Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 07, 1825, Image 2

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    BY O. & W. ROB il ATbO H,
DA lit V PAVER, : :
: Fivk
1)01.1. Alts.
1)01 I. MIS.
ofNdHF lie wufl to dine aflfl attend w
ball atSuflblk, and proceed on hib tour.
A letter from t!»o Post-Master at Ra
leigh, (luted ut 1 ‘2 o’clock on the 1st just,
after stating that the Northern Mail had
not arrived, adds, that General Lifavkttk
was to enter that place on the following day
at 10 o'clock.
Lea Francois et dcsccndans de Francois,
aont invites a s’asseinblcr a l’Exchniige nu-
jotird’hui a I heures de Paprcs-dinee, pour
convenir de la maniere dont ils presenteront
lours respcctrieux compliments au General
Lafayette, a son arrivec dans cette ville.
(ET The Committee of Arrangements ap
pointed by the several Lodges and Chap
ters, are requested to meet at the Grand
at SEVEN O'CLOCK, for the purpose of
receiving the report of the sub-committee
appointed to receive subscriptions for a din
ner to be given in honor of their distinguish
ed Brother LAFAYETTE.-—— 1 Transient
Brethren who have not been called upon,
are informed that subscription lists are letl
wi ll Brothers Pooler, White, Boruaux,
Carney, J. Ol.mstead, and Gu.lett.
By order of the Chairman,
C. M. KING, Secretary.
“ Executive Department, )
Milledgevillf., 2d March, 1825. $
The Governor invites the surviving sol
diers of the revolution, to pay their reseeds
to General Lafayette, at the places most
convenient for them. They will tind quar
ters provided for them."
By order of hi* Excellency,
the Commander-in-Chief
Head Quarters, )
MiM.eogf.ville, 28th Feb. 1825. (
The Volunteers of Georgia, who wish to
pay Military Honors to Gen. Lafayette,
will assemble as best suits their conveni
ence, at Savannah, Augusta or Millcdge-
ville, and at an early hour of the morning of
the day, on which the General will arrive
at either place, of which due notice will be
given—The Cornmandcr-in-Chief wherever
he may be present, will be happy to receive
By order of the Commandpr-in-Chitf,
ELISHA WOOD, Secretary.
Washington City, 17th Feb. 1825.
To his Excellency Oeo. Jf. Troup,
Sir—I waited on Gen. Lafayette yes-
terday, agreeably to your instructions, and
Jhad a conversation with him respecting his
visit to our state. He is unable to speak
definitely with regard to the time of his ar
rival. He will leave this city on the 24th
inst. and will travel with all the expedition
possible to New-Orleaus, via. Raleigh, Co
lumbia, Charleston, Savannah, Augusta,
Milledgeville, Cahawba—from New-Or-
lenns up the river, through the Western
States, back to Boston, by the middle of
June next .—His expectation at. present is
to reach Savannah by tbe 2:3d of next month
and Milledgeville by the 30th—I have said to
him that every exertion will be made by us
to render his time agreeable and to expe
dite his travelling, which appears to be ex
tremely desirable. I shall again see him.
and if l can possibly learn any thing more
decisive, will inform you of it without delay.
I have the honor to be your Excellency's
obedient, servaut.
The following resolution was introduced
in the City Council of Savannah, on the
28th ult.
On motion of Alderman Harris, unani
mously resolved. That the Mayor do write
to Col. Warren, of the District of Pendle
ton, in South Carolina, inviting him to at
tend in this city, on the 20th March next,
on the anticipated arrival of Gen. Lafay
ette, and that the Mayor do state the re
collections of this Board of his services and
wounds at the seige of Savannah, and that
lodgings will be provided for him us the
Guest of the city.
ICT Among the arrangements making for
the reception, of Lakavkttf., the exhibition
of the scholars nl the several schools, prom
isos to he of a highly interesting character.
They may be expected, we understand, to
welcome the Guest of the Nation in an ap
propriate and uniform costume.
jyWe are informed that his Excellency
Governor Geo. M. Troup, may bn expect-
We are indebted to the consignees of the
ship William Wallace, and to Capt. Wood,
for Now-York papers to Monday lust, in
clusive. We have? also received our usual
papers from the office of the Evening Post.
