Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, February 26, 1825, Image 2

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    Tub Mint.-
tho Directors
-Tt nppearn by tliu report ofj
of the Mint of the United
l*OllTtMirr.ME Outrage..—T.JO folllW-
injr «)ctnil of an outrage committed on lie
~ States, that the coinage executed during ship Campion, of’Boston, was received h)
tlu-last ynir, Ims amiiuutnd to 1,0511,207, | the Reporter at Portluml from St. Jigo,
Cope do Verds.
prni.isiiKUs OK tub laws ok TUB i Mon. consisting of 4,788,894 pieces of coin. Of
— ~ t rr-r=r the gold coined within the year, about five
daii.v ctetn, : :
eiu-nthv cai’I'K, :
EIGHT 1)01.1. VHS.
: five not i uis.
We imve received from one of our aged
and most respectable citizens, the following
communication. We know of no individu
al in this community, better calculated by
percent, was received from North Caroli
na, thirty-five Africa, nnd fifty from South
America and the West Indies. The re
mainder, about ten per cent., is of uncer
tain origin.
The receipt of silver has been abundant,
and tin* amount in the vaults is now j(JOO,
000. A largo portion of this supply comes
directly from Mexico, South America, and
the West Indies, in various forms of un-
Sloop First Attempt, tTnV. 0 ,U Vs f
Wvhern, N. C—Ccirn and llac.i,' ,?
&, .1. Habersham. ' “
Sleep Good Return, Ratos, from n Ml
voying cruize on theceast.tetlio| lV .j, r j‘
Passenger. Cnpt. Dp Count, of the C s
Engineer Corps.
Sloop Express, Ilammet, fur Charles
Spoke by Pilot Rent Richard Nefo,
. . ... , . . order. During tie continuance oftliefi-
tnleut, integrity, and every qualification, to wrought bullion, in plate and in coins not r j„^ j\|,. t josiali Mturgis a passenger on
tiil theollice with honor to his constituents,
than the gentleman here named :—
“ We are happy to be informed by the
friends of Dr. Damki.l, that he will oiler as
a candidate for the State Senate, at the
next election. May success attend him!”
or, as ifsttcli men could ho procured for tiny “ \ am, sir, your voWobedient, humble
such purposes in this country. lie forgets, servant, WILLIAM PENN,
that all the ancient changes and usurpu- kk Onetf the Hired itory Lords Proprietn-
ions he refers to wore not produced, in the Wwr, and Covernors»(Jencrul of Penn•
first place, by the mistakes and conceptions sijhtinia.
oftho politieians themselves, lie alludesi “ London, Doc. 24, 1821.”
. 1 no to the number of votes with which Mr. Bravo, descendant of William Penn—
Tho shin Campion, of Boston, Cop). Ire-. Ouwford came to the House, and Jyrgel*'bravo, ex-horuditory Lord Proprietary of
lde, iniuhOier U|»|i.*.iran« ; .’tlic Imrhourof //,/. despprato struggles mode by his friends J Pennsylvania. “ Though bowed down to
Port Prnyn,on the morningof the.idol i\oV. rnd the anxious wishes entertained by himself .the ground, under the loss of feudal power
IHvM, but did not sm eood in reaching I he f 0 g,f f (i f/ u , w nf L rrfilL a smaller vote !! ecpiul to any now enjoyed by any of the la-
anchornge until 26 minutes past« oVlock I | t |s J|t t |,j H
moment confidently ru-1 milieu now ranged beneath our gracious so- leagues from tin 1 Bar Light, liotiriniMV
• ‘ i U i 1,,lt ,,,u,ncl . ,t :w ° |,,t ’ s w ! !rt ' 1 l ,ro< * i moil red. that Mr. Clny will go into the Do- veroign’s imperial and paternal thruned’ French brig L’Aminblc, Mennrii. i,,
from ditlereiit hut terns, and supposing themi part monr of State, if itcanbo ascertained! yet the example of the House of Bourbon Havre, 55 days, bound to Charh.-tuii '
as signals to anchor, t apt. 1 rcbli? ordered || m | donate will not reject the nomina-! has not, it. would appear, been lost on the akho kd brum this port
an anchor let go am hoisted a light, when . tion. | representative of “ the House of Poiinsyl- At New-Orleans, 7th inst. schooner r .
u hru was opened lr«m each ort and suver-1 “ Mr. Crawford has boon invited to con-, vuiiia.” Ah, to think of the mortification Jane, Ellison. ‘ 1
nl shot passed over the vessel and alarmed i t j n „ 0 | n thr> Treasury Department; but has of a member oftho Ilmisuof Pennsylvania! At Darien, sloops Nancy, Taber
the cnpt. who nrueieu all hands b*il*nv | positi V o|y ilcclintiil. He has acted, through- A House which, in the memory of some Sisters. Wing; Good Intent, Alien
One shot was tired from the ImUnrry Iron- ■ 0 „t, with u degree of dignity ami virtue Scottish Highlander perhaps, was about Sun, Chase.
ting the town by tlie Commandant s positive w hieh does him honor! So has General, ten times greater than the House of limns- At Charleston, on Wednesday, rrL
Jackson! ;wiek—to think only of his celebrated pro- Florida, Johnson, 1 duy ; sloop D c
“ You may have seen, that already the j geniiors being compared to the marauder of Cooper, 1 day.
