor sale by P. U’DBdMO PT,
By Hie President <>f the United Stales.
porauanee of law, I, Jambs Moirpoa, Pres
ident f Cue TT r.i ed Stares, do hereby dt
lire’and make known, that a public sale wi-
p held at the Ivan * Uflbe at Tallahasse, i
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, f*
•he di nosal of the fo' 1 owing lards, V'l
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & ft, cast
1 & 2.north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5. .
The a le Will commence with the low**
lumber of section, township, arid, a .•
••oceed in regular nunurical order '! ?:
'•nds reserved by law fir the use afschuo’?
•r other purposes wifi be exclmif d from tf«
■i do
Giv^-n under mv band, it ih? City of w» -1.
ingtoth this :6i. duv of .l.oiuar*', 18-5
IK the President.
Comn*i«8ionerof the General T.and-Ofliic’.
CCT Printer* of »h" Lows of the United
’•Pales, in tbo Tenih ry ot Fioridn. and in th«
.States of 'Kfbitoa, fxnitaiaita, Teness* e, Mr 5 -
-rtirpi, Genrcia. snd South-Ctrolma, arv an
• ho z d to pub'ish the fnregomg Procianu-
<*n o;.ce n week th . d<*y of su'e
F. S 7 « t
State Literature Lottery,
2 Prizes of $10,800 in $.'0,000
3 5,000 15.000
1 3,032 3.032
17 1,000 17,000
20 500 10,000
41 200 8.200
51 100 5.100
- 51 60 3,050
1734 1 2 20,308
11475 6 68,850
^0 bn drawn on Wednesday, the 9th
March, 1826, mil finished in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to ho
13,395 Prizes, )
20,825 Blanks,
31,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
nml 11,475, with ono number on them—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the 00 numbers will severa y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them jvill be drawn, and those
tickets having on them ns a combination
the 1st, ‘2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, 8th and.
Ot.h—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, 2d and 5th, will
sai-h be entitled to $5,000.
That having on it-the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will bo entitled to $ 1.082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d. and 7thjSd,5th & Oth 3d, 7th and 9th
1st,7th and 9thj2d,7th & 8th 3d, 8th and 8th ami ’dll 2d,8th * st.h 4th.5th and 8th
2.1,3d and -1th 3d,4th&&th(5th,6th and7th
2d, 3d and 5th'3d,4th & 0tli 6th,7th and 8th
d, 4th and Dtli 3d,7th Si Oth each $1000.
Those having on them the
Tickets. J 8205.320
In this Scheme, with eight drawn balloti,
there wil' be 5fi prizes with three n’t mbeis «*t
them, 1456 with two numbers on them, h* i\
10,6 ;8 with one number on them- TIjom
t ekets having none of the dravn ballots ui
them being liUnks
I'o delc m ne the fate of all the tickets in
the above lottery, 60 numhe s from one to
sixty inclvi -ivf, will severuU«' be placed in t*
wheel on the nay of drawing, and e ; gi t of
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
t as a combina'hn, the 1st, Jd and third num
‘»er« drawn, will b« entitled t" glO 000
That having cm it the 4th, 5ih and 6th, wiM
be entitled to gt0,1*00.
T' imeh vu j u them the 3d, 4 h and 5l!
j-.nd 6d 7cb and 8tli, each g'ijO'JO
Thos^having »»n them the 1st, 6( land 8th*
rd l tbt, 7 n and 8d», each
Those JO h.'ving on them the
1st.,3d and 6lh c 2d,4th & r.tli
1st,3d and 7th 2d ,5th & 7th
i st,3d and8t.ii
(st,3d and 9th
l at,4th and 8th
i at,5th and 7 th
:d 3d and 6th
2d,5th & 8th
2d,5th & Oth
2d,6th & 7th
2d,4th & Oth
3d,6th & 6th
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
three of the drawn numbers on them, will
3d, 5th and Oth
4th, 6th and Oth
4th, 6th and Oth
>th,7th and 8th
6th, 7th and Oth
6th, 8th and Oth
each jJftOO.
ach be entitled to $200,
The 51 Tickets having the let and 2d
is olicc.
kTiN.E months after .late application will
be inaile to the Honorable tin! las
ers of the Inferior Court of Olmtham
minty, for leave to sell a tract ol liinu,
nuwn as number eight, Oth District, Pike
iirm'erly Munroe) County, for the benefit
rthe heirs and creditors of the estate of
i'N. B.-Biivurd.
