Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 15, 1825, Image 1
. 18 Xtv ftttits—\u\. YVL the EDITED AND I'UULISHEU IX Till CITY OP SAVANNAH, Bv G. £j \V. Koueutson, AT nonT mi.lAMB P» w AM-UN, P1YAULK IN ADVANCE SAVANNAH, TUESDAY AKJHN1NG, FEBRUARY 15, £825. FOH THE COUNTRY, IS published lo meet the arran|j.-ment ot Ihe 'tied, three times a week, (Tuesday ThnrKl.j «id Battmlsy) »t the Office of hi Tlail' Georgian, .nil cniilzitia al 1 the in fill-,Cornnierel.l,lolilical and Mii:rllnn« eou «, odinling udtertisements. pub idled in the Bail) 1'apet. The Couttiy Fspet is se tto all parts ol the Matt and Union, or .Hivoted in the city at fy- entjara pi ' ant utti. payable in dvanr.e. Advertisement, are inserted tu both pa at 75 rents per square, of' ii hnes, for ie hra Insertion, aud 37* for every succeeding pub- lir.etinn. C.inimunicatlo"* bv Mil 1 , mist bePostpiid 8uUs of land and n frr.M-* bv Aamuiis • ». tors, Ft* Riitors or gum-liv.s, inquired by th\v, in bo held on '> fi « Tuesdsv hi tin month, between tli* hours »f'e •h * fort* poon snd ibree ir. the *f»e.ii"i»n, at th * Cojv > |I «*3*j of the c iinty in w\i.:h the property [••tuato. —Notice i f rime « iVe be }*ivvt fin a public ga2e v iU six:y>fi previous to t>i« dap ofw'to. Notice oftbo a le -if •■om-i'is) property "in- be g ve »fi m.mnei. Foty duya previut. ‘to the lay »-f ^nle- # , N to ill debtors *n‘ ♦•* ditors of »: estate iimst he published ) Fo ty <>*' s Nt.tce that npph-’ution will ot- o »i. to tin C*’U» t of O dm ir- f r V‘«va to Soil U*'d, n us* be • Mbl* h i A'mr ^.ontht a- i'l © EP OT8\> R ul action in Vric a ! Goods to hr what t hoy sru Sold for !! And Weight &< .Venture Ginn HI mllE Subscriber as willing as oth ers to I arrange his business to suit the pre sent times, aud euve tin? public the trouble of making bargains, adopts a mode lately Blade nse of in this city of advertising the Prices of his Goods, {the whole being too te dious to enumerate, although not having those-enormous quantities (lint are usually' aid to be Sold when called lor,) names the flowing articles, and assures tlit* Public lust the rest of bis Slock is reduced in- the •anid piuunrlion ; Lamp Oil (but not the best quality) per gallon $9 37} I)o do do 0 50 Do do beet quality, par gall. 0 fed} Faint do do do 0 00 Spirits Turpentine do do 0 60 Mixed Paints (ft t net the best Greens Hlnuou Yellows) per lb. 0 12} English White Lead, per .-3 lbs. i not because put up in iron bound ;cgs) 3 50 Atm rican White Lrad, 20lb kegs laboratory manufactured Brook lyn, Nev.-York, (manufactory price per civt. $12 50, whii ft may be seen by looking at tne New-York Price Current) 3 12} 8 by 10 Glass, but not the best Amoritan, per box 3 50 10 by 12 do do do 4 50 A large and constant supply of 111", above articles and goods generally in tbe Paint, Oil, Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade will be kept. The subscriber having made arrangements with Manufacturer? in New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else where, from »hit'll places ho will continue to receive those goods direct, of the best description, and on the most advantageous terms. He alto offers his Professional ser vices in Vaulting, Gilding fy Ghzing, ivlii> h bo executes on improved principles Et reduced prices, in Town and