Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 07, 1825, Image 4
! JFEEUMI iilli Sheriff's Sales. On the first Tuesday in April next. r¥T»il,L be sold at I he Court-House in th* 'Jkf city of Savsnn&h, between the hours ten and f mr o’clock I he following seven negroes, vif : Davis, Maria, Fatierce, Dub in, Heck, Troi him) an. Oscar, with the increase »f'l» * females levied on under a fi I’m on a forecb-t-ure of a mortgage as the prpeay of Joseph Carruthers tosutia fy the Hi ik of the Staff of Ueorgii. Ala », 'he following.*15negro S via: Ciftae, (Cooper,' Harriet, Ally, old Charlotte, Ji» n k, Sky. Charlotte, Pendaw, Hess, Prcc. ssn and child. Bridget and Peggy, William, E sey, JMI-y, Ph.lip Phyllis, old Cumbo, Jenny, old Peggy H ulus Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria, Cym'a, Dick, Toby,Sophia, Daphne and child Jacob,Sye,Beck, y and John,with the increan of '.h-j lemrie), levied on as the property ol N coola? Cruger, under a fi fa on ft foiecloaur* of a n» rtg.igc in fivour of John Carnuhan and James McHenry for use of Cluis tana Levett. Als », a n gro mm named >hii» levi d on a the property of Char'es E Tiin, under fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor o James Anderson. Also, the following 19 negroes, v'z Ahru- ham. Harry, Cato, Chance, 1) niel, Aaron, Sambo, Lucy, Sc pio, Maryan, Itaoliwcl, (.on. don, Avrgy, Simon, G^ace, Eliza G;:o r g*\ Ho dy, and lim, with the increase of the females, levied on as the property of Flemming Akin dec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort gage in favor of W*n. D x>*n h •'()• assignee s of Mord »ch M’Lcod- 1. IJ*l.YON, S. C C .la- ?1 ** Administrator’s .Sale. - On the. first Tuesday in April licet, I WILL sell at the CouiMinute in J'.flVr son Camden County, between the usual hours of pal?, Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her four children, Daniel, Stephen, John and V:". ick, the propelty of the Estate of Ge » g Mo>*ria m, deceased, for the benefit of tin creditors and h irs of said estate, pursuant to leave gianted by 'he Cou r t of Ordinary of said County. GKOUGE MOKIilfON, Adminta'-mtor, with the * v ill an.itxed, of George Mor<i«'m, Sen. deceased. JefTe.S'm, 24 h Jan. l8-?5, V 2 58 IN EQUITY. Between Lou's Lecou e and John Leconte, Com plainnnts, ai d I*, ter Lrcont John ’I homor Chapman, Iteyno tlx ai d f'.i/eu'u his 11 ife, Df admits—-Li ie ty Superior Court I D US Complainants having filed their lull io th»a Court, the object ef whi h i) to p*r* etuate the testimony of certain persona there* m named, audit appearing that tin* Deh lid- anta reapectiv Iv reside hevond the limits of the state of G org'H, ami vitlnn the United S'fttf» : It <s ordered, that a -ivicr upon the said Deft.iuUuds he effected by publication in one of th‘ Gar. ttea o' Savannah, requiring the swd Defendants to appearand answer the .aid hill <>f Co nplainants, on or before the leventh dav » April next. A true copy E- BAK V .H, Cltrk\ February 10, 1825. Fe 17 71f IN EQUITY. fie!ween H r . Davies Admnistrator, Complain am and John < umoe/inn. Administrator, dr. h< nis non with the will unm.redoj (ieorre Iltchurdson and others, Dtjendunts In ripiittij ('/udham Supeiior Court— Chance* y, 1'Or/j A itrust, 18J4. I I* appearing that John Murray Cnrnnrhan, JL one of the defendants in the srid bill of npluint n>.med, resides without the state of Georgia^ m that part of the U..»kd Kiugdon ?. of Great Britain anu Ireland, called Scotland : It is ordered that the said John Muir.\y Car- nuchan, do appear and answer to the com plainant's gaid hill, within nine months from lie due of this order, otherwise that the s.«id bill, as to him, be taken pro cor.ftsso : a »d it is further ordered, that a copy of this order he publish) d once a week, in one of he public G tzeiUs of this stale, until the ex piration of the lime within which the s.iidde- ulunt is required to appear and answer as at. >re80id. I me copy from the Minutes, thta 21st day August, 1824. A U.FANNIN, Clerk, aligns* ?4 50f Georgia— Aryan Comity. Ity Joshua Sm.tfi Clerk of the Conn of (Jrdin iii if of ihe i ouiuy uforesi id, T ALL A*0)1 II* MAY ONCEUN \|T43HIKR W AS riillmm Moi r, ot tlie (J’unty ol llullo^h, applies for Letters of Ad -illustration en the estate and effects of S- m- m I Bacon, formerly of Liberty Coil ity, dec : rhese are thercfoicto cite and admonish al and ningnl >r the ku d «*d and creditors