Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 10, 1825, Image 4
jwjmi sms. IFCSOJ SJ KheiitTs .Sales. On the Ji"*t Tu s lay »u April next, ~}|'.L,h- i »id ai Hit- Court.iioum*. in ih __ city of Savr>n*h, between the hours < ten n d four o'clock, All thst Northern half part of that Lot i, p«rc?l of Land, lying, being and sit a cd in the ci y of $a?Annuli and county of i li »tbsm, known in th: plan of aai 1 citv as Trust Lot (letter P) in Reynotda Ward frontii g on Re> iioMsSqu ire,together with all and singular the edifices *nd buddings thereon, levied on tin <L*r a fi. fa. on foreclosure as he pr«»i er.y of Oliver St urges, in favor of J h i Cumming. Alt that Lot of L-rnl in the 1 i'y of Savannah, containing 60 leet in front and 9 > feet in depth known in the plan of add env by the No. three (3) fi st Tything Reynolds W»'d fovi cd on under a fi. fa on a fared sure as th* S roperty of fahn Hunter, in favor of Koben litehell, ass gnee- All that tract of Land on the Island of Skid •way, Chatham cou ly, call* d Springfield sai*i to contain 750 acres, bound d 'orthwardly b lands of the Estate of John Mmedge .e» tward- ly bj lands ol James Bilbo, a.auth va d y by lands forme i ly Sutcl ffo westwardly by rive and mar hes with unpi-ovem**nts thereon 1*> vied on as the property of th is Stephens, ti satisfy an execution in favor of tidiard Rich- •rdson, for use, &c. & •„ All tha^ tr ct nr parcel of Land contsinirj. 567 acres more or leas wi*h 100 acres of Mural Land k called O. eland, situ* e, lying and nc ing in Little O/cchee D strict, in the count of Chatham, bounded on the north by !»•'* s ©* Fleming Akin, on the east by land* of I) Parcer, on the south by lauds of the late Walburger, and on the west bv a northea- branch »f Little Ogerhe-* River togdli. *■ wit. all and singular the e< fi - s, imp'O ; emen< an t apnu.’ eoanc *s levied on uo ier » fi fi on foreclosure as he properf of George l Cope, in favor of J hu M'Wish, P- er Mitch ell and Robert «a ten' ll. All that * ct or ;>• cel of T ai d Juste, 1% ing and in 'he county f Cl a*han . known bv the name of "o r Hull contains 1097 ar.res more or 1-*s-, bonude*! on the soul bv ot Ja n* Fo rest, cm the e«s' by l> .1 Marshall** lands, on ihe no th by < »or *, e Jones's land, and on the west b Little Og chee River ; Also, Two Lots of Lund n h edv of SHvaurnth kn*»*n by the Nos ( 9 twe :*v .i t, and (30) tbi.ty, in Cdunu,. W; d *rh h* appu.-t*nances theeeunt at pe: u tu: g, levied on under * fi fa. on fo e ch ure as tie property of Fleming Ak dec. mi f*v*»r of W«i». Di*<»n ’* Co. assignees o' U M'Leod. Fit' v -four Shares of Stock -f the Rank • f th * S'ftte.f Georgia, a hsc tb'-d for by It M’K-me, in tin names •' •• children F I v k K •me ai.d John k’K ..e, J . on sh ill jj£ ’J ) has been paid i *• .* di share levi d on asthc property of B. M'Kiune, toaatist; •n execution f.nm t, *chin* d minty, i»« fav u of the Hank rf the Siatr • f G nrgia* \ tu o-ro woman n. tied M • * otherwise cal le 1 Constan e, and her **••) children named Lucy tod Htigaret. »-v d • h: propetv.f W<n • Wayne, to >*' s an exicutfon fun Scriven county, in fivoi of Alex. Hunter. >8 tend -f C>'t ie more or less, 9 ' 1 Plant at* on F. ail, 1 four u-ed bou-,1 F "< G nn. l Lot P. mtaiion To Is, . d t'ghs, ».t.u the boil- di gi on a Tract of Lt*i*d ' long ng t Jane' P si-II, consisting t*l > B.' ,1 Thm»liii- lla hine, 1 'i > eling Hoih, H che « ' not bu .*1 ngs, » d ** ur oe^t-o hum a, lev d • a t:t roper-, f i'*e lit oi Thus. ruse de • s I, o sa 1 sf> an execution in favor cl W In/In. ^'o T'l. Negr(*t;a nsme.i Sanchoand Andrew^ levied o'- as lie property of Ti.os. M -tros . satisfy a wa i- r nt for rent in favor of Jvrm-s P >s:ell l.ot No. 2, * wo, and mprnvement9, Li' er \ Ward. it. t ie dtv of £uv.<>iia 1 ', I- vied on -p the pr^n *r>y Tho«> Lucena, dec. to snlisf* •n -x- c -t *> from a Jus icon's Court, in f v - of Just ** Court, and »et»inied to nie by - G ;»>r a *ie ■;-».r<.)ta IBiildinga. N*>. 4, Rwinsbtr. 0 ' t orj, t e tv of b«va th* 1 utetuir I I »ae of si J L t for th yesr., from I nus-> l-ia 1 •»•'*, too a the. pro pt-rlyofC ht Lewis, t» satnfy a '-xecu i‘ ri fr- • ■*. a JusttcH ’ourt in f*vo- of J & 4 Pcn- deiga9t, retu e t > n.e K » r* a . > e. Al that t Gr mod in S v^.-.o h, known •*, L •' < 4, W •» i o i P h .g, D-ri Wi! 60 ■' . t ill f o t on the I) iv, and 90 fr ( ' i, » li j bounded w'stwardly bv L . N • 5 ••uiiwa^diy by L n,N<y\ sn sjuthwa**d ly •. y n tun.