Adams “ Journal ” has commenced by in- Peru. /
Charleston, Feh. 23.—Arrived, Hr.
; RU
T« : i
admitted into our clirmiry. Blit tins prill- board volmitccrcii hit. forvii rs to rn nn
cipal deposit es an* made in foreign coins, I H * lnrc '' n,, d ascertain Mm cause, anu oi his |j n , r( | v denouncing all who maybe found! We respect the memory of William Penn,
hv the Bank of the United State., s about I Hw. l.'Il’t ‘?L* n«..l <*ncrninsl the administration asuspu-jnnd lor his sake are willing to dent very Hannah, Graham. I.Yvcrn'uoi
J o Mt JJ 1 tlK o»at, two slut w r< nrrci c ios of traitors to tlioir country. | mcrciiully with his great-grandson, ultliu’it Brig Jamas Monroe. Revhert
S’* ' having boon received Irani that at heron the rvny to tho share, lintlorlu- “ It is said that Kremvr is preparing to would bo about as difficult to recognize the and todays from the Bali’ze.
institution within tho past year. | mit.ilv went over ; nlti'r row mg undtr the • B | low t„ |,j s rnnstituents tied tho puldic, | old Quaker in tho ex-heriditnry Lord, as the Laurel Packet, Jackson ]{ nvcr .
The amount of Conner coined mid uncoin- i 'I 1 !'''' I 11 "''’,, that certain I'rirnds of Air. Ub.y did make | noblo dust uf Alexander, in the stop of a days. On the mb, off the Mo'ru, ns'^
, „ , .. , u . , , a ,"d ' "sails-I e ■ d.iopto.^.edmnoi «b I) b"r I mrr i«res to himself and other Jackson men., bung hole. IJow diff-rent the latter end an English 71. two S,.ani-li Fri.n.,
ed, the property ot the United Nates, now. lie shore win, h lie aeconliin.dy aid, and at Thl , day gentlemen indeed declare round-! of a House from tho beginning ! Think on- transports, bavin* on board £jnn w
in tuo aiiiu, is nOoui jjSJ.-. ,o.«>. Tim issue I rnya^ci.a lie was liuded iiii.I ordered not | v || ]nr t '| li;SB conversations Were entirely I Iv of a grout-grandson of William Penn, soidies for the relief of the gnrrUnn '[■
for u ball, in honor l,l ' c "» ts . willlil * yvar, lias amounted to’ oftbe'lirmg'i!,' Ia“n';b d' U iea“ ingthe' rrew'iS ll1 " 1 .""Ythey in-' who. wlit.iti Charles II. sent an order down U. S. ship Decoy, Dallas, for K,,v' W..-
■ - — on wnioli a profit has accrued of the boat, and the soldiers who hid ha led merely to amuse tliomsulves and | to Oxturd that tho urplice sliou d bo worn saded from Havana on the loth. '
1 V , 181 ,u 1 1 make butfc ot tho Others !—llulunond Enu. i according to the custom of ancioni. t ines, —
ne town and renortad that lira-. fell uponthose students who appeared in j = ’
Kurplicns, and tore them every where over |
- ; •»««»• u -ic-m uni in iiumiii. lit; a<MIIM.-i liiimji . - tir:.i.:_ _ I ;.l I I.. 1 ’ * * *
Treasurer on that subject. j the command of n Guptniu. w re
Copper coins being transported ut. the' 'bed to ru-tukr the phee.—mine j lin ,| 0 j'
... . ' menn uni" /.lr. ^rurgisproceeihilon liis vav
I • ovnmu'n mill pieh .♦!>.. I ■■••...I Ul.,l.„ .1, . *
will be amongst us. l.ct
time in our preparations.
