Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 07, 1825, Image 3
For Vcw-Yrk, IKST.9 BL IS II HI) LINE.). Tlit* fa>t sailing packet ship \VM. WALLACE, mind, Master. . Will have immediate despatch. j’,»r freight “ r |«uw«go, having handsome ai ,’oimno«lHU«>ns. apply to the muster ell k Sheriff's ^ales. On the Jim Tn< s toy in April next, rap! .1. bt Hold at in-. C<»iir louse in 'h dJ city of Shvb nth, betw; cn the houn ui U r »t.d Tour o’clock, At: tint N’orthcrn ha f part of that Lot or p rc**) of Land, lying, being and **d in 1 the *» > el' Savsniu h ami county of h iliani rp^jSSTS IfE tifth ife dSh VOW. dAVW,Vi. A U.\’li OF PACKETS Jins been cslo- Wished between Now-York ami Havre, boardat June-upper Win,., or i ta i{)yT _ man'll 7 4,7 $K2 10 »“"* ports regularly, oh tin- First md *** f* *** «■* ?r s t »l fie ' nd vSl.lin*. here„n. lev,e l on un < '*« <W tll( ' " Tl cler a forecloiur • he propc-'y of J ,ls ^ sailers, wollfouiidaiideonimftn<led,cop- Oliver S\uigen, »nfavo* ot,1. hu timmvng. pored and copper fasteued. I heir aceom- AlHhat lot ofLandinthe itvofS vines’*, luodations far ptifieongrrs. comprise all that containing 60 feet in front and 9 fed in d th can bo required, for comfort und eonvem* known in thr plan offs,id edv by t u No. ence. Passengers in the cabin will bo ta- • th e (3) fi*st Tyihiiij? KugnoM* W d .'evi fcnnfor$1 10 each, for which they arefuriiish- as the ed with beds, bedddiug, wines and ample For Boston, The schooner K E COY K R, Thomas Paw tvs, Master. - ., files pen of her ergo 1 bour.l- d »« ''"<»«« h. («■ on , fo etus,, wiirimv. - iinniuiiinlo (losputeli. For freiyl.t P r *jj“|, v * ruf l<jiler nUrns of every description, , m ,K on board, ut Skill’s Wharf, or to 11 • JOHN CAM0BF.R. Junes’ Buildings. If’lm hits- fur sitli;, 1, ‘2 and 3, Macliurol No. 1 Beef Jladeira and Clarot \\ infi in boxes Duck and Cordage of all sizes and Two Large Tarpaulins March 7 ««!> Mocliall, assignee- All that tract ofLaud on the Island of Skid- I Goods intended for shipment by them, ltd 14\\i Dtwfmng OK ill! AND 8TATK I OTTEltY, NO. III. R ECEIVED and ready for examination. Prizes drawn— No. (5002, ::::::::: 1000 1871,10284, :::::: 500 2MM, 5124, 5830,) . , on 10050, 17521, 19271,\ S 1 * 101 prizes of :::::: 10 All the cu itals are still undrawn, and Pinny of them limiting* Six drawings only remain to complete the Lottery, one of which w ill be due hero on the 4th of Mareb. The sixteenth drawing will take place on rid March, when the handsome capital of BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY,7th lust. AtXIoVlonk, in front of Ilia Auclinn Store, a gencrul assortment of GROCE RIES—And at half past XI o’clock, in store, a genera) assortment of D R Y- G O O I) S. March 7 . „ . „ . ,, may tie sent to the utrents, wlm will alto: •vay, OI.ath.rn county, calM Spr ogneld said , t J hrP( ,,, ptin „ „ mi (;, nv „ r din ? . to mntaui 7m) acres, bound d .orthwaralv h« , 1 •' , U ds of the Vr H te or John Miiledge.ea «ward- clmr * e ,or «?