Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 11, 1825, Image 3
bit AVJMSOfcira .ttti ,4. f Lril'ing nj»j»r<v>*-H»fion /nr (Ar pur- chatr nf Bnkt and Furniture fir Hit im of tile Library of Cmtprnt. B vi it enacted by tho Senate ana House ol'Rc|irf'fc®ivi , surtlio United StntPH ol Aiii’-rii-n, in Cmigreim ossfinblcd, tlivatim nf five thuusaml d.dltirs lie, ami the sanui i* hereby, appropriated out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, for the purelmse of Books, under the direction of the Joint Library Committee, for the use of the Library of Congress. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That the sum of three hundred and thirty-nine Hollars be, and the same is hereby appro priated. out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, for the purchase of Fur niture for the liiew Library. H. CLAY, Speuker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GA1LLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. Washington, Feb. 25, High: Approved. JAMBS MONROE. 100 PACKAGE* Crockery, China and Glass Ware, J UST received by the late arrivals from Liverpool, New-Yovk and Buntoii,which will bo sold low, for cash or city pn p< r, by T. G. CHAMBERLIN, No. 5, Gibbons' Buildings. Mnrch 11 90i.|| Varni h h Turpentine. B RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spirits of Turpentine, on consignment, tor sate hy T. S. LUTIIF.R. March 11 F Prime Seed Rice, OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. & J. HABERSHAM. March 11 !)t) B W anted, ANKABLE MONEY Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANYE OFFICE. March II For Liverpool, The fine copper fastened brig CATHARINE, Caleb uldttmu, Cluster, a Having the greater part of her car go engaged and going on board, will meet with despatch. For freight apply to the toaster on board, or to ANDREW LOW & CO. Mnrch II 90o JOSEPH KOPMAN $ CO. H AVE received by the recent arrivals un addition to their STOCK OP . DRV GOODS on hand, consisting of a LARGE ASSORTMENT OF STAPLE GOODS, together with a great variety of FANCY SILKS. BAREGES, &c. &c.~- Also, STEEL BELTS AND BRACELETS, a new article—all of the latest fashions, and • selected with great care by the Senior Part-, ‘ ner, which they offer to their friends at a small advance on the New-York prices. March 10 Rftu ip&mMs afff> rDh s££Lt low vUlVtt.fc. A LINE OF PACKETS has been Cfta- blished between New-York and Iluyre, 1 to leave botli norls regularly, on th’e Eirst ' and Fflecnlh days of each month dun itg the year. The ships composing the line”, arc just sailers, well found and coininn tided, cop- ! pored and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can bo required, for comfort, and convtni- i cnee. Passengers in the cabin will be ta- ; kenfor^l 4ft each, for which they nrefurnish- ; ed with beds, heddding, wines and ample i stores of every description. Goods intended lbr shipment by them, may bo sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must he addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agents, JWw York, oct 14 t: NFAV-YORK State Literature Lottery, CLASH IV. IT TO BE DRA WXON THE SIXTH OF.lFIUI.miXT, AAV I IF. COX- CJ.UDKIJ I AT Om: DRABIXG. iMTOMI SjLILm ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I N tliis Hi'hnmu the amount of rash in ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-! ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED; DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the bil lowing rimnuur 2 Prizes of 810000 3 - - - - - 5000 - - 3,082 - 1.000 - - 500 200 - - 100 Fire Company. T HE members of the Savannah Fire Company, are required to meet at the Exchange, on SATURDAY, at four o'clock, F. M. Punctual ttUeudunce is expected. S.B. PARKMAN, Chairman Pro tern. March II iiOo SPUING GOODS B Y the late arrivals from the North, the subscribers have received a handsome assortment of English and American Which they offer on accommodating terms. C. W. ROCKWELL & CO. March 11 90i || LAFAYETTE Military Radges J UST received, an assortment of LA FAYETTE LADIES’ BELTS, and GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen. Also, some very fresh ARTIFICIAL: FLOWERS, and a few DALI. DRESSES, fcry low for cash, at MRS. BEAULARD’S New Fancy Store. March 11 * 90u New-York Gin, ^ BARRELS of the above arti- -I v/v/i do. just landed and for sale on tccommodiiting terms, by March 11 J. P. HENRY. ( On DOUGLASia;s IU./.l, OFFER FOR 8AI.F., A BARRELS Baltimore Supnri* ^xUU or quality Whiskey I oft Barrels White’s Superior Amer ican Gin 50 Barrels Baltimore do do 50ft Barrels \ Fresh Baltimore 