Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 14, 1825, Image 1
THE L IS EDITED AND PUUL.ISIIED IN TIlK CITY OP SAVANNAH, By G. ij W. Uohf.ktson, an MU’IT Dnf.L4Hfl PKU AXNUM, 9AIAIU.K «K AUV4NC*. FOtt THE COUNTUY, :3 published to meet the »rnin,;emcn* ol ihe mail, three times a week, (Tuesday, v-'emday «nd Saturday) at the Office of ih; ji.„lv Gentitiaii, and c; ;itin» al 1 the nielli Sciicc Cooi.nereial, Political ami Mu'-ellan- e„„ s ’ 'ncliidirip .dvr.rlisemeuta. pub ishtd ii U«. Emily I a per. . „ ■ri C Cuti uy Taper is se tto si' parts ol t p- state sod Union, or delivered in the city, 4 , f v „ ^iil'srl per annum, payable in nlvnnee. Advertikomenta ate inserted in both pa m tt 75 cents per liquate, of 14 Ines, mr ' >' fi™ Insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub '"co'rmimiratioos by Mail, mutt hr P’,H paid Sales of land and negroes by Ail ninme, tors, Rni-cutors or guardians, are tcq'unil, by law, to he held on the fi-i. Tuesday in th. met,tli between th* hours ol ten in he Tore pm,u and bree in the ifteniww, a' the t.ouri U„i„e of the coun'y in wuieh the property is slleaip. —Notice of’hrse sales must be given i;i aouMic gazette «>/y days previous to tb. dty of Sale. Notiro of the (ale of pemneal oroperty mus be g ve in I be manner, Fo ty day, previoo: to die nay af sale. Notice to ihe debtors and creji era of a. estate mnsl be publish'd fi.r iVfji lays. Not ec tlist application wilt be mado to toe Court of Ordinary forte,veto sell land, mus hr r*n u lif hrd Nine Month*. IT iTD (P r X f U«' H*‘o Reduction in Prices! Goode to be what they are Sold tor ! ! Aiui ilonui Weight *V AI< future (tii'tn !!! rnliK Subscriber as willing as others tc I arrange his business tocnit the pro- tout times, and save the public the trouble >f making bargains, adopts a mode lately Hade use of in this city of advertising the Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too to* lions to enumerate, although not having IVob© enormous quantities that are usually laid to be sold when called for.) names the following articles, and assures the Public [hat the rest of his Stock is reduced in th : wine proportion: Lamp Oil (but uot the best quality) ^ per gallon 3 ~? Do do do 0 50 I)o do beat quality, per gall. 0 fly} Paint do do do 0 80 Spirits Turpentine do do 0 60 Mixed faints (but not tlm best (.in ens. Uluots or Y«dWs) per lb. 0 12$ English White Lm>d. p-r lbs. (not because put up m itmi bound kegs). , 3 ^ American White Lend, 2"lh ke«a laboratory m;»nulu<*turrd Brook lyn, New-York, (manufactory price per cwt. #12 50, "'inch may ho seen by mcking at the ? N. w-Ynrk Price Curr« nt) 3 12? 8 by 10 Glass, but uot the best American, per box 3 ^ to bv 1-* do do do *1 J d A large and <- nstiint supply of the above articles and goods generally in the Paint, Oil. Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade wili be kept. The subscriber having made arrangements with Manufacturers m New-York, Philadelphia. Boston, and else where. from which places he will continue to receive those goods direct, ft the be t description, and on the most advantageous terms, lie uLo offers his Professional ser vices in Pniinvg, Gilding § Glazing, whi, h ho executes on improved principles nt rciln<’ p 'l pricoH, in Town itiul Country, >•». 5. Whitaker-Oral, 3 doors th- »•'.’