Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 17, 1825, Image 3
,-r ',-r 5 *'' GENTLEMEN'S 'it- .f lTE SlTRS^RinEHS ? , VEW AM) FAMIIO’UHL E CONTINUE THE tO.MMlHs.ION HU8INKSS IN LIV- *’ ri ^ , .I I EllFOOL, I NDEH Till- KIHM OK t)oUv\ivg Alv Vc,. rot'H uoon* iurt ok the rm -hotel, ON TUB BAY. a. h ro. H AVE just rocoivwl by llm sliipn Win \Vu!luiv, Huvnmiiih. amt other arri- ,,ii» iri'in liio North, nit mwortmoiit "f CLOTHS. CASSIMKRES, COTTON (WSW1MKRK. LUSTINGS. MAR SEILLES & Sll.K VESTINGS, which they ran recomraontl toJhoir ftiomU an,I corn,mors ns being <>l Sill r.RlOK QUALITY, nml they trust, tlint having c ,|,-Hired n numiior of tirst-rnte workmen, ( th w will be ennhled ns hitherto, to execute ' nnr liirlber orders they mny receive, with elcirtinee and donpatcli. on the most reason able terms. ALSO, They respectfully inform their mends and t lie public generally, that they constant ly Ifitve on hand, a general assortment ot lfe&Aj Made < \ tiling, with every other ARTICLE in their line of business. F. h 10 6S| - DuUO ftiuV AU s*.r©auB» I>. B. llltASSlNSE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, tlint he has purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delnroche, opposite the Exchange, where ho offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Vte*\\ flt Ags MfcdivAnes, and Ww tiiculfi, 1M0NC, WHICH ARK TUB lol.I.O VINO :— Aqua Eort is. Alum. Antimony Arrow Root. Borax. Bergamot Brimstone. Barley, Balsa in Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Cmnphor, Cantliarides. Cinnamon American host ami common Castor 0:1 Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery. Gum Ansafotida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal (lion Gttineum. Gum Opium I -iiiglnss, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia. Manna.Chamomile Flowers Fnlnhnr, Somia. Nutmegs No : Vomica. Oxvd of Bizmuth Oil Aoi Peppermint,do Cloves it»(Cinnamon, Sweet Oil r '.‘uJa.-hr Ipecacuanha. Jnlap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt ofTartar Glauber. Ensom nml Rochelle Salts v *’TMmontine l.A AC, 1*0W & UO. i NDwill at nil times make liberal ad-; * valu es on produce consigned to them iHUV, xVAVtt.Fi. NEW-YORK State Literature Lottery, CLASS IV. id- to re T)rawnonthe sixth A LINE OF PACKETS has been osta- OFAI'RIENEXT, AND RE CD A". blished between New-York and Havre, | 'or will*. M .! to leave both porta regularly, on the First Having slops regularly in the Liverpool F n mlth ,h,j, o/„«M month Muring the -.rad-, si"! owning a convenient whart, on, ycnr / T| , c ' om|)U3illg , in ‘ lire hi E there are roomy nic-priiii/ stores, vot-1 t pn ij nrH well found and commanded, cop- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED >1. will he received and lorwarded m their j md an( , la „ t( , nc j, T heir acco.ii- DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the tbl- CLUDED IN ONE DRA UMNO. N this scheme the amount of ensh is ONE HUNDRED ANDSBVENTV- >«•*' —‘o ** , liiodations (hr piisscngers, comprise alf that lowing " r?i":!"" m. u !cm be required, for comfort and conveni- , ,, Order* for merchandize, will be executed mhI onlv a commissi->n charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF HuiTtsii Dry Goons, is just received, being bought with money required, for comfort nml conveni- eiico. FassengerH in the cabin will he tn- keitfor J140 each, for which they arefurnish-1 ed with beds, bedddinrr. wines and ample BtoreR of every description. Goods intended for shipment by tlmm, mav ho sent to the amenta, who will attend [f manner and selected by one of the partners, theyto their reception and forwarding, without will be furnished ns low as by any regular Importing House in the United States, und on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. 