Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 05, 1825, Image 1

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wlhr»»%4 BMeasst-
JO"w ftuvVfcs—YvA. YU.
(V l
rs eiutuu an» i'Uiilisiibd
' By G. £j W. Robkbtson,
IS "ui)l'eh«Nl to meet tli- »..ran|i-tnent »fi
the rail, three times a wtel., (1'iiemlay,
Thurwlay »ml Saturday) at the Office of m.
Daily Georgian, and contains si' the in elli-, Commercial, Political and Jti*-.ltu -
nciudiog atUtrlist ments. pub ul.ed in
the Daily l’aper.
ThoCountiy Paper is se tto all pans oi
the State ami Dinon, ov delivered in the city,
at five dollava per annum, payable in dvanct.
Advertisements are inserted ill both pa .;i .
at 7.5 cents per square, «•* 141 nan, for t fits
insertion, and 37 i for every sticeeetlinf: pub-
C nnnMinications bv M ib mtisl Ic f m t>
Sal. a of land and n ■r > s by M«i
tors. Ex. cult,IS nr gunldianB, are r-quiretl
bylaw, to be held mi tbc lin Tuns I- ill the
month hfta.en the hours ,i f tenn h- fme
ami .lir.-n in the alieruoon, at ui ■ bomt
V ise Ilf the nountv in whish the proiwly is
aiinale. — Notice, f h. nettles must b • Riven
in » public fp.zrtio ci.e/y days previous to the
diV ('f Sld<*.
Vm.g*v ofl*V5 s«de of neremal property must
bf give in i k«* nuniwr. Vo ty day* previou.
to the j«y t • ;A ' e - . r „
Nntiee inil dehtn-a and er doors ef a<
ests'e nius* he •,nibh"h. " l-v fiVfy
N-.'t.ct* thst t»p|il "st*on will n ■ maiiR to tn«.
Court of Ordinary for V vo to sell land, moa.
be otiblisii i Alt c .t'ent/is
lfil&lU3i Si , wrw-aoivk , ©aa®st
dl'I Ell EOtt h \ Ijli, j StatC I i ileratnre Lottery,: cAN , i() rTPRY
IIOdHIlEAHS prime nml second cr.A8SNO.tV, FOR llKCKMIlKlt, 11)2.1,: „ ' ’
3D quality St. Croix Sugar.
• r >0 barrels do do do sugar
7o bags prime green rodeo
30 crates blue and green edged plates
it) tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica mm
hall’pipes, quarter casks, and hall
quarter casks wine
.°»0 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
HOO do Li ng Island white, equal t*>
Georgia dint corn
nnv ?3
rHESll Ga^DEN SiEEO i,
'RuYboua TYtwev TYoots*
TUST reon ved by the mbsc-iber, and v/<?
*1 ranged cf H o 1 s! season** gmv'h, 2
bax-s Garden Sf eel , nu an Sv M'Million *■
'o. Philadelphia, oxpr^s'v fort is 'ni k-i
An 1 co-tuning i he foii'-wing a*«ortm nfq, \
.vc// c./i/ k.
2 Prizes of $10,000 is
3,08 2
1 2
4:o ooo
k 15.000
5.1 ■.)
3 OiJO
T O bo drawn on Wednesday, the Oth
March, 1325, and finished in a few
mil Mies—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
30.000 Dollars i« R10 00' .
10 0 *0,
10 000
4 50,
20 000
15,* 00
03-IT© IPOTS'a
It' Judum in 1'rics!
.Goods to !)*• what, they are Sold for ! !
,‘ln'llfnnnt IC'kiit \ .1/* ■/*«/•» (i’n'tn m
r CIK Subscriln r as willing as olhurs to
anmigo his luisiu iss to suit the pre-
.111 times, and save the public the trouble
finaking bargains, adopts a mode lately
mile ust ofin tliis city of advertising tin-
i ices of his Goods, (tin* whole being too te
nnis to enumerate, although not having
lose enormous quantities that are usually
,id .»> b. r:o!:l when ’ *'" y ) onm.’s Hie
ill.'wing articles, and assures the Public
iat the rest, of bis Stock is reduced in the
imo proportion :
J.anq* Oil (but not the best quality)
per gallon ^^ 37’,
Do do do G >G
Do do best quality, per gall. 0(12}
Paint do do no 0 3i)
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 60
Mixed Paints (but not the b*-st
Green'-. Dine : or Yclliuw-) per lb. 0 1
Engli -Ii \\ Lead, pm* '<* lbs.