••• 1'. MAIli.OW. jan2t r '° Molicc. N INE months after date application will he made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inf. rior Court of Chatham County, fett leave to sell a tract of land, known as number eight, Oth District, PiUe (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit eft ho heirs and creditors of the estate oi of N. fc). Bayard * N.J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. .Ian 5 3-In* mMa & wimi i d OF* Ell roil feVLE, jp Ti HOGSHEADS prime and second llv/ quality St. Croix Sugar. 60 ha mds do do do sugar 70 bags prime green coffee 30 crates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 0 hogrhrads Jamaica rum halfpipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrel*- loaf wugur 30 coils it file rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 000 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia flint corn nnv 23 fltEKH GaUIIEM feEEl) AND QuYboua TViNveY Ilttois* J tNT receded by the rubscwbfr, and wa-. ranted of the tssl season':- growth. 2' i»o* .s Garden Seed >. put upbv \. M'Uahon f o. Philadelphia, exnmKs’y for t :a market •*rvl c-» beninq the fY■u-»winp aa«oi'tnv nts, viz. 1. Drumhead t'abbng 2 'ted Beet ;] f.o .ft Orange Csrrot 4 Parsley 5 Leek 5. Onion 7. Salmon TbuPsh M K t ly Purple do. H il 'd leaved 0. Karly Turn p* t Lite do 2 -afy 3 Aspa agui 4 Sari; curled Ltt tuce 15 Koyal Cabhage do 15. Melon 7. fioiflich ft Summer Ssvoy 'y ^weet B.'sd 0 S-'ge I No«furtimn ti. Celery '1 Ra«*ly Peas 4. Let i do 25 P.Hrb' b n^h beam-. 6 lied French do ALSO. ?Q t'ar.k"gc9 containing 'h? following B* I <his Blower R»ot«, viz • D*mb e Hvaciuth* I 4. 1 f fk vie-n tiger flower • F e Tulips > Narch ana ’’or sale by Fb 9 I) nible Tuberose | 6 btar of Bethlehem F.M’DEtlVOr r. •q Dj Ihe tresident of the United States. £ v t pnrsijuT’oe of L ,l, i Mownov, Pro** nie :t t'm fT ni ed otates, d'» hereby <t Hire nnd rrak known »-t»'it a put lie «5i f « »»• o h dd **t the Land ( flisj at 'I'aliAbarao, • Klor la, on the third Monday of Mar rrxl, he di*p*'»hl o' th' fo'iowirg lards v z :— Township 1. south of Range 1, w'ost ofth. Meridian line. I and i north oi'Rnngo 1, do ik Fractional 3 ilo do do do Township I, nnuth 1, 2. 3. 4, & f>. cast l & t.north t, 2< 3, l, & 5* Fractional township 3 1,2, •>, 4, & 5. The a.b* will commence with the l i\v •timber of section, township, «i.d ^angc, a i i-occ..<1 «n regtitar rununcsl order ’ 1 ndf» l e'W’v. d b> h«w f -.r ibe use of itch* o >r other purposes w ’.1 bi. esclu i*. d from th. n *.• G vf, n under m’ baud «’ the C *v of V ; vl.* ington, this 6 . u ’ <d .>H>,uar*' t 18 5. JAMES MONUUfi. Bv the Prosidet-t fiF.O r HA r IAM, f!. imni’:Si'i»ierof «h<* Ceneral T.atlfl Oflfic OrT 1 Primers of fh • I.nvs of the United ' v •>, t j, il».» T^r.’di ry ol Fiori ?»». .it’d in 'It Stn'eg of 4 lab mu, f.nuianitta, Tc css e, M • •fiit.pi, <le. rpin and bottlb*Cuiohua, av- u<. ho z d to j iib i=b the fi-cjong Prociam .