« ra S 0 °F commi^ii.iw. i he !y by Ian *8 of .lame* Hilho, southward y by expenses which nmv. in sueli raw he actii- la ds formerly Sutclifta wentwardiy by river n ^y incurred, will when requested, he col and marihe* with improvements thereon. le* lectedwiih the freight a? Havre, vied on as the nrunerty of i.ht4. Stephens, to t A letter Rig is at tlio Now*York Post •atisfy an execution in favor of diehard Wich- Office, for ail letters that-may be sent by ardson, fo use, lac Utu, j All ih«»r tr»c‘ or unreel of Land contnining j Letters respecting either freight or pas- 567 acres m >re or less wi»h 100 acres of Marsh ‘ Sft ,r 0 , must be addressed, post paid, to Land, calico' OS eland, situate, lying and be. i cr AsssJftllM ROVf ing in Little Ogechee District, in the county FANCY 0001)4, J amesanoermon *. oo. imvn just , , . . , received bv the .hi# William Wulhico, "f n ,»tl„ 1 n, ImunJcl on the ..min by tamt. '' v „ i n „,i „| lll :.. n soloc- ° I’l :mtng Akin, on the east by isn's ot D.. from New-lorh, a » - J Parse-, <)n the sauth by Iaods of the late B. lion ul ^ ] Wa?burger, and on the west by a no thea-u ftlAUOVYlmft branch of Little Ogucher tt.ver tog. tii e r with .... I and a. g« |ar the fi .eg, imp o 'eme^ta 5iiitnl>le tor tlie present season, which they ^ , , n . lf c lev.e l on tt i er a ft. Th jli’*r for sab* at reduced prices. ^ j 0 „ fore*.Insure as the prouertv of t>enrge L. J G >pc. in favor of .1 *hu U’.s’ish, Pe er BAitch* oct It CRASSOUS & no YD. •Agentti) New York. 72 March 7 Gutter, White "ean a , Nc N 'tWlaHng from uhtp William Wal- In mm. 15 Firkin^ first quality Goshen Butter in Barrels Whim Tl "nus 10 do Butler Cm. kora 2U do Mess Fork £0 Half do do 5 do Fullo.i Jftrket B"ef \00 Catties Amorienn Mnslurd ,aij Bolts first qualify Duck ffl CMIs Corditge in Bnrrols I„mio Black 2 Ilalf Pipes Mailoirn Wine 2 Kogs Currants fill Boxes Romos 3 Barrels Burlington Hams 2 do Sm died Tongues and in store, a general assortment of Fro visions and Shqi Chumllnrv. for sale hv III? ADL.F.Y, CI.AGHORN & WOOD. Mni-oh 7 Aneiaux’s Wharf. J Oos t n Hint *r. Nc. UST received by ship William W'ul- In co, 12 Ki'gj* GoshiiU Butter, first quality 8 ll.ixos Loudon .Mustard, (i cioz. oaoli 20 Barrels .Muss Beef 1U do do Pork 2ij.iMJd American Sogars In Store, 20 Barrels Prime nnd No. 1 Beef 10 Half bids M-’ss Beef 4 do do Fulton Market do 20 BbU No 2 Mackerel 2,000 lb Codlish 40 Bhls Pilot and Navy B'ond 8U Coils Cordage assorted sizes from 7 ineh down to seizing stuff Toget her with a full assortment of Groceries auil Ship Chandlery. For Fate by A BASSCTT. mu re 11 7 67 jell and Hobi rt *fi itched.’. .V.iP'ttif c* o.* j a cul of T.and Vtuate, ly ing and b**ing in the county f C.' a'hirn, ke wnby the name of ftu r Hall, rootiining 1097 acres more or ’ea -. boni.ded < u *he ►•tilth hv laed of Jaui. 1 '- Forrest, on the e at by Cot .1 Mr - hall'll land-, jn the oo-thby U'. lo'uV’t land, bp J on the wesi b\ Lutle Og-1- nhe.e Burr; Alt's Two Lots of Land in he citv ol Savanunh, kn'-.-vp by tt<e Nos. ( 9) •»<- **. i ft, and (.30) tbbty, »:i (Ddumoia ^ x <1 vi h .h . apniiritnitic* s ii .rcu ii-* ui .1 riuui*. g. :• vied o i nnd r % ti t'a. on fo e* I nure as he property of Fleming Akin, » C o favor of Wm. Dixon (* Co. a-bignv^g ol M M'Luod. Fit' ‘ -I ur Share* efSto kofthe Bmk of n- S*a*.e t tie. rgta, sul.sciib’d f or by I) ■‘'Kune, in th na oes -f '.i.; rhildreo F !