fnot becaiuse put up m iro»i bound
kegs) , 3 50
American White Lead. 2‘0h kegs
laboratory innunfaclutc'l lire dv-
lyn, New*York, (uianui.iciiuy
price per cwt. jflJ 50, which
may seen by budiiiijr at the
[Ss w-York Price Current) 3 12}
8 by 10 Glass, but not the best
American, per box 3 50
10 by 12 do do do _ 4 50
A large* ami constant supply of the above
rticles and g«>od-* g'*m’rally iu tin* Paint,
ill. Guh.r, Glass. Yarni-h on 1 Hrush trade
ill be kept. r riie subscriber having
inde arrangements with Manutactur'Ts in
ew-Yovk, Pniladclpliia, Boston, and ul.-e-
bere, from whiclf places h ■ will e.«>ntimie
) recoivo those goods direct, of tlip be.-t
’scription. nml on the pmsl advantageous
nos. II ■ also odors his Professional ser-
c»*s in
»aiuti(Hiding Of GltZtng,
)ii, li I,.. cx'i'riitoB on inipvovi?.] prim'iliK'S pricos. in Tmvn anil C niiitry.
a. 5.1l'!utnlci.r-dntt, :>i!,.urx fr;:i th, li.itj.
mi, Jt M
I, DniTsh^Mit 'Jabbogi
2 f-ong *tp(] fleet
3 f. n ' i- () ange Garrut
4 Pirdoy
J Leek
6. Onion
7 Salmon t?m r $h
8 F.i-!y Bo
9. !{ mi d leaved
0 Kwly Tu*m ps
. t. l.xle do
2 '- 'uyafv
.5 As. avag’is
’4. Bnrl. curled Let
17. l( ;val Lob’.ng® d'
16. M don
17, Si io r.h
*3. Summer S-miy
'9. Sweet II sd
'0 Suge
i Nn hrittim
Vi, CHery
Rxrly PKa*l
Lit? flo
Bari" )»• nch b®nm
ILiii F tilth dv
' J
A L S f)
°0 ccmtai i ng die fo’lowing Bnl
•o"S Blower l{o U,
1. D ub e tlvacii t;
V P' * e t ulips
5 N.irciss is
•■'or side bv
T<\ S ?
' /f rle nt'ge-fl >wc
I) uhle Tuberose
6 b xr of TJ* t ctinm
Jiy ltl» Pnxfhitt of lh(i United Stahs.
( S pursunnee of Lw, i,.1amfh Monror, P.t.^.
uieut. •.ft ic t id ed Suuom, rlo hereby r'.e
iaie and mak koo- •• ha» a public sale wt
p held u the f.nn ’ (Ml\ic at f altaha' se,
Kloi'da, on ihe third v, >>.dav of If ay iv xt, f
i'**’ di- -Pi,! o- tli • f ■d»Mvi»'(r laud*, v'% :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin.
M uidian lino.
1 ami 2 north of llango 1. do d<
Fractional 3 rlo do do do
Township 1, south 1,2, 3, 4, «fc 5, oust
1 2.north 1, 2. 3, 1, & 5-
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, «!k. 5.
I h * s u il co t n. r* e u .th Imu l .w>-s
nirnh r of see h n, 'o^nsh*., and .-nnfrr, a?
roct* '<i in regular i urn v eu' efc-t-r. T*
1 •'ids reierv’d hv law ter the n«e of sell *o’
•t otbU’ jiunio » \v. be exclu <j from il
G’ven under rm har.d. it d»} City of t .Vt?! .
itigtoii, tins Vu ; <! ol 11 iiiar ', 1R 5.
JA.tiEo ilONiiUE.
d\ the P.esidz''t.
GEO OH a; 1AM.
C '-nnii-ston *r»*f 'he floncV T.and Offie.