25 IIall'Barrels superline Fiour 21 Boxes and 8 bids. Balt. Bacon 30 Tons American Castings Window Glass.assorted sizes,&c March 10 8ft p For rew-York (E STAR I. IS II ED L IXF.,) The fast soiling packet ship WM. WALLACE, Wood. Master. Will have immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply to the master on board at Jones’ upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT, rod'll 7 87 For Ntw-lork, Thr film packet brig FRANCES MILLER, . . , B. Hurry, .Vaster. r«3&S For freight or passage, having hnnihonif 1 accommodations, apply on board, at Jones’ wliurf, or to GEO. GORDON. Mnrch ft pf!7 Brandy & Claret Wine. 5 PIPES BRANDY, Ofnrd, Dupuy & Co. 10 do do Bordeaux 20 Casks Claret 50 Boxes do 10 Barrels White Wine Vinegar 10 Boxes Preserved Fruits 6 Boxes White Havana Sugar 6 Hampers Empty Bottles 6 Barrels Sweet Oil 20 Coils Bale Rope 4 Hogsheads Leaf Tobacco 100 Kegs White Lead For sale by JOS. AUZE. March 10 8ft i. For \ew-York, & T1h: fast sailing brig STRANGER, r Carl right, Muster, Will meet with quick despatch.—- ; For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Mongin’s Upper Wharf, or to COHEN & MILLER. March 10 8ftp 400 flour, i.randy, «c. BARRELS superfine Flour, war ranted superior to “Haxall’s” 8 pipes Cognac. Ilrendy, sup. quality 2 do Holland Gin do do 27 hbls northern do 50 boxes mould Candles 150 kegs White Lend 30 hbls “Vandcwater’s” Hams For sale by JOHN W. LONG. March 4 04i. {or hale, Freight or C harter £1^ A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five tons, u tirst-rute sailer, ami in com- plele order for any voyage. For Pc'eA* further particulars, apply to BRADLEY, CLAGUORXSi WOOD. duo 24 COH S. LE A great bargain! a healthy and pleasant situation. The western half of a LOT, on Smith Broad-Street, opposite the .••■SBWAradnmv. 0,1 which is a conve JwSSSlnicnt DWELLING HOUSE — Fui terms apply to either of t he subscribers, I. K. TBFFT, JAMES EPPINGER. Feb 94 ?7t BaV.vMNAii THLAl'Kfci. OUTUJT2 OP MR. GOOD AC RE’S Introductoiy Lecture, <VII1CII WILL BF. DELIVERED IN TIIE THEATRE O'- 8 A TD It DAY, MARCH TWELFTH, AT HALF-FAST SEVEN o’d.OCK IN THE EVENING. 1 ~lIRST—Rise and progress of Astrono- . my. from the earliest records to the present time. Exhibition of Specimens of the Auxiliary Diagrams'. Second.—Importance of Astronomical knowledge—General plan of these Lectures. E.rh ibiti on of some, principal Instrument. The admission to the Introductory Lec ture, will be exclusively by ticket. Pur chasers of each set of tickets to the eight Lectures, will have two introductory tickets to admit two persons and purchasers of a tic ket for any single night, will have one intro ductory to admit one person given them and persons who do not wish to extend their patronage, without first hearing the intro ductory. may purchase tickets for half price, viz :—fifty cents to the boxes and pit, and twenty-five cents to the gallary, which will be given without any deduction for e poli ties, to the funds of “ The Savannah Fe male Orphan Asylum.” Spanish Segars. Solid Oil, tr c. A fb AAA FLINT’S best Segars, old X vr ^ vft_/ Vf 20 Baskets fresh Salad Oil 12 Kegs Cucumber and Pepper Pickles Just received and for sale bv PHILBRICK& SCRANTON, Market-Square. March 10 ftflp wpeiA v VuvYant Wine. I X SIX Gallon Kegs “ Dyer’s”best Cur- rant Wine, put up expressly for family use 2 Pipes “ Seignett’s” Brandy, war ranted pure 50 Barrels India Point Gin For sale low by EDW. PADELFORP, At the Counting-Room of Orray Taft M»rrh 3 •flinjj FA GYGOi Ds. J AMES ANDERSON &. CO. have juat rucuived by tho ship William Wullauo, from New-Yurfc, a large uml choice aclec- tion of FasAuonaMe Articles, suitable for the present season, which they oiler for sale at reduced prices. March 7 flop Family i lour rUFT received from Philadelphia, per f brig Frances, 75 bbls Flour, selected 100 halfdodo do 2 kegs Ciirrnntfi 2 bbls sotY-shelled Almonds 50 boxes bunch Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. Anciaux’h wlmrf. March 4 84 It KM V;\L T HE subscriber has removed from his old stand, three doors west, in Con gress-Street, where lie offers ft r sale a gen eral assortment of UvocfeYies & Drj Goods, very cheap for cash. EDWARD PERKINS. March 2 tl-’rc Oats. XBUSHELS now landing am! tj V-J V-J for sale at a low price, bv GEO. F. PALMES, * Exchange Dock. March 9 88u TERMS OF THE EIGHT LBOTUASS. To each Lecture, pit and two lower tiers of boxen, $l—gallery 50 cents—the third tier of boxed will not be opened* To the whole course, eight transferable tickets,, boxes and pit, $5—gallery $.3. Young