We are gratified to perceive, that a pa
per is rapidly filling tip
of the illustrious Guest of the Nation, which S’ 1 '’’ 17 ,
we trust will do us some credit in bis eyes t^ ""•> "'j 11 ** ; i „ r s u , . B „„ v „ f . Ft „.
and the eyes oftho world. It is time to be ^ «' '-J "*«; »mi a dmaenm of,,bout ,0 sd.i.ers under! ^ j!^ierabl
tlie ('("iiniuud ot a ( nptain w re lunned,- itiuil | mV o found on the
perhaps less, before the good Lw.tvr.TTe ‘•'“PPor cotus imnsponeu at tno. luni1 ol ' Ml, " hiu * 1! ' ,ni "« ,ir ’ 1,1 ,3 " k " r,M
us then lose no Mpenseandriskof the United Slates, the lh „„ U1 „„ i wa, mot at l heenl raneeby ■ J|r j5 . irrin to r
. knowleilge or tins facility, as it is more gen-; *• deiai nm« nl oi sol licrs. win per«:»*ivi:ig 1 • • ” • ■ ^
orally diffused, tnav lie expected to increase I ‘ u,ul <•'«• tiiiar.e-d retnriied
We received no papers north ot Charles- t |„, demand for them. Caro is taken that | a.{•,! t'. to'to^l iVo h«'■ it-1!rr7i,■' C< in>ii'in-
ton lust night, but such as wdre due two this demand shall always lie promptly satis-! Hunt, und mhui after Um Am.C«'ii.-ui called
nights before. The numerous circulars of tied,
the Post Mutter General, appear, we must
say, s far, to have been very inefficient.
Messrs. Davif.s and Stocks, of tho Sen
ate, and Messrs. Hudson and Holt, of the
House of Representatives of the state of
Georgia, appointed by the last Legislature
The Cheat Unknown.—At a late anni
versary meeting of the Society of Scottish
Antiquarians, Lord Meadowbauk observed,
that ns all worn greatly indebted to the au
thor of If'a verify for tho antiquarian infor
mation contained in his productions, he
to examine into the allairs of the Ranks of would propose “tho hejiUh ot the Groat La
the state of Georgia, arrived here on Tiiurs- known.” Sir \\ alter Scott soon afterwards
day the 17th inst. They proceeded imme- g«*t up, remarking that it was familiar to
diately on the* duties of their appointment, vompany present, that almost every
and concluded their examination on Tuos- y° nr Antiquarian Society of Edinburgh
day last, since which, we understand, the received most valuable presents, consisting
three latter gentlemen have returned to ol documents relative 1° the Orkney and
their homes, this beinsr the conclusion of Shetland I.-Innds. their old yet anon-
their labors. We have no doubt they ymous correspondent, who signs himself A.
* o] ll
i after the Ain.Con.-iu
whom h“ recognized and ollVe,I to bo re
sponsible for tun ship hut ?i rt O niitin*!
ilunt said he shoul.l semi on ioard f»r tut 1
. flip’s papers und accordingly sent ti guard 1
of soldiers, as he, no duuit, s ipposnd *
sutfieient to intimiT.i‘0 the Uaptain and
eoiup'.l n coiieiliiinc", n it Cnpt. Preble re-
f'i;*» d, ns the American (hinsul informed tlm
('eiiMiuinduui ho would do, to give them up,
and for such refii>?«l. was order* d by the of
ficer commamli ig the guard who were sent
on board immediately into the gunrd-hnut.
not knowing the ,uu<" of such un mliMraiy
order, he obeyed, and v» as soon coiidui - t"d
to the shore, mid on landing, was inarched
under the same guard ?o the village oppo
site the house ol ihe American Consul. !ie
do .red permission to rail but
their heads—who stood it out eo lustily J
against constables—and who, in his most.
Cabarrus celebrated work, “ No Cross, no Crown,”
county, 17 miles south-east of this place.— ,' spoke so contemptuously of the proud man, I
dd on the I “that is mighty big with with the honor of.
banks of u branch when ho struck a vein | his ancestors, and can tell you of his pedi- yA ill sni! with ull po^ible despatch, j':
of the precious in ml, running into a hill ; 1 groe, what estate, what matches, but for- freight, apply to
in pursuing i: a short became ve-' gets. th..t ’hoy are gone; to think oftho dea-
for Liverpool,
The staunch, coppered and cv.*
fastened brig
0 N (J O O i),
Thomas V\ Can/m r % Jlashr,
ry ncii. Ir was aii- ul 7 feet loop;, and ubout
I un lies wile: aid. in i hat. space, yielded
I i.) or 15D weight ofore, which, when pu-
’ l i rile d, will probably make 5 or GUOO dollars
*“* worth of gold.
This gold diilers considerably in its char
acter from what has heretofore boon found,
ehh 'r in C?harms or Montgomery. I' is
eendnnts of such n man, affecting to defund
hismemory,and in the some breath dwelling
with complacency on Lis late feudal power
and territorial opulence.
