Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 23, 1825, Image 4

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    m W
ji 0
Sheriff’s Sales.
On thefi'H Tuesday inMaixh next,
WILLH. a *H at Hie Court House, m •'
f f city if Si» lah, between the hour*
ten and f**ur «/chu>.,
The f fflowi 5 netf-ocs, v'z : Peter and
Ms wife Sarar, their cl» W' n Marv, Tvro, ai d
Perodb, levied o.i *s il»•; property of
B ibo, to Sitol'y an eiciiifum in favor of the
Presided, Direotots und Company of the
Ba ilc f w U States.
Al! that lot of ground known and designs-
ted as »: irden lot No- thirty-nine (39) and also
that ad pining half part of another, known aft
lot N*». forty-two (4*^) containing, together,
eight md a hnlf acres be the iunie more or
less, situate to the east of the city of Savan
nah, and bounded to the northwest of lot No.
twenty til (26) to the south and east by
lands bel mgiiig to the estate of Hampton
L IlibiUge, an 1 to the west by the public
fo d leading to Skidaway Island, whereon a
brick vard is now estabinhed and kt-uwn by
tin* name of Falun's brekyard, together with
til and singular tl e imp ovement and appur
tenances thereunto b< longing; levied on as the
f in»per‘y of Jacob F bn, under a rule absc-
ute, from the H*»n the Superior Court ct
Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland
ind Sus-n Ins wife.
All tba. tract of land known by tie ntm*
oFTwted Side containing (3 *6) acies, 264
acres high land, third quality, Hi acres low
H IK £ A
Sheriff’s Sale.
O/i the first Tuesday in March next,
| ^tU be Hold <t the Court-House, bn
iJ tween the usual hours o fe»* and four
Eighty negro slaves, viz. Nelson, Ruche),
Sam, Morris, Chailes, Millev, Hannah, llarry,
Flora, Anna, Sam, Silvy, Hercules. Hraboy,
lohn, David Nancy,, Philip, Judy, John, Har-
y, Eve, Philip, Anna, Lucy, Monday, Tenth,
Molly, Henry. Hen, Venus, Cain, Cumb«,
,'elia, Flora, Nell*, llunnah, Minor. Lukey.
'addy, Jenny, Bruins,CindR, Beck, Fumy, T o«-,
lister, July,' Phebe, .lark, Lidia, Fanny,
.u*k, Robert. Is me, Pompey, C*<ar, Caty,
Willoughby, Fortune, Hi»ch<l, Phillis, R-c.i-
,rd, Mine*', Jane, I.omlon, Dnvv, Islimad,
Vzzy, Suzy George, Grace, Cudj.i, Caty, Bet*
ay, Sampson, B’lly, Molly and Ahr hnn, to*
gather with the future issue and increase of
he families, levied on under a fi f<. o-
rcclosureof amo tgage, from George I..
ope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, Join.
M’Nish, and Robert Mitchell.
I. D'LYON, S. C C.
ded 31 :ii
land fi st q- ality
n d d on the north, bj
Savannah river—lev id »n under a fi fa in fu
for o! Simon D-mal 1 and wifi, complainants,
•gautat Th mms N Morel, and others, heirs of
John Morel, dec.
Bundngson part of let No. thirty one (31)
Liberty w »r 1, in the city of Savannah, bouu.i-
ed norto on Y )rk-street, sou.h by a lane, and
west by oilier part of said lot—levied on a*-
the property of Wm. M.hew, dec. to satisfy
to elocution horn » justices cou't, in favor ^ t
Tho npson & Bonncy, against Wm. Maht* ,
Security for E. Swift*
Jsn 31 56
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
'LL o Mild at die Court House in the
city of .iavAnnah, between the hours Oi
ten a d four o'c»-)Ck.
t he tollowing seven negroes, viz : Davis,
Maria, Patience, Dublin, Beck, Trephina an*
Oscar, with the increase «f the females lev ed
on under a fi fa o t a foreclosure of a mnrtgag
as the properly of Joseph Oarru hers to satis
fy the B* ik of the Stat'* of Gcoigia.
Also, he fr Bowing 35 i gro s, viz: C ft’ •
(Cooper, Hi net, A tty, oid Cmrtme. «lu<-k
S*y. Chiil tte, Pendaw, Bess, PrccjSM and
child, B dget and Peggy, Wiliam, E'sev,
B ll- y. P" tip Phyllis, ol i t'un.ho, Jen: y. old
Peggi B utus, Jess-', Brutoa, Sandy, Mar,a,
Cyn a, Dick, fob) .S /phis, Daphne and chnd
Jacon, -:k y ai.d John,with the increase
of he fernn’.e*, tv'.ed on as the prope-ty of
Nc > a* ig**r, under afifa onafoieclo^ti
ol a in 'g^gc in fivour jI John Cavnahun and
J.imes Mc.ienry fir use of Chris iuna Levcu
Also, a * gro m-m named S-’rn levied on a
the property of Char es E Flin, under fi 1h
on a t'orec i >sure of a murtguge in lay or o
Ja nes Anderson.