La* dies uml Gentlemen, under twelve years of age, to any part of the house $J, or to each j Lecture 50 cents. I Should subscribers to the course be pre-* vented from regularly attending, tickets to the amount of two, but no more, will be ex- •hanged for the admission of friends to the last Lecture. Doors open at seven o’clock, the Lectures begin at half-past seven, and •ml at half-past nine. Tickets are on sale, and outlines of the ••jurse may be had gratis, nt the Bookstores •f T. Longworth, W. T. Williams, and S. C- & J. Schenk, and at the latter a box plan is deposited, where places may be ta x' n each day of lecturing, from ten until tjvo o’clock, after the manner adopted when the Theatre was last in operation. Tick et >• may also be obtained of the Lecturer, at Mrs. Pindar’s, opposite the Episcopal Church, *h»Te Mr. Goodacre will be happy to see' friends any day from twelve to two o’clk. ! March 11 * 90 j Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just received and for sale by BUTLER &, SCRANTON. March 10 89 Uva \j mLvfcsY », >vc A BOX COAT and several valuable Um brellas, have been left ut. the house of the subscriber, at different times, lately, the owners of which are requested to call, pay for this advertisement, nud take them away. CHARLES MIDDLETON.’ Mareh 9 ftfl Superfine Flour. 100 l BARRELS FLOUR, approved brands, for sale bv J. P. HEftRY. Mnrch 9 HHp RArO-*i. O XAAA POUN DS superior quality l/v BACON, for sale low by EBENEZER JENCKS. Market-square. March 8 pe? Potatoes. p UST received 40 barrels Northern Po tatoes, for sale hy A. BASSETT. March 9 (tanab-TYgha avi\ -."stiue, J UST received and fur sale hy JOHN H. REID. Feb 22 15 Com Afloat. 1 QQQBUSHELS CORN, afloat, for &a GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. Feb 24 77 New Crop Molasses. A HOGSHEADS Prime New Crop J. md Molasses, for sale by ORRAY TAFT. March 0 88p (.om a d , ; ats Aflo. t. ,s\ jr\ v\ BUSHELS |irime white Com 150 Bushels Send Ouls Apply to GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. IN STORE, 150 Ritmllcs prime Euatqpu HAY march 7 97<) ‘otatoes. TIERCES Prime Northern Pota toes. just received and for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN &, WOOD. March 3 75 i - - - - 17 ... 20---- 41 . 51 - - - - and a large number of smaller denomina tion, and chances for a short time only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ex pense, by W. ROBERTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just closed, for persons in this city, No. 25,340, combination 54,22,30, $1000 2,310, 8,23,29, 100 and a large amount in smaller prizes. Jau 20 FIFTEENTH DRAWING OF GRAND STATE LOTTERY, NO. III. I S received—the following prizes drnwn: No. 57(j| «|||U0 15218 r,00 5926, 5659, 5643 100 8188, 17595, 19063 50 192 of 10 Prizes yet to be drnwn, 30.000,Id,000, 5000, kc. All the prizes of consequence nre still un drawn. The remaining five drawings will take place as follows: lfdh Drawing on Thursday, 3d inst. 17th :::::::: 10th 18th 17th 19th : : : : Wednesday, 30th The 20th and lust, will take place on the following day. say on Thursday, 31st March, provided that the jj 10,000 prize should come out cm the 19th drawing. In caBe, how ever, that the $-10,000 prize should not be drawn on the 19th, the 20th drawing will then he deferred for two weeks, in ol der that the opportunity be given for renew uls, and it will take place positively on Tuesday, 12th April. By the above it will be seen that the Lot tery will be speedily brought to a close, and all those who have not secured chances, will apply immediately at LUTHERS. Tickets soon advance—remember the 20,000 dollar prize is deposited in tho wheel and the next drawing may be a favourable one to adventurers. March 9 T>. -bets Received. T HOSE who have ordered tickets in Grand State Lottery of Maryland, Nik 3, will call and take them previous to the advance. Present, price is twelve dol lars. Secure your chances, by applying at LU n ER’S Fcl. 28 TICKETS R CLiVi D * x UNIOa CAVAL lottery, FIFTEENTH CLASS. NEW SERIES. T HOSE who have ordered tickets in the above Lottery, will call and receive them. In ten days the drawing will take place in Philadelphia, and those who wish to secure a chance for the following Splen did Prizes, will do well to call immediately : 1 of 30.000 5,000 2.128 20 30 52 104 1000 500 100 50 &c. &c. &e. Tickets eight dollars.