Rut. let ijs not trample on the fullen. The
foihloof the representative of the House of
Pennsylvania, Ex-Lord Proprietary and
Feudal Chief, is as harmless to others as
iih • t ivii permission to call bill w:ui relii-eu ,i ;
t ii. .. , , discovery ol the
—and u hollow square termed around him:,., m
, , , , 'ey Mr. liarringer,
In prevcin his escape, und marched to the i ,
were fully satisfied with
examination in this city.
the result of the
Thf. Season.—In addition to tho many
instances already published, of the mildness
of our winter, the Charleston Courier men
tions, that an apple of the second growth,
has just been plucked from a tree in a gar
den in VVeiitworth-Street, measuring four
inches and a half in circumference.
Z. The society was, therefore, under the
greatest obligations to drink his health, and
this lie proposed, because much had been
just now said about the Great Unknown.”
Now, it was very possible, that, under the
self-same appella’ion of A Z. tho individu
al was concealed to whom the title of the
“ Great Unknown” most properly belongs ;
for when it is considered, that within the
alphabetical limits of A and Z are included
With us we perceive the peach trees put- the various letters of our language, the real
ting forth their buds, whilst the first llowers name of the “ Great Unknown” may, no
of the spring are arraying all their charms doubt, be traced among them,
to welcome the approaching season of joy
and animation.
American Manufactures.—The Na
tional Intelligencer mentions tho following
fucts. as highly auspicious of an increase of
national wealth. Wo have never been op
posed to domestic manufactures, when not
encouraged at the expense ol the other
great interests of the country. Their pres
ent prosperity, \vc trust, is an assurance
that they will require no further protection:
Supreme Court.—It is said that tin*
great question argued by Messrs. Oni*e\
Ci.av und H unf.s, last, term, on one side,
and by Messrs. Weustkr, Livingston and
Wr ieaton, on the other, embracing the
constitutionality of the State Rankrupt
Laws, will be decided in a few da vs.
Capt. Jackson, of the Laurel Packet, ar
rived at Charleston from Havana, which he
left on the 10th inst. informs, that u squad-
t. Wilkin twenty mil.* round Ike city of ™ <"’nipos. ; d of a British 71. two Spanish
Boston, there are now annually made JhrUj IV'satos, and six annod transport., wont
thousand pieces uf flmnd, each piece con- into Havana tho day ho name out. Thu
taming forty-six yards. Tho largest quail- H l mni,h fI '" t woro 1,1 1,0 fro, » 8 l" li "-
tity of. 1.0 same article over imported in any ul1 ' 1llave °» board 5iS0« troops,
one year, was 55,000 pieces.
2. Not a vessel now leaves the port of
Baltimore (and wo presume this to be true marliot S 7 a S’* P CT hnn.lred. Nothing
of other ports) for Mouth Anierienn ports, is nientionod by this arrival of the destruc-
Wliioli dues not oarry as part of her cargo, ti "“ ° r tll ° Centolla. Tho story is prohn-
Amorican manufactures of cotton to the Wj unfounded.
value affront ten to twenty thousand dollars, j Fr ,„„ frovre.—f^s front Havre of the
fitli January, by tho French ship G'Mipe, nt
I Letters by this arrival state that the ar-
tide uf rice, had suddenly advanced in that.
Mr. Raavi.e, of Philadelphia, a distin
guished member of the American Rar, has
just published a work, entitled “A view of
the Constitution of the United Slates of
America. In the course of tho work, tho
author observes—“ If these examinations
produce the same effect upon the reader,
that they have upon tin* author, the attach-
inent of our native citizens, and the attrac
tions to foreigners, will be increased, and
those who are now here and those who may |
be hereafter, will concur to venerate and i
support a government, eminent above alluth-
ere in supporting the freedom and happiness
if man.”
The Right Rev. Ri.-hop England, oftho
C itholic Church, has issued a circular let
ter, directing public prayers to be offered
up in ull the churches under his jurisdiction,
on the It li of March, to beseech the protec
tion of God lbr the Republic, under the ad
ministration of the new President.
Charleston, state that, tho cotton market
was dull. 1200 bales had been sold at 23'
sous. Tho quantity on hand was small,
and the market would he inactive until sup
plies of th«> new crop were received. Rice
was dull at 3 J a 35.