Also, the tollowing 19 negroes, v : z4br/.
bsm, Harry / Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaror.
Sambo L'.cy, Scipio, Mar *n. Raphael, Lon
do », Aggy, Simon, Grice, Eliza G- mgv, lb
dyj hi d fini, Wi’.h the increase of tlie females
lev edun aa the property ol Fi .mmuig Ak"
dee. tin !e r % fi fa. on a foreciosu'c of h mori
g : • in »*v. r <d Wm D>zon h Co* assignees
of M 1 • >J»L ! -d* 1. 0* YO s. <: c
t 5^
Sheriff’s Sales.
Hie itt”s Stic Continued.
On the first Tuesday in March next,
'VWllJ, ue ai lot* oun-llouKe- u* -h'
\/# city of S.iva mah, between the hours o
i. and four o’clock,
Eighteen nep-roes, viz.—Charlotte, BacciiH
Eve, Tenah, Titus, Sambo, N. ro, Belimb
Dorctis, Isnac^ Boss, Sippio, Caring, (!hi®, P. j.
•ft, Anne, B tty, and Monday, lev' d n b
s -nt, r - the pmnerty of N G- Rutherto ci
n.ier a fi fa. on i forecloMirt; of r murtcagt
n favor of the Bn: k ofl)i*: f, u.
FrS 11 66
Administraloi’s Sale,
On the first Tuesday in April mxt.
I VC 1 Liu soil a; die xiourt-H.use ,u J ll’.-i-
son Can County, between the usutl
ivurs of »*!-,
Han*', Ned, and his wife Tamer, and b^
‘our rhd.lrcn, Daniel, Itepbcn, John ard Y-
•ok. lr property of the Estate of C : e g
tSort-isi'Q, do'mMsed, for the benefit *»i th-
rreditovs anti heirs ol sa d *'s':'te, purmoid u
ei*vc* granted by ‘he Court of OrJinur. of side'
Jounty. GEORGE MOPI*l r -ON,
Admin’str -tnr, with the M*i;i annexed, id
George Moms'Mt, S* n. deceased.
Vfr*rson, 24 l - . Jan. 1825.
F4 2 58
ILL he sold, *t the Market-H vise,
the lown of 8’.. Maryp, on th • h
‘ aturdiy after tho first Tuesday of M>»
nett, between the hours often and fur o'i
One negro named Cato, levied m
the property of Joseph Ruin, t» satisfy an ex
ecu'ion in favor of Belton A. C«*pp.
Also, One undivided third of three negro
slaves, o wit: t Sophy, J center, ard Sard/,
levied on as the property of Jane O'Neal, tr
satisfy an execu*ion in favor ol R Brunet, by
hi Guardian.
A so, One tract of land on Crook' d River,
containing 150 <cre», bounded nor h by v<.
•ant lai d, east by A J Pratt's la d, south bv
Crooked River and maishes, west by E.SIu*ar
man, the greater part of said tract is under
n il'ivutiou—one p ir Card Tables, one tmir
fir * h'gsy vhovel and tongs, one rlock, half a
d z n (silver) 1 able spoons, levi. d unasthe
property of Abrsni Prat*, tusstiafy an execu*
ion in f»v«/r of B A. Oopp.
St* M rvs, J;ip, 9. 1825,
Y- • 2 58
Altuchiutnt Sale,
On the first Tuesday in March next,
\VWl"L he s*;d s( the C »urt • o-iae, br
Tttf tween the hcu.s often and four o cl .
1 wo neg»*o shiv i *iamed Smrps • •• d a
>er, attached **8 he p Oj.ertv V* ! !i»im E.
Vergu.-oo, anti soid i»v n:d f,
I. D'LYDN, H. C. C.
lar "0 56
Adm n st at:-v s '■ ale
W iu, he sold on the first Ttiesdny in
April next, ut tlie Cuurt-lIouKe in
the city of Suvnnimh, by perinissiou of the
Georgia—Bryan County.
Ity Joshua Sm'h Cleric of the Court of Or din-
a> y of die County nforeai id,
^lfFMER v AS William Moor, of the Cnun'y
of Bullorh, applies f »r Letters of Ad
jiiatrstion cn ‘he estate and effects of 8 *m
' Buron, formerly of Liberty County, dec :
se are therefore 'o cite and admonish »1
.1 singiihr the ki* dred and creditors of stti'l
d^CHse, t< fi their objections (i. any the>
h*ve) in my < ftion or before the firs' Moi *
day in M irth next, otherwise letters of kd*
ministration will he granted the applicant
Given under my hand and private seal,
(there being no seal of < fti ;i*) this third
d ty of February, one thousand eight
hu d»ed snu twenty five.
