Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 11, 1825, Image 4

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    tf'JJ) 123 SAHlSSa
UCdW i&LRi*
tilicriiV’s halt's.
**. •im.flrai Tu a !nu i» April next,
CC10H.<Lbt* odd at tic «>v»uit iiouwi'. in th
city of Sava nah, between the hours*
ten nod four o’clock,
AH that Northern half part of that Lot n.
t^rc-'l of Land, lying* being and sitnft'ed in
the ci y of Savannah and county of* h 4 ham,
known in th-; plan of sain chv at Trust Lot
(letter O in Keynoida Ward fronting on Hey
ni»M»Sgu.r'\t*qp , ther with all and lingular the
eh fieva And bui! lings hereon, levied on tin
d?r a fi. fa on foreclosure as lie pm er-y oi
Qliver St urger, in favor of J hi dimming.
All that r »t of L*nd in tli- ••i , v ofSavannsh
containing 60 leet in front snd 9 »feet in depth
known in the plan of taiil cuv by the No.
th»- u e (3) fif*t Tything Reynolds W. d levi
rd m under n fi fa on a force Ii sum as the
£ ropertv of ! ohn Hunter, in favor of Hubert
li'cheli, ass gnee*
All that tract of Land on the Island of Skid
sway, Chatham county, called Sprh'gfield ssi-’
to contain 7SO acres, bound d ovlrvivdly b
lands of the ''state of J ’ho Mnledgo,ea tward-
ly by lands of James BTui, so*ithw«*dy b\
lands formerly Sutcl ffn westward^ by riv« •
and rnsr h^ with improvements thereon le
vied on ss the property of t h »s Stephens, ti
satisfy sn execution to favor uf diehard Rich-
t*rt«on, for use, Uc &c.
A’i that tr.ct or nsrccl of Land containing
567 acres more or leas wi , li 100 acres of liars!
Land, called. O: eland, situs e, lying and be
ing in Little O^echee D strict, in the count'
of tJoatham, b;unded on the north hy in -..'-s
o' Fleming Akin, on the east by lands of D
Varner, on the south by la ids of the late It.
W’alburger, and on the west by a northcas
branch <f Little Ogeche* Hirer together with
all and singular the ef. ftuea, imp o ctnen'
an t appurtenances, levied on under a fi. i.»
on foreclosure «s the property of George L
Cope, in favor of J din M'Nish, Pe-er Witch*
ell and Kobert il tchell.
All that t*- ct or pa cd of Land w taste, ly
ing and b ung in the county f C! a*ham,
known by the name of Muir Hull, containi'y
1097 acres more or l^as, bounded on the soufi
by land-; of James: Forrest, on the e.»si by Co
J. Marshall's lands, on the north hy George
Jones's land, and on the west b ! Little Og* r
ehee Hiver j Also, Two Lots of Land in ! h
Cit\ of Savannah, known by the Nos {, 9
twenty nine, and (30) thi ty, in Cclunmiu
Wa d with h.* appurtenances thereunto ap
p**r Wining, ievied on under a fi fa. on fo e
clo-ure as 'he property of Fleming A kin,
dec. n favor of Win. Diaon & Co. assignees o
M M’Leod.
Fif v-fuur Shares of Slock r f the Hank of
th- State i f Georgia, aihscibed for by B
M’K nn,», in the names "f his children F l '
II K une a id John M’K. nr.e, Jr. on wh eh
2 00 has been paid h o i e»ch share levi-
on gstlir property of B. M’Kinne, to satisb
tn execution f. on W-ch*r»o d Sounty, in fuvoi
of the Bank of the State of Georgia*
A negro woman nuned Muy otherwise cal
le t Conatan e, ano her two children named
Lueyaod Margaret, ev d ■•> hi prope tv of
Won h Wayne, to sa’s'» .«ri exemtnm f or..
Striven county, in favor of Alex. Hunter.
18 Mead ' f C>*ttle. more or less 2 hoi set, 1
PlantationF.att, 1 fourou r ed bo»t,*‘F ot Gms,’
Lot Pi mtalion To >ls, C Pi ugh*, and the boil*
di g« on a Tract of Lai d r»> iongmg t<» James
P at. il, consisting ot a Bap*, 1 Threshii*
Ma-hine, 1 f)‘ el ing House, K.tcuen, a*H out
bu id-nga, a df>ur negro houses, lev. d m ai>
the properly of the E>t ot Tho>« Melrose,
decsasvd, to satisfy an execution in favor ot
IVin. I.iglia U r o.
