Newspaper Page Text
Sheiill’s Sales.
On the Jtrit Tuesday in Afar^h next,
W ILL be a »ld at the Court House, n »>
city of Savannah, between the hours *.
ten and four o’clock*
The following 5 negroes, v>z : Peter aw’
his wife Sarah, their childtvn ^ary, Tyro, af d
Perc lla, levied on as the progeny of Janu»
n Ibo, to satisfy an exeuiti.ui in favor of the
President, Directors and Company of the
R*.ik t»f the U. States.
All that lot of ground known and designs-
ted as irarden lot No thirty-nine (3D) and also
that adjoining half psrt of another, known as
lot No. forty-two (42) containing, together,
eight and a half acre*, be the s»me more o.
less, situate to the east of the city of Ssvan-
nth, and hounded to the northwest of lot No.
twenty six (.6) to the south and east by
lands belonging to the estate of Hampton
L llihridge, and to the west by the public
road lending to Sktdaway Island, whereon a
brick yard in now established and known b>
the name of Fahm’s brick yard, together with
all and singular the improvement and appur*
tenanci s thereunto belonging; ’evied mi as ti e
f »roperry of Jacob K h n, under a rule abs -
ute, from the Hon the Superior Court of
Chatham County, in favor of Aaron Cleveland
and Sus'n Irs wife.
Al t! a. tract of land kno^ n by tie n»n'*
of Tweed Side, containing (316) acres, .64
acres ’ugh ian ', third quality* 82 acres low
land fid q ahty, minded on the north t>
Savannah nvt.r—levtd ,#n under * fi fa in fa
vor of Simon D >nul 1 ami wife, complainant?,
against Thomas N Morel, and others, heirs »i
John Morel, dee.
Buildings on part of lit No. thirty one (31)
Liberty ward, in the city ot, bouim
ed north on Y irk-street, south by a lane, am*
west by other part of mid lot—levied on a*-
the property of Win. M-thew, dec. to satisfy
an execution from » justices cou't, in fi vor 11
Tiiompson & U mney, against Hm Mahev,
security for h Swift.
Jan 31 56
IKTiilHO S&MBfii
Sheri IT ? s Sale.
'If' 1
7 S
On the first Tuesday in March next,
b<! Bold at the Court-House, be
tween the usual hours o ten and four
• clock,
eighty negro slaves, viz. Nelson, Rachel,
Sam, Morris, Cha-les, llitle\, Hannah, Harry,, Anna, Sam, fiilvv, Hercules, Uraboy,
John, David Nancy,, Philip, Ju ’y, John, Har
ry, Eve, Philipj Anna, Luc), Monday, Tenah,
Molly, Henry, Ben, Venus, Cain, rumba,
Celia, Flora* Nelly, H.mttah, Simon, I/ikey,
Paddy, Jenny,Hruttis,Cinda, Bcck.Fannv, f oe,
Hester, July, PI ebe, Jack, Holla, Fi nny,
Jack, Robert, I me, Pompey, C’aeur, Caty,
Willoughby, Fortune, R.*ch»*l, Phillis, Ricii-
.rd, Miner, Jane, London, Davy, Ishmael,
I.izzv. Susy. George, Grace, Cud jo, CRty, Bet-
y, Sam )son, Hilly, Molly and Abraham, to
ether with the future issue and increase oi
• iiv tamiliea, levied on under a fi fi. o"
l rcclosure of a mortgage from George L.
’ope, in favor of Peter Mitchell, Join.
M’Nish, and Robert Mitchell-
I. D’LYON, A’ C C.
derl 31 31
Sheriffs Sales.
On the first Tuesday in April next.
VCB* l.L be sold at the Court-Hmn-e *n the
\Wr city of oavannah, between the hours '•!
ten a d four o’clock.
The .ollowing seven negroes, viz : Davis,
Maria, P: tie c.., Beck, Try. h : :*a an*.
Oscar, with the increase of h - females levied
on under a fi fa on a foreclosure of a mortgage
as the p*»«per*y -f,Joseph Carru.h *rs to ®alis-
fy the Bi )k of»*,e State 0 f Georgia.
Ala.*, he following 35 \ gro s, viz: C'fF:c,
(Cooper, H irnet, Arty, old Charritie, Ja-k,
Shy. Ch» I te, Pendaw, Bess, Precessa and
child, H dget and Peggy, Will am, E sey,
B'lley Pb iip Phyllis, old Cuinbo, Jem y old
Peggy U itus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cyn 'a, Dick, Tony,Sophia, Daphneam' child.
Jacob, dye. Beck y and John, with the me reave
of h; temdes, levied on as the propei ty ot
Nic.. i as Ginger, under a fi fa on a foreclosure
of a m rgnge in favour of John Carnahan and
James Mc'l .uiry for use of Chris’.iana Leveft.
