Newspaper Page Text
JVfcVi ftctlfcS—\0\. Vll.
JS o. 82.
Tk G. £5 W. Uobehtson,
■ ■ ' sftw—■—
@5* Wumten
IS -,ub!<aht«l to meet I he arruiin-jment ol
Wil. 'h.-ec times a week, (Tuesday,
1 r.'uvsi'ay slut Saturday) nt the Office of :h.
; r’ov^is:., and umtuT.s al 1 the in.ell-
Ooc.merctiil. foi't'csl amt .iiseellui-
Jl •ncictiir k advertisements. pub -shea it.
t!, i ally i’
•|l.e f.ourtty Paper is *e tto v'l parts o!
the -itsitpstid ilr.icr.. or U’hveied .e tt.e 'tty,
»i rti' ptr annum, naysbie in dvam::
t,ilvertisi'niei.ts are ipscrteU in oetli
»t. •' cents per square, of 1 i 1 nes, for t n
insertion, am) 31, lor every wccctuuif pub-
Iic.tiou. ..
0 irnmunicaflons hv M-U, must tic P «**'/' 'i.f
S ! •* ■>(' land and u gw» by *du>'
tor^ Fx culm 3 or guar‘hms, are req i-i . <1
oyliw, to he held -n the firs TitesNi
mot th, belwten ih-hours of fe i m h f" ■
iron aid three in the at'ernonii, at 'll • t oon
[! ose of the county in wine: < the nrn.wt,
otuaie.—N'oticeif h- se sides must h. i;tv< i
in s poUic gazette ri.i-ly day, previous to t)i.
3:»v • *fs le.
% »tice of*he s-ile of vcrinnal prepay mu* 1
&*• give in Ike mun»«.r, Toly d*)-» pievu*u
to 'lit? any f sale*
N,,ric» to *li • (h’Horg an*l r-Mitors if Ri
sftH*.v must be publish.-*.! tor Fociy
Notice thist application wiil t>e. nndc» to tlu
G„ u n < f o dinar: I »r leave to sell iu> d, n»us»
be MuhU'.he'l .Vine Month*.
miLiL &
CJ'itN HOGSHEADS prime and second
4*w quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
7<) bags prime green coffee
30 crates blot* and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
ft pipes cognac brandy
ft do Holland gin
0 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind *n<»»ies
2000 bushels Maryland corn
000 do Long Hand white, equal to
Georgia flint corn
nov <20
State Literature Lottery,
S3-W© IP® IF S’*
Reduction in Prices!
Omuls to lie tvlmt tlioy are H-dd for !!
H JlliMfl II. aid it Meuur. (linn!. 1 !
vj 1111*: SuliM-riber :is willing as olii us to
M- it rrange his bus-in* ss to sub the pro
mt times, ami save the public the trn ibk*
’making bargains, adopts a mode lately
iidc nsiMif in this city of advt rfieing the
rices of his Goods, (tie* whole being too te
ens to enumerate, although not having
io>e enormous quantities I hat. nr«* usually
tit to bo sold when called fo.-.j mini* s Hr
llowiug nrtirKi, and assures the Public*
i:tt the rest o!' his Stock is reduced in the
tine proportion:
Lamp i >d •hut not the best quality)
per gallon Gj
J)n do do ii bo
l)o do best quality, per pall, o ft2j
Faint do do do o uu
^mrits Turpentine do do 0 00
Mixed 1‘uinis (hut. not the best
Gr* > nns. Blues or V< liows) ner ll>. 0 I2J
Englisdi White Lead, per ^1 l!*s.
