Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 22, 1825, Image 4
•4 0 &£!!£& Sheriff*’s Sales. On the fist Tuesday in JWarch near*, W ILL be s Id »t the Court House, in th city of Savannah, between (lie hours o ten and four o'clock, The following 5 negroes, v z : Peter and his vtife Sarah, their children Var\, Tvro, hi d Perc ha, levied on *s the property of J*m« *• B ibo, to satisfy an execution in favor of the, Drerto a and Company of the Ha'kofthcU Stales. All that lot of ground known and designa ted ns garden lot No- thirty-nine (391 and also that adjoining half part of another, known as lot N ». forty-two (42) containing, together, eight <nd a hdf acres', ho the same more or less, situate to the east of the city of Savan nah, and hounded to the northwest of lot N*. twent) si* ( ’6) to the south and east by lauds bel niging to the estate of Uumptoii L liihiidge, and t" the west by the public m ,d leading to Skidawuy Island, ulureon u brick yard is now estabhdi d and known b* the name of Falun's brick > ard, t ge he" with all and singular the improvement m d appui* tenanc^s thereunto belonging; levied as t*:e property of Jacob F h t , u ; 'er a rule abs - lute, from the M n the Superior Coutt <1 Chilli on County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland and bus in h.s w ife. •'lie eastern half lot and improvement', known in the plan of the City of S.iVhinudi, . N<>. five (5) in Oglethorpe ward, bcundi • •u'h by klargHi’t-.'*street, east b» lot No lour (4) and north by a lane levied o;i an the property of George L Cope, under a H t; on at'" e-Insure of a mortgage in fuvoi' of John llover. Ai t. n tract of lard known by tie n*n•- Of Tweed S'.ie, containing (346) acres, 264 •t'fc’i high Is': 1 *, third quality 9 82 acres low land fi tq a tv, oir d *d on the north b; SavA fiuli nv.-r—lev’-.d • u ider fi fa in In Vor o ; i iion D i-mi u i « if., complainants •gainst Tli »mas N Morel, and others, lien s «i John Morel, dec. Bni.diigson part of hi No. thirty one (31) L'bcitt w*rd. in Hie city of Savannah, bounu- ed ’ oriti on Y '-rk-stroet, sou-h by a iane, and West by other part of said lot—levied on a- the property of Wm. Muhew, dec. to satisfy •n execution from u justices coui t, in favor • Tht.mpson & B-mney, against vtm. Mahtn, Security for K. Swift. ISAA ; D’LYON, SCO. Jan 31 56 Sheriff’s hales. On theJirst Tuesday in April next, LL D • /old at the Court Hoii^e in the V/# -»t of Savannah, between the hours of ten u d t‘*ur o’clock . he to, owing seven ncg*ot s, via : Davis, kf iv, P ie c , Dublin, Heck, Trc* hina am O ar, wtb the mcr< ate f h lev e. cm under * fi fa on a forecloxu. •* of a mortgage is the pi petty of Joseph C’arru'hers to satis fy •Ik* Bt .* »t‘ t» e Sta ■ oi Guo*gi-i Also, t efollow ni* 18 n* grocs, viz : Peter, CL r -sa, D*v d Z h, Berger, Cat s Antho ny, B t«y. Mi .. Uinai’j Jack, Jim, Aggy, H -, iessiah, u.i gvM, Lucy ana Adam w t i the .c iihp the femah s, levied on un- d r , fi " , o • a f irecjnsiire of a « ortgage as tie ?«»,*.: yo ; Wm. «; Wayne, (o satisfy the B*n ; . :f the State of G ■ ^la , h ‘ d' wm,- 5 grp a, viz: C. ff , (P.O'■■per, H< net, nil', d »r. it'e, Jh Say. ‘Jh'.l iit , Li ss.Pie.cesja ?n*« c i.U, M dg * iu.t Peggy, Wi l am. E.s/ . B.ib'V. Ph bp PhvM's (•! Combo, J.*. . y, ol P.«, B itu , J P.ul >S Sandy, M.iria / C’, • a,'* k, : ■ phi*, Daplu-eamt cb'd J it ch y a.i«l.i *is.t with the imreate ofth in e ''v..*! on as the property ol Nc • h • r *'.v» .* ;:i r afifa on a loredosurt oi am ig.gei/. f-vour of J hi >latn«*li I »i. h .1 J m s <tc l mry f >r use of Cl is inna Level*. Ms», a »• g'o imn uhtt d > on levied on a. the »ropcrt> of C.S.^r'es K. F un under fi fa. Om a loreclosure of a morig tge in favor i* James Anderson. A:< , ihe following 19 negroea, viz \hru- liH-m Harry, *' ‘ , Loanee, D mcl. Aaron, Sd'nh'), L‘ S.: »o, LI -try «u. U.h*el, Lon- d mi, Aggy, Siif-M, Grace, F/'za George, Bo de, < .1 fbn, w h ‘ increase of ll»* females, lev ml n hs the p»*>p<*riy oi F« Aku d . i.n .e- a fi fa. on a foreciosuit* of » mort g ;. l.-vor •** Wm D-V" 1 f*■ as ign i & o M d ’*’L >»• YO 4 #V. ( <iic. i vS On the fat Jus ,<y r* Minch next, . nssolu a* :li .'