A Is - ?, a .. gro man named 4 im, levied on a*
the propeuy ot Char es E F in, linger fi fa
on a foreclosure of a mor'gvge in favor o
James Anderson.
A'so, the following 19 negroes, viz Abra
ham Harry, ?ito, uhauce, Daniel- Aaro
Sambo, Lucy, Sc.pio, Maryan, R:\chael, Lon
don, Aggy, biinon* Grace, Eliza George, Ra
dy, and Jim, w.di i'i( increase of the femah
levied on as the properly of Flemming Ak
dec. unrte f a fi fa. cm a fcrcclosure of a mart*
gs/f i.i (rvor •>* ivm. Dixon & do* assignees
ofvl *»• TL d* I. n» YO.'I. a. c.c
. ... I ^
she itf’s Sale Continued.
On the Jirsl Tuesday in March next,
li-L. oe sold at the Court*Hou.‘*e. in h
city of S'-tva- nah, between the hours ol
ten and four o’clock,
Eighteen neeroea, viz.—Chat lotto, Baccc.s.
Eve, fenah, Tims, Sambo, Nero, Helindu
Dorcus, laascj Hess, Sippio, Carlos, Cion, P.g
gy, Anne, B ttv, and Monday, levs. <1 on tu
lorsjnt, the properly of N G. lh theifoid
inder a fi fa. on h fmeclosure of a mort.ragc
n favor of the Bank ot D. i icn.
Feb 11 66
Administrator*.* bale.
On the frst Tuesday in April next,
[ WILL st*:i at the Court House in J
s ol Ca t den County, between the uanl
Indies of sal*,
M irry, Nod, nnd his wife Tamer, and 1 c
tour children, Daniel, Stephen. John and Y
k, th - property of he Estut-.* »f Ge gt
Morrison, deceast it, for th.» benefit of th
creditors and heiv« of sn -1 va‘ato, it tc
leave granted by *he 0*»«u t of OMlna* \ of said
Administrator, with the ' id annexed, of
George Mor.iscn, Sen. debased.
?4 h Jan. IB2J.
F'b9 58
Shcrilf’s Sales.
ST^WIT.T, he sold, it the Murkei II mis-
the ('own of S'. Marys, on th !'•
atuid y aft>‘r the first Tuesday of .
next, between the hours often and fnipo’
One negro man named Cato, levied cn
the property of Joseph Rain, to satisfy an c\
ecu*um in favor of Helton A. Cupp.
Also, One undivided third of three negr.i
slaves, o wit: .Sophy, Jsssenter, ai d Saudi,
levied on as the property of Jane O’Neal, to
sitisfv ancxecu ion in favor ol R Brunet, by
hi-. Guardian.
A ao, One tract of land on Crooked Fiver,
containing 150 icrcs, bounded nor.h bv v*..
cant Ini d, east by A. J Pratt’s la-d, south bt
Crooked River and marshes, west by E,Shear
man, the greater part of said tract ia unde-
•uiltivation—one pair Card Tables, one r-ai*
fir - logs, hovel and tongs, one flock, half a
d zon (silver) l able-spooi s, levi< d on as th*
property of Abram Pratt, to satisfy an execu
tion in favor of B A. Copp.
St* M.irvs, Jan, 9,1835
Fp'i 2 58
Attachment Sale,
On the Jii*si Tuesday in March next,
\TMll.L be at he Cuw.t- mute, b^-
<7 tween the hours often and four o'cl r,
1 wo negro slav-s named Sampson r.rd Ab
ler, attached i s he pioperty f William E,
Ferguson, and aoid oy c.ul r-.f Court,
I. D’LYON, S C. C.
Ian -^0 56
Georgia—Bryan County. 1
Hy Joshua Smith Cleric of the Co it >•; of Ur din-
ay of the County a forest id,
• WHEREAS William Moor, ol the Ceun«y
U of Bulloch, applies fir Letters of Ad
.nitration * n *he estate and efiucts of Smn
Uucon, formerly of Liberty County, dec. :
se are therefore to cite and admonish aP
i lingular the ki; d' od mid creditors of*aid
. jeasc, t fP** their objections (i»‘ any they
have) in my « flij{, on or before the first Mon
day in March next, otherwise letters of ad*
niinistra’ion will be granted the applicant.
Given under my hand and private seal,
(there bring no real <<f rfiUce) this third
day of February, one thousand eight
hu' d-ed an ; twenty five.
Fci, 8 63. t
Marshal’s Sale.
On the fi 'tn Tuesday in Ma ch,
'ILL be sold before tin Court House,
the city of Sr»vamiili, between the
hours of 10 and 2 o’.dock
h se 1 WO LOTS, Nos 57 and 2ft, Jack
S'-n Ward, and improvements thereon, lev«e.