- , together ' if* a i the hons •*,d mt house .t'n reOn«“ he ss d lo* h- . that o w ic'i h Ci y 'file! «'* d^^.'ev d o unde at. ex cut , * , n upon b rule ebsolut oftn#- Stioeror Court f Ghdtoam comity, as the prop**r»y of Ki« aze F-arly, to satisfy tin Bv.k of JFh»* en A negro woman nain^d Charlotte, levied on as hi- v jro .^rty of K z .b •' - Whi'iug, to Sa tis "y an ex-cui'on in -av r f Wdlis K Frank li' against ».*tgusm F »'u • . a •. others M c 7 IvA f I) LYON S C C. .'•■iieiid’s 'tiles. On the first Tuesday in April next. I.L a* t' Id ai it C oi -i louse in th nit - of Mivmnah, between the hours o ten jod fnur o'clock i t t e tollowing seven negroes, viz : Davis, liana, Putie c , Dublin, Beck, Tre, hiua »n Oscar, with the increase f h females I v e on umler h fi fa oti a foreclo -m v of a mnrtgug •9 tot; p-' petty of Joseph Garni hers to satis, fy the Bv.k oftne S'a' - of Georgia, ■ils », ti f'dlowiog 35 o g.o 5, viz : C- fi’.- (Cooper, ll.rnett Aff,, old Cnuri die. Ja k Swy. Oh •• t , n er»daw, B-ss, aim child, B. dg t and Peggy, Will urn, Else., It (ley. P -.up P iyhis, »»f-> Gumbo, Jem y ot Feggj H itus J-sse, Brut-is*, Sandy, Marin, Cyn 'a, ll.^k, fo u, Sophia. Da,dine and curd, Jac u.Sye Bock y and John,with the increw of hi lemde -, levied on h» the propeuy ot N c > i ti G* uger. under a fi fa on a forecioaui o- a m •. tg *ge in favour ot John Cat nahsn a James 4c lenry f >r use of Chiis isns Levett. Also, a u -gi o mao named lam levied on a the property of Chares B Fun, under fi ta on s toreclosure of a mortgage in faior *» James Anderson. Also, the following 19 negroes, v.z Abra ham Harry, 'into, Gnance, Duoel, Aaro Sambo, Luoy, Sc*too, Maryan Uich-iel, Lon don, Aggy, Simon, G- ace, E iza Gemg*.-, R-* dy, ai*d jim, vf> h I'u increa- •• ol the foinales, levied on as the property of Fi mm.og Akio dec. under s fi fa. ou a foreclosu e of a mors Wm ITxot- ft .o- •vaaignei; id* I D* V'l V. C t tv w lie;i(V s nl» » On llir first Tumlny in Jl/iril licit, ftKjflL .ot s it i ?l - G ur o iv . between lh/usual i-ouis, th* f iiowi y ..•petty to wit: One negro msn, named Andrew, levied on s the O' p' cty of Mart G Ibeft, to satisfy an xecn'ion f fim the Court of t'ommo Ple.i« ind Oyer and Terminer for the city of Sa vtmnah, in favor of Miller Ik Fori. A n g-o woman named Ruth, levied on as lie property of Ben- Shcftdl. '«* satisfy a ox- cution in favor of J ». n I D'-ws, againS’ Jei jimin and Mordecai Shcltall, isnied from «aid Court. A sorrel colt horse, levied on as the prop- ert\ of Wm. Br» w* j ’hn, to satisfy an execn non from said Court in favor of Alexaodei l elfair. A Hilliard Table, with Mie' S Q tea t4c. evied on as ihe properly of thi* Eat of Fu gene M’Conalooghe, t«> satisfy an execution in avnr of Francis Doj !e for house r at At' tin buddings on lot No. 34 Warr* n •Vsrd, bounded s >uth by Broug iton-str el -urtli bv a’aie, vad by lot No 33, west b Lot v o 35. levied »n as the property of C I. Hsydeii, t • s-u s l y an eteeution for rent 1 ruvtees t;h h .lAcadcmy, vs. C II Hayden Two bu-hhngs on the w-s'ero h rd pirtnf r,ot No ?, JukylTy-h ng H i by »Vavd, a-td m b tildimr on the e-r of th»* cent>e th rd art of said I. t, levied nis h: or nei-tv ol H. Haynen, to rai-rfy t^opu.cii'mims for *n», Trustees Congr -,;r m I Cuurch o' teeting Bouse, vs C. H Ifoyd n All Pie buildings o Lit No 0 Warn*- V'i d, biu'ided north by Go-gre-ss stree-.. u It bv n lane, east b L »t No- 31, wes b- Lo; N * 9 levied in as ill* pr -perty o Air . \ii.i M P ndir, to sii’isfo an execution to -.t infivoruf the irust. es of tin* Th-t* -• A -a'emv A. I. D I Y >N C S 7 r.hei ill -ude. O N the fi-' Sh u -. ay after the '«» Tues- d-y ii- M 't next, betw.-en the wuig of J. Shinn’s Panacea. r llE subset . v i *!v uu; .tin v. r* i ii»»- com position of SlYAtM'S CELEBRATED TAAACEA. has now a supp'v in hand fo, i.l*' j he his reduced thrp-icefrom R’l 59, te 59, or by the dozen AI) charitable insti'titioua in the U. State’ md the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities an 1 • owns, will appoint an agent to order an distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. This medicine is celebiated for th** cure of the following diseases j— m scrofula or king's evil,, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, |on r - Uanding rheumatic affection**, cutaneous dis eases, white swelling m l d.B'* s«*of th:: bones and mII cases generally of th ulcerous chsrac ter, and chronic disi*.-ig**s, generslly a-is ng i debi’itated const it'dims, but more esp^euilh fro syphilis or afT.otions visinf thvrefrom . il«er*< in the larynx, nodes, 6fc. and Him dreadful disease o' c-isio -ed by a long «n»l •sxccasive use of mercury, (Jc.