*urt-'.louse be.wee-n V# • n -u-s of i0 and 4 o'cLick, l c follow ng i»* n gi >cs, Hi.n iah, Isaac, Lo do.i, William. Fete’, and Uniinsh. Itvici o'- und ' a fi fi on for'H sure from Jnli H ' i - « , tin! s* «t\ h’ H vt»k. F u negroes B»! y, t-a. s Will and J ny lcvi rt *t ui u-- •. a •. u. on forecl*. sure /.r ! o'Mtgiig. ff.m i. -layden, to J remt* ah hr’er. A q «it»* of :I„tin and K 'choji Fur- pit u e 1 on ii ;-I*.*" i fa ■ -t forc'd -Mire o* m gage, firo.n Lj> : z- v Barly tt. Amos Sctuid 1 r. 1 D LYON, V. C C i r *1 30 I ity lie.ill's ulcs- On the first Tuesday in March next, rF‘fi*.:,L t.o soti ... front of the Cour'- \«Wr louse, in the cit ol Savan • h between th su •! i.mirs often «nd three o*clock, A ih . bui' li c>" t t, t* eas ero half o; lot N; 5 iiv»* St G -lh O.;lcthropo ward, levie J on ' :, e property of B'ias B. llohprta to y ,t is.y „■• "v^cution in fi.vor of the Ce ; m:.n Lu therm Ch'iicti, vs- F.lius E Hobcrts- U .e negro woman named Maria, ai d lu r child Doll, levied on as the pioperty < f It hi Charlton, dec. t<» satisfy an execution Iron the Cou i of Common Picas, and Oyer am*. T.-rmi'-.r f > r the City of Savamah, Salnu IS \ il ,:ms. F.i’Z i Charlton adm nislratrix o Ji m jrt Charlton, dec. A 1. DM YON, t S. t .. °n tfi blicriii b Attics. O N the first Saturday, after the first 'I'ue: d ,y in March, will be sold «t ’he »s get .i ;us!. in tha town of St. Marys, b-twe the .'i -i -s of ten and kur u’cI jck, u ueg- bo, ii-'i ned M tea, levie I on hh the prupe; oi Co • ius it,in, to .lalisly an execution o fore < s it ol a . ..ttyg - m favor of J !- fji.ev i r. M Ii if UIIAltl), S, C C Si !^rV ; Jantt^ry I, 10 5» i 37 'I ar, in It sin ^)'c. JUST KECEIl Eu, cj>r\ iini-.fl i Ait £vj hi < <i i’ii. ii 10 do lto-in 5 do loiL'Iit Vurnish for sul • hy A. BASSETT, No. I, Mungiii'sIScw-Jluildinj;. Feb 4 Sheriff ’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in March next, Y^'LI be Hold u\ the Court-House, be v/J 'ween the usual hour* o ten and four CI'M k, Eighty negro slaves, viz. Nelson, Rschel, c nm, Mo'U'S, Him les, Millev, HhiimhIi, Harry, Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules, llrabny, John, I)will Nancy,, Philip, Ju ly, John, Mar- •y, Eve, Piiilipj Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tcnah, Molly, Henry. Ben, Venus, Cain, Cum bn, (.'tfis, Fhira, Nelly, llanimh, Simon, Lnkey, Paddy, Jenny,Brutus,Cinda, Beck, Fsnuv, '«e, Hosier, July, Pf ebq, Jack, B'IIh, Funny, J»»ek, Itcb'.Tt, Isaac, Pompey, ('* ar, Caty, Willoughby, Fortune, HaclH, Phillis, li cit- ard, Mine", Jane, London, Davy, Ishnmel, Lizzy, Suzy George,G'ace, Cndj», Catv, Be 1, sy, SampioA, B/lly, Molly and Abraham, to- ■;ether with the future issue and increase of the families, levied on under q fi fa o f reclosme of a mo. tgage, f;om George I. f *pe, in Lyor of Peter Mitchell, John, and Hubert Mitdiell 1. l)M YON, .S' C C. d -' 31 il Hie ill ’rt .do Continued On the first Tuesday in March next, '^fOli.ljue Su.u t‘r Lou't-iunise mi Ii. city of Sava tiah, between the hi.ura ot u and four o clock, Eighteen negroes, v-g.—Charlotte, Usrr»- 8 . Kve, Tenali, Titus, S.inlm, N.-ro, Belrud t)<«rcus w IsaitCj Hess, Sinpio, Carlos, Clo*», Pi}, gv Anne, B tty, and Monday, leviul . n !«• i-" s nt, as \he pronely of N Cl. H t ;ei foul in ler a fi fa. on » foreclosure of u mortgage, n favor of the Bio k of Dt*i«n. ISAAC 1 PLY ON. .V C. C. Feb 1| fifi Administraloi’s Sale, On the Jirst Tuesday in April next, [ V\ ILL sell a', the Court-H u e in J fl’ • son Camden County, between the u n*l hours of aaL, Harrv, Ned, an 1 h.'s wife Turner, and h. our children, Daniel, J-'enhen John and Y e •k h property of die F.-t.u- of Ge pt Moriivm, deceased, for the benefit ot th creditors and heir? of Si’.l rs'.nte, pUi-.-iiant »c erve granted t>j 'heC ot'tof Ordinary of s%id County. GKOBGE MORKK.ON, Admin'str itor, with the ' ill annexed, of Georr * M »r? :*on, Sen. d*c ased, MV rsf 24‘h Jim. 1825. Feb 9 5* Marshal’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in March, \^^ILL be soid before tli; Court Houpc, the city of Savannah, between th .i >urs of 10 and ? nM »ck h 8- TWO LOT . Nos 27 and 28, lack s«n Ward, and improverne* is thereon, levie*’ on as the property of J tin H. L'orel, to satis fy the balance decreed to be due on a dis'res warrstu, issuing from the Treasury Depart ment of the United States, ag first A. S. Bui uch, John Ii. Morel, a d D i 'ul Lc'mmv JO IN H MOltw.L. klurshal Din. G 'o. T-n 21 47 dministrator s ! ! ale. L i>r ill..