*>n as th * property «*f J hn H. Morel, to s»u
fy the bn’ance decreed to be due on a dis-ies
warrnrii, issuing f r om the Treasury Depa •-
meni of the United States, rgainst A.S. Hu!
loch, John II. More), a. d David Leion*
Ma slv.d l)i*. G o.
J-n 21 47
Adorn stiator’s ale
ILL he sold oil the first Tuesday in
April next, at. t.lio Court-Umtse in
tin.* city of Savannah, hv permission of the
Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court j
of Chatham county, j
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about live hundred acres, on i
Climber!:!ml Island, Camden County,know u !
as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth j
of n certain tract of land situated on said |
Island, ' orit.nimitg about five hundred acres, !
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln*'
tosh, and hounded on the by the said j
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract call 'd Lottery Jlill, situate
on the Ogcechee Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Feb 2 58nf
TITIII1 undersigned having been appoint-
X ed by his Honor the Judge of the
Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for
the purpose of settling the accounts of the
late firm of Nosier & Griggs, of Savannah,
they having made a surrender of all their
estate, both real and personal, for the bune-
tit of their creditors, do hereby give notice
fn all persons indebted to said concern, that
they must pay or liquidate their accounts,
within THIRTY DAYS from this date,
after which time those unsettled will with
out (liscriminalion, he put in suit. All per
sons having demands against said concern,
are required forthwith to present their
claims, in order that the trust may be set
tled as early ns possible.
Fob 1
Thomas Cumminif anil others, Complainants
and II i.Uimn Wallace and others Defendants,
Chatham Superior Court, January Term.
182 *
[ T appearing to the Court, by the a Ifidu
vit of Joseph Gumming that William Wal
hoc and Sarah his wife, Mary Clay, Ann GLy,
Eliza Clay, Hury Jane Clay, William Clu>,
Joseph Clay, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay,
Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Clay, who arc par*
ties defendants in the above case, reside
beyond the limits of the state of Georgia,
*«ml within the United States, and that James
Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign paits,
beyond the limits of the United State*. On
motion of complainants' solicit ova, it ia order
ed that the said delendants, first named, do
respectively appear and answer the cumplain*
si ts’ bill, within four months from the date of
this rule, and the said James Clay, within nine
months. And it is further ordered, that this
rule be published once a week, during nine
months, in one of the public GuscUea of ibis
slate. A true copy from the minutes.
A. 11. FANNIN, Clerk,
may 11 43fpa
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver St urges. Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them in, properly attested, and
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment to
Will. P. HUNTER, Adm’r.
F h 10 t
dniiuistrator s Sale.
Mic. i aie-v
On the fist Tuts hyin ,'ta’ch next,
Vt ,l be soh a. \h: G vm-liouse between
V/ the li u -s of 10 4 ./clock,
T e lowing-dx n gr-u s, ILniai., I-aac,
1 on on, William, Peter, and Hannah, levied
on und r • fi- f». on for closure from Jobe
u 'ter co tiie Plantera’ B,.nk.
F ur negroes, U'.i.y, 'ios»8 Will and Jen
ny ievi ;d on under a ti. ia. en for.'closure
of ^ mortgage from 0. H. linden, to Jeremi
ah Cu ter.
A 4 amity of Hons hold and K chen Fi;r-
nitu e, Ievi* don under a fi f« on lorcch.suie
of w m * tg ge, from E!c zer Eatiy to Ane i
1 D’LYON, S’. C. C
i 3 32
ST^T/* A. be soi l
Vvr ’.louse, in tlu ch,
.ity he itTs .les*
On the frst Tutstlny in March next,
fruit ol the Court•
, of Savanu'h, between
the. S't-1 hours often and three wLh.e.k,
A I the buii.lings on the eaa ern naif o 1 lot
N 5 st G ill. O ' tethrop; war 1, lcvie
on a3 * p •ri-r*. .. W ins E. Roberta to r »t-
is. / an '.icouiion hi f.vor of tl.»- Ge*m-n Lu
thetan lu cu, vs. Elias E Rubeils*
Oi.e n g*■» woman named i4*riH, and b<
child Doll, levied on as the. property nf Rob*
Chariton, d*-.c. to satisfy an execution Iron.
theComtof Common Pleas, and Oyer and
Termimr for the Ci<> of Savai nab, Salma.
Ilauton vs. E ! Zi Ciuritoii administratrix o
Hubert Chartiuu, dec.
A I. D’LYON, (,. S.
n 56
.L l»e so U at thy G*.u t-H«'US». in S
vannah, or. the first Tue dav in M re
kt, between the hours of ten and two o’cl (.
he e3tat,. • f John Ciaik, deceK.-.ed-
t erms ot sale cash.
