Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 01, 1825, Image 1
/ 1 ■* ■ J 1 JtmktA :ai_, ^ •] m-jsaa .x c vj sm'w*—VuV. \1V. SiYANxNAH, TUE DaY MOUNTING, MARCH 1, (825. ei. TUB ^aU’^SvWitm, is EDITED and PUIHjIBIIED IN TUB CITY 0? SAVANWAH, Bv G. § 'V. ItoBEUTSON, at ricirr noitan* tku ansfm, rAYAHLK IN ADVANIB. —— roll TIIB COUNTRY, IS cubluhed to me-t (be #mnBement <it tl.vec time, a wcoV, (l>!esU»y, .naSstu'ilny) at the Office of S vGenrfiian, and wiilams all the n-elli. 7 (V.mmercinl, Vnl.lical amt His-.ei an- iiicluduij? advertisements. pub ished in "Th^cfonnS-y Paper is «e t to Ml part; of »,.,te raid Union, or delivered tn the city, .. ■■ v !■ do' !ara per annum, payaldr tn -dvanct. Mvcrtiiemeota are inserted in l.ollt pa . rs ( t ’5 rents per square, ot Ul nes, tor e firM *,,, r,i„n, and 374 for every succeeding pub- “commnnleartons by M A 1 ,»•«*i e-l - ..Hand and n-groea s>y ■Wtntms.r,,. tnr« Kx colors or guardians, are required bv l'.w, 'Ohe held on th" firs, in be niontb between the boors "* lc ' ‘ * u \| .',n-e in ibe afternoon, at tl>- Cojrt |f. m q.a of (be county in which t.if orope-ty is s u e. -Notice of th- »e tales must be Rive., tna public gaselte ,ixty days prev.oua to th ^Nuib-enflhe sale rfuerwnel property mutt be"give in litre manner, forty day* previous to the J’iy f ,'de- Notice to the debtors an must bn publish?.! lor forty days, MlML'L & KUrtT Jp offer rou s viiii, « rv HOGSHEADS p-nne and second SJy quality St. Croix Sugar. 50 barrels do do do sugar 7u bags prime green coffee 30crates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted f> pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin ft hogsheads Jamaica rum halfpipes, quarter casks, and halt quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope ‘200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn ftOO do Long Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nov 23 i-KESH GaHDKN SEED , AND TiwYhimts Ytowev I\oota* J UST received by the ruhscriber, and w» ranted of the I at s-asou*.*, growth, 3 „.> 10 8 Garden Seul», put up by A. M'Mahon »:o, philatl dphia, »xpressly for tois market and co'tuning the foil 1. Drumhead Cabbage 2 Long Rod Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4 Parsley 5 Leek 6. Onion 7 Salmon Radish 3. F/edv Purple do. Bound leaved 10 Early Turnips 11 Late do 2 safy \o Asparagus Ti-ditors of an eS Nm »’»™iiilVr mwle to the C.,»ri of Oidiurv for We to sell land, niusi hr uhli- h -1 .Vine .Cmtlui ox i) IP JJ HP IF o Reduction in Prie s! Cowls to ho tvlittt they nru SoUl for ! ! ' M'llhnnl Wfi-ikl if MnumrrUmn M flAUE Subscriber ns willing ns oth'TS to nrranpi his business to suit the pre- smii times, and save the public the trouble of ...liking biu guitts. adopts a mode hit. lv made use of in this city ol advertising the Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te dious to enumerate, although not having those enormous quantities that are usually ?ni ,| t„ he s„M when railed lor.) names the following articles, and assures tlv w? _ Public that the rest of his Stock is reduced in the earn in.