(iiot because put up in non bound
kens) d ftf)
American White Lead, 2fl1h kn/s
laboratory inimolac’ured IIrook
ie ri, iNew-Vork, (manufactory
price per ewl. d|12 ftO, which
iiisi\ h ■ seen hv looking at the
Niu-Vovk FriccI'urreni) 3 12\
i\ by 10 Glass but not the best
American, per box 3 ftO
1 *»1»\ 12 do do do d .i(t
\ large and constant supply of the above
r.jf-lns and good? generally in the Fund,
'■.i, (Yl..r, Glass, Varnish mid Bru<h trade
til be kept. Tin* suWcrileT having
iu|e arrangements with Manufacturers in
ew-Vork, FhdadelphUi, "Boston, and else-
hero, from which phices ho v.ill^ continue
■» receive those goods direct, ot the best
•scriptu n. mid on the most advantageous
ruis. He also offers his Frofcssionul scr
im* in
•niuti'if! Gilding $ Glozing,
'■ i« U hf* executes on improved principles
i reduced prices, in Town and Country,
ib, 5. irhittilccr-slni.l) ft ihmc'f from f'n ft'ii/
inti 24 50
■myIXE months after date application will
_Ln b»* made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court ot Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot land,
known a* 5 number eight Bth District. I’iko
(•f'lrmevly Munroo) County, for the belief’ll
oft In* heirs and creditors of the estate ol
of N. S. Bayard.
N. .1. BAYARD,
Administrator estate i\. fc>. Bayard.
Jan ft 3 In)
JF.RRONS Imving ilrimmils n<rnins>t the
€-.-tn<,• nl'Tlinnius .lolnistoii, will please
ul tli -in, properly attested, at the
mntimr-ltmin nf’K. & .1. Habersham.
.I.oitri.v rd'tlic estate ofTliomas Johnston.
d,-r: III ‘Jltl
T 1IK subscribers being about to decline be
si11»-!,» in lbig place, request persons ha
in.: iLmands ag inst them, to present then
far payment,
»>ri % & ■Ft
Admimstrut r’s ikoticc.
N , Nr UO., l IIS from this dale, we Shull ap
plv to the Honorable the Interior tJouri
et Pulliam county, when silting for ordinary
pm poses, to leli the real estate of William
Hay hew.
august IS 4i
t uE»H garden seeds
TtaYboua WcwftT Hoots*
J UST reee ved ' y the rubsevibe**, «n l wv
rai led of tl ** J»8t season’ll grow'h, ^
hovrs (Vir lei Seed., pit* up by A. M'Mdmn f
•’o. P . lidtlj.hiH, ixprssf’y fo: t’ is market
-m l CMutninuig the futlowing susorim rts, viz.
!. I>.u uh»'«d '’a'lhage »4. Furl) curled Let-
> T,on» ’ ?,, d '•*et tuce
I Io.rO (Jirroi 17 Royal Cabbage d(
4 B **‘Ly if. Nutmeg M Ln
> f.i rk "f, Sj In 'C.Ji
f*. Onb-.n S. Summer Savoy
Shimon Rsd'nh ^w^et ll..sil
V R*"ly F*rple do. *0 Sage
P U u• d lc-ved *1. Va‘tt|wtium
' F xrlv Tur'nps \> % Olury
11. I.nie do ’1 B-T’y Peas
2 Ss *afv 4 Late do
i3 Vs, a'agus ’.i Karl* (mnchbcam
6 Red French dj
A I S O.
?0 r *»i‘*.k'g**a contnio ug he following Bui
'pos Flower Routs, via.
t. B ub e ftvacinths t.Mr»Yicmtige r flower
’ F "C • ulips * 1) ublc T*iherose
3 N-irci s m .s 6 S.^r of ||elV» *beiT;
^oraaleb/ P. M’UKiG'O V P,
V - o
Ity the [’resident of the Lnilttl til des.
I N p'lTtJinnce of law, I, James MoNno", Pres.
ideot of the ,r .i ed S atea, do het eby ut
dare and oiaic r ku iw)* . iul .* puhlic sail* w
e heM at the I.iui’l Oflbie at raHahasse, i
Fhirida, on the third Monday of Ms» ' n at, I
An* di " I o' th f c.*>*vi;v I tid z :—
Town&hip 1. south of Range 1, webt ofth.
