Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 14, 1825, Image 3
t * Hi" For New-York, [ESTABLISHED LINE,) Til* fust sailing ship EMPEROR, If. Bennett, Mad, r, .Will Imve immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to Copt. B. on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HAUL ft HOYT. Fob 14 Butter ami Cider. LANDING FROM SHIP EMPEROR, ■a (% KEGS Goshen Butter JL id JO Barrels Newark Cider IN STORE, 20 Casks Superior Cheese 30 Barrels Albany Ale 5 do Mess Pork 10 do do Beef With a general assortment of G HOC ERIKS AAV PROVISION'S. For sale by H. B. HATHAWAY. Jones’Upper Wharf. Feb 14 Sup Lionel Lincoln, O R THE LEAGUER OF BOSTON, by the author of the Pioneers, Pilot, &c. 2 vols. PALEY’S WORKS, 4 vols. a neat miu- ature Loudon edition; Just received by S. C. & J. 8CIIENK' WHO HAVE LATELY RECEIVED, PriorV Life of Burke, Long's Second Ex pedition. The Human Heart. Valiev of She nandoah,Wtdl\ Journal, Tales for Mothers. 'I r A fresh supply of “ LIONEL LIN COLN,” is received by the ship Emperor. Feb 14 68 THE SUBSCRIBERS CONTINUE THE COMMISSION BUSINESS IN LIV ERPOOL, UNDER THE FIRM OF ISAAC, IsOW & 130. A N I) will at all times make liberal nd- vutinea on producu consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade, anil owning a convenient wharf, on which there arc roomyJire-prouf riorcs, cut- ton will be received and forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their' address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will be executed and only a commission charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT or British Dry Goods, is just received, being bought with money and selected by one of the partners, they will bu furnished as low as by nny regular Importing House in the United States, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. ort 2 7(1 P ERSONS desirous of subscribing to a WASHINGTON BALL, to bu given on the 2 2d inst. will moot at tho Exchange t . on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, at 7 H^fL OF PACKETS has been esta- 'o'clock, for the purpose of appointing Muna- blished between Now-York and Havre, gers, &c. to leave both ports regularly, on the Pint Fob 12 and tyiemth uayt of auk month during the year. The ships composing the line, are jast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom- Jiissolution. T HE copartnership heretofore existing in the city of Savannah, under the firm of DUHAMKL & AUZE. was cha in! ved on the 1st inst. by the decease of Mr. R. L. Duha.mel. JOSEPH AUZE, Surviving Copartner. The business will hereafter be conducted by ihe subscriber, who is duly authorized to settle the affairs of the late firm. JOSEPH AUZE. Feb 14 68 Goshen Butter, £50. J UST received per ship Corsair 10 kegs first quality Goshen Butter 5 hhls Hams 10 half hhls Fly market Beef 10 Half chests douching Tea In Store, 100 boxes bunch Muscatel Raisins 30 bbls Prime Pork 20 do Mess do 75 do moss and prime Beef 50 do Pilot and Navy Bread Together with a general assoiiinent of Groceries and Ship Chandlery, for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. Anci&ux’s Wharf. fob 12 67 FANGY DRESS AND F AS IIIO N A RLE STAY MAKING, AND EVF.RY DESCRIPTION OF NEEDLEWORK, EXECUTED ON REASONABLE TERMS. JHISS E. R YAN, R ESPECTFULLY acquaints the citi zens of Savannah, and the public in general, that nIic carries on the above busi ness in Barnard-Street, two doors from Broughtun-Streol, where she will thankful ly receive and promptly execute any orders she may be favored with. N. B.—One or two apprentices will be taken to the above business. Feb 14 6 Dp|| Cognac brandy. 