2 Frizes of 3 - - - 1 - - - 17 - - - 20 - - - o<’t 2 7n 810 000 . 5 000 - 3,082 - 1.000 - 500 200 - 100 T ton's U.-Nj vvr.A in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prnssion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts jupan and Copal Varnish. Vevi kuwevj. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau do Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roies Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 t.t'shcu Butter, tyc. J UST received per ship Corsair 10 kegs first quality Goshen Butter 5 bbls Hams 10 half bbls Fly market Beef 10 half chests Soliciting Tea Jn Store, 100 boxes bunch Muscatel Raisins 30 bills Prime Pork 20 do Mess do 75 do mess ami prime Beef 50 do Pilot and Navy Bread Together with a general assortment cf Groceries nnd Ship Chandlery, for tale hv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN& WO til). Anciaux’s Wharf. feb 12 67 G Cognac Brandy. PTPES “Seignettn’s Brand, 1 ’just re ccived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by J. B. HER BERT & CO* IN STORE, 50 Tierces new Rice lt» Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 3o Barrels llama 75 Barrels Gin 60 Crates Crockery 20 Kegs Butter 50 Barrels Mnckare], No. 3 20 Port Wine 10 Casks Oil Jnn 12 c. hare Vtnti <is. I* i k Gin, ,ve C. for sale ding fr'nn ship Corsnir 4 tons Share Moulds lu Store, 56 barrels Northern Gin 18 do M«’.s Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel 100 krgs White Lead 22 kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown !0 barrels Whiting fob 12 67 charge for storage or commissions. The . • • • expenses which mny, in such ensee be actu- ally incurred, will whim requested, be col- 51" • • • • • lected with 1 he freight nt Havre. > nnd n large number of smaller dt?nomina- A letter Bag is at the New*York post tion, andelmne**?* for a short.time only, SIX Office, for all letters that mny be sent by DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. mail. Letter? respecting either freight or pas' sage, must be addressed, post paid, tA CRASSOUS & BOYD. •Agents, -Yew York. net 14 ' 7? For New-'i oi k, (ESTABLISHED LIME,) The fast sailing ship EMPEROR, J. H. Bennetts .Master, Will have, immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to Capt. B. on board, at Jones 1 Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. Feb 14 Ordure received and forwarded, free of e pense, by W. KOBERTSOtV, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for personp in this city, No. 25,313, combination 54,22,30, £1000 2,810, 8,28,29, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jan ’6 For New-Yo; k, Thu fust miilins pnekut ship CORSAIR, D. 1‘n tcr, Cluster, Will meet with despatch, for freight or pnssnge, firm op- superior uccom- moTutioni, upply to Cnpt. Porter on board, at Taylor’s wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD, fob 12 67 For New-York, The fiiMt sailing ship C O M E T, Cieorz*: Jllnore, .Muster, Will meet with despatch, for , Jan- freight or passage, having excellent accom- 1 nmdutions, apply to Capt. Moore, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. fH* 12 6“ Gosiicii iiutter, Lard, w. J UST received per ships William Wal lace and Juno, 15 Kegs Brim i Go.dion Butter 20 do Lard Id Barrels choice Il ims 1U Half barrels 1’ig Fork, put up for family ejiisiiniptioii C Birrolh Sarg;*r. ,1 B Crackers 12 Half barrels Fly Market Deaf 2 Barrel'- Smoko a T r r.