Meridian lino.
I and 2 north of Range 1. do do
Frnrfinnnl 'I do do «k» ao
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & ft, east.
1 &, 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional tow ushiji 3 1,2, 3, 4, &. ft.
riic s-iit* w.ll common-.: w.tli the hwes
•umb«r of scc*ion, towpiihio, ai d raag<’ f a?,
loceed in regular nmn* veal order- V.
• nils reserved by Jaw f rthe use of sch o‘r
wother purpose \v.»i btfwciudvd from t.
s d ’
(V von tin ler mv hand, at the Citv of *Vn •
irston, this -6t.i d. > of 1 ouuiry, 10 5
0/ the Picnident.
t.l’.O GRAHAM.
■»rmi'(8i'*nevn r ih''
? General Land Offic .
try i
I’ri'H^ia of tli ^
Ls'*s of the U .itc
io '!•'* I'-.-rrU u y
•*l Florida, and in In
of Mu!) nn, Lmui
•iiftna, Tii-ujsa »?, Mi -
w i I i
•. Gei-rgi'i nn ! f>
•qtb-.ft rulina, are an
cl to pub i b the
fucynos Prociauu-
•on once n week tm.i! th*’ ds, ol sale
«• ’7 6 {
Damascus Stud Razors,
B CNT receiv'd, ;i supply of the above ar-
ti'-lc, which will bo warrant' ll good.—
For sale by x\. B. WJilil).
nov 21
RF.P1* IV F n I’Kn mtir; gf.orgk W \S1I1NGT0N.
"I I I i k K KGS New Leaf Lard
lUU'lfiO Hums
3 Barrels Castor Oil
ft Pipes If. Gin, Swan Brand
3D Barrels Mess Perk
For sale by .1. lb l IK It HURT & CO.
Jan 14
2 Frizes of $10,000 is $20,000
3 5,000 1ft,Odd’
1 3.0H2 3,032
17 1,000 17.000
20 500 10,000
41 200 11,200
51 I Of) 5.IOO
ft I 00 3,000
1731 12 90.30ft
11 175 6 fM.HftO
>‘ trade’s i onipany’' f ops.
CASKS Bra dubs 1’nteut. Hues, For
sale by
dec I ft
Georgia—Camden Cuum ij
O '* 1 the first Tc.ecliy in tfiirch next, I il
sell Ht Jv.ffcrt«>n t iii aaid comity, a n gio
man, canted Daniel, the properly ot th° cb-
D'tsof tJic j »'i Crews, deers d, pursuant to
leave grunted by the Court *d O •liriary.
M \ ! Y :1<KVVS, Eve ui* ix*
J n M 4t
Aiimiiiisu'ator’s isolice.
N tNK MONTH! after doe, 1 shall apply
to the Honorable the lufeiior Court ot
.futtum county, (when sitting for ordinary
f.urpi'S^s) tor lesve to sell <he real *s nte c
isahc II. Robins, to aalisfy the heirs and cm)
dors. C. !•! HAYDEN,
august 12 4.»
lluncli JVIusciitel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
L * Aneinev’ \' f hnrf
fresh teas, Hums, flour, c c
OA CHESTS Hyson 'Peas
33 Kegs No. I,Tobacco
l 11 lid Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Ilams, receiv
ed nor Laura Jane, for sale, by
Feb 5
\\. t tank .N oVe-s,
[ 7i()H SALE Rt
Jau 20
13,305 Frizes, )
20,1125 Blanks, (
31,*220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be H I prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,17ft, with one number on them.-—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them In ing blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severa y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
tiekets having on them ns a combination
tiie 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, ftth and 6th
numbers dravvm, will he entitled to ^10.000.
'Flioso having on them the 7fh, 8th and
!, th—1st, 2d and -IIIt—1st, *2d and ftth, will
each Ih* entitled to $5,000.