Adncuis rator (.f J. Clark-
T,, »* 14 42
Administrator's Mv e.
alKTTLi. »e s *d >.n the first 'i nesday i:
If tlcrch nest, at the Court Hi use in th*
city ot Savannah, within 'he h»)urs prescrih**
PLANTERS’ BLNK F TOi K, hoionging
h i esTt • of C»n--t.*nt F>vem* , ii / Kmj d^ceas
ed* Sold fo/ the benefit of tli.* heir* anu
creditors of said c?v :te Te ma of sale cas.
J A .iES HUN ITjK, Adm’r.
.ip- 14 42
An t’p< mug for enterprize !
SUO va\w.\U\e TOT
W n r!;,
Situated nn the prinripul streets in lancer
Hamburg,[improved und uniinprured.)
ILL bo sold to the highest bidder, on
toaday, the ll.lli January next, in
t he Town of Hamburg, S. C.—One half of
tin purclutho mom v, cash ; the other half,
to bear an interest of seven per cent, per
annum—the interest to he paid annually.—
My individual Notes, ami the Notes of tlu
following Bunks, viz. Tin* Bank ol'Ham
burg, Bank of the United Status, the sever
al Banks of this Slate, ami the Bank of Au
gusta, will he taken in payment.. The pur
chasers of unimproved lots will be required
to improve thereon. The sale will contin
ue from day to day, until Ihe wlmlo is dis
posed of; when the. term*' of sale are eom-
iicd with, indisputable Tit 1 >* will In* made.
Hamburg, Nov. 21.
Georgia—Camden < wmtm
Sit'Khtok Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy llopleins, vs. Langley and Selvesfer
N petite n »• ') m »thy Hopkins, ctatir p
that in consider ition of cm a n prom
ss-Ty. tvteSj made tn the sa:d Tim tex,
th'»m, t ne payable with inte es», fi» m fir-
»t January, ’ 821, on tlfirst of January 182.2:
a second pi cole as aforessi , on the f.s -t
Jftiu»ry, 1833; and a th’rd pavable hs ht t •
.ted, nn tt*e first nf January, 1824. exscut-d a
mortgage to ssid r i .oti-.y H.ipkir-s, Ins hei
and assigns, on nil those four trr.c s *»F , <1,
touted - he county atorcsiiicl, convey c! '
t*»e suid T» nottiy, to ttie said J.Hi»gl**y a
Silvester, and lying on the seuc-; si*;e .*
Great Sstilla River, one tract contaming srv
enty-seven)Rc**e«. more * r lesj; two truc‘8
containing fif y, more or less and » m
i her tract, co"tuiniug one hum red and tik
i>-eight acres, more or leas, conditioned t\
•he itavn-ent of the ’hi re Raid several trues,
on the days above mentioned, and thht ,
9* vcrsl notes remain unpaid—rn motion *j.»
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintd', it i
ordered,'hat th said Laogh’-V a d Seives’er,
t|o ir heirs or assigns pay into Coin ,, within
welve months from this date, the sums dm*
on said notes, and the interest and c< s'a, oth
erwise that the c.quitj of redemption be lo -
•ver foreclosed, and that su- h other prncet d
.ugs take place, us are pursuant to la'v.
True extract from the min >es, 371'’ Onto-
b *r. 18 4. JOHN BAIL FY, Clerk
nov 4 87 $ v
N 1 5
?itiE 9ubscribt r OMvingii*bi.(>ven»dcom
LiAACKA, has r.ow a supply on hand toi
.(•. ; Jjc lua reduced thep-ice from g3 50, i 0
§2 SO, or by the dozen $.'4.
All charitable ins'i’utiotts in thp U. State*
ind the poor will be supplied gratis.
If he citizens «.f the principal cities an.
*\vng, will appoint an agent to order am
h'uribute this medicioe to the poor, it will be
tp plied
Th s medicine is eelrbtated for the cure ot
■« following lisensos“ scrofula or king’*.
•*v.I, ulcerated or putrid sore tlront, lor.;-,
'.landing rheums 1 ic affections, cutaneous di»-
■i&es. white sweili .g n l d : se»-s<' ot the b-.nes,
.ind all cares g**ueta'ly <if th ulcerous clia’ur.
ter, and chronic d's.vses genera',ly a s ng *n
debilitated constitutions, but more especially
f o r . syphilis or uflections arising therefrom ;
i.'ersin the larynx, nodes, Ac. and that
si-eadful disease orcAS.uwed by a long and
xcessive use of mercury, Uc* It is als ? use
till in the dia^a^e of the liver-”
I have within the last two years had ar op
poitunity of seeing s- vei'al cases of ver> mve
rute ulcers, which having previ just) resist
ed the regular modes of treatment were
ealed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea,
und 1 do believe, from what 1 have seer,
’•at it will prove an important remedy in scro
uloiis, venereal and mereu-in I diseases.
