Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 23, 1825, Image 3
BTVCO auA MLMCIN’E P F, MYSSINNR, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased t |,c establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Deturocluk opposite the Exchange, where lie oilers tor sale at low prices, a large assortment of Ym\\ Uvaga, Me,AkVues, vvuvY V!\\c u ^cala, AMONU WHICH AUK THE EOLLOWISO I Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Cupivi, do Peru, do Kola Camphor, C’nntlinriilcs, Ciiuinmon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery. Gum Assnfurtida Aloes. Gum Arabic, Gutn Copal Cum Guiaeum. Cum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia. Manna.Chamomile Flowers Sulohur, Henna. Nutmegs Nu\ Vomica, Oxydol Bizmnth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves 1), Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecocunnhn. .Tnlnp Rhubarb. Saltpetre, Salt ofTnrtar Glauber, Epsom mill Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic. Sniris ofTurpentine THE SUBSCRIBERS CONTINUE THE COMMISSION HUSINKSS IN LIV ERPOOL, UNDER TIIE FIRM OF UjVAU, LOW & 00. 4 NI) will at all times make lihoral ad vances on produce consigned to them for sale. Having ships regularly in the Liverpool trade, and owning a convenient wharf, on which there uro roomyfire-proof shires, cot ton will be received and forwarded in their own vessels, or those to their address, free of any commission. Orders for merchandize, will he executed and only a commission charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of British Dry Goons, ib just rficeivnd, being bought with money and selected by one of the partners, they will be furnished as low as by any regular Importing House in the United States^ and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. o rt 2 78 Taints He's nuA in Oil. White. Red and Black Lead Vinssion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp l»lu<‘U, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. varm m mi m — 5h tmuvvy. Pomatum, Antique Oil. Macassar Oil B* ftt English Shaving Soup Eau de Cologne, Lavender \\ at n r Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments mid Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan ‘<20 47 liosheu Butter, &c. J UST received per ship Corsair 10 kegs first quality Goshen Batter 5 bbls Hams 10 half bbls Fly market Beef k) half chests touching Tea In Store, 100 boxes bunch Muscatel Raisins 30 bids Prime Pork ‘JO do Mess do 7;> do mess and prime Beef 50 do Pilot and Navy Bread Together with a general assortment ol’ Groceries and Ship rhandlnrv, for sale, bv BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD. Anci&ux’s Wharf. fob 12 67 and Fflvmth days of each month during the year. The ships composing the line, are JHst sailers, well found mid commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for $ I 40 each, for which they nrofurniflli- cd with beds, beddditig, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception nnd forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freightat Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agents, New York. net 14 72 v S. C. (iRKENii, Off) rs fit Half, f HOGSHEADS and 20 Bbls. Whiskey U 1(1 Barrel.. Currant Wine 8", Barrels Nuw-Englaiid Hum 30 Barrels Northern Gin 15 Barrels Silverier Ale 3 Casks Plantation lines 10 Barrels Hickory Nuts 5« Barrels No. 1, 2 urn!3, Macknrcl 3 Half Hexes No. Ill, Cettuu Cards 3 Bales Bleached Sheetings 50 Barrels nnd half barrels Flour 50 Barrels Patatues Feb III T-’PlI ( olfee, £$c. | (Ari BAGS Prime Green Coffee X v/vf 10 1 lunkheads Jamaica Rum 6 Pipes Holland Gin 5 do Cognac Brandy 15 Bags Black Pepper 15 Kegs Tobacco 50 Barrels Whiskey 10 Hogsheads St. Croix Sugar Bor sale by B. W. DELAMATER. Fch If. 721, Cider, Porter, Wine, c c. O X BOXES first quality Cider 4m J ft Cask.*? do do * London Porter 30 IL-xes Claret Wine 10 do Madeira do 120 Boxus Bunch Raisins 10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds For sale wholesale and retail by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, AnciauxV: Wharf. Feh If. Comae brandy. f* PIPES “ SeigncttrV? Brand, 1 * just re ceivcd per Louisa Matilda, for sale by .1. B. HERBERTS CO. IN STORK, 50 Tierces new Rice 1(» Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrels Gin 50 Crati s Croijkery 20 Kegs Butter 50 Barrels Maeknrcl, No. 3 20 Cases Port Wine 10 (.’asks Oil Jan 12 Kliare Moulds, P ik, Gin, iS - c C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan* • ding from ship Corsair 4 tons Share Moulds In Store, 56 barrels Northern Gin 10 do Mess Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel 100 k»^gs White Lead 22 kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown 10 barrels Whiting feh 12 67 Castings. TONS carron castings, just receiv ed from Greenock, via. Charleston, : cou.