Hayti.—An extract of a letter to the ed
itor of ihe Enquirer, dated at Paris the 4th
December, confirms t ho statement made
some time ago in the English papers, that
the Independence of St. Domingo would
j be acknowledged by France. The writer
' says—
“ I have just learnt, and in awu/that
renders the information t eery way worthy
is somewhat dinorent from the
metal found at Mr Parker’s, resembling
more the ydlow of Imif*. The lucky
the vein-above un iilioned,
r, spread through the
. j country like wild-fir'*: the consequence
" ! was, that the banks of his brooks were soon
ornamented with nvn, women and children
, . ,, ... .,ii. • .—adventurous spirits, come to dhf up their
gis, mill .-uoinitled ns papers to Hie Consul, .. , . ' .
r, . i .... i .•, . . , I furtunes out ol the sand nod rot ks, armed
with mattocks, spades, buckets, Irving-
I.|. ut M.niii*. and who ■ P»"»- »"<* nernwry t»
found in veins of quariz, runiiiog through 1 the poor inmate of Bedlam, whostruts about
slat o-r* ck : while theo’.her is fun ml in loose I in his cell, his brows bedecked with ii paper
sand and gravel, in permips. an alluvial soil.! crown. Would that nil the representatives
Mr. BnrrmgcrV gold appears to ha com- * of great house?: were as little capable ofin-
bim*d with un ore, and app-'ais to b«* leisijuritig other?:!
pure ; while ihcspecimoiishcrcloftiefouud,' —^■wwm ■■ i h—nw—w—ww»
contain uothi 'g hut the pup* motul, or. at i CO*^2WlJSXLC3tAiXj.
most, but litile dross. Wheu snnhed,! —. ... —.
its colour
lluntci’s Buihtii'c*:
Persons having exchnng'-i!).
nt the Rail, on the JJd ir.-i.
requested to meet, at 11-r- j.
change, THIS DAY, at u;
o’clock.\\ here a ro-oxchongc will talo ■ •
4 REGULAR meeting of “ T’*ei
/'V n;. O-.k” will he lmld at their
Xu:-Orpins, Feb. 5.—The heavy rnin i TII IS EVENING, at HALF-PA
prevcin in.s esi ape.
house oftho Convnandant whii h ho re;
d at 5 minutes before U o’clock, where he j
found the American Consul and Mr. S ur-
w ho examined and found them correct, and j
A*ho shewed to th'.* (-''ininuuduid lie elear-1
u::ce of the ship at Manilla, and who un-i
derst a tiding a little Spanish after ruling
it, appeared satisfied with the chnnict*r ofj !:< v ' rti
the vessel—the Captain and Mr. Sturgis
re then released, nml a permit scut to al
low them to go on beard. On the the com
mencement oftho firingiho American Con-
1 sent to inform the Commandant that
the ship was an American, and he would
old, could daunt their ardour,
! so long as they could, now and then, find a
a particle to cheer them on. Bui we un
derstand the business is becoming rather
dull: and of course, the ardour of the dig
gers is considerably abated. They are re
tiring h«»nie,»o await a now stimulus.- when
on Monday last, has caused the
streets to he in a worse condition,if possble,
than for three weeks previous, and for a
while suspended business. All rhe principal
w.iiHioiisOs und cotton pre.-ses are situated
in the faubourg El. Mary, and near the
steam boat ami general llat boat landing,
which at present is unfortunate for our cot
ton market, as the almost impassable con-
condition oftho streets renders the commu
nication from this part of the Levee to tin*
warehouses very slow and expensive, mid
from the latter to tho shipping more so.—
Rolling on the side walks bus again come
into practice, much to the displeasure of
shoppers and shopkeepers.
Cotton.—On reviewing our export table,
we find an error of 151 bules over, to New-
York in Dec. last, and 270 to Bordeaux on
11,0 sliip WHS Ull American, ami '■« ivouM tl, c ,,,,,. oc ks an.) tmiie-pt,* sail, bo '' r b V, “
bo roapoiiMble tor ,or c lararter. who re- llr f., v k , 1 „„ banks of
p led that Jie cared not to what, nation she „ , . „ >r •/»„.». i ,. •» f », bales, which are deducl
b. ami several al.ot wore final aiier- lj0,, e Cleok ’” or ( '' lrrol - tal1 blanca -" Export, ami now b-liev,
11/ order of Hi
' W
Fi b .’I!
I'uuctual attcnciniio
-H. Sc
P'otigli Lines and led or
rp\VO hundred ami fifty dozen 1 .u t ;
J- Lines
SO Dozen Bed Cords
Fur sale by fl. B. WtiFiD
Feb Jfi
I aeon and i ai d.
LOT ot' Prime North Carolina fiv
and a few barrels Lard. fi>r -ah- f»v
R. &. J. IlARKS.SllAM
Feb 20 1 -r
wards. Captain Preble was induced to en
ter in the evei ing in coiisequence oftho in
formation of Mr. Sturgis, (who was off Port
Praya in Funruary. IMJJ.) flint the regula
tions of the Pur! admitted a single vessel
lo enter in the li ght, and when tlie slni) wan
olfthe port during the day, the Portuguese
colors were hoisted nt tli-j fort und tile Am.
colors at tin* C. nstil’s Iomiso.