* ti .u t-D. use in $ . Vhtinat', on the fit St Tuesday in M re, between th-’ hours often and two o*c|v. .Mv CHEST OF CARPENTEB’S 'TOOLS •i UMJItY PATTERNS FOB CASTINGS he p rnonal estate of John Clark, deceased Terms oi sale cash. KEN! Y M’ALPIN, A m u rator of J. Clark* Js" 14 4 Administrutor's : n e. 11•' • o - d ti;e first I uesday i m *t .red n.*»t at 'ii Court H use m the ci y of 3avannufi, wmi hours j;/C'r.ifibed law, TWEN ( V EIG. T SH aUKS OK 'LANTEUS’ BANK SIO K. belonging ’* lie eu at ■ of Con t.nt Fr* em- Esq fieoeft'i -d* Sold for the benefit of th heirs a' cred tors of said ert l«* Term" «f :*slc ru*: • JAUES HUM LB, Adm'r. .tan 14 4°, . in upeuing for i nterpnzc! S 00 \a\wu\)\e li'lT a , Situated an the principal streets in Lower JInmlnrtf,(improved und unimproved,) W ILL be sold to the higlu st bidder, on 'Tuesday, the 18th January next, in the Town of 1 Limburg, S. (J.—One hull'of the purchase money, cash ; the other half, to bear an interest of seven per rent, per annum—the interest to be paid annually.— My individual Notea, und the Notes of the following Banks, vi*/.. Th ,j Bank of Ham burg, Bank of the United States, the sever al Banks of this State, und the Bank of Au gusta, will he taken ill payment. The pur chasers of unimproved lots will he required to improve thereon. The sale will eontin no from day to day, until the whole is dis posed of; when the t‘*rms of sale are com plied with, iudisputnldeTilh s will he made. HENKY SHULTZ. Hamburg, Nov. 21. Sale Continued. T HE t-ule of the above Lots has been postponed until 'Tuesday, the 22d of h'uhruary next, on which day the sale will re-n>mni* nee. Tin? Charleston Mercury, the Charleston Courier. Southern Patriot, City Gazette, Columbia Telescope, S’oiith-Curoliim lie- puhliean, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta Clironii lo, the Constitutionalist, Savannah Republican anti Georgian, will publish tin’ above once a week lor three weeks, and forward their accounts to me for payment. 11ENBY SHULTZ. January 20 Jan 3-J 50| p r|lllAT outlie second Saturday in March •% WM Sheriff ’s Sales. sold, it the Mirkci-Hmse, i* 'he Town of S'. Murys, on the fi . atUMLy »fter th** first Tuesday of Mu i next, between the Imura often and fuuro’c One negro miin nsmed Cato, levied on the prof erty of Joseph lluiu, to satisfy an ex ecu*ion in favor of Belton A. Copy. Also, One undivided third of t/iree negro slaves, o wit : .Sophy, J center, sod Sand-, levied on as the property of Jane O’Neal, l - s.tofy an execution in f«vor ot it Brunet, by lu- Guardian. A s", One tract of land on Crooked Hirer, uontoining 150 *cres, bounded nur.h by va« <*ant iai d, east hy A J Pratt's land, south bv Crooked Uivcr and marshes, west by E,Shear man, the greater part of said tract is under eultivatioo—one p fir Card T.ibles, one r ail* fir -, logs, shovel and twi gs, ore clock, ha’f a d 'z m (adver) Table-spoons, lev! d on ss th. property of Aliram Pratt* to satisfy an exvcu*- uon in favor of B A. Copp. M (f HE'JBMlD, S.C C. St* WTVS, Jan. 9 1835. Fe 2 58 Attachment Sale, On the first Tuesday in March next, r .\WL.L be s .d at ’lie Court- louse, b*» \Xr tween the k(.u.s ol ten ami tour o'c|>« i wo negro sb.v s - anted Sampson and Ao- ••(»•*, attached as lie p operty <-f Wil'iain E. Furgu on, and soid by ord -if Court I l.*l VON V , fun 30 I. b'LY'JN, S C. C, 5fi Adm n st ator’s: ale W ILL be soid on tho first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-Huiirj in the city of Savannah, hy p rmission of the Honorable the Justices of t!ie Inferior Court of Chatham county, One undivided fourth of a tract of land, containing about live hundred acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden County,known as Piuni Orchard, and an undivided fourth of a certain trai t of land situat' d on said Island, containing about five hundred acres, originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln- tosh. and bounded on the south by tho said Plum Orchard Tract. Also, n tract called Lottery Hill, situate on th j Ogocchco Hoad, three miles from Savannah, containing about six hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said estate. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. 8. Bayard. Feb 2 5Httf Georgia—Camden County. Sui’khioh Court, October Term, lff-M. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selves ter Bryant. N petition o r Trn.'hy Hopkins, slating that in consideiatiun « f certain prom : ss*iryj noteSj made to the said Timothy, hi them, one povablc with intccst, from fir-' J Junua-y, 1821, on th** fi st oi January 1822: v. second payable as aforegai , on the F.i- <-. January, 1825; and a th'rd payable as afi-r - ;igid, on the first of January, 18.'4. executed a mortgage to said t'i noti.y Hopkins, h»s hei and assigns, an all these four tracs of *• .»d, vtuated in ilie county aforesaid, conveyed . 'he laid Ti nothy, to the said f.angley ai.c Vflvcster, and lying on the smith side o. Gr- st ^stills River, one tract containing sev euty-sevenlaert-s, more or less; two tracts containing fit' y acres, more or less, ard on* ther tract, containing one hundred ant*, eigh- iy^eight acres, mure or less, conditioned to he payment of the three said several r, '"*ie. *m the days above mentioned, and thut «>.n* i veral notes remain unpan*—»n motion ol Archibald C urk, attorney f»r plaint* 1 ', it ii ordered, that th suid Langley a -ri Silvester, thi-ir heirs or assigns pay into (Jour,, wiiliin waive uutiubs from t!.o date, T... sum? d** l( . •»n *iui(t notes, and th** inlcres ami cos s, olh •rwiae that the equity of redemption he to*- *erforeclosed, and that su-'h ,*'.‘:*T proceed ys ’ake place, as arc pursuant to'.aw. Tiue tx rc-.i from th** min xes, 271 b O^'o* her, 184'4. JOHN B.MuEY, Clerk. nov 4 87 V -- if Camion So peri >r Court. IIUNUY II lRFORI). j vr 4lT , r „ VSt 1 { Verdict march Term, Thomas Kino. ^ l«>(M. N motion of the Attorney of the Plain- till', in the above case, it is ordered ’i*tit the defendant do shew cause, on or be fore the first day of the next term, why a filial judgment should not be cntcicd in the above case, ns of March Term, 1808 ; and that publication he made of this rule, once a month, for four months, in one of the Gazettes of this District, or that a »opy he served on the defendant, sixty da/* be fore the next term. ExtractJ'rum the Minutes, JoIIN BAILEY, Clerk, dec 23 2/ifii State of Ceoigm. By El'jah Baker, Clerk if the Court if Or- dinaru. for Liberty County. M BS. L. IZ vi.R . II Vi AL l nLuit, ap .)lics lor l iters of a'hninistrHtion on r. -. state mid * ft' otn of Thomas G Webb, a n>*xt of km: These are therefore, t - citi sad admonish, all and singular the tied e mu! credo ors of the said decea-ed, tofi! ihcr P)-ctions if any thev hive, in my » fti ze *,t iic. b »r »u<h, on or befon the fiisl M »n »• i.i March nest, t»therwise Biters of admin s- THt*on will be granted to the stud nppheant. Given under my b ml and seal, this tenth day ot January, in the the j ear of oir Lord eighteen hundred a d wntv five. (L.S.) E* BAKER, C. C O.Js.C. Ihii 14 41 Gi orgiu—Camden County. next, at tin: late residence of John Bryan, doe. all the persona) property of the aforesaid deceased, will be offered for sale, to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the heirs, consisting of Cattle, lings, BImitation Tools, Household und Kitchen Furniture, together with sundry other articles. Terms made known on the day of sale. SOL. BRYAN, ) ISAAC BRYAN, / Executors. JACOB BRYAN, > Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1825. Ju.ii 28 5-T.f 30 A: 1. WHOM IT RAY t O F. N TWUEHEAS Belton A Copj*, E q pile* •Js# to the Cou't el Ordinary of raid s-on ly, for Letters of Administrate';) on the Mat of Joseph Hixby, Ir.te ol stfid emiu y, dec : .s ed : These are, therefore, to cite and a 'mon ish, all and siniMilar, ’he heirs a* d c editor- oi siid deceased, tii fife, their ol jt* ti • a, it an\ they have, in my office, un or ;,t' c the li st Monday in MarchncM, o hew. e ieUcis will be g' anted the applicutt. Witness the II mornhle William Gil'son, one of the Justices of snid Court, this twentv-stceii i dav «f Jamiir*. 18?5. JOHN BAII.FY, C. C (), V C. ,T«n2 7 51 , nst .run nox >tu\cs, |.'U1( SALE by r % N. Ii. WEED No. 6, Gibbons’ Rmge. Georgia—Bryan County. Ity Jushuu Sin th. Citric of the Court of Urdin- n y of'he County uforcsi ul, T> ALL vV.'OM IT MAY » 0.4CERN. ■ ^ ^UBU^-AS vVilliam Moor, ot the County JyJ ofB-illoch, applii s for L ti th of Ad .iiimrntion « n the estate and effects of Shiu- Buron, formerly of Liberty County, dec : .