Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 12, 1825, Image 4
-V TO-IOl BA1L1S& •n tli Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in March nexf t W ILL be told at the *lourt House, city of Savannah, between the hours c ten and four o'clock, The following 5 negroeo, vie : Peter and bit wife Sarah, their children Msry, Tvio, and PerclU, levied on •• the property of Janus Bilbo, to satisfy an execution in favor of thr President, Directors and Company of the fla.*k of the U. States. Ah that lot of ground known and designa ted as trarden lot No. thirty-nine (39) and aM that adjoining half part of another, known r* lot No. forty-two (4?) containing, together eight and a half acres, be the sume more o- less, situate to the east of the city of Savan nah, and uounded to the northwest of let N-. twenty aix (26) to the south ind eoit b« lauds bel >nging to the estate of H*mptoi L llibridge, and to the west by the pubhc ro»d leading to 9kid«way Island, whereon i. brick yard is now established and kt own ti the name of Fahm's brickyard, together w«ti all and singular the improvement ai d apptn tenant • thereunto belonging; levied on as t i J iroperty of Jacob F,h n, under a rule abao. ute, from the Hon the Superior Court ti Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland and Susan his wife. Ali that lot of land situate on Pry an and H«- beraham streets, Warren waid. No twe'v (12) in the city of Sava'-nah, together will. a I h» bu .dings, improvements and appur'e Dances their unto be ot.jring—levied on as 11 f troj e.ty of James Bilbo, und r a rule ubso ute from the Honorable the Superior f.ti i of Ghu hi n County, in favor of the Commis* • aioners o' Pilotage of the pert of Savannah I'he eastern half tot and improvements, known in the plan of the City of Savann-ih, n- No- five (5) in Oglethorpe ward, bounded aotrh by Margaret street, east by lot No four (4) and north by a lane- Lvied on as the property of George L. Cope, under a h In, on a ft.eclosure of a moitgage in favor oi Jotm H' ver. M that tract of land known by tie of i w.ted Side' Containing (346) ac*cs, -64 acn s high land, third quality, 82 acres lov land fi, »ou d"d on the north by Savannah rm r—IcvNd on under u fi fa in fi. Vor o dhinn D >naland wife, complaimmts agamat Thomas N. Morel, and others, heiis t.i John Morel, dec. Buddrtgson oartof lotNo. thirty one (31) Liberty w*rd, in the city ot Savannah, bound ed north on Y >rk-street, south by a lane, aim west by other psrt of sa»d lot—levied on as the property of Wm. M hew, dec. to satisfy ar> ex f cut on from a justices court, in favor id Thompson & Bonney, against Wm. Mahew, Security for E- Swift. 13AAG D'LYON, S C C. Jan 3! 56 1FCUO0 SAIt Sheriff's .sales. On the first Tuesday in April next. rro.LL be hold a' theCouit House in th W city of Savannah, between the hours of ten : d t mr o'clock I he 'allowing seven negroes, vi* : Davi9, Mans, Patie c , Dublin, Beck, Trc • hi-ia ar. Oscar, with the increase <<f th • females ievie on under a fi fa on a fort cloi u «* of a m^rlgag. as t.'»f pr-'periy of Joseph Carnnhers to satis fy the B k <>f the Sta of Georgi*. Also, 1 efollow n.r 8 negroes, via : Peter, Clt'risha, David, Z h, Berger, Palv, Anthn. DV. B t*y* Mary, Dina^, Jack, Jim, Aggy, II... , ?v!saian, “» K“ et, Lucv and Adam, w't i the c eas.* of the females, levied on un- d* r a fi on a foreclosure of a mortgage as the pruj^riy of Wm. 0. Wayne, to satisfy the Bans oftne State ot G°-rgia. Alan, <u fi'ilowir g o5 n. gro •«, viz *. C flee ('to >p«»r, H • -net, AIFy, old Chari **c, Jh S*;y. Chr 1 t •‘eruisw, Dess, l»r. Ccwa viil' civi l, B. d.; t and Peggy, Will am. Ese; BuL-y. t‘u op Phyllis, oU*. Cumbu, Jem y o' prgg. B itu‘, Jes^e, Brutus, Sandy, Maria Cyn k, Dick, Tom,Sophia, Danhreand Jacou.-iye Bock* y and John,'with the increase o( h.: tern.ieq «evied on as the propei ly of Nicho a Unigur. under a fi fa on a foreclosure ot a ni fig ge in f tvouf ol John Carnahan and James »!ctl _-nry for use of Chris* ian* Levelt. Als*, a n g^ man naned > «u» levied on a the property of Chor es B, under fi he, on a toreclosure of a mortgage in favor ol James Amk rsov A's-..the to. Joking 19 negroes, v zAbra- hitrn Harry / *o, Ul/ance, Darnel, As.on. S- iioo, Lu.y, 9c>*m>, Marvan. Kaobuel, I o d >.j, A«rt:y, Aimon, Grace, E *a George, H dy,, and tim, w. It t u increase ol the. fomale levied-hiais the property ut Fi» mm«ng Ak n dec. under a fi fa. on a lorecu su t of a rr ort- g ■■■'.