> It is also use fill in tnc dis Hse of th * liver-" Certificate*. 1 have within the -nst t vo years had an op noi-iunity ol seeing several case* of very mve •i-ratv ulcers, which having previously k*b«' *d the regular modes of t-ealment Wf-r lealed by the use if Mr. Swtdm's Panacea, md I do believe, from wha' 1 have seen, is’ it will prove an important remedy in acro mions, venereal and merni ial diseases N. rflAFM \N, M- D riuf.apor o. i e ins'i’Mies ana prnr.tict of Piiys c, in the University of Pen* sylvania 1 haw e pi iyed ‘he Fanacea of Mr. Swair • i utimorous inst*>*iei>s, within the Ins' thret- "arsjand have always found it extrema* . lioscions, espeaudlv >n sec-ondary s\ p'lii •id diseases. I »iav ’ no hesitstio- * pronouncing it a ot!- lici- e of *nest naol*. val.t*. VV. GIUSHV, M l) Fvoft ysor of 8urg*oy in th> U Tv ot Fen V ludt-lphia, F-bruxn 17, 1823. .)'» S»I f v x J, Chemist Phi! ile'/ifun Vov 7 !« 3. n « d *ou o'clock, will be sold '•t ’h . ar* et house in t e town of *t Marys, lu fin- w g -igr..« s 'z: J "U and her son • hu, i-n ann t-hs l*-s, levied on «» the j roper* of W lliamsnn, ce ed, * salisty ii x . ut**n up t e I r r i. * "f v nv rt nf or of I* *v F attra fj hotlam UoTV a* H. K i B * RD, S. C- C. 3i M-«ry« p brua > --5. :825. I 8.’ > nice /S HEREBY GIFE.Y % HAT tiirei* months after date, .lot applica tion will be made to the Rank of the State of Georgia, to.issue a new certificate of stock, for one lost, issued on t he nth d.nnds-1 March,1819, in favor of John M'KinneJun or twenty-five shares, am! numbered 243. II M’ivINXE, Guardian of John M’Kinne, .Tun. Augusta, Dec. 16, 1824. dec 18 SMfrf Adm n st at r’s ale W lliii be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-House in the city of Savannah, by permission of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county. One undivided fourth of n tract of land, containing about five hundred acres, oil Cumberland Island. Camden County,known as Fliim Orchard, and an undivided fourth of u certain tract of land situated on said Island, containing about five hundred acres, originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln- tosli. and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract.. Also, a tract calk'd Lottery Hill, situate on th • Ogeechee Rond, three miles from Savannah, containing about six hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs and ere.liters, of said estate. N J. HA VAR D, Administrator estate i\. S. Bayard. F'-h J 58af gu*r: in lav;.*r ot ) oi M d>*'* - 1 'L: ii 4 LL person; having ^'nands against the estate of ‘-'.onsiMnt F e<*msn E<q <«-e o the citv of FG'S -.Mgt i.* deceased, a e f. q >ired 'o hand tnem in, loyally «Mc te: . thin the time presefib* d bv law : arm tin-: ndebted to said r-t te, are r^q i. -cdio m k mmediate paym* at- to JAMES MUN' ER, »d Tun ’4 4 l Admini>.ti-a?ot- 9 s ale, On the first Tuesday in April next, '' ’AJi.L * • he .ourt-ll ii: • v J tf r- I. * i. n a • d:*n County, between the usu.-l •.irs of sal , Harr , N.*d, and h'*s wife 'I’am^r, a»*.d he in* oluldren, Daniel, ‘•t *i her J*?luj ur d Y >•* hj prjp^rty of 'he E*t.i- of Ge g* 4 >r is >n, dfiv-ase--, fot the hemfi- of »h<- ■ve htoi’S urn! h irp ot saestate, pursuant to e>*ve granted bv he Ton t of (Vdinv of said ’ount • ' GE ORGE MORR1. ON Adm* str tor, with ’he ' id annexed, * '■ ■** «rt»r* M irr •‘•.n, Sen- d^^CHsed. • ff- sr n, 24 h Jan. 1825. Feb° 5° NO U K. N 'NE MON' HS af*-i th* d:*tehereMf t *!p- plicatiou v ill be made to tb*. H*<n wbf- th Inferior Cnurt of Chatham countv, v.h s.'ii’g or ordinary * uip.rses, f*r leave toe-! lot, with th improvements, si'ua'.e in’' c.ty of 9'.vm p »li. in the said count),«nd kn 'W *n the plan of smd ci'\ by th. Nn 53, It o t-Vard, tor t »• benefit >f the heirs *•> gatei. # »f he estate of the iste H gh M’Cail, d> ceased. THOMAS M'TAf.L, PKIiLIF BRASH 4 f E vectors. 't 4 7 iV i\Oi k. E, 1NE months after d.t»u, tdica*ion w 'l b» made to tin Hen.the J • g aol th-*Coui" )rdinary if Cii * lmn c u .tt.f t leavt t ail tl*e real < state ol the at»* W:.