- •oi* O m Wt.ek u il h til ol s- !f * - . r fl t iNotiee. I JERRONS linvinij dcm&mlB agnirisl thr estate uf Thomas Jolmston, will plnisi present them, properly atteiiteil, at the CouiitillL'-H ioin ol’ It. & J. Huhershnm. IIAMIJTAL JOHNSTON, Hxeentrix ot’tii,; estate ofThomua Johnston, dee III ‘.’Hi- M) i IDE. T HE siibsnril>er. I>ein(t about to decline hu ainei.v in ll; ; s place, rctpiest persons ha 1 i Of detnaud. tg lliem, to present the.n for payment, A 15. FANNIN k e O. no* 5 5t> NOTIJ1S. LTINF. months uft<” d u**, application will hr mude to the Inferior Court «»f Ch'Uhan lounty, silting for ordinary purposca fnr a 1 rdor, anbolutc, to sell lots N"S fmram five 4 ai d 5) in Carpeoter*a Bow, and lot N me, (i) Green Ward,in the ci'y of S.tvann'ji Jfcing the roa! citato of Francis JulincMU. d**‘ ( >r ti.e ben: fit of th • ;»n-* creditors id kid estate WILLI 4 u GAS O'-’ Quuufcd tt’-enlor. y y7a Dnintiscits Steel U'/zors, i UfST received, a supply of the above ar- tiele, which will be warranted good.— For auk* by N. B. \V EE1). nov 21 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND , GIN. RF.rnvF.o rv.R nma nvonur wtsmyoTorr. KEGS New Leaf Lard 150 llama 3 Barrels Castor Oil 6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels .Mess Pork For sain by J. B. HERBERT &- CO. Jan 11 Jf£W-\01lK State Literature Lottery, CLASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, I (I'M, TO REDRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. SIXTY NUMBERS,NIKE U W.I.OTS TO BE DRAWN. SCJI EM E. • 2 Prizes of J10,000 ia 470,000 3 5,000 l.v,0O0 1 3,002 3,082 17 1,000 17.000 20 500 10,000 'Ll SO'J 8.200 51 100 6,100 5t «0 3.0E0 1734 12 20,803 11475 0 80,850 •‘juradc’s ■■ ompany’' i ocs. t\ r\ CASKS Brade’a Patent Hors, for liw viilt’ by N. B. WEED. dec IK Georgia—Lanulen County , J th<f Tim Tee 'Ly in Id.irgh next, 1 el ... .sell at Jiffi.rismi, in laid county, a ncRru mu, i Daniel, the proper'y of the es- iata nf Vlic j di Orewa, «'e eaa-d, pnrsiitnt I ■ 1 JVC r.iile:Ll by the O’l't "f Ordinary. M a' Y CUE .VS, B .ectttrir ,T •• 1* 41 r’s Eoticc. N N . U..‘ iTHS from thin dale, wesludl ap ply to (he Honorable the Inferior Court t Diiillia.ii county, whon aittii'p fnr ordinary [imposes, to sell the real estate of Willian MSJ " CW - O. H. HAYRF.N, P. MAYHF.W, Admin:fatiato p, s. siiRiwf 12 Administrator’s Notice, N ine MONTHS after date, I shall applv to ihe Honorable the Inferior Court o llmtham county, (when sitting for ordinan nurp isea) ior leave in sell Ihe real crate n! isitac H. ttuhina, to satisfy the heirs and ered itors. VJ II H.YDFAj Adimr.iatiaier- a,meat 1® 45 NOTICE. *>EUSOM8 having demands agairst the es t tHti* «f the I.ic William Craig, d ;c. an . . queited to render the same, properly u\ « sled, within «he limp preset »bcd by law,uno • imi-ir indebted to if id estate^ are ea« nest ) culled upon to settle the same without de* Uy ‘ . JOHN M’NISH, Executor. 13,305 Prizes, ? 71,100 20,825 Blanks,) 37.220 Tickets. . In this scheme with nine drawn ballots there will be 81 prizes with three numbers on them, ItiJG with two numbers (in them, nnd 11,475, with one number on them.—- Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine, the fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 80 numbers will eovrra y be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and nine of them will be drawn, and those tickets having on them as a combination *he 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th numbers drawn, will he entitled to 410,000. Those having on them the 7th, 8th and !'th—1st, 2d and 4lh—1st, and 5th, will each he entitled to 4».l)0i). That having cn ft. the 1st, 2d and 6th. will be entitled to jjjd,082. Those having on them the 1st,2d, and 7th|2d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th andDtli 1st,7th