\ ■ 'K Miir and John M’K one, Jr. on which $ uO h n s been paid in on en*h share lev.- U on as the property of H. H'Kiunc*. to sat.sG an eser.ution from Thciittio- d lounty, i., favor of the Bank of t|»p State "i Georgia* A negro woman n irned Mary oinerwise cal- ied Const an ^e, «n i her two children named uuy a. d Margaret, ev d s 'h? nmpeiti r.f m. . Wayni, to sansty «u exemiion from Striven county, in f.v-ir of Alr.x. Hun'.rr. '8 end '-f CatMe. more ov les«, 9 h it*•/*», 1 rian'a'ion Fl<tt, 1 fou« cured b’>a'.,2F G" g,» Lot i’l n'Htion Toils, • P ugl .»• d tl e mil- .gg >• a »’ract of Lund b ongtn,; t Janca P el, cons sting ol .. B-r, 1 Tlireshii" M .dun?, 1 tv. el ing Hou. , li che,. and out h'i'ld ngs, a df/ur neg o h.aia s. ! ev d »- as e riroperiy of ‘he E-.t o 1 ' Th is- Me.*r 8 \>»Y CUYVant NV’WiC. SIX Giillou Kegs “ OycrV'bust Ctir- . J rant Yv me, put up expressly i‘*r Limily use 2 l } ipns “ SeigiicttV 1 Brandy, war ranted pure 50 Barrois fmlin Point f * in For sale low by F.DW. P A l)K!/FORI), At t!i” Couuliug-itoom of Orrav Tat) Mnreh d hdiijj For New-York, Tim ship h a '/. a it n, ./. T. Child, .Muster. Having three-fourths of her car go engagi d, will have immediate despatch, i F->r freight or passage, apply to the master 1 oil board, at Moore’s Wharf. Feb 28 80 For Philadelphia^ The packet brig FRA N C li S, Copt. Croft. To sail soon. For freight or pas sage, having excellent ncrommodations, ap ple to the captain on hoard, or to WILLIAM NEFF. L'Jnding\ from so id Vessel, nnd J or sale low on the tVhorf, Hogsheads and Barrels Whiskey and Bairels and half bids. Sunerline Flour An invoice ready mudeHomubtic Clo- March 3 83 l or '-ale, • reight or t Imrter *^r A pilot-boa t—hurl hen forty-live $$t f! tons, a first-rate sailer, and in com- w&'Ik order for any voyage. For further particulars, apply to PR-im.EY, C LAG HORN WOOD. dec 24 dece to-s isfy an execution in favor of Win. In^lis 5# f? o. Two Negroes named S.uncho and Andrew, levied on as he property of Thus, M *.ros dec. to satisfy a warrant for rent in lavor • f James P,,' : .eIJ Lot No. 2, wo, and improvements, Liberty- Ward, in tli»* city of ^NV.nnah, levied on as th VECETARLF. ^fiOLiCO^' A FRESH SUPPLY of the above VAL- :V IT.ABLE MEDICINE, just received • properly Tlios Luccii», dec. to satisfy per brig Frances, and thr sale by ex c l o from k Justice«'s Court, in favor GEO. RYERSON, Sole Agent, ' J untie *3 Court, and relumed to me by a Corner Bay and Whittaker-Stveets. will be placed in tlio wheel. Tickets will then advance from the present price of twelve dollar. 4«,uoo, ao 000,4^,000, 5001), Nc. are worth calling for. Applv »t LUTHER’S Fell 28 A \& H DENTIST. XPECTS to leave town in n short time. J Persons wishing for liis urofossionnl sei vices, will please make an early applica tion. Office on Broughton, a few* doors east of Drnyton-Street. March 1 81 h Now Landing, K,/\BARRELS FLOUR 25 Half do do 50 Barrels Northern Gin 10 Hogsheads uml 20 bhls. Whiskey 50 Barrels Potatoes 30 Barrels Pilot Bread 3 Bales Bleached Sheeting 3 Half Bo es Cotton Cords, No. 10 30 Barrels No. 1 and 3 3 Fagots Crawley’s Steel For sale