Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 10, 1825, Image 2

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BY tt. Si W. AOaii&TSON,
daii.v caper, : :
JFIVK 1)01.1.ARS.
Riflemen,* within the First Brigade, are' Ralf.ioh, March 4, 1 ft‘25.—On Wednes- quantity of space that could be given to
. . .. |day morning last, Gun. Lufayotte, aucuni- you, and was not intended as an absolute
ordered “ to hold llienisthts m readiness, I by ^ B01l (jeoruo Washington Lu- engagement to publish the address what-
completely armed and equipped, to receivi I ,y,.-ttej Ilia friend Col. La Vasseur, and tlioi uvul might he its character. All promise,
General Lafaykttb with militury honors, I Committee of Reception, left Rogers’ Cross| to publish articles, before they are exnmin-
, Hoads, where he lodged the night prece- ed, are ol course contingent—even when
at any point to which any portion ol them , or t | ljB ci) jr . ^t Crabtree bridge lie they bear the proper signatures of their
may be ordered." was met by Col. Thomas G. Folk’s Caval-! writers : and, no positive promise is ever
Field Officers will see to the promulga- ry, which joined tho escort. About half of given to publish any urticle, until after it is
a mile from town he was received with mil- perused, and lound to be unobjeri tollable.
On reading your uddress, which you left
at our office to-day. it is found to be of a
character, which (strong us our desire is to
give you tho freest use of our press on tho
question) we cannot publish without sacri
ficing those principles by which we have
endeavored to regulate our editorial cun
procession ~ ’
tion and execution of those orders, within
their respective commands.
By order if Gen- Harden,
itury honors by the Raleigh Blues, com
manded by Copt. Join J. S Ruffin. When
the General arrivedat the left wing of the
company, he alighlid from his barouche,
and wus introduced by Col. William Folk,
an.. c.ii„...;..„ .„.„i..,i„„ toils officers and uembers, each of whom
The following resolution was passed by ho took by tho |. a rd in the .noHt cordial and
the Officers ot the f irst Regiment Georgia affectionate niunnir. The procession then
Tickets for the subscribers to the dinner Militia, at a meeting held on the 3d March: resumed its niurcha national salute at tho
Md ball, in honor of Gen. Lafavbttk, are' Res,deed, That Major General Fi.ovo, . Ca T ital Square aino.incing its approach
...... . , •' . to town, and I o’cbck, P. M. reached the
now ready ior delivery, at Mr. w.i.wil* and Brigadier General Harden, and their Government Huuie, where the Guest wus
Liams’s Store. It will be perceived by the suites, all other Officers of the General received, and addiessed by his Excellency
notice below, that those who have paid ten Stall’, all Field and Company Officers ofoth- (iov ‘‘ rnor Wurto11
, .. i . a> i r - - After returning* suitable reply, ana par-
dollars, are entitled to one ot each; and — ”—> *- —’ — 1 "...
( cr Regiments and Volunteer Corps, who taking of sonic riiresh moots, the General
those who paid five dollars, to one, for either i may nrrive for the occasion, bo invited to accompanied by I
the dinner or ball. The tickets aro not i.:. ... :., ..i.i....« *:.i r,pi-,........i. bt G,wi rnor 11
tlio escort, the Governor,
dines. Committees of Re-
transferable, and will admit no other than
the gentleman whose name is inserted.
The undersigned, Committee of Arrange
ments, to make preparations for the enter
tainment of our distinguished Gjiest, short
ly expected, beg leave to inform the sub
scribers to the contemplated entertainment
join us in celebrating the arrival of General .HodIlarffl
Lakatf.ttk in our city
J. MARSHALL, Colonel.
The Northern Mall beyoml Smith Caro
lina, failed again as usual, last night. The
wonder would have keen, if it had come in.
Two mails are now due.