■ in fav* r of Wm D»x<’o o* assigt e»s O' M -d i-. M»L !. I D' YO » ’1 ‘*6 Sheriff's Sale. On the first Tuesday in March next, TO Ll be told at the ftauit-Hcnue, be tween the usual hours o ten and lotu clock, Eighty negro slaves, vis. Nelson, R-ch*»|, ^ant, Morris, Cha lrs, Mi.lev, IfsiiMuh, Harry, Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules, Draboy, John, David Nancyj Philip, Ju>ly, Jnhn» Har- V, Kve, Hhilipj Anna, l.ucy, Monday, Tenah, Molly, Henry, Ben, Vunus, Cain, (Uimba, !dia, Flora, Nell'’, Hnnriah, Simon, Luketv Paddy, Jenny,Briitu.tjCindH, Beck, Funny, lo*v Cester, July, Phebc^ Jack, Bella, Fanny, lack, Kobi-rt, Isaac, Pompey,, Caty, 'Villougliby, Fortune, Hiich»I, Phillis, R c»i- »rd, Mine-, Jane, London, Davy, Ishmatl, L zzy, Susy George, (Lace, Cudj ?, Caty, Be** V, Sampson, Hilly, M >lly and Abraham, to getlirr with the future issue and increase cl he families, levied on under a fi fa. on brectoHure of a rtlo (gage, from George F.. ope, in favor ot* Peter Mitchell, Join- VNtah, and Robert Mitrhnll. 1. D'LYO'F, S C C. dc*d 3t -I ^herift ’s Sale. On thefirst Tuesday in March n>rt, L be ao-d at \h t/uu t-«ou.e n the town »f Jefle-scn, C m Count) ie!ween the hours often and four o'clock, Nine Negroes, Grace arid her children faniett, Charlotte, Lucinda, Usual, d-za, Henry and Bob, levied on us the prop rt- of Joseph Hain, to autisfy an executicn n favor«f W<1 iaiii If Williams nd tilers G W THOMAS, D. S. C. C. Jefferson, Jan 22,1825, Un ar 53 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in April next, WILL »l the Court II use in J«-flVr. . siu On" den County, between the usual hours of sale, llwrv, N d, and his wife Tam^r, and he- lour c.hildier, Daniel. Ste hen John and Yo* k,'hr property of »he Ettate of Ge r- Monism, deceased, for the ben: fit of u>. crediton- slid heirs ol said ts -te, pur-uan. *.o leave gra-ited oy 'he Cmrt ol OrdiRi*' of s>.id County. GEOIUJE MORRISON. Adtiim strntor, wit i the M id un.a>e I, of Geor^'e M >r :s».n, Sen deceased rff v ., 24‘h J«n 1U25. Feb 9 5° JI. Sheriff’s Sales. STCWll.L be sold, »t the Marke» Hjiiso, Xhf the Town of 8 Marys, on th fi * attirday after th*’ first Tiiearlay of k’a next, between the hours often and f ur o*ci One negro man nain d Cato, levied * n the property of Joseph R.iin, to satisfy an ex ccu'iun in favor of Belton A- Ci pp. Also, One undivided third of three neero slaves, o wit: jSophy, J'l.ssenter, mi d Sandy, levied on as the property of Ja« e O'Neal, to (SRtirfv an '.xccu'ion m favor ol It Brunet. by In*. Guardian, Also, One tract of land on Crooked liber, containing 150 teres, hounded nor'h b* vin ^-ant 1st d, east by A J Pratt’s land, south In Crooked River and marshes, west by E.Shear man, the greater p^rt of said tract is under cultivation—one pair Card Tables, one nair fire-dogs, thnvel andtoi gs, one clock,' ha f a •1 z jn (silver) f ahle-sp um s, levi* cl on us the P operty of Abram Frai*, to satisfy an execu tion in favor ot U A. Corn. P »i UF.iiBAilD, S.C C. Si* \I irvs, Jan, 9 1825 Fi- 2 ' 58 Attachment Sale, On the first Tuesday in March ncxl t \TWl ,'u lies (l at . lit* C-'ii t- »u e, be tw cn the. hi ti s ot Jen nnd foui o elk. t wo n«gro sfuv s named bumps »*; andli ner, attached as die p o» t rty f William E. Kergti-on, and sold by otd ifCotiH, I. D’LYON, A’ C. C. Inn ^0 56 Georgia—Bryan County. Vy Joshua fhn h Clerk of the t lourt of Or din- a<y tf he County uforcsiiU, " ALL > Oilll MAV O VCERN. • “WHEIU’AS vViilium, ol the Conn!* kj of B.illoclt, spplii s f.*r L* liore of Ad • ' stion m the estate and efleets of Sam- Da: on, formerly ol Liberty County, dec : ese are ‘herefore 'o. cite and admonish al> \ iinguLr the kir d ed «nd creditors of said . ense, tr fi their objections (i! any thqy n/ve)in m\ IB;*, on or before tiie first Mm - day in March next, otherwise letters of »d* ministration will he grafted the applicant* Giv**n under my hand ai <1 private seal, (there bring no seal of • tfi je) thisthi.d day of February, one thousand eight liti' dred an J twenty five. [L. S ] JOSHUA SMITH, C O. C. F n 8 63r t Marsha's %le. On tht first Tu. sileiy in Ma ch, vCTOlLL be sol t bi fine h j C rt Houst. 