Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 08, 1825, Image 1
ess , fcv) —V oV. V LI. SAVANNAH, TUESD vY MOItNING, MARCH 8, £825. F o. M. THE <$#■« n edited E PGIILlhllEH AND IX TUB CXTV OP SAVANNAH, By G. $5 w. Robertson, AT KHillT HOU.AHS PF.H ANNUM, PAYAUIiB IN All VANCE. ——afe—— 1 for tiie country, IS published to meet the nraneement ot i throe times a week, (FueJcisy, lie l •• t f n 1\ „.. it,., nflleii nf ill. Sw^y and Saturday) at the Office of tin Ilium-ay ". .. mi in ell. Daily Georgian, anti co (fence, Commercial, rohtical anil Miscellun- u8 , incluiiinc advertisements. pub islied in the Pally Paper. ,, . TlCountry Paper is set t to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, live dollars per annum, payable in tdvanct. Ulvertiacnients are inserted in both pa ers k i 75 cents per square, el H hues, tor it firs, insertion, and 3Vi for every succeeding pub- 111 Commiinicstior.9 by M 11, inti»« be Pntt paid Sale- of land and m i.roes bv Vimmeiirn torn, Kx-cutovs or gu?’ ’'imu, are rrqmrtd, by hw, to be held on the firs Tuesdav the month, between the hours ot ten tn hi. f an,I three in the afternoon, at .he <*' fore lourt „/,on Britt three m the a* H .use of the county in which the property is Uu e.-Noticeof th ae sales must be given t:, » public gazelle sixty days previous to the dt Solice rfthe sale of personal property mua- be'give in lire manner, i'Vly days pievioie 'V'MieeUi'tlt .• debtors and eeeditora of ai estate must be n lhl.slwd lor/V'!/ cays. Notice that application will oe mi dt. to tile Court of Ordinarv fir 'c-.vclu sell hud, mua. be ■ uhlidv ' Vine Months ffiUMkSb & SHOTTp OFFER TOR SVLE, B/fr\ HOGSHEADS prime and second ©w« ■■ - - • - XEW-\MVK State l.ilerature Lottery, TOUDIflf quality St. Croix Sugar, f»0 barrels do do do sugar Vo bags prime green coffee 3o crates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 6 pipes cognac brandy 5 do I lolland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum halfpipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 000 do Loufr Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nov 23 thesh garden seed >, AND RuYbous TWwfcr Hoots 0 J UST recc’Ved by the rubscriber, and wa'** ranted of the last season's growth, 2 hoses Garden Seeds, put uphy A. M’station ft ’o, Philadelphia, expressly for this market, ovi containing the fii'lowing aworttn nta, viz. (p- IP^IlFIPo R-.luction in Prie s! . Goods to ffl tvlmt they are Sold for !! j\n,iU-«'*l W'i hi. Si .MmswcGu'cnU! fill 113 Subscriber as willing as others to JL arrange i:is business to suit the pro- sent times, and save the public the trouble of making barcaiitH, adopts a mode lately mat® so of in this city of advertising the Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te dious to enumerate, although not having those enormous quantities that are usually said to be sold when culled for,) nnnws the following articles, and ensures the Pub ic that the rest of his Stock is reduced in the same proportion: Lump Oil (but not the best quality) per gallon fl? ”* Du do do 0 J ° l)o do best quality, per gull. 0 02i 1 .lint do . -jo *> 0 1,0 Spirits Turpentine do do 0 BO Mixed Paints (but not the best Greens, litnes or Yellows) per lb. 0 1-', Ennlisli While Lead, per MU lbs. (not because put up in iron bound American White Lead, 2«lb kegs laboratory lnanutacturcd llrook* Ivn, New-York, (manufjetory price per cwt. $12 50, which limy ho seen bv looking at the Ne’w-.York Price Current) S hv 10 Glass, but not the beat American, per box in bv 1 l do do do A large and constant supply of the nr'.icleslnid goods generally in the Paint. Oil. Color. Glass. Varnish and Brush trade will be kept. The subscriber having in ,d ■ arrangements with Manufacturers m New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else where, from which i,laces ho will continue to receive those goods direct, fh° * H .st di-mripiion. and on the must advantaiocms to, ms. Ho also oilers his Professional ser- vi, < s in 3 50 12! 