N. .1. BAYARD,
Administrator estate N, S. Bayard.
Jan 5 34nt
iS olicc.
P ERSONS having demands aguinst the
e.-,tat.e ofTImmas Johnston, will [,least:
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Boom of R. & J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston,
doc ltt 21ft.
T HE aiibacvtbern being about to decline bu
•iiness in this place, request persona ha
log iKmattds ag dout them, to pre&ent their
for payment.
N INE months after dttc, application will bt..
made to the Inferior Court of L’hvhin
County,, sitting for ordinary purposes for a>
order, absolute, to sell lots N« s fjuram five
(4 and 5) in Caipenter's flow, and lot N .
one, (1) Green Ward, in the ci»y of Savannah
being the real estate of Francis J&iineau, dec
fop the benefit of the heira xn4 creditors ol
iiidestate WILLIAM GAS 0 4
Qualified Executor,
.7 97»
Damascus Steel Razors,
J l.*feT received, a supply of the above ar-
tii le, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by
tint- 24
Iraivn numbers on them only, will each be
- utitled to 180 dollars.
Tho 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
brawn numbers on them only, will each be
.mtitled to 80 dollars.
All others (being 1734 tickets) with any
t wo of the drawn numbers on them, wiil
■ach he entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of tho
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,275 for each drawn number.) will be each
entitled to 0 dollars. .
No ticket which shall hnve drawn n prize,
of a superior denomination, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, anil subject as usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
nil the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at lonst 54 dollars less tho deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances lur the cap
ital prizes.
A. MINTY RE, ( Mann » erfl>
nrcEtvEn per brio oconor. Washington.
i l 7 5 KEGS New Leaf Lnrd
JLUU lid Hams
3 Barrelr Castor Oil
5 Pipes II. Gin, Sivnn Brand
30 Barrels M"ss Perk
For sate l-y J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
‘ trade’s lonipany’' doors.
CASKS Brade’s Latent Hhpp, for
Halo by N. B. WELD.
dpr | ft
Cantd n County.
O 'the first T» e 5 day in ii^rch nrxt, I
sell at Jefferson, in said county, a nrgM
*iHU, named Daniel, the properly of the cs-
• (te of Mic j di fJrewa, de ensu'd, pursuant t
< ave granted by tli« Court »>f Ordinary.
MA* Y CLEWS. Exe ut 'x*
.? n y/\ '11
Admiuistiot r 1 s iNoiice.
J^’NAMO.iTIlSfrotn this date, w c shall up
i^l ply to the Honorable tbo Inferior Con
! Chatham county, when sitting for ordinal
purposes, to sell the real estate of Wibian:
august 12 45
A dministrator’s Ni/tice.
N ine MONTHS «ficr dale, I shall »p;
to the Honorable the Inferior Court <•
liatham county, (when titling lor ordinary
purposes) for leave to sell the real ( s tie t<
Isaac II. Robins, to satisfy the heira sml creel
tors. C 11 HAYDEN,
august 12 85
P F.RSON9 having demands sgsinst the es
tate of the Lie William Craig, dec. arc
quested to render the tu ne, nr-ipcrly a<
-csted, within the time prescribed by law, ant;
hose indebted to iuid estate, are ea.ncit.)
called upon to settle the same withuut de
JOHN ll’NISlI, Executor,
ocl 13 O
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has tiro highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
tho amount of cash to be disposed of in pri-
zos.(171,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the office of the Geor
gian, by
whoso orders iu the late Pennsylvania Lot
lory, have produced a largo amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50’s, &e.