They furnish late London dates. A north
east gale and snow storm was experienced
at New-York on the 25th ult.
[from our correspondent.]
Commercial Heading ami Xnrs Room, )
Norfolk, February 25th. \
Arrived, and came to anchor last evening
in Lynnhuvon Buy, the U.S. ship John Ad
ams, eleven days from Thompson's Island,
and bearing the broad pennant of Com
Porter, who has been relieved in command
of the West India squadron by Capt.War
rington. The Adams will proceed lo
Washington as soon as the wind permits.—
No vessels of the squadron were, at Thomp
son's Island, with the exception of the Sea-
Gull, the others heitig out on cruizes. The
Island was less sickly than early in the
| The J. A. has brought home the officers
! and part of the crew of the lute U. S. srhr.
Spain.—By an arrival ut Boston, from seems to be some truth in thw intelligence
By the arrival of the sloop Caroline, Ferret, which wn« capsized and lost a few
from Norfolk, which she left on Tuesday miles from Matanzas, on the 4th instant,
last, we are indebted to W. G. Lyfoud, viz: Lieut. Commanding Charles II. Bell,
Esq. for a communication, which will be Lieutenants Moorhead, and Glynn, and
found in another column.
Midshipman Alden. Her acting Master,
Hawkins, remained at Thompson's Island.
Five of the crew were drowned.
Several merchant, vessels were in Port
Rodgers, amongst, them the ship States.
We have also received the Norfolk Bea
con of the 26th ult. by the sloop Ann.
By the brig William, Capt. Twyrnoss,
we have received Barbados papers to the Capt. Childs, bound to New-Orleuns, and
15th ult. inclusive. They contain no into!- expected to sail in a lew days. The offi-
ligenre. Copt. T. reports, that while at St f cers and crew of the J. A. arc healthy,
Croix, he was informed that the west end and she has not lost a man during her cruize
of St. Thomas, about one-third of the town* eitl or bv sickness or accident.
had been destroyed by fire, by which 10(H)
individuals had lost a shelter. In conse
quence of the unusual dry weather in St.
Croix, two-thirds of the crop of the preseut
year were expected to be destroyed.
Tiie Mails.—The mail again failed last
night north of Charleston. Three ore now
due. We shall no doubt, be told in reply
to our well founded complaints, that the
roads are bad ; but we ore well convinced
that with exertion the mails might be
forwarded. The mail stage arrived recent
ly from Boston in New-York, drawn by
eight horses—If they were carried by a
light sulkey or waggon, according to the
directions of the Post-Master-General.thoy
might be forwarded with less difficulty, and
in time. The only account we have of the
cause of these failures, is in the following
letter received at this Post-Office :—
Post-Office, Godfrey's Ferry,
Jllunh 4th, 1825.
“ The Northern Mail arrived this morn
ing wet and iu bad order.
The following is the list of h »r officers
MastcrCoiumnndaut A. .1. Dallas.
Lieutenuuts C. II. Smblins,
Beuj. Grimke,
J. P. Tuttle.
Act'g Sail. Master, David H. Porter,
Purser, C. (). Ilamly.
Surgeon, Elnathan Judd.
Surgeon’s Mate, A. A. Adie.
Com. of Marines, II. N. Crabb.
Midshipmen Browuin,
W earns,
Clerk, R. Robbinott.
Naval Movements.— 1 The Charleston
Courier mentions a letter from an officer of
Boatswain, 1). Cestlery,
Gunner, J. H. Jiyde.
Carpenter. John Snyder.
Lieut. Pearson, and Midshipman Win-
gerd and sixteen of the crew were absent
on a barge expedition when the Adams
sailed. Surgeon'6 Mate Rapalje, had pre
viously been ordered to the U. S. schooner
llie U. S. brig Spark, which stales that sharIt) tu ,i 0 the <j„, y n p Surgeon,
vessel to be the eve of sailing from Nnr- -gho schooner Tobacco-Plant. Fox, 111
Ik, with secret instructions, her destination da y s from Oarthagcna, bound to New York
being known only to tbe Cnptain. having carried away her foremast by a slid-
This fact, taken in connexion with the don s hjf t of the wind, on the night id' the
orders to equip our ships of war at. the dif- ,y t h ult. in lut. 33 31), was compelled to put
ferent naval stations, naturally gives rise int0 t |, e firat port . am i encountering ad-
to the conjecture, that some facts, unknown versu winds on the evening of the ar.tli, off
to the people, are iu possession of the go- these Capos, run in, and yesterday morning ,luu,u ' ,n i
vernment. which render it necessary to as
sume a warlike attitude. Can thpse facts
he connected with our relations with Spain ?