'JyT i t'ie city of Savannah, between th i rsof 10 and 2 o'dfick U s rt 1 WO LOTS, Nos 27 a i 38, Jack sun Ward, at ti in:proveme»ti« thereon, levie on as the property of J »hn H. Morel, to sat'.- »y the bs’ance decreed to hr due on a dis r es warrmt, issuing from the Tre».s*ir) De, xr nru.nt of the Un : ted Stales. r g?iist A. S Bu. loch, John H. Morel, a d D-ivid Lei^o* JO IN II HiOR*!.* Mughal Di*- G Tan 21 47 Admin fit ut-ir’s -ale W ILL he sold on I ho first Tuesday in April next, nt tho Court-House in the city of Navnnnuh, by permtFsiou of the llotinruble the Justices of the Interior Court of Chatham county, One undivided fourth of a tract of lund, containing about five hundred acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden County,known as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth of a certain tract of land situated on said Island, containing about five hundn-d acres, originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’lri-. tosh, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate on th Ogoechoo Road, three miles from Savannah, containing about six hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. IS. Bayard, deceased—sold for the ]) on cl it of lie heirs and creditors, of said estate. N. J. BAYARl), Administrator estate jN. *S. Bayard. Feb 2 Notice. T IIE undersigned having been appoint ed by his Honor the Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for the purpose of settling the accounts of the late firm of Nosier & (Jriggs, of Savannah, they having made a surrender of all their estate, both real and personal, for the bene fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice to nil persons indebted to said concern, that they must, pay or liquidate their accounts, within THIRTY DAYS from this date, after which time .those unsettled will with out discrimination, be put in suit. All per son.* having demands against said concern, are required forthwith to present their claims, in order that the trust may be set tled as earlv ns possible. JOHN W. LONG,) M. HERBERT, ( Fell 4 fipfll Assignees. Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Oliver Si urges, Esq. late of the city of Savannah deceased, are request ed to hand them in, properly attested, and those indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to VVAI.P. HUNTER, Adrn’r. FVh *n e-.| dniinistrator s v ale. -TWILL be sold at »h*. G--u t-iionse in S.» viinnsh, m tht Irsi Tuesday in U r *' h *t, be'ween *' c hours cf ten and two <**cl'.\ )NE CHEST OF GAR* EMfclPy TOOLS ** . UNDRY FAY 1 ERNS FOR ( A STINGS • Imp rsoial estate .f Jalm CLrk, decen^eu Terms ol sale cash. HRNi.Y M'AT.PIN, A m uisirutoi- cf J. Clark bn 14 42 Administrator s ’ d ;v( iiriLl e h (I !i u.e firs -nc-dav /V 4 rch n vt st «li# Cmiri l? ime n t ■ ci ) ot ‘jsvanns >, wuhln he hours • i^fcnhi t>\ Hw, TWENTY EIGHT SI!‘F.E3 O PL.iN' iKb'S* B’.NB S i u K i.vo^ing li? ei at of Goo toil F - cm u. K'-q d* c ed* Sold fn,- t e bf-nefi* of tb r- creditors ot said »**»* t- Te ir.. t saic cay • .JAM S HUN l lli, A-’rr.'r. .. 4 \2 lie i s ale-. f >n the fi si J U'S i> y in Jla ch next, \\ - vsul a h Ooufi-tlous. be ween \JJ -.C h u a of 0 it d 4 M*.*l I '.tj'follow ng -»xn gr.>ca, 1 ? naan, Iixac, Lo* *o , William, Pete., and iLunah, ievieil, O’. ”.nd ra fi f^, on foreclosure from Job H * ter to the Planteis* Bank. F us* ne'sroes, Bihy, Mosvt, Will and Jen ry levi“») on mide- ia. on forcel.-aure of •» m (* tgage from 0. H. Hsyden, to J rent * ah n ‘er. A q aality of (lout^hoH and K chen F r- nitu e of w . Scudd j evied on under a fi fa i n 'orecb s.ii e tg- ge, iroai Eicaz^r Early to Ames I D*LYON, *Y, C. C m3 2 An p auig Jh. 'iit-fj r.z■■! SOO v(vTvubte 1 .*>T , Situated on lie principal struts in Lower Hamburg^improu<1 and an improved.) W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the loth January next, in the Town of Hamburg. S. C —One half ol the purchase money, cash ; the other ball, to bear an interest of scvi n per cent, pi annum—the interest to be paid annually.