The pirates who have been confined in
that Tickets of admission will be ready for'Chatham County .Tail since the summer of
delivery, at the office of William T. Wu.-l 1821, viz :—Tiekro Morraux, Thomas
hams, Esq. on and after Thursday next j H u.son, Joh.v Lloyd,Rob’t. Vassels, Jons
where all, who have subscribed, will re- White, Solomon Lurowick, and George
ceive their Tickets of admission, and nt Tlcker, hnve received a pardon from tho
which place tile subscription list is left open 1 President of the U. S. which arrived on
for all residents of Savannah, or strangers,. Tuesday evening. There were originally
who may now be here, or hereafter arrive,; eight of these men, on board the smack Hi
lo come forward and subscribe. The sub-1 ram, which put into this port in 1821, under
acription, to the Dinner and Ball, is ten dol-| the character of a wrecker; but on buard
lars—to the Dinner or the Ball alone, five of which were found sundry articles, which
dollars each. Each Ticket to tile Ball will led to their arrest and subsequent convic-
entitle the subscriber to introduce as many tion. They were sentenced to be hung in
ladies to the Bnll as ho may plnsoo to make April 1822, but were respited during the
of his party. In consequence of this ar-; pleasure of the President. One of them
rangement no tickets of invitation will be i John Martin, since died ill prison. Some
sent, by the managers, to the ladies ; there
fore each subscriber will be the invitnr to
the ladies of his family or acquaintance.
Any ladies that may be deemed not re
presented by a subscriber, nn ail intimation
to that effect, by a subscriber, oraiiv citizen
hot a subscriber, to J. P. Hf.nrv, Esq. cards
•f invitation will be immedia’ely granted by.
llim accordingly.
The Dinner will be given on one day, and
the Ball nn the evening of the succeeding
day, at the Exchange. The precise day
of each, will be mentioned in the Public
Wm. B. Bulloch,
John Stevf.ns,
Jamfs M. Wayne,
R. W. Habersham,
William GtsToit,
J. P. Henry,
Wm, R. W.irino,
Col. Marshall,
Maj. Williams,
Maj. Wavne,
Capt. Law,
Capt. Hunter,
Capt. Tattnall,
Capt. Blois,
*o the surviving soldiers op the revo
I am instructed by the Committee of Ar
rangements fur the reception of Genernl
Lafavf.tte, to solicit your co-operation at
tile celebration of his arrival in this city.
This request is the offspring of your ser
vices in our Revolutionary War, in which
Lafayette and yourselves were fellow-
soldiers. It is believed that the firmness
»nd devotion with which you have always
maintained the cause of Liberty, will in
duce you to unite cordially in doing honor
to one of its most active champions and one
ofonreountry’s earliest anil ablest defenders.
The General is expected to reach Savannah
on the seventeenth of the present month.
1 have the honor to be,
with the greatest veneration,
Your fellow-citizen,
WM. C. DANIELL, Mayor.
Savannah, 7th March, 1828.
of them we understood, at the time of their
trial, were men of family. They are to
leave the United States for life.
Com. Hull.—According to letters from
Lima, dated in November last, it appears
that Commodore Hull, had experienced
some difficulty in his intercourse with the
Royal Governor Rooil, and that even his
intercourse with the shore Imd been forbid
den by this minion of Royalty. The Com
modore had left the port of Callao, with all
the American shipping for tho port of An
con, whore they were to remain unlil the
occupation of Callao, by the Republicans.
This event lias since taken place. It is
Baid however, that a difference of opinion
prevailed among the American citizens in
that part of the world, as to the propriety of
tin- Commodore’s conduct. The recent dis
patches received from Commodore Hull,
are said to relate to t his subject.
11 Executive Department, )
h, 1825. $
Tile Governor invites the surviving sol
diers of the revolution, to pay their rcsuccts
to General Lafayette, at the places mos 1
convenient for them. They will find qunr
ters provided for them.”
