Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 24, 1825, Image 1
utotnini SAVANNAH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1825. THE 18 EDITED AND PUBLISHED !!» Till CITY or SAVANNAH, By G. $ W. Robertson, AT KIGHT IlDlUnH rKR PATAOkK IN ADVANCE. @6* FOR THE COUNTRY, IS publiihed to meet the arrangi-ment oi the mail, three time. * week, (Tuesday, Thursilsy and Saturday) »t the Office of 'he Daily Georgian, and contains al 1 the in-.elli- gence, Commercial, Political amt Mis Milan- emts, including advertisements, pub iahed in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper it sertto all part* of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, at five dollara per annum, payable in .dvance. Adverbaemente ate inserted in both pa era at 75 cents per square, of 14lines, for he firs, insertion, and 37* tor every succeeding pub- lication. Communications hi Mill, most be Putt-p ud Sales of land and uTrues, by Admiuiatra. tors, Executors or guardians, arc required, by law, to be held on thr firs Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in he fore noon and three in the afternoon, at lh ‘ Court House of the county in which tile property is situate.— Notieenfthrseanics must be give,, * in a puhlic gazette sixty days previous to the » day of sale. Notice ofthe sale of personal property must be give in like manner. Forty days previous to the day »f sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of ar. estate must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, mus be published JVYne Montltt ie&M) & wy$m 0 OFFER FOR HALE, HOGSHEADS prime mid second quality St. Croix Sugar. HO barrels do do do Bugar 70 bags prime green coffee HO craten blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy f, do Holland gin 1) hogsheads Jamaica rum halfpipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils hale rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Mnryland corn 1100 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nov 20 NEW-\ORK State Literature Lottery, CLASS NO.Yv, FOR DECEMBER, 1824, TO BE DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. SIXTY NUMBERS,NINE BALLOTS TO REDRAWN. CANAL LOTTERY, PIFTEENTI CLASS—NEW SERIES. dr SI® IPHS'S'o Reduction in Prices ! Good# to be what they are Sold for ! ! And Honest Weight Ar Measure Given !!. fill IE Subscriber as willing as others to JL arrange his business to suit the pre sent times, and save the public the trouble of making bargains, adopts a mode lately ipade use of in this city of advertising the Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te dious to enumerate, although not having those enormous quantities that are usually said to be sold when called for,) names the following articles, and assures the Public that the rest of his Stock is reduced in the tame proportion: Lamp Oil (but not the best quality) per gallon $0 37* Do do do 0 50 Do do best quality, per gall. 0 Paint do do do 0 80 Spirits Turpentine do do 0 GO $lixed Paints (but not the best Greens, Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 1 2± English White Lead, per 2R lbs. (not because put up in iron bound kegs) 3 50 American White Lead, 2Rlb kegs laboratory manufactured Brook, lyn, New-York, (manufactory price per cwt. $12 50, which may be seen bv looking ut the New York Price Current) 3 12-J- 8 by 10 Glass, but not the best American, per box 3 50 10 by 12 do do do 4 50 A large and constant supply of the above articles and goods generally in the Paint, Oil. Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade will be kept. The subscriber having made arrangements with Manufacturers in New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else where, from which places he will continue to receive those goods direct, of the best description, and on the most advantageous terms. He also offers his Professional ser vices in Painting, Gilding 8f Glazing, which he executes on improved principles at reduced prices, in Town and Country. No. 5. Whitakcr-strcct, 5 tloors from thr Hay V. M A It LOW. jan 24 50 kkksh garden seeds, AND Bulbous TIonvot Hoots* J UST received by the rubseriber, and wa-. ranted of the last season's growth, 2*. boxes Garden Secda put up by A. M’lfahon c- Co. Philadelphia, expressly for this ma-ket and containing the following unaortm'-nts, viz 1. Drumhead Cabbage J - 2 Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4 Parsley 5 Leek d. Onion 7. Salmon Radish Early Purple do. KoUid leaved 0. Early Turnips tl. Late do 2 Sasafy 13 Asparagus 4 Rarl> curled Let tuce 15. Royal Cabbage do 16. Nutmeg Melon '7. Spin ich 8. Summer Shyov ’9 Sweet B.sil ?0 Sage d. Nasturtium *2. Celery •3 Early P. as •4. [.ate do -'5 Earh b.nchbean* | 6 Red F vnch d j A L S 0. °0 Packages containing the following Bid *ous Blower Ruo f s, viz !. Doub e Hyacinths I 4.'*' ! *iic. n t ; ger flower F ne Tulips I * Double Tuberose 3 Narcissus | 6 Srar of Beth If hen. For sale by P. M’DEUfeO * 1 F'.o ;p 2 3 1 17 20 41 51 51 1734 11175 SCHEME. Prizes of $ 10,000 id 5,000 3,082 1,000 600 200 100 00 12 13,385 Prizes, ) 20,825 Blanks, f s $.’0,000 15,000, 3,082* 17,000 10,000 0,200 5,100 3,060 20,808 68,850 $171,100 T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th March, 1825, and finished in a few I minutes—-sixty numbers, eight ballots to be I drawn. . Scbftme. 30.000 U liars is $30,000. 1 Prize of 1 2 2 20 30 52 104 , 1300 10,608 112,120 Prizes, 10.000 5,000 2,128 1,000 500 100 50 16 8 10,0o0. 10000. 4, 56. 20,000 15,000. 1°00. 5.300. 20.800 81,064 ‘K SSI}** Ticke... { ****» 34,200 Tickets. In this scheme with nine drawn ballots 34,220 Tickets zt R6. Satis inn there will be 1)4 prizes with three numbers I ” ’ on them, 11136 with two numbers on them, In this Scheme, with eight drawn billots, and 11,475, with one number on them.— I'here will be 56 prizes with three numbers on .Those tickets having none of the drawn 14,6 with twu numbers on them, and numbers on them being blanks. 10,608, with one number en them Those To determine the fate of the 34,220 ' cbet ' ,lav >ng none of the drawn ballots on tickets, the 60 numbers will severs y be| t ” 1 l al ’? ln * ,, *" b »- placed ill a wheel on the dity of drawing I,. *° determ ne the fate of all the tickets In and nine of them will be drawn, and these "ft!! i!!m ; ery, .,? n nun,b 1 f , i fro 1 m one «® tickets having on them as a combination X. onthl'fi’ be R l, “ di " • the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th ££, .)« he d»L t ,n . d h , " , » h ‘ ° f numbers drawn, will be entitled to 410,000 t.. a eombination,\he IsL 2d^S thWIr IT ? °? 1101,1 ^, e 7t l 1 ’ ftt * 1 an ^| bers drawn, will be entitled to $.10 000 3lh—1st, 2d and 4lh—1st, 2d and oth, will I That having nn it the 4tb, 5th slid 6th, will cttoh be entitled to $ >.000. I be entitled to gtO.OOO STATE LOTTERY OP MARYLAND. RICHEST PRIZE 40,000. SCHEME NO. III. 1 Prize of—840,000 is 40,000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 20,000 is 90,000 Dollars. 1 Prize of 10,000 is 10.J"0 Dollars 2 Prizes of. — 5,000 is ’0,000 Dulls: s 30 Prizes of l.^OO is 30,000 Dollars 90 Prizes ot 500 is 10,000 Dollars. SO Prizes of 100 is 5,000 Dollars. 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000 Dollars. 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,W0 Dollar*. 180,000 Dollari. B«©£2i Opposite the aftcadttnvj. 5 ’05 Prizei. 14795 Blanks. That having on it the .1st, 2d and 6th, will he entitled to $3,082. 