* sc are therefore to cite and admonish mI l ttinguHr the kii d- ed and creditors of °ai(i dicense, t. fi • their objections (i- any they have) in mv «tfi :•, on oi the firs' Mon day in March next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be gi anted the applicant* Giv ii under my hand and private seal. ( here being no seal of ffi c) tiiis third day of February, one Umusand eight Ii". dred aim twenty five. [L.S] JOSHUA SMITH, C O.C. F •: 8 63'. f Notice. T HE undersigned having been appoint ed by his Honor tho Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for the purpose of settling the accounts of the lute firm of Nosier &. Griggs, of tSaviiuuuli, they having made a surrender of all their estate, both real and personal, for the bene fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice to all persons indebted to suid concern, that they must pay or liquidate their accounts, within THIRTY DAYS from this date, alter which time those unsettled will wi: li mit. discrimination, he put in suit. All per sons having demands against said concern, are required forthwith to present their claims, in order that the trust muy be set tled as enrlv os possible. JOHN \V. LONG,) * . M. 1IEUBKHT, < Asf, ? nnca ' F''b 4 60fit Nolice. A LL persons having demands against, the estate of Oliver Sturgrs, E.-q. late of tl.e city of Savannah, deceased, are request ed to baud them in, properly attested, and those indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to YVM. P. HUNTER, Adm’r. Feb 10 f; M f J. ohinn’s Panacea. 1 >HK subscriD. r -avingUi:, overed th com . posii-.n otS HAIM'S CELEB HAT til) TAJSACEA, has now a supply on hand lot sale t he has reduced tfiep ice from JftJ 5U, U. ^2 50, or by the dozen %24. All charitable institutions in th*» U. States And the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities am: towns, will appoint an agent to order am 1 distribute this medicine to the poor, it will bt supplied. Tins medicine is celebrated for th** cu r e *>• (he following diseases:— 1 '*scrofu'a n: king' ‘vilj ulcerated *»r putnd sore tliKut l.,r, Warding rheumatic ufl'ection-i. rutin*-DUP white swelling ml d'S -ise o -h .- c«.» nid all cases generally of th iilccrout c i*o**n»: ter, and chronic dise..scs, geuerady a 3 •? debilitated constit'ffi s bu’ more especiMJ- f*o ’ syphilis or affectio-.h arising thirefr -* 'deer- »n the loryisx^ nodeH, 6'c. and Un. dreadful disease orousio. eii by a |o-*g a::- em.ssive use of mercury, life.- It is als use tul in the dis .hsc of the liver*" CeTli&cttlfta. 1 have within the lust tw*> years had an op •or'unity of seeing scverxl cures of very inve r< *rate uicers, winch having previously resist ed tils regular modes if treatment Wcr •lealcd by the use of Mr. -Swrim’s Panavea, .nd 1 do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove a-i irnportini remedy in scro fulous, venereal and mercu'ir I diseases. N. CHAPMAN. M. D. Piofeasor oft l -e Institutes and praetter of Physic, in the University ol Penn sylvsnia I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swain' numerous .usunces, within lb* I. s' tbret • co’Sj and have always found it -. M.-omd'- •'^hcso’.ous, esnecialL 11 seo-onda^y s\p:iil . uid mercuri.*.| diseases. I iiavc 110 hesuatio •i pronouncing it a m»* lie *»F '•n** ti ’.able vnl'K'.* W. GIBSON, M U Professor of Surgery in the U • ' > o1 Penn Philadelphia. Fcbtuar 17, 1823. JOUN SHINN, Chemist. Philude'phin A'ov 7 1823. I \ KQl ITY. Bvt'U'e n I,ou s Leconte, and .’ohn Lecwt*, f'or.i pin- aunts, u d P. ter L amt John Thsoiu C'ldp'iui'i, — - Heyno ds und Valeria his I * if:, 1) ftiulanls Li.ety Superior Coin fl'IlK Complainant* having filed their bill in i. this Cturt, the obj r.t of whi 'h ia to p r- fj(*t"Hle the test-mo »y > t certain pep.t'-.ns there* in named, an ! it appearing lliat -he Del nd- o-i»s resptciivcly reside beyond ;be li.