Xj'Prin'erK of ill’ L.x's of the lL.i'< -
S atc-H, m the Turrit »y »* ! Fi >ri la, ri.d in dv
Sta'c3 of Mub nn-.i, L« m )i u i:uh, ro e-s-e, W -
>!-rjirpi, Ge; rp'i j. ar.d S-.iitb-H”!ole-a, are an
'■h’vz d to nui-' >h«- f tc* r, ing Procianu-
©o f'* c- . Week ••mil ill* di ol ws'e
r »* 7 5J-
])-IIU: l .1CHS &b‘<d il'.'Z'/lS,
S UST received, a supply of the above tir-
* tn lo, wlitch will bo wan’iioied wnocl.—
h* by i\. li. WELD,
v 21
31,220 'Jackets.
In this .-rhome with nine drawn ballots
thorn will bo 31 prizes with three numlmrs
"tt tlmm, 1036 with two numbers on them,
and 11,175, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 3-1,220
tickets, the (JO numbers will severa y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine o/tliom will be drawn, and those
'iekels having on tin in as a combination
tho 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th. 5th and 6th
numbers drawyi. will he entitled to 10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, HI It and
•Hi—I.-t. 2d and ItD—1st, 2d and 5th, will
each be ••ntitled to d(">.000.
T.'iat having on it the 1st, 2d and Ctb,
will ho entitled to 4[ 5,0(12.
Those having on them tho
1st,2d, and 7th 2d,5lh &, 6th :Jd, 7th and 5th
'-f ,7th and i-tli .'d.*th &, id It Jd, Mi h and ('“ji
Ist,Oth and Mh Jd.OllnSi nth ltli,5tli and Oth
2d, 3d and ItJi 3d. Irli & 5lh 5tli,t!th an ! 7Hi
M, 3d and 5th 3d.4!h fit.Ii i!th.7tli and Mill
2d, 4th and Oth 3d,7tii &. Jllh’ each giuOO.
Those having on them the
1st.3d and 6th 2d, 1Hj & 5lhj.M, 5th and 9th
ist,3d ami 7th 2d,5th & 7th| Ith.Oth and 8th
st,3d and 8t.h|2d.5th &. Oth
.st,3d and !*th|2d.3tii !'tli
i.-t, Itharnl 8thi2d,6t.h t.V,
st,5th and 7tli|.M,4th & (»tli
d 3d and 6th'3d,5th (Jth
All others (being 41
Mh, 6th and i'th
ith. 7t.h and «Uh
Jth, 7th and !Mh
Jth,8th and Oth
each $500.
Tickets) havitig
hree of the drawn numbers on them, will
ach lie entitled to $200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
rnwn numbers on them only, will each be
nfiHed to 100 dollars.
Tlie 51 Tieketp having the 3d and 4th
•rawri numbers on them only, will each he
ntitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) with any
wo of the draw n numbers on them, will
•ncli bn entitl' d to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
!rnwu numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
! ,*75 for each drawn number,) will be each
•ntitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, nun be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject us usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable port ion of tins Lottery is
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
j all the comhinurion numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to maw
| it least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15
1 per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, )
1 Prize of
t loono
2 5 000
1 2.128
1,0' 0
* * 16
2 !‘«0 Prizes, ,
* H;{) Blinks,£ -20 Tickets.
31.2 0 Tickets at S«.
Tn Hiiu 8-heme, with eight drs*,
therp w ’J he 56 prizes with three r
'em. >456 with two numbers on them aid
M'.6 <8, with one number on them Thor*
> ckets having none of the drav n ballots or
them heJng 'ilarks
■ ° di ti-m n-- the fate of oil the tickets in
:h«ab' loiterv, 6n nutT.he s. from one to
K-X*v in lu ivf, will several!" be placed in a
ivhee! on the o»v of drawing, and e ; g't of
them wiil he drawn, and tost ticket having oi.
t hs n combination the 1«t, 2 1 and'hire! mim
>ers drawn, viilbr entitled to ^”0 000.
T hat hav Mg on it Hi? 4'.h, 5;n and 6th, will
he entitled to ft'O^O.
T 1 os h v n Ui.*m the 3d, 4 h and 5th
o 1 r (\ 7 ii and 8t11^ oarli >,00!)
T.'ios having •>., them t>ie 1st, 6. i and 8th*
n ! Jit, 7 h *o-d 8th, ea h 2,1*28
2', 6 h and 7t>
M r h and 8*. |
2 \ 7 h and 8
‘h! 4 h ‘ini' 6i
3 4>h and 7-
3 4*5 and 8 '
3d, 5th and 6..