6 PIPES “Seignotte’s Brand,” just re ceived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. IN STORE, 50 Tierces new Rico 10 Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrels Gin 50 Crates Crockery 20 Kegs Butter 50 Barrels Mackarel, No. 3 20 Cases Port Wine 10 Casks Oil Jan 12 GENTLEMEN’S NEW AND FASHIONABLE Clothing Strive. FOUR DOORS EAST OF THF. CITY-HOTEL, ON THE BAY. —- A. GALLOWAY * CO. H AVE just received by the ships Wm" Wallace, Savannah, ami other arri vals from the North, an assortment of CLOTHS, CA8SJMERE8. COTTON CASS1MERE, HUSTINGS, MAR SEILLES & SILK VESTINGS, which they can recommend to their friends and customers as being of SUPERDR: QUALITY, and they trust, that, having, engaged a number of first-rate workmen,} they will be enabled as hitherto, to execute ] any further orders they may receive, with I elegance and despatch, on the most renson- ai»le terms. ^ ALSO, | They respectfully inform their friends! and the public generally, that they const ant* -y have on hand, a general assortment of Head]} iWmle t'.VvDving, with every oilier ARTICLE in their line of business. Feb 10 esr. .“hare Moulds, Park, Gin, fyc C O. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lnn- • ding from ship Corsair 4 Ions Siiare Moulds In. Store y 56 barrels Northern Gin 18 do Moss Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel 100 kegs White Lead 22 kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigritf 5 do Spanish Brown 10 barrels Whiting feb 12 67 English Potatoes. T HREE HUNDRED Hampers of first quality English Potatoes, just receiv ed from Liverpool, per brig Diana, for sale on hoard, at. Telfair’s Wharf, or bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Jan 22 Anciaux’s Wharf. tgfe BRfc dHfc gffc YOU, fcUIV&E. WASHINGTON BALL. 67 1FMIO0 830,000 810,000 , 5,000 5,000 niodations tor passengers, comprise all that _ . ___ . , * . ... can be required, for comfort and convent* CAPITALS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA ence. Passengers in the cabin will ho ta- UfliOU CdVfll LOttCVl/* ken for $140 eac h, for which they are furnish ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. w ttua „ Goods intended for shipment, by them, Those who would become candidates will mav be sent to the agents, who will attend hand in their uames without delay, at Lottery• 15th Class-New SerieB. T HE above splendid Prizes will be dis tributed on the Ninth of JS1nrt:h next. to their reception and forwarding, without, charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at tho New-York Post Office, for all letters thnt may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must bo addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agents, New York. oct 14 " 72 For Providence, The ship M ARY A I. M Y, C. C. Conk, .Sluder, Having three-fourths of her for go engaged, will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, apply to Captain Cook, on hoard, at A. Low fr Co’s. Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. Jan 31 56 EXCHANGE OFFICE. Where Tickets can at present be ordered at Sovon Dollars. feb 4 60 “ Remember March.!—The Ides of March Remember /” But one month from this date, and the most Splendid Lottery in the Union will be drawn. Wednesday the ninth of March is the important day appointed for the drawing of the UNION CANAL LOTTERY, FIFTEENTH CLASS. For New-York, The fast, sailing packet ship C O R S A I R, H. L. Porter, Master, Will meet with despatch, for freight or passage, having superior accom modations, apply to Capt. Porter on beard, at Taylor’s wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD, feb 12 67 For New-York, The fast, sailing ship COME T, George. Moore, Nader, Will meet with despatch, for freight nr passage, having excellent accom modations, apply to Capt. Moore, or to C. C. GRISWOLD, fell 12 6* Passage for St. Bartholomews and St. v. roix The fast sailing brig SHEPHERDESS, Capt. Ward, Will sail for the above ports on the 15th inet nan handsomely aecorame date four passenger. Apply to Capt. W. oji board, or to HALL & HOYT. Feb 11 Ncw-uneans Sugar and Mo lasses ■j ra/A HOGSHEADS Prime New-Or- lUO loons Sugar 51) do do do MolasscB For sale l.y IIALL & IlOYT. Fell 2 Tar, Fitch, Beam esc. JUST RECEIVED, ~ f>/~v URLS TAR £i U 10 do Pitch 10 do Rosin 5 do bright Varnish For sale by A. BASSETT, No. 1, Mongin’s New-Building. Fo* oh 4 For Providence, The packet schooner GEORGE, C. Darrin, Master. For freight of 50 hales of Cotton. or pussage. apply to tho master on board at Moore’s Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. fey 7 «? T HE Prizes in this Lottery, are doter- ,mined ill the same manner as the pre ceding class, which has afforded such uni versal satisfaction. it is under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M’lN- TYRE. nnd will bo drawn under the super intendance of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, is Ill the following splendid prizes.