3 50 1 50 nbnve l. Drumhead Cabbage 2 I onff Bed Beet .3 Lon? Orange Carrot 4 Par-ley 5 T.ecfc 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish 3. Early Purple do. Bound leaved 10 Early Turnips l. Late do 2 -talsafy 3 Asparagus 14. Karl- curled Lit tuce 15 Hoy a I Cabbage do 16. Nutmeg Melon 17. Spinich iB. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet B.vfiil :Q. Sage H. Na«lurtium 2*!. Celery 23 Euriy Peas '4. Late tlo ‘25 FarK hnnnh beamt 26 lied French dvi A L 8 O. °0 Rffeknges the following Bid mm8 El owe r Hoots, viz. I, ?) »i'.b:c Hvacinths I 4.Moxicantige’ , fl iwer F t»e 3’ulips I 5 Double Tuberose 3 Narcissus |6 S; ir of Bethlehem For side by P. M'DEdV.O »’T F 9 * By the President of the United States. J N pursuance of law, F,Jamfs MoNnor, Pre> I. ideu lent of tiie Dni'ed Svatet, do hereby de dare and mak'' known, that a public Rale w- e held at the Lan t Office at I’allabasse, Florida, on the third Monday of May next, f be di-i'-osnl o’ the fo ?, owing lands, viz :— Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the Meridian line. 1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do Fractional 3 do do do do Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east. t tS*.2.north 1- 9 9. <i. At a* Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5. The a te will commence with the low. umber of section, township, and range, 9 n roceed in regular numerical order T' nc!s reserved by law for the use of school r other purposes, will be excluded from tl. Given under mv hand at the City of Wa-h. imrton, this 26th d»v of Jamiar, ^8 5 JAMES UONROE. Bv tLe President. GEO GRAHAM, Commissione r of the Gererpl Land Cfnc 1 . QTjr* Printers of lh« of the Unileo 5’a^s, in the Territory of Florida, and in ;h States of ^ labtTna, Louisiana, Tepessr e, Mi — issirpi* Ge; rgia, and Si'ulh-Cavolinn, ar«i »ti »b »;iz.'d to publish the foregoing Proclaivu- •un fnce !) week • n.»• th- dnv of s»lo ' 7 6 f ‘tnuiv <g. Gilding S? Glazing. v hi, li lie «.-jeentes on improved principles ..I luroB prices, in Town and Conntrv. Ah. 5. n'hilaker-Klrcel, 5 floor-- fmm the Bay. 1>. MARLOW. jan il 50 N otice. I'li.T-tXE monlli.i after date application will iN i,it miidu to tho Hunorahlo the Ju.- t : n -' of tin* 1 Inferior Fourl «l Chatham i;oun»y, for leave to soil a tract ot land, known us number eight, 8th District., 1 ike '•lormurlv Munroo) SJunty, for the benelit oft!u: heirs and creditors of the ebtate oi of N. fc5. Bayard. N; J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. Bayard. Jim r» Notice. i 'jERSOXS having demands against, the estate of Thomas Johnston, will please present them, properly attested, at the Counting-Room of R. &. J° Habersham. IIAMUTAL JOHNSTON, Executrix ol’the estate ofThomas Johnston, dec 18 c 2>+». ISO i ICE. fsllR subscribers being shout to decline bu JL si ness in this place, request persons ha ing demands ag>inst them, to present therr. for payment. _ A. B. FANNIN & GO. nt*' a 68+l Administrator's xsoucc. N 'NBIJO .THSfriim this date, we shall ap ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court c Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the real estate of William Maykew. C. H. HAYDEN, P. MAY HEW, Administrator's, august 12 45 Damuscus Steal Razors, a UST received, a supply of the above ar- v.P tide, wliich will be warranted good.— For sale by N. B. WEED, nov 24 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RECEIVED PER BRIG GEORGE WtSIIINGTON’ .KEGS New Loaf Lttrd . 