Professor of tue Institutes anrl practice
of Ptiys.c, in the University of Penn
ey It aim
I have e - rduved the Panacea of Mr. Swaim.
«n numerous tusi .net a, within the lost thre*
.earSjAnd have always f.und it extremely
“tficacious, eimeciailv in nec-ondary svp’.iiu
•uid ut«*.rcutiMi .Iochrcs. l have no iicaitHthn
' pronouncing it a tnodici e of inesli nabii
value. W. GIBSON, M. 1)
Professor nf Surgery in lh*. Un.’ y ot Penn
Philadelphia, Fchruur'. 17. 1823.
JOB • SHINN’, Chemist
Phil- dr’phia. A'ov »7. 1823-
oiicrili b rvctlcs.
0 *’‘he first aaturJay, after the first Tues
day in Match, will be sold at the Mar
kei House, in tint town of St. Matys. between
the bouts of ten and four o'clock, a negu.
boy named M ses, lcvie 1 on as the proper*
of Cornelius Ruin, to satisfy an execution o-
foreclosure of a .i ortgage in favor of Join
Chevalier. M H IUUUAUD, S. C. C.
St- 'larys, J».nu»ry L 18 5*
1 H 17
Tar, iu.ii >11:0111
JUST MiCEl! El),
£dX3 10 do Pitch
Id do Kotjn
fi do bright Varnish
For sale by A. BASSETT,
No. 1, MongitPs New-Building.
F<‘h t
Mire Fenders and Cast-Iron
Chimney Backs,
I ITjCKI VHD per sliip Vnrmlr, ami for
a, sitlo l.y J\. a. WKKl).
<!.-< >7 *7
M. t;roix ri-ugars.
I f. il I (iM IK A DS of St. Croix Sugars.
V> of very primu (juiility, Ittiiiliiigfroin
(choi)iinr Nuiu y, atitl lor sulo hy
Jau M
Sale Continued.
HE sale of the above Lots has been
p'e.hruury next, on which day the sale will
The Charleston Mercury, tlm Charleston
Courier. Southern Patriot, City Gazette,
Columbia Telescope, South-Carolimi Re
publican, Pendleton Messenger, Augusta
Chronicle, the Constitutionalist, Savaunal
Republican and Georgian, will publish tin
above once a week lor three weeks, and
forward their accounts to me for payment.
January 26
•Inn 30 fitifp
Cavuleu Superior Court.
Ilr.Miv Haiikoiu), J verdict MnrchlYrm,
W V V lliOd.
Thomas Kino. )
j wN motion of the Attorney of the Plain-
« ® tirt’. in the above case, it is ordered
hat tie* defendant do shew cause, on or be
en* the first day of the next term, why a
inn) judgment should not he entered in
tin: above ease, as of March Term, 1H0JS ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
mee a month, for four months, in one
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on tin* defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from the Minutes,
dec 23 26 In
State of Georgia.
By Elijah Bohr, Clerk of the Court of Or
dinary, for Liberty County.
M IS. E/ iZA.'EiH WALt Hi UR, ap
j.lies for etters of admbeslr tion 01
estate ar.d iffxts of Thomas G Wehh,
a next of kin : Tlu se are theref re. t- c:t*
i,d admonish, all » d singular the ' i- d e
*ul cvcdi’ors of the said deceased, t*> fif Hiee
bje-tions if any have, in my rffite*
■u.eboron^b, ot> or ^efort the fi*s> M n v
. Marsh neat, otherwise letters of aomin s*
• ration will be granted to the s» d uppheant.
Given under my h nd and seal, tins tenth
day of January, in the the 5 ear of <>u>
Lord eighteen lmndred u d W' *''- fiv«
S.) E- BAKER C. C 0 L C.
Jan 14 41
II, five n Lows L-cmi.e and U, ! m 1,rente, Com
pluirunt<, •< d I*.fee 1. ton* John Thomm
C upmn u, —— Bey no ds n>d Tdenn,
/us It //-■, Jtfndunta U e ty Superior
T IME having filed their bill in
. thin 3'iurt, Ihe 0! j r. f ef w»*i h i j to p. r-
pstv.ate the u *>V*nmny < t cer»-tn pe*'si>ns there-
h- name*!, an it apoe iring that (he Del nd.
( j.j e **8 r ‘. spect.vely r; s: ’e hey<>nd the limits nf
t f-tue of fi orgia, a *rl witJen t e United
) »* It ia ordere't, that serTice upon the
aid D vud' n's he cflected by publics • w in
»i e if ')r G z 'tea o’ Sa a >n h, r/qi i*r
the sft"t Defendants 0 appear and ansa . • 1»
said ul «'f t’o i.plrtinac's, on or befi ie the
lever.t! <\v April next.