- My individual Nott s, and the Notes of ih following Banks, viz. Tli • Bank of Ham burg, Bank of the United States, the sov al Banks of this State, and the Bank of Au gusta, will be token in payment. The pur hasors of unimproved lots will bo require to improve thereon. The sale, will contin ue from day to day, until the whole is di* posed of; when the terms of sale are coin plied with, indisputable Titles will be mail. HENRY SHULTZ. Hamburg, Nov. 21. I ity lie itV s -ales- On the first Tuesday in March next, WBll L be sold in front of the Lotn.- Vjr uuse, in the city bf Savann-h, hi tweet, ta . usual hours often snd three o'clock, A’l the buildings on the turn ern half o> lo* Nu 5 five, St Gdi, 0.;lethrope v/nr I^'i' on as the prop* rtv of E ‘us E. Rob* rts to *' t Vsiy an ckocutiou in f.ivor of (he Gfumnu L'» iherau .Jh'ucti, vs* Elias E Roberts* O' •: n'.gr.j woman noined Maris, sr.d be dii..! Doll, levied on as the property t-f R.»b Cnarltofii <lcc. to satisfy ho etecutton turn, the Court of Common Pleas, and Over an. TV'iru'.. r for the City of Ssvstnab, Salnis H&ilniMS. fi n Ghsrlton adm;iiistr*Uix ' U u :ct Cha.l'v. >, dec, A L D*l YON, C V. *» 0 *6 thcini's ^aics. O N he first »a ur ;»y, after ihe first Toes- d*> in Ma’clt, ^ ill be snbl at the Mar., kc Utilise, in ths town of St. Marys, b. tweci. tl.e hours of ten and fair o'clock, a negro L*o .mined M ses, levied on as the proper'y o'Cornelius llain, to Mitisty an execirion m fi.crJoaure of a .. urtgsgo in In vor of J hr CJnevurr. M (I IIlBRARD, S. C. C. Hi *-a.ys, January 1, 18 5* Jan B - it 37 Sale Continued. T HE saie of the above Lots linST beer postponed until Tuesday* thr 2id n February ntxt* on which day the Hole wiil re-commcnce. The Charleston Mercury, the Cbarlcshu Courier. Noutliern Patriot, City (Jazelto Columbia Telescope, Nouth-Carolina Re publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusts; Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savanna! Republican and Georgian, will publish tli above once a week lor three weeks, and forward their accouuis to me for payment. HENRY SHULTZ. January 20 Jnn in 5filp Notice. rpiIAT on the second Saturday in Mar A next, ut the late residence ot John Bryan, dec. all the personal properly of tin aforesaid deceased, will be offered for sale to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the heirs, consisting of Cattle, f/'»»•.*, Plantation Tads, Household and Kitchen Hurnilure, together toith sundry other articles. Terms made known on the day of sale. SOL. BRYAN, J ISAAC BRYAN, > Executors. JACOBBRYAN, ) jf Scrivcn County, (Geo.) Jan. 22f 1825. Jau 26 621.f G or±10—Camd u < ’oi/nly Sui'KRiou Court, October Term. 1*124. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Silvester Bryant. N petition o r T m -ihv Hopkins, *‘ut.;qr that in consuie t>tion of r.eriutn prom ssnryj notes, made to the aaid Timotl y, h \ one pvw.ble with into cs», from fi \ of January, 1821, on tht fi. st oVJai.m.rv. 1832*. •i second payable assforesYi , on (he t si «>i January, 1823/ snd s th'rd payable ss afire- aid, on the first of January, 18.’4\ executed a cottgage to said fi.,»otdy Hopkins, his hei uid assigns,'*n all those four tracs of ’, tented ii 'he c .un'y tfruefsid, conveyed • > •ie sard Ti inti**/, to the said ?.Hngl**y and * elves*er, and lying on the south side ot Gr» at jstilia Fiver, one tract containing sev- atvaevenlacres, more «r leas,* two 'rac*s >nti:ining fif y *>c es, more or less. Ri d • nc •her tract, Cw'-teining one. hundred «••*( ugh- -tight sere*., more or le a ?, conditioned fi *.ti , ayirent of the three o&id several es o tl e days uneve mentioned, and tfcut »<•' *u.-vcral notes remain unpa * 1 — n motion v • rclnhald D’oik, Htto-nej fi». plsioti-’’, i* i , ier^d, ‘la* Ii s'dd Langley a d S ives e , ♦vir he: ? or < s [ ay into Conr., wiiJC welve months fi-jm this date, sumi uu »»*t notes, and the intcrer nnd c a s, • !• ■vise that M.e equity of rr.dcmption be lo* - er foreclosed, hud tint su-li .uher proceed gs takt pltce, as are purs iu: t to 'J’rue • x*ra--.r from Mi'* mui : ts, C7»h Oeto- b.