With the other nations of Europe our rela
tions are not of a character to render pro
bable an appeal to the last resort of nations;
during the thick weather and a slruiii; Lid**
running, was set upon a ledge of rocks otV
Back River Point, about 5o'clock yesterday
morning. The vessel may possibly be got
otf—she has in a full cargo of dry-goods.
Lieut. Campbell, of tbe U. S. Navv, was
Gibrultor, it appears that Spain is is a .most
miserable condition—the officers of govern
ment were divided among themselves, and
tlio people every where evincing a dis
position to revolt—and it was expected the
Inquisition would be re-estublishod.
The London Morning Chronicle says of
the President's Message, that it gives a
vorable view of the situation of that “great
Republic, which seems destined to exorcise
one day so powerful an influence on the na
A public dinner was to be given at Nnw-
York on the 5th inst. in celebration of the
recent victory of the Colombian troops at
Latest from Europe.—By the packet
ship Manhattan, arrived at N. York on the
25th ult. London papers to the 8th ami Li
verpool to the 10th of January, have been
as we observe that u new levy of 4000
troops hud been ordered iu England, for
i lie purpose of reinforcing the East India
The British government is stated to ha
Sloop Spartan, Delano, 3 days f roTn !)
rion, with a full cargo of Cotton, to (i. i>*
Lamar, T. Butler aV. co. und L P« tty
Sloop Ann, Hud ley, Norfolk 4 da vs wio
Corn, to G. F. Palmes. *
Sloop Caroline, Howland, Norfolk 5 da
ill, i ViPh tn • llA .ViliniilM
in vii'W the suspension lor the present of with Corn, to the muster. ' '
the Corn laws. This had caused a great Sloop Delight, Cooper, I day from ('j,,,
sensation it Mark lane among the Corn lesion, to (tin muster—assorted urn', r
Factors, and also on the Exchange. The Philbrick 4t Scranton. C. llukcr. A. f
measure, it is said would bo brought for- Si co. Gnudry Si Herbert, C. \V. I|
ward early iu the next session, well Si co. Low,Wallace Si co. H. Ti
The grand jury of Dublin have ignored O. F. Publics, J. E. ilurriil, A. Lew A
the hill against Sir Harcourt Lues. John Davidson, P. Calounet, ami \\
On the 1 -2th of January, S!4 men were Hunter. '
killed by foul air In a Colliery near Leeds. Steam Gnat Goorgiu, Bowman, Aiimj,,
Accounts had reached Loudon of the 51 hours, with Bouts Nos. 7&.I1 ‘
death of the king of Naples. with IJ.’b Imlos Cotton, to G. Gmoi, ■'
A letter from Sweden says, that, during Bliss A Wadsworth, P. Hill, fcj. jj, pY
the hurricane storm of Novumberl no few- mail. G li. Lamar, R. Campbell. j| f' 1 ,
er than 40,000 trees were destroyed in & cn. Gumming & Gwiniiniev, <;. c Y,
the great Forest of Ocrehro. ' wold, A. G. Miller, R. Si. J. IJnjfrsliaJI
_ Three or four persons worn killed, in a R. Price. W. Gaston. R. WulemumV
“esporate affray which took place ft. Clog- anil Ponce Si Mackenzie. ' “
lien in Ireland, between the Protestants Stuuni Bent. Edgefield, Snssnrd. Aiimui
and Roman Catholics. j 3tf hours, with 500 bales Cotton lor Cliurk-!
t=s Jton. 4 passengers.