and 0th.2d.7th & nth ‘3d, 8th and Oth 1st,8th and 'Rhj2d.8th & Of Ii 1th,5th and 8th 2.1, 3d and Uh 3d,4th & 5th 5tii Oth nnd 7'h 2d, 3d and 5th 3d,4t'i Az 6th 6th,7th and 8th 2d, 4th and Oth 3d,7th & 8th each sJlOOO. Thus having on them the lst,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5t.h 3d, 5th and Oth !j»t,3(l and 7th,2d,5th &7th 4 h,6th and Oth ,st,3d and 8lhj2d,5th »& 8th lth,6tii and Oth *st,3d and OthUd 5th & :*tn 5tii,7t.h and 8th st.4tliand8ih|2d,6!h&7tli 6th, 7th and Otii st,5th and 7th 2d,4th Sl oth 4th,8tli*and 9th d 3d und6th>3d,5tii&8th each $500. All others (being 41 Tickets! having ' ;jr«*-e of the drawn numbers on them, will a^h be entitled t o ^200. The 51 Tickets hav : ug the 1st and 2d ■ ••awn numbers on them only, will each be uiitUul to HiO denars. Thu 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th Irawn numbers on them only, Will each he • unitled to 60 dollars. All others (b ’ing 1731 tickets) with any wo of tlio drawn numbers on them, will acii be entitled to Idollars. An I those having on thorn any one of the drawn nmnb'us, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1.275 for each drawn number,) will be each . ntitlf d to 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, •ofa superior dunomiua'iim, can be entitled In an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing and subject as usu al. to a deduc tion « f 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of ,o Tb'ktds, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw it least 54 dollars loss the deduction of 15 per ci nt. with so many chances for the cap- Uui prizes. A.M-I.VTVKE, I Man!, S'’ r “- PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. T!o» peculiar advantages of this scheme, ore, that it has /aw highest prizes—the number of Capital* is unusually largo for the amount nfeush f o be disposed of in pri- zes,( 171,1 On Dollars) and the price comes within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at the oflice of the Geor gian, by W. ROBERTSON, whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot tery. have produced a large amount in pri z< s, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50*s, i&c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14lh Class, received as cadi. .Tan 18 urwa©M CANAL LO'TTERY, FIFTEENTH CLASS—.NEW SERIES. T O he drawn on Wednesday, the Pth March, 1825, and finished in a few niiiiiitf i ti~£ixty numbers, eight ballots to be drawn. Sc\\emft. wbww&il* AUGUST G OKMLER, I 5 AS removed his DRUG STORE, to Hi the corner of Broughton and Whitta- I'er-strcds, opyrnsilv Col. Shelf maids JILmsiun House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of FRESH MEDfCLYES AND GARDEN SEEDS, nnd various other articles suiting his line. He abstains relating tlio whole string of names ofth? things he oilers, and only men tions a few whirh arc not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz:— * Fol Sabina i Church’s Cough Pyro Umbelluta < Drops Degitalis Purpurea \ Aromatic Vinegar Scullcap, Hyssop } Toilet, Vegetable &. Gorman Leopard’s \ other Soaps Bane,(arnica incur-; Macassar Oil tana) l Phosphorous Elecampane, (Inula J Ox. Mur. Potnsse \ James’s Fever Pow- S dors j Infantile Powders | Read’s Stiptic j Spirits Soap f Fumigating Pastille j Pyroliguious Acid * Black Drop Respecting the utility of this last article, he refers to tiro last, but one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct P 7Gf llelonium) Hops. Ergot Tonquin Beans Squire’s Elixir Dalf’s do Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyre Jesuit Drop 1 Prize of 30 % 0(.0 D lUn is 1 mono io 2 5 000 Hi 1 2.U8 4, TO 1,0' 0 20, 80 503 15, 54 1.0 5 ‘04 51 5 13o0 J6 • 20 10.608 8 8 V 004 0-0. 