*v ; fs of t*»e state of G orgia, and witlnn t*’«- U died Stans : Il is ordered, that service upon the said Deftndnn's be t fleced by pubii s i -n in one et the M -z-ttcs o Savauniih, veq ii i-g •'he said Defendants to appear und ar.sw, r h 8*’d ''’ill of Complainants, on or the • It-veut!' d e. o April next. A true cofy B- B/ K V B, Clerk. February 10, 18^5. Fe-» 7 Inforuiftium Wanted A NY information from, or relative to Mr. Fkkdkiiick Lowk, Printer, a native of Manchester, England, and who, when last heard from, resided nt Moniiccllo, Jasper county, Georgia, where it was understood he had married a young woman of the name ot V* Iiilo, address*'! to Robert (’. Loive, to the rare of tho editor of the Charleston Courier, will he thankfully received. ILj The editors of papers in the State of Georgia, and in the Western country, will confer an obligation upon an anxious mo ther, by giving the above one or two in sertions in their papers. jail 22 49 L oking’-lilasses. | UST received, per schooner Retrieve, un cleguut assortment of Mantle and Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri cos, by J. B. HERBERT &, CO. dec 18 nov 24 Spanish Scgars. 33) ( Spani,ih S,, s ,irs - Just received per Globe, and for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. ' dec 4 It Webster’s spcl ing Books, ECEIVED and for sale bv Jan 13 J\: B. WEED IN EQUITY. Thomas Cuminintf mid others, Complainants and H illiam Wallace and others Defendants Chatham Superior Court, January Term 132* I T appearing to the Court, by the » ffida vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wal- ace and Sarah his wife, Mary Uiay, Ann Clay, Eliza Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William Cia> Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay. Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who arc par ties defendants in the above case, reside beyond the limits of the state of Georgia, “ltd within the United States, and thut James Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign puHs, beyond the limits of the United Stales. On motion of complainants’solicitors, it is order ed that the said defendants, first named, do respectively appear and answer the complain* lots’ bili, witlun four months from the date of 'his rule, and the said James Clay, within nine months. And it is further ordered, that tins rule b*r published once u week, during nine months, in one of the public G.igvttes of this H'ate, A true copy from the minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, may 11 4>‘t'i« in EQUITY. tie.'Aoven W Davits .idmuhlmtne, Complain unt. a'd John i a-norhiin Administrator, d- b iitis non with the wi t annexed 01 Gleor re Hic/uirdson, and others, D jendants In lyin'y Ch alum Superior Court- Chancery, • U./r A gust, *824. I t appenri. g that John Murray Carnochan, o ie of the l efvtulttnts in the said bill of n .mod, reside? without ihe statu of ii-'i gis, in tnat pprt if the United Kingdoms Grt*'.t Hritni- h*.u Ir?dar. l, called S.vitlanil: it i« ordered that the s-. d John Murray Car- nochxn, do » pp* ai *«t-d nnswei* to (lu: com- ^lainaitPs 8Hid bill witnn nine m"nt"S from r he due of this order, otherwise that tin •'ted hdlj .is hh :n, betaken pro caid< ss> .« »"d i 1 is fu p tber < idt:r«*d,that « copy of this •nkT be I'libt.shr d once a week, in one o» h«: puhhc G .zcites of this stute, until *h** ex piration of the lime within which the sai l de fendant is required to appear and answer: s aforraaid. iiiiucop) frf*m the Mil utes, Bits 2ist -iii) August 1834. A. B.FANNIN. Cicrh:. -»•-•••' M- p.+ Notice IS HERESY GIVEN, •T HAT three months after date, applies- f tion will be made to the Bank of the tefitf! of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicate ol stock, for one lost, issued on the IRh March.1819, in favor of John M’Kinne.Jim. or Uventy-live shares, and numbered 243. B. M’KINNE, Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jim. Augusta, Dec. Id, 1824. dec ! 8 21fnf Notice. VTI 'IE montns alter date, 1 shall apply *0 • nI tile Court of Ouffr.gry of Camden roun- ' Vj tor lewve to sell the »e d estate o* J- ;u it Y'U.'g, hue of said court v . ler^*a«« d, foi tie • cfi1 of the heirs of artid deev.i-s *d JESSE CR VWFORD, A 'miriist rator estate of John D. Yoie g f P ‘Xi NOTICE. N IVF. months alter dult, application wl! b. made lo tin- ll'm.tlu J-:Ugi 8ot the Coo- . • Or .inarv **| Cha hum cr uoty. fi»r leave t s..l the real (state of the late William Onig. • t-caa-* 1, for the benefit of the heirs ai dcred 1'. .ra of said udaie. JOHN M'NISH, Executor n.