Fh 8 63
N otice.
T lllb’i undorsignod having boon nppoint-
. od by his Honor the Judge of the
('curl of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for
tho purpose of aettling the accounts of the
late firm of Nosier & Griggs, of Savannah,
they having made ti surrender of all their
estate, both real and personal, for the bene
fit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
to all persons indebted to said concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their accounts,
witliin THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which tine* those unsettled will with
out discrimination, he put in suit. All per
sons having demands against said concern,
lire required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trust rnay be set
tled as early as pi'.-sihle.
JOHN W. LONG,) . .
M. IIKIUIURT, < Assignees.
Feb 4 fiOfu
On the. fi si Tuesday in March,
WILL be sol i before th
r* the citv **f 3*vamuo
Cfwrt House,
between Ui
l uirsof 10 and 2 *•'• lock
* h aa i’WO LOT* 3 . Nos 27 and 28, Ja' V
i n Wwrd, and improvements thereon, leve '
m as the property of J i,?» H. Morel, to sat *
v tUe ba'aece decreed to b» due on r
vsrr-int, issuing from the Treasury Depart
m ill of the Unf ed St«tt?s. ‘gsiostA.S. Bui
•ch, John H. Morel, a d D vid Lei •» •
Ma, sit'd 1)1 Goo.
T o. 21 47
Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham rounly,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland Island, Camden County,known
ns Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated on said
Island, containing about five hundred acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan MMn-
tosli, and bounded on* the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract call d Lottery Hill, situate
on tli ' Ogceeliee Road, three mile.; from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Feb 2 58af
Administrators .ale.
•rfWil L l>e sob; hi Hit ;» irUloiS- in S:
W/ va.inali, on the* fi*si finr-day in M r
no il ales.
On the first iu suy in March next,
( s-d i a', .he Court-..eusc between
:>? 1. u.*s of 10 and 4 o'clock,
I v- unii.wmg mx n- grots, H n* ai, Iia».
L O'.’ o , William, Pete», and Hunnub, levied
on und «• a fi* ft. on for eclosure from J h
*. u »t u r lO the Planters' Bank.
F lie negroei, Billy, Mos. s Will ami Jen
ny *evi».j on tru er a fi. a on forccluaire
of a m c tgage fi\.m 11. Hayden, to Jurem.*
ah Cir ler.
Aq v.r.ity of Household and K :c’.en For-
n’tu e *evi d on unoe’ati fa • .oruclosuie
ol h m» 'g-qjc, irom Elct-zc? L.*ily to AiWiB
,j n 3 32
fiiSt I’ue
lit, between thr h urs often cud two n'rlk.
he p rsonal c«*'it/ f J vit Clark, deceahed
l'erms ot sale css'*.
Adm ui li'.' o* of J. ('lark*
T *n 14 42
/ dininiistrator's Ua e.
•.JL'lL? e . cl *>n Re first Tuesday ii
u H* rco ne*t. at 'he Court-Hi use in th*
c : y ot Savannah, withh he hturs niereribf
LANIERS' BANK 3'tO* K. belonging to
h * es at*: of Coii'itant Frcr*n<-:i, Enq deceas
p 8old fr>. the benefit of the heirs and
reditors of said estate Term of >ale crs’.
,»ar ‘4 42
Litv's .lies-
On t/u first Tuesday in March next,
.L be in fr-m of »lie Court-
ouse, in the ciiy ol Savannah, between
th* su.*! hours o r teu and tlin e o'clock,
A he bud li- irs on the c> ern half o* lo'
No 5 ive S' G O ylt-th.-opa war \ lc vie
o i as the ;> *» . r. ot y ihs E. Roberts to .‘■at-
is v r.n c * utioi! i't fivor -»f the Ge mm Lu-
thevan Jh i cli, vs. Elius E Roberts*
0:,e n *g r .# worn**ii named Maris, and her
child Dud, levied o.. as the propelty ofUohl
Ch it it «> i, due. to sstiify an exe cut ion from
the Court of Common Pleus, und Oyer umi
Teimm» r f*»r tlie City of Savurnuh, Salma
Manton vs. Eizi Charlton adm nistratrix o:
Robert Oluriton, dec.
5U0 COT ^,
Situated an the principal stru ts in /.ower
Ilaml'uru\(iinprnvtd and unimprueed.)
W ILL ho sold to the highest bidder, on
Tuesday, tho 18th January next, in
the Town of Hamburg, S. (_'.—One half of
the purchase money, cash ; the other hnlf,
to bear an interest of seven per cent, per
niium—the interest to he paid annually.—
My individual Notes, and the Notes of the
Mowing Banks, viz. The Bank of Ham
burg, Bank of the United States, the sever
al Banks of this State, and the Bank of Au
gusta, will he taken iu payment. The per-
hasors of unimproved lots will he required
to improve thereon. The sale will contin
ue from day to day, until the whole is dis
posed of; when the terms of sale are com-
>lh*d with, indisputable'Titles will he nmdt*.