Country. Ho. 5. fVhitukcr-stritt, 5 doors from tv Itmj. T. MARLOW, jan 24 50 N otiee. N INE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract of land, known as number right, flt)i District, Pike (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of tbe estate of of N. S. Bayard.n N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Jan 5 3 lilt Notice. • P ERSONS having demands against the estate ofThpinos Johnston, will please present them, properltr attested, at the Counting-Room of R. & J. Habersham. HAMUTALJOHNSTON, Executrix ofthe estate of Thomas Johnston dec Id 21 fi. lEMMLlL & mfiftfi, OFFER FOll HALE, HOGSHEADS prune anil second uU'iy qtmlily St. Croix Sugar. 50 barrelB do do do sugar 70 bags prime green coffee 30 orates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Ho)luml gill 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipes, quarter casks, 'and half quarter casks wine 30 bnrrels louf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nnv ?;1 rUESH GaIMIEN feEEl) , AND HuYWib Ttwwivr Y«oota* J U3T reoe v( d by the ruhsciiber, and ww. routed of tbe | .st scr.Kor.'rf irrnwih. %' O-r len Seed-, nu: upSv A. M’llAh-m -V u, P i.ludtflphia, ciprrni’y fop t*iip m .,kei m.l c »• t inir.jj the jiE.ortm -nto, viz. J, I)ru ».h»ad nahhofp 4 Rarl) curled Ltt- 2 ,? *»d Bue.t tu»'e 3 f o 'jt; O.'Aiigc Oorrot 15. Hoy^t Osh’-og-e do 4 P-.r^ley " Viiuacj’ Mciun 5 T.pek 7. «via ch fi. Onion : 8. Auv.merr Savoy 7 rjhb’K.^ Tidifh V nveel B-s.i 8. Eivlv Pu do. :0 S*v;e 9 U .u <1 L-rve 1 I N.*i' ludium «>. Bdrly Tirn.pfl JJ. O'cltry (. t.ute do 1 Pi.trly Pm* 2 4. i.vtvt do 3 AspavttgUf 25 Karl b> nrhbe*nv 6 (ted F t*nch do ACS O. r 0 n acV.'.ffp^ containing the following Bui p'is Elt.wcp viz Poubc l (v«cinthi I 4.‘Ir-iie-nCgerflower F ’ e '* nlips I f> D iib!.* Tuberose ol Nxreifi'S |6 3isr of Bethlehem For «h'c by P. M'DK u-OI' \\ F h i .VEW-XOIVK I TOa©SI State Literature Lottery, CAf j AJj i OTTEIIY rt.AHsvn iv pim nvepunvu mo. l CLASSNO.1V, FOR DECEMBER, 1824, TO BE DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. SIXTY NUMBERS,MM: BALLOTS TO BE ORAWN. > • s 1 17 20 41 51 51 1734 11175 SCHEME. Prizes of <10,000 is 5,000 3,082 1,000 500 200 100 80 12 6 19,305 Prizes, V Hauls,| 20,825 fih 4 '0.000 15,000 3,082 17,000 io,3oo 8,200 5,100 3,060 20,808 68,350 $171,100 lij the President of the United States. [ '7 pursinece of l»w, l,,liMrs Mnsaor, P-e- iiicnt f tlie t T ni eil s'ait., d.i hereby ill '‘.re tne mak n knuwi . '*:*( ■ nubile sale wi e he : d .1 the Ijm3 at Tall.Lasse, i si nr un the tbiH 14n . lay of Its, next, f the di pnieil ot th fnl'owirg lauds, v ; * :— Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin Meridian line. 1 and 2 north of Range I, do do Fractional 3 do do do do Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4. & 5, east. 1 &.i.n'-t!' i, „, 4, & 5- Fractiona' township 3 1, X, 3,4, Si 5. ’ ’the s-lr wut couimenee with the lew., uiiwbvr of aectloii, township, ard range, , . rocetd in regular >,um. r eal ,-ritir T 1 , I nda reserved by law fur the use ofsctnoh, .' other purpost a, will be exclude d f, .jui tin ad - G'ven under or-, htud, a’ ill e City of it r s-li. ington, this .6.'i d»v of .InnaI ,, ! 