150 limns 3 Barrels Castor Oil 6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. .Tan 14 CLASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, 1824, TO BE DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. CANAL LOFT FRY, FIFTEENTH CLASS—NEW SERIES. iIXTV NUMI1K11S,NINL BALLOTS TO BEDRAWN. SC HEM E. 2 Prizes of £ 10,000 is $20,000 3 1 17 20 41 51 51 1734 11475 5,000 3,082 1,000 500 200 100 60 12 6 15.000 3,082 17,000 10,000 8,200 5,100 3,060 20,008 68,850 1:3,305 Prizes, 20,825 Blanks. si $171,100 34,220 Tickets. In this scheme with nine drawn ballots there will be. 84 prizes with three numbers on them, 1830 with two numbers on tiiem, and 11,475, with one number on them.— Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine tho fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 00 numbers will severa y be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and nine of them will be druwn. and those tickets having on them ns a combination the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and Oth numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000. Those having on them the 7th, 8th and Oth—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, *d and Oth, will ca^li be entitled to $5,000. That having on ft the 1st, 2d and Oth, will be entitled to $3,082. Those having on tiiem the 1st,2d, and 7th‘2d,5th & Olli 3d, 7th and 9th 1st,7th and 9th|2d,7tJi & 9th 3d, 8th ami 9th 1st,8th and Oth-2d,8th & 0th 4tb,5tli and 8th 2d, 3d and 4th 3d,4th &. 5th-5th,6tli and 7th 2d, 3d and 5th 3d,4th & Oth Oth,7th and 8th 2d, 4th and 9th 3d,7th &Uth each $1000. Thos> having on them the 3d, Dh, Oth and 8i.ii 1st ,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5th ( I st,3d und 7th 2d,5th & 7th I st.3d and 8th 1st,3d and 9th l st,4th and 8th st,5th and 7th 2d 3d and Oth lt.ii, Oth and :-tli 5th. 7th and 8th Oth, 7th and 9th 0th.8th und 9th each $500. 2d,5t.h &. 8th 2d,5th & Oth 2d,6th & 7th 2d, 4th & 0th; 3d,5i.h Olh All others (being 41 Tickets) having hroe of the drawn numbers on them, will acli be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d irawn numbers on them only, will each be entitled to 100 dollars. The 51 Ticketshaving the 3d and 4th . ..... .......i*~~ — -i— —ip. „.;ii i... util led to 00 dollars. All others (being 1734 tickets) with any wo of the drawn numbers on them, will jach be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having on them any onr of the drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or ,275 for each drawn number.) will be each entitled to 0 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, of a superior denomination, can bo entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days niter the drawing, und subject as usu al, to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing all tho combination numbers, from one to &ixty, which parcels are warranted to draw at. least 51 dollars less tho deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the cap ital prizes. J. B A. M .YATES, ) PINTYRE, $ Managers. PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. T O be drawn on Wednesday, the 9th March, 1825, and finished in a few minutes—sixty numbers, eight ballots to bo drawn. ScVveme. 1 Priae of 1 30,000 Dollar! is R10 00'). '“,000. .000. ,'56. ,000 ,1 00. .700. 00. 00 .364 10,000 5000 2,128 1,0' 0 500 100 50 16 *8 10, ( 10( 4/ 20,( 35.1 sr 5 204 8 Li 12.120 Prizes, . . C »205 f 3?0 WOO Blanks, $ Ticket!. J ° 3 *.2 ’0 Tickets at £6, fa 05,3 JU <] 4ili s*nd 6 ■ 4th *n« l 7 • 4 .an 8 Id, 5t'i and 6- 4th 6th and 8th Uh.7 h and flip th. 6th and 7th 5th,6th and 8- r.h,7tb an-1 8 . eauu jgluOO. In this Scheme, with eight drawn Hallota, there will he 56tjrizes with three numbers on hem, 1456 with two numbers on them, and HJ,608. with one number on them ThoS( 1 ckets having none of the dra« n ballots on them being •'-tanks .o d-termne the fate of all the tickets in the above lottery 60 numhe's, from one to sixty inclusive, will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and eight of them will be drawn, and that ticket having on t -<h a comb,nation the 1st, 2d and third oum ers drawn, will by entitled to goQ 000. That having on i: the 4th, 5th and 6th, will be entitled to glO.OOf). T- 1 os h n ihcm the 3d, 4'.h and 5th " I 6d, 7*b b--d 8t!j, each 555,090 'HioS' h iving m, ihemthe 1st, 6tband 8th. >n 11st, 7(!