By order of hit Excellency,
the Cummnndtr-in-Chief,
Peru.—The details of eventsiu Peru, for
the two months preceding the battle of the
ninth of December, have not yet been re
ceived. A letter from Guayaquil of the 4th
of November, states that the Spanish ship
of the line Asia, with her convoy, had elu
ded the vigilance of the blockading Squad
ron, and escaped from Callao, with four
smaller vessels of war, and five transports,
having on board one thousand troops for
tile Entreinedios, Fears were entertained
tiiat they would cut off some of the tran
sports from Panama, with Colombian troops.
The Influenza.—This complaint not
only prevails in Philadelphia, but in New
York, and Boston, and in Vermont, In the
city of New-York it has kept in constant
requisition tile pylisicians, from whoso re
ports, it appears, that, from 10 to 50,000 per
sons arc suffering under it.
Bead (Quarters,
Milleogevili.e, 28th Fob. 1825
Mr. Owen, of New-Lanark, in Groat
Britain, delivered, on the 25th ult. in the
Chamber of Represent atives of the U. S.
his Lecture, on the effects and advantages
of his System for the improvement of the
physical and moral condition ofSociety.—
His Lecture is spoken of as being very
clear, intelligible, and well delivered. His
auditory was very numerous: among them
were the President of the United States
and some of his Secretaries, many Mem
bers of Congress, &c. &c.
From Maranham.—The schooner Spy,
Capt. Bruce, has arrived at Salem, after
course of citizens, repaired to the Capitol,
where Col* Wm. Polk, who served with the
General in the Revolutionary War, address
ed him in behalf of the citizens of Raleigh ;
to whiuh ho mutle an appropriate and affec
tionate reply. lie then viewed the statue
of Washington, wus introduced to the Stu
dents of our State University, who had re
paired hither for the purposi of paying their
respects tothe venerable jitriot, and re
conducted to the Govcrnmeit House, where
suitable apartments had bem fitted out for
his accommodation. At 5 I’clock he atten
ded a Dinner, and, in the evening, a Ball,
given by our citizens.
Yesterday morning he received the visits
of the citizens generally, md in the after
noon, took his departure for Fayetteville,
escorted by Col. Pork’s Ctvulry.
Many of our citizens at a distance were
deprived of the pleasure ol testifying their
respects, personally, for tlis disinterested
and patriotic champion ofour country’s li
berties and independence, in consequence
of his arrival a day sooner than was antici
pat^d, anil the dreadful state of the roads.
Although it. was not in our power to re
ceive the General with as inu.h splendor as
did our neighbors at the north, we feel
assured that, at. no place, did he meet wit h
a more cordial and sincere welcome. It
would he vain lor us, with our feeble pen
even had we the time and space, to attempt
to describe the sensations which seemed to
pervade the crowd on the occ ision. Those
who were present only can form an ade
quate idea of the interesting scene.—Star.
Co umbm. March 4.—On Tuesday his
Excell .'P'-y received a letter lr-m Gen. La-
fay t.te. announcing his intended journey
to the South—that he would be ut Fayette
ville on the 4th. Camden on the 8th. and
Columbia on the 10th inst. which will be
next Thursday* on the re-
whole amount received thera this season,
has been ubout 16000 bales.
As to North Curolinu, her whole crop will
not exceed 26,000, never having produced
that quantity but one soason ; a great por
tion of which is calculated in the exports of
Virginia and South Curolinn ; some little
is shipped from Wilmington and Newbern,
say not exceeding 6000 bags.
The crop of Alabama will exceed but lit
tle, if any, that of last year.