Tlml having on it the 1st, 2d ami 6th,
will he entitled to $3,08-2.
Those having on them the
1st, 2d, nn 1 71 h;2d,fttl. &, 6th 3d, 71 Ii and Oth
lst,7th and 8th.‘2d.7th & !»th 3d, ftth and l»th
1st,8th ami f*tli 2d,8th «& !»th 4th,ftth ami ftth
2d, 3d and ItJi 3d.Jtli iVt ftlh.fttli.6th and 7tli
2d, 3d and ftth 3d.drh & 6th 6th,7th andHth
2d, 4th and Oth 3d,7tii & ftth* each $1000.
Thus* having on them the
1st,3d and 6th -2d,4th & ftth
ist,3d and 7rli 2d,ftth 2it 7th
!st.3d and ftth 2d,ftth & tltli
lst,3il and bill
Ist, ltli and ftth
:st.ftthand ?th
•2d 3d and 6th
3d, 5th and ftth
1th, ftth and ftth
1th, 6th and Oth
ftth, 7th ami ftth
6th,7th and Oth
ftth. ftth and Oth
each $ft00.
2d.ftth &, Ol ii
•2d,Gth & 7th
■2d,4th & ftth
All others (being 11 Tickets) having
iiree of tin' drawn numbers on them, will
ach he entitled to $ 200.
'Pile ft 1 'Pickets having the 1st and 2d
!ra>VII nll n,,0 " *hem only, will «»u/.h l*«
IfllilcutO 1'1/J ijlliilllit.
The ft I 'Pickets having the 3d and 4th
Irnwn numbers on them only, will eacli be
jut it led to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tiekets) with any
‘wool’the drawn numbers mi them, vviil
•mdi be entilh d to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,17ft tickets, or
1,27ft for «*ocli drawn number.) will be each
• *nt it led to ft dollars.
No tick'd which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, ran be entitl'd
to an inferior prize Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject as mu*
al, to a deduction of I ft per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
nit up in pared-* of 2D Ticket*, embracing
il! tin? combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
nl least .54 dollars less the deduction of Ift
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) , r
I vnn®H
0 he drawn on Wednesday, the nth
March, 182ft, and finished in a few
minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
drawn. ’
30,000 Delian is gW OOP,
10 0O0 10 OoO,
.5.000 IP OOP
3,1 '38 4, Sti,
1,0:0 20.000.
JP0 15,i 00
100 5. ’00
50 J "00,
lf> 20,8011
18 81,864
* m3S °
>4,210 Ticket at S r ’t ^ -05,320
In this Scheme, with drawn hallott*,
there will be 56 prizes with three numbers or.
' h, ”y. 1416 with two numbers on them, and
!G,6\!1. %itb one number on them Tliosi
t ekets hiving none of the draw n ballot? or
them being Planks
fo deteim ne the fate of all the tickets ir
the above lottery, fin niimbe s, from one to
sixty mchiMve, will scveraM be placed in a
wheel on tl»e day of drawing, and c ; g't of
them will be drawn, and that ticket Having on
it as a comb'na'ion the 1st, 2d and third ntinv
bers drawn, will be entitled m $30 000.
That baw.ig on it 'he 4'h, 5t.. and 6th, will
be entitled to ^iO,<y>0.
T' os-' h ivW n them the 3d, 4'h and 5th
and fd 7»b and fttli^ each 9^5,000
Those having on them id? 1st, S.hand 8th-
Ril l 1st, 7 h ar .1 Mth, ea h 2,124
Those 80 h iving on them 'he
2 \ 6 h an<i 7t! .1.1, 5th and 7P 4»h 6 h and ftth
’d. 6*h tnd 8th ^ I, 5vh and 8 1 ••h,7ih ai d 8th
M. 7tl» and 8o 33, 6th and 7tr *th 6thand 7<l
Id 4'h an.’ 6' .1 ’. 6lh anr 8«* 5th 6ih am 1 ft-!.