All rth
5 'HO
5 ‘’DO.
— (* <M>
20 8!" 1
—10 000
81 164
— 1/00
g‘>0/» 320
P' z x «
ot -
5' 1
— -
ft *05,J 20
5000 Ptizcs
ot —
n hi’lotr,
5 <‘5
■*- Z ’l.
m'-.eis oi*
14? 95
IN E months after (Into application will
bo made to the Ilonorubio t!ie Jus-
s of Ihu Inferior Court of Chatham
intv, for leave to sell a tract, ol land,
u ii as riumher eight. 8th District, Pike
uvrly Munroc) County, for the bcti -nt
ic heirs and creditors of the estate ol
». £3. Bayard.
’ N. .1. BAYARD,
AilL.iiristrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan 5 ‘31 n)
aK r FIVlin I’F.H huig ui.oiigk ivaxiiington.
? t li h IN K(iS Now i<eaf Lanl
J.UW lot) Hams
3 Barrels Castor < >il
5 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. UEBBEKT & (Jo.
Jan I t
t ilde's onipany’' f o -s.
CASKS BraJe’ii Piitrnt linns, for
min by X. U. WEED,
fli-r- III
-CanuL n County
..lay i” Jfiwrc.ti next, 1 il
O -i tl.e first T
sell at ,1 If.’.-fcon, hi said conntv, a m jpo
•mu,: amcd Dai tJ, the p'operiy of tin* < »•-
t<? of >4 c j ih '"’•rcwi, ’e ms <t, p*irs>iant to
•».!*Ve granted bv the Court of O diaury.
M A Y i’KEVVS K .eMi«-x*
t nM A1
ARSONS ImvinR cleiiiiinils npninst. tin
ustiitr i,l"i'hmiiiu, .lohnslon, will plr-iisi
'•lit. tli' in. |n.ipiM-ly littirsli-cl, ut tli'
ntiii'.-Rrioiii nl' It. .V .1. Ilnh"r.-liiini.
i-utrix ofivhu tsl uto olTlioinas Jolnifton.
lice U -ID
bscribfiM being about to decline bu
s in thin place, request persons ha
:ids ng-inai them, to present then
A. 11. FANNIN & f’O.
6 n +»
Adimmstivtor’s iSoiicc.
T N * • I HS Iron* this date, •.<€ slmll
1<I ply to the Honorable Mm Inferior Com'
of Chatham county, when sittii g for ordir.xsj
pn poses, to sell the real estate of Wilhair
augur t 12 45
MlMiinirtiralur’s iSotice.
^jTINK MONTHS rfter dale, l shall anpl)
Lx to the H'TioraMe the Fnfeiior Court o'
J'- c.bain county, (v\t>en 3iuiug for ordinary
:*p for lt..«ve to sell the real (•s'ste o-
; ic II. Uubiiih, to aulisfy the heir? • ml cred
'>ors. C-H If«YI)E\,
august 12 45
liUiicli Miiscalcl Kaisins.
J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di
rect from Gihrultnr,
I It) Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale bv
F h I * vN- \V‘,
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—H, •
number of Capital^ is unusually large for
the amount of chs.1i to be disposed of in j»ri-
zes,(171,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the utKecufthe Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Penn- vlvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50’s. &e.
PrizeTicke’s in tin* Pmnisylvauia Lotte
ry. 11th (‘lass, received as cash.
Jan 13
AUGUvro OK.Mi.Fll,
11 AS removed his DRUG STORE, to
»JI tho corner of Broughton ami tV/iitto-
!•'< )**.v/m/.v, opposite (Sltc/hn'i/ps j)Jnnsinr,
House, where ho exhibits lor sale, a choice
assortment of
and various other articles suiting his line.
IB- abstains relating the whole string of
names nftlie things lie offers, and only men
tions a few which are not commonly found
in every Drug Elore, viz:—
"0 having on flu m 'he
3 1, 5"i and 7th 4*|i 6- h and 8th
> h 5 h and 8' if 7 h su'd 8' 1
3 l 6»*iniiu7t . th.6tfi and 7.