8 5. JAKES KONi.OE. Ilk the President i.PO r:HAHA'I, si'.Tieri'f rbe General Laud OlBc O' Pel ef h ■ t arvi of the United uaies, e, '.he Ti r >t vy o' Fh.rita, red in h states of t'nb'tiia, r.iiui**isna, l'e er,s*e, y... ■ “siuni, (ieei vi- sml Situth-tlaiuliea, are ao •b z d to rub i ii 'he fjreyoiu; Proclasrii- ,t ,n ■ n v.-.-elt ..n ii ih d...' o' sr'e PIT 5 f Damascus Stfd linzors, c UST received, a supply of the above ar- ? tido, which will be warranted gnrol.— For sale by N. B. WEED, nov 21 34,220 Tickets. In tills scheme with nine drawn ballots there will be 81 prizes with three numbers mi thetn, 1886 with two numbers on them, und 11,1,75, with one number on them.— Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 60 numbers will sever a y be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, und nine of them will be drawn, ami those tickets having on them us u combination 'he 1st, ‘2d and 3d, und 4th. 5th and 6th numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000. These having on them the 7t!i, 8th und ')th—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, 2d and 6th, will each be entitled to $5,000. That having on it the 1st, 2d and Cth, will be entitled to $3,082. Those having on them the let,2d, and 7th'2d.5tli & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th 1st,7th and 8th 2d,7thdl9th 3d, 8th and 8th Ist,8th and "tti|2d,8th & 8th'4tli,5tli andOth 2d, Jd ami 4thi3d,4th Si Sth,5th,6th und 7th 2d, 3d and 5th 3d,4th & 6th(6th,7tli and 8th 2d, 4th and 9th 3d,7th & fitly each $1000. Tims, having on them the 1st,3d and 6th'2d.4lh & 5th 'si,3d and7thi'2d,5th&7th 1st,3d and 8th 2d,5th & nth 3d, 5tli and 9th 4th,6th and 8th !!h, Cth and 9tli 5th,7th and Cth 6th,7th and 9th 6th,8th and 9th each $500. NO i ICE. FiVIK subscriber* being about to decline bu JL sines* in this place, request person* l:a ing demands ag iust them, to prevent then for payment. A. B. FANNIN h CO. oct 5 fio+r NOTICE. VriNE months after dite, application will bi JLt m*dc to the Inferior Court nfChithair County, s.tling for ordinarv purposes for si order, s‘Holu*.e, to sell lots Not f.uran? five (4snd 5) in Ca>pe?iter's How, and lot N ». one, (1) Green Ward, in ?he ei'y of Savannah' being the real estate of Francis JaVmeau, dor f°r the hen'fit of thf? heirs an'l creditors 01 laid estate WILLI MI GAS I ON, Qualified Executor, t m NEW LARD, 1IAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RECEIVED PY.R BRIO GEORGE WASHINGTON. ~i 4 KEGS Now Jjf ul L^ril 150 Ho ms 3 Barrels Castor Oil 6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Moss Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 m ‘ wade’s i onipany’' » ot s CASKS Brade’s Pn.tpnt H ’pp, for salo by N. B. WEED. dor 1ft Gcorgi a—Va in dan Ccun i y O v the first Tnecby i*. M»rch »*»*.it, i un soil st Ji ff.;ri?on, in aa'd eonnti , a n»g. - ' nan, named panicl, the proper y of the t.a . ifpof llic j .h Hrcwni -lc p'rsnsnt t< leave gr; nted bv the Court «*' O di.isrv. >U: Y CREWS, K.e'u'-ir Jr 14 Al Adnunistpjt ir's r. olice. N 'N 'UO »IMS from thisd»<e, we « sll ap plv to the Honorable th?’ L'f*»rior Cou • •l Chatham county, when sittiep for ordinary jmrpodes, to sell the real eiute of Wiluun Mayhew. C I* •u^u*t 12 II. HAYDEN, . MAYilKW, Admimatrator's. Administrator's Notice. N 1NK MONTHS after d.ite, I .lull apply to the Honorable *hc Ir.feiior Courl o Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinarv purposes) for leave to sell the real t s te o II. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and rreil .tors. C II IIAYD3N, Adminisivatov* aotr»»»t 45 NOI’ICE. P ERSONS having demands spainst the es tate of .he !..te William Craig, dee. are queste * to render the same, propeily si ested, with n the time preset ibed by lav;, and hose indebted to said estate, are et 'ntsl > called upon to settle the same without dt- lay. JOHN M'NISIL Executor, ocl 12 71 ist,3il and 9th 2d,5th & !«th lrf»,4thand Dth '2d,bth 7th bt,5th and 7th Jd,4th&.9th -id 3d and 6th 3d,5th &. Gth All otliers (being 41 Tieketr.) hiving three of the drawn numbers on them, will ■ ach be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickets having the>lst and 2d drawn numbers on them only, will each be untitled to 100 dollars. The 51 Ticketshaving the 3d and 4th Iruwn numbers on thetn only, will each be entitled to tiO dollars. All othors (being 1734 tickets) with any two ofthe drawn number* on them, will each be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having oji them any one of the drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1.275 for each drawn number,) will be each untitled to 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, of a superior denomination, can he entitled lo an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu al, to a deduction of 15 per cent. A comidcrablo portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw at l ast 64 dollars less the deduction of 15 per cent, with eo many chances for the cap ital prizes. J. B. YATF.S, ) , T A. MTN’J’YRE, ( Managers. PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it has tico highest prizes—-the number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of i ash to be disposed of in pri zes.(:71,10t) DellaiiJ and the price comes within the means of every man. Orders ore received as usual, ut the office of the Gtor giau, by W. ROBERTSON, whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot tery, have produced a lurge amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thomund dollars, 100, 59’s, &c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th Class, received as cash. Jan HI m&mpmiho AUGUST G OEMLER, n AS removed his DRUG STORE, to the corner ot' limit;. )!vn and IFhitla- ker-gtrcctsi opposite Co/. She!/man's Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of FRESH JUEDIC LYES AMD CARD EM SEEDS, and various other articles suiting his line, llo abstains relating the whole string of names ofthe things lie oilers, and only men tions a few which arc* not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz:— . l*oLSabina b i Church’s Cough Pyro Umbellata * < Drops Degitalis Purpurea ' Aromatic Vinegar Scullcap, Hyssop < Toih t, Vegetable & German Leopard’s j other Soups Banc,(arnica mon- s Macassar Oil tana) l Phosphorous Elecampane, (Inula $ Ox. Mur. Potasse J James’s Fever Pow- S ders | Infantile Powders \ Read’s Stiptic } Spirits Soap | Fumigating Tastills. < Pvroligniuus Acid ' Black Drop Respecting the utility of this last article, he refers to the last, but one, page of the Georgia aud Louth Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct 9 • 70f llelenium) Hops, Ergot Tuuquin Beans Squiie’s Elixir Dafi^s do Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyre Jesuit Drop FIFTEENTH CLASS—NEW SERIES. T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th March, 1825, and finished in a few minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be drawn. —. ScYitttntt. 