Hamburg. Nov. ‘24.
biicinl s •’rales.
ii. saiuri'.ty, »fter the first Tues-
da.i in March, will be sold at ‘he Mur.-
ko' .mine, in Ilia town of St. Marys, between
the hours of ten soil feu.- o'clock, a neffm
boy named M ses, levied on »# the proper!'
ol Cornelius Main, to sstisly an execution oc
foreciusute of a ir.ortKoge in favor of .loin
Chevalier. VI H* HKIIHAltD, <S. C. C.
St- Marys, Janu.ry 1 , IB 5*
t B 17
Tar,; itch, li* sin <^c.
£l\J III do Pitch
10 do Korin
fr do briijht Vnrnish
For sale by A. I1AS.SF.TT,
No. t, Mongin’s Neiv-ituildiiio.
Fell t
t’eiidcrs ai’d Cast-Iron
Chimney Backs,
ECEIVBU per ship Omnir, ttnd for
sale by WEED
d ■ '7 ‘-’7
,t. i roix ' u^urs.
. f. flOtiSIIEADSol'St. Croix Sugars
J.O of very prime tpiuliiy, lauding from
kchuoncr Nancy, and for sale by
Jan 20
An [). mug for enterpnze
Gam - iu—Canid n County
SciT.JuoR Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy U< plans, vs. Langley and Set aster
N p t n n V.m ihy Hopkins, stating in cor*»it'«,inion cf certsin prom
ss ry| n°tc8, mu'e to the said Timntuy, l
‘.I'.rim. .■ ne (>>'. able v ith intccs*, fron fir*
i Janna v, 1 .82l, op the fPst of Jami.• r 3 1 8?..’
a second payable os athresai , on the f :V
I nuary, 1823; and a th’rd payable as af-ir#
■u d, on th*' fi:s‘ <4*January* 18 '4 exe uted. a
•r ottgsge to sa : d'C|,* ( ,ot'.y Hrpki: s h*« hei
mid assigns, all those fun- tr.ic's of Ur.d.
*-tuftled i*' 'he county aferoraid, conveyed •,
the said T; nothy, to the suid f.anf-1'y ar»c
^elvester, ami lying on the south side »v
Great Satilla River, oi.e tract rontaioing sev
•ty*sever.jseres, more or less/ two ♦•■ac's
untHinimr fit y acres, more or less, si cl one.
uher tract, contsini-igone hundred and tigh-
,’-tight acre**, more or less, conditioned foi
he { avrrent of the three said several notes,
•ii the days above mentioned, and that said
never al notes remain unpaid—*n motion o f
\rchibnld Clark, attorney ft»r plainti'", it i f
■irdered, that thr said Langley a .4 Selves'.e
th-ir heirs or asn'gns* pay into (’our., with,
twelve months from this dat^, v‘*v sumi due
»n said n«»tes, and the iuteres and cos's, oth
erwise that the equi'A of redemption be fo.
ever foreclosed, and that su*h other proceed
gstake place, as are rut s lanttoiaw.
True t*xt r act from the mm »es, 27th Octo
ber; 18V4. JOHN BAlf.RY, Cie-k.
noy 4 87 $re
A LL persons havingdoninnds against the
estate of () tvor Sturges. Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand ihem in, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate pavinent to
WM. K HUNT HR, Adm’r.
Feb in »r. f
Thomas Cummin re and others, Complainants
and William Wallace and others Defendant*.
—Chatham Superior Court, January Term.
I T appearing to the Court, by the a fti la
. vit of Joseph Gumming that William WaL
;tce and Sarah his wife, Mary Clay, Ann Clay.
Eliza Clay, Mary Jane Clay, William Clay
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay,
H.’.nry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who are par.
tiea defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the limits of the state of Georgia,
.-md witliin the United StMtes,and that James
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign pa*ts,
beyond ihe limits of the United States. On
motion of complainants' solicitors,*it is order*
ed that the said defendants, first named, do
respectively appear and answer the complain
ants’ b,!l, within four months from the date of
ttiis rule, and the si.ij James Clay, wi'hin nine
months. And it is further ordered, that ‘his
rule he published once a week, during nine
mouths, in on* of the public G.tzUtog of this
s'ate. A true copy from the minutes.