’i’li” Fro(ich Corvette La flobo, 24 g ins,
Commodoro j«otrcyLe. while getting under
way ut 7 oVlock oil tin* morning of • he Hit it
oi Dec 1821, two shot were fired ut her
from the hatlerics. when she came too and
again anchored, struck lier l
also did tin* Fiem:
making together 421
deducted from l he previous . , ,■ , L . .
and now bulieve our table to bccrit-1 MO'IS 11(1 rl l\ Idlll’N
ieaily correct. This article continues to hundred M. Fish Ilooks, assort! j
The r \mii.y of Pens.—From t!ie Lon- meet a fair demand, for all descriptions in * v/ 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted
don Morning Chronicle.— We have been market, at our last quotations, particularly Received per the Augu&la. and Ihr sift :j>
highly amused by i letter in the Courier, that from Tenesecc and North Alabama, j Feb 26 N. R. WEKD.
from 1 William p, n one oftho lloredi- Mobiles are scarce and arrive slowly.—The ‘
tary Lords Proprietaries and Governors- sales since our last would, no doubt, have
Geiii-ral of Pennsylvania.” who. is mightily been much more extensive, hud the situu-
off *nd; d that Pr-’si.lent Victoria should, in tion of the si rents permitted nmpting the
his Addres , have spok**n of the “ examples warehouse of the great amount sold and
of Penn, Washing'/*!], .L• dorse?i and Ro!i- waiting for transportation to the shipping,Leaf, (’opal Varnish. Jaiw
vnrand Hatters liimseli' that he has lul- by drays or otherwise ; and which^ we he- I'Rin jiyfi Crown' Glass, S iirils of Tit:,
fill d liisduty, in re-cuiogiii ,l great-grand- lieve has o-c-oind the attention^ of dealers . ti I|( .*, und a irront variety of articles in' .
lather’s in mory from a Ibul u?sociali*m fully as much ns the making of further pur-1 \ 3
,vith the executioner of the heroic Andre, chases. Armed from Friday'morning, 28th | giliftt* Oil, (JldflVj (rltiSS hr
Jusv Uen?\vuV.
pen ship ju gvst.i
English Crown
ami colors.
war brig La Mamum. Cliplain
then in tlo* harbour. An officer was dis
patched by the Lonmmdoro 4" Din Lt. Go-
rnor on shore, the (*.*v”inor G imral he-
lier absent cm a visit, informing him that he
road pendant! I lie patron oftho miscreant Paine, and the ull. to Friday inorning, 4th imt, of Lou Li-
meii iimu of! w» irouder of Peru /” onn and Mississippi 75 IP bales. Mobile 154,1 ,v
in Dani.-ian. Bn: the doriini nt richly deserveB trans- across the Lake <163 ; in all 3071 bales.— For sale by
plantation into our columns—and here it
is :
To the Editor of the Courier.
“Sin—Through tin* channel of your kind-
for Now-York i
Havre 385 ; to-:
hud surrendered to him the La Hebe, nnd|m»i<s. 1 wish tosummt o the public the ini*
li* Mursoun, and hinisell. ofiicurs and crew jn-ossion mule on my min I hv the Address
prisoners. Thu Lieut, G ivernor apolngiz- 0 |’pru.siiimit Victoria, us reported in your
ed for the insult, declaring it is a mistake, i paper oi he 23d inst. In no small degree 1
and that the shot, was lir*d without his; el:< ini a right ofpersonal iuJevf.runce on this
knowledge, when it is well known tiiat tlo*. occasion >.(•nn iving. asl do,the right which
officer had positive orders to live on auy} ( ,ur ffiw's invest, in the rejrri soutulive.s of
vessel going out without the i-ropur signal.! ancient and honorable families, of wmteh-
wliich was neglected to be hoisted, al-iing over and protecting the monumental
though advised ol the time ol hr sun- j trophies of their ancestors, as typical oftho
nig. This apology did not altogether suit j imperious duties owed by tie in to Ho* mem-
tlie Commodore wiio k«.*pt up a correspon* dry and fair l:'m** of the di-.linguishcd dead,
deuce with the Lieut. Governor until 12 from wlmm they trace tiieir descent. In
o’clock, when he rehoistod his broad p°u- ( tlu* composition inqu.stinn (which, from
(hint and colors, as also diil the brig, and ; the spin, imon which you iiave inserted of it.,
sailed on tho IllSiouii crui/.c. Hour t In* j savors in »ri•, in my opinion, of the puppet-
uti’uir ended is not generally known, hut nil \ ^pow liian of the i.'ahinot s* h »ol) the *• ex
foreigners present highly approved ot the jiiup!**?. of Penn, Washington. Jetlorson and
spirited conduct ol Commodore Latrevtc, Jluijvar,” tire brought forward as parallel
and trust it w ill bn the moons of doing n way I ‘ ...