—Call at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. March -2 Migar. Q K HOGSHEADS St. Croix Sugar, ^ J luiuiiog from brig Adeline, from Boa- tun, for ualc hy HALL & IiOYT. March I Hinges. T WO thousand pair Hook and Plate liiogca. assorted, from 8 to 24 inches, for sulo by N. B. WEED. Alai th 7 OR SALE by • hiskey, T. S. LUTHER. iS ol.t e T HE subscribers to the Savannah Aux iliary Society, for ameliorating the condition of t he Jews, ure requested to pay their subscriptions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW, Sec’ry. Feb 22 75 Recc ver fax. Returns Office. T IIF. subscriber is nuw ready to receive tho Returna of Taxable Property, for this county. His office hr in James Morri son, Esq's. Building, adjoining John C. Nicolt, Esq. ADASI COPE, R. T. R. C. C. Feb U ««I i otice A LL persons arehereby cautioned against crediting the crew of ttye British ship Harp, Cupt. Lawrie, as neither the captain I or consignees will be responsible lbr debts (contracted by them. Murcji 5 95* BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDA Y in MAY NEXT, At Xll o’clock, in front of tho Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract »f Land. No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money will be required at the time of sale, and the bahince on the first of January, 1826, with interest, secured by mortgage on the lund. Mold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of the administratrix. Mnrch 3 m&iir ii^ irusuL OnWeAnetvlft’s QitvMa-ctv T HE Mngnifiicent Pomrsylvania Union Canal Lottery, is to be drawn. The Prizes iu this Lottery, are deter mined in tire same manner as tire pre ceding class, which lias afforded such uni versal satisfaction. It iu under tho, man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M'lN- TYRE, and will be drawn under the super intendence of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. Tho sum to be disposed of in tliis Lottery, is IjdJXIdJfr In the following splendid prizes:— SCHEME. I Prize of 30.000 is $30,000 1 - - - 10,000 - - 5,000 - - 2 - » - 20 - - - 30 - - - 52 - - - 104 - - - 1300 - - - 10608 - - - 12120 Prizes, 22100 Blanks, 31220 Tickets. PRICE uF TICKETS, i 2,128 - - 1,000 - - 500 - - 100 - - 50 - - 16 - - 8 - - 10,000 10,000 4,256 20,000' 15,000 5.200 5.200 20,800 84.864 $205,320 ICT Orders arc received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, by W. BrOBmTSO.V, whose orders in the preceeding class pro duccd a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25,343, combination 54, 22, 30, $1000. which was paid on presentation, with nu merous others. feb 22 815 IU WAR *. R ANAWA Y from the subscriber, on the 5th October, 1823, n mulatto woman by the named of 1 * SALLY,” about twenty seven years of age, five feet, three or four inches high. She formerly belonged to the estate of David Johnston, of Savannah, and was sold by Mr. Patrick House, oxeentoror administrator of said estate, to Samuel Goldsmith, lute of that place. It is prob able she is horbourod in “ Yamaeraw,” fts -he has a mother there called Sally John ston, also a husband whose name is “ War den.” a free mulatto. She is well known in Savannah. Any one who will apprehend her, and confine her in the jail of Savannah, or any other, that the subscriber can get her, shall receive the above reward. WILLIAM H. OAK MAN, Near Augusta. Feb 19 73jc State and Countu Taxes lor 18*24. T HE subscriber is now prepared to re ceive the State and County Taxes of Chatham County, for the year 1824, which arc to be paid in bills receiveable at the Banks in this city, or specie, on or before the ELEVENTH OF MARCH NEXT; after that day, executions will be issued against all defaulters. His office is kept at the north-west cor ner of Market-Square. Office hours from ten to two o’clock. JAMES EPPINGER, Tax Collectorof Chatham County, for 1824. Foil 9 64|| TilE HE.UWllAUE STE.i.M SAW -.MILL, AND Cast Iron Foundry. uTiHE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that the above establishments are now in full operation. Planks and scantling, suitable for ship ping, can be furnished of the best quality, ana of any size, to immediat e order. He has also on hand, a few fine Cypress Logs, upwards of thirty feet in length, which lie will saw into such sizes as may be required. At tile Caul Iran Foundry, work of every description, in that line, will be executed in a style equal to that of any other factory in the United States, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He aU-o continues the manufacture of Brick, which he will supply in any quantity, to or der. The quality of the article is already well known. HEALR Y AVAL FIX. ID" All orders left at the store of Low Si Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov 9 91 »S*»Uefc \a"hereby 1 iven T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will be made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dated *20th October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Feb. 18-25. JAMES C. CAMPBELL, H 90 SAU^i BY J. B. HERBERT 6c CO. To Mon now, 1‘2tli inst. Will be .sold before our store, at XI o’clk. S‘25 BUSHELS GROUND NUTS. Sold at the risk of the former purchaser, he not having complied with the terms ofsale.