New-Orleatis may export 40 to 50,000
bales this year more than the last. Opin
ions on this are various—some more, others
The increased consumption of the United
States, must be considerable; this, with the
BY AUrTHOxU i i.
duct. After much reflection on your rights 1 small stock in the United States, on the 1st
and our duties, in regard to the address, October, 11124, will probably make the ex-
An Act making appropriation*for the *., n
if the JViwy if the United Stan,,
year one thousand eight hundred ami '
ty-fiee. 1
we have concluded that we ou_
cline its publication,—We have no right.
u address, October, 1824, will probably make the ex- __ >i., a,. ,
ght to do- ports ofthe United States fall short of last 1 Tl •• . I J a
I no right,! Ur so.oiin haW 1,1 Representative. ot the lam ,1k.,,/
year 50,000 bales,
we know, to prescribe to you the modei — ■
of your defence or justification ; but, be- Port-au-Prince, Feb. 24 Markets dull:
lieving that the publication ofthe article ! pi our $7$ ; Rice, $ M a 4£, retail; Lard,
would leud to consequence* which we can- 14 cents ; Hams, Hi ; Mess Beef. jtl2 ; Mess
not consent to he instrumental in producing, p or k, New-York City inspection, g!7fi !
we return the manuscript the moment Coffee, on hoard, *12$.
wo have, in the exercise of our best judg-
nieiit, coinc to the determination to de-
dine its publication. This communication MARRIED,
would have been made to you at an earlier Tn Milledgeville, on the 21st ult. Richard
hour; but, having no idea that the address M Orme, Esq one of tho editors ofthe
contained any mutter which we ought not Southern Recorder, to Miss Jane M. Payne.
to admit, at least under the sanction of your
name, we in fact placed the manuscript im
mediately into the bunds ofthe compositors,
without examination; and, it was not until
after it was in type, that we made ourselves
acquainted with its precise contents.
We have the honor to be respectfully,
your obedient servunts.
Hon. G. Kremer, of Pa.
Brig Frances, Croft, Philadelphia,
William Neff.
Sloop Euphemia, Humphreys, St. Johns.
Sloop Neptune, Preble, Darien.
Sloop Eleanor, Dean, Darien 48 hours,
with 180 bales Cotton, to T. Butler 61 co.
Sloop Good Return, Bates. Darien 48
hours, with 137 bales Cotton, to Johnston,
Hills & co. T. Butler & co.
Sloop Telegraph, Bowlin, Oketias 1 day,
with Cotton, to Jno. H. Reid, und G. L>.
Brig Frances, Croft, Philadelphia; brig
George Washington, Rhodes, New-York.
A public Dinner was given on the 22d of
the last month at Baltimore, in Commem
oration of the election of Mr. Adams to thf
presidency. The Patriot says,
“ As soon as the cloth was removed, the
President rose, and stated tothe company,
in appropriate terms, that the celebration
was not intended as a triumph over the feel
ings ofthose who had differed from them on
the Presidential question, but was intended
purely to celebrate two great events in the
political history of our country, and, with
this view, the Committee of Arrangements
had framed the regular toasts, which he The schr. Hampton, from this port, was
hoped would not only meet the approbation below at Charleston, on Monday evening,
of all present, but that, the volunteer toasts! The Armadillo, Gray, for this port, was
would be given in a correspending manner. Port-au-Prince, 24th sail next day.
The whole company responded to the freej The schr. James Stoney, from St. Hele-
and liberal sentiments ofthe President with j na Sound for Charleston, went ashore in
three hearty cheers.” attempting to make a harbor in North Edis-
The following were among the Toasts, to, on the 3d inst. and a gale coining on
which were thus handsomely introduced : from the Eastward, went to pieces, ubout
The President 'f the. United State* : May !«ct. The Captain, Mate, a white and
the close of his able and virtuous adininis- ! t wo colored men saved their lives in the
isfration be tho harbinger of the glory of boats—three colored men preferred staying
his successor. The President’s march. J by the vessel, and no relief could afterwards
John Quincy Adams, Prc*id‘nt Elect.— j be afforded them.