Prize Tickets iu the Pennsylvania Lotto-
j-y, 14th Class, received as cusli.
Jan 18
H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
the corner of Broughton and IV/iilla-
krr-streets, opposite Col. Shell in tin's Mansion
House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line,
lie abstains relating the whole string of
names of tho things he oilers, jnd only men
tions a few which are not commonly lbund
in every Drug Store,viz:—
Fol Sabina > Church’s Cough
i’yro Uinbellata < Drops
Degittilis Purpurea | Aromatic Vinegar
Scnllcnp, Hyssop J Toilet, V'egetable &.
German Leopard’s J other Soaps
Bane,(arnica moil- s Macassar Oil
tana) * Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula £ Ox. Mur. Potasse
llelenium) \ James’s Fever Pow-
I lops. Ergot \ ders
Tonquin Beans ( Infantile Powders
S(juire’s Elixir J Read’s Stiptic
| Spirits Soup
S Fumigating Pastille
j Pyrolignious Acid
Da IPs do
Ess. Mustard
Ess. Tyre
Jesuit Drop
Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this Inst article
he refers to the last, but one, pnge of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this vear.
oct9 70f
t Trizc of
30,6 >0 D.llanisgio 00“
10.000 10.000,
5 000 10 000
2,128 4, 56
1,0'0 20,000
500 15,'K.iO
iro * 5.'00
5'J 5 s ■«•(#.
20 8JO
8 ti i-, .64
3-i,2 ;0 Tickets at g5,
& -05,3 JO
2 h 6lh anti 7fl*
^d, 6'h and Sib
2! 7ch sud 8'
id 4 h an»! 6
3(5.4 r 6 an i. 7
3 1.4-.\ an< 8
3d, 5tii and 6
4th 6t}i and 8th
*iL,7ih ar d 8th
(h.Oihani. 7 '
.ifh.Oih and 8:t
5.h,7th and 8 '
.each £1000.
3d. 5:1. and7tl
‘Id, 5 ti and 8*i
3 '. i.nd 7tli
6 ii am
4 .5 La...'7
*■ ,5tii ai.d M
•'ll 6lh and 7tb|
All ottie g, bring (30 tickets) having ’lire
•f 'he J mw!' mim' esa on them will taJi br.
ntitled to iijJOO
T he 52 tic» t« having on h-'ro two of ti e
trawn number* and those tw# ; tiie 4th and
5ih t ill each be entitled to g .00
The 104 tickets having on iht-m two of
»hc dr«wi . umbel’s, tnri tli .se two the 6 1,
?r.d f'L, o'6-h and 8 L, will each be entitled
a g5G.
others (Seng 1300 tickets) having two
of the drawn number* on tbeui, will each be
» -tiHtd to gi6.
AUth in- .’.vognn thi»m any one of the
I awi mi'i'.Lf**, (.’»u oj- to 60S i„-.luts, or 13 6
"-ir each iruA-n number) wi,l each Be cati •
tied tog*.
N'*ti ik-t which *h >ll have drawn a prize
o* a Mip'i'iordcnomii.ation can be entitled n>
t inferior . z * Pi iz ia payable thirty n*}«
, 'ter ,h e dra i g, and subject, us uanal^ to a
deduction I \5 per cent*
A Ci.nsuli ri'ba.* portion f rhis lottery is put
ip in pare# L of '0 1 ckot j, embracing all tb
omb’maih n ntimbcs, from one to sixt .
''’Ct. pH'#*# h «r. si rr-mted to draw at lc«»-
g64. t>8 h’i dod'^tion uf 15 p»r cent, with
'»y citai’C - f r .he capual p‘ z^s
Pecka^ea i f 20 tickets, »»•, c r*:fi*ut., may
' ’ ad by payment cf ;li ! ife-enc 1
•rarwe^u th • price of th- tic* ti and the
jrount w i eh they mu s if nec-a -,ty dr^ •
nich • iflerence hemg g6j 60.