3 6'!i Hiir 8n j'.n 6th and 8 b
4 .5*hand7 ii )ih,7lh an H .
il -,5th art' Hr each gt000.
Ii 6l!i and 7lh|
being (30 tick els) having Hire
f the d ?v» mim 1 eis on them will lath b»
n'itie to ?,500
r he 52 wckets hav : ng nn *U m two of tb.
lrawn numbers and those iw >, the 4lli and
iu, i 1 h c|» t.p entitled to % >'00
The 104 tickets having on 'hi m two r.f
the divwu numbers, mid tliose two the 6
ind 7'h, o 6.ii and 8.h, will cacti be entiled
’■ S50.
A -.’h‘rs (br ing 1.3(’0tickets) having two
•f the drawn nuiribers on lhe:a, will each be
e laird to 9i 6.
A ! th % .avuig *«n them any emr of t1*»-
’ »w.i*», (br- ng I) 608 t eketi, or 11 o
re-cli ir.-ivn number) wiii each be enti
tied to ^8.
No ticki t which r.h 11 hr»v*‘ dra wn a r.riz*
o' a superior d- >-n*i aiii.n can be ei.titled •
« mb r iur | v.: Prizes payable tbiny (la-, f
•iler t; e drs * g, pn*l subject, ns usual, to ;*
d duciion d (.5 per cent*
A onus deruble iiarumi f this lottery is pu
up in uh-c Is o» 0 t (.kvt p embracing ,il tl'
i.mbineiion nunibcs, from one to sut*,
tIi pH’rnls .»r-^ warrant'd to draw st h as
?>o*1, ! vs b * * t I niioo of 15 pi-r n<-m, with
.a rn.:i.y cli.u c • f r ihe CtjpitJil p* z -s
l , ‘'CkagL»8 of A) tickets, li. c nifio* t •, mwj
No be hud by the jayment of the d ffeo- c-
between ill-- price of the tickets ami f.m
ot wn *h lln*y mu t >f ncctS.ty dr««.
such ' iffereuce being S^6T 60.
'liu- t' *kils will reiim n at Hie srb itu*
(V;6| tin' il Wednesday >h- 1 Lima
rtu*u diet >1 '>f..,>v. r, > ttj'.
' .T. Tl. YATES, / ..
A..\l’lXTYr.E,i Manuecrs *
Plulad, 1;.I.| J .. u,\ ) 5 825
ITT Orders for tickets or shares, received,
ami prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at.
NO. lit.
do,o* o Dollars.
» ‘ l 0(K) Dollrrs.
10 i'D De b ra
O/M.O Do la s
3' G00 Delia's
10,00 ) Dolls' s
5, O'; Ilol! .rs
■p.OOD Dellai.s.
lc ( ',G 0 Do)Lis
20'O') Tint et«« at S9, is 1RO.OOO T-o’L «
The whole of the prizes ,, bo floating
from the commencement, o ihe drawing,
(ixcept the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : : ; : $10,000.
On the 10th day, : • 5,000.
On the 1 Gth day, : : 20,000.
On the 20th day, : • • 40,000.
Tho whole to be completed ii
Twenty 1 v v;\i\ r only \\
The prizes only to bo drawn. -Tho whole
pn\aide in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of Fifteen percent.
Commissioners appoint• el tnj the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on IVEDXESDA V, 17ik msl
Tickets $12—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tickets taken in payment, at
i.r t ! !•; a
t:\cna.\r; e oi t ier.
.inn I"
{:\iwv mail ii\ VV alii oil \
O’ G (> li* 5 ILI KU Othcrwia DAN
1 EL GLAND WII l.EK, who in >“.c -«- u
Ml 5, arrive*' in JrJ.vunityh, in'he A lx* id n
' > } "it, belonging to M. • r-. D wv*e &l
uf London Lining aiuluiil appy u
’■is fiii.ds in Envlawi, be wdl !•« a
^ mett dig much to hia ad' Miitage, He lef
'• e Aiundfun wliilt*she lay at Savamxii, a../
>'.*i3 ot i b,.cn be* d of by h s t tondi sme
tutt period. Rt hj.l b. on m*ie»’ y^ars a u*
er, and while on bouid »hc vb .ve v -s •
V 'S rrnptoyed .»e j carpenter. If he left S -
VHiiiudi ui iI'.jtt lime, it is probable that t>
nieied some vcn.seI going f • the B r tzd 1
's. :>s to ins laat lett°r, he spued tnn* it
>• h a intention to do so. Should he hs\-
i d at any place u he e u cgister or ce r Hfi
*ute of his hum.! cun he obtained, it would l»
'han 1 ful y received and all exper. attending
n, paid by
Suvannuh, or
o r7
No. 3, Oommcrce-bow.
nnv 0
Consumptions, ( oucus^c.