-, proportion : Lamp oil (but not the best quality) per gallon $? Do do do 0 j.0 Do do host quality, per gall. 0 hi paint do do do 0 (10 g.ants Turpentine do do 0 Cl) Mixed Paints (but not the best (livens. Illuesor \ ■ llmv-) per lb. 0 1 EiU'lish White head, per 28 lbs. (not because put up in iron buuuil American White Lend, S'«b kegs laboratnrv manufautnn d llvnek- Ivn Netv-York, (maunfartnvy price per cwt. ?ti cO, which may in* seen bv looking at tiro Ncw-York Price Current) Shy ID Olass. but not the best / tnoricun. per box U) by 12 do do do _ A large and constant supply ot Hie ahov articles and enrols nmierally in the 1 amt Oil. Ihditr, liinss, Varnish mid llrush tritde will be kept. The subscriber having Hindu arrangements with Jlniuilnettirers ill Now-Vork, Philndciphin, Bnsten. and else where, fmin which places he will entilnme tn receive these goods direct, ol the host description, and on the must advnntnmimts trap,.-. lie also oilers his Professional ser- Vuintvig Gilding § Glazing, which he cxi i ntes on .improved principles 0. IT ihtced prices, ill Town mid Country. Ah. 5. U'hdnku -stnd, b tl.mrtfrom' P. MARLOW jnn 21 3 50 3 12} 50 50 wing fl.Q80rl!!VTt8, viz i4 Rarl) curleH Let- tune 15. Boy a! C.nbhnge d f 16. Mutmeg M.lun 17. '.pin mil ’ft. Summer Savoy Sweet Bub'll ;(J Sagts M Narlurtium i:J. Celery 23 Early Peas '4. Late do 25 Ettliv bon n b beRn> 6 lied French do ALSO. °0 n flck»g#*.s containing the following Bui ••••s Fjlower Boots, viz Putib c Vlvacintha I 4.HeTic-nt'gcrfl.jwei f , e i ulipa 1 i I) nible Tuberose'fcB'is | 6 Star of Uctb'.eheni 'nr side bn P.U’DBiiMOrr T.. ■ n -R lUj llic Vrcuidud ‘>f the United Stales. I N piirsupnce of l«w. I.Jamss Moshox, Pro*. .dent i f the t'oi'ed States, do l.ertby up iare and icsk'i known, 'hat a public sale *• -P held at the Uiv' office at Tallahsssc, Florida, on the third Ko id»v of May next, f e di-nosnl ol th" fnlbtwicg lands, viz Township 1. south of Range I, west of tie Meridian line. 1 and 2 north of Range 1. do di Fractional 3 do do do do Township I, south 1, 2, 3, t, &. r », oast 1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5* Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, &, 5. The sale will cummrnre with the low,' •umber of seefmn, township, sod i-ange, »-• roceed in regular numerical order. Ti | mils reserv'd by law for the use of sch iob or other puri/oaca, will be excludi (1 from tin sale , Given under m v band, nl the Citv of V-'p^b iugton. th : s v6u d »v of t •miar-, 18 5 lAiniQ unMiimi 1 . XVAVAOYYK Slate Literature Lottery, •t 7 CLASS NO. IV. FOR DBCKMRKR. 1824, TO REDRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. SIXTY NUMllUHSjMNK BAM CITS TO DEDRAIVN. SC HEM E. 2 Trizcs of 4^10,000 id ^2ft.ft00 3 1 17 20 41 . 51 hi 1734 11475 5,000 3,082 1,000 500 200 100 60 12 6 15,000 3,082 17.000 10,000 ft,200 5,100 3,000 20,80ft Oft,050 UftQJDS! CANAL LOTTERY, FIFTEENTH CLASS—NEW SERIES. 18,305 Prize?, Blanks. 20,J ,i $171,100 31,220 Tickets. In tliis sclrnmn with nine drawn ballots there will he 04 prizes with three numbers on thorn. 1036 with two numbers on them, and 11,175, with one number on them.— Those tickets bavins: none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 60 numbers will severa y be placed in a. wheel on the day of drawing, and nine of them will be drawn, and those tickets having on them as a combination the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 1th, 5th and 0th numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000. Those having oil them the 7th, and Oth—1st, 2d and 4lh—1st, 2d and 5th, will each he entitled to $5,000. That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th, will be entitled io $.1,082. Those having on them the 1st,2d, and 7t ln2d.5th & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th 1st,7th and i)thj2»l,7tJi &. 