3-' 4tti and 7\• 4'* .5 hand 7 n jth,7tb an-’. 8 j
3 ;,4'h am! 8 • 4ih,5ttiandftt'> each g.OOO.
3d, 5th and 6'..i t.h.Sth and 7lh|
Ah others, being (30 ticke’s) having thi*e.
*f B e U awn numbers on them will tach bi
ntitfed ro g500.
T he 52 t!cis-.ti having on th m *wn of the
drawn numbers and these two, the 4lh anc
jtli, ui ; each he entitled to glOO.
The 104 ’i ,k..ta having on them two cf
the diawn cumhers. and those two the 6 !
tnd 7«’», oi 6-h and 83i, will each be c*»tuieu
io 85).
A:l othe rs (hfdng >300 tickets) having twr
t»f tbr* (IfjiVfj niunl«-*-« «>.. ~->» - »- *■
*= j ‘o J)W.
A-I th ar i-aving *>n th^m any one of thr
I rvh min.bere, (De : ng *’0-608 t.nkvts, or 13 6
'renrb -*ruwn number) will each be enti
tied to y>8.
No ti;- tt which sh -11 hove drawn a priz*
ol a super" rdenomination can he entitled iw
an inferior pt ize Priz w s payable thirty da)i>
*fu*r the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a
deduction»i 15 per cent*
A considerable portion eft his lottery is pu
up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing all tin
cumbinatiiin numbe's, from <‘nc to sfxtv.
”ch parcels ar< warranted to draw at l«?as
^64, b ss 'he d;*< luctioii of 15 per cent, wit!
so uie»ny chances f r the capitai prises.
F.rktiii-ei of 20 tickets, bj certificate, m«j
•’so tie by the payment of the d ffe enc'
between th- price of the tick: is and tbi
amount wh»hh they mu t of nccta-ity dru*.
such - i Here nee being 5565 60.
The tirkits will remain at the ech^mt
« tb ( c ,6, until Wednesday, the. I til ins .
wUn Ihfv be-dv’ eed ((>^7.
J. B. YATES, ) ..
A.iM’I.NTY!M : :,< M,inagCr3,
FhilabJ,ilu.., J ...u i«y 5. ib25
JJ* Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
tikon in payment at
.Tan r
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—the
muiil>”r of Capital.- is unusually large for
the aim unt of cash to be disposed of in pri-
zes,( 171,IDD Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the oiliceof the Gi or-
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot*
trry, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50V, «fcc.
Prize 'Fickels in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry. Lilli Class, received ns cash.
Jail 13
H AS removed his DHL'G STORE, to
the corner of Rmu^hton and U'liitln-
Av-r-.v/m/.v, np/tosiU Col. S/irUnnnds Mnnsioti
llnwo\ where he exhibits for sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line.
He abstains relating the whole string o
names oft he things lie offers, ami only men
tions n. few which are not commonly Ibuml
in every Drug Store,viz:—
Fol Sabina J Ciinrch’a Cough
Pyro Umbcllnta < Drops
Dejjitalis Purpurea * Aromatic Vinegar
Scullcap, Hv'fcSop 5 Toilet, Yegetulile «&.
German Leopard’s ^ other Soaps
Bane.(arnii a mon- 5 Macassar Oil
tana) f Phosphorous
Elecampane, (Inula \ Ox.Mur. Potnsso
Hops, Ergot
Tonquin Beans
Squire’s Elixir
Dan^s ik)
Ess. Mustard
Ess. Tyro
Jesuit Drop
\ James’s Fever Pow-
\ ilcrs
j Infantile Powders
? Read’s Stiptic
J Spirits Soap
| Fumigating Past ills
< Pvrohgnious Acid
' Black Drop
Respecting the utility of this lust article,
he refers to the last, hut one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
net 9 70f
V utur Mfttum NV autvtd \
, K 0*11-GR VILI Fit, otherwise DAN-
HI. ULAND MILLPiR, who in the veur
<5, urvyed in S-ivann.-b, in 1 he Aberdeen
napm-t, belonging to Mc.ssr'*. D wson &
bi»MS « t London is living, and win apply to
i-» f or.ds in F.ngland, he Will 1'car ol
metl 'i-g much to bis advantage, He lefi
•c A •tivteeu while she lay at Savannah, ana
i-’.a n f been be«»d of by lus fiend* ainc<-
«t pe io.L Ht had been many years a jSi-
if, ft v-’l d(? on hoard ihe above vi-sad,
•v.*s c iq.loved u carpenter. 11 he left Su-
v-i'i -u al that time, it is probable that be
nlcr. 0 some vessel going t» the Brazil Ii.