^uea IN STOIii;, 6^ Barrels Prime lb‘of 30 Ho Mckh do CD do No. 1, do 4 ) do Prime Pork, city inspection 12 do Mess do 75 do Pilot and Navy Bread 50 do Potatoes 40 do No. t. 2 and 3, Mackarel 100 Half barrels Flour 50 Whole do do Together with a grnertil assortment of all kinds of lluttcr and Lit er. T.ANMNG FROM SHIP LMPEIIOU, ■f KEGS Goshen Butter JL /ml 20 Barrels Newark Cider in stock, 20 Casks Superior Cheese 30 Barrels Albany Ah 5 do Mens Pork 10 do (ht ltcef With a general assortment of cnorF.nir/y .wn For sale by II. B. HATUAWA Y. Jones 1 Upper Wharf. Feb 14 6i|> (JoslK-n Cut'er, l a d f.c F UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and other late arrivals 12 firkins Goslmn Butter, Ut quality 25 legs' huf Lard 8 bids Butter Crackers 20 half and quarter bbis Buck Wheat and R vo Flour 10 bbh- Pilot ‘tread, for family use For sole bv 'A. BA^PF.TT No. 1. Mougin’sNow Buildings fob 12 67 1M iltavjing LVftCfci-'fcA, or GRAND S'ate Lottery if Maryland, no. in. T HF. following nre the only prizes drnwn: N*. fill 1, prize of jf.500 2664. 7.177, 100 1175,16147, 17697, 60 194 of 10 The thirteenth drnwing was on 10th inst. ami is due here on lOih. The drawings progress regularly once a week, and it will be recollected, that the hand.ume prize of will be deposited in the wheel on the 16th drawing, when tickets will advance to -15. PRESENT STATE OF 1 HE WHEEL, i pr zeof- ... 840,000 1 20,000 1 10.000 ge for - t. baitholomews and ^t. i roix The fast sailing brig S II E P H E R I) E S S, Cojtt. Ward, Will sail for the above ports on the 15th inst. and can handsomely accnmmo- dntc four passenger. Apply to Capt. W. oh board, or to HALL & HOYT. Feb 11 tor New-Orhans, The flue fast sailing armed echr. FELIX, Captain Ruxn, ..Will be ready to receive a cargo in a lew days. Fur freight or passage, up ply oil board, to the master, or to the under signed. JOHN M’NIKIi. Feb 16 70u For Providence, The packet schooner GEO 1 GE, C. Harris. .Master. jjASfclSkFor freight of 50 bales of Cotton or passage, apply to the master ou board ! at Moore’s Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. I 6 v 7 r I 1 - - - - 5,000 besides many of1000,500,100, &c.&c. Orders are now received at 12, at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. Fib 14 Ci rand State Lottery of MARYLAND. N U. 604, : : 2654. 7.(77, TirET.F’H DAY'S DRAWING, : $500 : : i : : 100 147'., 16147. 17697, : i : : : 50 Nearly three-quarters of this Lottery is completed, and tin splendid prizes of $ 40 oca—aoooo—loooo—5000 &.C. &c. remain to be drawn. Orders for tickets re ceived «l $12. Halves 6—Quarters 3, lor a few davs longer, by W. ROBERTSON. Feb 14 s to ooo 5,000 ad. Flour. Whiskey, P rk 1 La otinr: fnm schooner ( BARBELS N-w-Orlo ins Flour, Groceries Ship Chandlery.! doM I’fthe most approved bran ts and « , , 1 u • warranted equal to any that ever coined to For sill*'hv ... . 1 J For pnl*» hv BRADLEY,CLAGUORN WOOD, A*.;, in ex’ V> Im'f. T v . — i iittc , i .aid, bitiiis o>c. Just re reived hi/ ship Win. Wallace, 'i jjT4 FUlKINS (lobhui Butter, 1st quul’y X Cf 20 KLard, fu m 30 to -10 ibscm li 10 Barrels Burlingtuu liains, sruall M/e 10 Half barrels Moss Pork 10 do do Pig do 10 Casks Cheese, first quality 30,0(.'0 American Segars IN STORE, ICO Borr'J.s Pilot and Navy Bread 60 do Rind'mid Pork 60 do Tur Pitch and Rosin Cordage. Leads, Lines, and Twine Tog- ihor with a full assortment of GRO'JKHIKS .1.YD PROHSIO.YS. !J’ Ship Stores put up at short notice, and low prices, by ABNER BASSETT, No. 1, Mungin’s Now Buildings. Jan !6 this market. 