-'isting of the following assortment, viz.: 2600 pots from J to 30 gallons 200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches 50 set fiat metal weights, from 1 oz. to 4 lbs. 120 London skillets, from 1 to fi quarts 13on camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches 130 unt inned tea kettles, from one to 5 quarts For sale* by P. M’DEIIMOTT. . !•,*. }• fflmiya'jTDSh $‘jos,a-io u>. A MOUNT of prize money in 1 CANAL LOTTERY, 15th Cli i A MOUNT of prize money in UNION A LINE OF PACKETS has hern csta- CANAL LOTTERY, 15th Clam,New Wished between New-York ami Havre, f' uri ™< winch wil boi distributed to a.lven 1° leave both ports regularly, on the First tl|r ers on the Itmtb of March next, in sums 30,000, 10,000, 5.000 5,000, 20 of 1000, 30 of 500, 52 Of 100. 104 of 50, Sec. &c. New is the time to secure a chance and save a dollar, as on Monday next, Tickets advnnce to Eight Dollars.— Orders received till then at &7 at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Feb 19 For New-York, (ESTABLISHED LINE.) The fast Railing ship EMPEROR, J. II. Bennett, Matter, Will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having superior ac- oninmodufinns, apply to Capt. B. on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & IIOYT. Feh 14 JNew-Vork, The fast sailing ship C O M E T, George Moore, J)faster, meet with despatch, for freight or passage, having excellent accom modations, apply to Capt. Moore, or to C. C. GRISWOLD, fob 12 6“ tor Havana, The fast sailing, coppered and copper fastened armed schr. FELIX, Captain Ross, Will be despatched for the above port with out delay. For freight or passage, having comfortable accommodations for six or sev en passengers, apply to Captain Ross, on board, at Bolton’s Wharf, or to flip under signed. JOHN M’NISH. Feb 22 75u For St. Johns, The good schooner REPORTER, W. E. Broun, Master, £ Will sail on Saturday next. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on hoard, at Telfair’s Wharf, or to GIFFORD & BONNY* Feh 22 75ii ror -ale, freight or Charter A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five '*** tons, a first-rate sailor, and in com- * plot.o order for any voyage. For further particulars, apply to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN * WOOD. doc 24 Savannah and Angu ta Line of Slaves, Molasses. 1 O A HOGSHEADS MOLASSES, hind- Ow ing at .Mniigiu’s Wiinrf, from luig Hope, from Martinique, and for sale hv L. PE TTY. Feh 19 73p 75 Hands ( in, T UST Received by ship Corsair, and for O s>ale by J.B. HERBERT & CO. fVb t? H7 ixoshni > utter. Laid J UST other late arrivals 12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality 25 kegs leaf Lard 8 bids Butter Crackers 20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat nnd Rye Flour 10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use For sale by * A. BASSETT No. 1. Mongin’s New Building? feh 12 67 In consequence of the accident to the steam-boat, the Suvan- ntifiiuvLuvi ,. ,, ,« i u null and Augusta Line KECR1Y Ml by ship Curs.ur, and „ fSt#pPK< y | ed from Pnrysburgli to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Bolton’s Central I Wharf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, at half-past j six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the i passengers to that place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 32 l&tVv Drawing Rectiv'ed, or GRAND STATti I OTTERY, NO. III. R ECEIVE I) anil ready for examination. Frizes drawn— No. 0183, : 1000 11009,1*2814, 500 3010, 10056, ::::::: 100 105,::::::::: 50 191 prizes of :::::: 10 Tim drawing is very favorable to adven turers mid no time should he lost in secur ing chances, which can now he hud at TWELVE DOLLARS, but will soon ad vance. The Grand Capitals Sim* - 840,000 < - 20,000 • 10,000 - 5,000 arc yet undrawn, and offer a great induce ment to those who wish to court the fuvors of Fortune ! Apply and leave yourorders at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. Fi'b 19 NEW-YORK StateLiterature Lottery, CLASS IV. aXTO BE DRJ IKY O.Y THE SIXTH OFAPRILA'EXT, AMD BE CON CLUDED IN ONE DBA ICING. Corn Oinn BUSHELS CORN, afloat, for; I U'U salSEy HALL & HOYT. * Feb 3 j Share Msulds,Steel and Paint. 