•mil \j in !i-s l-ivt letter, he sta’cd that it
■ as h.a i'.o iiiiou to do s ». S. ould he have
i ; h; any piace vh e « 'egister orcertifi
• oe of i’,'j Hired can be obtained, it would be
mn*- ful‘t rect-.ved and ali expeu *ei attending
t, paid bv
Savannah, or
PAp* q 57
. avunnnii l-cmalc Asylum.
.1 N election tor i A atron to this Institu
" tion, will 11 * pl-ico at. the Asylum
House*, on tl.1 Iling in February.—
Applicutioa Ii r tie.- abou: to be liuudod in
to thosubscri!*•••■.
By order of Hi - Board.
E. M. LLOYD, Scr'ry.
no'13 ft 1
J0H.( I'. lOJWl.A.-D,
C 1'N ISUT8tn u Giib ■ s-i in Miilnlf
) unit u-pile - tin nil' r of hi. si ■
i-ic.-a to il . I'rii'iul. H-il th- ntiMiOjin the tr.ns
xti'in ol m-vnev huFi'!'-ii* ^^.•'!erll l ''■
nc'l 68]'
Oft 27
1 Pri'e of—
1 Brize of-
1 Prize of—
2 P zes of*
30 Fuzes of—
20 Pr.z»»4 ot-
50 Prizes of
H O P'i/es of -
5000 Prizes of—
g40,0nii is 40, on© Dollars.
—20,000 is 20.000 Dollars.
—10 oon ,s 10 j-0 Dollars.
— 5,000 is *0,000 Do!la s
—-1/ 00 is 3; ,000 Dollars.
500 is 10,000 Dollars,
100 is 5,< 00 Dollars.
5 1 is >,000 Dollars.
10 is 50,000 Dollars.
180,000 Dollais
5'(5 ''r-'z-n.
f 4'9» Blanks.
O'-OO Tickets Rt is 1R0 000 Dol’a a*
The whole of the prizes 10 be floating
from the commencement oi the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : : j s $10,000.
On the 10«h day, : • . 5,000.
On the lftth day, : : ,1 , 20,000.
On the 20th day, : : : i 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Twenty Utayiln tv on\y \\
The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole
payable in cash, sixty days alter the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners appointed by the Governor am!
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on JVEDNESDA F, \ nh inst.
Tickels $12—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tickets taken in payment, at
No. 3, Commerce-Row.
cv '“ 31
OifiYtositi Uie. Academy.
UESPECTPULLY inform. I,or friend*
and the public, that her si'tloor, is yuw
"'-t -v, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
, 8 >\k«* J'Tiov of M-rii.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Haiuhhon, she
oners her s rvices in tcochimrthe liilloaitiir
nseiul and ormimcntnl brandies of educs.
tmn. VV lidst sho rot urns sincere thanks for
the potronnjfo hitherto extended, she
lopes, fmm the reduced rates of tuition anil
her increased exertions to further the pro
press ol her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
tlior extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
arc* received, ore—
1st Class—Spelling, Rending, Sewing and
, 1 ,,, MnrbiiiL'. per quarter, : il u()
-M. Class—\V ith Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Aritlime-
tic. 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
lnclitdinp elctrant embroiilerjCon
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : . : . t0 t)t)
1 aniline on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 on
(17’ Ti"' most careful attention will lie
paid liv Mrs. Kt:a, to the deportment anil
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov •» ....'