A true copy
E- B ‘ KFB, Cleric.
February 10, 18 n J.
VeS 7 711
rpHATon the second Saturday in March
L next, ot the late residence of John
Bryan, d«*e. all the personal property of the
aforesaid deceased, will bo offered for sale,
lo the* highest bidder, for the benefit of the
heirs, consisting of
Cuttle, flogs, Plantation Tools, Household
and Kilt hen Furniture, togdher with
sundry other urto Its.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
ISAAC BRYAN, > Executors.
Scrivcn County, (Geo.) Jun. 22. 1M25.
Jan 26 S2x.f
Ut orgia—Camden Count ij.
o \>. 1. WHOM II MAY CO' E N
• W <IKREAS Bflto * A Copp, F. 4 .*nplie.‘
'1yj to the Coil: t of Ordinary of said c on
ly, for L -ttersof Adm.. i..tration on tlu* estate
i.f Joseph Rixby, l:»te of said couicy, decens
ed : These are, therefore, to cite and admon
ish, all and singular, the heirs a d creditors
of suid deceased, to file their cVj.» ti». a, if
an v they have, in my office, on or o fo e the
fi si Monday in March lie: l, o'.herwi e ietiers
will begi anted th applicant.
Witness the Honorable William Gibson,
one of the Justices of said Cour’, this
twenty st.c n i day of Jami»n 182S-
Jr -’.7
Between W Davies. Administrator, Complain
ant. and John aeuochun Admin-.strutorj d*
b-’itis non. with the wid of Geo- r e
tiichardson, and others, D-Jendunts ——In
equity Ch.aham Superior Court— Chancery,
August, 1824.
I T uppean.'g-.ha'. John Murray Carnochan,
one of the lefondanta in the said bill i f
umphunt named, rotuk's without the state of
Gco-gia, iu that part of the United K-ngdomt
ot Greut Brit ait* and Ireland, caked Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do uppea? si il answer to the com-
i lniiism's said bill, within nine monins from
he due of tins order, otherwise that the
s«id bill, as to him, be taken pro confemo .-
»ud i* is further o:derod, that a copy of tin*
rdcr be ptihfnhfd once a week, in one 01
he public G-z: tes of tins state, until the ex*
piraiiou ot ti*«- time within wtiich the suidde-
friidant it required to t.ppcar and answer as
i'ruc c-.r>y from the M" u’cs, this 2lst day
A*igirt, 18'4. A. B FANNIN, Cleik.
'•itri 1 5(.if
is iiEHEU v air ex,
g' HAT ilirnn months at)or date, npplica*
^ tion will hu made to tin* Bank of the
Ntnte of Georgia, to issue a new ccrtifiinite
of stock, tor one lost, issued on the 17t h
March.if. 10, in favor of John M'Kitme.Jun.
or twenty-live shares, and numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Angnst.a, Doc. 16, 1324.
doc IJ 21frd
•4JINE months alter date, I shall xpply to
ihe Court of Ordinary of Camden coun*
v, for leave to sell the *eal estate of John
I) Young, late of said county dc:ceas*‘d, for the
;>eneiit of the heirs of said deceased.
Administrator estate of John D. Young
June 17 20
N INE months after dute, application will b<
made to lh'- Hun. the Judges of the Cour*
>« Ordinary - I Chu ham county, for leave t>
sel* all ttie real ♦. state of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs ai d ci ed
itors of said estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
o-t 1 9 7!
MINE months afterdate, l shall apply to
ol the Court of Ordinary of Cumdeh coun
ty, foi leave tosell a lot of land, lying in Mon
roe county, in the tenth disuist in fiber
ninety-one, belonging to the orphans of Levi
Johns, dec. for the bent fi’ ol .aid orphans.
» wMT -X)
NO ' I. h,.
N INE MONIHS af-jrth- hereof,ap
plication will be made to the Honorable
th-Inferior Court of Chatham counti, wlr n
Boti'.g icr ordinary purposes, for h ave to sel
a lot. With lh- improvements, sittiaie in the
c. y nf S^vaumh,in ‘.he SMd county,'.‘nn ko« \v.
in the plan of said c iy by the N *’ 53, Brow -
Ward, lor the benefit if ’he heirs nod it gn’oes
of 1 ho estate ol the late Hugh M'Call, de
oct M 7°
lufnvmathm NV antv.i\
A NY informal ion from, or rotative to Mr.