30.080 U liar.ligll.OO' 3 2 20 30 . 32 104 I3u6'8 1 Prize of t 10000 5WW 2,1 8 I,0<0 S'lO 100 so 16 lft.oio, 18 000. 4, 56 20,000 15,00 5 -DO. J.'.-OO. 20.800 61.864 ^SD^OTlckc... { ***** 34.220 Tickets at gfi, &405,.l .0 Tn this Scheme, with eight drawn ballon, there w’dlbc 5fi prises vith three iiuinl.ersoi ♦hem, J4i6 with two number on them, ard 10.6with one number on them. Tlioa. t cknts having none uf the drav a bidluts or them being blanks. l"o drtcim n * the fnte of rl! the tickets in ♦.be above lottery, 60 i umfce s. tron ;»ne t- **ixty inclurive, will *ever«llv be placed in h! or> tbe oay of drawing, and e ; g t of tliem w»!l be d-au n, and that ticket having or. • t aa ■ comb .iH'ion the 1st, 2d sud third num burs drawn, will be entitled to ft <0.000 Thitt having on it the 4tb,5ih and 6th, will be entitled to ftlO.W. T'ios • h vifc.r u ih nri ♦he 3d. 4 h and 5th and 6d 7:b s-d 8H1, each ft 1,000 Those having o*. them tbe Ht,6.iand 8th- ; n 1 Ut, 7>b ami 8 Ii, c» h 2,13d Those 20 having outbcni the 21, fith and 7th 3d, 5 Ii and 7U> 4th.6(.h and fid’, ^d. 6'h and 8tii 3d, 5i!i and 8 b .‘th,7th ard H'l 2 i 7rliand 8» 3 I, 6t'i and 7to /th.6th and 7fh id. 4:b and 6i1 3d, 6 h ani HU 5in.fith and 8'\ 3 i, 4th und 7-ii 4iii,5!haud 7 1. ^ih,7tii und 8-h Jl,4dianti8 h 4tli,5ihandWli, each ftiuUO. 3d, 5kh and 6u.> Kh ( 6lb and 7th| All ether a, being (30 tickets) having thre. of »be d awn number! on them will each bi entitled to ft500. The 52 ticlu-ts having on tlrm two of‘the drawn numbers and those tw.„ the 4ib and 5th, uil! each be entitled to ft’09. The 104 -rkets having un them two uf the diawn oumbe.*<* ,nd those two the 6t|i p.nd 7th, oi 6 h and 8ili, will eucii be entitled to ft50. Ad others (being, 1300 rickets) having two of the drawn number* on them, will each be e ititkd to ft?6. All tiu a- navmg on th^m any one of the 1 awn numbers,(be ng '0 608 tekets, or 1.3 6 for e*ch drawn number.) will each be enti tlwi'to ft8 ’ No ticket which sh I! bav* drawn a pri*- - * o 'a aupenu* denomination cao be entitled tc h i iutVvUr ;> it-. Prize* pawWlt. tldr^L.iUya after the drawing, and subject, uuiS to a deduction j! \S per cent- A c-uittidi, ruble p trlion r.ftbis lottery is pu< up in pHrCt.1* of 20 tichetn, embracing all tin < ombiiir.tion numbers, fioni on« tu sUt;. wh»cb pn*Tels aru warrant. 1 to di aw at lean' ft64, less .lie deduction of 15 per cent, will- *‘> in my C'ihuc-l- fir the capiuil p r >z h. PvckMgc* of V0 cickrt*, by certificate, may .Iso be bad by tbe paym ut ofthe d flu between th? price of tbs tick-ts a id tbe amount w-rdi tbry ir.u-t of ucces «ty d»*avv, such i.ifi'-rence bring ft6f 60. The tickets will reuui'n n< tin* s"h*me. p ice, (S6j until Wediies;la>, the 1 Jl.i mat. when they wil' hendv'nred («. ft7. J. B. YATES, ) A.M’INTYKE.j Mtt,ia e crs - Philadwl. uu, Jstiu.iy 5, Jb«5. O’ Orders for tickets or shares, received and prize tickets in fourteenth class, taken in payment at LUTHEll’S EXCHAXGE OFFICE. Jan IH Information Wanted \ I F Q-SOllGR HILI.FR, otherwise DAN IF.L OLAND tvho in the vt.Fr I*i5, flrr.vcd in Savaamdi, in h 1 ? Aberd * r. • rniidpi.rt, belonging to klefer-. 