— SCHEME!. 1 Prize of 30,000 is $30,000 1 - - - 10,000 - 10,000 2 - - - 5,000 - - 2 - - - 2,128 - - 4,256 20 - - - 1,000 - - 20,000 30 - - - 500 - - 15,000 52 - - - 100 - 5,200 104 - - - 50 - - 5 200 1300 - - - 16 - - 20.800 10608 - - - 8 - - 84,864 12120 Prizes, 22100 Blanks, $205,320 34220 Tickets. PRICE OF TICKETS, P- O’ Orders are received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, by W. •R.OBE.Wtaojr, whose orders in the proceeding class pro duced a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25.343, combination 54, 22. 30, $1000. *„* Prize tickets paid or received as cash Feb 8 NEW-YORK State Literature Lottery, CLASS IV. r or i ale, reight or c harter. A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five toils, a first-rate sailor, nnd in com- ploto order for any voyage. For ’ further particulars, apply to BRADLEY. CLADIIORNS, WOOD. dec 24 inr TO BE DRAWN ON THE SIXTH OF APRIL NEXT, AND BE CON. CLUDED IN ONE DRAWING. For New-York, The sloop M E C H A N I C, Sinners, Muster, Will meet, with despatch. For freight or pas sage, apply to Capt. Somers, on board, at Taylor’s Wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. Bunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale l*v BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, F« 1> •> Anciaux’s Wharf. 75 Bairds Gin, J UST Received by ship Corsair, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. f('b 12 67 Tu ket;i Received, In Grand State Lottery of Maryland, THIRD CLASS. T HOSE who have given orders tor Tick ets in the above Lottery, are informed that tlu v nre ready Tor dclivrv it. LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. f.*b 7 17 20 41 51 Goshen i!uf cr, Lai d £jc. J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and other late, arrivals 12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality 25 kegs leaf Lard 8 bids Butter Crackers 20 holt and quarter bbls Buck Wheat and Rvo Flour 10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family lire For sale by A. BASSETT Fresh ’1'cas, Hums, Flour, cj c. ; QA CHESTS Hyson Teas tZ\3 33 Kegs No. I, Tobacco 1 IIlid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Ifams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for rah* l»y * J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 OFFICE, BANK UNITED STATES.) Savannah, 8th Feb. 1825. S IIE Board of Directors, will elect an an assistant clerk for this office, on .TUESDAY MORN Savannah and Augusta Line of Stages, In coriReqnence of the accident to the steam-boat, the Savan nah and Augusta Line of Stages, is extended from Purysburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A l n rffo row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central \V hnrf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, at half-past Fix o’clock, A. M. which will convey the passengers to that place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 3*2 T $50 1M&WAH1). R ANAWAY from the subscriber, about the 25th u it. a negro man named HAMILTON, about thirty-five years of with a salary of $800 per annum. i thick lips Candidates for I lie situation, must leave i - feb 1? N(», the loth instant,, S1X f oe t high, very dark skin and largo thick lips. Had on when he went away, a , . ... a. , i • i blue short jacket, with blue mixed sattinet their applications with the undersigned, browsers. Ho is well acquainted in Bryan, previous to the day, naming two or more se- Ijibl!rty and M’Intcsh Counties. Whoever No. 1. Mon mil’s New BuiUliiiOT c “ rlll, ' s ’ b ,° J 01n 1 t, N* a '; v ' ! ,™ l - v bo ' ,nd will return him to the subscriber, shall re ” jj7 the smnof three