71 B.trrt 50 do 30 Kegs For sale hv Is Whiskey York Lard J. B. HERBERT & CO. , or • ale, iti^lil or* liaitcr sfTt A pilot-boat—burthen forty-live njr & tons, a first-rate sailer, and in com- 4% 1 pl'-fe order for «ny voyage. For ‘}. ^ furtlmr particulars, apply to BRAdLLY, CLAGHOR-V\ WOOD. <lor 24 freight or on board F. l> 16 Lain! ftom su p CORMAIR, net FIRKINS Gosh n Butter LI 10 Hi If Barrels •’amiiv Pork Beef 2 Barrels Hun k •id Beef and 10 Boxes Candh <2 For sn In by IV. L1PPITT & CO. F -b 14 61 For New-V ork, The sloop M F. C n A N I C, Sanu r*, Jllaster, HM»Will meet with despatch. For r pussape, apply to Capt. Corners, . at TavlorV \Vlnrf, or to fi BIS WOT.D savannah and A gu ta Line oi Staves, Fresh Tens Hons, Flour, b e. UHEMTS Hyson Teas mU j3 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 lliid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv ed per Laura June, for sab* by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Fi b s Iscw-onea«3 .-iigar and 1M0-I lasses 1 AAllOGSllEADa Prime Ncw-Or- XvF\J leans Sugar 5ft For c u1p by Feb 2 do do do Molasses IIALL & HOYT. S vuvn' h Library. N EW and comple’e Catalogues of Books, belonging to this Institution, mny be bud at tin- L-nrary Room. Price 25 cts. rob 0 61 c Gilt, ted and P int C GRISWuLD, offers f»r ^ale, CO Barrels Northern Gin 1 Ton Steel 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 8 do Verdignis 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting Fob 11 75 Ka rels Gin, JUST Received by ship Coraair, and for • k's g. FEW dozen of !>v, Martin’u Genu- . ine UlickKg. f',r •njobv )' E. il.vASSINNE, Druggist, opposite the Exchang*. Jen 26 sale by feh W J.B. HERBERT & CO. 67 tin. no BARRELS Northern Gin, for sale UO by CALVIN BAKER. Jan 4 In conscqnenco of the accident to the steam-bwat, the Bn van- nnli and AugiiRta Line of Stages, is extended from Puryshurgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central Wlmrf, tor the Union Ferry, on each Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, at half-past six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the passengers to that place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ton dollar.*.. J- J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. ▼m 3 i issoluliou T HE copartnership heretofore existing in the cify of Snvnnnuh. under the firm of DUIlAMEL & AUZIi, was dis solved on the 1st inst. by the decease of Mr. H. L. DeiLuti.L. JOSEPH AUZE. Surviving Copartner. The busrnesK will hereafter hr conducted by tin* subscriber, who is duly authorized to settle the atluirs of the late firm. JOSEPH AUZE. Feb 14 68 .VnUce \8\\evelrj Given, rilHAT ninety days after dote, applica- X lion will he made to the Steam-Bent 830,000 5,000 CAPITALS IN THE PENNSYLVANIA Union Canal Lottery- 15th Class—New Series. T HE above splendid Prizes will be dis tributed on the Ninth of JBurrh next. Tho-te who would become candidates will hand in their names without drlav, at FXCHANGE OFFICE. Where Tickets can ot present be ordered at Seven Dollars. feb 4 66 ffWRSMKrWiiiia. TIN HE subscriber intending to close hi. JL business in this city, offers bis stuck til reduced prices, tor CASH, con: isting of Sidebourds of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cuscs. Wardrobes. French Press- os. Bureaus. Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables. Tea Tublns, Dining Tobies, Breakfast Ta!,lea,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta hirs and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash if'.mb. Candle Stands. Work Stands:, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mutiogaiiv high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. Wire Safes. Cotts, Mattresses, Looking Glut-sea, Fuuey ^Windsor Chairs. &c. at the Ware-House, corner of Wliitta- ker-Street and Bay Lane. J. H- O. also requests that, those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out 'delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDER SHAW. ■Tan 25 51 j| V.U .lvV.W F ROM the subscriber, on the 10th inrt. a negro fellow, named JEFFERY, thirv years old, and about five foot ten inches high, dark complected, and has tolerable iinall eyes. Had on when he went a wav, a brown coatee, with a small velvet color—he took all hit} clothes with him, among them were one blue and one black broadcloth coat. lie will no doubt try to get to Savannah, where he was rais ed. and formerly owned by Samuel Gold smith. A reward of twenty-five dollars will be given to any person who will deliver him to nie in Augusta, and all reasonable ex penses paid, or ten dollars to have him lodg ed in any jail in Georgia or South Carolina. ROBERT LANG. Company of Georgia, to issue a new' cer- 2 ' *- ^— tiUrate of stock, for one destroyed, dated , • noth October. 1819, for two shares, and,’ Mill numbered 118. Savannah 10th Feh. IH25.; KQ BARRELS NORTHERN GIN, for JAMES C. CAMPBELL. I OO sale by CALVIN BAKER. FcbU 66 a 'Feb 6 HV CALVIN BAXZIIt, On FRIDAY, 25th inst. At half-past X o’clock, will bo sold at the house occupied by Joseph Kopmuu, south side of Jnhnston’s-Square, all his HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, consisting of one elegant Sideboard, one Sofa, two superb Brussels Carpets, Entry do. two Si air do. Dining, Breakfast and Card Tables, Look- in g-Glasses, Curled Maple ami Fancy Chairs, Rich Cut-Glass Decanters, Wines and Tumblers, Field and Mahogany Bed steads, Feather Beds and Bedding, Mat- truHsea, Curtains, Window' Blinds. Wash- Stands, one China Tea ami Table Set, Ta ble and Desert Knives and Forks, Plated. Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, &c. &r. together with a great variety of KITCHEN FURNITURE. Feb 16 IFmCL’G lUUSt EXECUTOR’S SALE. BV CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH NEXT, At XI o’clock, will be told in front of the Court-House, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson,, Old Grace, You up Grace, Kink and Jenny, belonging to the estate of David Johnson, dec. nnd sold hy permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the Executor. ALSO, The half-Lot No. 9, Second Tytllinjj, Reynold’s Word, with the buildings thereon, consisting of a dwelling house, bake house Sir.-, Also,one Negro Woman, about 20 years of age, with her child 6 weeks old. feb 12 Terms cash. Ml: Extract from the Fire Ordi nance XLV—SECTION 10. E VERY house within tlm limits and ju risdiction of this 1 city, occupied and tenanted, shall be supplied with buckets at the Expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the number of fire places in the same, including such .as are in the out-buildings, and such buckets shall be equal in goodness and size, to those procur ed for the use of the city, and painted, on which shuNbe painted in visible characters, the names of the owners of said buckets: and in case the owner of any house or tene ment shall refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied, agreeable to this or- shall, and may be lawful for the tenant to procure the 6aine, deducting it out of his rent. XLVI—SECTION 11. The owner of every improved wharf, shall furnish twenty buckets for the building or buildings on such wharf, and deliver them to Managers and Assistants of Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council in July next, ami tho reveij»t of unv .Manager or Assistant, for said buckets, shall be deem ed u full compliance with this section, by the owner for the number of buckets men tioned in said receipt, ami the owner of ev ery siore in the city, that has no fire pluee or places attached to the same, shall fur nish two fire buckets for evi ry store of euch kind ; and under such regulations us other landlords are by this ordinance required to do. 