> nisei 8»h, CH’h 2,123 Those :0 h iving on them the ‘2 ,6 ham* 7t»: 33. 5 . and7Hi °d. 6*h and 8th 3d 5-». ar.d 8‘.h 7diai>d8' 3 -.. and 7th ■> . 6 S‘ii 9 4 5 hand 7 t .5: '• v«.(1 3l i h 6th and 7th| AI! .the.s being (30 ticue’s) having three *' e d ■»•.'*. MunV’cra or» them wiff < ach bt nt tie- o g500. r i*t* 52 cac.ts having on «h »n two of the drawn numbers and those tw tnu 4ih an(< c, * Blench ;,e entitled to giUO. The 104 tfckw-ts having on them two of ' e d'hwr numbers, and those iwo the 6 > •d 7th, > 6 a and 83), vv.ll eaca be entitle)' $50 r\ , ->Mifrs (bo»n.r l300t : ck^ts) having two the drawn numbers on them, will each be ; luled to g:6. A-'**b-st. on them any one of the . .,>*/ ua.burs, l oebur 0 608 t ckets or 13 6 - o.rh cirawn nuniuer w ; itm cnvi w«- v...- tied to $8 No ticket which sh-.ll hav* drawn a priz< ofasupt r- >r 'b-i-.f miration can be entitled •>. ’*n interior,; z n Friz's oavable thirty clays iber tl e dra g, and su- j.-ct, as usual^ to a d 'duction 115 'ger cent* A uorlion f this lottery is pu 1 tp in parct lo o*' 20 ’ ( k l % enV. racing <11 tl ornhioation mimbe'S, from one to sut ch parcels sr v.«r; nted to diaw at I- - ■^64, -a h- d-d •’•ion of 15 p-’^ emt, wiu > airny c .1* c* f r »be can 1-3 p z -s F'.ckaL'es tif 20 tick- 's, b c r- fi.v.t -, him an ne had by tue j.aym n of 3» •' fiereuce netween th. price of th nr; t? and tlx nount wr'j di tlicy mu f ncciS.ity dra-v Hue;) iffeveoce b' ing £6 > 60 The t’nk-ts wd. renu. j» " t scheme ' ice, ( l - 6 i il W '.In s !a th * 1 ’th ins when th. J. B. YATES, > ,, A..M’INTYKlU Mttnug0rS - Philad 1. J u 5 o2j 100 ‘ oraile’s Company’' c o' s. CASKS Brade's Patent I Iocs, lbr gale by m i\. B. WEED. dec. 18 Georgia— Camden Count if O ’d the first Tuesday in March next, i ■-» i«I sell ut JefTerKon, in said county, a negro •nan, named Darnel, the property of the es- -.te of Mic'tjuh Crows, de'eased, pursuant to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary. MV Y CHEWS Executrix* J n *4 4.1 ; dniiiiistrator’s JN otice. ■jyiNE MONTHS r.fter (late, I shall app!) to the Hvinorable the Inferior Court o 1 natham county, (when sitting for ordinary jurpitses) for leave to sell the real estate ot isitiic H« Robins, to satisfy the heirs «nd cred. dors. C* H. HAYDEN, Administrator* august 12 45 Bunch Muscatel Kaisins. J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar. *140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, F- h .1 AncintivV W orf. t'resh ’i eas, hams, Ftuui, 2Q CHESTS Hyson Teas C ,1;1 Keps No. 1, Tobacco 1 llhd Ritilimonil Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for sale hy J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 \3. t tales iitnik .N o\e,s, r^OR SALE nt LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jail 20 The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it lias two highest prizes—the number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of cash to he disposed of in pri zes, (171,100 Hollars) and tho price comes within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at tiie oilice of the Geor gian, hy W. ROBERTSON, whoso orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot tery, have produced u large amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50’s, &c. Prize Tickets in tho Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th Class, received as cash. .Tan 18 ilia AUGUST G OEMLKK, 5 A AS removed his DRUG STORE, to 