<^*» Terms cash. Marrb 11 BY J. B. HERBERT 6f CO. On SATURDAY, 12th inst. Will be sold before our store, at XJ o’clock, the BUILDINGS on half lot No. 35, Green Ward. Sold at. the risk of the former purchaser, he not having complied with the terms of sale Terms cash. March 10 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT * CD. On FRIDAY, 18th March, Will be sold at the Marble Yard in State street, next to Dr. Habersham, at 11 o’clock, a quantity of Marble Slabs, Brown Stone, and Stone-Cutter’s Tools, together with the Building on said Lot, being the personal estate of William Masterton, deceased and sold by order of the administratrix. Terms cash. Feb 21 ID'’ARRIVAL. ,U) Mr.SUX A .\ SRI, Dentist, R espectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen ot Savannah, that lie is now in the city, and will as usual, attend to the different branches of his profession, Mr. S. lias taken an elegant apartment exclusively tor the reception of his profes sional visitors, at Mrs. Sweet’s Boarding House, in Bioughton-Street. Hours of atieudance at home, from ten till two, A- M. and from three till six, P. M. March 7 86 N otice. BAXK STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Savannah, 7th February, 1825. { T HE Board of Directors will on FRI DAY next, the 11 til inst. elect a Se cond Book-Keeper for this Bank, in tin* room of John M. Russel, dec.—Salary $800 per annum, bond, with two good securities wifi be required, in a sum of $8.ftOO. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cash, march 8 87 N otice. T HE co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, is this day dissolved ; the a flairs of the concern will be settled by ROBERT HABERSHAM, who will still continue to transact Factoiage "ommission Bu siness. ROB. HABERSHAM, JOS. HABERSHAM. Mnrch 8 87l final Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of the late William Craig, deceased, by doe bill, note, bond, or open account, are notifi ed lbr the last time, that if they are not sub- tied on or before tho first day of April next, they will bo placed in tho. hands of an u(v tornoy for collection and suit. JOHN M’NISH, Executor. Mnrch 5 85 Notice. • T HE co-partnership existing heretofore in thi.- city, under the firm of BLISS & WADSWORTH, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.. ELIAS BUSS, JOHN E. WADSWORTH. N. B. The business will be continued by the pcbscriber. ELIAS BLISS. Savannah March 1, 1825. Mnrch 2 Final Notice. A LL persons in arrears to the city fo* tuxes, due previous to the fir6t day of January, 1825, are hereby notified, that un less they rail and pay the same, before the 20th inst. that levies will he made and their property advertised for sale. F. M. STONE, Marshal. March 2 82 CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. ( Rth March, 1825. J T HE rent of all city lots, the same be ing due and payable quarterly, is here by required to be paid, on or before the first of April next, otherwise the lots will be r(V entered, in conformity to the ordinance. M. W. STEWART, City Treat. March 9 Justices. CHATHAM COUNTY Chambers Inferior Court, } 6th March, 1825. J Present their Honors Edward Harden, Y John Cumming, f Anthony Porter,/ Elias Fort, y I T is ordered that the distribution of tlib- Poor Fund for the year eighteen hun dred and twenty-four, be, and the same i« hereby, confided to Moses Cloland, John. Lewis, Josiah Penfield, George W, Coe, S. Schenck, and Charles M’lutire, until the first Monday in March next. It is requested of those gentlemen toineet, form a board, and proceed forthwith to the discharge of the duties appertaining to their appointment. It is further ordered, that the Tax Col lector do pav over to the Board, ns above appointed, the sum of one thousand dollars^ for the maintenance ofthc poor of sard coun ty, out of the first monies collected for that, purpose; and that these orders he publish* ed hy the Clerk, for the information of the public. True Extract from the Minutes A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. March 8 87 63 Just Received. BAGS prime Green Coffee, for sale bv i. a. HERBilKT & CQ. Feh 2|