Consumptions, v uuuhs, §c.
F OR the euro if'JulCong’s, rUr.nsump-
tio. s, Spitting c.t Bioodj As hw;as,an3
iscusca rfthebteaA and lungs
Thee is perhaps no m* cti:ul observatio*.
bc'tcr es'ah.ighcd, none more Generally c(>n
ftrmcd by the experience of the b.-st physit.-i-
nnsof all ages and countri.s. and m-ne of
-ion iinportance to Mu; human family, tLa-
he fact that many of ihc most difficult and in
atrubie consumptions originate in neg!e.‘*i c
colds., Io a climate so variable as our*.-, where
the changes of the wea h .;r are IV« quentL
so ldenan.l unexpected, it requir smt re chic
ml Hticntioii to gua>d agiiiusi thu da; g; r< u
■nemy efli'ft, than most people imapi’c "r
.re able and willing to bes'ow. 'Ihe bids o
mortality exh'bit the melancho’y fact that tin
nroportion of dea bs by this disease may m
considered «a about five to one. I asmonl
then as -his fatal disease fr- quemly hi s rlcfi
aoce to the skill of the most learned phj s>n
ms, it i.s a gra'ifi : ition to ihe prn-.rietoi that
e is enabled to oner to t It ose ilH red will-
, a goi diy prospect of relief, in t!»at ! »g‘ 1;
valuanh; remedy, the Vegetable Indian ."p ci
fic. The Indians aie happy in their know
ledge 61 m-dical pianis; g verned v.h ll\ hi
• xpe'ience, they aiecertain as to their i fiV-ct,
and it is said by sn author of great character,
'hat a tiue consumption is a disease nevei
known among them.
Tide Specific io uht.-disrd by eatocllun fion»
herbs, root*-, fl iwcrs, phnt , 2<c. w! enin per-
lection. In conieqiK nee * fa happy coml'inu- \
lion of the most valushlc herbs, &c. it become t 1
n balsam of a superior value. It heals then*
jtifed parts, opei g ihe po«ep, and compost s
lie dis'urbed nerves, after the manner t f s.i>
anodyne; conseq<ie;itly the obstruction m
the ches' end t»-e mngs which constitute tlj.s
disease, particularly need i’s use. It promo les
expectoration, which isconstautl) c<lled t'ur,
and wliilst it cLnns’S a d heals, it also gi res
s.rtngth to the tender lungs In this mat. i er
it removes the hectic fever, improves difj s-
tion, g*vcs s r* rgth to the nerves, repairs the
-tppt tile &<>d impioves the hi irits. This sp rci
fi *. mav always be givi n in safety it is ir ild.
piej s.inl to he lasfe, and may safely be g ven
•j -nfan’s, fo,* which it is of inestimable value
Ii affords reliv l in bowel complaints, t. etliing
hooping coughs, &c. and is found partiru-
r.y useful in hypochondri cal, nervous ai.o
aystcneul diseases. K.'ch bill oi direction
i ntain- a detailed accoun* of this di: ease in
il itb d fl' “• nt stages, and will bj accomj a
ied wi'h h ; signature oi the prcpiietor io
tied Ink. Il is i fl* red f.»r »ale by GEO. BY
K O •, only (my s ie agent) D uggifct, cor
ner Buv i n.i Wlutiakcr-btrccis, Savar.iiab, at
one do»l ir per bottle.
dec 30 30
t'uvVeA UttVr .MaUasses
, _ .jvIIE vubscribor lias just received an as-
HCid'j AxUs. 9 seituient of the above arlicles, war
L SUPPLY in' the above Axes, received ranted to bo el'the best quality, for sale by
anti for sale by .V. II. WEED. >• If- .UORREL.