9th,3d, 8th and fttli 1st,8th and uthJJd.Mth & OtJi 1th,.5th and 8th 2d. 3d and 11 Iij3il,4th & 5th 5th,6th and 7th 2d, 3d and 5th Jd.4lh & 6th Oth,7th and ftth 2d, 4thand Oth 3d,7lh & fttli' each $1000. Those having on them the st,3d and Oth *2(1,4th &. 5th ist,3d and 7lh|2d,5tli & 7th ist.3d and ftth|2d,5th &. ftth 3d, 5th and 9th 1th,6th und ftth 4th, Oth und Oth <th,7th and fttli 6th,7th and ftth Oth.ftth und ftth each $500, JAMES MONROE. Rv the President. GFO f* It At 1AM, Uommissi >ncr cf’be General Land OfTic*. (fj* t’re 'nrs of ih- l aws of the Unitrr S'ates, in the Territc ry of Florida, and in lu ituTsof ttob-mn, Louisiana. T«ne»S'e, M - •-sir*pi, Georgia und Snuth-Carulie i, atr huiia dto publish * he f lego.n^ P'oc!am»- .in n ic'' a wtek M n il *h* dat ol »:»'p * 7 Of Damascus Steel Razors, ■ UST received, a supply of the above nr- •* tide, which will be warranted good.— For sale by IN. 13. WEED, nov 21 .st,3d and tali 2d,5th & fttli .st,4th and fttli 2d,6th & 7tli st,5th and 7th 2d,4th &. fttli d 3d and Oth 3d,5th & Oth All others (being 41 Tickets) having lircc of the drawn numbers on them, will > uch be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d Irawn numbers on them only, will each be utitled to 100 dollars. t i The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th ’rnwn numbers on them only, will each be •utitled to HO dollars. All others (being 1731 tickets) with any wo of the drawn numbers on them, will uch be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having on them any one of the drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each entitled In 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, of a superior denomination, can he entitled in an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty flays after the drawing, ami subject as usu ul, to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing fill the combination numbers, from one to fdxty, which parcels are warranted to draw ill least 54 dollars loss tin*, deduction of 1:1 per cent, with so many chances for the cap ital prizes. .1. B. YATES,^ | T O be drawn on Wednesday, the ftth March, 1825. and finished in u few minute s—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be drawn. Scheme. 3'; 0' 0 Dollars is glO OO.1. 1 Prize of 1 20 r,o 52 ’04 '300 tu via 12,13(1 Pvizps, t' 0 Itluuks, lli 000 5 000 2,138 1,0' 0 5.0 100 50 IB ’ ^ 34,220 Tickets, 10.0' 0 It) ODD 4, .16. 20 000 15/00. 5. 00. 5 900. 20 8’ 0 8 . 64 £205,520 £205,320 Managers. 50 Notice. -ia-yIXFj months at’lrr ilale application will Xn b" muili' to the Iloniiriibla tlm ,1ns- tics of llif Inferior Court of Chatham Countv. Kir leave toad! a tract ol lantl. known a.- imiubcr fight, «lh District, 1 iko Tiierlv Miniriif) County, lor the bcncht ul'lh,. heirs anil cruiiitora of tlm ectate ol ol’N. S. Bayard. 3 " N. J. BAYARD, Administrator I'stato N. fc>. Ruyard. .Inn 5 H'lta Notice. I JERSONS having (lemands against tlm o.-fatii of Thomas Johnston, will please present them, properly attested, at the Clountin.'