000 . 56 ,000 ,COU 7)0. !?U0. 1 8'JO . ie4 12 »:tj p.--r. g( H.o fLa.rliB. 114,520 Tickets. ^ * 3 i 2.0 rickets it R-05,320 In ibis Scheme, with ciirbt drawn SalloL, here wl' He 56 pr zv.s with three nembeisoa »c~\ ’416 with tw«» number^ on them, tr.n 10.6jB w.ih one number on them Thus clte?s ha.ii’g none of the dravn bullous on them being hLnVl lo detfc,m nft the fate of nil ihe ticket* in tbeab'.v - Iceiory, 60 numHe s, from one to «ixtv >n hmiv., will seveiail.’ be placed in a w*‘?»!«n die hoy of druw-ng, and e’g't ot the m he dra vn, and that ticket having on t ns * comhina'i m the 1st, 2 1 a H 'h!»-.i num •3ts drawn, v. i’l h^ entuled b %**0 000 That havin*r it 'he 4th, 5ih and 6lb, will »e tntift l to g 10,000. T «»s h v wr ft them the 3d, 4 h and 5t!\ ■*vt 6(1, 7 ti and 8tti, each % *,000 Tiios**h-»ving on thcmt'ie 1st, 6^ and 8th- a 11st, 7 !i m d tt*Ii, tarh ,.lzd. Tims- 0 having on t'lcm fie 3 ’. 6'h and 7\\ 'd 6'h and Mi!» 2' 7.\»a-.d 8; <d 4 nft'i 6‘ ; 3 •, 4<i> and T , 4m and 8'. 3J, 5th and 6. 11. 5*h and 7f ; Id, 5ii< and 8 h 3 ' 6th and 71 3 6 h am Hu 4> i hand 7 :< 1< ,5lii and Ht •»h otti ai d 7tl 4th 6th and 8»h U .7 h ai d H»h th 6ih aiii) 7 5*h 6th ond 8'h >'.h,7th and 8•!, each g 1000. At! ottiRis, being (30 tickets) having thre f'lr (1 (tt '1 numt'e.’s on them will each be ntitled {« 3500. ’’Ilf 5’ *!C!< ti having on h m two of the Irawn numbers and thus'* tw * the 4lh and •it*, 4 HI es#ch lie entitled to g’00. The 104 ick.ts having on ihem two of do* d MW; r.uT.bers, and to-'se two the 6<h md 7'h, or 6 h and 8tb, vi’l each be eatilleo 850. A I o'h'-rs (being 1300tickets) having twn if the dm am numbers on, will each be f % «• All tb at- laving «m th-m any one ot the 1 MWumimbmsitne ng iu,6o8 t ckv.ts, or 13 6 6ire*rh Irawn numb.-r) will each be enti tled to $8. . No tic kit which sh M have drawn a prize of a superior''rni-nitt Htinii can be eolith d «o an inferior p z • Pnzta payable thirty ihps if f er *f»e- dra •'*. g, arid subject, as usual, to » d duebon t tj per cent- A cnnsid».rr.:»ie pnrtum tf'bis lottery is pu. up in paicc h of ;’0 tickets, embracing oil tin w.iibiuatif.n nurnbei'8, from one to suit, '■•ch parrel* *r-» wan anted to draw at leas l n fi 4, It s* 'lie -Jediction jf »5 per cent, with o .n%uy chanc •» f r ihe cap.ud pr Packages wf 20 tickets, b> evis fic.f-, m-i Iso be had by tl*e puyinem of the il fle. t-nC' betw rii th* price of the tickets nnd tb* r ou:»t w 1 . «:h they nu t of ucccs ity dra *, sucii itl'T. nr? hritig *65 61. The t rk. Is will remuui n* the Rrhcme i.