Wii.i.i.nt II. CiiAivtoan.—This distin- 1 _ Steam Gout Pendleton, Bracken, 2 fa...
g’lisliod mill excellent mini has lately had from Charleston for Augusta and limnbrr.
continual levees. For the last few davs Dr. Boland, Messrs tjhvua"
received. The British ship Romney of 50 I his hvmso has boon literally thronged with aid. Hazard, Voltes, Pignatelli,' and ‘ti fa
j visitants, citizens, and others, who came Augusta.
gnus also arrived at New-Ynrk from Ply*, to pay tlmir respects and take leave of him.i SAILED,
His consist out and virtuous conduct through 1 Sliip Lady Gallatin, Purrv, Liverpool
out. political and moral, has challenged the I Ship Juno, M illimom, ’ ( j fl
admiration oven of his enemies. Mr. C. is ^hip Eliza, Wiurkly, ( j *
of Barbados, wo have dates of the 15th.— about to exchange in a few days the toil of Ship Niagara. Gnok'on, Now-Ynrk.
No commercial intoPigenoo is published bv 1 otfie.o for the sweets of retirement and pri-1 Br. ship James, Oliver .{Si. John*, y p
a,IV of these arrrivals later than already re-' ■»*■* wi,h 1,i,n <«'«« ® r :J ri K r,ion »> Gw £ '
■ f 1 .a portion ot i ho good feeling of the eoinmu- rv hi. Lamdon, IIiMMx'k, Aov. - Yo» k
ceivod here, except the following—The uity, as any other of our worthy patriots Nchr. Laurel. Prtteiigill, Eupulo.
sales of Cotton in London, during the week ' have ever received.—Georgetown Metrop, Sloop First Attempt,
ending January 11th,amounted to upwards) >—b—i Sioup ht. Marys. Nyo, St. M
mouth, England, furnishespapers from Lon
don to the 17th of that, month. By the way
of 24 000 bags," and a statement of the Cot-1
ton market at Glasgow Jan. 10. |
Iu the frigate Romney, came passengers j
Col. Coc.kburn, S. M’Gillevrav, Esq. Sir
John Jla* vey, John Galt* Esq. and John
Davidson, Esq. the Commissioners for Can
ada ami their Ecoruiary. ' j
Auk uc an Stocks.—Ou the loth Jan.:
[J. S. Bank Snares £21,10. Three per
cents 80. Sixes, for 1815, 98]. i
All South American Securities, particu- \
larly Mexican Mining Snares, had ndvmic- ‘
ed very rapidly iu oonsequence of tlm re
cognition of Columbia and Mexico.
it is staled on liie authority of letters from
Paris, that Cmmnissioners were about to
sail from France to »St. Domingo, to renew,
tlio negotiations.
It is stated from Corfu, that among the
victorious Greeks, dissent ions exist. Among
them Pusio Colocotroui has fallen a victim !
lie perished in a combat near Tripolilza.
From Trieste,it is staled limi letters from
Corfu of the 19th “ put aside uJi doubts re
specting the naval combats of the 12th and
Uth in the roads of Candia. More recent,
despatches inform us, that uu Egyptian di
vision, wishing to get to Soda, was severely
treated by the Greeks. They write from I
Constantinople, that the fever has broken
out there to an alarming degree ; Madame
Wood, wife of tiie English Dragoman, has
fulion a victim." |
A Paris paper of the ith January, in an-
Errata.—Several gross blunders escap
ed in our lust publication.
In the necessarily hurried notice of the
Bnll given by the Georgia Volunteers on
Friday evening, the head which was intend
ed to accompany if, viz. “ Inauguration
H til—Mu ch 4," was omitted by me cor
The resolution of the officers of the first
retrim -ut. commences, ns printed, “ H< so'v-
ed. That the,Mayor, G meral Fi.ovo" <fcc.
It should rend thus—“ Resolved, That Ma
jor General Floyd,” Ate.
In another paragraph, the verb mm* is
incorrectly used for was. Many other mi
nor errors will have been detected by the
Glasgow Colton Alarhai.,—Jaiivaru to.
There inis been a very animated demand for
C >tt.on this week and prices of nil dew rip
•iiinsnre Ml to 1 il h lb. higher than before flu*
aunouin enient of the decrease of stock in
the Liverpool market, as compared with
that of 18.*3 These sales amount to3 304
halos, as follows. — I 78 H *a-lslands, 21 d to
2s 3d. '18 stained do II ’•? to |5d. 61 Bow-
eds do. 11d to I \\d. 97.3 Boweds 9* to I I j{
512 Nevv-Orhiiins. I0d to 13d. I (Hi Molile.
10{d Hi l|i(| 55I Denmraras, 11 —d to l.’^d.
a08 Egyptians IIJdtol2jd. 36 Bahamas.