-Rootn of 11. & J. Habersham. “ IIAMUTAL JOHNSTON, Executrix ollho estate of Thomas Johnston, dec III -'O'- IsUllCE. T MK subscribers being about to decline bu siness in this place, request persons na ■ ing demands agiiust them, to present then, furpsyment. A , B . FA NM1N & UO. 6‘!+i net 4 NOTICE. N INK months alter (late, application will be made to the Inferior Court ofChsinnm County, sitting for ordinary jiurpnses for an order, sijsolute, to sell lots NoS' Our an* riv (4 m il 5) in Carpenter’s How, and lot > • one, (1) lireen Ward,in the city of Savanns being the real tstntc of Francis Jsltneau, dec for Uie hern.lit of tie- heirs and creditors o mid estate WILLI BASlO'f duuUScd i.xecutor. j 9r» NEW LARI), HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. nF.CF.lVF.n FKR lIRin OKORRF. WtsniNGTOX. , rr/k KEGS Now Leaf Lard lUU 1 f>0 Hums 3 Barrels Ccstor Oil 5 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand 33 Barrels Moss Pork Fur sale by J* B. HERBERT & CO. Jim Id ‘ uradc’s ■ onipany ' f 0 1 s, Q ii> CASKS Brado’s Patent Hoes, for sale by N. B. WEED. dor I ft Georgia- Camden County O tlie tin'it Tuesday in «4srch next, 1 ■; soil at J-ffiirson, in said comity, a negio nan. named Daniel, the property of the cs- Ite of Mic j ill Crews, de eased, pursuant ti leave grunted bv the Court of O ilinary. MA' Y GPEVVS. Kaeeili'iX" .1 •• 14 4’ Adnnuisti'dt r’s isoucc. N '<N HSl'rom this date, aesliall 8p ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court .1 Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the real estate of Willian tlayhew. C. H. HAYDEN, p. MAYSIEW, Administrator’s, august 12 4,i Administrator’s Notice. N INE MONTHS after (late, I shall appb to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol ■Jliatham county, (when sitting for ordinary purposes) for leave to sell the real t srote ot Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy Die heirs ami crcd, C. H. HAYDENj Administrator' august 12 45 itors. NOTICE. P ERSONS having demands against the es tate of the Lie Wili am Craig, dee., an quested to render the sa ne, properly at -sted, within the lime prose .bed by law, sen o,use indebted to said estate, are earnest y called upon lu settle the same without de lay. ocl 12 JOHN Il’NISH, Executor. 71 A. iMTNTY lit PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it has two highest prizes—the number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of cash to he disposed of in pri- •/.«;?,(171,100 Dollars) and the price comes within the menus of every mail. Orders an received as usual, at the office of the Geor gian, by IV. ROBERTSON, whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lut- :« ry, have produced a large amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50V, &c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte- rv. 14th Class, received as cash. * Jan I ft 34j2J0 Tickets a‘. £6, In this Scheme, with eight drawn ballots here will he 56 prizes with ihne numbers on hem, ’.456 with two numbers on them, and I0.6C8 with one number on them. Those t ckets having none of the dra« n ballots or them being t’ o dr tnm nc the fate of »ll the tickets in the above lottery, 6ft numbes, from one* *»ixtv inclusive, will aevei'ally be placed in t, wheel on the day of drawing, and eight of them will be drawn, and that ticket having on usb combination, tin* 1st, 2d and *hi«l num e-s drown, will be entitled tn $30 000 That having on it the 4th, 5th and 6th, wih oe entitled to g 10,000, T os- living « tli m the? 3d, 4 h and 5th 11 6d 7*.li and 8th, enrh ^ sO.IO Those having on them the 1st, 6i.hand 8th- ii 1 LI, 7th and 8th, ea**h Those ‘JO having on them the I,6'hand7th 31. 