A.B. FANNIN, Clerk.
imv 11 42f:-a
Ue.'ween W Davies Adm nisi rat or, Complain
unt ard John amoeban Aihnavstrutor, dr
b' uis non with the ivi'l annexed of Ceor re
Richardson, and ot/urs, Dijendants In
et/ui'y Chatham Superior Court— Chancery,
xOih . I • y us:, 1824
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochun,
one of the 'tefrndants in the said bit! of
mnplaint named, resides without the state ol
Leo giu, in that part of the United Kingdoms
• Grew! Uriiain and Ireland, called Scotland :
il is ordered that the s*id John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear ard answer to the com-
rdainani’s said bill, witliin nine months from
ihe of this order, otherwise that th
said bdlj us to him, be t^keu pro conit ss-* .*
audit is further ordered, that t copy of th'n
xder he publish* d once a week, in one o!
in public G .z*; tea of this state, until the cx
jira'ion of the time within which the suidde-
• udunt is required to appear and answer us
rue copy from the Minutes, thi* 21st day
August, 1824 A. B.FANNIN, Clerk.
*.n:*u3 :'4 50+
J. fclllNlPs S'.vKACliA
r l^HE subccrib r huv.pgv.-*« . J • . cmr.
I position of SWAl-WS CFJ.hRRATHI)
TAJsACEA, has now <* supply on h«mi for
(ale ; he hu? reduced tl*r p ice from Jfi.'i 5U, t*
^2 SO, or by the dozen $ 4.
All rh.*rit9ble insti ut»OMS in the U. Sta»* :
utd the poor will bo vipplied gratis.
If (he citizens of the principal cities arV
towns, will appoint an »ge:»t to order a;,
listiibute this medicine to the poor, il will hi
This medicine is celebrated for the cure r;
he following disenst sscrofula orkioV
“vil, ulcerated <»r putrd sore throat, !»■
landing rheums 1 ic affections, eutanonus dis
• uses, white swelling >n 1 disc s 1 : ol the bon.
md all coses generally <»f th ulc rouschand
ler, and chronic discuses, generally a is ng i».
lehiliuted constit dioi s but more esp cialh
•« syphilis oi affections atising therefrom
'ileers in the larynx, nodes, fjc. and thr
dreadful disease o'*c*i8*o. , ed by a long and
"(eessive use of mercury, Wc* It is ala*, use
ful in the disease of the liver "
I have within the last two years bad an op
portunity of seeing several cases of very inve
terate ulcers, winch having previously P his'.
v:d the regular modes of treatment wer.
healed by the use of Mr. Swpim's Panacea,
and I do believe, from what 1 have seen,
that it will prove an important remedy in scro
Allans, venereal and me.» < u ini diseases.
Professor oft-«e Iristitutes and practmi
of Phys c, in the University ot Penn-
sy Ivar.'S
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Sw aim
in numerous instances, within the Kst Hire'
v-earSj and have always found it extreme!;
'fficacious, esjiecisllv m sec-ondury svp liln
..nd merciuisl diseases. 1 have no hesitatioi
*n pronouncing il a m.'dici «: of ine9timabli
value, W. GIBSON, M. D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni'ty ol Peuii
Philadelphia, Fc-bruarv 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
Phil de'phia Mov ‘7 18 3.
X 4 * OtiCC
I’ II AT three months after date, applica-
^ turn will be made to the Bank of the
^otto of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicHtu
ofhtock, for one lost, issued on the 1 ’7th
March. 1810, in favor nf John M’Kinne.Jun.
or twenty-live shares, and numbered *243.
Guardian of John M’Kiune, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824.
dee l«
•^J’T • E months after dale, l shall apply to
Jr the Court of Urdu ary of Camden coon*
'Yj for leave to mW the resl estate of John
I). Y oi; i' late of suid count\ deceased, fo; the
icuefit jf the heirs of *dd deceased.
Administrat'r -Et’.te of John D. Yomur
.I'm- \7 2u
N INE mon'hs Jif*erd..te, application w II Hr
made. *iie n. the J'Hg s of the Com
.u Ordinary -ff C' 1 - buro county, for leave t»
•u-.i* till t he res’ ^ r.*t of the hue William Gruig.
d*.ceascd, forth'* benefit of the heirs avdcieti
it rs of said estaie.
JOHN MM1SH. Executor.
octl 1 * 75
fore tlie first day of the next term, why a I r |YHBCoi
filial judgment should not he entered in j *- this Court, the ol j r< of wliKh ii to*r
lie above case, ns of March Term. I null
and that publication he mad** of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
he Gazettes of this District, or that n copy
he served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extructfrom the Minutes,
dec 5:1 5. r >{u
Sale Continued.
fjlTIE sale of the above Lots has been
postponed until Tuesday, the ltd of
February next, on which day tlie sale will
The Charleston Mercury, the Charleston
Courier, Southern Patriot, City Gazette,
Colunioia Telescope, Soutli-Carolina Re
publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta
Chronicle, tho Constitutionalist, Savanna!