The t’ *!v ts will iema ; n at ’he »• h n-
v -ice, (>61 in l < duesdav, tli-* l d t «r.;<
when U. ’ * v 1 g7
J. B. YATES, J ..
A.M’INTYRE, ( Managt!r8,
5 825
O' Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prizetickets iu fourteenth class,
taken in payment at
LU i Ell’S
1 Ulivll iV YdalVl.
2 F t, ' <i Ml!.- I K u'lier* D.i
I. -EL OLASD Ml. ».KR, who in vi.e v
815, arrvtr in Swva u. h, 111 lie Ahe.d-
••-usp.irt, belonging to Alts.-r. D- w:!’ n k
Sins 4' l.ondo; is iivir^, and wi i uj.p ,
m f.inds m- RiiiTlaiii., he w.ll tea «
metrmg mucin » h; s ad'hoit^ge, He lef
*ii-7 Aber'ieeu wh le -in* iny at Savanudi, a »r'
v s n* i been Le d wf by his f lends su ci
1 hat period. He ii i-ri b hi -ndny years a . ai
, and wihle on board the above vo«s I.
•v:<* employed «3 r carper.ter. If he left S
v* ••nal- at (hut time, it is probable that hi
to red gome vessel going t • »'*e Bu.z'l I* -
. • a- > s *n h-a last letter, he sta.ed that i»
■a - Ii a int 1.1 ion to do •>» Si.mild hg hov
ii oat any p.ace »k-e« egister or ceM'fi
c ire of burial Ch:- he obtaii ed, it would b
». an fui > received and all expea attending
-t, paid by
Savannah, or
W.W k T.L C.<'ES I'EH,
NV- -Y..:l
f'Tit O
avaniiali e,uae svluin.
a N election for a Matron to this Institu
tion, will take plac« at the Asylum
House, on the first meeting in February.—
Application for the above to be bunded iu
to the subscriber.
By order of the Board,
E. M. LLOYD, Sec'ry.
nov13 p 4
JOHN r. ltUWt.ANU,
C '.N'INltES to >lo biiBinc.sin MilledRi
vi le. ar,l tcnde-n thr offer of his Bei
ice. to tos friemlt »t’d th M public, in the trims
ittion nf sKi-ar.y business genersi'v
nr.< 5
ne-rs’ Axes.
L SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and fur sale by JV. B. WEED.
oct 27
— e —
1 Prize of— fc40 t O0G ii 4U.0H0
1 Prize of U,0o0 is VI,.000
1 Pr-ze of——10,000 is 10 J’Q
2 P zez of — 5,000 is -0,01-0
30Prizes of- -,/ft) it 30,000
r 0 P SeS <lt 500 is 10,000
50 Pi--.-.s iif 100 is 5, 00
1 '0 P ,/es of 50 5.000
5000 Prizes of—-—-10 is 50,000
D-ill rs.
D ill«t-8.
5 (-5 '-rises,
479 i Olmiks,
100,0 0 Dollar.
20 00 Tickets at $9, is 180 000 Po''a s.
The whole of the prizes n, be floating
from the cutninoncement o. ihe drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at defiuito periods, viz:
On the 5tli day, r i j ; $10,000.
On the 10th day, : • v 5,000.
On the Iflth day, : : > 20,000.
On the 20th day, : : t 40,000.
The w hole to be completed it
TvieviVy ‘ r,.vna a \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole
pa j able in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commiuioturs appointed by the Govcmur and
Tito above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WEDNESDA F, 17tA imt.
Tickets $12—Shares, in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic'-.ets taken in i^ivment, at
No. 3, Commerce-Row.
nov 9
Consumptions, i oucas, ijc.