4 C. C. GRISWOLD, offers for sale, ToNS Share Moulds 1 I’on Stpwl 100 Kegs White Load 22 do Black Paint ft do Spanish Brown 10 Rarrolj Whiting Fob >o MLS. kS EDITORS: A liFiPORT having been put in circula tion, (no doubt for the purpose* of in juring me) that I had declined the practice of physic, I take the liberty, through the Itvdimn of your press, to declare the same a falsehood, and that I am at all times ready to nit. nd to any call made on me in town or from the country. ' MOSES SHEET ALL. Feb 22 76 l Flour, Whiskey, Pork b Laid; Landing from schooner Felix, , BARRELS New-Orleans Flour,, ♦.JVfvr oft,he most approved brands and warranted equal to any that ever comes to this market. 71 Barrels Whiskey 50 do Pork 30 lvogs Lard For sale by J. B. HERBERT &, CO. Feh 16 Just Received, B Y the brig Frances and ship Milton, from Philadelphia, 20 Hogsheads > Philadelphia Rye 200 Barrels \ Whiskey. 100 Barrels first and second quality Loaf Sugar 50 Bags Green Coffee 3 Tons Shut ass’d Fur sale by P. M’DERMOTT. Jan ft IVUctong. FEW dozen of Dnv &, Martin’s Genu- . ine Blacking, for sale bv P. E. BRASSINNE, Druggist, opposite the Exchange. Jnn JO Gin, 'teel ltd Puint \ (’. GRISWOLD, oilers for safe, '. 66 Barrels Northern Gin 1 Ton Steel 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 8 do Verdigiis ft do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting Fch 11 j Fresh Tens. Hums, Flour, c 4> A CHESTS Hyson Teas Jm\J 33 Kegs No. 1. 'Tobacco 1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per shin Savnnniih. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for sale, by • J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 Notu e. T !IF» subscribers to the Savannah Aux- i inly Society, for ameliorating the condition of the Jews, are requested to pay their Bubscrinfions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW, Ser’ry. Feb 22 75 Negroes IVanted. A NY person having for sale a gang of twelve or fifteen negroes, accustomed to the field, may hear of ;l purchaser by ap plying lo c. KELSEY &. CO. Fch 19 731. Feather Beds. J EST received by the William Wallace, a large supply of the above articles, with Bolsters and Pillows to match, war- runted to be of the best nun lily. . I. W. MORRELL. Fan 27 Bacon. on fion l>0UNr>s prime ba- CON, consisting of hums, middlings and shoulders, of small sizes, just received and for sale by Fch 17 J. B. HERBERT &. CO. Printing Paper. mvr State and County Tuxes tor 1824. T HE subscriber is now prepared to re ceive the Elate and County Taxes of Chatham County, for the year 1821, which are to be paid in hills receiveabU* at the Banks in this eitv, or specie, on or before the ELEVENTH OF MARCH NEXT; after that day, executions will be issued against all defaulters. His office is kept ot the north-west cor ner of Market-Square. Office hours from ten to two o’clock. JAMES EPPINGER, Tax Collector of Chatham County, for 1824. Fob t> G l|1 Printing Paper, for sale at cost and I^CCC'VCF I UX HctllTIlS OfllCC. charges for cash. Apply at this Office. i Til HE subscriber is now ready to receive dec 27 | JL the Returns of Taxable Property, for — ■ —- 1 this county. His office is in James Morri- Notice is VifeTfchj Given, ■ nicoImC 9 ’ Buil<ling ’ ailjoinin » ’ 1ohn c - ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. rpIlAT niiiuty dnya allur dutu, applioa- A tiun will bo madu to the Steam-Boat I Company of Georgia, to iaaue a new cer- tideate of stock, for one destroyed, dated gtltli October, 1019, for two shares, and, 1 numbered 130. Savannah 10th Feh. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb U 06 Feb 11 66|| I N this scheme the amount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing manner:— 2 Prizes of 810.000 5.000 ■ 8,082 1,000 • 500 200 100 and a large number of smaller denomina tion. and chances for a short time only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ex pense, by W. ROBERTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for persons in this city, No. 25,313, combination 54,22,30, £1000 2,810. 