1 Those having on I By the President of the United States. I N pursuance of law, I, Jims Moitaoa, P ci ident f the 1’ni'ed Statna, do hereby <’ dare an.i make knowr rhat a public sale wi- .e held at the LsU' 1 Offitn at Tallahssse, Florida, on the third M i iday of Ua next, f>. he dirpossl ol th following lands, - z ;— Township 1, south of Rango I, west of tin Meridian line. 1 und 4 north of Range 1, do d, i Fractional 3 do do do do Township 1, south 1, 4, 3, 4, & .», east I & 2,north 1, 4. 3, 4, Si 5- Fractional township 3 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5. The ssle will comm.-nce w,tb 0 I .w umber of section, townshit, mat ra. gr, . roceed in regular numerical order. Tie I nds reserved bv law for the use nfsch •» or other purposes, will be excluded from t;< sale Given under mv hand, at the City of W«. I. ingtoo, this i6l.i dtu of .Imuarv, 18 5. JAMES MONROE. Bv the President GEO graham. Commissioner of the General Land Offie-. KT Printers of ibr Laws of the Uniti-i 3'ates, in the Territory of lid in >h elates of tlabima, LmiiirHna, I'eness e, kl - ossippi, Georgia, mid South.Carolina, ave ae tluo iz tl to publish the foregoing Proclam mn n .ce a week en il th d.o nl sale e !■ 7 6 t them the 1st, 2d, nnd 7th| ?d,5th & 6tli 3d, 7th and Oth 1st,7th and 0th|2d,7th & stli 3d, tltli and Oth i 1st,Oth and 0th 2d,8th & 9t.hl4tli,6th and Dili I 2 J, 6th and 7tli 2d, 3d and 4tlij3d.4th Si 5th 5th.6th und 7th I "‘I' 6'h and 8th 2d, Id and 5th!3d,4th & 6th 6th,7th and Rtli -d, 4th and Oth 3d,7th (tilth 1 each glOOO. Thosi having on them the Ttrnse having u them the 3d, 4'h and 5th and fid, 7th snd8tli, each 85.000 Tiiose having on them the 1st, 6th and 8th in 11st, 7:h and 8th, each 2,128 Thoae 20 having on them the I st,3d and 6th I st,3d and 7th l st.3d and 8th • st,3d and Oth isl.4tliand Oth >st,5thund7th d 3d and 6th All others (being 41 i’d.lth t5th 4d,5th 17th 4d,5th Si Oth 2d,5th Si 9th 2d,6th A. 7th 2d,4th t Oth 3d.5 th 16th 3d, 5th and 9th 4th,6th and Oth Ith, 6tli and Oth 5th,7th and Oth 6tli,7th and Oth Oth,Oth und 9th each $500. Tickets) having 2d, 7'h and 8t! 3d. 4’.h an,I 6tl> 3d, 4lli and 7: 1 3d, 4’h and 8 . 3d, 5th snd6iti Damascus Steel Razors, F UST rncuivud. a supply of the abovo ar ticle, which will bu warranted good.— For sale by IS\ B. WEED. nov *24 Notice. N INF. months after ilutc application will be made to the Honorable the ,lus- Hecs of the Inferior Court id' Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract of land, known as number night, Oth District, l’ike (formerly Mull roe) County, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the estate of of N. S. Bayard. N. J. IIAYAUD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. .Ian 5 34n} .Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the estate id Thomas Joimstuii, will please present them, properly attested, at the Counting-Room of K. Si J. Habersham. HAML’TAL JOHNSTON, Executrix ot the estate of Thomas Johnston dec 10 y)+, NEW LAUD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. nr.rr.ivEi> rru bhig uf.orgk Washington. t KEGS Nuw Leaf Lard 150 Ilnius d Barrels Cnstor Oil 5 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For unlc bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. .Ian 14 100 ‘‘tirade’s < oiupany” roes. Q f\ CASKS Uradc’s Patent Hoes, fo sale by N. B. WEED. dec 10 titrcc unit be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 4d Irawn numbers on them only, will each be smltled to mo dollars. The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th irawn numbers on them only, will each be utitled to 60 dollars. All others (being 1734 tickets) with any two ofthe drawn numbers on them, will micli be entitled to 12 dollars. And those havin'' on them any one ofthe drawn, numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1,975 for each drawn number,) will be each entitled to 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have druwn a prize, of a superior denoniimiliun, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu al. to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parrels of 20 Tickets, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty. Which parcels are warranted to draw at least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15 per emit, with so many chances fur the cap ital prizes. J. B. YATES, ) .. A. MTNTYRE, ) PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it has two highest prizes—the number of Canitals is unusually large for the amount of rash to be disposed of in pri- zes.