F OR the cure f ...» Coughs, Consump
tion*, Spilt g obBioodj Asthmas,*nj
--itttixttet of loo breast a fui lungs
There ispe>lf«ps no m#(ii'v«il obse-valio*.
hatter tstab ish-.d, none more pe ier«Uy ccn
: rated by the experience of the best physH-
> us of nil ages and cuunlri s. and none ol
or**importance to the hinrmri LmiK,
:k* fac, that many cf the most difficult and in
itrtmle v onaurnpt or 8 origmatt in neglect
c.dvts.. Iu m climate so varu'bieasours, wiiere
■he changes of the weah.r are fr qu lit I
4*] kV nail i unexpected, it requrt-smore ca<e
n • isUenuonto gua dagaii s’ this «iang< rou
t*m*mv of life, ttiHii mc-st people imagine 01
ue .bleand willing to bes o* 'he biili o
•nnrtaliiy exlrbir Ihe melancho’y Let that th*
vropurtion ».f deaths b> t:-'s disease may bt
considered ms about five »*• one. I asmoch
then hs this fstaldinesse f quently Li * defi- ‘o the skill of the most learned phys'.i
«ns, it i*a gratifiusii'on to the proprietor that
ciserahiedto oflerto those iffle'ed with
a go# d’.y prospect of re.icf, i- ifv»t ighly
. i.aiit remedy, (h? Vegetable Indian ip ci-
Jic. '!! (• Indians aie h*«pp.v in ihnr i«.o •
‘ger.l m dical plants t g v rned who!' >
•x.ieriencf, they a-ecertain ns totiic-ir tfi f-i,
uni ii is said by aniuthur of g.eut character
• hat a l ue c<-rsu(r.ption is a disease ucver
known ainorg them.
'I hi* Specirc is obtained by extraction fron - .
icibs, root*, 11 >w r«, pi nt , &c when in per-
■ ection. In consL-qu-.ince < fa happy con ina-
non of the most valuable herbs, &c. it bec.oiiies
.< b* 5 ».»m of a aupei ior value. It nvaia the a
ju ed j.arts, opens the poses, and compoKes disturbed nerves, after the manner »f a>
.nodyne g conseq"ent!y the ubsiruction o:
•tic ches and t* e »unys which constitute th.s
diseare, particularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration, wh cii isconatautl) culled for
.mil wtiilst it cluar.s sad heals, it also give.*
< rengtb to t >e tender h.nga In tins mannet
it removes the hectic fever, improves digea-
t.*.»p, givess rrngth to the ne r vcs, repair* the
pp.tite and improves the spirits. This speci
fin m*' always be given in safety it is mild,
tilc sant to ihe tas-e, and may safely be given
« mfant8, r or which it is of inestimable value.
I tiilbrds relief >n bowel complaints, t ething,
* hooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu-
r y u-.eful it. hypoohondri cat, i.trtous am)
•p, stercwl dis“H8es. Each bdl o! direction
;--ttUms <i d< tailed account of this disease in
r l it*.- d fl- r«>ni Nt igrs, and w ill b» accompa
t.»d '»i h ihe signature ol the preptietor i»‘
Bed Ink. I» is ft’ red for sale by GEO. BY
R-0 ., only (mj s>>e agent) Druggist, ctr
•“•Hay f<nd Whit aker-streets, Savannah, a’
one dcilar per bottle.
dec "0 3l>
U\vr\eA Rub W airaascs
-■'HE subscriber has just received ait os-
v sortment of the ubove articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
l. W. MQlUUxL.
I OCt 26
OY\H)aitc tV\d »icaAt\uy.
Class—.Spelling, Reading .Sewing and
Class—with'^ritffijp Grammar °°
Geography and Arithme-
Thc French or Spanish Languages, 8 °°
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, i .• : : . . . j 0 oo
rainting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
fjr The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals ot those entrusted to her Hinrw
nov 2 * •
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will bo disposed of wholesale and re
ad. on the most reasonable terms. The
following articles comprise a rurt of hie
prebent stock, viz
Tt ESPECTFULLY informs her friend*
•" a,1, ‘ the public, that her school is now
', opposite the Chatham Academy, lor
reception op pupils. Assisted by
daughter Miss E. A. IIxrr.son. 8h J
oBcre her servtceain teaching the following
usetul nnd ornunirntal branches of cduca-
VV liffst she returns sincere thanks fol
patronage hitherto extended, she
4. fFikfn flip -—x e. 1
, -fr 1 ' “““"w vxicnuea, she
hopes, from t he. reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the rro
/rrPBR nt npr .1 ... * .
eu b .; ruuuB lu 'wrrner the pro
gress of her PupiL, t„ deserve a still l'urw
tlinr PYtonamn nt'n,.i.i:. s'. mi
o -".-pn,!,. uTTet-rve a auii iur«
. T .h<-- cours.