8,28,29, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jan 26 8 I 17 20 41 51 T O obtain a chance for the GRAND CAPT1TALS in the Splendid Penn sylvania Union Canal Lottery, to draw on The Ninth tf next Month. The Prizes in this Lottery, are deter mined in the same manner as the pro ceding class, which has afforded fi( li uni versal satisfaction. It is under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M’IN TYRE, and will be drawn under the super- inteudance of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, i9 In the following splendid prizes:— SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,000 is §30,000 1 - - - 10,000 - - 10,000 2 - - - 5,000 - - to.iioo 2 — — — 2,128 - - 4,256 20 - - - 1,000 - - 20,000 30 - - - 500 - - 15,000 52 - - - 100 - 6,200 104 - - - 50 - - 5 200 1300 - - - 16 - - 20,800 10608 - - - 8 - - 04,804 12120 Prizes, §205,320 22100 Blanks, 34220 Tickets. PRICE OF TICKETS, flj* Order? arc received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, by W. UGRYi&TSON, whoHC orders in the proceeding class pro duced a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25.313, combination 54, 22, 30, jjlOOO. * t * Prize tickets paid or received os cash Feb 21 Socket Spafles. CASK Socket Spades, just received and for sale by N. B. WEED. I Jan 4 | Whiskey. mins, and 50 barrels whiskey, landing and for snh- hv dec 27 HALL % HOYT. BY CALVIN BAKER, FRIDAY, 25th inst. At half-past X o’clock, will he sold at the house occupied by Joseph Kupmaii, smith side of Jnhnston’s-Square, all his HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, consisting of one elegant Sideboard, one Sofa, two superb Brussels Carpets, Entry do. two Stair do. Dining, Breakfast und Card Tables, Look ing-Glasses, Curlo.d Maple and Fancy Chairs, Rich Cut-Glass Decanters, Wines and Tumblers, Field and Maliogauy Bed steads, Feather Beds and Bedding, Mat- trasses, Curtains, Window Blinds, Wash- Stands, one China Tea and Table Set, Ta ble and Desert Knives and Forks, Plated Candlesticks, Andirons, Shovels and Tongs, Sic. &n. together with a great variety of KITCHEN FURNITURE. Feb 16 mi;:® EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH NEXT, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the Cnurt-House, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson, Old Grace, Young Grace, Kink and Jenny, belonging to the estate of David Johnson, dec. und sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, bv order of the Executor. ALSO, JJgjA The half-Lot No. 9, Second mFJTjfflf Tything, Reynold’s Ward, with f ^ ie ^^dingythereon,consisting •q£=9BL of a dwelling house, bake house &c; Also, one Negro Woman, about 20 years of age, with her child 6 weeks old. fob 12 Terms cash. Extract from the Fire Ordi nance. XLV—SECTION 10. 1 71 VERY house within tho limits and ju- li risdiction of this city, occupied and tenanted, shall be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owners of said premises, to the number of at least the number of fire places in the same, including such as are in the out-buildings, and such buckets shall be equal in goodness and size, to those procur ed for the use of the city, and painted, on which shttN be painted in visible characters the nuines of the owners of said buckets: and in case the owner of any house or tene ment shall refuse or neglect to have the said buckets supplied, agreeable to this or dinance, it shall, and may be lawful for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of his rent. XLVI—SECTION 11. The owner of every improved wharf, shall furnish twenty buckets for the building or buildings on such wharf, and deliver them to Managers and Assistants of Engines, on or before the second meeting of Council in July next, and the receipt ol* any Manager or Assistant, for said buckets, shall be deem ed a full compliance with this section, by the owner for the number of buckets men tioned in said receipt, and the owner of ev ery store in the city, that has no fire place or places attached to the same, shall fur nish two fire buckets for every store of such kind : and under such regulations us other landlords are by this ordinance required to do. The above sections of the fire ordinance will in future be more vigorously enforced. SOL. COHEN, C. C. Prutcm. Fob 10 65 ut J. B. HERBERT & GO. THIS DAY, 23d inst. Will be sold before our Store, at XI o’clk. to close a consignment,50 Kegs CHELMS FORD POWDER.—Terms cash. Feb 23 TIIE HERMITAGE STEAM. SAW-MILE, AND Cast Iron Foundry. 1THIE subscriber respectfully informs his ■ft friends and the public, that the above establishments are now in full operation. Planks ami scantling, suitable for ship ping, can be furnished of the best quality, and of any size, to immediate order. He has also on hand, a few fine Cypress Logs, upwards of thirty feet in length, which he will saw into such sizes as may be required. At the Cast Iron Foundry, work of every description, in that line, will be executed in a style equal to that of any other factory in the United States, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of Brick, which he will supply in any quantity, to or der. The quality of the article is already well known. HE NR Y JPALPIN ID" All orders left at. the store