10‘d to I2d ; 72 West Indies. 10| to 1 l^d.
301 Surats. fi]d to ftjd. 140 Madras, 7Jd
to 8]d. 69 BengaJs. fid to 6Jd.
Prices of Cotton, at Milledgeville, March
1. 13 a 151.
of Sii
I bur
mnudl. V;..q.
dt. iiwiii :h>s
Li^t of vessels in 11n* port
7f.'i March, 1025—6 ships,
hiigs, 7 si hoom rs. and 9 <1 « j)>s .
The Armadillo, ol' I’urilan ‘ ivus a t F
im-Prinri* Jim. -J4, thr hi.- ,..irr.
Tlioschr. I’nllv, t'ruiii l'
arrived at Nuiv-Verk «il,
Fi'b. ID. n larjn shin was a,hor.
rysfoi'd Rvi.|—, •vv:,, 1 , k,. r , „ J,
* Kill f. ii run, Tin . e
At Neiv-York. ult. .-j,,,, s
13Pays iaidir. Poll,-. Kelly. 13 rlnv
brio Jane, Hltik». 11 ( !f lV , • , |j r ' i
•tnil' ■ IlniiZM, H> .lavs
iiie. .Somers. 11 days.
i'v He: in'-: I'uht,
At Xeiv-York. I’H'I, ult. ship Sav»
lioeoe ; brig Jane, lilalie.
bt, sloop ATc'i-lia-
i. r ?,.
the ar dval or a vessel at. Martini- (
quo from Dunkirk, states that in lut. 37,
long. 22, she foil m with a brig of 250 or j
300 tons, wiib painted ports, laden with mu-'
leiguny and “ Now York" upon her slum. |
Site was water loggeu and abandoned. j
nor has there been any demonstration on a passenger in the T. P. having led Caban
the part of the Holy Alliance, against the otl t | lc n igj lt of tlio ‘23d Doi cmber, lame
neiv governments south and West of us, ( i 01vn t h e CO ast to Panama, from thence he
which might call for the redemption of the cross ed in seven hours to- Cliagrcs, and
pledge given by Mr. Monroe, iri such an o- t | lonro to Carthagena. The United States
vent, to make common cause with them.— Peacock wore at Callao when Lieut.
It will be remembered, that Mr. Apple-
ton, our Charge d 1 Affaires in Spain, lias
recently arrived with despatches from that
country. The report of the intention of
Ferdinand to revoke the treaty ceding the
Floridas, which was published ut the time
of his arrival, lias been measurably contra
dicted iu the National Journal ; yet. the
Sehr. Adeline, Collier, St. Julius.
Sloop Favorite, Peck, Darien.
Sloop William, Luce, Darien.
Ship Wm. Wallace, Wood, New-York 4
: On the 5th January, the Council of Li- duya, to Hall & lloyt, Ponce it Alack,m-
I verpool couterred Uinlrnedom ut the borough z j,,, Dunham & Campliold, Butler At Scran-
on our town.-,man .lumes Maury, Esy., lltlu tun , jj. L„ r ,i & c „. j, \y. l Jinpi j. |), [f,. r .
has been our Consul ut that port for thirty bort & co. Bradley, Clagliurn Az Wood, G.
years, and wa, the second Consul sent tu B. Lamar, A. Basset:, N. B. Weed A. &
Kit rope after the declaration of independence K. Wood, J. W. Morrell, T. Butler & co.
The Liverpool Mercury expresses a hope R. Campbell. Cohen At Mill?, C. lvelsey &
that, this occurrence will be received “ not c „. J. Knpumu, 1 J . U. Brussiue. J. 1! Wi, k
only as a deserved compliment to thgjndi- J. Anderson At co. Z. Day. Paris Hill, F.
. vi'luui. but nil oar,test olTOat friendly t®- Gilletl At co. Al. iloug At' co. o. Johnson
ling anil increasing cordiality which happily Uazaard A. Du,slow. Parsons Lav & Hen-
’’! now subs,tss.and oughtalivays tosubsist,be- drickson, W. Lippitt & co. (). Taft. W. T.