(i71,li)0 Dollars) and the price comes within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at the office of the Geor gian, by 3d. Slh and 7tli 4lh.6th and 8th 3d, 5'handB li o|,,7ihand 8th 3d, 6th and 7th 'th,6thand 7'l- 3 '. 6 h am'8th Sth.6thand 8th 4 Sthand 7 h 5th,7lli and 8th 4tli,5thandHtti each 81W0, 4th,6th and 7th| All othen, being (30 tickets) having '.lire ■>F the d awn number* on them will each bt entitled to 85W. The 52 tickets having on them two of the drawn numbers and those twu, the 4tb and >th, will esch he entitled to 8‘W. The 104 tickets having on them two of the drawn numbers, and those two the 6th „r »i, , “av" g the drawn numbers, and those two the 6th be e, tied o n dSr ber “ ° n W ‘ U '"Vi!'’ or 61 > *" li 8!h ' will each be entitled 850. Ail others (being 1300 tickets) having two of the drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to 816. Ail those Having on them any one of the 1 awn numbers, (he’ng 10.608 tickets, or 13 6 ■or each drawn number.) will each be enti tied to 88. No ticket which slid! have drawn a prize ota superior denomination can be entitled tr an inferior ptix.'i. Prizes payable thirty days after the drav i. g, and subject, as usual, to a Deduction nl 15 per cent* A considerable portion of this lottery is pin up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracinK all thf ombingtion numbers, from one to sixty. P trce,s ar,i warranted to draw at less ©•54, less ’he deduction of 15 per cent, with e’ many chances f ir the capital prizes. P-icksges of 20 tickets, by certificate, msy .'so be hsd by the payment of the d H'erencc between the price of the tickets and tbr '•mount wlnoh they must of necessity draw such itl'erence being 865 60. The tickets will remain at the scheme •ae, (86) until Wednesday, th- 12th msi. when they ’vd h.iidveened t„ 87 J. B. YATES, 2 ” A.M’lNTYRE,( Manli e er8 ' Philadelphia, January 5, ,825. IL/* Orders for tickets or shares, received, and prize tickets in fourteenth class, taken in payment at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jail 1'. luiimuativm Wanted \ Wo laOBK IITSfVY I F OKOMf 51 ) MILLER, otherwise DAN \ * J 11 " ? | 1 IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the year Georgiu— Cavulen Coun'y i •i the first Tuesday in Match neat, I . o sell at Jefferson, in said county, a nt*g. amn, named Daniel, the properly of the t: Lite of Mic fHii Crews, de ews^d, pursuant t leave grunted by the Court of Ordinary. X -’REWS. Evecnirix* J-"14 w NOiICii. T HE subscribers being about to decline bu si ness in this place, request persons ha" mg demands tg tnsi them, to present then for psyment. A. B. FANNIN & CO. net 5 $504., NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be msde to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an order, absolute, to sell lots Nos fouram five, v’Und 5) in Caipenter's Row, snd lot N;>. jne, (l) Green Ward, in the ci'y of Savannah, j?eing the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec •nr the benefit of the heirs an'* creditors ol Hid estate WILLIAM GAS ION. • •« Qualified Executor, 7 97a Acliiunistrat. r’s Notice. N 'N AEO.v 1 MS from this date, we shall; pH to the Honorable the Inferior Con 4 Chatham county, when silting for ordius purposes, to sell the reel estate of Willis Mayhcw. august 12 C. H. HAYDEN, I*. MAYIIEW, Administrator’s. 4< Administrator’s Notice. N INE MONTHS after date, 1 shull sppl to the Honorable the Infeiior Court < Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinal purposes) for leave to sell the real us .