•• fxuuiw. itt»ur. i ne course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholar,
are received, are
l J . M’LEKJViOT i,
r N FORMS his friends and the public gen
erally, thut he Ims received by recent
arrivals, a large anil extensive assortment ol
!0 'tog, e -Is prime St C.-oix -ugar
10 Boxes While and } ,,
0 Hotel Brown ) Havana de
6tI Barrels Lot and t un p do
50 llkpa Havana Gr. cn Coflee
6 Pioes superior 4th nroof Brandy
* Pipes d-> Holland Gm
5 I ines Imitation Brandy, 4th proof
5 Do do Gin
2 Pipes very .uperior o'd P* »oh Brandy
2 Puncheons do do 1-ish Whiskey
ifn "’ d l Fk* ! d rlj.hua Bye
luo Barrels J Mliiskev •
ibO Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pines superi ir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
W Quarter Cast. Teneriffe d*
Very suBcrior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demij-ihns
lu0H.ff e,nd l B “ rre, V.““u P r erffl * efrC,b
100 n nPi els No* 3, New llackarel
50 Barrels No. 2, do do
lftoO Biikcts 7‘oble Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheei«
20 Rairels Copperas
200 Kearns Wrapping Paper
50 Bugs Black Pepper
10 Boxes Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Bur els Glue
100 Kegs HE and HP Dupont^ Gunpowder
5 Pound f’ uiis'e s uf superur do
J GO Pieces 41 inch Cotton Baggi ne
2 Hales Bugging Twine
10 Whole amO M ixes s. Whittimore's -
6 Half 5 genuine Gsij.
10 Boies Wool Hats
5 B.ixes Straw Bonnet.
10 Goila Male Hope
5 Dozen Bed Conn
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, London Duffle
10 Casra colored and bleached and utr
bleached Homespuns
70 G -oss Iron Table spoons
IS D-i do Tea do
’0 Dn Tcutania Table do
Fluted I able end Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos!.
tion Tea Kettles of all < zvh
Bras- Kittles for making preserves
TO Sets Of Di h Cover.
-0 Tons Shear Moulds
1 D S d Irons
1 D > Bsi Lead
1 D . Sheet Iron
100 Ci.sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, Cross Cut and WliipSaw, msde
expressly for this market
20 D zen Handziw., Woodtswa and Ten-
nart Sav s
Blarkrmith Sledges and Hamlhammers
Anvils, from I to 200:bs. real mouse
BLcksmtth’s Bellows,from 94 to 36
Sirgle and Double Screw Uiatts
Corn Mills, fiom N’o. I to 5
2 I ons Hooka and Hinges
Brass Andirons, fmrn f, > JO to $3
Brans and Wire FeniT- a, wdli,hovels
ard innpz to mstcli
5 Pnsfeh Braid’s Patent Hoes
100 D z.tii Padlocks
Meeiy.'d. to weigh from 200 o 5001b»
2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng
fish, Blis'eied vne Cast
Stoves with Fip s
1000 Pounds Waggon Bulls, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Itagr Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Cum Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
cnes-sting qf 50 p eccs each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belt.
2 Dozen Game Bags
2 D z n Powder Horns and F'ssk,
1 C se double and single barrel Gun.
10 Dozen Wire .nd 20 doa Hair Sitter.
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats .nd 50 sets o
Table Mats
A general assort-tei tefCvrnenter'sPtvneA
'.rushes, and Fancy Bellows, wit Ii pinny other
articles in tire above line,too tediubs to enu
, 20 Tons df Cai-run Castings, notch will he
sold low from the wlu-L
nov U