C. left, and the schooner Dolphin ltisl.mtly j twe«*n Groat Britain (especially the port of Williams, II. Ttmper. L. Baldwin & m. J.
expected from the Intermedins—their otli-1 Liverpool) and the United States." D. Soitze, J. P. Seize, I). &. B. I'oiev, A.
i o , ! Great Britain.—'i'hu recognition of the Evims J. II. M'Ken/ie T R p \
cers and crews all well. Lieut. G'k account ^ a i.1 . . 11 AU JVLH/.it, 1. n rum. .
- 4| 111 A, "‘ ncn .‘ S 1 taLen b y l . l,e governmeiit brougii to. Clark, M. A. Deleur JohiiM.-n, I
of the success ot 1 he Colombian army a- had excited a lively sensation throughout Hills to co. I. Norton, W. to H. Rose, Ii.
•ordance j fho country, pnrrii ulurly iu the manutiic- b. Haihawny, S. C. i)uiuiing, W. In ’
0'IARf.F.STON. Mil roll
Jaines Moihmo Linltli.w,
• ’hiya ; slooi) Eagle, Vi
Cleared, brig Allas, Ad
si:In** S ’liecii. Gray, Bosloii ; i.ncJ'lii
Smith. Marlin. Tliivnnn : sebr. LumH P*,r.
krt. Jacksrm, Ilavnun : sebr F-ngl»» Pr.v
i!i *rs. Wost fmlies ; sehr. Furinne, Tiit«-n
N -w-York.
1.—Api\t»d, cVo
«n, \«1 >,f 11 *•.
cent, ^•t. Man -
LiverpG' ’
M 1 N IA T U R E A N D P O li T tt A1T
H AS the honor to inform the LnMvund
Gentlemen of Savannah, uml its vi-
einity, that he will exert his utmost abilin*!
to execute likenesses in the above lin , n .
the most, faithful and correct iicinin r.
trusts, therer’ore, that he will receive a*.
of their patronage.
Terms—In Miniature, : ; : 25tuj2'v
Portraits in oil, : : • 75 ••• 2..
L. C. P. will teach the Art of D.-awc::—
eighteen b-ssons. thro.* per \vn'»k tbr ’
and on Wednesday next, 9tli inst. will t»j«'
a school during his stay in this city, r’-r
teaching Drawing and Painting. '!*•• i'f
and any furtlier information, msul'* !:mu m .
at bis painting room, in Capt. P. Doiiv
Johnston’s-Square, where iris «j»uciiHvi:y
may he seen.
March 7 fJ
gainst the Royalists, is fully in
R espectfully inform? <:„• ut
and (u-ntlemen of at i
i> new i;i thuciiy, and will as umi.i1, rm.;■
. j to the dil.'erent braneht s of his prof, .-s •
Mr. S. has taken mi elegant
'xclusiveiy for tbe reception of te> c>'"'
. . . ... j, visitors, at Mrs. Sweet’s I*o
will, the intollirri'iico reccntlv received from , ! ,,r ]r s . ,ll * !tr «' l i s '. relative C o. P. Laurens. M. Cunningham. J. M.-iirs, lira,vet.
° lo tlio^o cuuntries lutd advanced rupidly.— Mayors At Iluinilton. Stenm Bnnl cn. J). li. Hmira nl utii nmiin'o'
Lima via Jamaica, at Charleston. At Car->n great was the rage for speculating in Nb-jiuls At en. J. Pm,field. J. C G. ;il1 A. Al. and from Hire
thagena, Lieut. C. heard of the death of; Mmmg shares, that onejn the Real de! Griswold, 0. Itne, H. Cassidy. H ill,.land, i Mar. l, '
c n .
only probable Hjecturc, as to the cause of j .. Anderson the ladv of iho U. States r' ll ."? w ‘l, n , had bnun J. VV. Jenney, S. C. &. J. Soiienk. C. W.
.U . - I ..U e andemon, me uiuy m uu. u. “'•“«|paul, sobl tor J5I30U! I On tlio same day Rockwell G. VV. Voder-, n,
these movents, is that the dispatehos ol ,Mr., R jj j stC r to Colombia. Lieut- C. is the ] t but I ho Romney sailed, the frigate Egiriu . Walsh, ajffl the master. AnJ nr, rv.Me«-'-
are ol a nature to warrant them on some j | )earor 0 f important despatches from our
other score. This, however, is after all but
conjecture, for even the reported movements I
may be much exaggerated. We shall not
remain long m the dark.