«te < Ishsc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and creu itors. C* H HAYDEN, Administrator* august 12 45 whose orders in tin* late Pennsylvania Lot- lery, have produced a Inrgu amount in pri zes, among whit li were one of a thousand dollars, 100. 50V &e. Prize Tickets in Ilie Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th ClaKK, received as cash. Jan IB NOTICE. P ERSONS having demands against the tr tate of the Lie William Craig, dec. ai ■ quested to render the same, properly t ested, within the time prescribed by law, hi '.hose indebted to said estate,, are eames' called upon to settle the same without u* lay. JOHN M’NISH, Executor oct 12 71 msaDWviLo AUCU-TU O",111,Kit, I AS removed his DRUG STORE, to the corner of Brough ton and ll ’/i t/a- " f r-tlrectx, opposite Cot, She/lmnids Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice ■issortnient of FRESH MEDICINES AND GARDEN SEEDS, uidvarioiiB other articles suiting his lino, lie abstains relating the whole sh-imr of .allies ofthe things he others, and only men- ‘ ions a few which are not eonunuiily tbund n every Drug Store, viz:— c’ol Sabina 5 ChurclPs Cough '‘vro Uiuhellata < Drops legitalis Purpurea | Aromatic Vinegar ^eiilleap, llyssep \ Toilet, Vegetable & ierman Leopard’s J other fcii>a|)s Bane,(arnica inon- s Macassar Oil tuna) f Phosphorous lecauipane, (Inula # Ox. Mur. Potasse MuiioLn, wiiu in me ycur i815, arrivei 1 in Savanimh, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Messrs. Di-wson & Son* of London, is living, and will apply to is f iends in England, he will hear of something much to his advantage, He left the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and has not been he*«d of by his f iends sinc« period. Ht had been many years a sat lor, and while on board the above vessel, was employed as a carpenter. If he left Sa vannah at that time, it ia probable that he •-•ntcred some vessel going to the Brazil Is- •ands, as in bis last letter, he staled that it •va'i h.s intention to do so. Should he have lied at any place where a register or certifi cate of Ins Serial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all expenses attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W.ficT.L. CHESTER. New-York 3f»r» 9 57 vtOKtO Ticket, at g9, i. 180,000 Doll.' a. The whole of the prizes u, be Hosting from the commencement oi the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in tlie wheel st definite periods, viz t On the 5th dsy, t : j , $10,000. On the 10th day, ; • 5,000. On the Ifith day, : : , , . ao|oUO. On the 40th day, t : t t 40,000. The whole to be completed ii Twenty 1'TAWin a only \\ The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty davs after the com pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioners appointed by the Governor and Council ■ T h ,° above Lotiory commences drawing m Baltimore, on IVF.n.VESDA Y, 171A inst. Tickets $ 12—Shares in proportiun. ORDERS received at the Baltimore price, and prize tic tets taken in payment, at LUTHERS exchange office. No. 8, Comnierce-J»ow nov 9 91 Consumptions, Coughs, BUTTER’ J Janies's Fever Pow- J ders Infantile Powders Read’s Sliplic J Spirits Soap | Fumigating Pustills j Pyrollgniuus Acid ’ Black Drop Respecting the utility of this Inst article, ■: refers to the last., but. one, page of tile ieorgia and South Carolina Almanac, of iiis year. oct 9 lof savannah Female Asylum. V N election for a Matron to this Institu tion, will take place at the Asylum House, on the first meeting in February.