Republican and Georgian, will publish the
above once a week Ibr three weeks, and
forward their accounts* to me for pnvmrnL
January 20
Jan 'JO 50*p
HAT on the second Saturday in Marel
Bryan, dec. all the personal property of tin
aforesaid deceased, will b • offered for sale
to the highest bidder, for the benefit of the
heirs, consisting of
Cuttle, lings, PlrinfuliiUl 'Tools, Household
and Kitchen I'omitare, togiliter with
sundry other articles.
Terms made known on fh
Scriven County, (Geo.) Jan. 22
Jan 26
lay of sale.
Camden Superior Court.
IIkm.- UARFoa "- ( VertlictMorchTurm,
m ( 1II0H.
Trio mas Kino. y
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff’, in the above case, it is ordered
bat the defendant do shew cause, on or b-
Retwem Lows Leconte and John Li cwt*, Com
pUr .ants, and Peter Liront John 'f'homns
C: apman, -— ■ —-— Reyno ds and Vide' in
h>* Rife, Hf ndants U‘e>ty Superior
BYHK Complainings having filed ♦heir bill ii
State of Georgia.
By Elijah Baker, Clerk nf the Court of Or-
dinary, for Liberty County.
M RS. KtlZA.UK III WAL («'UR, ap
plies for letters of a<lininisc-tion on
v »?state and (fF cts of Thom-is Ci Webb,
s next of km: These are therefore, to citt
,-.l admonish, all a* d siognltr the hied ed
nd cediiors of the said decca -ed, to til 'lieu
hjeetions if any thev have, in my office st
noeb irough, on or before the first M n ’»v
*. March next, o'herv.ise letters of admin's*
'ration will be granted t,. the 93 d applicant,
G-ven under my h nd and se.d, this tenth
day of January, ui the ihe year of 011
Lord eighteen hundred a -J w »»ty five
L. S.) E* BAKER C. C 0 L C.
I»u 14 41
Georgia—Camden County.
■ O \f,t, WHOM If MAY fONi e'n.
VWHEREAS Helton A Copp, K q applies
»o the Coti t ot Oi -fmary of fca;d ccun-
ly, for Litters of Adm.i islration on tlie estate
of Joseph Rixby, l.-.te o r said coun y, deccas
cd : Tliesc arc, therefore, to cite and admon
ish, all and singular, the he*.rs a id c editor;:
ig'SHid deceased, to fi'e their objections, if
any they have, in my office, on or b-. fore the
first Monday iu March net, otherwise tetters
will be g**anted the applicant.
Witness the Honorable William Gibson,
one of the Jtu *ic< s nf said Cnyri, this
twenty sec n day of January, 1835-
JO ’N BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C.
Jan °7 53
petnate the test : moo\ ,t certain persons rherc*
in named, snu il appearing that '.h' - * I)ef* nd-
aids respect.velv resi le hev'-nd tie loeffs ot
t stueofG orgia, o'«d vitten tc l T if»d
Stas-s: It is ordered, that service upon the
ssid IJofi ndan's be effected by publica*". r. in
ore ( -f the G',z*ttes o Sa-a inwh, r.q 1 ; i- j.
the said Defendants to appearand m>*sw. 1 h
said hill i f Comphiinauig, on or beinre the
eleventh dayo A pril next.
A true copy
E- B K V R, Clerk.
February 10, 1875.
Fe.> 7 7:|
InfuvmaUou Wanti-A
A NY information from, or ndativotn Mr.
Manchester, Englund, arid who, when last
heard from, resided at Montictdlo, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was tuulerstood
be bad tiiarrit-r! a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
IU‘The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, und in tho Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers.
jan 22 49
yUST received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Mantle and
1’ier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory ;>ri
cos, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec 18
Spanish Sugars.
S© 'llo^do I s P" I ' ish Sc 6 nrs -
Cast fished iron l.ox . loves,
|,-Ult SALE liy
L 1 N. It. WEED,
No. 6, Gilibons’ llungo.
nov 24
Just received ||‘T Olotip, and fiir Fiilo Iiv
.1. Ii. HERBERT & CO.
doc 4
Webster’s Kpel ing Hooks,
R ECEIVED and lor enlo by
Jan 13 A". B. WEED.
Nut ice,
I^TINE mouths -dler date* I shall apply tt
•k.x thet.'ourtof Ordinary of Camden coun
for leave toaell a lot of land, Jymg >n M«n<
*e county, iu ihe tenth disui:t iu niier, belonging t'» thu o> phans of Levi
‘■-tins, dec. for the benefit of said orphans.
Turn 17 ?0
N ine MONTHS »f er tlie d-ite hereof, r»p*
plication will be mudeto the Hon -iahl*
th * lT.f. rior Court of Chatham county, v.h
•»:»tir-g for o^linaiy f iirpnses, for h ave tos> il
lot, with ih * improvements, «itua’e m tin-
*• of S vaunah. in * he said county ,»nd know:
\ tlie p la. 1 of said citv b> *.h: No. 53, B:*ov 1
Ward, tor ti.r bcn« fit -»f iht* heirs a:* t h-gatecs
>f the vistate oi the late Hugh M’Cail, de
«ct *4 79
^IXE MONTHS utter the
I • n.iti, o, annli.-atinn will h
sn.HCoTrpa kuiviov.