|-am Ora’q* d ceas*:d, fur th- benefit of ihe heirs and ci ed it rs of said estate. JOHN Etecu’or O'-* T9 (f ‘orgia— Vumil' n County Hupf.rioh Court, Oc.tnhnr Term. 182-1. Timothy Hopkins, us. Langley and Selveslrr Bryant. N petitit-n of I m nhy Hopkins, statinj that in cima’deratinn < f certain pinm ssTy notes, made to the su*d Timothy, ! v th-m, "ne pliable with mte os’, from fi >f January, 1821, on tti* fi st ol Jaotn.ry. 189 : • sceurni p.i« able as afi res-»i , on the f>s January, 1823and a th rd pamhie as sfV»r •h d, on the first of January, 18 '4 execui d a mortgage to said '’i.not'oy Hopkms, hi* h\» ^nd assigns, >n all those four true s of ..d lusted in the county eft*repaid, conveyed : he said Ti nothv, to the said F-angl»*y an '-iv^ater, ami lying on the smith side • Gr-Hi Kabila River, one tract containing sei •tv-seven|acres, more «<r less; two trac* 'inuiniiig fil'-y acres, more or less, and *-r-. -he.-* t*uct, containing one hundred and eigh -.tight acres, more or Ies9, conditioned f* »e payment of the three said several no'e* .i the days above mentioned, and that sa vtral notes remain unpaid—on motion »: Archibald Cark, a'torney for plainti!', it i • dered, that »h' said Langley and Selveste heir heirs or assigns pay into Com -, with* welve months from this date, the sum* do • i said notes, and the interes ami c«'a'a» oil* rwise that the equity of redemption be to* ■ ver foreclosed, and that sur h other proceed ogs tskv place, as are pursuant tu law. True extra-'* from the mm 'es, 27th Octi- her. 18 4. JOI1 J BAILEY, Clerk r.oy 4 y, 7 ^ I'-O’l I VTINEmonths >.tld t. .application will lit Lw made to th*: I if:nor Don't o? r h--ham h.unty, sitting for o-dm?.rv vurp' S s for u ••'tier, s -vdute, to sell lots N s f -u. »n five 4 a-d 5) mi Ca‘pe'de*'s itiA', and lo* V . >;(t) Green Waid,in -h • ci y of Savann . •ping the real estat-- of Fi -ncis Ja-im an dec •»r tne benefit of t!i- h-ira c" a -Ut'us of dd estate WILLIAM GAS 0 4 Qua ifiud Executor. 7 tr Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate ol Oliver Sturges. ICsq. lute of the city of Savannah, deceased, are request ed to hand them in, properly attested, and those indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment to WM. I*. HUNTER, Adm’r. r i. • j VALUAm.K MEDICINE. foytTum Vegetable Cat hoi iron. « DHR ‘• r res c»hiu> sol am the »t U te.diun of every fiend of suffering hu .i'Uity,tn to t •€ Abuv-i niw and in-'Siushb remedy, w 1 o^e unequal powers i-i eluninatn g from ti»e 8 »t -m th * very seeds of disease, .itin rest >r.>ig tlie d -ramje:! and m«»rb-d condition of the organs of life t • a fee eaLhy enerc'nt* uf th-ir fouet uns, h.\s exci- cd the sst -•ushmun', snd cnmpletelv silen I the ol j ctions of for* most 'll- r- d tluus — Facts are thr butt argument* In order to pit' vir.uesot t -e' aih' lien” t'» as severe a scr»*tiny asp *ssibe, it was i-ffered by vW<'*- tsement toge h’^r w-t» the d'.end.noe of a il«y<-ic'' »n, gratuhoii'ily to a <y -)*tra u Wa -voti'd apply f it it, an I w-h -«e cause migiv teem t come wi'iun 'he r.tiigeof its liculmg nnv/er—-numbers *»l severe cus s *t long ta d* mg, s.-d -wne of th**m seentiugh d-: r >c »s, nr. ented thc-msefo-es, alio) with have been cured or so tnucu rehevj»iA. t->w<«. ta.-i tin hi e. i,.n tliat a little n- rseverance wi I do la fact, such is the coufi l-i'ice of the physi • under whose ca e tlicsc nat : enls wen el, in this rum'-dy, a c»> fide ce rt-su t from th* irresistible con i o n that has teen for. i d upon his ui.-vl bv oc.i a- le no st ration, aid person • I t'isl'f it on h : ns** h i* lio p-.mms me t<» dun' iro ii as h s d • d uoinlon, *h -t he Jii'h -lic«jn is not o.-l, i»-,fe i non*-.*<, • - • , u 1 sad invaluable remedy in ce' -a n di xi-fi an 1 states of the •. s :m, such as he f i 0 VII' sr •— r-e ii-ty resul'ing from in'empe r ance an ss pttmu; fill -md invite a* U c-n . Pu n in t'*e tv n s -it* nde i with sweHmgs «‘f t.v j nq I ii,**§'.»t, B. t hes on the fuse . up - , X" ; Al coinpisin's of the Livt-.r ; er. f - .- Y -a; Syphilis; Cutaneous diseases g n* «-hI y ; M • curisl and sd-ofulous cuiti- pA.ntfl I’; e Outb'dicon (whi r *h the proprieter s«d etnrd-. p\. dg«s h s woul cuns'g «• e\t.!usive f < g tibie rna t ) -vith ic ex- ept on of •I g.-*' d l-nmi -t .n to 'he ho vels winch Reserves i • a siduiv'e stale, a* t ics usibiy. pi tus- n* t • the taste, ar.-.i r qu-:-«s n -.• ar regimen, abs>n • r tr*-in spirtmms i j j*»rs l./ays exrtp d ) ot- iri-iemeut. A g- ntle. sue anu &g< --he cat bar mfd c e, nip*-ving tli-'appetiteu*i»i ust-fP g gun rnl «nc -f'he sy‘? t eui, it i-- on-* id ut.< recommended to ladies in a delica:- situa on. W W. FO '-i E h fifi Che i- u.