— Application for the above to be hunded in to theBul scriber. By order of the Board, E. M. LLOYD, See'ry, nov13 94 Ilclcnium) Hops, Ergot Tonquin Beans .'quire’s Elixir • )affV do Mss. Mustard iss. Tyre >uit Drop JOHN T. IlOWi .AND, Mi Hedge ( 'If'N! INUES to do business in — J ville, aoil tende s the off. r of his ser 'ices to his friend? ar d th*» public, in thetrans zction «f agency business generally net 5 He r’ Axes. A SUPPLY of (lie above Axes, received ■ml for sale b, A - . B. WEEP. ocl tl F OR the cure if ilni.i., Goughs, Consump tions, Spitting of Blood, A.tlimm, and ofthe bresst and lungs There is perhsps no medicsl observation better established, none more ge iernlly con firmed by the experience ofthe best physici ms of all ages snd countries, and none ol nore importance to the human family, that, lie fact that many of the most difficult and in mrable consumptions originate in neglect-1. colds. In a climate so variable as ours, where ihe changes of the weather are frtquently sudden snd unexpected, it requires more care snd sttention to guard against this dangeruu enemy of life, than most people imagine or are able and willing to beaiow. The bills o' mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that thi proportion of deaths by this disease may bt considered as about five to one. I. asmuch then aa this fatal disease frtquently bi ts defi ance to the skill ofthe most learned physici ana, it is a gratification to the proprietor that lie is enabled to offer to thoae afflicted with it, a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Spici- fie. The Indians are happy in their know, ledge of medical plants; governed whollv by evpetience, they are certain aa to their effect, and it ia said by an author of great character, that t true consumption ia a disease never known among them. This Specific ia obtained by extraction from herbs, roots, flowers, plants, &n. when in per- fection. In consequence t f a happy combina. tion of the moat valuable herbs, Sic. it becomes a balsam of a superior value. It heals the in- ju-ed parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an anodyne ,• consequently the obstruction ot the ehe«' and the lungs which constitute th,a diseaae, particularly need its use. It promotes eapectoratiun, which is constantly called for, and whilst it cleaners ai d heals, it also gives strength to the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fever, improves digea. tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the appetite and improves the spirits. This apeci fio raav always be given in safety it is mild, pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given o infanta, for which it is of inealiinable value. It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, Uc. and ia found particu- lirly useful ir, hypuchondriieal, nervoue ant* hysterical diseases. Each bill ot directior ■ontaina a detailed account of this disease in oil its different stages, and will be accompa nil'll with the signature of (he proprietor in Red Ink. It is offered for sale by GEO. RY KH.iON, only (mysile agent) Diuggiat.cor "t'Ba.v and Whittaker-atreeta, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM. BOILER. dec 30 30 UwrAeA Ua\r Matrasses. T HE subscriber ha6 just received an as sortment of the above articles, war ranted to be ofthe best quality, for sale by I. W. MOHREL. oct 48 MRS. KER, T) ESPECTFULLY informs her friends AIL and the public, that her si hooi. is miw theLTr 8 ' 10 th * Cllatl,am Academy, for hi , f T,0N or •‘crir.s. Assisted bv - daughter.Miss E. A. Hann.soN, she ,n *«•■*•*»» u,® au»wiii « ui nt l orm,"".",, 1 braiuTics of educa- t on. Whilst she returns sincere tiianks fi,r hi T°"T hi " ,pr '‘ 1 extended* ehe hopi 8, from Hie reduced rates of tuition end her Increased exertions to further the nro press of her Pupils, to deserve a still IW ther extension of public favor. The course 1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and 9,1 rt ,, ar , k " 1 "' P pr quarter, : $4 00 4d. Class—With Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithmc- The French or Spanish Languages, including elegant i'mbroidcry, on luce or muslin, to any pattern, , P?r quarter, : r : T : • no 00 I aiming on velvet, per quarter, ; ; 8 00 m " sf caref ul attention will be nmrnls of H K ’ R ’ t0 t,l !