5>har.d7th 4th.6th and 8*h •M 6 hand fttli 3d 5.«i und 8 •• U ,7 L a- d 6.»* 2 '. 7th and 8t’ 3 1 6f ; and7l'' th 6iliano 7 • 'd 4:h am! 6i 3 6'h am 8*'. 5th.6ih and 8- . 3’l. 4th anr 7i' 4 5 nand 7 n J'.h,7U< *»nri 8 i 1 ,4* n and 8 4t i,5*n and'U”. each S1900, 3d, 5th and 6 .. Mh 6tb and 7th| All others, being (30 tickets) having thre r «he d r awn num , 'ers or. them Will each bt n’died ! .o g500. ^I.e 53 tickets having on h-m two of t: < !**a\vn numbers and those tw). the 4ih an •th, *ii! each be entitled to $.00 The 104 tickets having on them two ot he drawn "umbers, and those two the 6i nd 7'.h, o' 6 h and 8th, will cacti be tnt.t' » 850. A'l u»ht rs (being 1300tickets) h»v : np * *■ of the drawn numbers on them, wii each be entitled to $$'6. A.l in -n( ,is.v. g on ••ny one of ♦!.** 1 awn iiiiuibe s, (oehig U.OOft f.:.. *t.-, >r l.i < ‘reach 'rawn number) wul each be t•• **d i" %8. Nc tick, t which sh ft h«v** drawn a ■ r z oi’a^upisr rdc'irmination o.(.- 8c e\ ti«l. d * • nferior « .Z'* P iz s pa' shin th. > •• *'ei c c dr« i g, and subject, us ia.^ tn d luctsoil 11,5 per cent* A considerable portion film ">tt. ry is pu* ip in patcch of JO i ;k :'s, cm!;racing “ll »'• • orbisiAiion numbers, from ore u. ui..t rh parcels ar war t?d ‘.o dra- at I . ^64. It ss l». drd s'tioti cf ' 4 p-•• cent, w. * n< ny cl'aoc.- f.i* the p zes Pickages of 50 tick- i>\ c i H •. f . mi ar be had by tne pay in ut of •!» • d Ife.e'.c between lh< price of the tick* ts and t msu'it wfc.vh they u u * ><f ncc. s ty dr* •rjCU ifterence bt’ing ^6» 60 ’he t krts wd! rema r. at ‘he fh r.u e, (1,6) ui>'d W > duesda , th- 1 th ins Will'll ILl, • ; • - dv i ''•*»'* r ^7 J. 13. VATRS, ) \t A.Al’lNTYUE, ( Mllllu S ors ’ Wiiluit’ 1 ut. • J • U t y 5 825 iflRJiWJ) STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. —®— nioni’si prtzb 4:0,00 €) SCHEME NO; HI. 1 Prize of— &40,G(>0 is 40 OG0 Dollars. 1 Prize of—-20,0o0 is 20,000 Doilrm. 1 Pr.ze nr lO.OOU it* 10 O' O Dollars 2 P zcs of-— 5.u00 is 0,0(10 Do‘1a* r SO P ;zc-s> of——*t,'’00 is 3",000 Dod'j s. 90 Prizes of Sa) is H,0O’) DoI m: s 50 Prizes of ——100 <8 5,' 0J D’* Lrc 1’ 0 P<i?es of — 50 .n 4,000 Duiims. 5000 Prizes of-——10 is 50,000 Dollars 5 5 Prizes. 14795 Blanks. 280,0(>0 Doilais 20000 'Pickets st $9, is 180 000 DoVa a. The whole of the prizes u. be Heating from the commencement o the drawing, except the following, which, a re tube de posited in tin* wheel at definite periods, viz : On the 6th day, : : j : $10,000. On the 10th day, : • 6,000. On the 16th day, : : . • 20,000. On the 20th day, : : s . 40,000. The whole to be completed ii Twenty * t iTNit\ s on\^ \\ Tlie jirizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty days after the com pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioners appointed by the Governor ami Co unr il The above Lottery commences drawing in Baltimore, on WEDJfESDA K, 17tk inst. Tickets $12—Shares in proportion. ORDERS received at the Baltimore price, and prize tic Vets taken in payment, at. LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 3, Commerce-*-'ow. OyifosUft 