*r, 18 4. JOHN BAli.E*’. Chrk nov 4 87 J. SlUJiJs’s I'ANAvjbA I DIE subacrib r havng<l's*:ovr.r**(» :h c<v. position of St VMM? S CL LLli HA TK b CAAACLA, has now a supply on hunt! f v min i fie lias reduced thep»-ice from $3 fid, t £2 50, or by the dozen jgJ4. All charitable iusti'uiions In the U. States ml the poor will he supplied gratis. II the citizens of the principal cities sne ' «vne, will appoint an age/U to order an. listributc tins medicine to the poor, u will be upi-litd. This medicine is celelnated for th»» cure ol ’•e following disease•*acroftila or king* -viI, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, Liik •u-n ling rncmna'ic. aflections, cuiautous <iis- •u?es, white swelling n • distas * ol the bones, nd all c..isea gcncrully of th uA. rous charac er, and chronic dis* use** generally r is iig in debilitated coustifidi * s, bu* mon* especial!) f r o syphilis o* all' olio is mining thi refrom *; ' I'.er* in the la.-ynx^ nodes, isc. and that dreadful disease by a long and cxces«»ve use f mercury, fJc* Ii is also use ful in the distil. *' the ns> r*" Letti&catca. I have within the h»si two years had an op po* * unit y ol seeing a« vc si ca>ea of very mve i»*rate ulcers, which having preLeusly resist ed tiie regular modes »f treatment, wer* healed by the use of Mr. Swaira's Panacea, snd I do believe, from what 1 have seen, that it will prove an importan*. remedy in aero, uiloiis. venereal and mercu-bd diseasus. N- t’UAi'M \N, M. D. Professor of t-.e InstitmcH a-’d practice of Physic, in the cl Penn ay!vania I hsvfjc i plo>ed J he Panacea of Mi. Swaim i»» numerous mstanrci, within (lit Lst three • ears, and Mve always found i* extremely Mnc.Hcious, cBpecialli *n sec-oi.Jarv sj phil-e ind mercurial diseaues. I have no lieshatior • pronouncing it a m»*'’ir.i. - #if incd.T ubi. cal l'. W. GIBSON, M D Professor of Surgery in tht- Un.^y of P *ni. P iladtip : ih, February 17, 1823. JOHN Chemist Vdi ttr 'fi/ii • .v*. 7 »o <] Camden So perl-v Court. ilCMlt i 1 \ ll'1'OHD. i r r . - T , , n ’ f Verdict MarcliTcrm, Tiioxi \s Kino. find. . ntoi-vivuiivm N’t u, ltd A NY infi.rninlion rospectinp Henry Hut- chLon, of Mount Gale, county of Kil- vN motion of the Attorney of the Plain-1 k'Uiny, Ireland, who anived in .Savannah '*.7 till’in the above case, it is ordered from Live!poo], in tiie ship Blucher, Cupt. bat the defendant do shew cause, on or be- ; Potter, in N'ovmber or December, 1822, lore the first day of th" next term, why a i shortly aft* r sailed for New-York, and has final judgment should not be entered in nut .-ince It. cn heard f, will be thankfully ‘•he above case, ns of March Term, 1808 ; j received by tin* subscriber, directed to >Su- and that publication be made of this rule, vunmih. Geo. who tins lately had letter:* once a month, for four months, in one of from the family of said Hutchison, expresc- hu Gazettes of this District, or that a copy ing th- ir unxitty to i: nr if he ' copy be served on the defendant, sixty days be- the. next term. Extractfrom the Minutes, JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. •W 2:1 25(ti M Stata of t •corgi t. 'iy Elijah Bah r .r. Clerk of the Court cf Or- dittara. fur Liberty County. <h. L' lZ'f? H ALrvu.UK, oo es lor '■ 'ICS .1 adir-n a'- ti.m o s-.rtte srd iff us <>f Tnotnus G VVebb, n* xl of k a : ’IH' Re are thevof* re. t citf t odm«*nhb, a’i s, d singular the i d e •! creditors of the 6'iirl d«c**R e l, t« fil b.- j »c*ions if any Rev have, in my i ffi • ai -.c-birouth, on or hef >rt the fvs 1 M o n- March nevt, o'hcrwi.-e le-ters of "'.ming* ‘•mn’will be rirantcil t*»r* «;» d • pj.l ci ut, G ven under my fi nd and seal, 1!iig t.-ml day »»f Jai uorv, >n the the year of «‘n Lu*-d cghteen Inn 'red u *' w -••♦v-fi' : ‘3.) E BAKER V. C 0 L V. I • 14 41 into: gill- o . Conitlen County, VUIOMI, *Jr»Y < 0 K *N. 4 C?ItEdEAS Bello A C"p[ , I q qiplie to the Gou t (I O •* i ary «.f .. d cmiu- ., for L t'orH r f A ,4 m i i.ilruM »• on the c.Uat» • Joseph Bixby, l-.te ofs^id coil*v>, dereas »d : t hese are, therefore, to cite snd admon ish, aM and finunlar, the he rs a d c editors o'*said deccastd, to fit * their ol j ti *• s. if i»:»\ they have, in my office, m or u f e the Ii h< Monday in March ne t, o herwi e ictu-rs tVtii he fr< 'inter! tli applicant. Witn* 3b the II morablc Wil a n Gihson, one of tlna Juaiict s of said Cour 1 , the; twenty six n 1 d»v **f f anuarv, IBM- JO’-tN H.MI.RY, C C r C. ■ .?