PHOTOS A 1, ft
II, SAMUEL T. Alt.mrn WO. J\«.
foe publishing S'"(ITT ^
Comhill R s'on
PA \ULY HI RLE contai .1 ntf td: he ,>/ a .
Spinal References to be eo>frisedin it
bdUshed with a likeness of the •lul/ior
I T shall he well printed, on good ptpr*\
be cnmp'isid in six handsome 1 1
V(.|t| (hi. |j
>! coMfiin the Scriptu'cs of the Od
A* w 'Testaments, the Introductory O’.snvn
Explanatory J\otcs, an Pructic d ObsiWu ^f
Jtiu all the copious Marginal Refeiernes, .f.
ing primed word tor word f»-Mi i.e i.j.t.jj
Siercotypc Edition, published ?'>r,r.e the Aj.
hor'sdecease. The price will be $‘21, j 3
hoards} #24. in sheep, glO, in calf bi-.Hii.g
The whole work will be ready for deliverv U
May, 1825, 1
Fx\racts of Lette*9 addressed to the Pul'ip
I esteem Dr. Scott’ - Fam !y Bible, emin*'iiti,
calculated 10 promote the cause of tiut*.^
piety It seems scarcely pofsible fur oiu.* t g
read daily the Notes and Observations 10 'he
Kandy Bible W'lhoiil becoming a wii j
letter man. EDWARD !) GRIFF!V. 4
I have seen no comm *ntary ,.f the
Scriptures which 1 think »o will adau'c-l t*)
general use and edification. It is a irtnywe
hich everj famaly ought to possess.
A. E hTON.
It i9 a work distinguished for 'he simpl^i
tv and convenience of its arrangeme*», pit
cljarness a-id fi lelity of it6 etnoaiiy.ns,
•eatness and perspiai ty of it«aule, live 01-,
nevoh n;e and candour of its apiri, the r«.f^
-'.seness and pcitinency of its applied nv
'.nd for its uniform t nd .ncy to pro note 1 vsn*
r eiicai truth and piety.
Of Dr, Scott's Fi ndy I i«.)
suy, th-t in my estimation il ile^ervc ffy rtul.8
omug our ablest and b.s' t^otum niu vs,
Dr. Scott's Fumtiy B bk* int ..ded m .re rs.
•ecinlly for t e use of Giinstt :n ,■*«.. 9
" ork hiph y CV’ngr.lica!, e.-tenstve y u»truc*
tue, and deeply iuterrsti .g
The character of Di . Scott's Com>i.cntu- v
r th- B ole. is so gcnt rullj k iown, and
KL-\ ippioveil amongst the m*»st int lltRf t
. ii piousLhi*u»tiaus throughoui ourcou' \,
*> ’ has passed ruf.idiy throtighao many L ,t
tit'ons that 1 deem further rccoinrm-n a*
ions needless*
1 am acquainted with no Com-’i ntar- cn
*h bacrcd . l c iptures. whiJi I would ni p
oid ally rccommc-iiu tor general use. I't.c-
,»ian of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can minisu rs, i*-st "
vouth, and private Chrittians, do gr*?«.t r
'• rv'ce to soc.etv, than by exerting th- n.
•elves to tliss.min Je this truly icvtunJe
I know of no ’lommenta y winch i- i) Per
• jlculated for dHh sii g correct vi .* s ».f th)
gr Ft truths of Cl..i.-.tianity, rd h „v nj» suit**
try iropiessio.-is on th • mind when nsir.g
r n» the pe u*al of it, tlian the ore y. u
•bout to publish.
No writer seems less disp -sed to con' -nd
Ibr barren specula’i na. None more unitbr'ii.
ly or mere powi fully inculcates the great ev*
ientials of religion. The spirit which p, r*
• • des the work : s excellent j u is the rnetk,
allectionare, healing, yet fa.thful stunt of the
gospel. Da' ILL DANA.
From particular examitiati mi. »nd concur
"*• g testimony, the 1 e is no doubt on my mind
that Scott's Family Bible is superior to ail j
You will plecse to sc d ne si*i conies of
c lc , ;U's Bible ; I refer to yaur lately proiio^ed
•dition Perhaps I ?haii induce five m*»re to
take the s^menumber. ILL.
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
vor are about to publish a new edition *f
Scoti'w Bible. Having been in possession «f
l more t! an ‘.’0 y« ar«, 1 trus* I know 3 rue*
-hit g »f its value, and am dete* mir.e*t to ; fc
mote i s c rcnlation among my friends Y j
wili please forward six copies as soon as p*.j*
ished, . C. M
I have obtained four sub; cribera tor t!.e
excellent work you arc puMir.hing H. S.