Cleared in the same time
3055 hales, Bordeaux 822,
! get her 4202 hales.
Arrived since 1st Octoberln*t,
Arrived in same time last season,
Arrived in same time season before,
Exported since 1st Octobcrja-t,
Exported in name time last season.
Exported in same time season before 85,881
Sloe!: on hand to-day. including all
on shipboard not cleared, 48,580
Stock on hand same time last season, 24,389
Stock on hand sumo time season
, before, 22,290
j Rico, per owl. j&3 25 a 3 40, scarce.
nis/i and JJ, us i Truth.
Fob 76 7 .
51.77 t
»iair asi iraau
^ .fr
On M'dVnesAny NYvcY
Till IE Magniliicent Pennsylvania
JL Canal Lotterv.*is to hedniwu*
the regulation of compelling tie* comman
ders of all National Vcsels to ask p>rmis-
si on oftho governor to sail and not t.» leave
the port until it is the (loner tor's pleasure
to order tho proper signal made.
Conversion of the Jews.—The monarch
oftho triple Crown Inis lately i.-sued nn
Edict, of which the following is nn
** lh order tho b«*Mer to spread the light of
the gospel a most, the Israelites, tin* nneisures
taken during the time of Pope C}.*m> nt
f „ VIII. to compel Jew's to attend Catholic
„/• sermons, and which only was interrupted
si'ato nut !•> brand with tho
rank jacobinism.
In preposterously pres
lnijMitatkm uf
the authori-
Tho Prizes in this Lott» ry, are •••'
mined in the same manner as ti: 1
ceding days, which has afforded mi k
vernal satisfaction. It is under the j',
ugeinent of J. ll. YATES and A. M
TYU E, and w ill he drawn under the ?
iiiLendunco oftho Commissioners np!■ „
hv the Governor of PeimsvlvaniH- *
A new method of engraving has been
adopted in Germany. It w by biilistitutiug
zinc for copp' r plates, and also instead ol
stone for engravings. The artist draws on
the zinc as on stem
graving is thus waved
in rr a collection of inmuunenta uf architec
ture, from zinc plates, has appeared. The
plan is said to unite the economy of Lith-
Utle,dion, Hint it is lirnilv believed that a *»y the recent political events to whieh Ita-
Treaiy Inis been cmiclmh/d between France I *>' ,,aH boo, ‘ a l ,rt \V, aro re-established Imm
ami St. Domingo. St. Domingo is to pay, the date ot 1st March last.” 1 lie Edict al
lot) millions of francs as the prico of theac-’ Awards orders “ three hundred J -ws to
knowledg'-meiit of its indepeiidence—part, i aU, ‘ n ‘ l h0rmon PV, ‘ r y «»««*rday evening;
iiuininiille t«» go to Spain, as an indemnity " n ' 1 t,,al a<,(, '>rding to their turn, there shall
fur its portiun uf the Island—hut really to he amongst them UN) individual* aged from
Franco, as pay of French troops in U to 13 years, and 50 girls and women of
Spain: The Speech of the King uf France the stowage. Each time that n Jew mis-
in staling that an indemnity may be given Hrs s * rr,rt "» uhenjtis his turn to attend lie
to the emigrants wit hunt, increasing the tax- sbab l ,a y 11 hoc pi hvo paoli; no excise will
es, seems to confirm nil this.” ; »>•' »di*»itt«ul; it the oldest Jews lo not (!<•-
__ ; n unce tlm dclaulters. they shall b“ lined
I thirty sciidi. The Christians who insult
' Gknfr\i. Lumyktte.—Wc understand the jews when they are nt Church shall he
that a l t r was received yiwterdny, dated birrhed. or incur otlier pnius, according ns
An extract of a letter to the editor oftho
Commercial Advertiser, dated Tampico,
Jan. 4. says :—The trade to this country is
not so good as it was hist year ; the gov
ernment have imposed an additional inter
nal duty, which they collect, at the ports on
olives to a Hoe of policy, wh’rh 1 lie- the const, before the goods can go into the
interior. This duty is augmented to 10 par
rent on the valuation of goods at the cus-
tom-housQ. Tho duty on some goods is
ty of my justly celebrated progenitor into enormous; for instance, I yd of our domes- ... -
such a company, the old a.lago ot'nb uno (Us- tic sheeting, that is destined tor the interior 5?UIil ,0 bt ’d*.-posed ot m tins Letter)■
to tonnes is unfairly ami perversely travosti- ofthis count.rv, pays in all. a duty of 24 cts.