-» r 7 IN EQUITY. Thomas Cum min if and others, Complainants and Hilliam Wallace and others Defendants, — Chatham Superior Court, January Term 182 #*• I T appearing to the Court, by the a flUa vit of Joseph Camming that William Wtd »*ce and Sarah tits wife, Miry Ciav, Ann Cl q •’.liza Clay* Mary Jane (Buy, William Clay • oseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary .Ann Cluj, (lenry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, whuare par ties defendants in the above case, reside beyond the fimits of the state of Geoigiu, and within the United States, und that James Clay, also a tlsfcr.dunt, is in foreign paits, beyond the limits of the United StVes.. On motitn of coinp.’uinauts'solicitors, it is order ed that the said defendants, first named, do respectively appear and answer th * comi lain* a* tu’ bill, withm four months from the date of this rule, and the add Janies Cluy, within nine months. Aud it is further ordered, that this rule he published once a week, during nine mouths, in one of the public Gazettes of this, state. A true copy fiom the min*.tea. A.B. FANNIN, Clerk, mr.y 11 4/t » 1,> KUUli Y. Hri-ween W Davies Adm nisi rat or, Comp’uin am and John a-nochan A'lnvivshal r d b'.nis non ioil/» the •wi l unn xeito*' tieti> *e Hichnrilson, and others, J) Jendants in equity (h it hum iupe ior CoiLt- Chance) y, ■ Oth .1 Lgust, J8.J4 I T appearing .hat John Murray Catnochan, one ol the •lefendunts in the suid fiiii cf complaint n:.m -d, resides viihuut the stat® of (te** giR, in that part if the- United Kingdoms •' Great Britain ami Ireland, cul'.ed Scctlard : !i is ordered that the svd John Murray Car- nochan, do appear ard answer to the cum- .•'iainiut's said bill, within nine months from the due of this order, otherwise that tho said billj as to h m, he taken pro confesHo .* and it is further ojdeied, that a copy of this .rdeP be nubhslnd once a week, in one of be publ.c G zoltes of this stale, until ilu; ex- pirulioo of tiiL* time within wnich the said do fi-ndant is leq iiredto appear and answer ws aforesaid. True copy from the Mi"iites, *Ii»h 51s' d«y August 1824 A. B F V> MN. Clerk. °4 5*'+ oliCC IS HEREBY GIVEN, jj HAT three months alter date, apf lica- » tion will bu mode to the Bank ol the State of Georgia, to issue a now eorlifiicHte of stock, lor one lost, ijsued on the nth March, 1818, in favor ot’John M’Kinne.Jun. or twenty-five sbaics, and nombered 243. B. Al’K'NNE, Guardian of Join* M’Kinne, Jun. Augusta, Dec. Id, 13-31. dee !" 9Iff* .> otice. ikj 1 \ E rnontns aiier date, Isbell apply *o Jvi the court of Ordu ur) ol Cumden c: un* % for le ave to sell the ie*l cfctali of J«*hr D Y* ung. late of s*(i«l county di ccai.-d, to. the .ionefit ol the Ueii s of-(Hid deceased. JESSE CRAW F*>RD, Administrator estate of John l>. Young Jun 17 ♦ 2-» JNOTICE. N INE months after d-te, application wdl b< made to the H n. the Jm-gi s of the Court .n Ordinary - f Cbaihsm county, f«.*r leave t "el all the rc»! estate of the late William Gr^g. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and c.ed i rsof said estate. JOHN M'N'ISH. Ex-c*i*or Of*t IP 71 i\ oticu, N INE months after d*te, I shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Camden cun ty, to: leave loseli s lot of land, tying in M<>n< r.»e county, in the tenth district m n r ety-oue, belonging to the orphans of Lev* Jehns, dec for tliebentfi' i f said orphans JOHN I.EE. Guardian. ' « 1*^ *HI NO h/E. N INE MONTHS af-ertlK elite hereof, »p- o'.ication will b» mad«*to the H*»u-.iabi- th l.dcrior Cnu'M of Chat bar- county, vh • s-it'-.g orordinK'-y fu*-pesep,f»r leave toad a lot, w.tb th imp*-ovemcul8, situa<e inth» c y uf S^va. nah, in the s*id county,and kn* wi in Ihe plan of said c*tv bv the No. 53, Bmwi Ward, lor t'.-e benefit f the heirs a* d legatees; of the ejtute ot the Ute Hugh M’Cu.i, dr ceased. THOMAS M'GAf.L, 1'HILIF BRASC'I, EXPMUt'TS. 0 rf '4 * r ! ht* alive. 