1) wson L 8-)n? ot t,und«n; in living, anf. v i 1 apply t.- ui* f .r.ds in Engbin«<, he w.ll hear ot » nrit': J.ig much to bis ad-untige, lie lef* ♦So Aberdeen wh’.ie nh.; Ly al Jcuvannih, a.if. bis mt been lei d of by hi; fiends sinct '.rfl • e-io.j. lie b:.d b on many years a iov, and while on b<>sid the above vruad, wa8 emji: ijied » c-t neuter. 11 he left Su« vm.nah *i that time, it is probable thul ht utuTcd some vessel ng fithcBu'zd t.t- rs in hi* L*t letter, In* ctved tnat i hs h,p r..trillion lo do » >. Sl-uuiJ ht hav« •li-dai any place «h.'>6 a icgistcr or ctnif: : ate of li»i i»ural c«... Sc obtained, it would be ♦bantfuhy received and al' expen ciw.tendir fr ii, pa d by 13AACV..;-.'J*dUFTd., S. snmili, or W.W AT.L. C E VrEU. Ntw*York font 9 57 t avaimah Female Asylum. 4 N ekitinn for a Matron to this Institu tion, will take place at the Asylum House, on the first meeting in February.— Application for the above to be handed in to the subscriber. By order of the Board, E. M. LLOYD, See'ry. Itovl3 94 JOHN T. UO YVL AND, C r.N'MNUE9 to So business in Milledge- ville, und tenders the offer of his ser • ices to Ins friends .nd th. public, in the tr.nt^ iction of .gency business generally ncti CRF'M? Beers’ Axes. A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received and for sale by «V. U. WEED. oct 27 STATE LOTTERY MARYLAND. HIGHEST PRIZE 40,000. SCHEME NO. III. 1 Price tf -glO.OOO is 40 1 0<i0 Dollars. 1 Prize of -0,060 is Vo.000 1 Prize -of |0,0();i is 10.J-O Dollars V Pr zcs of. — S.liUO is 0,000 Uuilaii 30 Prises it -1/09 is 3e/00 Dollars. 20 Prizes ot—JOO ik 10,005 Dollars 50 Priz-s of 1(W ia 5,i 00 IM I'.ircs of JO ii 5,000 5000 Prizes of — i0 ia 50,900 5 1/5 Prize.. 4790 llliulu. 180,0'0 Dollaii. VO'iOO Tickets at gb, 1. 1P0.000 Dolkt s. The whole of the prizes u. be floating ftoin the commencement o; the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz: On the 5th day, : : « : $10,000. On the 10th day, : . 6,000. On the 16th dny, i : t . 20,000. On the 20th day, : r s j 40,000. The whole to be completed ir Twenty i.Tavna s onYs V. Tlie prizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty days otter the com pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen pur cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioners appointed by the Governor and Couaril The above Lottery commences drawing inBallimore, on WEDJs'ESDA Y, nth inti Tickets $12— proportion. ORDERS received at the Bulfimorc price, and prize tic\ets taken in payment, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Row. nov 9 91 Consumptions, Coughs, ijc. BUTLER’S I ?OV tbe cure *f lolls# Coughs,nonsumji .* lions, Sp.ttu g of Bloody, and •JisrRif* i fti.c b ti3i and lungs There is pe lmp'i no metli *1 ob*ei vatior. b-iitp-i weausialird, none more generally con iir Tied bv l! c oiperience of the boat physi* \ inn of al) fi/efi z>nd count ii s, n ne ol i» o-o» up irtiuice to the human f milv, tba: dir fiict mat many of the mosw’rfti .ult and in curnble <« isuniptiois origuiatt* in neglect V colds.. In a ciur.sie ao variable aa our a, woer* die changes of ihe weahir are Irqu ntl; midden un 1 unexpected, it req*rr«t more can ■li i »t cniion to guaid against, liua dai gcmu eniiiDv