by S. C. GREENE March 2 82p|| To Printers. T HE snliscribt'r ofl’rrn for sale on low Iituis uml luiiij rrcilit, .1 PRurntca press, several FONTS OF TYPE, CASES, STANDS, (sr. $r. snitnhlc for n mws|iapor (ilfioo. Th" fix tores are complete and in good order, hu\ loir been formerly used for printing a new: - paper in this citv. For terms enquire of M. J. Kai cei., l3sq. Savannah. JA.IJES WALLACE, March 4 ll-l|)|| March 4 liiskcy, ] 71,'R RALE by . Fdt i) T. S. LUTHER. V.a\v AVa 1 trusses- J UST received by the \\ iRinm Wallace. an additional anpplv of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which w ill he warranted of the best qunlRy. I. W. MOKREU*. Jim 27 of J Cmis a I <»t a .1 nuild ugs No. 4 F.winshurg °,d t o pe W .id, in toe citv of Sava nab, enni v*|4 ft «,\ C\ T , \\ \I V II t!» u et ’ r d less-; of s id A L t for .h -c . » ^ « Him » \j 1.V vi nrs ii< m I n-iarv luaf, levi ,i oo a- the p’ t>0\V0A. : T>Y the ships Georgia and Harp, arrived troin liiverp"ol, the subscribers have received their usual supply of | SEASONABLE aXBt? ®(E)i)3)3j iri'y t Cobt i ev.-»s, to sat rfy a* exec tn-on t’-.oin u Justices Court hi favor of J & M Pcn- d 'gtwiF rc f u i e to m (i Hv s coi s Ht».e. A! t‘»at L ( of ti' 1 inul in Son ni di, known h-Lo' Ni 4, VV nn* oj •*>'*h i^., Pa ■VR-d, (V) f. e< in fro* t oi» the Ba*, uml 90 '•et in depth ; bounded wstwardiy by L. l W \5, e.’istwardiy oy Lot,Nn.3, an ! southwaid v f \ h lane , together u»th ui! the- houses in d out h-njFes thcreOii*~ine sa d lot femtig i . . . , . .. . that m w tclmh C.IV Male! S': A.-ev d . Havtug been purchaaed with cash, pre- ■ utide: ui, ex. entirm urn,t, a rule -.t-oVle virn.s t.. the advam-c in England, they can l the Super.ur Omirt f "'ui., a« be atfiirded nnd will he snld lit low prices, 'hi. property Ilf, jutirfy he and on a long ermh'. for iitidniibiofl paper. U,. k ol 1 | ANDREW LOW CO. A negro woman Elundot'ft, levied on Feb 28 80 a« the pro »erty of K z*H~th Whit tog. to s»- , — —- — ■ an execution in favor f Wdlis It F-- nk , l**l< >111* llruiulv ^C. roll . liHHHF.LR l’HT.MF, COHN. \t\J\y mi board schooner Gleaner Packet, for sale. F“b .’I Applv to IfAT.TjHO v T tom tp t jfkrt RHHIIHLS PRIME CORN. on heard Mdionncr Hanipton, for •alo by (•’.•!> Ml IIA Li j wV Hi)) T. Crockery. O NE hundred crates assorted especially for this market, received per ships Georgia and Ilarp, for sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. F*di >5 Ma, k ncl. 1 00 BARRELB No - 3 Mackerel, for Fell 23 Hultimoi e Whiskey 5 HUBS. Baltimore Whiskey, just re ceived and for sale bv F. h 17 ABNER BASSETT. mskey. t mO BARRELS Whiskey, landing J *3 V7 from schooner Laurel, from Bal timore. for snle by March 1 HALL & HOYT. Lost, Y ESTERDAY, about eleven o’clock, be tween the west end of Gibbons’build ings nnd A. Low & Co’s store, a white silk BURSE, with pink flowers and a plain steed clusp, containing two ten dollar bills and one of three dollars, and some change, a mount not recollected. A suitable reward will be given, if left at the Office of the Gfohqian. March 4 3 Ip against Augus'us F. D’U'ke?, nnd nthe s j m--c ! t7 nor. i> t.v''N s c o i tv - lie iff s hits On the first