of «.aid d cense, t. li’'* their objections (i any they have) in my i fi\y % on or before the firs' Mon day in Uurcn next, otherwise letters of ud- ministration will he granted the applicant. Given under my hand nml private a-ah (there being no seal of i fi’u: ) this third day of February, one* tnouaund eight hirulicd amt twenty five. [L. S ] JOSHUA SMITH, r. O. C. Fenfi 63uf Adm n st at >r’s :-alc. W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday April next, at the Court-llouso the city of Savannah, by permission of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, One undivided tourth of a tract of land containing about five hundred acres, on Cumberland Island, Camden County.known fts Plum Orchard, unci an undivided fourth of a certain tract of haul situated on suit! Island, containing about five hundred acres, originally granted to Cen. Lachlan M'lu- tnsTi, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract.* Also, a tract culled Lottery Hill, situate on tin Ogecchoe Road, three miles from Savannah, containing about six hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said estate. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Feb 2 SUaf IN euuit\. Thomas Cummin or and others, Complainants and It i'liatn IVuUace and others Defendants. —- Chatham Superior Court, January Term. 182 S i* appearing to the Court, by the a fit da a vi* of Joseph Cumming that William 'Val- : iC,*. and fiaral) his w'.fe, Mary Clay, Ann Clay. v Glav, Mary June Clay, William Clay. Joseph C!*y, Ralph Clay, Mary Ann Clay, Henry Clay, and Elizabeth Olay, who are par. ties defendants in the above reRid* beyond the limits of the state of Georg.*, and within the United St» es,and tin t Janies Clay, also a defendant, is in foreign pa.ts, beyond the limits of the United Sts’es. On motion of complainants* smici.ors, it is order ed that the said defv ndants, firsv named, do espuctively appear «tivl answer the Ci mi-lain* ants’ bill, vith'n four m nth.-: from the date of ♦ his rule, and the iuid James Clay, wi»hin nine months. Audit is further ordered, that tins rule he published once a week, during iiinr months, in one. of the public Gvzittvt of this state. A true copy from the minute:. A. 0. FANNIN, Clerk, may 11 42f-ia Notice. T HAT on the second Saturday in March next, ut tlie late residence of Joint Bryan, dec. all the pevsonal property of the aforesaid deceased, will be ollorcd l«»r sale, to the higlmst bidder, for the benefit of the heirs, consisting of . , Cattle, ih+v. Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, together with sundry other artiefes. Terms made known on the day of sale. SOL. BRYAN, J ISAAC BRYAN. J Executors. JACOB BRYAN, ) Seriven Cuu tty, (Geo.) Jan. 22, 1825. l«m-m 5?i.+ T IIE undersigned having boon appoint ed by his Honor the Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, assignees for the purpose of settling the accounts of the lufefirin ofNesler & Griggs, of Savannah, they having made a surrender of all their estate, both real and personal, for the bene fit. of their creditors, do h we by give notice to all persons indebted to said concern, that they must pay or liquidate their accounts. YviUtin THIRTY DAYS from this date, after which tune those unsettled will with out discrimination, be put in suit. All per- t-oiH having demands against stud concern, are required, forthwith to present their claims, in order that the trust ntoy be set tled us earlv as possible. JOHN VY. LONG,) M. HERBERT, S Feb 4 f>Ofn Assignees. Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Oliver Bt.urges E. q. late of the city of Savannah, deceased, are request ed to hand them in, properly attested, and those indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to NVAL 1\ HUNTER, Adm’r. r.