1\h‘, jlcuAtwvj. MWv. REV, T» ESPECTFL’LLY. informs lior frirmls ■* - and the public', that In-r scnoiit, IS mi'iv OI'KN. opposite the Chatham Academy, lor the rkcfption OF PUMi.s. Assisted hy li<T daio-hter Miss E. A. Huimsov sho oHers her services in tenchiiipr the lidhnving useltil and ornanietital brunches nf cducH- tion. Whilst the returns sincere tlinnks lor the patronage hitherto extended, she hopes, from the reduced rotesoi 1 tuition ond lu*r increased exertions to further the pro press of herPupils, to deserve n still fur ther extension oi'peblir Favor. Tin conrso ol tuition, and the terms on which scholars are received, are— 1st Cluss—Fpellinjr, Reading, Pewinp und Marking, per quorter, : 4 i no 2d. Cluss—With Writing. Grammar, Geugruphy and Arithme tic, ii 00 The French or Spanish Lnngunpps, including elegant embroidery, on lane or muslin, to anv jialtern, per quarter, : : : • : : : 10 00 Fainting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 DO II * The most careful attention will ho paid by Mrs. Ksr, to the deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge. AUGUST G OEM LEU, H AS removed his DRUG STORE, to the corner of Hrowghton anti H /tHta Avr-struts, opposite Col. Slidharm's Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of FRESH MEDICINES AND GARDEN SEEDS, and various other articles suiting his liiv Ho abstains relating the whole string ' names of the things lie offers, ami only men tions a few which arc not commonly found in every Drug Store, viz:— . Church’s Coug < Drop; f Aromatic Vinegar Fol Sabina Pvro Umbellata Degitft lis Purpurea r Scullcap, llyssop 5 Toilet, Vegetable &- German Leopard’s | other Soaps Bane,(arnica inun-S Macassar Oil tuna) • Phosphorous Elecampane, (Inula \ Ox. Mur. Potasso \ James’s Fever Pow- S ders ? Infantile Powders | Read’s Sliptic J Spirits Soap | Fumigating Part ills 5 * Pvrolignious Aeid Black Drop Respecting the utility of this last article, he refers to the last, but one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct 0 70f Helnuiunt) Hops, Ergot Tonquin Beans Sipiire’s Elixir DatPs do Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyre Jesuit Drop LP Orders for tickets or shares, received, and prize tickets in fourteenth class, taken in payment at Ll T r ElU EXCHANGE Ol FICE. J !• P 1 ft LliUlVL .dl ill W HVt-Al \ IF C) «•««? Vll.i HI, iilher'i OF. S. <P.L w.»« 'lie iur **15, »rr vet* in S-ivtu h, ,n h Ab***d- • UiUort, belonging to D v s • h- S * s if l.ondoo m l vii',1 and wi:i npp v 1 « f ends 1. EuvUn'., lu ma' r metb'ng much t<» bis advant*.gi* f He lei ; e -A 'l ! h.V hi bnv,;».’ u, s nut been e» d ’f by his t ici.d* -lic it perio. . Ht tin(1 b*’c.*i many yo- iN h . «• , and wlide on board the ubove v j'.s < w..s employed <>s y carpenter. If he .cfi S •• r( t ! ’«i me, it is probdde that lu utured se ne vessel jroing t • t' e Brszii \y Ai>, s. ‘.S n h'S Inst h'*tt*r, lie stn 1 Hint it .. u h s ir.*cutic.1 to 8« sc. S. wild be hav i-dai any place wh A c a •egiste* nrcenifi -nte of I’. u ; v,r.«l cm r»e c»bt«»l ed, it would be*fu1y received and all eitpen ci attending ■t, paid by ISAAC W. IIOBUF/LL, S»v mnahi or W.W &T.L. CHKSTEU. N> i -Y»» k c -r>* 9 nov ft fl1 Consumptions, oughs, ijc PITT’ V'Vg Mivammli i emaie \sylum. N election for 1 Matron to this Institu tion, will take? place at the Asylum House, on tlm first meeting in February.