«i-e, ([*,6; mud Wednesday, the lJth nisi. whinlhtywd hoidvM red t- ^7. J. B. YATES, ) A.M’lNTVRE.; Ma “°e ers - Bhilai! -1,4.. . J i.i.u i y 5 o25. ilir Orders for tickets or sharos, received, und prize tickets in fourteoitlh class, taken in payment at LUTU HR’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan t:: tntovumU ,u Wanted ’. IF QrO.iGV. KII.LF.K, otherwise DAN 1 iFl. Ut'.AND Mll.LF.H, who in (lie .e r 815, strived in S*van»< h, in 'he Abeidetn "uliHp irt, belonging to J4< *-r.. B- wson & Suns ef tendon is livirg, ami will apply In b*s f . mis in Englatv., he bear ot ‘ , »inet- , og much to his f dvantage, He leu be while she lay si Savannvh, and ...ih not been he-'d of by h.s t lends Mine .hat period. He lead b**«n many years a aat 1 *»•, and, while on board the above vessel emp-Uqe.l as i carpenter. If he left So- vanish at that time, it i» probable that hr mil-red some vessel going to thr Brazil Is- .Kin a, ns in hi* Ust letter, hr sta ed that it li b intention to do go. Should he hav^ lied at anyplace who e a register orcertifi cate of his burial can be obtuined, it would bi tbsnkfuf.y received and ail exper. ci attending it, paid by * ISAACW. MORRELL, Suvamiah, or W.W.fcT.L. CHESl'KIt. New-York srpt 9 57 Savannah female Asylum. 4 N cliiction for a Matron to (his Inetitu ■T lion, will take |ilacp nt the Asylum House, on tlio first meeting in February.— Application for the above to be handed in to the subscriber. By order of the Hoard, E. M. 1.1.0YD, Sa'ry. nov 13 n '* JOHN T. ROWLAND, C C'N ■ INUES to do business'n Mil'.cdgc. 1 vide, and tenders (he offer of his let vie?* to hi* friends and th** public,in tlie trana iction of agency business f* eneri **y._,, oc) 5 68t' l’,eiT-’ Axes. A SUPPLY of tho above Axes, received A ami for sale by A*. O tVi.hlll OCt 27 STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. —*— BiGiicsT rmzn 40,000. 6> SCIIEMF. NO. HI. I Pri’e of—SJ4d,'iro 4 ’ 0 0 DoPan. 1 Prize o’*—.0,0W> 19 'O00U H .iLts. 1 i'r ze o'—.10,003 ,s 10 j 0 Dollnra. 2 P /. 9 I.f. - 5,000 13 O.OIJO Hoilu, s. 30 Priaea J 1/0.1 :s 3, ,000 Uohaia "0 i’. z 9 lit-- — 5 l0 19 10,Oil D.iI.H. 3, SO Pi I* ’3 of 100 is J,' OJ DoiLrs. P 0 P. zes of 51 I, j.OiJU Hollan. 5000 Pnzea ol ——-iu ia 5U.O00 Lljiiars 5 i 5 Prizes. H~9> Uianka, ltio.O 0 Delia, a. kOPWl Ticket, «t *9, : s 180 000 PoVa s. The wholc of the prizes u. be tloatiiij. from the commencement oi the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : On the 5th day, : : • • 410,000. On the 10th day, : . 5,000. On the 18th day, : : , 20,000. On tlio 20th day, : : t ,40,0U0. The whole to be completed ii. TvienVj Vruvivo s onYs The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole pay able in cash, sixty days after the com pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES I., HAWKINS. N. F. WILLIAMS, J. 15. RlNCitiOI.D, Commissioners ajt/wintt tl hy the Goecmor and Counrit The above Lottery commences drawing in Baltimore, on 1C £ ONES DA Y, 11th inst. Tickets jj 12—Shu res in proportion, OKDBltS received at the Baltimore price, and prize tickets taken in payment, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Row. nav O 31 0\5\>tisUa live j\ CdAtiwy. JSlVlft. REll, I> ESPECTFl'I.I.Y informs her friends **• und the public, that Iu r suionn is > ow ",‘‘ EN , °l‘P lls *te tho Chali,am Academy, lot toe amiTioN of iufw.s. Assisted l,T lo r daoghler Mies E. A. H.u msex, shj O h m her Si r'n c. in teaching tho follcwic* useful and ornamental bronthos of eduea* tio.i. W hilst (he returns sincere thunks ful he patronage hitherto ■extended,, ihe hopes, hem Ihe reduced rates of tuition and ln r increased exertions to further the pro gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fi, r . tlier extension of public favor. The course ol tuition, and the terms on which tchwara are reciiu’fl, urt— 1st Class—Spelling, Reading, {?