Two Negioes named Sancho and Andrew j
levied on as he property of Thus. Metros ,
dec. to satisfy a warrnt for rent in tavor of
James Post ell
Lot No. 2, wo, and improvements. Li’ er*v
Ward, in the c tv of Savannah, It.vied on as
the property of Thos Lucena, dec. to satisf)
an ex^Cotnn from a Justices's Court, infivo-
of Justice.'s Court, and returned to me by a
Half 1 ot a n d Buildings, No. 4, F.winsburg
O'lct' orpe l^ard, in ttie c’v of Sava nah,
the tnexpired lease of Slid £ Lit for lh r ee
years from J nuary hi 1 , lovi d on a the pro
perty of Cobt* Lewis, to satisfy an execution
from a Justices r -ourt in favor of J l& M. Pen*
dergast, retu:, e 1 to me bv a core*aoie.
A1 that Lot of Ground in Swann »h, known
a»Lot:N» 4, W'im n< o;i Tyth ig, Dirb
Ward, 60 feet in f o«’t on the Bay, and 90
feet in depth j bounded w* stwardly by Lot
Ni.5, eastward!)* by Lot,N >.3, an i southward
ly \ y a lane , together v »t'» all the hous **
and out houses t’»ert*on"“ihe s» d lot being
that on wi.ich tlu Ci y Holel standi—levied
o ri under an execution upon a rule absolute
of the Superior Court of Chatham couuty, as
the property of Eleuze. Early, to satisfy the
Bank of Darien.
A negro woman named Charlotte, levied on
•s the property of E iz »b »th Whiling, to sa-
tis'y an execution in favor • f Willis R Frank
liu, against Angus'us F. Durkee, and others
Ma*C ’ 7 ISAAC 1) LY-JN. S C C.
Sheriff's Sales.
On theJirst Tuesday in April next.
fFOlLL be sold at the Court House in the
vV city of Savannah, between the hours of
ten and four o’clock.
I he following seven negroes, vix : Davis,
Maria, Patience, Dublin, B'. ck, Trej hina aim
Oscar, with the increase >f th- females lercd
on under a fi fa on a foreclose e of a mortgage
as the property of Joseph Carru'.hers to salis
fy the Bank of the State of Georgia.
Als.j, he following 35 m gro s, viz: Coffee,
(Cooper,^ H.rnet, Affy, old Charlotte, Jar*k.
Sky, Charlott*, Pendaw, B-.-ss, Precessa an*-
child, Bridget and Peggy, Wili am, Eis^y,
Billey. Ph.lip Phyllis, old Cumho, Jenny, oh
Peggy. B utus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cymia, D*ck, Tony,Sophia, Daphne and child,
Jacob,Sye.Beckt y and John,with the increat*
ot >h-i females, levied on as the property ol
N'Cho'a* • Iruger. uinl .T a fi fa on a foiecloaure
o* a in ig.ige in favour ot John Canuhan am.
James Mcilunry for use of Chris iana Levett
Also, a negro mao named dam levied on a
the property of Chtr’es E. Fiin, under fi. fa.
on a torecInsure of a mortgage in favor u
James Anderson.
Also, the folio ving 19 negroes, viz Abra
ham Harry / Cato, Chance, Di niel, Aaron
Sim'-io, Lucy, Soipio, Maryun, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon, G' vce, Eliza Geo g<-, Ilo-
dy,, and Jim, with th< increase of the fjinales,
levied on aH the property of Flemming Akin
dec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclose e of a mort
gage in tavor of Wm. Dixoii Xi Co* assignees
of Murdoch M’Lv id. I.' D'e-YON, S. i-’ C
4 H 56
( ty ?-lie'in”s '^alrs.
On the Jirst Tuesday in Jt/iri/ nrrt;
r»|Li. lies <1 h<i Hi-.- O -nr -io-im,
bet worn the uiunl liour., thu filltwui^
,pe- ty to wil: ... nt-Rro mnn, named Andrew, levied on
!>« the p- p- rty of M»rv G hurt, to smi.fv »n
ejtecti'lon f mfi the Court of t'otnmo Pleas
and Oyer and Terminer tor the city of Sa
vannali, in favor of Mdler & Fori.
A n g:o wutnan named Kuth, levied on a.
the property of Beit. Sliefl-ll. "> salirfy at
rulion ill favor of .1 -'in I Dew., agaii s-
j-min ami UurdeCai sheliali, issued frnm
\ 1 cnl, horse, levied on as the prop-
ert, of Wm. j'-hn, to satisfy sn eaecu
Oil from said Court in favor of Aleaundei
A Billiard TaMe. with Mane«, Q ,es. Uc.
evied on ss the proper-y of the Kai of F-u
jene M’Conaloughe, to satisfy an eiecut-on ii
avor of Francis Ooyle. for house rt nt.