\ i, in l J. hniNtCs Panacea. I ’UIK sub*icrib( r having discovered tin com . position ol Sll AIM’S CELEBRATED PAJSACHA, has now a supply on hun t fu? sale t he reduced thep ice from Jd, to $2 59, or by the dozen $r,*’4. All charitable institutions in the U. Stute.'» and the poor will be supplied gratis. li' the citizens of the principHl cities am 1 towns, wiil appoint mu agent lo order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. Tins medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases :-“*** scrofula or king’* evil, ulcerated or puti d sore throat, long atauding rueumuiicatfcctions, cutaneous dis eases, white swelling n-.l d 5 seaso of the noons, nod all cases generpdy of til* ulcerous chatac ter, and chronic diseases, generally arising it. dehilputed ms, but more etpeci.db fro ' svpbilis or affections arising thcrefumi; ulcer* in the larynx, nodes, (Jc. andtha 1 d.xarlfui disease o. c*»s.o cd by a long and excessive use of mercury, Lisals.iuse ful in the dis- Hse of the liver" Cevti&cfttca. I have within the last two years had an op portimity of seeing several cases of vary mve terete ulcers, which having previously r"s*s! ed the regular modes of treatment, wer* healed by the use of Mr. Swann*? Panacea, and I d » believe, from what I have seer, that it will prove an important remedy in scro fulous, venereal and mercu* ial diseases. N. CHARM AN, M. D. Professor of tne Institutes ami practice of Phys'c, in the University ol Penn SiIvsnii l have employed the Panacea of Mr. fiwsim in numerous iiistiomes, within the bat thre- eftrSjUiiJ have always f und it cx*r»me!) etfmacinus, eapeciallv in se.c-ondaty avphili.- ■ nd mercurial diseases, l have no ncsitatioi in pronouncing it a m***Uci »* of iiipslimablt value, W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of fiotge’ y in the Uni'ty ct Penn Pliiladi.Iphia, Foh'iiarv 17, 1823. JOHN SCUNN, Chemist. Phil de'phia, J^’ov. 17. 18.3. Georgia—Camden County. Sufeiuoh Court, October Term, 1824. Timothy Hopkins, vs, Langley and Set outer Bryant. O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating th .t m consideration of certain prom- i3*nry; notes, made to the saul Timothy, by them, cine p- vahle with intc.est, fr*.m fir«t f J-tnua y, ’.821, on the fiist ol January 1822: a s con j p*i iibit* as afores*i , on the fit st of January. !b2!,* a<rd a thrd pav*b\e as sfime- sa.d, on the fiiii of.tanuar), 18 4 executed a mortgage to said rinot.iy ricpkirs, h»» he)' and assigns, on ail those four trees of i.„d, a tuw’ed in die cm'Jity Horevaul, onv’eyed l he soul Ti nothy, t.* the s*id F-a*igl *y arid 5elverter, lying on the S'>"ih si ie ol Great f *atdla River, o».e tr-wt cootai'iiog sev *?nty-sever.-acres, more or less; two p-acts uitaininv fit y acres, more or Jjsr. .1 on* ♦her t-'HCt, co'dainiiig ynp bnr.drt d a»*.l »j'?g)i- L'^eiglil a f rc«, more or lcf.*. conduioeed nr he i a\ :’ent of the three saul s*v-ral nr *.c v . on the il»»ys above mentiaa^d, ar.*l th .t a«m urveiftl notes remain unpivd—on motion oi Archibald Clark, at lump) f»r plaintc', it i ordered, that th« s.'id Lxogb v ai^d Selveste., their heirs or assigns, pay i.itoCour., witlu twelve months from this date, t'..c sum". du«* nn said notes, and the intrre-'i and cos’s, o«h erwiee tha*. the equity of redemption be io - ever foreclosed, and that su- h other proceed ii.gst&k* pl .ee, mh are puiquant tr» la v. True xt ur.t front the m"i •«».*, ?7th Onto- ber, 1824. JOHN BAL.fiV, Clerk 4 87 V • Notice IS llEREIIY an r EJi\ T HAT tlireo inonlhs after date, applica tion will be made to the Bank of the Stare of Georgia, to issue a new certifiicat* of stock, for one lost, issued on the 13th March, 1810. in favor of John M’Kinno.Jun or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243. B. M’KINNE, Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun. Augusta, Dec- 10, 1821. dec 18 21fp5 Notice. N INE months after date, 1 shall apply to the Court of Ordinary of Camden enun* ly, fur leave to sell the ;e«] estuic of John D Young, late of said conn'* 1 deceased, lot the benefit of the heirs, of said d -cessed, JESSE CRAWFORD, Administrator est ,te of John 1). Yount: Jun V 90 Notice, Camden Superior Court. IIenry Il.wuoHn, i , r ,• . , , p * f Verdict MarcliTerm, Thomas l<[N«. ^ IWM - O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain tiff, in the above ease, it is ordered • liat the defendant do shew cause, on or be fore the first day of the next term, why u finul judgment should not he entered in the above case, ns of March Term, 1808 ; and that publication be made of this rule, once a month, for four months, in one ot the Gazettes of this District, or that, a copy he served on the defendant, sixty days be fore the next term. Extract from the Minutes, JOHN BAILEY, Clerk, dec. ?3 25$u Notice. \JIXE MONTHS after the date of this J. ^ notice, application will be made to tin: Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permi-sion to sell a part of tile real estate of John Stacy,, fin the benefit of the heirs and creditors ufsuid deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. der 18 ,»I Notice. T HOSE who hove any demands against the late Matthias Schlosser, late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to render, in their dptnunds. properly at tested ; and those indebted to said deceas ed, to make immediate payment, to CHARLftM RAPP, Q.'ialifuid Executor. Jan 15 43i.f State of Georgia. By Elijah Baker, Clerk of the Court of Or dinary, fur Liberty County, M fiS. EidZ.i <K H VALt>U/UR, up i lies for e*te**s of admiiiistr.tioo o* tin- estate and < fi* r:tg of Tlnm is G WeM hs next of km: These are therefore. t«* citi i id admonish, all ai d singular the kind e and creditors of the sub! dec a ed, tofij * heir »'j notions if any tl ev have, in myoffi'Rst tic b irniigh, on or heforf the fi*si M n‘a- » March next, otherwise letters of udinios- ration will be grained to t* e sa.d nppJ.rvit. G ven under my h nd and muhI, th«s tenth dav »«f January, in the the year of rur Lord eighteen hundred a d w ntv five. I, S.) E* BAKER C. C 0 l, C. VTINE months after date, I shall apply t CN the Doert of Ordinarv of Umitkn coun ty, for leave tosel) a lot of land, lyng m Mon : county, in the tenth district n. Tide no etv-one, belong-tg to the oi nhans oFLev J.diiij, dtc. for tkubeiiwfi. f -*fid orj bans. JOHN LKB. Guardian. T n 17 N ot ice 4 1 estate of Coctfiunt Freeman K «| L*e of the city *>f HTsS ngt n, deceased, a e re q .Irsd *o lianci them in. lotaliy adc. te<l, vithm the time pr-M rib- d hv law : nml th'» v « ndcbt.'d to said t-tate, arc r- quned to n.i.k immedi.ite payin'ot, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm'r. Jan 14 4 ' l NO rUJE. IVTINK. MON CHS af er the date hereof, np. i.N pbcn*ion will b« in.tde to the Ih norshii ihe Inferior Court of Chatham county* when sitting for orditthty ( urposes, tar leaxe to sell h lot, with the improvements, situate in the city of S.iVaim«h, in the said county,ami kn* wn in the plan of said mU by tlie No. Si, Brown IVard, for ti e benefit of the heirs and h gntcei oi the estate ol the late hugh M’Cail, de ceased. THOMAS M’CAT.L, PHILIP BUASCH, Executors. nrt <4 7 * VALUABLE MEDICINE. TOTTER’A Vegetable Catho/icon. 1‘PHB r res.i ctiull) sol ms the at XL tention of every fiiend ofsnfi'ering hu n.nitv, to to ti’e shove new and invaiuablr remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the system the very seeds of dilease, and in re: t.rug the. deranged and morbid conditb n ol the organs of Me t«» a free and healthy c\ of th ir funrtions, has exr.i- tr'd the Hdunisbm.'rU, and completely sitan the ohj unions of th<* most «ncr* d .loir* — pacts tve the heit argument*. In order to pit’ ie virtues olti.ft Lftiholicon to vs severe h c tiny as p’-ss b!e, it was offered by adve r - scn.cnt togo'h.'r W’th the wt;en«l nee of a .ihysic'sn, gnituitotHy to any persrn wiu. would apply for it, und nh se cause might seem t come within the r«n»,e of its healing power-—numbers of severe cas s of long si a d- mg, and-»oinc ol them seemi*»Hly de-* 'r * ones, pr- eoted themsulves, all oj which have been cured, or so much relieved as l i warrant the- asserti-»n that * little perseverance will do so In fact. 3USU is the b nee ol (hr- pin si cian under whof*e cu'e these oai'ents wer-. ili.ce.l, in tins remedy, a co. fi*lo ce rout iiii; from th.* irresistible cumiuii-m tliat l».»s ■ ecu fur td upon h.s min ' by ocu'ar .lem-.u- st ration, and t pcraonal trial vf it on honse' 1 that he permits me to declare it as h s d-o*- Lcl opinion, that he Gath lic'-ti is not o I- v perfectly s«.fc and innocent,' it a most pow eri'ul and invaluable remedy in re* tarn di* ess -h and states of the s>su:m, such as the f 1 owiu g Debit.ty resul'ing from intemperance ant! dissipation *, Ol l und invetcat U-C‘ rs. Pains the b«.n s attended with swell.ngs of join’sl.idigestion, lll.itthes on the fuo.e, imp o , fi*c.; Al' complaints of ‘.he Liv^r j euet: Yaws-, Syphilis; Gutaueouadt3ea*es generally ; Mercuiial and scrofulous coin- plaints The Cdtholicoti (which the proprieter sol emnly pledges h s word consists exclusive f vegetable run t<-i) with th.t ex ept on of u 1 glu ditarmi rvtinn to the bowels, which it preserves in a soluble state, a^t- insensibly, is pi vi sun' to the taste, and requires n * particu- ar regimen,^i ce fum spirtuous li* q.iors .-l vnys except ed,) <>r confir.ement. A « gf-ntle, sa!