I'n •■>/! I c is, ttutus, t'Luth, u c
aj/k (TIESTS Ilyson Teas
33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Illid Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura June, for sale by
Feb 5
V. tales V .N oWs,
F or sale at
Jim 20
Fol Salumi
i’yro Umbellata j Drops
l)e;«tnlih 1'urpurea * Aromatic Vinegar
Setilh ap, Hyssop \ Toijet, Vegetable &.
Gi rman Jiooparu’s| other Soups
Bane.(arnica moil-: Macaspar(Jil
tana) f i’hosphorous
Eleeuniptme, (Inula 5 Ox.Mur. I’otasse
Ileh ilium) ^ James’s Fever I’ow
Hops, Ergot. \ dors
Tenquin Benns < Infantile Powders
5 Read’s Stiptic
| Spirits Soup
| Fumigat ing Past ills
e I * r ni 11 ii m i. > 11 vj A ••ul
Squire’s Elixir
Du IDs <U>
Ess. Mustard
Ess. 'Pyre
Jesuit Drop
Pyrolignious Acid
Biaek Drop
Respecting the utility oft his hist article,
he refers to the last, but one, page of the
Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of
this year.
out 9 ’ 70}
• N ole e.
t rsons hui’i!
I li* p«
% c 'ate of 'he I-ti* John Wak •
ch nun'L agv : nst H »
iy (i>I»n ! -
) d* c a~e rcqui s ed to i«-nd»*r them, prop-
)*rt\ attested, iivmt-d u-ely ; and uli persons
i debted. to in-A imtnodiate pa> m*'nt to
F 4 -7
N olite.
X E MONTHS vD r . te «>f tt is : otice,'i r wii b*. mi'de to *t*e Hono'fta
the u.mi’t of()rdi"Hn ;f Ohathgn •' m-
\ 'i r pc: in sh od to set! all the real estate ol
Ii Wakfri , dec. fo. h b« lit of Hie
ei>sand creditor* f • a* 1 d r f .Mgcd*
ROIP'.RT HOY. F»e ot *.
f* ‘'4 T
lic i'i’ Axes.
^SUPPLY of the above Axes,
and for sale by
out 27
.V. li. H EED.
•he cure f , s, Coughs, *7 .n«ump
S tions, Sp.tuig oi lloOtlj Ad‘niTias,;.n l
ise ise* el'ttieb i-a<i and luieps.
There is pe lihps no medr..d nbservatio
b f *'l«;r i*9'at. ish' d, none more , t- erul!| «:* n
firmed bv the exneiieuce ofi’ v b ;>i phy«i 1
••is of all a. os m il cmni i s and imne <
' orr* iinp rtan i* l»» 'behu ii'ui Gm : )y, t'k
e fact that oianv of u.e n-osi 1 • ffi 3 an i in
•irable I'o.’Rmnptioi'S origmutt in neglect
colds.. In achnateso var ahleasours, wharf
he changes of ;he via h •> are fr q*i ut!
’O Id nan i unezfiecti’d, t requ rism re ca*«
n 1 ut ciiGon to gua d agai' Ki tho* <U> Z‘ r 11
•)i *nr • | I ti-ai. must people imagii e • 1
• >e:b!e«nd w'.llmgio bes o v. n he bids »•
'nortaliiy t>h h t flic mc'uuere'y f4<*t tliutlh<
•rop 'tion j de« Is hr l 1 s -sease muy t •
oiiuidcied as about iite i» or.t. I aainorl
'hen.*i» bisl' «aldi euse f q iuiT, i s c fi
1 ce 'o tho skil’ of the mom ham.d ;.liys 1
•*is, "'l is a ;• i'u! float on to the pn ricLu lie ■
e is et.'it I* d to oflei >0 tliose j.ftl cod will
^ agO'd. ptospeet of relief, in t*. ?t iglilj
'“i i ch '-e’l fily, the Vcfp table I.uti, n 'p ct
fiv. Tl'i 1 idiuns aie happy in ilieii ki n- -
Ig* 1 of in dical p ains; g v-rued wli bv 1
• xpeneri. o, they a eceriam u» toHitir ff r*,
an I it is sud by an .uth.;r ( cham-Mei,
•v a t»ne c isiprption is a disease uevti
kt:nwn ainorg tt>eni.