I propose to take seven sets of Scott's Hi*
bl«-‘, and will be accountable fur the same.
J 0.
I have obtained s bsei ib-'rs for nine c« pici
of Scott's F .mdy B ole. J.
I s’.all probably need eight or ten 9'n*f
Scott's Family Bnffe. J. P-
Rev, S. S. of l*. has o' tained ten s-. cri*
bors. K.!!,
I have observed that von are a''-*rr pub-
fishing anr'h r e»1i»ion nf Sr.ou's B b!«*
ope you rn:.y smcee*l as you h ve d^reh
tormer editi»ni«. 1 haye hf*en endeavoring t#
nrocure «uhscriber» xmo* g o»*.r pi
enor more suosci ibers wi»l he oh'
e tlato of this
ppli 'itlmn will ho nunlo to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for perini.ssion to sell a purt of
tin* real estate ut* John Staey, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN NY. STACY,
dec 10 -»t
iS OllLC.
A LL p^fs- n ; h vmg demands against f e
\ estate of Constant F'*eeman, L-q L»e ot
‘•p city of Was* u, deceased, a*e e
q ired 'o hand tiiem in, le rally a t. ;tc*d,
within the time presciib d b\ law: minibus
1 debted to said e»t te, uie nqui ed to m k
inmediaie paym*ut, to
JAMES BUN 1ER, 2 dm'-,
Jsn 14 4 -t.
N otice.
T HOSE who have any ilomamL nirainst
the late Matthias SOilnsser, lute of
Chatham County, deecused, are refjuebted
to rentier in tiieir demands, properly at
tested ; and those indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate payment, lo
Qualified Executor.
Jnn 15 4:1,f
Hide Whips.
£>;in CHOCK Hide Whips, received and
for sale by JY. «. WEED,
dee. 13
I’i ot Pread.
I O HALF 1IULS. Inglia' Tilot Bread,
i U just received and fiir sale hv
doc 29
Carr on Casting's.
X .
f-oj-lc. u:;-! K •,
)'.d*»;d. r ‘
n. s fi. £
! will take ten sets (of Scull's H •tj
bound t'»d Itt:tret!. J. F
I have obtained ten suh-cr V. *s f*-r y-*.f
edition nf the Fimiiy HiSlr — T nr»rl huv * »•••
doubt but there nrght be s* mt*th g • L '
copies *old in th>* n)oce if ynu ha*i i*'. ; - :
here—-I thought the wo.-k ought t<» b * <*:•
cuuriigcd and f.>r hat reason it, k a subsec
tion paper. I» is a work that every I'-m.*..
should have that is able to
J. F. M'8.
I nm glfid, ?L*»t v' 11 propose to prim d*»
‘coil’s excellent Family Comm r. my, » •
.t.ould be very glad if it were in my power ! -
gtvc a more lib. ial patronage .0 the worA
tha-i, ms r.ircu nst.ii.c.*8 are, I can. I >l»'i
however, he able to do something ; eig 1 * 1 r ji
loose's I shaft certainly take; and 4 mu ^
<1 'able that number, A. H.
) h‘»vc procured fifteen *a!)3: ,? b*rs ■* j
-emt'sBible. J *.ff. |
I think 1 shill dispose of 20 sets 1
•he Family Bible. * K. 8
1 have circulated proposals for S-o'*^
11 bio ,* how m*»ny have been engaged m
cunuot tel* ; but between 20 and 39 setsi {
ihsvici ity, .1. S* t
I have concluded to become responsible
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s CummC *D r )'
C- H.
I have procure ! 106 sub?c ibers to tR
Bible; 6 s«*t» to be bound in calf; 3 se’d ’’
be done in boards the other 97 e *, bi-u-#
and lettered as described in the prospectus-
H. >!-.
1 presume I could procure 500 subsc*'* L
hers top your edition of Scott’s Binle ’l ,! * ff
demand is increasing for them Th*)’ *!'
finally supersede every other 'arge or E‘ r, l
Bible. Fifty ol my subscribe: h live w' 11 * 1 ' 11
circle of 8 miles 1 *1 *"
Just pubtidicd an edition of ihe as**
completed in six "olurnes, nii.oout ma'K 1 '*
references; pric«j in )J18; 1,1 s ‘ l . ee !
g21,' in calf Either of th se eJ.l"'*.
m> j bi Itft'l of thv t>uhliah .T in Boktou .* *"
S. C. 8tJ SCHENCK, S.rmmmh,
la U
^ ^ .Markvug Bvwskcs,
BOUNDS Earron Cast- fhF a superior quality, just receive'l ,!l * !
dcc 1(! N.B.WEEi). j nov 20
IS... V , J "o. . ’ - ' -