ed into ab omnibus tlisce vnum. Though per verra, (which is 3 per cent less than our
bowed down to the ground, under the loss yard.) There docs does not. appear to bo
xfruct: Ij of feudal power superior, and territorial op- any political news of con.-cquenco in the
ulcnec equal, to any now enjoyed by any of country, every thing appears quiet and set-
the families now ranged beneath our gra- tied,
foils Sovereign’s imperial ami paternal
Throne, no member of the IIouso of Bonn- DS2D
Kvlvaniu will ever swerve from those princi-1 ^ t . , r .. ... _
plus ofulovotod lovttllv mu iHiipromis-' On Itio 22,1 ,„st. in ill- D.stncl ot 0^0-
Ins consistency, ivliicf, imlucm! its Imm.lor' r ITV Jo,,N r*7«-■ ml* •■*r*v*MJf>itl. your
to roiKiy tho well pla.unl rnnfitlouco -ool' ° . h, "‘ a ? p - 1I ",' vas a ,1 ”" vp 1,1 Cur- ]
mnniticcnce tlisplnyod by Kinjr “ lln ! 1 ' for tho list twenty year a rcsi- 1
r. •)
and tho expense of on- nt \V a. liugtou on the 17th, which siati>s, the circumstances are mure or less
A hir«re work, he- tbul ^ "• Lafayetl** was to leave there tho
day following on his tour to tho South. His
route would ho by the way of Nnrtolk to
Raleigh ; tiienee to Fayetteville, Camden,
and Colombia ; and thence to this city;—
where In* may be expected from the 1 th
ogmphy, with the clearness el copper cn- to the 15th of the ousuiug month.—Churles-
graving. I Cm C'uor.
Hxtract of tt letter from H r isliingtnn, F»b,
l»—“Mr. Clay’s late !• • r to Judgi
Rro ke, excites great ftttem *n be e He
talks oftho fears to he «-n*.*r*aiuod from u
military President, as if a President of tho i
IJ. S. could raise tin* in**nns. hv m >gie. of'those ot Lafayette, Robespierre
recruiting myriads of men to fight for him; parte.
In the followiugsplendid prircs•-
1 Prize of
20 - - -
30 - - -
Charles tin
Sucoml, (ill ii I’liiirlor irninlinj ‘'i' 11 '" 1 ' H'o custom suetbm ofi Georgia.
f i iU" ;
16.0' ’
Mr. Purcell had acquired considerable
privileges ns proud as an English Monarch. . . , .
vor invested in an English subject.) bv a [’° ru ‘ mv and celebrity as a cotton planter;
' • ho was nn honest, industrious and humane
104 - - -
1300 - - -
10608 - - -
zeal in behalf of his unhappy brother’s Fink
ing and desperate cause, so prominent ns foi m ' ,n
iii«* ud • his name in one of King Williams’, —■
earliest proclamations, along with those of
Lords Clarendon, North and Dartmouth,
and Bishop Kent. By alluding to this sin
gle fact, prominently placed on historical re-
cord. I Hatter myself that I have fulfilled
mv duty in rescuing my great grandfather’s
m Miiorv fro • foul association with the
ex* cu iotie of •'he heroic Andre, the pat
ron oi tlie m. leant. Paine, and the marau
der of Peru. 1 should not I)** at all surpris
oil to find M. Victoria following up the the
ory. which lo* has so ingeniously struck out
by connling the name of Louis XVI. with
and Boum-
-bis inrmls will long deplore his loss
12120 Prizes,
22100 Blanks,
a l-’.’O Ticki-t*.
— v?'M
i* . i. . «1.,u*.» *»»'• 1A
Sj*Orders are received in the above** 1 '
\\. VUUW.\VVs0* v ’
ARR1V El),
Ship Hazard, Child, 4 days from Provi
dence in ballast to the master, l’assen-
gers. Miss Crajle, and Mr Hunter, U.S.N. whose orders in the proceeding
ling Geo. W ashington, Rhodes, 9 days duccd a large amount of pri*cs,
(nun Ni*w-York, to S. C. Greoiio. which ivas nl
S.;br. \ olusia, Nyo, 8 iluys from Dariuu, No. ao.313. combination 54, ! t ,
174 bales Lutton. to I’ liutlcr Jk co. ! which was paid ua pM»euiatw8, *'•"
S. lir. lliui,|iton HiUntli, Otracock, $0 uierous others.
Hours, with Coru, to Hall &. Hoyt. | i\\, -j