<“ and agreeable calharuc m d ci'iei improving the appetite audit storing »lit ge:ieral tone of the system, it is contid-mtiy recommended to iadten in a delicate situa tion. W W. FOlTBli, 68 Cbci. ut-sucet. Philadelphia, May 31,1824. At the request of Mr. W Po*ter, lh*ve lately exhib.ted, in severs! instances a modi cutt-.i s rup. called ?o tar's Vegetable <Jati»o • •icon, with the most decided advantage. 1> has, aa • et, never tailed efiV.ntiug a cu p e in every case in l ha v * % t’toug* t proper t- employ it. H. U*ML R i'MIB, M D Ph r addphiiiy July 28fA, l3-'4. Mr. IV W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed a wish th*t 1 would give a concise statement of my guitar* ings, f-om • the hopeless commencernei 1.1< the present propitious stage «-f mv <lise.«ge.* About five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of.Lnuury, fron imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendantson hoard, 1 was cif.nj.eUe I to best it, ss I might for two weeks, when on my ar rival at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as I’yphns. The skill 0 f my Physician subdued the fever, but Pi anix-like, the termination of this gave ris* to a disease equally distress ing, and which, till now, I had th. light incur fcble. Various abscesses made tbe>" unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were ‘■we.led to an enormous size.-— These gradually subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left kne-e aftaoted ti.e hone—in incision wt.s now made anu a large evacuation of ous, mixed with p:ec< c of bone took place. Iu n Iditinn to this, I suffered ihe most cicrur.iating pains in my j >»nts that m n ever experienced Every thing that was ■idmin.’sterrd either gave me no rel*ef r ser ved io agg-avale the Iise&*e, the severity of will h increased wi«h every succeeding year Such iv <s mv painful si uatinn that 1 <ie psirei of ever biing restored to my heal h j I had not o dv tne l the e ular means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popumr rem- •".I) 1 1 hcai oh It was in this awful a* d desponding condit oi ,>hat I was persuaded to commence a course ofyou" V«-g< ta ,% le t’ h 1 •cot, and t 1 e happv r , '"u l t i c , *'fom the use nf the two b .ttl. s my whole sys t m has under gone a complet' rreo uiion, oil /.. v Jo sa ke me f* the discharge from my an*.- beg n o .Lminish, and 8* o i ceai-ed altogether, h ulcer from whence it proceeded being corn * {-lelv healed. The tumors, f»r the* ( RV»vi*I of which I have tried in vain more remedi. s than l can i ante, arc rapidly decreasing ; my appetite, which whs gone, has returned—1 an in fi»r.t, near y wel, and f.el confid?iit that s few buti’es more of y u-, (<o rre) invaluabl*. medicine, wi’I m kc me perertly so* Your oblig d friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. could wish tube. With my thanks, I am your hhged humble servant, tin GVOUGE KANE. City if Phi'nd-phia, cs George \\ »:, of the D strict of Soti’h- v«rk, personally appeared, &nd, being dul. ovnrn, d - th declare ami say t'uA the atniVi stat *m-*nt is in all respect*- correct and true s.ul that the sigrature to it is in the baud wr.lirg of this deponent J HI HI ’’VS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 18J4- TO ‘OCTTHEHN PLANTERS. The Vegetable ftathoheon is peculurly >rla Hed to those Mschscb which a*e prevalu t 4 ong the coV’ur d po,>it!at *n ot tlie a-mth In that disease winch is : .h 1 .1 yaws, it t«s silTe Vetnedy •, a si: gle trtal of it, Will convince l» anters »»f itssap* nor «*lfi;nr\ t'» any feme dy of a aim.Ur nam e in Lie U.»ited States* NO I \VK The advantages «l tl-is tnedicflt" arc, P*»t confining tne pa ivnt unnccva.ariiy to the huu*ic, or keeping li m from iuh bodnuss.— With one Hnliu* y ^vc-'.pi nn, in* •• aoiri.u- •»us liquors, it does not lay any r st’ic'io is upon his appMite It is.-oi genUr. n u opci.. ... tiut me p tient findshimsi-lf retting well hr cannot teli how. As it ia not tin; #-;<h oflh propiielor to take any th ng 'or w ; . ci. he cannot give a <onaideration equal in value p-rsons at m distance who may to try .»» medicine, but who are n..t c-rtain if it he appf coh’e to their complaint, arc request- .-tl to describe heir evao and symp'o :.s in . letter,}, i* paid, and directed t*> him—til .ett.:r will bi i'rnn-»diattdy placed in h»ntta fully eo*np tent to de** d tlu *ioe-.tiou.— hirdd ho re ;.e-i> tv» te in *o suit the dis ease, they «ili b<* fr■•uklv told »•>, GAUTI N* To prevent d sjprimnlrn nt it is Wfi’l to :t'.tc lli.