-— Application tor the above to be handed in to the subscriber. By order of the Board, E. M. LLOYD, Scr'ry. nov13 °i JOHN I*. KOVVt.A ii, HN INUESlo do busirrossin Ito^dge vole sml tcmle-s the nil r of his sur vices to his frientB sod the put,lie, in the Irens- • etion nt agency business generally ■ c 5 ^’f C" Hcers’ Axes- A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received anil for sale by -Y- li. WEED. oct 27 (he cu”e • f J<*» s, Coughs, Consump ' Spitt ng . B'oodj Asthma*, and 1 f tne breast and lungs. •.'here is perhaps no ni?ilual observatio: r- u- s ao.ish u .d, none more gei-erully con .r ie i by the ^ipcrience of tne best physici iS ol Hi j ages slid counlii s and n'ne oi or. imp rlnnce to the huni.»n family, thar he fnc* ihstunsny of the most difficult aim in ivible onsmnplions originate in neglect u colds.. Iii » chn.ate so vjr'snleasouis, when • he chr.ngefi of ihe weaker sre fr:quentl» *.u ldenan-1 unezpecicd. it requires more care •nd ut'emiou tu gua.d ugamsi lhi» «.-*» gcrou n-mv «.l h o, ti sr most people imagine nr •ue Lb!** and willing tn lies o-.v. ’* he bills c •. rH'h y :.h hit the pie-unci Fy Let that tlu •t.npoiT. 'U »t dea hs bv this u.he.usf m«v b» •onHdered as about five w» one. I Hsin»cf i-i ii ..s his fatal dise ."te f qtumily • i • *» <•« li c- o the skill of the mm*i h«rne»j ph)a . us, :• u . -nt ficiit on to the pr«* rielor thn 1- is «.• nMedtr; oHei to 'hose cffi.c'ed wui a go. diy prusp-'ci i f rmief, i • that I igl)) a: .i- teiredy, 'he Vcgeiah’ie Intliun Sp,ci- fie. The Indians are hupp.* in their ki.o\»- . .y ut m* Goal p.autsi g v -,,'ea v. hnlh- ft r i ie'.er* '- me; aiecerlmn h*r totneir : ffVct, 4 it is sud by an author if giert charactei, ha. a t ue c usun.pUon is a distune never in sown am""g them. This Specific is obhdned by extraction fron herbs, root*, fl jW-Tf, pi nt , when in pt 1 •cc'ion. In cults qu< nee fa happy coni' in«. 10.1 of the most v ,mblc heri s, Uc. it becomes hti’.3..nfi of a superior value. It heals the 11 - j . ed parts, opens lie pu e-», and composes ■••te dis'uibed nerves, atiei the munnerof ai niiodyne; consequently the obstruction o! the dies and tie ur,gs which constitute tins disease, parti-ularl) need its use. It promotes expectoration, which is constantly called for r.nd whilst il charges a d iieuis, it also gives s rength to the tender lungs In this nr.annei it removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the ppi Me and improves thesi irits. This speci fie ma> always be given in safety it is mild, pie-, sant to the tas'e, and may Safely be given o .nfants. lor which it is of inestimable valut I‘ add ds relief in bi:wd complaints, t- elbing, ^hooping coughs, &c. and is found particu- . 1 iv useful n* I13 poebondri ic'd, nervous am 1 st.r cBl diseases. Euch bill of direction ntnin* a detailed account of this di ease in « it, different stages, and will be accompa • ' ui I* <h" signature of the proprietor i' Red Ink. V is ott'. red for sale by GEO. KY If O only (my sole agent) Druggist, cor •i H*iv ,.nd Wlunaker-streets, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM. BUTLER. dec 30 30 UutlfcA VVttVv •Mottasaea T HE subst't'iber has just receivcll an as- sortment of the above articles, war ranted to be ol' the host quality, for sole by J. IV. MUHREL. oct 26 P. jVUDEUMt.. T, NF*)UMS bis friends and !lie public L r on- erully, tlint he hns received by recent urrivuls, a large and extensive assortment ol Groctii ies, Haviltvure and Dry Goods, ’Inch will be disposed of wholesale and ro ail, on the most reasonable terms. Th £ following articles comprise a pari of hi* present stock, viz.