The distinguished patriot. His fame not! The ship Clifford Wayne, White, clear-
only fills his own country, but pervades all ed at New-Orleans for New-\ork, the 12th
ceipt of th»» letter, his Excellency, with a! the civilized nations of the world; in the ! ultimo,
promptitude that entitles him to credit, Hi- ■ splendid services and patriotic devotio 4 : of The ship Pallas, of New-York, capsized
rected his aid Col. Wm. C. Preston, to re-1 the past, we have ample security for the , while lying at the ship yard, opposite New
pair to the North Carolina line to receive, future. Tune, Yankee Doodle. 1 Orleans, on the » ult. and filled with wa-
welcome and conduct the Nation’s Guest, ( Wm. H Crauford.—Admired by his!^* 1 * An evening paper of the same day,
to tho Capital ofour Stale, where Gov. • friends, and respected by his opponents; a
Manning awaits to receive him. C**|. Pres- speedy restoration to his health,
ton was accompanied by Capt. Patridgo’s I Hen ry Clay.—Unsurpassed in patriotism,
Troop of Horse, who paraded with great unrivulled in eloquence; the uuduuuted
alacrity, ond left our city yesterday morn- champion of universal liberty*
iug cheered by the wild notes ofthe Bugle, j John C. Calhoun.—His splendid talents
to meet whom their infiinl fancy had blend- and enlarged views of national policy, his,
ed alone with Washington—Gre it and masterly administration of the War De-‘
wane. The one they knew slept at Mount partinent, entitle him to the upplause of his
Vernon, and I he other they considered a countrymen.
captive Martyr for the liberty of his own General Jackson.-—The brave and distin-
denr France. gnished chieftain ; ever blooming be the
At Camden they will be joined by the laurels tb it adorn his brow.—Gen. Jack-
Kr rshaw troop, when the whole will pro- son’s luarrh.
says, “ her lii^ is almost out of sight.”
The U. S. "hr. Porpoise, arrived at the
Balize the nth ult. from a ernize.
At Charleston, on Tuesday, schr. Flori
da. Johnson.
need to the North Carolina line, under Capt.
Dens, a* the senior officer of cavalry.
We lenrn with regret that the visit of La-:
fayette through our Stote. will have to be
most, rapid. We cannot hope to detain him
more than two days in Columbia. On the
first there will be a public diaper, and on
the second a Ball, that, as many as possible
may hnve an opportunity to share the
good man’s smile.” .
For Vew-York,
A correspondent ofthe Charleston Cou
rier, gives the following estimate of the
probable amount of the exports of cotton
from the United Slates, during the present
year :—
The fast sailing brig
Cart right Jlaster,
Will meet with quick despatch.—
For freight or passage, apply to the master
on board, at Mongin’s Upper Wharf, or to
March 10 8!»p
For Charleston,
; Exports from Charleston from 1st Oct. 1824, fi>w hours after.
to 1st March, 1825—
Foreign 38749
Do. do. Coastwise 12183—50912
In same time last year
Short export this year
Exports from Savannah this y« ar—
Foreign 25 44
Coastwise 31895
Deduct that received at Char
iest on by steam-bouts from
Augusta and Hamburgh,
and counted in the exports
from both portB, 12200
Ci.ay and Kremer—aoain.—Tn pub
lishing the following correspondence, the!
editor of the Washington Gazette replies
to Mr. Kremer thus :—
We comply, because we think it our
duty to do so ; because the circumstances
of the case, justify it; and because Mr.
Kleiner merits our compliance, and that of
every independent editor of the country, by
standing up so boldly and fearlessly for tho
rights and sovereignty of the people. Mr.
K. is requested to send his addres, and it
shall he immediately published in this Ga
zette. The question now is—Shall Mr.
(’lav pul down the people, or the people put
down Mr. Cluv ? There is no alternative.
There can no longer be any confidence be
tween them.”
Washington, Saturday, Feb. 26, 1825.