«t It U r.S 1 I O" '.:rfsc.s frOTi 3 to 5 notl.e: to filed h euro so that pe s - >« -vlu* ire labouring under any ser o is m rtr'i, mu«t m^tieu.- tl.ei * mind lo peis.;veie ” *!>»•' n' at teas* ~ if tiny do no*, tue r n.ight as wolLavethemselves th-’ trouble uiulexpense •f using a s ' *'*»r qu n'i* A l orile s p)st p :itl nd enc'osing the tn mey inimed-u: d, t « ud ll -, u.-.u ,».* ;n-dtaii:r •: ckedaodd livered with directton3 foruai . • any place in *he city, and forwaided as di« r * t. d N. H To proven* the possibility of in- fi sition, it wi l b soM t» city ol'PIiitado'- ohiu, id the nfHc in Fi-th near R?ct- V, r ct. .irat the dwel-ing of the lopri L* r, N 66 die-ni.r s*rcet, only, an i °.h- *>n! h«* I, & a - ihoriZwd agents tV \V P 'T'lvn, 66 Cheztint Street, Phn'ade pfi a* I have appointed G"JORGE RYE .SON, Druggist, of H-ivnnnah m <--o«e »g- m. D.i.g gists w:i. t-ng tne above van-able medicine will be supplied by him for codi, at tin* sum. rat*’, a 0 if ordered direct from me—v z.^'O per di.z-jn, or three dollar a s ng : f boUL. W. vV. i*OT 1 EU, P'uludelphia. Ai»V Person on application to the d • l will he turnished with certinC'-tes of tlr* * fii cucv of * b • c U'e'iicme v vu^cieut io . < vince the m.nd "t the most sceptical, allhoujf' too numerous ».nd I- ng*liy fo.- n .*8pv*per u- sertion. GK*> l<YEP O Dr u.g' .t, Co-ner ot Bay and Wiuttafcer Streets, dec 13 SCOTT’S BIBLB STv.iiKOTrrv MiiTrox. > T tl D V Q 15 a \ k a «s SAM OBI. T. AU MSTIViXl: v . ■’nmlii'l Hf.'on lor P'tbithvix S'h’r. fa 'tier inner. «.«-» lin? -,w if 1 Jf'tml Htfin intu o Iih co , h iw 1."J* V'U.U'IF.1 uur.1l. OCTAVO "j'- 1 bsdishctl with a likeness of ,he Mhor ' V ^EKMS. t '. .lull he well piimeJ, on po--l p , ptr I be comp :s* il tn b»< handsome v..|„ ‘ h w*H cout3'.'i the Sen .1 i ((i q \ f .V. w ’/V laments, t • hil"odncto*y ()>,* t ru .f Eu'pl mutiny \otes,»n. Pwctn. I t/f,. all the cop .11^ Mar*inu Uej«n nt ^ A ' •**!’ printed word tor worl f- :n it>e I.. ‘ S.ereotype Edit.on, publish**-' wi r , PL q* ' ir: b^rsdecewre The p-in- \he fra . h-,ar«K; R?4, in sheep * %\>l. in r:»Jf biJcl,*.? 1'1»* tulrjhi w jrk will be r- ,u, tard'-iiin.,.*?’ Mat, 1825, r H v Ear r acts of Lefts add-rfed to the Pub a' \ etteein l.r Sc* V in.iy lt-b! ennn,.,L cfvculatad to prom <te Hie vs* i of t-,,,. ; piety It seen.a scarcely pn.ssd)), :V :*‘hd daily th** N.,tes t,nd Oi:s, VHUong'itf.t'' 0 Family Bible without becumi ig y . v ; s ‘ iiermtn. ED’YAUi) () (j * P|. ‘ 1 Inve seen tio •.»* .1 n-*nury .f t , c • J ' . Seri mures which I think *»j w 1* adV-ti't geivral use sndi*d*li.:it;»in. It ,'sVi- a ^ which ever; farnaly ought to poss-ss. ^ 1, is a work l.jtii’fru shed for ihe Vi: u- end v i lencc of ils -ner/, c, - r, '" ' E »>«1. •=: tyor its ov.n.; , ,,,' ^ at ness sn<j pdrspieti tv of its Mi * ;ii lire :uid C -f .fs s»j 'ind l .If flf. • s s;*;* : .cHti. ig, ’ Pti) ncte ■J. nr, - I L . ie K.) uj ti r it-j u-i l‘ M-rti t. d iic ! lebcai trull. pitSy. API Oj D*\ F;*-n:!v L. , av h-t. l i »ny eitirn-1*10,1 • 'S' .vt T 1 *lU(* >U* 'diijst ’J'l 1 * i *? * . |J ( • l:*M . •- j»Af dy B b ; li t -, ,jh , isi.c-y ii.sii ,r. hie *n V r .,H D...K- 1 ut\ivnnit\(m Wanted A NY infimnalionfrom, «>r relative to Mr. FitniKnn k Loivk, Printer, a native of Manchester, England, and who, when iarf heard from, ro.-ided ut Monticullo, Jasper county, Geor*rin, where it was understood he had married a young woman of the name of White, addressed fo Robert C. Lowe, to the rare of I lie editor of the Charleston Courh r, will be thankfully received. II. j The editors of papers in the State of Georgia, und in the Western country, will confer an obligation upon an anxious mo ther, by giving the above one 01 two in sertions in their papers. jail 22 4fi -n th li. iii . I ft7* a-.q" b Sucred : "i)-d a v r- 1 :V X J. 'oking-Glusscs. J UST received, per schooner Retrieve, ail elegant assortment of Mantle and Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri cos, by J, B, HERBERT &. CO. dec n Car eon Casti tigs, O/ft V.HJA'I.S Curron Cust- O iiigs, U-p s:tI.• hv di-t-111 n. i). \vi:k)>. Fi ot hmul J ^ HAI.K illiJ.S. Iiijrii,' Pilot Bread, just received and lor saie bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. de* 29 jNonu-:. N INE months afterdate, apt lic*»tion w 11 b« made *0 tin IP n.the Jm g?sof the Court r Ordinary -f Gh.uh'un ceu'Uy. far leave U el all the real estate ufthe late William Craig, -.