'Hie above sections of the fire ordinance will in future be more vigorously enforced. SOL. COHEN, C. C. Protein. Feb 10 65 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. KY J. B. HERBERT Sc CO* •On FRIDAY, fifth March, Will be sold at the Marble Yard in Stuto street, next to Dr. Habersham, at 11 o’clock, a quantity of Marble Slabs. Browi Stone, and Stone-Cutter’H Tools, together with the Building on said Lot, being the puvi estate of William Mastcrton. oecetued and sold by order of the administratrix. Tei ms cash. feb 7 ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY J. B. HE*.BERT & On MONDAY. 2t;h instant. Will be sold before our Store at XI o’clock.a small WOOD! N TEN EMENT, on a leased ’.«.t ir the South Common, hi.* • by permission of the H nioraiuc ho luferi>»i Court of Chatham County, an" by order of the Administratrix.—Terms on h. Feb 11 EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT dt CO On the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT, Will be sold before the Court-House in the city oi’ Savannah, the following negro slaves, viz.—Kit, Deliah, Patty, Andrew, Old Rose. Sam ho, Mary, Peter, Sai-cho* Ellen, Tom. Peggy, July Nancy Pbame, Agnes. Sam, Cato, Fortune CiRsar, Poly- dore, Cliunce, John, Dick, Franco, Molly, Dinah. Hamah, Patience, Emma. Patience, Cupid, Moos a. Cane, Adam. Price. YVnlhy, Binah, Morris, Robert. Prince. Nancy, old Flora, William, and Maria, 15 in number,' among which are 27 grime field hands.-— Sold by order of the Justices of the Interior Court, for the benefit of the creditors of Thomas Melrose. J. WALLACE, ) v . H. M’ALPIN, r ,Ior> ' M. MELROSE, Ex’nx. Fob 11 k U'KKTft UfcOVA\ P ERSONS who have ordered Tit kets in the MARYLAND STATE LoT- LERY, now drawing—ten drive ov.-r— FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS high est prize, are informed that they are re ceived. Tickets TWELVE DOLLARS, Halves and quarters itt proportion. Also, tickets in the NEW-YORK L1TERA TUBE LOTTERY, to he drawn 6th of April. Highest Prizes TW O of TEN THOUSAND, THREE of FIVE THOU SAND, Tickets SIX DOLLARS, Halves, Quarters and Eighths, in piopor* lion. Orders received for tickets in the PENNSYLVANIA UNION CANAL LOTTERY—Highest I’rizn THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, to bo drawn on tile ninth March. Tickets SEVEN DOLLARS—Halves and (Junr’cTs in pro portion. \V. ROBERTSON. Georgian Office. Fell 7 THE IlEHMITACiF, &TE.1.M SIW-MILL, AND Cast Iron Foundry. IIF. subscriber respectfully informs his - friends and the public, tliut the above establishments are now in full operation. Planks and scantling, suitable for ship ping, can be furnished of the best quality, ami of any size, to immediate order, lie has also on hand, a few fine Cypress Logs, upwards of thirty feet jjj length, which he will .