-s teet Phihi'ieipliia, May 31, 1814 At t* e request of Mi. •*'. ' v : ; o t*-r, I h ■■ Ii te y ■ x/ ih't.i:d, insevti.. in*tAnce*-,a *- -i c.t<-1 suup ct 1 d 'trier’s Veg?tm : f- Catlio icon wit tne m<i*-t docdi-u advantage, i tus, as et, nev *r Vi d fi’ ■ ti ig a nu»u t*,e. t case in who h I have t inr t proper l .mptoy it. H. M'MUR !t*E. 54 ti P/r a<'e phi a, Julj 2 bth, 13 ?4. J*fr. W W Potter l*ea Sit—Y"i expressed a wish if t 1 w'»ul>l give ft u mesa st ittuneut *»t my • fi i 'mgs, from tile .opeless commence;rc-l the present propitious singe <*f m use »-»*■' Ab-iut hw years ago, on my p>age fo* 1 »rde-*ux, during 'lie month of laoiiM.-y, f*oi mprud-nl exposure on deck, i was aciz • vith a violent fever. Having m medical a* 'en-fonts on board, I *vhs com, et e.i to bci • it, as I it- g t for two wee^s, wh.-n on my »r ivwl at C mrfostnn, 8. C-it w:»s t * hUs>- •• * ptms. The sit 11 o» nr»y Physician stibdu d die fever, but F! <c .ir-iike, t- «? te mimuior. 1 this gave ris to« d< • as** equally dist es • ng, ,m which, tu! n-w l had lit «gut inon - ’.>le V • • Otis abscesses nude thet nnwei- nm- so- earurce. p iriiculurly on tb j ■ o's, >hich wr'e w-i b d in an enoimom. vz hese g a-lu'.ifv subsided Irito bard tu*:. " , •ne of which oi* my left knee sfleete * t e •iin» —an ioc-sioo wv.s row m- de htm » *»tr- e •v .-.citoti .'ii < f us. m.xcd with p «'c *? of h- e ...oh place. I » 'd«i» »n totbisi, 1 * fl' ted 'ht most exc.'un stmg ,)Hin i - in myj >‘nt.. t'-«t ni>< o%er expeii .*n «d Ever, th*-.g that vas- •dn.’-n* ter *.d cithei f-.ave rut no relief r <er v«d*o agg svate the llaea*.*, ti e s- vcrit t *t v:,i- h *ner«nscd >vi h - ve»-\' succeeding year -•icti w -s nv puii-fulsi uati »n t: at 1 e p.-ut- o ever being vt»*t.oed vo my h hI h ; I Imd •* .i .lvtnel t'-e e -ifo n - ms ->f r-dief, '* it u«ed, though hi vi'-n, every nopular rt-m% I evil 1 bus- o‘ I‘. was n t L avfut y -c J*»« oml ng condi’ o *,ihat * wgapprsu Je ’ o* course or you V - -.‘a lpf ' h 1 *o air't e ha-' r '- r«>*u t is, • f om the mt f the two h ttl s my whelp sys nn ha unde: qonr a coin/t'es rero ution mu p nt h .t» Jo s . ke wo*;’* tliediK.l.urg - ii-in m. put uty f: o ii.m.nish, and h o. ot-at-e . al'ogetl e.-. b ifoe. from - hence it proceeded being c n, ;• eteU h iled. The tulmrs, furt!.e \\A •if v'.ich I have tr ed in vain more remed* i , an l can ».amt. are. r-pid'v d-cresting s mj .ippetile, wlucn wt«*g ne, his return* d- la i f-irt n* ar > w-„l. ami f ei cool'd r-t tint few hollies mure uf y* ir, (to me; mvaluaol nediune, w'l n\ k*- me p«-r ectly so. Your obi g d f iend, THOMAS BRO WN. JR. mild wisAobe. With my thanks, I »m your hliged tulf -'e fervant, G'OUGRKANR. City >f l\ id phia, s» (fo i *k .nf u»v D'strict of Sou'* - ark, per.auLdy appealed, ami, being d 1 worn, d •tliVecIsre and ssy tu.d th«: «i»-*V' h at merit is L all respects correct snd true i id that tlte te- sure toil Lin ihe hand writing of Uiikdenonerd .1 >24 HI INS, Alderman. Philadelphia,!!*) 28 18 4- TO MV.rlHRKN PI.<NTB«S. n,e V.--jfeiabl| "athulican m pecul'.rlv nfo de l t<» those 4seases *vh ch a-e prevwle; t long tne colour \i ponufot ’U of the south In that disease which is muled vs-s. it s uire remedy ; a single trird of it. will cunv-ikh planters of itss ipenor *-ffi -«sc\ t» any re me ly (A a similar natrcii tie tinted btates* NO! IGF.. The a fo'autagt^ of uds mr-dic ll * are, not confining the pa lent uuneci-Siardv to the. house,or keeping hm from his b'i«tin?83.— Vith one soli* i-, •• : -{it l».v •» b .i 1 -* >»u Rqucs, it do a not lay an / r-atric .'u s upon hin af>p titt l -fc «•-» gent:e n t» ope.-. •i*t t ie p lien' finds i:isris»*U petting well h*’ cannot tel! how. Ai it i. not the wsh ol the pto.ui t"r to take a*:y th ng tor which he •anuot give * to isHeratimi equal in value p trsons at a d-1 mc< wno may wsh to tr) ds medicine, bu' who are nut certain if it Rpnhcoble tu their comnluint, are request •d ) describe 'heir ct and symp'O-ns i». cun, p a !U ui-rci-u V» Tum—ui » ettev wi! b?. imm d.ately meed in hum* comp tent to d-s-d 'lie question.— ho Id h; rc uedy no* seem :o suit the di*- .mse, tnsy will be frank 1 / t*»ld si. CAUTI N To prevent d tippoiotm nt it is well to t te th *! if t t< . j in or linary cases fio n 3 t<* 5 hott to effect a cure so ’.hs* tie 8 • a .vh<- •e moil ring u’'d*:r «nv serous n'rmty, n-rt imkeun thei- mind to peus ivere t i tha- •;xi n at'etiat if hey do not, they might *u. •I; ‘-ive th-m: -lv-s th trouble ur.dex,'* n e *' uri.-?'.*• ** s -L'-r lo-ifi* . A'' o 'de. % p a p id ttid enc'oaing the m -n^j. i.