Fueukiuck Lowe, Printi'r, a miliv* of
Manchosler, England, and who, when last
hoard from, n si-i- .l at. Mouticollo, Jasper
county, Goorgia, it was understood
he had married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the earn of tlu* editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
11» The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers.
jail 22 40
Lioiving-li lasses.
J UST received, per schooner Retrieve,
an eh guut assortment of Mantle and
Pier Looking-Glasses, at inaiiufactorv pri
ces, hy J. B. HERBERT &, CO.
dec 18
* us. licet Iron box loves,
* N. !!. WEED,
No. 6, Ijibhums' Range.
nov 21
Spanish Segars.
s ° ear8 -
Just received per GloheJ end for rale hy
dec t
Webster’s -pel ins; Books,
R eceived and for sale bv
Jan 13 -V. B. HEED.
*> * >UC0.
INK MONTHS after the date of this
f * notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, lor permission to sell apart of
L'i.j real estate of John Stuey, deceased, tor
the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
do, in 21
II. p"'« n h viiu: de-aands against tie
estate of 3011*1 ant F eeman, Esq h*e or
t e city of Wasu.pgt. 11, deceased, a e re
q ired to hand them in, loftidiy Rttiited.
within the time prescib d hy law : and those
•'.(lebte l to said * t.’c, arc* nqui’cdto n , k
mmediate paytn<*:;t. to
J A HE i HUNTER, A dm*:,
Jan 14 4 l
rpIIOKE who have any dianonds asrainst
i the Inte .Malthias 'Svldosser, late of
Chatham County, deceased, are requested
to render in their demands, properly at
tested ; and those indebted to said deceas
ed, to make immediate pavBnt, to
Ciiialitied Executor.
■Ian t.7 lOi.f
iiidc Whips.
GR(,( ;•! Hide Whips, rocoivod and
for salt* by AT. ]{. U R FAX
v |:s
Pi'ot lircad
1 <> HALF BULK. Inglia* Pilot Bread,
id just received and for sal- hy
dee 29
1. E. HERBERT it CO.
sri.ltBOTTI'K KIllTIOa.
V fi uTulHv a
n,j SJ \ WEI. v. AH 11.mi aw; •/,...
Eamhi". ttfttm f." publithintr V / s,
f.t *m.r nrnt.K c,m »«,«. ,,n ,h,
ifinal llefe-mc.t lo bo rooih
VUUUM'i. nor.11, OCTAVO d ‘l
b.hshetl with a liheiieu of ihe .luibor
I T si,a!! be well printed, nn gno,l p»n e ,,
. be compris' d in six handsome voln**»« ij
will contain the Scriptures of the 0,1 .«i
JVew Testaments, t «’ lnt' oducto-y 0’>s n,j- '
Explanatory A otes, b n<t Fracticil Ohsm u ,,J'
anu all the copj .us Marginal Hefe> tnces
ing printed word tor word from ihe Lin,',,'
Stereotype Edition, published nince t)ir ;
‘.hor’s deceapc The price will be ’
hoards; R24, in sheep; g30, in calf bind,!.?
I’he wh *i * v ork will be ready forddivm u '
May, 1825,
F.xracts of Letters addressed to the Pub:ii' ITl
I cst-ein Dr. S mltL Family Bible, emirr-ntlt
calculated 10 promote the cause of truth H nJ
piety. It seems scarcely possible for on? t 0 !
rend daily the Notes and Observations i n the
Family Bible without becomhg a W*a- r« nj i
oetterman. EDWAUI) D GRIFFIN,
l have seen nn en-nn»*nttry of tiit* !S a! . re j
Scriptures which 1 think ao well adap'fit #
general use and edification. It is u ti- ea .„. e
which ever; family ought to poss. vs.
It is a work distinguished for the simpli-1, 1
ty and convenience of its arrangement, tile
clearness and fi lelity of its ^, th c
neatness and perspiuu ty of iU stile, the
nevoh hoe und CHtidour of its apiri., the e. r|.
•nseness and pertinency of its applies."; m
and for its uniform tendency to pro note uair
geiical truth an! piety.
Of Dr. Scott's F-« n*ly Rihh-, t fi? | r r ,. c t0
say. that in my estimati on it dc:aerv*d!.y r ,nks
among out'ablest *nd bos’ Comm- ma i-s.
Dr. Scott’s Family B*bie. i.itcnded mere es.
socially for t' e of Lh-isncn "imiiies, is <
work high y ev n*g lieai, extensivt.y .nst uc-
tive, and deeply i, - s ti n g.
damel o. s indehs.