Tmsd'nj in April nr.rt. ^IL,. bus I mu'.to m*- u i-uo isp, j J* b tweer ill u? ml : ours, the foil wing property to Wit: Out* negro m n, npmed Vnd:> w, levied on as the. p cp rty of M . . tii! ;crt, to s- i*.iy ».n Keen:ion f out the Court of onur.O Bless ’ aod Oyer ami Uk h- city oi Sa- v n'i.rh, in favor of Mi'dei ik For". A n g-o woman noned i< uh, levied on as •e property of Ben- SHefo 5 !!, (<> satisfy t»n i er< c.u'ion in fa\or o .1 ) ! -n I D x . . s Heoj - nin an! Mv.rdecai Shet'all, isiue„ from <ai i ti ur . 4 ^ s -pf colt horse, levied on as the prop er' of Wm, It on j- hr, 'o SHt Vyau exeru- (iotiiv in said Court m furor of Alcxunuer 1 » • a Billiard Table, wi'h Maces Qiet, *Ac. lev ed on as ihe prope-ty of tile Est of F.u- genr- M’Coiulo'igh.^ ‘ »&.Lsf> an execution j favor of Francis V)o>le. for house rr*nt. Al! the buddings on lot No. 34 Warren Ward, bounded s >uth by Biougliton street, north by a 'a ie. east by lot No 3.3, west b> Lot Wo 35, levied on as the property of C, H. Hayden, to g-u gfy an ei.-culion f*»r rei t. lYustei i Ch-'h-'mAcademy, vs. C. H.Hayden Two buddings on the western ih.rd part of t.ot No 2, JekylTyth ng Darby Ward, and Uf h olding on the rear of the cent e third part of sa«d L t, 'evied nus he prepe»-ty of C. H. Hayden, to snu.-fy two executions for r m, Tru e-s Oongrc . i'io.i .1 Chuich or Vleeting House, vs G. H Hayden. All the buildings o-. L it No '0, Warren Ward/ bounded north by Congress street, south by a Ian;?, caat by Lit No- 31, west by l.oi No- ‘29. levied on as the properly ot'Mrs. Ann M* Fn’c-r, to sa isfy an execution for r*-nt in favor of the T rustees of the rh»t| am Academy A. I. D LYON, C S. rr.H-c'i 7 87 ,# 4^ JA BARR ELS superfine Flour, wnr- 'iUU rantud Mipi rior to “Haxall’s” 8 pip»*8 Gogtn**-. Brandy, sup. quality 2 do Holla i 1 Gin do do 27 bids northern do 50 boxes mould Candles 150 Rqos AYliito L'-ad 30 bluk “\iiiidcwatcrV* Hams For sale by JOHN W. LONG. Mfi-oli 4 ' !i 1 r Fr.niily ’lour J 'UST received from Philudelphin, per hiig Frances, 75 bids Flour, selected Umj half do do do 2 keg- Currants 3 bhls soft-shelled Almonds 50 boxes hunch Raisins For sale hv BRADLEY, CLAG1IORN & WOOD. Aneiaux’s wharf. March 4 84 Potatoes. 75 TIERCES Prime Northern Pota toes, just received and for sale hv BR \DLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. March 3 Fish Ho iks end Fi h Lines O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the: Augusta, and for sale bv Feb 2d N. B. WEED. ' KF.M VAL. T HE subscriber has removed from his old stand, three doors west, in Con gress-Street, where he oilers fi r sale a gen eral assortment of (inniftvks & \>v>j ttottda, very eheap tor cash. EDWARD PERKINS. March 2 82rc New-Orleaus Sugar, O F a superior quality, landing from brig Francis Miller, for sale low from the wharf, by GEO. GORDON March 3 83p lass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Glass Hiands, for sale by GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bav and Whittakor-Sireets. March 4 V 'A u’.li t glifi a* A I vsiuu, J UbT received and for sale by JOHN H. REID. Feb 22 75 mmo BY J. B. HERBERT & (JO. THIS l)A Y, bill Will be sold before our store, at XI oV