«imcd*a -ilv it .ud <t t , uu iu- av.iu. u«-. •c .t la idd livered with diwdiot.s for uw-. :• any place in rhe city, and forwarded hs di- r* ' d N. B To preteo* the pussib iity of 1. im- > sition, U vi» b- s d*' i. foe c» y of Flutafo - ,dii i, at tiie uffic in Filth near !foc --••r ct ra' the of tti** -topr» tor, N 66 •iie'O'i S'-cot, only n! ahr-iad by his a-• iiura :d Hge -'S \Y IV P T'f ER. 66 C'te nil' St eet Ph 'ade pfi o* I have a.TkOintfit (fo'.ORGF. RY’-*’ -SDN •V-ugwi t. of Savannah, m *»o!c ag-.-nt. D ug • -'s w t»ng the above valuable tnedicuu !. b supplied by him for cask, at th s>»m r„t«-, a« ordered dree* from me—vz. 56-10 pe d x-'*i, .r three dollar- a s-ug j boiiie. W *A. pOr.E'.L Poiladetpliia. An*' , >f ‘ sou on uppl-cafiou tu theauha*'-i! i .v-j« b*- furni‘-ii*.*d with certnicafos o* <h : . fti c- o ihe ,b . e me -ic,ii«:, suffii. ei t > t- v nee the mind of the m-igt vco a' althoug- n '.umerous and I- ng*hy fin n sp-'p-T i* ur'ion. GF.-». KYlilfoO D \, g st, Oni-nerofH* and Whi'taker Streets, t »q SC0TTS BIBLE SniiRiTTP : Utl IOS. Y W VI A* U A .\ \i ft % SA 'tUKt. v. mt Hint t.,ti S) '•tvnhi' ‘t son to psbhbUuur \ q/-y« FA 'tLY ’’III E con' ti-:,n r r nli ifa m,* ff'ntd Ue*‘e"cnc s o bu o /i iVW j-, iy V tl.U E V HOYALDf L/K'i t , hi £ bjil.ahctlvtUh a tik• 'iei of he nt hor , » , E‘<43. I sln-l he well printed, *»n go* d pspeMn* he uomp * d n dx ban ’some v I., jj vi'l cMi'V-i- the firr-. 'u^a *.*’ th«- (>,j n<1 Yw Tent aments, t * fntodncto'v ()',i l/nt ‘ E.rpln),atoiy 'Ole*, •-* Emetic I Hi* rr u . /!(M ' .i alt the top*M»a Afardwr lle^ctnien .* printed w-rdfor -orri f r.. ihe | ( ... ^ 8'ereotvpe R ht'on, pubViHh^-l^inrt the bur's dec -. w e The pri**- Mil' be ^21, fo hoard'; in sheep , & ’>0, m ca!i bi Jv.. K » I’hc vh work wdi be r>aUy Mi-, 1825, Ex'routs of Cette's adil'es-ed ‘o ths Puh'ia't\ l j*t'*em D” S ort’.- F m *v lt-bl-,em n ttt|, •cuist *-d to prom »te the cans • of truth anj ety I; seems s.'arctly possible for o„«,, '•ead (foil) th. Notes and Ubservs--i .ns mt| lt Family Bible w : thou* becoming n wi r ?rr •'ettvf man EDWARD >.) G . FFIN 1 h:tve seen no eo n n -itury of t ■ Scriptures w’*dch I unk a » well sda.;te!tj .-neral use and edification. I* is a t.r,.-R. Ui J inumci inuittlj* uuglli lUpOSS'SS. ... A R * TON. I' is H work distinguished for thf. n K mem, t! lt \ .A>v mat uni VV unltd A NY information from, or relative to Mr. Fuk.dkuick Lowe, Printer, a native of Mauehu^ler, England, and who, when hi: heard front, resitted at Montieello. Jasper •ounty, Georgia, where il was understood he bad married a young woman of the mime of White, addros.sed to Robert C. Lowe, to the care of the. editor of the Charleston Courier, will be tluinkfully received. ifo The editors of papers in the State of Georgia, ami in the Western country, will confer an obligation upon an anxious mo- tie r, b) giving the above one or two in sertion.- in their papers. ’put 22 49 L oucc %T INK MONTHS after the date of this x notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stnry, deceased, for Hie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. dor in 91 4 OKing- l.lSSv S US l' received, per schooner Retrieve an elegant insertinunt ol' Muntll anil Pier Looking-Glur-ses, nt nuinnluctory pri cos, by J. Ii- llEKliKRT & CO, dee 18 Carron Castings. i|/f\ POUNDS Carron Cast UMJO i„g S , for snle low, bv dee HI N. It. VVKU'l) i<;e of its lb llC.'Ui 7 S ictLC* On the first Tuesday in Jluy next, i.L oe Sou .u ir. oi oi nc Court- •Ouse, in Un city cd Savsrn h, betwcei su d imurs of ten and four u'^Lick, v* following eight ' egroes, viz. GuftVe. T ^ .. V -A .*» R-wtanua-i Caroliui*, Juscp i,M*ry Be ly a.i i Jun, levied un-uider a fi.-k. on s fore efoau-e, ss the p i-e t/ of 'Diaries II. lit)* de.i. in favor of Frederic- W. Hiei» man* march 7 ISAAC D’LYON, 6’. C. C. I\ fiUL-ITY. Between Lon a L’come and John Leconte, Com pluionnls, d P >er L eant John l/ioma t'hapmu , Hey no da ad V lei in /its Wife, D fnduu'.s Li c ly i»vp>rio\ Court, 1 1HK(!omplamHntH having filed their bill u this Court, ihe ot j -ct of whi'li i< to p- r- -et'-atp the test'mouy of certain persons 'here in num.-ill, un i it uppeurmg that 'll': lief- ml- urns r*.speenvoiy reside beymul ti e hm ts ot he State of G orgiu, and within t ie Unit -r S ul« b : It is ordered, that service upon ihe • lid U'-li iidarits be i.tftc'ed hy pub i H'u n in •ue oft • Gzttes o. 8a Siinuh, r* q ii r i-p he said Dcluiidmts to appear wild ansv,. r the ed hill i.f Complainants, on o. belnre U*t .leveiith da.