> wing nnd r,i ri Msrkiiig. prrrjucrt^r, : 41 DO -d. Class—tt uh tt riting. Grammar, Geography and Aritlime- tic, : j : ; . . . g aa Tlio French or Spanish l^nnguagi'H, lnnliuling ologont embroidery, on luce or mublin, to any pattern, pur quarter, : : : ; : : . 10 (, 0 I aiming on velvet, pc r quarter,: : 8 00 ^7i ^ l<! mo ‘ st care ^^ Bttention will be paid by Mrs. Ker, to tiie deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge/ IIOV 2 or. Consumptions, (. oughs, ttjc. BUT! Kirs F OB the c»ue‘ f ;*»i f» Ooiig!»*,Consuinp lie.*, dpiuw.g- ot IHoodj A*Uiii>«s f und isesseo of the breast an 1 lung* Thete is perhaps no m* eiral obiervatioi belter eBtu' d, none more y.enerully cun ■ r»ned by the experience of the b».*t phyiir.i tusof kii a^es and coiinl'K8. and n-nt on importance to the h imbii Lft.dy, t'inr i.n f.ici that many of itte must diflif.iih *n»i in curable conmimptiop* originate in urglect i '.'olds.* In a cJiii.ale no variable a»mirp, where he changes of the wea her are frequent!} • cldei»«n \ unexpected, it tequirtiiimre ru-c .nd alientionto guaid against lliia 'iangrr<u enemy oflite, than most people •*! trc.; ble and willing to be* ow. 'The#bids o .rturmlity tali b>i the meianciio’y Let ihul tin •wopi.rtion of deaths by th s iJischsc may bi 'onnidcred as nhout five to one. I asmuH .hen a* «his fatal disease friqueiitly I i s Uh .,ce io the skill of the most leariicd physci ns. il is a gratification to the proprietor that •e is enabled to offer to those tflLc’ed witi it, ago- d*y prospect of re.ief, i uiat figbh ^Hitiahlt' remedy, the Vegetable I.dmn Sptci- Jtc. Tl»c Indians are happy in iheir know- .edge of m dical plants; g' Vr.rned wholly S\ pxpe»ien're, they aiecertain a* to their iff. ct. .nnd it ia said by on author of great charnclc, dial a true c'-nsumptiun is a disease never known among them. ’i hi» Specific is obtained by extraction from neibs, root-, flowers, plant . 8tc. when in per- lection. In consequence • f a happy com hint.. lion of the must Viduable herbs, Sic it becomes 8 balsam of a aupeiior value. It imals th#ir.- ja r ed parts, opens the, and composes me disturbed nervts, after die manner*f a>< anodyne/ consequently the cb3truction ot ihe choa and the nings which constitute tin* disease, particularly need i's use. It firomote^ expectoration, winch Lronstantlj cslled for, sod whilst it cleanses m d heal*, it also gives s itrigih to the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fevei, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs ihe .ppetite and improves the s| irits. This spec* fi.: mav always be given in safety it ib mild, plei sant to- fie tasie, and may ssfely be given u infanta, tor which it is of inestimable value, tl alKn’ds relict in bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, (Jc. and is found particu I r.y useful in hypochondri 'cd, nervous aiu. hvstencMl diseases. Each biil ot directioi -ontain* a detailed accoun* of this disease in »»1 it a different stag's, and wdl bj aecompa ied with »h'* signature <4 the proprietor ir> Red Ink. It is ff red lor -ale by GEO. HY »• K O only (my s le agent) Diuggist, cor ie Ba\ and Winttaker-streets, Savannah, a' one du'.Lr per bottle. WM. BUTLER. dee 30 30 UuvtfcA YVttir Matrasses- *|xHE subscriber lina just received an us- 1 Bortment of the above art leli-s, war rauteil to be of the beat quality, for Bale by J. W. MOEHCL. 