IV. without reserve, 21 Kegs Butter, jest land ed. Also I Pipe Gin*—Terms cash. March 5 BY CALVIN BAKER. T II I S DA Y , 7th Instant, At XI o’clock, in front of his Auction Store, 5 bales first qual. OSNABUKGHS. March 7 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER. On the FIRST TUESDA Y in M A Y NEXT, At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land, No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money w ill he required al tin* time of sale, and the balance on Lie first, of January, 1828, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of the administratrix. March 3 Situt- a>i uUiiiia. OnWeAnea&e.) Weu\ti rpiIE Miiffiiifiieent Pennsylvania Union X Canal Lottery, is to be drawn. The Prizes in this Lottery, are deter mined |n the same manner as the pre ceding class, which lias afforded such uni versal satisfaction. It is under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A M’lN- TYRE, and will be drawn under the snper- intendnnee of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, is In the following splendid prizes:— SCHEME. I Prize of 30.000 is $30 ooo 1 - - 10.080 2 - - 5,01)0 2,128 i 0,000 10.000 4,* >8 20 - - - 1,000 - 20,000 30 - - - 500 - - 15,000 52 - - - 100 - 5.200 104 - - - 50 - - 5 200 1800 - - - 10 - - 20,000 10608 - - - 8 - - 84,861 12120 PriflOR, 22100 blanks, $205,320 31220 Ticket*. PRICE OF TICKETS, :::::: : : p ITT Orders are received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, by W. lUW.V.WTftOX, whose order.- in the proceeding class pro duced a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25.343, combination 54, 22, 30, $1000, which was paid on presentation, with nu merous others. ADMINISTRATRIX’ fcALE. BY J. B. HHUBERT Sc 09. On FRIDAY, 18th March, Will be sold nt the Marble Yard in State street, next to Dr. lluhershurn. nt 11 o'clock, a quantity of Marble Slabs, Brown Stoim, and Stone-Cutter’s Tools, toped In *r with the Building on said Lot, being the personal estate of William Masterton, deceased, red field by order of the administratrix. Terms cash. Feb 21 TICKETS RECEIVED IN UNION CANAL LOTlKRY, FIFTEENTH CLASS, NTtV 6F.HIKS. rnllOSE who have ordered tickets in tii$ JL above Lottery, will call and reroivts them. In ten days the drawing will take place in Philadelphia, uudihoae who v. it»h to secure u clinn. e for the following Sp! u. did Prizes, will do well to cull immediately: 1 of 30 000 l ill, 000 1 5,000 2 2.12S 20 30 52 104 100(1 5 HQ <00 &.C. &C. Ac. Tickets eight dollars.—Call at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE, March si XuUte is Vvtitbi' of vei\, fff^HAT ninety days after dpte, applies A tion will be made td the Stp&m-Rpr,t Company of Georgia, to issue a new f-ei ■ tificate of stock, for one destroyed, duto\l 2i>tli October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Sa\ umaii 1 Dth Ft,-h. 182a JA.MEb C. CAMi’BEIiL. Feb 11 66 Notice. V LL persons are hereby ca ut.ionc-.d »gaiq*| crediting tlie crew of the British Harp, C ip* Lawrie, as neiih t ihe cau»p,i^ or consignees will he responsible for dobu Ci>niract'*d by tlicm. March 5 851. Noti» e. ^pHTE subscribers to the.Pavannnh Ah^» X iliary Society, for ameliorating