The Extra Session.—Many anxious en
quiries having been made on the subject of
I he extra session of the Legislature of this
state, expected to be field iu May next, the
Milledgeville Journal states that it will de
pend upon the ratification oftlie treaty, and
the willingness of tire Indians to permit
surveyors to go into their country before
they shall have left it.
Mr. White, the engineer whose services
have been engaged by Governor Tkoup,
pursuant to the resolution of the last Legis
lature, is now on his way to this statu, and
will immediately enter on the discharge of
the duties of his office. His labors will he
directed to making surveys of the country,
and estimates of the expense that will nt-
... tend the execution of works that n,«v be
ed in this city in about a week from this 1
, . .... . deeinod worthy ot the attention of the state.
time, to welcome the patriot Lafayette to 1
to the shores of Georgia.
IT PaoonEssoF Lafayette—The Ge-
Tliose will he laid before the Legislature at
its session in November next.
minister at C
government of the U. States.
The schooner Fox left at Carthagena,
6th ult. brig Silvester Hoaly, Garoner, for
Charleston, in two days. Alarkels very
dull. Yours, &.c.
Wheck.—The boat of tiie Colombian
privaieer St. Anna, was picked up at sea
on the 12th of January, by the brig Wil
liam, arrived at New-Orloans, with nine
men. The privateer had been capsized tlio
night before, and the remainder of the crew,
twenty in number, it is said, drowned. The
Culumhiun privateer Clara was fallen iu
with three days after, which took eight of
the nine men saved, ou board, and wont in
pursuit of the wreck.
Another attempt to appoint a Senator
to Congress from New-York, was made on
the 24th ult. Iu the Senate, Ai.heiit H.
Tiiacv was nominated, nyes III, nays It.—
In the House next day, a resolution to con
cur was lost, 09 to 37. A resolution was ample supply of money and otli
*1) mouth for Carthagena with Col. rs. Beo'.VVaync.Tlavoiis, and '"Master*'"iiii- ;r P Wf> thousand pair Hook an
»l>. II, and thence to \ ora Cruz, with i t . r . ' 1 X assorted, tYum 8 to M
ommissioners for Mexico. Onlcre had . Ikijr William, Twvcrow, (rvportfd on’
a- .o inter, sont to the British Agoiita at Saturday ) Hi days truni Barbiuioes, and 13 1
Ayres and Ch.h to torn* treaties, from Rt. Croix, to R. S. (ioiU Loft at!
countries, Burbailoes, 16th Fob. brig Barker Herring-1
s ot doing ton, ot Frunkluri., Mo. to sail tor Wilmi!)" 1 - •
left PI) mouth for
, and Com. Hull, to the tiie Commissioners for .Mexico.
. tor sale bv
N. Ii. W
'flic Albany Aigus asserts on “ tlio most
peral, with bis son, George Washington J unquestionable authority” that Governor
JgAFAYKTTE, and Secretary, left Norfolk on Clinton bus received, from the President
the 25th ult. in the stage for Suffolk, after elect., th»* oJI'.t of minister to the Court of
breakfasting with the corporate authorities-St. James.
with the governments of those countries,
whenever they should be desirous of doing ton, ol Frunkluri, j| ( ,, t„ su j| ,; )r vv'ilmm
so. hir Charms Stuart was likewise about ton, in 4 days ; brig Fair-Piav, Hopkins, of
to proceed to Lisbon, and from thono.e to. Ellsworth, Me. for Turks Island and Alex-
Brazil, on an important jioliticii] mission; andria in 6 daysjschr. Amorican Iloro,
uml in case Portugal declined an arrange- Colo, for Hi. Marys in ii davs i brig Fran-
ment fnr neknowledging the independence cos.Robinson, from Sa
ul Brazil, it was understood that England vannah, lying otf and on Tuuclmdut Bar-
would conclude a separate treaty of com- bailous, 7th Feb. brig Washington, Suun-
nierce with Brazil, based on the tact of her dors, and sailed for Trinidad ; 1 Ah, schr.
independence. Paragon, Davis, sailed to leeward liir a
3 hese proceedings seem not to have been market; 1 11h, schr. Elizabeth, Delano
relished by the French government, if we sailed for do; schr. May-Flower, from
may judge from the language of the Etoi/e, 1 Edenton, do. ; schr. Mary Ann, from Now.
their official journal. It is there said, thut born, do. Sailed from Barbndoes in co.