oct 26
■ NFORMH bis frientls and the pubiic iren-
. orally, that lie bos received by recent,
arrivals, a larire and extensive assortment nj
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will bo ilippiwd of wholesale and r - ?
tail, on the most reasonable terms. T, r -
following articles comprise it part of his
presuit stock, viz.—
10 Hogs 0-ds prime St Croix *uetr
10 Boxes White vnd > ,,
0 Baxes Bc wn } H “ Vina da
60 llas-rels r.oufw.d r.ump da
So Bags Huvana Grt rn Coffee
6 Pti'es superi^r 4th nrool Brandy
r Pipes do !!• hand O n
5 Fine* imiutien Uiandy, 4th proof
5 Da do Gin
2 Pipes very tuperior o'd P(=.ach P andy
2 Puncheons do do Irish M hihkey
50 Hogsh ads and 7 Phil di.lplua Rye
lt>0 Barrels 5 W h.ikey
Pipes Sllpf!': - -j-
s .p*a superior old Lisbon da
10 Q iarler (Jtsks do
Very suofciior old Madeira Wife and
Cognac Brand)* ia demijohns
153 V hide and ) Barrels cupnflitc freab
100 #lulf S FI nr
10-1 T, -.*r eh No* .7, Now Mackarel
50 Bar-els No. 2, do do
16uOBiskets l'ahi-2 Salt
20 Casks Go* her. Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
200Reams Wisp*.ing Paper
5u Hags Black Pepper
10 B >xes Chocolate
20 Five GaMon Demijohns
5 RarrelR Glue
100 Kegs HE and F.F Dupon-’a Gunpowder
5" P <i:'il C'misfe s *»f superior do
100 Pices 42 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Bales Bagging Twine
10 Whole and > Boxes S. WhiM^mcre’s
6 5 genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 B »x. s Straw Honnela
10 CoiL Rope
5 (l;-Z''n Bn! Cords
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Rounds «ash Cords
6 Buies Point, Loudon Dt.flle
10 CaseN colored and bleached and urn
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron 7 able Spcona
15 Do do Tea do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and 'l ea do
Coppei,Cast, Wrought and Co-npof
tion Tea Kettles r f aii z.*s
Bras Kettles for mumng urtacives
20 Sets of Dish Covers
20 i oi.s Shear Moulds
1 D • S*cl In ns
1 Do Par Lead
1 I) i Sheet Iron
100 Cuska assorted Cut Nails
Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, made
express y for this mm net
20 Dozen HaiuisaWd, Wooum.wa and Ten*
nant Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Handhan n rrs
Anvils, from 1 to 2<-0;bs. real mouse
BLcksm th’a Rellows.from 24 to 36
Single and I)«-uble Screw Plates
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tons Hooka and Hinges
Brass Andiroi s.fn.m $,» 50 to $3
Bag and Wire Fend is, with aiiove's
ai d ttings to match
5 Dasks Bra d’s Patent ilces
10Ul) zen Padlocks
htcclyr da to w» if h from 200 f«> 5001hi
2 Ton* of ^reel.cons stirg of si ear,Eng
lish, Biis'e. ed and Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1000 Pounds Way go . Bella, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Hags 'Trace Chains
2 l»'Z3ii Currying Kni’-es
203 1). zen Curn Combs
6 Seis White handle Knives and Forks,
coi.s sting of 50 p ecca each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots,
S*igar ami Cream do
6 D»zen Patent Shot Ueltl
2 Dozen G .ire Bags
2 I) sen Powder Horns and Fl&ika
1 CJ se di ublc and single band Grri
10 D .zen Wire* and 20 dox Hair Si:ten
2 Dozen Fancy ILii Mats ar.d 50 seta
'Table Mata
A general ar.ioitm* 11 ofC&menter’ePitre*,
Hruthts, and Fancy BeTows, with many othtj
articles in the above tine,too tedious to enu*
20 Tons of Curron Caatings, which will
sold low from the whait
nov 15