nl life, than must peoj it imagine or tire F.bleand willing to b^i'O V. The bills o! inortsiily oh bit the melancl.idy hut that thi proportion of destha by this dtsuasti mny In conuderud us al out five io one. I asm icl then hs ihis f»tal diieise fi - queroly l i - defi ance <o the skill ofthe mcFt It -si tied physxi mis, it ih u gratification to the proprietor that he is cm •••led to ofler lo those* iffi.c'ed with it, a go* d y prcepect of rc-ief, to thnt I ijshlv valuable remedy, the Vegetable Iidiun Sp'd- Jic. The Indians aie huppj in their kito^. ledge cl m dies! plants} g Veined wholly b» experience, they aiccerlaJi as to their • ff ct, and it is said by an author of great cliatact^r, that a t.ue ccusumptiun it a disease i.lvu known among them. 'I his Specific is obit toed by extraction fron herbs, roots fl >wtr*, 11 ut, be. when in per- fection. In cernf qu-.*iice - fa happy comhinn- tion of the mo^t valuable fieri s, fcc. it b* comer a bait! m of t superior value. It heals tne ,n. j i ed pi'ta, opens the pores, and con p.oeF t..e (iit’u hed nerves^ after the manner rf ai i-nodyi.c; conieq ie.itly the obatmetion ot the ches and tt.c lunps which eon«*.itttte th»* d'seave, parti mlsrl) need aie use. it promote* eipectririiUoo, wuich in constant!) called for and v/idiat it cteLiis *8 *' d heals, it also gives s'rengtb to t >e lender lung* In th>s manner it removes the hcv'ic fever, improves diges tion, gives* strength to the nerves, repairs (hr «hpit tc ard improves lh»- spirits. This speci fic nn\ always be given in safety it is mild, pie* sunt to .he taste, and may safely be given o infants, lor which it is of in<:sriir.ab!e vnlut. f affords relief in bowel complaints, t e, whooping coughs, He. and is found particu- Drly ofcefid in hypoebondri -cal, nervous and h.ktericfli riisttH'S. Each b.ii ot directioi. ontaina a detailed account of thii di»ea:e in nd its d.ff ri.nt stages, and will be acconp* ii»d v. ith the signature of th..* proprietor it A'ed Ink, Ir is offered for calc by lil.O. RY ER.,0only (my • !e agent) D uggi-t, cor ner Rsv and Whiuaker*strceii, Savanimh, ai one doil.-ir per bottle. Wil. EUI LEU. dec 30 30 CuVYeA \lb\r Maltassta 1 XHE eubecribcr has just received an bk . surtment of tbe above articles, war ranted to be of the best quality, fur sale by /. W. MO HULL. OCt 26 OyvykDsite the Aeadem'j —■■ R OPEN the her „ ofTeiB useful tion. the hopei her gross tlier am*. HEtt, E a G „d th CTP ^ L T i 1 form " ‘'^'friends • and the public, that her .chooi. is kow . oppoeite the Chatham Academy, Ibr d»M E M ,0N a! )r *S MW> -•'‘listed by daughter M.SS E. A. Hzrbuon, sh. s her services in teaching the foUowin* Und ornamental branches of edticn. WhUst she returns sincere thanks for patronage hitherto extended, she increase!) UCed *'« te 8 oftuition end M U p f!"