-ceased, for the benefit of the liens and ci ce il irs of said estate. JOHN M’MSU, Executor, oct 1? 71 Hide Whips. £(£) Hide Whips, received and dec J3 (i< UtgUl L u/Duv.U Luntil i f . fO A. L WHOM If MAY t ON K N- ^*®pllEREAS H. Hod A (Jopp, E.q nopbes to the (hunt ot (>• di.iary of s«id c.*un- v, for L:-tt**rs • f Adm / i**i ration on the est«» >f Joseph Bixby, 1 te ot said coun y, deceaH- ed : Thes** nr.*, therefore, to cit«; snd admon* all and sini'ular, ’he heirs and c: editors of said deceased, to fi * - their objection*, P any they have, in inv olfictt, on or m fie’e the fi st Monday in March oe it, o-herwi.«e ietlers will he g* anted lb- applicant. Wiliii Bsthe li oiurribie William Gthson, one of the J -ibticca of said Gouri, this twenty sec- n 1 daj of January, 1H75- JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. C C. ■Tan 27 53 Mill e. VTINE months r dsio, application will be i.x made to the lof:rioi (Joint of 'lhch:im County^ sitting for ordinary purp.iscs l'»r ai ordiT, aDsohite, toaelllois N* s l-.uruii' five 4 nod 5) in Carpenter’s Row, and lot N . one, (11 Grteu Ward, in h ; ci y of S.ivannst-, being the r**»l estate of Frsncis Jalineau, d«*r i'or tne benefit of t-.heirs an* creditors ol Slid estate WILLIAM GAS ON Qua i/ted Executor, 7 97“ MMICK. P ERSONS having demands agni.-ist the eg. tnte of ‘die talc William Craig, dec. are rtquested to render the same, properly at tested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to wid estate, are earnest,y called upon to settle the same without de- l lV JOHN M’NISH, Extcilt»r. act 12 71 Philadelphia, July r f>. 18-'4. Mv confidence in the v gettbb*. catholicm is nndimiuish -d. and :*s trjsh in tances of it* powers arc d^ily ovcurti« g, in my own prac tice 1! ave n<> hesitation 111 recommending ii in the peculiar diseases to which it is t p »iu>- bl<-, as superior to any reme Iv I am a* q.iaii t- id with. M. M’VtUUllHE, M. D. Philadelphia, May ‘.'8, *18 4 Sin-—In conrcqui'iice of imprudent expos ore four * ?ar9 ago. I h »J »h:» miafi-rtune '<> be come • fil oted w.,h a disease, the painful re id's ol which induced me to apply io sue* cess'on to several respectable physicians ot his city, from whom, however, 1 recover ither no relief, or from whose ren edies 1 re ceived another complaint quite as distressing is the former. My* whole bystu o oecame a - fected. 1 could gut no rest hi night ou ac coil'd of tne violent psi-i that I felt in ever., part of my body / (he weakueHs and enacia tiouof whici* was such that 1 could .scjr cly walk. In ii.i» stat,. 1 f*»rtuiiHie!y board of your vegetable cdhulicon-four bottieH oi \ inch, has com*-letely restored me, 1 l»av» mw no pain ; my a.‘petite is good; and mj •*rergt»i restored With many thunks for li,’ refiet your m d'orne has given nu, 1 an. 1 out obh, ed fuend, ecc WILLIAM WILSON. ■w- r n and sub8cr hed o h fine me, Mav 28 1824 JOHN BINNii, A del man. Phi ade phia, Mey .8, 18 4. Sir—I - c m n-’W, thank- to your medicine, a hearty mw V r tuarly six yea^s 1 have been g martyr to a d-sesse, whose rav»g h threat ened. if not soon stripped, to put a period t«» my existence. Having had no regular mcdi- •ai advice from tlie commencement, my complaint at last got to such a height that I could nut swallow without groat pain and difficulty* Tumors f. rmed in difiVreut parts of ivy body, ana 1 began to think, my situnti »lino:.t desperate. I he five bottles of the Cathohcon which I have taken have con.- plet&iy cured me, and 1 am now ss well as 1 Fettlin' lire's J EST received by th.' Wiiii.wn Wallace, a large supply of tlie above nrih , i'\s, with ihdstcrs and Bilious tr* match, war ranted to he of tiie best qualify. 1. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Webster's .'•■pel-ing Books, K S. ECEIYEl) and for .sale Ly Jan 13 X. B. (FEED. Spanish Isegars. .lust received p« r Globe, and for snV by J. B. HERBERT c : CO. dor 4 Cast x licet Iron Box , toves, I^OR SALE by r N. B. WEED, No. 6, Gibbons* Range. nov 24 Tar, Fitch, Rosin <}c. JUST RECEIVED. ‘>n nI!, ‘ s TAtt tmd\J 10 do Bitch 10 do Rosin 5 do bright Varnish For sale by A. BASSETT, No. I, Mongol's Now-Building. Feb l Wire Fe .tiers a il < ast-lron Chi nney Backs, RECEIVED per ship Corsair, and for sale by dor *7 N. B. WEED. 27 t. t roix sugars. | /* MOtiSIIHADS of St. Crnj - Sugnrs, JL *Lf ol' very P rimc-quality, landing 1'tom scliuonor Nancy, und fur salt; by 11A1.L &. HOYT. fun 20 Tl.. ScMt»:, F — peotni'v fir la u v e> -rig itcul, live, »• »;1 ueepiy 1 **r- «.