11. Hutchixi n is ). out oiehteun ymnrs of ng«», fair complexion, liofit brown Uuir, and about five lerl nine incho*- high. il'./ Th** editors of papers throughout the Union, nro particularly requited to give this notice, a few inanitions, und lend their uid to restore tliid young man lo bis discon solate parents HENRY MAC DON NELL. Jnn 13 3i 1 wf ttTTttttUtm \V ante A A NY intormationfiom, or relative to Mr. FaKocnirK Lout., Printer, a native of Manchester, Engluml, and who. wbtn lust h*-nrd fr* in, resided at Moniicello, Jasper county, Geovgia, whore it was understood he had married u young woman of the name of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to fho cure of the editor of the Charleston Courier, will bo thankfully received. Jij The editor-of papers in the State of Georgia, und in the Western country, wij confer an obligation upon an anxious mo ther. by giving the above one or two in sertions in their papers. jan 22 49 L ''oking-li lasses. J UST received, p‘T schooner Retrieve, an elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Looking-tilasscs, nt manufactory ori ccs, liy J. Ji. HERlfKUT &. CO. dee 1.1 an ■ i allCCl iluil LUX c |.n )K SAL.E by r N. n. WEED, ^'Ko. 6, Gibbous’ Range. nov 24 Spanish Segai-s. SD 1 160 X qr. S do | S P anif!h Sn K ar3 ' Just received per filobe, nod for sale tv J. B. HERBERT & CO. dc 4 Webster’s; peliing Kooks, R eceived and for mie by Jan 13 SCOTT’S JURLE STKHBOiTPK HilliOji. * ICC. VJINE MON'J’HS after the date of this ' notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, tor tiie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, • Administrator, dor 1P * | NoUec. A J.L person h,' .g (!«rn.i>-!s Rgains* f e * e-tateof ( onalRr.l F' Ccmau, Esq In'eo ti.e city of* u, deceased, a e n qaired to hi.nd liicm in, Ir:ral!y stteited, within the ti:ne preset ih- d by law : and ifios indebted to said c t te, ure rrq ii' cdto rr k m;uedisie pay *7 Mt. to 1A MBS HUNTER, Mm'r. Jan 14 4 t Notice. T HOSE whn have any demands against the late Matthias Schlosser, late of Cliatliam County, deceased, are reqin sted to render in their demands, properly at tested ; and those indebted to said deceas ed, to make immediate payment, to CHARLES RAI’P, Quulilied Executor, Jnn IS dli.| Hide Whips. A.'Fv GROCE Hide Whips, received and ZS^y for sale by .V. B. WEE1X dec i:t . Pi ot :• read HALF BBLS. Inglis 1 Pilot Bread, J. just receivetj and for sal*' by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 29 .BftOPO*5,U8 Ity SJ VUEl, T. JH mr/iOAG •, „ I "»r«Mh II t:on fa ■ finblithiiuf ,y 1.1 tn.r lilHI.E c'mtaimn? fill /, y vmal Re*erenc'i to he conp iced on Vttl.U IES huYAL OC iAVft, and t be'hshed with a tiki nest of .he Au;lwr> * TERMS. f r r ihaR be well primed, on good paper,ant ji be composed in il< handsome volumei, |* v* I coiitain the Scriptures of the OA hr.j ( Nt w 'Testaments, t c Inti oducto^y OWivw tjM Explanatory \oies, an ’ Traclic l OhsemunoJ WT all rue mpioiis Mar,dn>c References, o ! LZ ’ mu printed word tor word from the Lou,!^ f? Ster^-etvpc* Edition, published since the K,> bur's de(V*s*c» The price will be $21, ij board* j £?4, in sheep j gJO, in calf binding The w h »»e work will be ready for deliver) Lx racts of Letters udd r etsedlo thePub'is';•», I est n em Dr Scoit'»F tally Bibl»,emin*i.t> cslculalcd to prom *e Hie cause of truths^ piety, itseen si-caTtly pms'ble for on.--, tead daily the Notes ami Observa iom ju^ Family Bible without becomhr » r oettermsir. EiJvVARDD G-.:FF|.Y. I haVe sr;ftn no comm unitary of toe 5scred Scriptures which 1 t'link no wril ada^te^io general use and edification. Jt is a which ever, funnily ought to po.vgpss, A. E^TON. I* is a work distingu : shed for the simpllci. tv and convenience of its arrsngvmen* t>» claurneas nod fi 'e'ity of it? e*r oaitions, tnc neatness und perspicu ty of its style-, t„e tex nevoknes and candour of its sp*ri\ the ct*n* uiseness and pertinency of its app'iui ih, and for its un.form tei doncy to pro »«t!c • v ttu - ge'iciil truth and piety. ARIEL HOLM FA Of Dr. Scott's Finiily Bible, I fed fr»-c-o say. in my estimation it dese rvedly r.„xi a nong oui ablest and b-s* *hmim n»a THOMAS BALD*':#. D.. Scott's Family U ble i,.tended irort a peoisBy t’^t' e use of Chiia<isn tainil'e?, ::j rfork hi oh y eyungehcal, extensively ac tive, and deeply interesting • DANIEL 0. SANDER?. The character of Dr. S mil's CommenUr? :n tb-. B'hte is so genera Ilf k town, and w . appioved amoilkst the m *«" inteiligfkt •<! L-iousCnrisiiausthroughout o irco-mtn, n 1 l*j*9 pii?v;d npidiy \hiougl>s» many l.vjje • litions, c! nt 1 deem further ioiis needie-»s* J V O r J8E. 1 am HcquMnt^d with no Rnm-^viuary un •i* SMc,eii c iptuies, which 1 would rn»te rcc. imnti a for general u»e. 