- o April next A true copy, E- BaK^R, Clerk. February 19,18^5. Feo J7 7Jf i a fc.UL‘11 V Between W Davies Adm vist rotor. Complain uni and John wnochuii ^ffnoi*alm6*i* d b tiis non with the wi l ann, r<doi Ueor *-e Richu <lson and otn< rs, 1) j aidants Li equity t hut hi tin supe ior Cotrt- Chancery JOth A gust, • 824 1 1 appealing dial John Murrs? Carnochn:-, one of the defendants in the said bdi ol •impfoint Unmed, resides without ttie. state ot giu, m that part d thc Unilal K.ngdon p < Great Britain a m Ireland, cul cd Scotland . it is ordered that t!ie said John Hurray Car- rmchan, do appeal ai d Mtiswer to the com* . Inmant's said biU ; within nine mnntha frnt he d-ite of this order, otherwise th.t tu. said bill 4 hs to him, hit taken pro coulees*. .- and i> is fu liter »rd'*r<»d, that * copy ot this order be , ubiisli* d mice a week, in one o’ •he public G. zetes of this state, until ths ex piration ol the time within wiiich the said de fendant is required to appear and answer is aforesaid. ’rue copy from the Minutes, thi* 2lst day August, 18’4 A B.F ANNIN, Clerk. ni*"- * SOf P/iilade phi,., July 6 18 4 Mv confidence in t.i v get mle ca'noi'c is tin iim*nisii*• !, «i»'l ;*s fr-sh in tu’ici s of it •nv, arc dart) occuvn g, in my own pi’B ic< I ave n M heiita'nm m ie< onimen ’ing •'i the pe. ul'flr d.neuseb to winch u is up*-I lie, -*s superior tuauy re nt- ’ I a n a qua . t- -d with. M. M'vU t I?|E os. I) P/u!a. tphin, JMuy .8 !8 4 Sm—In con?-! q ( nc - of impm u-tu expos •lit r i » fvu-s * I hid h : misfortune o be- :onr<? 01 c' <1 wit!- a «h ease, the painful r< • u''8 h--;h imluce.1 me to *pp|v in »u uep-um to -everal respect ible pltvsicians oi >s city, fi'im whom, however, 1 Tcnven ,-ither no reli.-f, or fro-n whose icu eil s I i-e vwvcu an-ither complaint quite as dtst eastny s the former. My whole systu - became •v'cted, I could ge* no rent a- night on ac- ou -I »f ihe Violent i*ain that 1 tell in evei) ( mi-1 ! f my body ,- the weakness and e nacm ii on ,f which w.,s >n*b that I couid scaTcoly walk. In tu s btut.! I fortun-.itei) h a d cf y* ur vegetable catludicon- f ur butties ol .vnich, bus completely restored me, 1 havi iiownop.iioi niy appfc'ite is good} and in •reigth r.storvd With many tii-u.ks for h - reliet >"»'ir m Jr r.e lus given nie, 1 am jour obliged fuend &- Ml .LIAM WILSON. Sw-i'o and subscr Sed '<» b to e me, May 28, i824 JO IN BINNS, A derman. l*i ot read ■J <ij HALF iiilJ.S. Ingii^ Pilot Broad, J. Ad jiiat received and for fulo bv J. 13- IIERBLRT & CO. doc 29 Fether lh, s J EST received by the Willi m Wallace, a largu supply of lliu above an ides, itii Roisters ami Pillows to match, war- j ranted to be of the best quality. 1. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Webster's pel ing Books. Et ElVLlJ and for sale bv * Jun 13 jV. it. WEED. Spiiiilsh Just received per Globe, and for Bale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. doc 4 ;>cgtii s • Spanish Segars. Bast licet Iron Box toves, I /OR SALE bv ? N. B. WEED, No. 6, Gibbous’ Range. nnv 24 Tar, i itch. ..osiii jc. JUST RELEI mo, ,)A RBLS TAR HI do Fitch 10 do Rosin 5 do bright Varnish For sale by A. BASSETT, No. 1, Mongin’s New-Building. Feb 4 : ills on Ncw-York, F OR SALK by i'Y'b M C. C. GRISWOLD. Wire Bc idei-s a d v ast-irou t hi miey Backs, R ECEIVED per ship Corsair, and lor sale by N. B. WEED. d", : 27 Phi uilephiu, Mry 28, 18°4, Sir—I r.m '» w, thunks to your m .‘icine, a uearty m.t . F r nearly six years 1 have bee ii martyr to a d x**ase, who*- ra-.-ag s threat ened. if not huq'i stoppe-l, to pill a period to istunce. Having had no regular medi- lallPiilvice from the commence-men', my comnfoint atfostgnt to such a height that I 1 ,\ t i oiX U (r iU'S could not s.-ailow without tfval i>«m .ml ' . ° , ! Jitfi' u-ty- Tumors firmed in diil’erent pai\t | ^ HOtioIlLADo oi ot. Croi ’ Sugars, of ir y bedv, und 1 began to ihiuk my situation ] *- ” °l vei y prime quality, landing from ..Into i t'esperate, ihe five bottles of the [schooner Nancy, and for sale by (’athoi c n which I h-ve taken have com- J HALL & I1QYT. pletely cured me, and 1 am now as well as 11 Jan 28 nd co v<^ .rness j.. fi telitv of its ex’i-i.i >ns, the istoess and pncnpicuity nf it . g'vlc, \h» ^ nev.ip ncc and candour of its smri, the c v aeness and pc t tine-icy of *« nnlirq. fi»r its uutf »rm t * d nc to pio .te e >,u- ., r e 'cat truth 'V. piety. * BIEL {I'OLMEA. Of Dr. Scon's Findy Hmle, lfo 1 fa e , 0 s.ty. that in nv: e^t m.ition i - . deservc-lly r 4, a -on# out ablcs* »ndh s* 'u:nm n’.a i^-. BA! I) V’X. D •• Scott's Family B h.- ; i >t t -t.diH n . »f: cud I v for V a use of Oh.