“the principles of Austria. Russia, and with brig Douglass, Coivring of Bath, Me.
Prussia, as well as France, arc at variance ami parted with her oil Iho ult. mi'St.
with what she (England) has done. Il her Kitts, where siie went to got a cargo. Lett
object be commerce, France never wit/con-' at the west end of St. Croix, ship Smith
sent Uml the stipulate for erclusi,(privileges. Carolina Packet, of New-York; brig Eli-
Cuisulered in a political point, England has |Zn bath, for Philadelphia i schr. Spartan
i-Ftivi 11 ill oil m ilonirnrriiiu ant Lt. »!..« n »<, m „l. \ e ivt .<» I t •» ^
Goshen utter
per ship Wm. Wallace, ami fir s-'l 1
March 7 Mr
l 0,11 a’d Cats Afloat
BUSHELS prime white Cor-
1 150 Bushels Seed Oats
Apply to GEO. F. PALMES,
Exchange Dock-
150 Bundles prune Eastern HAY
march 7 87u
commit®! a dangerous act by the example j from Norfork; schr. Com. Porte
which is thus given to her own colonies.” , ladelphia ; and brig Richmond, for Boston,
Another expedition to Africa, to explore all unc. ; the brig Naurr & Mary, ofDres-
the course ot the Niper, is said to have | den, sailed from St. Croix for St. Thomas
been resolved on bythc British government, ion the loth Feb. with u cam) of lumber!
Captain Lamp, who was at Sierra Leone, i Spoke, February 21, lut. 23, *35, Iomr. 71
under Sir L. M’Carthy, is to beat the head ; briif Ann, of Danvers, from New-York tor
ot it, with two secretaries, 16 men, and an Jamaica. 3d inst. otf Cane Remain schr
■ mu n uilliit tr nf nmnnir no.I nil,. . .. ... . , T-» ’ ‘ “
nftorwarils passed to meet the Senate, and
by joint ballot to proceed to appoint a Sen
A Philadelphia paper mentions that.
Burmese War—I,ate accounts received
at Paris from iho East Indies, announce
that the war with the Burmese ami the Eng
lish had taken a serious turn, the former
having advanced within a few leagues of
ly half the inhabitants of that city were a f- 1 C > 1 ,cut . ta ’ 1 * hi “ h 1,0,1 boen dpBI ' rto ‘ l >
3 / ai , rich inhabitants in nonsonuiMii'o hni„. r
footed by influenza.
Jasper, Dunn, from Burbudues, for Elizabeth
Schr. Baracoa, Reed, Baltimore, and 4
days from the Capos, to A. Wade, Hall Si.
Hoyt, Cumming Jk Gwathmey, Douglass Si
Sorrell. Passenger, Air. Tlm|)soii.
Sloop Howard dt James, Luce, Darien, 3
’ays, with 156 bales Colton, «U tierces Rice
“ Beers” Axes and ( ai olina
R ECEIVED per William Wallace,«»!
tor sale by N. B. \\ EE1).
March 7 No. 6, Gibbons’ lCuy'’*
Fish l ines.
OILK, Cotton, Hair, India Seaweed at*
Hemp Fish Linos,’ rec.-ivod jicrM u1,
\Vallnce, and for sale bv
March 7 * N. B. \YEKB*
T HE person who took a brown far W
from the Exchange, ou the cvrairf
ol the 4th, will confer a favor on I lit* '‘ wirI
• i;| , \ : ."II, UUIIUILTS IUCO, HIB nil, mil Uimui U lilVIU Ull till > " •
rich inhabitants m consequence of being Hides, Sic- to Mr. Godfrey, Jne. AI’Nlffi! le -viug il at the office »f the Georgian
seriously threatened by the enemy. There and M. Si A. Smith. ’ MurcJi 7 (;5f