'liic plan of the woj k is good JOSHUA BATE?. PcrhspH in no way 9 ran ministers, it st net. rj »f youth, and private Ch' tstiani, do gn.n.r uTvce to goe.etv, than by exerting tinm. -elves to dis**.uiuiate this t r ulv luvaiuvale •v 1 k J OS H U.\ II UN "INGTON. I < now of no Oommenta y which is better •^.diluted for difluang correct view* of ths gr« i t ’n.lhi of Clirbttanity, a> d Iciv r.gwlu* '■’ary impvi-ssions on tb- mind when rising •. m the pe u i al of it, than the one you ire -tbuui to publish. D4NIF.L SHARPE. Nfn writer Seems loss disposed to r.oi *^nd for barren specula-i ns. None more uniform. Ivor more powtifjily inculcates the g<«bte** ientials ot religion. The spirit which p-.- vrd»s Hie work is excelfi n« j it is the tnwk, iffi- 4ioi»»re, healing, yet I'aithf *1 spirit of the ps.jM. Daniel dana. From particular ex -m'-nati 'n. snd concur* roig tcsiimon", thee is no doubt on my mind il.&tS -ott's Furai.y-lljbL is sup rior tn ull ■‘.hors JOSEPH E<EilS0N. Vmi will pleas*: to se d ne D'x copies of nc tt’s Bible ; 1 ref-*r to y •> ir lately proposed -dilicin. Perhaps I shall induce five mure tv Uke the s ime number. H- L. It isvxnh extreme pleasure I perceive yov ab.>ut lo publ.ah a re// eli.ion *»f fic»'t*'a Bible Ifavirq- m*en in puna ss on i-f t more tea-- 20 y ara, I trus* I kn »w s -me* ?u*ig of us vu ue, and a-.n dele 1 n.ii.eJ to oro* n-*.c * s c>rcul»\ii*n among my friends Y -a wifi please forward six copies os soon n s p ■> she**. 0. H I have obtained four sub^cribcra * t'e ;%C\ dent woiii you art publishing ti. I irop itie to tsxo seven sms -f s *cot-’j !)i* and will be accountable for >he sau e. • . J C. I hsveobu-ned a- bsciibors for nine cr.'/uti •»f Sen F .n ip H ide. J. 1 sba’.i probably need cigh' or ten a *s .( Scoti's Family Bible. J. p- Rev, S. S. ot P. bos o talned ten hers. e. U. i have observed that you are abn«.t ;;ub. Iiing another edition of S o t’| B bie )pc you m'.y suicee.l as you h ve do-tein qmer edition-’. 1 nave been endeavoring to 'ocure subscriber? smo. g our p*vple, mid e.ior mo^^ subactibers wi.i be eblai-el. O. S H. i I will take ten sets (of Scott’s H »»c) bi.ucd ard Jett?rc*l. J. F* I have ontvined ten Pobscribeis for y ur ^.fition of the F.'.-nily Bible—and havt vu 1 ubt bu* here might be s meth.rg like *00 ' jopieo -oltl in this place if you hso an ag-nt , here—I 'bought ti e wovlf ought to bn cn* **.t»urftgcd.uni for hat reason to.»k a subscrib* m paper. It is a work that every I n*ity mild have that is able lo purclme. J. E UT I xm glad, hst y^u propose to print 'dr. jc*'N excellent F roily Ctunnv-n;ary, a..d should be very glad if it were in my power to ive n more liberal patronage io the work, than, as r.ii-cu.-uvtui:ces are, I can 1 aiisll, howe'er, l>e able to do something; eight ».f ten se s I shall * eitainly take ; and it may be, l ubit that nuirbsr, A. B. * hive procured fifteen subscriovrs to Scott*-. Bible, J v, D. 1 i. -.k 1 3h/l dispose of 20 sets oi m • e J .r. t'ui.vly Bib»(*. F,. ii I have circulated propost 1 * for S'.oU'r, R bU- ,* O'v n-<ny have hce»\*‘ugHged in ftiU : nnut f- T ; but between kO and 3f» sots in h s vri. i’v. J. »• I have concluded te hi’come responsible * you for thirty s:u of Scott’s Coiamci.uvy, G. B. I have procured 106 xub«c-ibcrs to the Bible; 6 S'-is to be bound in c>'f; 3 sets >o be done in boards the other 9' cis, nuui.d and lettered ks^tencribed in the prosjo-ctua. H. d: 1 presume I could procure 500 -itibs- fi bers for your elition of Scon’s Bible 'Ihe demand is 'iicr.-asiner for them Th v will finally supersede every other ’arge or Fail* Iy Bihls. FiVty of my subscribers five withm • circle of 8 miles! J- L* Jujt published an edition of the same wobr completed in six volumes without r.u g “ references/price in bo^ras ^18; in sheep $21/ in calf ffi7. Bitter of th se ediii-jnl m«y be bad ol the publish r «*■. Huston / or c S. G. & J SGHENCK, Sivunnuh. N. B. WEED. Carron Castings, mjsm<2Frxs?.£r I* «. fi. WEED. ' »a- 1’ •t9 I ^Yatkiwg UvusUcs, O F a superior Quality, just receivoJ ano for sale by CEO. R VERSO.N’ nov *3