of Low & Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov9 91 V. ’ \aifcs Rank .N tiles, F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 i altimoie Whiskey IIHDS. Baltimore Whiskey, just re- 1 cciveil and for sale hv Feb 17 ABNER BASSETT. Bunch Muscatel haisins. J UST received per ship Wni. l’enn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD. Feb 3 Aiiciaux’s Wharf. TO PRINT Kit 7. A RAM AGE PRINTING PRESS,enm- plete nnd in good order, sufficient to work an imperial form, will be sold at a low price, if applied for immediately at the of fice of the Georgian. Jnn 9 No. 1 Tobacco, Gin. &e en KEGS “ HOBSON’S’’BRAND J” 2 pipes Holland Gin 7 “ Brandy 2 hlids high 5th proof Jamaica Rum Received per Corsair. For sale hv J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 15 BY J. B. ULKttXiaT & CO. THIS DAY, 23d lust. Will lie sold before our store, ut XI o’clk. a general assorlmuni of GROCERIES, &.c. Also, 25 Bags COFFEE, 5000 lbs B ACON, consisting of Hams, Midliuga and Shoulders.—Terms cash. Feb 22 PRIME RETAILING MOLASSES, SU GAR, coffee, & honey. BY J. B. HERBERT & CO. Will be sold on Hall 6i Hoyt’s Wharf, ail THURSDAY, the 24th inst. laiiuing from schr. Mugnolio, 94 hlids. -2i tierce* Prime Retailii g Molasses—24 !, * Sugar, 20 bags Prime Green Coti'ee—4, , L„n- ey. Terms at time of sale. Saie at 11 o’clock. Feb 23 EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY J. 3. HERBERT St OO On the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT, Will be sold before the Court-House, in I he city of Savannah, the following negro slaves, viz—Kit. Deliali, Patty, Andrew, Old Rose, Sancho, Mary, Peter, Sam bo, Ellen, Tom, Peggy, July Nancy, Phaibc, Agnes, Sam, Cato, Fortune, Crnsar, pnly- dore, Chance, John, Dick, France, Molly, Dinah, Hannah, Patience, Emma, Patience, Cupid, Monsa, Cane, Adam, Price, Walioy, Dinah, Morris, Robert, Prince, Nancy, old Flora, William, and Maria, 45 in number, among which are 27 prime field hands Sold by order of the Justices of the Inferior Court, for the benefit of the creditors of Thomas Melrose. J. WALLACE, J „ , H. M’ALPIN, < ore ’ M. MELROSE, Ex’nx. Feb It ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY X B. HERBERT St OO. On FRIDAY, I8th March, Will be sold at the Marble Yard in Start street, next to Dr. Habersham, at 11 o’clock; a quantity of Marble Slabs, Brown Stoned and Stone-Cutter’s ’Pools, together v.ilij tile Building on said Lot, being the personal estate of W illiaut Masterton, deceased, and ‘"hi by order of the administratrix, Termi cash. Feb 21 Oranges. J UST received, 1500 SWEET ORAM GES, for sale by A. BASSETT, Fob 21 Mongol’s Now Buildings. JN once. T HE co-partnership existing heretofore in this city, under the firm of WWUftm IngVis & i'o. was dissolved on the 14th inst. by mutual consent. Persons having demands are re quested to present them for settlement, those indebted to close their accounts as early as possible, with Jamf.h Indus, who is fully authorized to settle the affairs of Un concern. signed WILLIAM INGLIS, JOHN INGLIS, JAMES INGLIS, Feb 17 711, Co-Partnership, T IIR subscribers have formed a partner ship under the firm of James IngWs & To. who offer for sale, a general assortment of BRITISH, FRENCH, INDIA AND DO MESTIC DRY-CiOODS, at reasonable prices for Cash or approved paper. JAMES INGLIS, JOHN INGIS. Feb 17 71l Notice. CLERK’S OFFICE, Feb. 18, 1825, P ROPOSALS will be received at t Clerk’s Ofiice, for keeping the pub pumps, wells and cisterns in good order, one year. Proposals will be received : twenty days. M. MYERS, C. C. Feb 19 73 Notice. A BUNDLE was put on board the sloop Cynthia, at this port, for Beaufort, du ring the lust summer, without any direc tion, where it yet remains. The owner may recover it by applying on board, and paying for this advertisement. Feb IP 73* brand State Lottery of MARYLAND. TWELFTH nil Y'S DRAWINFI, N O. 004, i • * * i | ! i <$500 2654, 7377, P kk) 1475, 10447,17697,: : : : : 50 Nearly three-quarters of this Lottery is completed, and the splendid prizes of $ 40,000—20.000—lOOCO—5,000, &c. die. remain to he drawn. Orders for tickets re* ceivcd at §12. Halves 0—Quarters 3, for a few days longer, by W.ROBERTSON. Feb 14 Crocker). ifpiIE subscribers continue to file ordorp ** for Crockery, of any description, on advantageous terms Persons wishing to order for the spring, would do well to hand In their orders, as early as the month of January. J. B. HERBERT & CO. nov 26 SwainTs Panacea. * FRESH SUPPLY of this celehra 4 Medicine, just received per ship Glc and for sale by GEO. R VERSON dec 4