Mr. Em.iott—l had written an address
to my constituents, explanatory of the
reasons which induced me to write a letter,
of tlie 25th January, which appeared in the
Colombian Observor, ami which subse
quently drew forth Mr. Clay’s vindictive
card against the author. This communi
cation I yesterday sent to Messrs. Gales &. j Same period last year 23U00
Seaton for publication, which, previously,! . Short this year
they had promised to place in their columns, Stock in Augusta urn! Huin-
and that they wiuld reserve sufficient room I burgh, 1st instant, 25532
for that purpose. Subsequently they de- Same time last year 32800
dined it. I send you their letter to mo, j Short in Augusta and 11am-
going to show that the freedom of the press: . burgh, this year-
The srram-boat
Capt. Luhh xk,
Will positively arrive by
inis evening, and suil in
apply to
‘March 10
For freight or passage,
Same time last year :—
Foreign 46114
Coastwise 20022—66136
Short export this year -
Stock ioSavunnuhJst March
1826, 6811
Same period last year 12.J33
Short this year
Stock in Charleston 1st inst. 22000
passuge of 27 days from Maranham. Cap
tain B. states that Lord Cochrane was still
at Maranham with his squadron, consisting
of one 74, one frigate and two schooners.
Commodore Jewett was governor at arms.
Place ip i a and mark, ts tolerable.
The Volunteers of Georgia, who wish to
pay Military Honors to Gen. Lafayette,
will assemble as best suits their conveni
ence, at Savannah, Augusta or Milledge-1
ville, and at an early hour of the morning of] „ 1 1
Al . 1 * . 1 . ■ •„ 1 An extraordinary developeinent of a ne-
the day, on which the General will arrive f ar j 0Us und continued system of thieving Iiuh
at either, )iluuc, whUk dun «ot.ioc will l»o lately taken place in Philadelphia, It up-
given—The Commaiider-in-Chief wherever P L ‘ ttrs that a. person hitherto of a respccta-
ho limy bo present, will be liapny to rocoiv* J ,lu ttlu ! u»ilu|>eacl.od character, tvas do-
#l w tected in the act ot stealing U n article of
trifling value from a couclimaker’s shop.
is done with in the National Intelligencer, i Quantity received at market 1st inst.
which I wish nuy be inserted in your pa- j than up to same time last year 43664
per of this oveniig. I regret the state of Take the whole exports oftht tro States.
the times—bad eiongh, Giul knows. Gales Savannah, 66939
4:00 ®AHRELS Baltimore Supcri
or qunlitv Whiskey
loo Barrels White’s Superior Amer
ican Gin
50 Barrels Baltimore do do
500 Barrels i Fresh Baltimore
25 Half Barrels ( superfine Flour
21 Boxes and 8 bbls. Balt. Bacon
30 'Pons American Castings
Wimlo wGiuss,assorted sizes,&c
March to ftOp
Brandy 6l Claret Wine.
5 Pi PKS BRAND Y, Otard, Dupuy & Co.
10 do do Bordeaux
20 Casks Claret
50 Boxes do
10 Barrels White Wine Vinegar
10 Boxes Preserved Fruits
6 Boxes White Havana Sugar
6 Hampers Empty Bottles
6 Barrels Sweet Oil
20 Coils Bale Rope
4 Hogsheads Leaf Tobaeco
100 Kegs White Lead
For sale by JOS. AUZE.
March 10 89l
By order of the Commandcr-in-Chief \
ELISHA WOOD, Secretary,
Savannah, March 2, 1025.
The discovery of this induced the owner to
procure a search-warrant, in the execution
of which the officer discovered a great num
ber 01 articles purloined from different per
sons. In the course of his examination be
fore the Mayor, it appeared that he had set
In pursuance of Division Orders, of the ^ re U) a ruo,n hi the University—and also
24**1 ult. just received, “ All Volunteer ['x b,mks 11,1(1 niil,e '
& Seaton publislied Mr. Clay’s card ; what
its character was you know : Now they ap
pear disposed to lult—opening their columns
to Mr. Clay, und cienying them to me.