/ 10 fur,her the pro iH of her PupUs, to deserve i still Jfur* ex,f,|lelon of public favor. The course oftuition, and the terms on which scholar, are received. « re— “ —, vu.iu Hit —v received, arc 1st Class—Spelling, Rending, Sewing and rt 1.7“ . IIS’ P er 'Porter, ! $4 00 Class—Mali Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithme- tic, g qq French or Spanish Languages, including elegunt embroidery*on lace or muslin, to any pattern per quarter, ,’j 0 00 ting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00 The most careful attention will b, ''" f to the deportment and morals ol those entrusted to her choree nnv 2 4 2d. The r r Paintii TT' paid G T. M’DERMOTT; N FORMS his friends and the public gen. ej ally, that he has received by refent «ri ivals, a large and extensive assortment o, " roceries, Hardware and Dry Goods, £■*■£ be di6 ' )05ed of ^liolesale and re toil, on the most reasonable terms. Th s ollowing articles comprise a part of hi« ’•resent stock, viz.— v 10 IV,g*' evl* prime St. Croix ‘Tugsr 10 IImkcm White i nd ) *0 Boxes HteWn > (I) 61) Barrel, L.iui d ' un.p ,,,, »u U 'K. Hav,n.- tir -en C u ffee ° superior 4th "rool U.andv » Pipes do 11 jlland Gm 5 1‘mes imitation Brandy, 4lh pioof * Uj do Gin 2 ve,, .uperior oldPcsoh Brandy 2 Puncheon, do do Irish Whiskey <!£!$•" 100 Harif-.ln Northern Gin 7 1 » u™ Up ^ ri ,r 01,1 ** a deir. Wine 4 Pipes superior obi Lisbon do 18 Quarter Casks Teneriffe d o V erv superior old Man.... u/:.. c ,„j Cogriso Brsncly in denujnhnB loohhf' 1 ** n,, | ta,r, Vl; ,8 e:i ‘. k 101) »ar ela No* New Mackurcl 50 Pur-els No. 2, do do l f '«0 DHskefs Table 8a!t 20 flasks Guslif-r: Cheese 20 Burri-la Cnppe-as 200 fft-arns Wi*«pr>inv Paper 50 Black Pepper lo Ilexes Chocniste 2o five Gnlion Demijohns 6 Mar>cla GUie 1 C ’ ‘I® UT n "l""»'r Guhpowdet 5 Pound Dnmate .ot sill srior do 180 them s 4! inch Ootl.m Bsvgine 2 Hale. Bugging Twine W * UMYInilo ."d Boxes s. WhitCmMe*, ® * 5 genuine C»tds 10 U.-xps Wool Hm»s 5 0i»i*»s iJirnw| 101'-orin B#*Ip ILipc 5- Doztn Ht»H Con's 50 IL» Pluiigh. I.:,,os 100 Pounds £i‘bli Cords 6 ll*«t**H 1 oim, London Ds.ffie Biaiificts 10 Csa colored and b!r-srhe<) ^ Ulr Idesclipd Hornes^ im.s 70 Grohfi iron ’ivbie Sli’oos 15 D > «lo I V* do ’0 Do Tt-utania Table do Fitted I abb and Teg do Copper,Cast, Wiui^ht sp-J Composi. to n Ten Kettles of all »g e > . Bi ne Kettles for milking preserves 20 Set* of Di tfi Cover* 20 lor *Shear Moulds 1 D > 5. d Irons 1 Do Bar Lead 1 II) Short I*on 100 CuBkij to-sorte d Cut Nails Milt, i in,s Dut rod w hip Szw, aiide expressly far this rri.-ket 20 D .mu Hiu.ds.rWe, Woorlszws.nd Ton- i>rr t iytiws Plftckiinmb Sledges snd Ilsrdhtir.mers Anviitt, from 1 to VfiOJba, rts. mouse hole BLcksmith*s B< Hows,from 24 to 36 Single “i d Double Screw PDtcS Lorn Mdls^roci No. 1 lo 5 2 Toi.s Ht ohu ui.d Lii pf» Bttoss Ar.diroi s t uni ft2 50 to ft3 ll.a s wild Wire *, with shovels Fid tongs to m-tch 5 Cavks BrM'd'h Puttut Hues 1001) Z t*n Pud locks Mcelyt di- to weigh from 2001»> 500Ibs 2 7 oris ot'Hijel.coiis *tij,g of Shearing li.-fh. Bi s’e- ed aud C*st Stoves with Tip s 1C00 Pound* Way-goo Bella, snorted Fancy Curtain P os 5 Mug* Trace Chan.s 2 Do*en Curryiny Knives 200 Di l i. Cum Combs 6 Sets Whitt handle Kn : ves snd Forks, corinatiiig of 50 p ecea each 10 Sot* Uritfnini* Te»p >tt t 8 .gar anil Cream do 6 D »itn Patent Shot Belts 2 l> >*er Game- Bay* * D >z n Powder Horns and F’aaks 1 C--ar double snd single bsirci Guns 10 D isen Wire snd 20 dot Ha.i b ten 2 Dt,Svili F-ncy Hall Mata and 50 sets O Table Hr s ALSO, A general Muortm**11 i-fConfute*T Planes^ Mruakts, ar d Far»c> Bcdowa, with m-my other urt clea in the above itoe,t.»o tedious to enu merate. IX ECII D DAILY, 20 Tons of C irroii ( vaLnga, vhich will he sold lou from the wba.f. nov 1#