thousand do lnrs, for 1 ceivo tho above reward ami all reasonable faithful performance ol such duties as may c | iarffeH , LEVI HILLS, ■' per'Attorney, H. B. HATHAWAY. Feb 11 67p It j'The Patriot, Milledgcvillc, and Ga zette. Darien, will give the above two in eertions; and the Constitutionalist, Augus ta, three insertions, and forward their ac he renoired I JAMES HUNTER, Cashier, j Feb 9 6'lh 2 pipes cognac Brandy, Seignctie’s j brand 2 do do Otard, Dupy it co. do f 3 do hhds Gin 1 Landing. ^0 BBLS. Northern GIN do do Otard, Dupy it co. do do hhds Gin 30 kegs fresh Lard And for Bale by COHEN it MILLER, feb 12 67p 1'ickcd up Adrift, N Auguatinu Creek, a large CANOE BOAT. The owner may have it by counts to this offiro'for pnvme'nt. paying for this advertisement and charges. Apply on board the schooner Recover, or to JOHN CANDLER. 64 Feb !> Maryland White Corn \flaot. 2000 ® us * u ^ H f° r wle, in lots to «vUU suit Purchasers. Apply to GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. Also, 75 bbls Fresh FLOUR. 'eh 12 67p Y. fctates Rank N’otea, pGR SALE at A LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 TO FRINTf R i. A RAMAGE PRINTING PRESS,com- plete and in good order, sufficient to work an imperial form, will be sold at a low price, if applied for immediately at the of fice of the Georgian. Jim 8 . Gin BARRELS NORTHERN GIN, for sale by CALVIN BAKER. Printing Paper. REAMS of good quality Tinperinl Printing Paper, for sale at. c ost and charges for cash. Apply at this Office, dec 27 53 Feb i Just \Vc,cyvvpa\ \n -tore,, ■g |'| BAGS Prime Green Coffee A Vf 20 Hogsheads Philadelphia Whiskey 12 Barrels Apples I do Dried Apples 4 Dozen Martinique Cordials 1000 Bunches Onions For sale by PI11LBR1CK& SCRANTEN, BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 14th instant at XI o’clock, in front of Ilia Auction Store, a general as sortment of GROCERIES. Also, 75 bbls Suporfine, Fine and Middling FLOUR.— Also. 2 bales White Flannels, 1 Case Fan cy Calicoes, 2 do, Gilla and Aladr&ss Hand kerchiefs. Feb 12 mu® EXECUTOR’S SALE. BT CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH NEXT, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the Court-House, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson, Old Grace, Young Grace, Kink and Jenny, belonging to the estate of David Johnson, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, bv order of tho Executor. ALSO, The Imlf-Lot No. 9, Second ITHt® Tylhing, Reynold’s Ward, with the buildings thereon, consisting ■HmB of a dwelling house, bake house &e; Also,one Negro Woman, about 20 years of age, with her child 6 weeks old. feb 12 Terms cash. Cxtra.t from the Fire Ordi nance XLV—SECTION 10. 1 ^1 VERY house within the limits and ju- -J risdiction of this city, occupied and tenanted, wliull be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the number of fire places in tho same, including such as arc in the. out-buildings, and such buckets shall he qu&l in goodness and size, to those procur- d for the use of the city, and painted, on which shall be painted in visible characters, the names of the owners of said buckets: mid in case the owner of any house or tene ment shall refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied, agreeable to this or dinance, it shall, and maybe lawful for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of his rent. XLVI—SECTION 11. The owner of every improved wharf, shall furnish twenty buckets for the building or buildings on such wharf, and deliver them to Managers and Assistants of Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council in July next, and the receipt of any Manager or Assistant, for said buckets, shall be deem- d a full compliance with this section, by the owner for the number of buckets men tioned in said receipt, and the owner of ev ery store in the city, that has no fire place or places attached to the same, shall fur nish two fire buckets for every store of such kind ; and under such regulations as other landlords are by this ordinance required to aw.nuns of the fire ordinance will in future be more vigorously enforced. SOL, COIIEN, C. C. Protrm. Feb 10 65 N this scheme the amount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND,. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing manner 2 Prizes of 810,000 3 - 5.000 1 3,082 1,000 ■ 500 200 100 and a large number of smaller denomina tion, aniichances tor a short time only, SIX DpLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of cx pense, by W. ROBERTSON, who ordered mthp Lottery just closed, for persons in this city. No. 25,343, combination 54,22,30, $1000 2,810, 8,28,29, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jan 26 lioatA and Lodging. A I.ADY AND GENTLEMAN can be accommodated m a respectable private family with Board and Lodging, and a sep arate sitting room, if required, handsomely furnished, upon moderate terms—or three Gentlemen wishing to form a private party, may be accommodated.——For particulars apply at this office. Jon 22 48 Notice. W ILLIAM W. GORDON, Esq. is ap. pointed the sole Attorney of the Sub scribor, and nil persons indebted to me, or to the late firm of Thus. Battelle & Co. in any manner whatsoever, will make payment to him only ; all other powers heretofore given being revoked. TIIOS. BATTEI.LE. fob 12 07*p Notice. T HOSE persons who have been elected to any of the offices under Council are hereby Notified, that unless they qualify previous to the next regular meeting of Council, they will be placed on the infor mation docket. SOLOMON COHEN, c c pro tem feb 12 67 1 Feb 8 Gin. fb O BARRELS Northern Gin, for Bale y O by CALVIN BAKER. 6J1UBL - a. J»h.4m. i ... - EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERB BUT It CO On the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT, Will be sold before the Court-House, in the city of Savannah, the following negro slaves, viz—Kit, Deliali, Patty, Andrew, Old Rose, Saneho, Mary, Peter, Sancho, Ellen, Tom, Peggy. July Nancy, Phmbe, Agnes, Sam, Cato, Fortune, Ctesar, Poly, dore, Cliance, John, Dick, France, Molly, Dinah, Hannah, Patience, Emma, Patience, Cupid, Moosn, Cane, Adam, Price, Walley, Dinah, Morris, Robert, Priiice, Nancy, old Flora, William, and Maria, 45 in number. Sold by order of the Justices of the Inferior Court, for the beuofit of the creditors of Thonius Melrose. J. WALLACE, \ „ . H. M’ALPIN, ( K * ors - M. MELROSE, Ex’nx. Feb II ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BT J. B. HERBERT & 00. On WEDNESDAY, 16th inst. Will be sold at the residence of the late Oliver Sturgos, Esq. deceased, York-Stroct, at X o’clock, a quantity of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. Also, one CARRIAGE. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Interior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the Administrator. Terms ca-h. Feb 14 ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT fc CO. On MONDAY, 24th instant, Will be sold before oi r Store at XI o’clock.a small WOODEN TEN EMENT, on a leased lot, near the South Common. Sold by permission of the Honorubln the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the Administratrix.—Terms cash. Feb 11 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT ft 00. On FRIDAY, 18th March, Will be sold at the Marble Yard in State street, next to Ur. Habersham, at 11 o’clock, a quantity of Marble Slabs, Brown Stone, and Stone-Cutler’s Tools, together with the Building on said Lot,being the personal estate of William Mastertou, deceased, and sold by order ol the administratrix. Tonne cash. fell 7 THE HERMITAGE ftTEA.M SAW MILL, AND Cast Iron Foundry. JT1HE subscriber respectfully informs his *- friends and the public, that the above catabliidiHu nts are now in full operation. Planks ami scantling, suitable for ship ping, can bo furnished of the best quality, and of any size, to immediate order. He lias also on hand, a few fine Cypress Logs, upwards of 1 hiity feet in length, which he will saw into fucIi sizes us may be required. At the Cast Iron Foundry, work or every description, in that line, will be* executed in a style equal