~» *2 N olice. VTlNE months jfter d..te, 1 shall apply tc .v the Coori of Oiditiart of Camden conn y, for leave lose!! a lot offand, lying m Mon- rue county, in the tenth district <k pi-.ei ninety-one, belonging 1* 1 too o jdians of Lev: Johns, dec. for >1 -.aid orphans. JOilN F.EE. Guardian. t. n vr »n no i t:. N iN l ) MON . Wa af >; the <1>ite hereof, ■ p- }»i:cstion will be in id*, to tin* H- n*' .bt th l-ferior Court of Clwthain county, - h fi''ting or ordinary \ ip •,...*-e«, fur h ave P. 1> =« lot, tli improvem^n’s, situs o -n»hf c.:y of Savai md», in Hit v.i/' county.r' know* in the pla 1 of said cm t>, * h No. 53, B'ev.i Wuid, for toe benefit of >he he’os and ’og-itees of the estate cl the late Hugh M’tlalJ, dt ceased. THOM VS M'CALL, PHILIP BRASH4, Executors. oct f 4 v*’ Notice. \TINE MONTHS after the dale of this ‘ ’t notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell n part, of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for tiu* benefit of the heirs and creditors of suid deceased. JOHN YV. STAGY, Administrator. dor 19 \>i iSOtiCC. \ LL person: hsvmg dc.;nai-ds agnins! t e estate of t-onsiam FreemMi, Esq late ol ‘i e city of Was'ungtDn, deceased, u e re q .ired to hand them in, IciuJIy attested vithin the time prescrib d b\ law: and tlios . indebted to said e-| ie, aie ri quecd lo msk 'inmediaio payment to JAUE5 HUNTER, Adm’r. •Tsn 14 4 . l Notice. HOSE who have any demands ajjainst the late Matthias Sehlosser, late of Chathum County, deceased, are requested T to render ill their demands, properly at tested ; and those indebted to said deceas ed, to make immediate payment, to C1IAIU.ES RAl'P, Uimlifled Executor. J"n '■*’ -I3i.f Hide Whips. I'- ll>de Whips, received and for sale hy JV’. /}. WEED. dee 13 12 Pi »t Bread HALF UHLS. Inclis’ Pilot Bread, just received and li,r sale hy J. 11. HERBERT it CO. dec 29 Carron Castings, D3>3 PulJ -c ,)S ( ' ,,rro " r "«- Ws * “Ik'S, tor sale lmv, h v dec 13 “• - -- i*-. B. VVEEi). SCOTT’S BIBLE, STMIKOTYrK Kill HO*. V tv Ol’OS ,\ ft : tape I- 1)A 1KLDAAV. Hy SAMVEL T. AUMSTH'kXG \), 50. Crruhi'l H s on for publishing S ’() /"/’j FA ‘HL V HI It I. E iituituiung id! At* Mur. gtiial Hefe r cnc s to be t o p isvd in JY VOLUMES HUVALOCTAVO und ti bedahed with a likeness of ihe Author' VERMS. I t sh dl be well printed, on good paper, ar.-i be comp isrd in six handsome v. In . | t w II contain ih» Scriptures of the 0 d .-,4 Mi w Testaments, X " Introductory Ohs rva om Explanatory A otes, an : P’ uaic d Otnenwam! n • all tiie onp*. in Mur-inn. Hefeienas, ing printed word tor a or.I the l. j. Stereotype E lit : on, published ince the Ait* lior’s duceiie The price wili be 9,4], :il board-1 g24,insbeep, gJO, m calfbi:,i*..^ The \\h i 1 • work will be ready for di.iiv.*;, bv Ma> ,1825, ' \ Ex rads of Letters addressed to the Pub is ere, I esteem Dr ScmtV F .m ly Bible, ein.ii-ntly calculate ! to promote Hie cause of truth und piety. It seems scatcely possible for one to .-eat) daily tho Notes and Observations .n the Family Bible without becoming a w= rr»l tetter man. EDWARD 1) GRIFFIN. ' I have seen no comm .-ntary of t.tu Sarrcil ^cripuiug which I think so w-.U adaptcib general use und edification. K is a »; cu-u:c which cveri famuly ought lo possess. A Hirow I', is a work distinguished for she slu.-.r.m. tv siul convenif n*;e of its arrangi-ment, the cl L-rr.ess ami fi !slity of its espuhitums, die i-eatprss and nerspicu ty of ita style, the be* icvoh nee and candour of its spin 1 , tLe con* cisetiess and pcitinency of its upplisati* ns, oid for its uii'lorm t nd ucy to pro r-oie t vso* ;e'icai truth and piety. ARIEL RtJLMES. Of Dr. Scott's Fi oily liable, 1 ic* i I'n.e in yuy, in my e-tiimalion 11 deserv. dip r» ss a nowg our iblest «*n*i be s' Oourri nh i»*i. THOM \ S HA I IJtV’N. Dr. Scott’s Fan.;Ij II b.e ii.l-mlui. ■ .re .*9. p^cially for I* c. use of <jhnsiit:n 'iin.iltcs.i^s - high y ev..ngctical, extensive.y m&iMie* .-vc, toil deeply i- it'rrsting. Daniel c. sanders. Tho character of Dr. Ssoti^ Coinmc.tary •n th- Bible is so genera if, k town, and fo ghlv q-pw-v.-u h-aangsl th. in ;l t .:J pious Chr-8t;a».