-aw into such sizes as may he required. At the Cast Iron fV/ou/ry, work of every description, in that line, will be executed in a style equal to that of any other factory in the United Slates, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of Brick, which he will supply in any quantity, to or der. The quality of the article i? already well known. ///’A R Y APA 1.F1.Y. ID All orders left at. the store of Low & Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov9 91 TICKK’S HK KtV .I). PENNSYLVANIA UNIONC.LYAL LO FIERY P ERSONS who have ordered Tickets in the above Lottery can obtain them by application to the Subscriber. Whole Tickets - g7 00 Halves . - 3 50 Quarters • - 1 75 Eighths - - 0 874 WM. ROBERTSON, Georgian Office feb 4 L O S'iDUS SAIMSp All the Landed Property belonging to the Heirs of the lute John Werrudt, Esq. to wit:—1st. T HE “MIFFLIN TRACT.” commonly so called situated on the north side of the river Ogoecheo, about fifteen miles dis tant from Savannah, and containing five hundred acres, more or less. 2d. A body of good OAK and HICKO RY LAND, on Ogcechee Neck, containing about forty acres, and adjoining the above. 3d. TWO LOTS in liurdwicke, oppo site to the foregoing. 4th. A TRACT OF LAND on Brier Creek fifty miles distant from this place, und containing about lour hundred acres. 5th. Also, a TRACT on the river Satilla, and in the county of Camden, which con tains about tw elve hundred acres of land ; tour hundred of the same being of the qual ity denominated River Swamp. For further particulars, apply to JOSEPH V.'BEVAN. Feb 10 G5l|| Receiver ’l ax Returns Office. T HE subscriber is now ready to receive the Returns of Taxable Property, for this county. His office is in James Morri son, Esq’s. Building, adjoining Jolm C. Nicoil, Esq. ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. F*k XI 661) liegmentul Court if hiqui y. I “V.\ES‘wcre assessed against the follow* . iug persons, for default at the Regi mental Parade, on luc -7th January, 1825. Cl.utham Artillery.— W. F. Gillett, T. Butler, each. T. Young, Jl5- Jno. R. M’Kinnon, Jucob Lewis, Pierce Howard, J. Mornl, g*J each. Volunteer Guards.—N. Kirby, and M. Lillebridge, $2 each. J. Atherton. E. T. Courtney, Jrlm Collins. W. II. Coe. W. Rice G. D. Sweet, W. W. Wash. $3 each. Republican Blues.—J. J. Coates. J. Dea con, IL Papot, J. F. Forsyth, P. B. Garnet, H. M. Gruyhill, J. Kennedy, P. Hard, C. Pollard. I. Russel. <jjJ each. Georgia Volunteers—J. M’Honry, S. B. Piirkmiin. jjlO each. G. W. Coe, J.Wells, L. Putty, each. J. Clark, L. A. Mor- ruli, J. Moore, L P. Sage, £3 each. Savannah Fencibles.—M. Herbert. {J5 First Beat Company—D. Allen. S. Aus tin. J. Boyd, Breen, W. Brownjobn, Burn* sid» s, F. Baker, Bradley. II. Cullan, Carr, Corter, .1 Curry. J. Dolbos, J. Foun ain, J.Gill, J. Richards* n, Lucinda Hines, Ham ilton, J. Keys. Kennun, E. Loughtbnrough, B. W. Leach, Lawson. Mackee, & M’Gov* ern, D. Rowland, G. Oliver S. Patterson, II. Pollet, W. Pierce, Page, T. Roades, Uegon, M. A. Silver, Skipper, W. Wil* liains. T. Williams, Serg’t M’Gnrrnn, Second Company.—P. M’Donnugh. W. Kinedv A. Carrol. R. Riley, M. C. Phil lips, J. Hines, P. Murphy, D. Lynch. Live ly S. Merrit, J. M’Goui'jle, J. Brunrll, J. Cantwell, J. Guenin, G. Brown, L. Duy- ton, Snydnni, P. Fay, J. Conroy. J. Fin land. J. Blnnchnrd, I). Jefferson. T. Cavan augh. A. Wood, J. N. Champion, R. Golt, I. Cohen.G. Sibley. i», Muckleroy, f. Carl ton, A Buckman, J. Adams, P. Gritlin, $:i each. Third Company—D. Auld, J. Ross, J. Ward, J. House, J. H. Burroughs. B. Sni der, M. A. Starr, P. Hughs, W. Morrison, J. Dominion, J3 each. Fourth Company.—J. Wyatt, N., Mason, Man pas, C. Lamb. T. Thompkins, L* Clark, G. Hall, Rolf, ^3 each. E. S. Jenney, p- The above fines must be paid to John F. Lloyd. Esq. Pay-Master, on or before the 20th inst.—after which executions will it* Feb 14 68u VJ. -lates lYfti.k o\es, H70R SALE at L* LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jnn 20 Printing Paper. ^ REAMS of good quality Inipniis) 'Uw Printing Papal, for sale at curt ami charges for caali. Apply at this Office, dec 27