My object is to know from you distinct
ly, whether or tM you will publish my
communication. State your answer in your
paper; for having recrived a promise from
Gales & Seaton privately that they would
publish my letter, I would prefer from you
a public answer.
Say then, if you will or will not give pub
licity to my letter to my constituents, show
ing that all I have said of**II. Clay,” is true.
Office, of the National Intelligencer,
Fob. 25. 1825 8 o’, lock, 1’. j
Sin—When you nuked Mr. Seaton lliis
morning, whether we rIiouIiI hnve room
enough in our papor of tn-morrow, for a
publication oil the .subject of your enntro
versy with Mr. Clay, of throe or fou
Dednet. that received at Char
leston by steam beats 12260 14670
E ported from Charleston, 50012
Stuck in Savannah and on ship board 6811
in Charleston, about 22000
in Augusta and Humbnrg 25532
in Coiumbin. Camden, Chcraw
and on the rivers 10000
supposed to be in the hnndsof
planters anil country mer
chants, in both States 30000
Total 189034
Exported from Savannah
last year 142557
Do. ’ Charleston 120886—272413
Estimated deficiency of exports this
year, 82509
Virginia exported less than 15,000 bags
last year, and from all the information that
1 can be collected, the exports will be short of
form of Artillerv Cav.lVv ... i u'"?’ T,1 ° " lla ' r 1,08 ox- lniniis in long’ll, and lie answered you in 22000 hags the present your. Petersburg
^ “d ; cited a considerable degree of interest. tho affirmative; tho answer referred to the is almost the only port of export, and the
Masonic Aprons.
J^ FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master
Mason’s Aprons, just received and for
March 10 99
01 America, in Congress ossoinbled/ T
for defraying the expenses ofthe Naw
the year one thousand eight hundred Vd
tw'entv-five, the following sums be. and ti'*
same are hereby, respectively, uppriipij^j!
For the pay und subsistence of the r \
cers, and pay of the seamen, other
those at Navy-Yards, shore station.-,
' ordinary, seven hundred and eighty.^
thousand five hundred and fitly -lourdollar
thirty-seven cents.
For the pay and subsistence of officer*
and others, at Navy Yards, shore s t at j f)I] ,
and in ordinary, two hundred and sevcin-'
nine thousand three hundred and sixty-ton.
dollars and seventy three cents. ; ‘
For provisions, three hundred and fifty,
five thousand eight hundred and seventy,
five dollars.
For repairs of vessels, and for wear aid
tour of vessels in commission, four Utului
and fifty-thousand dollars.
For improvement and repairs of y ov .
Yards, one hundred and sixty-live liion-arj
dollars, viz. at Portsmouth, in N. Haul
shire, tnree thousand dollars; at Chari-s-
town.ii) Massachusetts, twenty thousand
dollars ; ut New'-York, sixty thousand lio).
lars ; at Philadelphia, twelve thousand del
lars; at Washington, forty thousand dol-
lars ; at Norfolk, including the purchase of
a tract of land for the extension and sun.
rity ofthe Navy Yard at that place, thirty
thousand dollars.
For ordnance and ordnance stores, thirty
five thousand dollars.
For medicines and hospital stores, thirty,
five thousand dollars.
For defraying the expenses which may
accrue during tho year one thouaandc/27/i
hundred and twenty-five, for the foilu\vi,.g
purposes : For freight and transpurtav.i.u
of materials und stores of every definition;
for wharfage and dockage ; for slnrag m j
rent; for travelling expenses of officer*, aiid
transportation of seamen ; for house rent 01
chamber money; for fuel nml candles it
officers, other than those attached to Xuyr
Yards and shore stations ; for comimsitiui.i
clerk hire, office rent, stationary ami f««i
to Navy Agents 5 for premiums anil inci
dental expenses of recruiting ; for expenaf
of pursuing deserters ; for com pens:: lion to
Judge Advocates; for per diem allowance
to persons attending courts martial «rd
courts of inquiry, audio officers c-ngtiHin
exi ra services beyond the limits of t!;«*:r
statious; for expenses of persons m ink I
quarters; for burying deceased persons he.