The character of Dr. Seoli’s C<»mTiea>ary
n th ; B'ble. is so generally known, and 83
uighly approved amongst tn. m «st inteihg-t
md pious Christians througfiom o :r cc -orv,
nd bus passed rnpidiy tl.rutighsu many i«»;e
ditions, that I deem fuither recornmenda*
tious needless*
Isn*t acqminted with no Commentary on
h Sacreti .‘c iptuies. wni'h I would mire
c rdiady r«.commei t* >or general use. T he
plan of the work is *rood
Perhaps in no way, can minist. rs, i .st’iiofuw
•f youth, and private Christiam, do grestir
•lerv'ce to society, than by exe»ting t!»- 'a.
selves this truly i'lVan,.,|e
I know of no Commenta y whirh u b i»r-f
vuciilutcd for dirtusing correct views of tin
gnat truths of Christianity, aid leuv ngaski.
ary imprestions on th m*nd when risirg
v m the pet und of it, than the one you me
:’bout to publish.
No writer seems less d sp< sed to contend
for barren specula' ions. None more uni'o-m-
ly or more powt fuily ineiiVAtesthe gre py.
rontials of religion. The spirit which per-
• r-des the work is .xcelh m ; :t is the luivfr,
iffectionare, healing, yet faithful spirt* of the
gospel* DANIEL DAM.
From part mils? extminati o, and concur-
rug tostirm nv, there is no doubt on my Trad
that Scott's Family BiW ;; superior t" all
You will ple'’9i to se* d Tic six copies of
colt’s Bible ; I refer to your lately propcsed
dltion Perhaps I shall induce five mire to
take the some 1.umber. B-1..
It is v»th extreme pleasure I perceive
you are about to publish a new eu.'ou >f
Scott’s Bible. Having been in p;isHvf"9.**n *f
t more than ?0 y*:srs, I trus I k*»r.w some*
lung of its value, and am detnin.ii e.i tn irn.
mote i s c vcuiflti.m among my Irieii'D Y.»u
will please forward six copies as soon <*s tm r
■ shed, . M
I have obtain id four si'b.-oribers f'*r the
e\c Hunt work von are. publishing H.
1 propose to take sev\*n sets -if »’s iJi-
bit*, and will be accountable f,»r the sr...
J C.
I have obtained s* bscibersfornim c« pin
of Scott*}. Family B hie. J. (J.
I shall probably need eight or ten s ts-f
Scot Family Bible. J ’*
Rev, S. S. cl P. has o' tained ten sul -cii*
'oers. K. R.
1 have observed that von are. about pun.
b-hiiig ane’her edition of Scott’s H
hope you m ,y su cre I as you h*ve di ne il
lormer cditiouM. I ' ave been etv’onvori.ty to
rnocuve subscritier' amo> g our p ooic, and
enor more subscribers will be ublai-ied.
O. S. !1.
I will take ten sets (of Scot.’s 3 *»!c)
hound *'-d lettered. J V-
l have obtained ten snbscpbers for y-itt
edition of the Family Biblt—-und bavi no
,1 ubt but ihcie tripht he s>-meth;rg iike lOi)
cop es rold in this place^ if you had an aj. nt
hen—1 thought the work ought to !>•* en
couraged and for hat reason took a su'. sr-'h-
ion paper. It is a work that every f truly
should have that is able to putchase.
J. E UT,.
1 am gl»d, that v* u propose to print U r
^coti’.a ex rodent Family Comm* nnr, urd
Mliould be vc*r.* glad if it wore in my power to
give a mure libcial patronage to the work,
than, as circumstance* are, 1 can. 1 shall,
however, be able to do something; eight rt
ten sets I shall certainly take; and it may be,
deub'e that number. A. II.
1 have procured fifteen subsenb rs to
Scott's Bible. j y.l).
1 think I shall dispose of 20 sets orm^eef
• he Family Bible. E. 11
1 have circulated prnpuPH ? g for Scott’*,
B oL* ; how many have been engaged in all!
cannot till,* bui between 20 and 30 sets tn
h s vicinity. J. S-
I have concluded to become responsible
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Comn.c. ta-y,
I have procured 106 sub ciibers to the
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in c»!f,- 3 sets *0
be done in boards the other 97 aei9, bound
and lettered as described in thc prospectus.
H. M.
I presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers lor your edition of Scott’s Bible ihe
demand is inc roasing for them Th v will
finally supersede every other large or Family
Bible. Fifty of my subscribers five within »
circle of 8 miles ! J L.
Jutt published An edition of the same work,
completed in six volumes, without marginal
references; pric • in bourns gl8; in sheep
$21 ; in calf g27. Either of these editions
ti* V be had of th.- publish v in Boston ; ot of
S. 13. & J. SC11ENCK, Savannah.
In * It 39
Carron Castings,
a(D Q 1)DiD P0U ^ I) ^ f ; v ron rRH -
Inga, lor srilo low, by
dec >8 N. B. WEED.
Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, just rniTivod atil
for sale hy GKO. KVEJISON
nov >10