51 the corner of Broughton and V/hitta- l'or-streets, apposite Col. Shrlltitau's Mansion House, where lie exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of FRESH MEDICINES AND GARDEN SEEDS, and various other articles suiting his line. He abstains relating the whole string of names of the things he offers, and oniy men tions a few which are not commonly found in every Drug Store,viz:— Fol Sabina * Church's Cough Pyro Umbellata < Drops Degitalis Purpurea \ Aromatic Vinegar Sculleap, Hyssop J Toilet, Vegetable & German Leopard's | olher Soaps Bane,(arnica moil- 5 Macassar Oil tana) < Phosphorous Elecntnpane, (Inula \ Ox.Mur. Potasse Helcnium) * " " \ James’s Fever Pow- S tiers r Infantile Powders \ Read's Stiptic 5 Spirits Soap j Fumigating Pastills < Pyrolignious Acid ' Black Drop Respecting the utility ofthis last article, he refers to the last, hut one, page of the Georgia and South Carolina Almanac, of this year. oct 9 70f Hops. Ergot Tonquin Beans Squire's Elixir Daff's do Ess. Mustard Ess. Tyro Jesuit Drop iTT’ Orders for tickets or shares, received, and prize tickets in fourteenth class, taken in payment at. LU T \ A R EXCiM.YC.K Ot FICE. Jl-n - ’S V tilin' fa til i '.u ll auteiV '. |F L • * 1 L i lLi.V.R, othrt'wuse DAN- .L Ol.aND Ml (AIL who ir. ihe '-ear Hi5 arr-vti' in S- iatn -h, in -he Aberdeen p I' -rt, bdongin/' to M -ssr-. D« ws*. n & Sons .f homin'- is living, a ul wi3 apply to . f. .. .ds in F.P-.'em., h w 11 be#' <-• mctl'«ng mcih to bis» nd'ditage, He le» r ikocrdeeu " bile die > v .»! bavnn i h, a< • •s p been heed • f by his f tends d-nc,- .at j Oilo*-*. He b^cn many years a ■>*.-• • f aurt wniie on Lc .id »heab- vn vess- .* .sni-loyed - car.enter. If he li ft S - v .'nih ai that lime, 3 is probable tK*t I •itir d some vessel go'n.g to the Brazil I • :<s in his Inst lette.- he sta c l t\\^ u aa \ a intentio ) to do s>. Sfoul l he h»v« icd u any place whe c a 'egisie^ o» ce'tifi :ate rt‘ hia burial can be obtained, it would b. •nan- f«l y received and all exper.'Ciattendinj: 4, paidhy ISAAC W. MORRELL, Sav unuh, or W.W &T.L. Ch’ESTEK, New -Y" r k «»ni o N utn e. I L pvraoiM h. vif r ilim,mls ag.inst tl « M i v. ate of .‘he ; t- John Wak rjy, (nl«m • ) dt c a r P reqn* a e l to ender them, prop erly attf-ted, in m-da-el"; and all perso-. s • •■debud to mak imm-di iepa»m* nt»o H >:.'f If! HOV, Ex cm r, T-* 4 7 7 STATE LOTTERY OF MARY I AND. HTGHES'i PRIZE 40,000. —«- SCHEME NO. III. 1 Pr*r-<» ol—»40,0 r 0 ta 4h,0U0 Dollars. 1 t> izv o r 20,01,0 IS ?U 000 Dollars. I at' "f. 10.000 i. IO.J' 0Ddlfora 2 P z s of 30 P zes of- 20 Pt zps ot-— SO Prizes of — 100 l-'izes of — SOOU l-i,zes of—— J,000 is 0,000 Dolls s 00 is 30.000 Dollars. —S00 i s 10,000 D l.u: s — 101, is S,' 00 D liars —So is 5,000 Dollars, -—10 is 50,000 Dollars. 100,0,0 Dollars ZO'IOO '-id-fts at g9, is 180.000 ’'o”a a The whole of the prizes l. ho floating from the eommencement o the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : On the 5th day, : : s i 410,000. On the 10th day, : . t . 5,000. On the 16th day, : : ; : . 20,000. On the 20th day, : : : ; 40,000. The whole to he completed if. Tvients 1a oiiYjf \\ The prizes only to be drawn. -Tiie whole payable in cash, sixty flays after the com pletion or tho drawing, subject to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES!,. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioners appointed by the Governor and Council The above Lottery commences drawing in Baltimore, on WEDNESDJl Y, ilthinst. Tickets $12—Shares in proportion. ORDERS received at the Baltimore price, and prize tic 'vets taken in payment, at rX r a l ICO. N ine MONTHS I r. .t« of this notice* application -Cl b m-d to '! t Honorsa „l the Cl urt of Or’i'an i Chatham Tuan, tv. for peim ssioii to sell all the real estate ol Tpll i Wakerls, '!