longing to the Navy; for printing and tni a'
stationary of every description ; for h'U.k?, • .
charts, nautical and mathematical instru
ments, chronometers, models, ami draw
ings; for purchase and repairs of steam
and fire engines and machinery ; for pur
chase und maintenance of oxen and hor
ses, and for carts, wheels, and workmen’!
tools, of every description; lor postage of
letters on the public service ; fur pilo
tage : for cabin furniture for vessels in
commission; for taxes on N at y Yards and
public property ; for assistance rendered iu
public, vessels in distress ; fo»* incidental ta
bor ut Navy yards, not applicable to any
other appropriation ; for coals and other
fuel for forges, foundries, steam nngin-s,
and for candles, oil, and fuel; for vessel?m
commission and in ordinary; und for no
other object or purpose whatever—two hun
dred thousand dollars.
For contingent expenses, for object? ari
sing in the current year, and not herein be
fore enumerated, live thousand dollars
For pay and subsistence of the Marine
Corps, one hundred and eighty-nine tinu-
sand eight hundred and sixty dollats and
fifty cents.
For clothing for tho same, twenty-eight
Thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dol
For fuel for the same, six thousand do’-
For medicines, hospital stores, and in
struments for the officers and murines
tinned on shore, two thousand three hun
dred and sixty-nine dollars 'seventy-on?
For contingent expenses ; that is to say ;
fuel for commissioned officers, transpi'in*
tion. stationary, bed sacks, straw,*
tions to officers, and postage on public ict*
ters, fourteen thousand dollars.
For arrearages of contingent expenses
for ti e years one thousand eight l»uii«*r«“
and twenty-three, nml one thousand
hundred und twenty four, five tiiuu^w
Sec. 2. And bo if further enacted. That
the several sums hereby appropriated »ha-«
he paid out of any money in the Treasury,
not otherwise appropriated : ProrM. ^' ,r '
ecer, That no money appropriated by tn»
net, shall be paid to any person for his com
pensation. who is in arrears to the 1
States, until such person shall have aecouii*
ted for. and paid into the Treasury, nil sun* f
for which he may he liable: Pracitlul,
That nothing in this section contained si}* 1,
bp construed to extend to balances ari! ' 11 ?
solely from the depreciation of Treaty
notes received by such person to be exp 1 ’®*
ded in the public service ; but. ’ n nl1 £ ’ a?c8
Spanish Srgars, Sulid Oil, Ore.
1 14 l inn FLINT’S boat Segura, old
1 v^l/vv 20 Baskets fresh Sulad Oil
where the pav or salary of any person
««.;♦ 1,t..,1 *1 .m iiiio not. it ^tii*l
12 Kvgs Cucumber
Ti pper Tickles
Just received and for sine bv
March .0 flop
N ine VONTHS after date, application will
be made to the Honar.nle Inferior Court
4 Chatham county for leave to sell the real
”• personal estate of the late tin Ann H.m-
Itua, deceased, for the benefit of the qcira
.ndcrtd.iotfi.'f a id ornate,
March 10 gy^a'
withheld, in pursuance of this act,
be the duty ofthe accounting officer, it a*’
manded by the party, his Agent, nr Attor
ney, to report forthwith to the Agent at"
Treasury Department, the balance dw-
end it ahull be the duty of the said Ap c: 'j
within sixty days ther after, to order s ^
to be commenced against such. delnnjiiO 1
and his sureties.
Spoakcr of the House of Ropreseiitati' '
President of the Senate, pro tempor •
Washington, t’eh. SI. 1825: Api’t'W-
Sivunw h Library■
N EW and complete Catalogues ot
belonging to this Institution, an.
had nt the Library Room. Tnca - J
feb» 04