'I bin Specif’c is obt ined by exti’rction from
• tu bs, r o e. fl 'W’-rs, pi .nt , &c when in per
ection. I c n-. -qu. net fa Tapp) comhina-
Moii of the most v .liable her'*s, xc:. it becomes
• ba nam of a s'lpe* i*»r value. It iieals tlie e •
ju ed parts, opens h * no e.-, and compo-.fs
iC dis uihed ne«v»*s, after the tnaiiiu r « f at
modvne / tOiis. q eutly the ob-ufuction ot
• he ches andt' e u.'iys wliicli constitute th.»
disease, parti-ulariy need its use. It promotes
xpvct iuti"n, which is e.onstanti*. culled for
•mil whilst it ch'Bj s *s a d ».c«is, it uLo give*-
i rengih ♦«* tiie tender lungs In this manner
t removes the hectic feve , improves dig»*s-
t op, gives s’r* ngth to the nem s, repairs thr
pp> Me and improves the si inis. 'This sped
fl '. mu' always be give n in safety it is mdd,
leisant to ’.tie taste, and may safely be giver
o infants, to.* which it is of lues imabie\u!ut
I aflii.rds reli. t >11 bowel complaints, t eihing.
hooping coughs, tjc. and is found particu-
, r.v useful 11. h) pochondri'Cid, nervous an
ir.sP ricul diseases. Each bid ol directioi
< ntaino a d» tailed account of this di ease in
d its cliff', e* nt .stag, a, Mid t) * accomj a
i**d • i l :h * ^igr iture r>t the proprietor ii
tied Ink. It is ■ flared for sale by GEO. RY
If O only (my s se agent) D.uggist, cor
.< r B.) -11 Whit aker-strccis, Savannah, a<
one dollar per bottle.
dec "0 30
ttyyos'Afi \t\t* filcitii-.iwy.
F>EPPECri.'lT.t.V imi.rms linr friends
*• SMUie public, tffl I.. r .■.•iii.or is
•"'UN, uppnsite ths Ciiatlmin Acn.'.mv lor
J" 1 * ntcKPTinv nr i-t rn s. Ai-.-i, tfi.i |, v
'l«"Srlitor Mir- K. A. II. f i,e
fulcra linr sirvirus in t. iinliinpifflir,!| mnil „
fiseiul an,| ornamuntB lunnclios ,.|' P ,iu. a.
TJ°". -Vhilst slic rot urns sin, ere (bants i'or
,lle pn'fonatre hilbcrto pxi.n'.'.l . |. e
hopes, frill,, il.c rctlnesil riitpsnf tuition ami
her iiicrca..-, ii exfiflions to flirt her il, m
ffretBoflier;Pupils, In .Uwrvo n ,ii|l ',,r
flier extension nt public iwvor. Tiie comse
"t ttnlinn, nml (lie terniB oil tvliicli sciinlnm
are receiml, arc—
1st Cltiss—Npnlliiio, Rrndinp. S.-tvinp mid
Miirkiiur. per pi.inti r, . i*| <o
2d. Class—Will, Wiilinjr, (irsninffl,"
Geography and Aril bine-
tic, .* : .* ; • 1 ; . y (jp
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery!"on
luce or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : : : 10 00
1 aiming on velvet, per quarter, : : 8 Q0
ITT’ The most careful attention will he
paid by Airs. Kkr, to the deportment and
morals of tliose entrusted to her charge
nov 0 j.
V'utWA Vt»vv Atatcasses.