• c for It. hi fit of the ■ eirs and creditor's ifasi ld cr-sed* HOU R !' 'lOY. Exe ot i F 4 *7 Bet-r. ’ Axes. a SUl’l’LY of the above Axes, received A und for sale hy oct 27 .V. C. WEED. LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 3, Commerce-Row. nov 9 91 Consumptions, •’ ougiis, ijc. SUTLER’S F OR the cure - f OoLs, Coughs, ToiMump- lions, Spittr g oi Biood. As'hmus,and lions, Spittr g oi Biood, Am'hums,and iseaaea of the b east and lutigs. There is perhaps rift medical ohspvvutior be’ter estab ishf'd, none more j-enerally enu fivmed by the experience of the brut puysi i ns «l «;l ages and cuunt-ics. and none » wort, importance to the human family, tbai .lie fuci that many of the most difficult and in ’•-mible consumptio: s originate in neglect - colds.. In Mclmnute 10 varinoleasours, whe t he changes of die wt-a h/r are IV- qumti sudden and unexpected, .1 requires m #re ca t rid at entionto guard against this dangerou .Am; of life, thni. most people imagine oi e able and willing to bts*ow. ,,- he bills o •.ortaliiy exit bit the melancholy fact that the •roportionof cleu'hs by this disease may b< considered as about five to one. Lasmucl then vs .his l'«fal disease fn quernly i/i s defi a-ice to the skill of tiie most learned phyaici ns, it is a gratification to the proprietor tic-.' t is enabled to oiler to those affiic'eJ wi»i ^ a goodly prospect of redef, i that I igld> sI*table ren.edy, the Vegetable Indian Sjnci fic. The Indians aie happy in ihett kno - . ije of medical p»ants; governed \vh*»llv H*. irxperjence, they tire curtain »a totlieir e fleet, And it is said by an author of great oharacte., ha« a true consumption is a disease nevei known among them. '1 his Specific is obtained by extraction from herbs, roots flowers, pi nt-, &.c. when in pev- ection. In consequence > fa happy combina- ion of the moat vhtuable herbs, Stc. it becomes ba - 8 «m of aaupe'i -r value. It heals the in. j-i ed parts, opens ‘lu pmes, und composes *e dt3«urhed nerves, after the manner »>f an •utodyne / consequently the obstruction ol the ches und t»-e ungs which constitute this disease, particularly n^editsuse. It promotes expectoration, which is constantly culled for. an«l whilst it clesns'-s a d heals, it also gives s rsngth to the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges- t»on, gives sirt ngth to the nerves, repairs the pp. tUe and improves the spirits. This speci fi tna' always be given in safety it is mild, . SosHiit to >he taste, and may safely he given ) ufan»s. lor winch il is of inestimable value. It all-irds relnd in bowel complaints, t ell ing, hooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu- r y useful tn hypocbondriscal, nervous and i, -stericul diseases. Each bill ot direction • ntaina a detailed occourt ofthis disease in „d its diff' rent stages, and will b» accoinpa -d with the signature of the proprietor ir. fled Ink. ft ia fi‘**red for sale by GEO. RY U O , only (my s le agent) D.uggist, --or . -Hav Mnd Whiuakcr-streets, Savannah, at one dollur per bottle. WII. BUILER. dec 30 30 UjUxltA ttttVr ^Matrasses I T HE subscriber has just received an as sortment of the above articles, war ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by /. W. MU1UIEE. oct 2G ■58 4 Us Opy»os\U tl\» A cudtmy. —— MTV-. REV , U ESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public, tiiat her seiiooi. is vua on n, opposite the Chatham Aeadoniy ior the nn-KRTiuN or pui-ii.s. Assisted by her daiijrliLer Miss E. A. H-imsoa, she oflers her services in teneliinp the ffllowiiig useful and ornamental branches of i dtien- tion. VV liilst she reteri ■- sincere flianks for the patronage hithorto extonde,l die hopes, fniin the reduced l ines of tuition and her increased exertions to further t],c pro gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur flier extension of public fever. Tho cemsa ot tuition, and the terms on which scholar, are roceived, are— 1st Class—Spelling, Rending, Fewing nod Marking, per quarter. : J.l un 2d. Class—With Writing, Gtomnisr, Geography and Arithme tic, C Oft The French or Spanish Languages, including elegant embroidery, on lace or muslin, to any pattern, per quarter, : i i ; : . ; (0 00 Painting on velvet, per quarter, i : 8 od p’ The most careful attention will be paid by Mrs. Kf.ii, to the deportment npfl morals of those entrusted to Iter charge, nov -2 P. M’l)EK:VfO «'}, I NFORMS his friends and the public gen-; erally, that he has received by recent arrivals, a largo and extensive assortment or Grocei ies, Hardware and JUry Goods, which will bo disposed of wholesale am! re tail, on the most reasonable terms. Tiie following articles comprise a part of hia present stock, viz.— 10 Hogs e Is p-ime St Croix "upas 10 Boxes White .nd i 0 Boses Brown S fIuv ‘ n » d » 60 Barrels Loaf and 1 ump do 50 Bags Havana Green Coffee 6 Hi- es superior 4th nmol' Biandy r lhpes do H llar„l G ii S I'ines Imitation Brapdv, 4th proof S D i do Gin 2 Pipes very superior o d !’• acli Branfla 2 Puncheons do d> Irish Whiskcp 50 Hogah adsand? phib (} ioliie it v * 100 Barrels J Whiskey ’ 100 Barrels Northerr Cin 2 Pioes auperi ir old Madeira Wine 5 Half Pipea superior old Lisbpn do lo Q arter Casks Teneriffe d.o V. »v •unerfor o'H Hr 1 -;., -v[ t and 150 Whole and > Barrels superfine 1U0 Half J FI ur 100 barrels No* 3, New Kackure) 50 Barrels No. 2, do lfil>0 Baskets Table Salt 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 2l) Barrels Copperas 200 Hearns Wrapt ing Pape? 50 Bag* Black Pepper 10 Boxes Chocolate 20 Five Gallon Demijohns 5 Bar els Glue 100 Kegs BE ;»i»u ITF DuounBc GunpuTl'^tl# 5 Pound u.aniste s of superior dq 100 Pieces 4 ’ inch CoUon Bagging 2 Buies Bagging Twine 10 Whole and } Boxes S. Whittinior^i 6 Half J genuine Cards 10 Boxes Wool I fats 5 Boxes Straw Bonnets 10 Cod? Bale Hope 5 Dozen Bed Cords 50 Do Plough Lines 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blankets 10 Cases colored and bleached and lift* bleached Homespuns 70 Gross Iron Table Spoons 15 D<> do Tea do '0 Do Teutania Table do Plated 'I able and 'l ea do Copper,Cast, Wrought hod Compo^ rion Tea Kettlen cf a!) sizes Brag' Kettles for making preserves 20 Sets of Divh Covers 20 J oos Shear Uotuds 1 D » Sad If<»ns 1 l)o Bar- Lead 1 D - Sheet Iron IGU C.ako assorted Cut Nails iiill, Gross Cut and Whip Saw, madft expressly for this n.&i kci 20 Dozen Hands >w&, Woudsaws and Tep< nant Saws Blacksrniih Sledges and Handhairmers Anvils, from 1 to 20011)*. real mouse hole Blacksmith's B( Hows,from 24 to 35 Single and Double Screw Plaits Com Mills, from No. 1 to 5 2 Tons Hooks and Hinges Brass Andirons, f* om £2 50 to £3 bravs and Wire Feudcis, With shovels ard tongs to match 5 uasks Braid's Patent Hoes 10U Dozen Padlocks Meelyatds to weigh from 200 to 500Ibs 2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eiqj lith, Blister e»l and Cast Stoves with Pip s 1000 Pound* Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pins 5 Ragr Trace Chains 2 Dozen Currying Knives 208 Dozen Cum Combs 6 Sets Whitt handle Knives and Forks; consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Sets Britannia Teapots, Sngar and Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Bells Dozen Game Bags 2 Dozen Powder Horns and Flaaki 1 Case double and single barrel linns 10 Dozen Wire and 20 doz. Hair Sifters 2 Dozen Fancy Hall Hats and 50 sets Table Mats ALSO, A general assortment of Carnenter's Planet, Brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with many other urtcles in the above line,too tedious to enu« roerate* EXPECTED DAII V, 20 Tons of Carron Casting!) which will bf sold low from the whatf. nov IS