Dip condition of the Jews, arc requested to pay their subscriptions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW. Sec’rv. Feb 22 10 ‘ Corn Afloat 1000® us i IKIjS CUKN - afloat ’ for GEO. F. PALMES. Exchange Dock. Feb 24 77 Ex hanged at the • all on the 11 th Instant, V LADY’S NEW CAROLINA PLAID CLOAK, for an old one of a similar p.'iUern. A re-exchange is desired, und <iiii he effected by the holders of each leav ing (hem at. this office. Feh 18 92 Reco ver Tax Returns Office. rpHE subscriber is nmv ready to receive X tin* Returns of Taxable Property, for this county. His office is in .lames Morri son, Esq’s. Building, adjoining John C. Xii-oll, Esq. ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. Feb 11 66(| Sheriff’s Sale, On the first Tuesday in .May next. TfW.LL ne sold ii lio.It of ihe Court- JJr house, in th. city of Savanoah, between the 'isuil Hours often »u<l faur »’cl-ck Tue following eight » egrocs, viz Cufl'-e, P *g.fy, n >sannau (Jaro'i !•«, Jo9.-pit,Ma-y.Pe tv a id Jim, levied . nunder a fi.fa on a tore- closure, hs the p ope-ty of CfiRfles !!. H y* den, in fa-or of Frederick W. Hieneman* march 7 ISAAC D’LYON, S. C C. mm' I X all tho useful and domestic arte, con stituting a complete and universal prac- ti<‘al library, by Colin Mackenzie,^1 vol. 8 vo.—^4. Magendie’s E'ementarv Com- pe diumot Philosophy, translated from the French, 1 vol. 8vo. jjl. Formulary, for the preparation nnd inode of employing several now remedies, translated from the French of Magendie, by Rohley Dangle- son, M. D. I vol. lAno. ^1 25. Picture of Philadelphia in 1824, containing an account of the various insti tutions, die. &c. < hapnmn’s Medical Journal, for February. Medical Recorder, for January. New Monthly Magazine, TVT E W and complete Catalogues of Books,! for November. ALSO, belonging to this Institution, may he I A variety of NEW MUSIC, just recotv- had at. the Library Room. Feb 9 Sugar. rt- HOGSHEADS St. Croix Sugar, landing from brig Adeline, from Bos ton, for sale by HALL & IIOYT. March 1 E MPTY ply lo March 4 Wanted, PORTER BOTTLES.—Ap- GEO. RYERSON. S ivanwih Library -Prico 2b cts. I ed bv 61 [ .March 4 W. T. WILLIAMS. fi4p 10 hW ivs Ut’ANavd, W HjL bn paid for the apprehension and delivery of a negro man named SAM, belonging formerly to Dr. Grant, of Darien, who runaway on Saturday last, 2i»th iust. It is supposed that he may be found in the neighborhood of this place.— lie is a likely follow, about Uve.qty-five years old, five feet nine inches high, oi'dark complexion—wears white woolen Dowsers jiud jacket. The above reward will he giv en for the delivery oft-aid negro man Sum, hv THOMAS KING. March 1 81 Notice. CLERK’S OFFICE, Feb. IS, Ifi'JS. P ROPOSALS will be received et Clerk’s Office, for keeping the puhli^ punips, wells and cisterns in good order, ip*, one year. Proposals v/iil bo received f;,j days. M. MYERS, C. C. 73 twenty Fe 'eh 19 IN (Tice. rjlHE inhabitants of the county of ChM X ham. are notified, that on the first Monday in March, inst. the Juatifep of ir.i-. Inferior Court will proceed to appoint «i, overseer or overseers of the poor, for the disposition of the poor fund—nnd tin* ha ^nane and Ijcnevolent, who will imdrrtujjB the charge, are called upon to notify t.