T HE subscriber lias just received an as
sort mult of the above articles, war
ranted to be of tho best quality, for sale by
P. Al DEtiMu i i ,
I N T OR MS his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment, of
Gi uce, ies, Hardware and Dry
which will bo disposed of wholesale and ro
tail, on the mo.-l reasonable terms. TL&
following articles comprise a part of hie
present stock, viz.—
10 T gs e .ic prime rt Croix **urar
If Boxes Whit-*, .. ,
0 M ixes Biowr. V " hVH ‘ ,M ( I:*
6h Barela I.oa^urd • ump do
50 Bigs Havana Gr en OfFee
6 f» .tut sn-rero r 4th moot Krnndy
r R*'.es do li Hand fin
5 fhntg Imitation B andv, 4th pi oof
s B» do Gin
2 Pipes very superior o’d Pi nch Brandy
v Puncheons do do l.isb U hiskay
50 H.-gsh ndsnnd? I'lii! d *1 hia Mvft
100 Barrels J tt h-k» v J
100 Barrelh Northern Gin
2 Pi 'i g siiperi *r rid Htdoirn W m»
5 H t*f I*.r>« s s ,p. i„r oM t.isbun do
10 Q irter Casis to*, ff- do
Vcr*. sum n*«r old y„ .«*;-« w*» e nod
Cognac Brhndv io en «j *n,n
150 7 V11 card) liurn : s ; iip ifLu* Irish
1« 0 l FI ur
10u ’Gr els .V, ; . \ St \7 M.*.cka.*i*l
50 M in t ,s No 2, tto do
loot) K.,))!:etx I'ubh Salt
20 ijgfks Goshen Gl.eese
20 Hvrila (
200 Rt ams Wrapping Paper
50 Bags B.'aofc Pepper '
10 II 'ies Choc'd&te
2'J Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Par els Glue
10" K* gs HE and IIF Dunun^'-Giinpowd-r
5 Pound f> .aniste aof aiinermr do
100 Pieces 4 inch Cotton Bugging
2 Males linggtmr 'Fwme
10 WURa,,,. ) Boxes S'g
0 (iait r J genuine Cards
10 Hi.xi-g Wool Huts
5 M ics S*rxw ILmneti
10 Coib BhK Pope
0 D zt n Bed Con>9
50 Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Ss .li Cords
6 Buies Pomt, London Duffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and un*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron 'I able apooi.-s
15 D*i do T a do
0 Do Teutaniii Table do
Muted Tubi unit Tea do
Copper,Cunt, Whuight s"il Pompoj
tmn 'Tea Kcii'csof hG -zis
Bids K-'ltii :• for making preserve!
20 Seis nl Di Ii Covers
10 1 on* Sh**ar Uouuiu
1 D ) *: d lr»,ns
1 Do Ba. Lead
1 D ■ Sheet Iron
100 Cautffi assorted Cut Nails
Mdi, 1 rocs Cut ami W hip Saw, mode
tixprewsh i' ,, ' this market
20 Di-zci. HundSHWa, Woousaws and Ten
nant Saws
r>la« h biedgi 8 n nd Ffaiu’h.annr f rs
Anvils, from I to 2h0.iis. real rnouae
Bhicksm-tli’s BoMows.from °4 to 36
Sit g'e ard Dotible Sen tMatea
Corn Mills, f'lim No. 1 to 5
2 ’To» 5 Hooks in’ll Dirges
Dh93 Ar.d.irons f ini ft’ 50 to $3
B «'P ar d Wire Feml< s, w.’.h shovels
at d tongs to match
5 'N-rks Hra'd’s Patent Il» ea
10u I) zen Padlocks
■ tt* iya;ds to weigh from 500 *0 50011)8
2 '1 on*, ofSreel.coi 8.sti; g * f Shear,Eng
liah- Blisie<ed and Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1C00 Pound*. Way go • Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Magi Trace Chums
2 IP z :n Currying Knives
£0' ! D. z i. Curn Combs
6 Sets White handle. Knives snd Forks].
Cm sisling of 50 p eCiiS each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
Sugar six’. Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts
0 Dozen Game Bags
2 Dozen Powder Horns and Flasks
1 C s** double and single barrel Gun*
10 Dozen Wire and 20 cloz Hair bitters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats a .d 50 sets
'fable Mats
A general assortment ofCHf r »*rter ,< * Planet/
{rushes, and Fancy Bellows, with m*ny other
rticles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tens of Carrou Caatiugs, which will hf
Id low from the wbaif.
110v IS
Oct 26