*fc throngUr.w o ir co.n.t-y, *n i bus Passed rapidly through so many lu ,*e * ifttions, that 1 deem further recuinmcnua* ions needless* J MORSE. I am acq iuinted with no Conimciitsry on At Sacred fc iptuies, whiih I would r e •'.ord:rtiiv rccomnu.i.u tor general ujc. tha jdan of the work isiroud JOSHUA BATES. Perhaps in no way, can ministers, «ict -s >f youth, aitd private Ob’ ihtibus, do^r •orv'cc to society, than bv exerting t!> n. selves to diss; miuste this t uL :■Je wo*k. JOSHUA HUN 1V«I0‘ f oiotvof 10 Uom.TientA y wnid) 1- (v ’fpy ncuLtrd toi (Jiffu3>.ig correct viev.s of dia grt at -.rurl s c;f Christianity, a: d Ic.«« up mlu. :u v imp. -hs-.oi,8 on th uund when rising w < n the pci u<al of it, than the o»it you ure, bom to pub.ibli. DYN1FXSHARPR. No writer r. ems less /i sp'-se»J to c-We-jd for barren spcr.ula'i >ns. None mwu n't • m. ly or more pow: f.jily incu’catesthe y.o.w e j. •entials of religion. The spirit which |» r- dv-» the work is cxcefft n-; .» is the nir.-k, tftecionare, healing, yet faithlul spirit • if vhe From psrticula’ cxtmiuati *n, sn.l <;oiicur- " 8g t> s'inn n , itie"* is no d :ub( oc my iritid : Scoti's Family Biblr >c sup., ri-i-v to all ■hera JO ;; P.I EI-LV/tSON. Y >u will pleas* to sc d no six cnpiei n{ °c.’tt*s Bib’** ; 1 refer \o your la’.el,' proposed dff'on A*r»* haps I .hall induce live more 10 the a-me number. H- L. I< is 11*.th extreme pleasure I perceive *oc are idjcut to publish a new eli ion MC(.f*h Bo-If. Having been in puss-ssion if tmorctl tt .‘Oymrr, I trug I know s-tt.i*- long f .*« viwue, nnit a n dctu* mil e.‘ to p'o. :v«v.e i scjrul id >:» among my friends Y -a 'vi*- please forward ^i** copies us aooy .-s •> t j. *’'•••• n.M I h-ive obtainod four sub -cribers f.»? t’-e cxet 1‘in work you art* public .;• g if, <*. 1 propose to ukc seven sets of Soof’s ili- hie, and will be accountable lhr the su; .« J <!. I have obtained s bsc. ib.yrsforniiii c* ;.i t»t Scot'.*:. F mil’. U ble. j .. 1 shall probably need eight or ten s *, 1 Scott'-Family Bible, .1, Rcv.S. S. oi F. has 0’ tained ten s -ti* btTs. k. u. I have* bservod that yon are about ; u bing ano'bcr edi'inn of Scon's 1) nl • ope you inny suiCi-e . as you h^ve d »>• mc*r edition,'.. J '• aye been end •locure hiioscriber? amo* g nor p. euor more subscribers will be ob'«{ D. 3 If. 1 I will tfke ten sets (of Scott's BY?) I bound and lettered j. F- 1 iiave obUui ed ten sr.bic-bers for y 'it f- " iti..n of the F etvly Bible—and p:iv<* 1 I uiit hut h . u in.; “Ve do: in B lc,*vv>> I .1 unt hut h-'pf Ii|t:« t'‘R s.nii.*.mr g tike i'-d § * ••pies old in this pbior*:f vnu *•»(! .m >^.nt ■ ri—I thought ti e w.*rk ouj-ln to I) -n* « gtit tie work ouf-h •muraged jo d for hat reason took h s.jb^ci'Y *on paper It is a u o«*b that every foaly •bould have that is able to ptnrhsse. E R'ft. 1 un glsd, »hfit y’tt propose to piitit W' -cou’s excellent Fundy Comnifn:«*iy, \ siMiuld be very glad if it were in my power to | ve u more liberal patronage to the work, . than, un circumstances arc, I can laL'i ! 'inwever, he able to do something ; eight rt ten se's I shall rertainiy take; and it m»;\ be, 1 tl mbit' that number. A. 3. I 1 have procured fifteen subsenh-rs w f Scott'«Bible. j >,I). I iliink 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or ni’ ri he Family Bible. E. U 1 have circulated proposals for S*-olt'a B’blc ,* how m-it.*y have keen engaged in sljl ** *nnot u II / but between 20 and 30 set.** ifl li s vicinity. J. S- 1 have concluded to become responsible •.-*> you for thniy sets of Scott'* Com nciiHT' C P. I h&vr proc : "ed 106 sub r criberi to tb* R'ble; 6 s»*ts to be bound in ci!f; 3 sets 3 be done in boards the other 97 >eis, hv»u* d siid lettered as described in ihe pr-;sp'-rius- II. H* 1 presume I could procure 500 subsen- ers for your edition of Scon’s Bible 1®* demai.d is increasing for them. Th' v finally supersede every other -arge or Fa| n, ‘I Hible. F.tty 01 my subscribers live within » circle . f 8 miles ! J L Just published an editi in of the samk wo« s * completed in fix volumes, wicout nia r fr | ' , ‘ references/ pric** in boar.s j^ld; in ^5'; j^21 ,• in raif $27. Eitto r of “’ ltl . •my b.* had of Mi- pub'irli r in Bo«to,i; ° r ° 3. (J. 81 J SCHENCK. Savannah. O ^Vav-Riug Vivus\\es, P a superior quality, jiint r.wivoilIi* .- ... 1... uli(j. KVEK«U-' for sale by Itov 20