}iojf disposition in that regard, to the Clerk of the Court, previously to that day. True Extract from fhe AL.wtii, A. B. FANNIN, Clerk March 4 84 I weiitv Dollars Reward. R AN A WAY from the subscriber some time in December last, a negro man named TONEY, about five feet ten inches high, with prominent eyes and rttficr a com manding countenance, and dark skin. He formerly belnngodto ihe estate of W ashing* ton, of South Carolina, and it is supposed he has made his way hack to Ashepoo. from whence he was brought. Twenty dollars will he given if delivered to the subscriber, or ten dollars if lodged in anv jail. D. T. TIMOTHY. March:! 83 r. Mate und Count>i luxes Jor 1834. T HE subscriber is now prepared to re ceive the State and County Tuxes of Chatham County, for the your 1824, which are to be paid in hills rocoiveable at the Banks in this citv, or specie, on or before the ELEVENTH OF MARCH NEXT; alter that day. executions will be issued against all defaulters. His office i$ kept at the north-west cor ner of Market-Square. Oflict* hours from ten to two o’clock. JAMES EPPINGER, Tax Collector of Chatham County, for 1824. Feb 9 « Ml Final Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of the late William Craig, deceased, by due hill, note, bond, nr open account, are notifi ed for the last time, that if they are not set tled on or before the first day of April next, they will be placed in the hands of an at torney for collection and suit. JOHN M’NISH, Executor. March 5 85 Military Stocks •J O DOZEN rich figured and plain silk i Stocks, lined with hair cloth 2 do plain Hair Cloth do Received p<*r ship Emperor, from Ncw- York, mid for sale by Feb 17 CALVIN BAKER Notice. T HE co-partnership exi ting heretofore in this citv, under the film of IILlSf: & WADSWORTH, is this day dp^nlvot} by mutual consent. ELIAS BLISS, JQKN K. WADSWORTiJ. N B- The business will be continued by the subscriber. ELIAS BLISS. Savannah March 1, 1825. March 2 Notice. FT! HE Ilonorohlo the Justices of the J;,. X rior Court of Chatham County, »\jl; meet for ordinary purposes, at tin* Court? House in Savannah, on MONDAY, thf. S’-venth day of March next, at 10 nVlopif. A. At. SAMUEL M. BON'D, Clerk d O (C. March 2 82 Final Notice. A LI. persons in arrears to the city far taxes, due previous to the first , iv of January, 1825. are hereby notified, that un less they cull nnd pay the came, before the 2oth iust. that levies will he made and thoip property advertised for s»th*. F. Al. STONE, Marshal. March l 82 Notice. A NEGRO MAN named BOB, in whom Mr. Thomas 11. Gibbons had a limit-.ti estate, recently came to the premises of Thomas Gibbons, Esq. for protection. Boh says he was last in the possession of u per son of the name of Gibson, about sixty inih’9 above Augusta- Any person h .ingutet gal claim to said negro, by applying to the subscriber will receive informal* ;• u. him. S. B. PAR:\MAN. Attorney of Thou as G«! \-r' Suvnnnah, March 3. 1825. IT The publisher of the A. must a t •* *n c!e, is requested to give tli ii'iove i ;n. sertions, and send hia hi'.! Vo i..2 , -i<| of the Georgian- JVlarch 4 § la