‘ d eportmcnt and morals ol those entrusted to her charge nnv £ P. M’DEHMO’l J’, |NFORMS his friends and the public gen. i erally, that he has received by recent arrivals, a large and extensive assortment or Groceries, Hardware and Dru Goods, tan t l"t i he bP m d l P0Sed of w,loleaa| e and re tan, on the most reasonable terms. Tl,« following articles comprise a part of hi* present stock, viz F n “ in n prim * St ' Croi * lugar 10 Boxea Whtte and J .. , 0 Boxes Brown y Havana do 60 Barrels Loafand r.ump 4,, 50 Bags Havana Green Coffee 6 Pipes superior 4th nroof Brandy »Ptpe. do Holland Gin 5 Pipes Imitation Brandy, 4th proof * Do do Gin 2 p!Hk Very ,u P e 1 tior o!d Pe,ch Brandy JO h. L k o 8 , <0 d " If'sh Whiskey fbU ^ 100 Barrels Northen, Gin ^ 1 H.1f , D ' Uperi ,r old Madeir * Wine 5 HalfPipes superior old Lisbon do 10 Q iarter Casks Tenerifle do Very superior old Ma.leira Wine and HO Wl,^" ,tn, ! : ^ r .“ nd} ' in demijohns 160 Hallr ,,,d I Barrels superfine Ireah 10(1 Rarrels No- 3, New Mackarel 50 Barrels No. 2, do d „ 1600 Baskets Table Salt on D Mk ‘, G,,,hen Cheese Barrels Copperas 2 2n5 eams Wr *PP'nK Papet fn n Ufr " Bl,ck Pe PPer P 10 Boxes Chocolate 20'Five Gallon Demijohn. 5 Barrels Glue '“° *?•''*» d HP Dupont’. Gunpowda inn pi° Und Di'nisteiaof sutierior do 100 Pieces 4.’ inch Cotton Bagging in w! Cl i Twine 8 8 *6 Half 6 *" d I Bule * *• Whittimore’i inn ' } genuine Cards 10 Boxes Wool Hata 5 Boxes Straw Buonett 10 Coils Bale Rope 5 Dozen Bed Cord. 50 Do Plough Line. 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blanketa 10 colored and bleached and ur _ bleached llomeapuna 70 G-oas Iron Table Spootia in d ° T “ do 10 Teu,ani * Table do Plated Table and Tea do Copper.Caat, Wrought and Cnmpotl. _ t,0 J 2,“ Ke,lle, of sizes a* n Kettles for making ptcitrvei 20 Sets of Dish Coven " ** 20 Tons Shear Moulds 1 D > Ssd Irons I Do Bar Lead 1 Do Sheet Iron 100 Casks assorted Cut Nails Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, made on e *Pre»sly for this market 20 Dozen Handsaw., Woodsaws and Ten- nant Saws Blacksmith Sledges and H.ndh.mmer* Anvils, from 1 to 2001bs. real mouse hole Blacksmith’s Bellows,from 24 to 3$ Smgle and Double Screw Platea Com Mills / from No. 1 to 5 2 T oni Hooks and Hinges Brass Andirons, from g2 50 to R3 Brass and Wire Fender®, with shovels and tongs to match • re 5 ra8ks Braid 8 * Patent Hoes 100 Dozen Padlocks Meelyards to weigh from 200 to 5001b* 2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear.Eng lish. Bliateied and Cast ° Stoves with Pip-s 1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pins 5 Hags Trace Chain* 2 Dozen Currying Knite* 200 Dozen Curry Combs 6 Sets White handle Knives and Forka, consisting of 50 p ece. each 10 Sets Britannia Teapots. Sigar snd Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belt! ? Dozen Game Bag* 2 D:.z n Powder Horns and Fiaska 1 Case double and single barrel Guns lODoaen Wire and 20 duz Hair Sifter* 2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mata and 50 acta Table Mata ALSO, A general assortment of Carpenter's Plane* brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with many other articlea in the above line,loo tedious to enu* me rate. EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Toni of Carron Castings, which will ke •old low from the wharf. let U