— 1U Hog- e >U prime St Croix °ugtr 10 B 'a.'s White mkI; ., , n C Boxes Brown i H ‘ vana d “ 60 Barrels Lou. 1 and Lump Jo 50 Usgs Huvriik Gr^en Coffee 6 Pi essuperinr 4th nrool B nndy r do H*»!lsnd G n 5 ’.ftp- s Imitation Brandv, 4th proof 5 D1 do Gmi 2 Hres very ruperioi o;d T»"ach Brandy 2 Puncheons do d(. I ish Whiskey 50 Hogsh ads and 3 Phil, d lphia Rye 100 Barrels 5 Whiskey 100 Barrels Northern Gin 2 Pipes superi »r old Madeira Wine 5 Ha f Pipes superior old Lisbon do 10 Q mrter Cflaks Tenet iffe do Ver\ superior old Madeira Wi"e and Cognac Brandy in demij-duis 150 Whole and > Barrels superfine fresh 100 Half { FI ur 10^> ’'nr. els No* 3, New Macks' el 50 Uv.i” el* No. 2, do do 16U0 Digkets Table Salt 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Copperas 200 U -amii Wrapping Paper 50 Bnga Black Pepper 10 Ruxea Chocolate 2o Five Gallon Deinijubna 5 Bar els Glue J0 f * Kegs HE wild I!F Dupon»»s Gunpowder 5 Pound Cuniste s of superior do 100 Pieces4i inch Colton Bagging 2 Hales Bagging Twine 10 WMu ai.d j Boxes S. W bittimore'f 6 Half 5 genuine Cards 10 tt.-xes Wool Hnts 5 tt -aca Suaw Buuneia 10 Coils Buie Hope 5' Drzen Bed Cord§ 50 Do Plough Lines 100 Puun-ls ftash Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blankets 10 Cases colored and bleached and uiy b'eacned Homespuns 70 Gross Iron Table Spoons 1$ Do do 'I* a do 0 Do Teutania Table do Plated Table and Tea do Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos tmn Tea Kettle*; < f all zes Bras Kitties for mak’iijg preserves 20 Sets of Didi Covers 20 Tors Sh* nr Moulds 1 D ’ c --d Irons 1 Du Ba Lend 1 I) > Sheet Icon lOU Cuskb assorted Cut Nails Wd), ‘ rofis Cut and Whip Saw, mode exprets!) for this market 20 D: Z4.-0 Maiu<SjWa, Woodsuwx and Ten* ffci.t Savs Blacksmith S'< dges snd Handhsmmers Anvils, from 1 to 2(>0ib8. real mouse I ole Blacksm ih's Bellows,from 24 to 3fi Single and Ihnjble Scn-w Ihatts Corn Mills / from No. I to 5 2 Tons Hooks and Hii ges Btsss Andirons f urn $2 50 to Brass nr.d Wire Ke< Ce s, with shovels and tongs to match 5 ^Hskfl Brmd’s Patent 100 D.;zen Padlock* Meciyai d* to weigh from 200 to 5001bs 2 1011s of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng lisli. Bl ste ed and Cast Stoves with Pip s 1000 Pounds Wuggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pins 5 Hagr Trace Chains 2.Dozen Currying Knives 206 Drz;*n Currv t'ombs 6 Seta White handle Knives and Forks, consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Sets Britannia Teiipots. Sugar and Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts 2 Dozen G :me Bags 2 D izt n Powder Horns »nd Flasks 1 Cnse double and single bme) Guns 10 Dozen Wire and 20 doz Hair Sifters 2 Dozen Fancy Hull Mats and 50 sets Table Mats ALSO, A general assortment <.f Carpenter's Planes# brushes, and Fancy Uel'.ows, with many o'heV artmles in the above line,too tedious to enu« merate. EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Tons of <..urn>u Castings, which will be sold low from the wharf, nov 11