0012* P. M DERAJ O l T, I NFORMS his frienda andrhc puhlic eon. erally, that lie has received by recent arrivals, a large nnd extensive assortment ot Gi occ, its, Hardware and Dry Goods, which will be disposed of wholesale nnd re lad, on (lie most reasonable terms. Ti * following arlicles comprise a part of hi* present stock, viz !0 Hogs e-.ds prime Ft Crn'x ~„ r «. 10 Rose* Wbilfi-nd/ ., 0 Mojeg Blown 5 H,oi,d, d , 60 Barrels Loaf and hump do 50 H cl Hzv-inz Cr t-n Coffee * l-e.essuperior 4i!. orool Biandr * Fif e* d> H dlsmJ G n 5 Fines Imitslion Biandv, 4th proof * Do do G ; n 2 Fipes very supeiior o'd Peach Brand, 2 Puncheon. do do I isl, Who he, JO Hegsh ad'andJ PtiLd Iphia Kyi 100 Barrel. C Whisew 100 turret. Northern Gin ’ 2 Pipe, tup- n 11 old H«d-ir» w",„e ® Half i\r*^t WUIV .»l..u . Or, 10 U .srteiTTvsks Tenet ff- ( j u Vert superior old Ma feua Wire unfl Cognac Brandy in < } eftiij- hns 1 JO VI'bxie and > Barre's supufl >c fresh 10U Half i FI iir 100 'b.r els No* 3, New hLckaitl 5-7 *3 li t els No. 2, no uo 1M0 Baskets Table Sk't 20 Lanka L'.eese ‘z0 Barrels Copperas 200 Reams Wiapiung Papef 5d Bags B uck Pepper 10 H >xes Cbucn’gte 20 Five (ixlliui Dem-jjhns 5 Bar els Glue 10<i Krgs t‘E and !'*F Dupuqi's Gunpowder 5 Pound Liinwie soft.uuenor uo HiO Pier eg 4 : inch Loiion Baggu.g 2 Hales Bagging Twine 10 While ami 7 Boxes 3 Wbittimorc'k 6 Half 5 genuine Cards 10 Hoses Wool Hats 5 Uni ts Straw Bunne'j 10 Cod* Hale Rope 5 Dozen Bed Con’# 50 D j Plough Lines 100 Pu.inds s*oh Cords 6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle Blankets 10 OsBrs colored and bleached and uif bleached Homespuns 70 Gross Lull Table spoons 11 Du dn Tea do ■*0 Do Teutania Table do Plated Thbitt and Tt-a do Copper,Cast, Wi ought and Cnmposi- non Tea Ki-.ules of all s z. a Bra S' Kettles for making preserves 50 ^ctu of Did) Covers 20 i’ousShpar Mould* 1 I) > Sid Irons 1 Dn Bar Lead 1 Dj Sheet Iron 100 Casks assorted Cut Nail* Mil), Cross Cut and Whip Saw, mrdo expressly for this msrket 20 D- z£u H o .fliiSk.Wb, WoouSaws and Ten nant Sbh-s • Biai k (Tilth Sledges and nandhsrrrrrrs Ant tie, from I to 2( 0ibs. rea* mousy hole Blscbsm th’s Bellows.from 24 to .36 Single and Double Screw PLup Corn Mills, from No. I to 5 2 Tors Hoc ksand Di>-g*-s Brass Andirons, f cm g J 50 to $3 Bia u * and Hiie FeuPeis, W:th she vet® a* d tongs to match 5 Braid's Patent IL es 100 D' znn Padlock* ttecJya'ds tn weigh from 200 to 500Ibd 2 'Tons of S.eel,cor.8 ; 9tmg «>f Shear,Eng lir.h, Bfste> ed and Cast Stoves *vith Fip 8 1000 Pound- Waggon Boll*, assorted F«ncy Curtain Pins 5 Bag?'Trace Chains 2 Drz.m Currying Knives 200 Dozen Currv Comb* 6 Sets White handle Knives and Fork^ consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Sets Britannia Tcaputt. Sugar a«;d Cream do 6 Dozen P itent Shot Belts ? I)nz »i! Game Bags 2 D z n Powder ilorna and T’ank* 1 C^se dniblc and single barrel Gimf 10 Dozen Wire and 20 doz Hair Sifters 2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets o Table Mala ALSO, A general RssortmFi t of Cnmenter's Planes, brushes, ai d Fancy Bi llows, wi'h many other articles in the above line,too tedious to enu merate. EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Tons of Carr on Chungs, which will he sold low from the wfcs’.f. nt-v V*