to that of any other factory in tlie United States, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of Brick, which he will supply in any quantity, to or der. The quality of the article is already well known. HENR Y M'A LPIN (Hr All orders left at the store of Low & Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov 9 91 L'lCK-LTS WEOErVV.iL P ERSONS who liavs ordered Tickets in the MARYI/ANn om-uns i—*- uiar. now drawing—ten days over— FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS high est prize, are informed that they are re ceived. Tickets TWELVE DOLLARS, Halves and quarters in proportion. Also, tickets in the NEW-YORK LITERA TURE LOTTERY, to be drawn 6th of April. Highest Prizes TWO of TEN THOUSAND, THREE of FIVE THOU SAND, &c.— 1 Tickets SIX DOLLARS, Halves, Quarters and Eighths, in piopor- tion. Orders received tor tickets in the PENNSYLVANIA UNION CANAL LOTTERY—Highest Prize THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be drawn on the ninth March. Tickets SEVEN DOLLARS—Halves and Quarters in pro portion. W.ROBERTSON, Georgian Office. Feb 3 Marine and Fire Insurance Company. A N election will be held on MONDAY, the 14th February, at the office of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company, for seven Directors, to manage the affairs of the Institution for one year. ALEX. M. ItER, Sec’ry. Feb 1 57 LUiWCfS. A CORRECT LIST of Pilots, authoris ed to act for thin port— »o T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, offers his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of ♦Sideboards of various patterns, Secretury and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press- s. Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar nnd Clnw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahosrany high post Bedstends, Field do. Maple no. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy &.Windsor Chairs, &c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta- ker-Street and Bay Lane. J. I I. 0. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H.OLDERSHAW. Jan 25 51 |j Notice I»I\eye\v3 Given, T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will be made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dated 20th October, 1819, for two snares, and numbered 130. Snvannah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb 11 68 HKNKY J VA.LLKA U, JUSTICE OF THF. PEACE AND A'O- TARY PUBLIC, T ENPF.RS his services to the Public at his office ill Johnston’s Square, in Pray’s Buildings one door East ofM’Allis- tcr's Buildings, where he will be found at nl time.* ready tor the transaction of busine s in the above Departments.—Also CONVEYANCING AND ENGROSS I ING.&c. • - - 1 Bolles E. lliouglitun E. Briggs S. Craig H. Delano J. Hail J. H. Johns J. Low J. BRANCH. Pitcher P. S. Pitcher J. Sisson N. B- Timmons S3. H- White Wright, Wust T. Gerard A. I Col- Wall W. ) ored. Win. White, certifiicato for 12 feet. W. Thomas, L. Crnig, J. Robbins, J. Wood, W. Foster, E. C. Hopkins, L. Foster. D- Proctor, J. W. Lee, E. Cusliin. Robert Key. Jesse Furnisg, and Thomas Harden, are no longer author ised to act as Pilots for this Port. By order of the Board, JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, Secretary C. P. Jan 26 52nf do 14 do 14 do 14 do 14 do 14 do 14 do 16 do 16 do 16 State and County Faxes tor 1824. T HE subscriber is now prepared to re ceive the State and County Taxes of Chatham County* for the year 1824, which nre to be paid in bills receiveable at the Banks in this city, or specie, on or before the ELEVENTH OF MARCH NEXT ; after that dav, executions will be issued against all defaulters. His office is kept at the north-west cor ner of Market-Square. Office hours from ten to two o’clock. JAMES EPPtNGF.R, Tax Collectorof Chatham County, for 1824. Feb 9 64« . N otice. A N adjourned meeting ofthe Stockhold ers of the Steam-Boat Company, will lie held at their offiee in Savannah, on THURSDAY NEXT, the 17th inst. at I half-past three o’clock, P. M. ' 1 WM. P. HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company.