* jp LNTJ3L 0. S LNDERS. I hochi-sciev of ly. s 0 V fj . mr . K wen: k ... f‘ iiV t ni -«l ' n* 4 tfir III.;I Mi; 0.1.• co in ,, t. s.-< (I r:t[ li f\ r».r,.ui,1. so muni ; p f ai J deun fuithi-r rtc. nmi* n .a- uuiia nceuisss* . , . J FO t?K intad w*ll, m r-.iti ’,-n.nn „ v c ", w .i-.h I would ni f. r.iiMK i.ft .or guieul Ui:e. L ® P an of the tvoik is good josmn nvn?*. Psrhaps in n*> wsy, *?/-. .si mi*., r.s i si i •» •f # \ out!:, ut v pi .t;,\ts (,l. isviiui », wa g*i.* » i > rv'Ct to 3 vii.t , thsn bv cxe«t ny tV ni. ^■s^ves to diss.mi-i'-«‘ this * ulv Its wo-k Joshua m'N’i.vGnta. i know *if 1,0 'unun-.nt* y wobh i„ b t*er nlnili.ii tl for iiillofl.i'g conect vit-i s of t.hs givvt •t»:tl i s ufChririinnity, »•- d ta- .v '»ry impiesiions on th« m.nd when t^/.g •r 1 m the pe u al of it, than the one yuu ure -b iut topub.isli. M . DANIEL SHARE. No writer s« esu lestf d sp< sec! to c inti-id for barren sperubui ns. None m .ie u-fdori.i. ly or noore powtifully inculcates the gre.* ti. sentwtsol religion. The *pint whiLh p.** v t <D.s the work is excellent; u <s the m» k, ilcuiumartf, In-tiling, yet fauhful spirit >f ik ■‘••pel* Daniel d.a?v^ From particular ex-uninsti «, and concur* riiig t*stimnne, there is no duubt on my mmd Uiat Scott's Family Bibta is superim in u’i “ih'U’S JO c FPH EV.EKSON. You wilt pless* to sei.d mo six of 'Celt's Bible ,- I refer to your is elv pronosul lit ion Berhsps I shall induce nve more u» take the s«me number. |j. f, I* is with extvvme pleasure 1 perceive ol are About t-j publish a eliiioti >f Sm-l'.ta Bible Having he n in po:-S":>siun of t more fl an ?0 yearf, I tris* I know soms. htttR »»f ns value, and am dele- n.ire to ,r:i. i«s c iviiUiien among my friends You w'ii forward si a copies n c soon fs : r> hsbed. ’j I have nhtainod four subscribers f u P e exce I ntwDifc you a>-( pu**hslong K. $ l nronojft t-» take swan seta >f ni- •Ac, and will be accoiintubie for *ht sanu-. j *!. I hav** obtained s*.bsci tbersfo^nm - •ifSemt*.!' mil* l) bio. 7.*:. 1 snail pr h.-hiy need tight or* i* s* tsof Srott*-4 Family Urdu, ,] p Rev. jj. S. of P. o' tained ten s .i cri- h«T8* E. K I have observed that voii are about pub. fishing another edition of S«.o't’s H.hie opii you mry succec ' as you I. ve done io • tinier cditv.i'H, 1 fiav’ft been endftsvoring to •rocure snot .liber!' wm., g our peonic. ami cncr more subaciibers win be obtained. t). S. I?. 1 will toh* ten seis (uf Scull’s ;li>c) bound and »ett« red. j, p- l have obtained ten subacribeis fir yuur o Jit ion »f tl." Fuintly Bible—nod Iikvc -••» d. ubt L*it there mig>.-t he s un oh i g like 10 • copies • old in this place if you had no tg- ut turn—1 (bought lie v >rk cugh to be en* •niraged f-tr hat reason *o--k a subscribe timipaptr. H is a work that every fimily •hould have that is able to puich^He. j. e n n I nn glad, hat y-u propose to print B'- 'cmBa excellent F m ly Comnn iv. :y, and should be very gin l .f.t were iu my power to H 'ivc a more libc id patronage to the wo k, loan, as circumstances are, I can. I dilc* to do sorm thmg; eiglit ur ensets I shall certainly take; snd it ms*, lie, double that number. q t i have , o^ured fifteen subscribers to Scott’s Bible. j ^ t i) i 1 think I shall dispose of 20 sets ornio e of ’:e Family Bible, p, u 1 have circulated proposals for Scott's, lLblc; Low tn«ny have been engaged in all I taiinot u II; but between 20 anu sets in h s vici* By. j. s. 1 have concluded to become responsible a ran fu thirty sets of Scott's Cominei.tu<*y, C.B. I have procured 106 subscribers to the Bible; 6 sots to be b Mind in c«;f; d seta to be done in boards the other 97 ^ets, boui.d and lettered us described in ihc prospectus. If. Mi 1 presume I could procure 500 subscri- >»pr* for your edition of Scon's Bible The demand is increasing for them. They will finally supersede every other large or Family Bible. Fifty ot my subscribers live within a circle ef 8 miles ! J L. Just publi-bed an edition of the same wouk, completed in six volumes, widout mu go al references/prior in bo>rus ^18; in sheep £21,- in caif g27. Bufur of ih se ed.ti -ns m- y b>* had of ttu'puh’i-h r in Boi.ou ; or of S. C. & J SCHENCK, S.vanmih. .!» 11 59 Macktug UyusUt’a, O P a superior quality, just received a ml for sale by tiiiO. HY K Kid ON nov .’0