-fo'.uin fou.'w •*? i 4 >rk high y ev ng^hr'd, extensive-) ivf, und deeply i> 'or- n*j.ur D NlliL n. S INMF/tS. rhecharacter of Dr. S-jotr’s G-mim* -.*&rv •n th* B-ble is so g?, u rni» k .own, and s.< ghlv Hpp'oveu amours* th* m-i«i iut-U-gri •d pi "»s Bhr stia.-.s throughout o-ir \, n.' has HRs* d rapidly ‘hr-»ugl.s,. i, !M m I. it-otts, t* a* 1 ue.m further it-c nin*en- i- ions needless* J *'0^55. I an» ar q .- in* *d with no C**m -t-i-'sr- na h Sacre* 1 be iptu <»v. which I wcufo in-re •ord rIIv n-oumni no *br general u-e. i’bi plan of the work is -ood JDSBUA IUTF.5. Pv- thaps in no way, can .tums' * rs. i s! *m t -s f vindh, mi ii prVp.te Cb^ittian.., d« f «* *. ? • v c'-1*. s'icift -, than b? exert ng f 'c'ves to iiiss ipi • te this tad i"VMu )le " k JOSHUA BLN ’ING*’().•. 1 enow of no p . imments y whirli »- !> t-of cu! »tt»d for difiustng correct vu-v s ->f il:j gr< /.t *1''tihs of Cl •Miftttily, «■ d le. v ng s-.!u. :*-.v imp'issio-s on th mind when r sirg i m the pe u al of it, than the one you are b ut to pub ish. | D *. N1EL SHARPE. No writer S'ems- less disposed t emterd f*»r barren apecula'i ns None more uniform, i*. or m« r . pow .filly incufostesthc grp«* et : ■*>tijila of religion The spirit which p.** d *s the Wurk :s ^xcelk n j *t is the m*- X I- .Miutiare, healing, yet faithful spirit i.f tue , s -el* Da* IEL D.*NA From particular ex mi.iatt n, and concur. * ug ttstimr.n-, the-1 is no doubt o . my mud - a'. Scott's Family B:bl* superior to nil h-rs .10 ' P I L-tiF/lSON. Y u will ple?s* tc yt- d nt sW r -p ; « o! O'tt's Bible / I refer *o / jur aifly p-o;»os?d Ution IfoMiapn I shall induce five mto t ke the s me number. HI. I' is v»»1 h extreme pleasure I perceive '■iic «ro about to pulifsh a new eh-io'i f *c »t.*s Bilde. Having been in puw »6ani*f t more \\ a . 20 y. a*s, I trus* 1 kv-w s me- 'ung .'fils fa. ue, and am detf mire t« i. me i s r. rculsiion among my fra-t as Y -u <*’*1. forward s>* uopic*. as soo;» <s p.i> -bed. ' . M 1 have obtain id four subscribers F* r the o\r..-lfont work )ou am publishing II. I nrou-ise to take seven v.-.i’.s of Sc-vf 's 8i tie, and will be accountul.'t for the same. .1 C. I have obtained a bsc.i'i. rslbrnin -crpioi • r Sco J*. F rui. b bit. .1 ■' I shat: pri-bxbly r.eed eight orU-n s \s I S.'.ot'*- Family B ole. J 1’- Rev. 8. S. ol F. has o tained ten s F-rri* -.(-rs. I*.. II. 1 have observed that yon are about pub. • hing another **di ! ion of S(o , i , s B hi* ope you m-«yjti c. e t.s y»iu h ve d*' *eii »• mr.v i t-ave been vndo»vori tjr t) ociirt su>>scriher c •n:«* g our people. Mid e.i or more subicribers will be oi) ai f*l- « 5.H. I will take ten sets (of Scott's f» ') 'mu-id s d lull ere.- 1 t I have obtained len suhscrihns fu y ut • Ution of the F-nuy Pink—a ><l br.v y ! ubt hut ibere migl.t In* s-:ni‘th-'g hk - iCl 'jopte.i old in this place if you hno **" i .2 i*- i *re—I bought if e wurk ought io ’) ra- •■ourag-'durd fi»r hut re ison took o suhic-'h- ion paper It is a work that every l mJ> •tould have that is able to punliKS* . J E «’0 I am glad, hat y u propose to psin* M*- •cult's excellent F m ly Coirwnj! ly, 3 ituuihl he very glad ;f.t were in my powsr to ;ve amort- patronage io tin w 1 *" 1 *, an, as circu nst&i-ccs ar*, l can l »lwll» .-wever, keahlt-1-> do sumethii.if; eight (| <-n s * -•• I shall ertainly take j snii it rnst E*, d able that number. A. fi- i hue p ouircd fifteen subscrio r9 to ••entt's IVb’e. J 4 ., J>. I liink I shall dispose of ‘JOsctsorni* ud :-.e Fa oi ly Bible. K. B 1 have ctrcula'cd propos.i’s fur 6 ott's, I) ble t i o,v mx.ny have been *-ng.«gi:d i*: a : |l nnot > 1 i but between 20 ami J fl sets io h s vici..iiv. J- ?• I n»v<- c'vpclufod to become responsible u you fo. ihnty sets of Scott's Coin i.e:-t•*>'. C B. I have procured t('6 sub c-ibers to tue Bible; 6 sots to be bound in c-.* f; 3 setv 'o be dons in boards the other ST e s, buut o tad lettered as described in the prospectus. H. H. 1 presume I could procure 500 sul's 1 ’ 1 ^ •era tor your edition of Scott's liiule ‘ll ,e demand is increasing for them Th-v fi tally supersede every other large or Fa** 1 **/ Bible. Fifty o my subscribers live wiihm 1 circle of 8 miles ! J L Just published an edition of thr 94ME wu K,i ' completed in isix volumes without nwtg" _ NlSl references,-pric** in in sheep ^21,- in calf %27. Either of th se eJA»‘ n * •n > bo had ot 'be publish r in Huston ,* S. G. &J SGHENCK, Sevannah. J- 1 ’ ■'.Q Marking bv\isA\cs, .■J mil O F a Kupcriur (juulitv, iusl ri-ct-ivi-dm for sale by UKU. RVEJWU.V. nuv KO