A.I- til. buildings on l it No. f-l Warren
Vard, b-'Uiided s mih l>y Drou -liton-street,
urth by a'a ie, tad bi lot No. .*>3, west b,
.ot »o .15, levied in as the property of C
H. Iluyden, t-i so s'y an eieeution far rent
t rustees (Ji h t.Acsdemy. vs. C. H Hayden
i’v-n buildings on ttie w. s*ern h -’d pari of
l.ot No 2, JokylTy-hmR U. by Ward, and
n b lildinR on tbe * of rile cen' e til rd
an of ssul f, t, levied n as li t property oi
. H. Hayden, to satisfy two e*. cuuons fo
unt, Trustees Court ..a -oml Chu-ch o,
teetinp House, vs 0. H Hayd- n.
All (lie buildings o- Lot No 0, Warrci-
Wa.d, bounded'north by r-.m-Rress street,
s-ni h bv n lane, east b> I.-it No- It, -vI s b-
l.o N" ^9 levied on as tin pr pertv -e Mr .
Ann M Finder, to aatisfv an eaecution to
nt in favor of tbe t rustees of -he I'hstl n
Academy A. I. D LYON, C ,V.
march 7 ,: 7
hheriiT’s Sale.
the firs* Sa uruay after the nrst Tues-
J. SniNN’s Panacea.
f fllIF< subscriber ' uv.iuv'i-■ vercl - he enro
ft. position of Sll'JlI.M'S CKhf'.JiIt.i I'a/)
PAJs ACK i, h»»H no^ x supply on hand foi
ule ; he liaa rciluce*! tln*p"ice from fcu 50, to
£2 SO, or hy the dozen g-14.
AH charitable institutions in the U. Stuteh
mil the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the citizens of the principal cities am
towns, will appoint an agent to order an
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
Tins medicine is celebrated for the cure ol
the following diseases:—‘'scrofula or king's
'vil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat. Ioup
standing rheumatic affections* cutaneous dis
eases. white swelling m l dise'»s»* of the hones,
and ail ca*es generally of th ulcerous charac
ter, and chronic disonses. generally a is ng it
debilitated constit'di • a, but more enpccialh
fro ■ syphilis ot afFoctio is arising thvrefrom ;
tlcer< in the larynx, nod'*s, tic. and th»*'
dreadful disease ore 9 o.’ed by a long am
excessive use of mercury, (jfa* It is als t u»t
ful in the dis ««<» ot th** liver*"
I have within the lust t vu years had an op
porttimly uf seeing s'*vc< al ca*.f:s of very »nve
i.rsite ulcers, which having previously resist
e,d tha regular nudes »f t eatment wer.
‘•ealed by the use of Mr. Swaim’s Panacea,
ud 1 do h-:!ieve, from wha* I have seen.
11at it v’ill prove an important remedy in scro
• ulous, venereal and mcrcu ial diseases.
N. frHAPMkN. M. D
Professor of t e Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the Univeisity ol Penn
I hav?' Cuiploved the Panacea of Mr. Swaim
m numerous instances, vithin tht L st tlire
carSj ansi have always found it extreme!}
.diicacinus, especiall/ n sec*onda**y s\ phil *
uid mercurial discises. I hav • no heaitatin;*
n pronouncing it a tre 'i: «• »f inestimabh
value. W. GIBSON, M D
Profersor of Surgery in the U 1 *'v of Pent-
Pniladelphia, Fehriiai • 17. 1833.
JOHN 3-ILNN, Chemist
Philode 1 phia A*nv '7 *H*-3.
d«y ti. M •> next, between the hours of
.udtout o'clock, will be'soll at 'h' mar*
tet house in t! e town of f*t* Marys, he fm-
w-ng negroes, »iz: Judy and Iter son Jo'-u,
iie.m, and thai'es, levied on a» the proper-
tv of fames W ll amson, dece-.ed, t» satisfy
n txteution on tie f. rec insure of a inert
ag(?. n f .vor of E lw» rd F I atti a d nints-
v tot fJ hn Ham bon*
M. H. MF/tPA!<D, S C- C.
St Marys, F. hru iry 25, i825.
March 2 82
m miREnr,
HAT tlirru months after dote, applica
tion will be mtulc to the Bank -.lie
State of Georgia, to issue n new ceruiiieate
of stock, for one lost, issu ed on the 17th
March. Him, in favor of John M’Kinne,Jim.
or twenty-live, shares, and numbered 213.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta, Dec. Id, 1004.
doe 1 ft ?ifpt
Adm n st atai-’s ale
W ILL he sold uii the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-House in
the city of Savannah, by permi.-sion of the
Honorable tlie Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham county,
One undivided fourth of a tract, of land,
containing about live hundred acres, on
Cumberland Island, Camden County,known
as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated on said
Island, containing about five hundred acres,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln-
tosli, and bounded on the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate
on th • Ogeechee Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said estate.
Administrator estate N. S. Ravnrd.
Feb l 6Haf
A LL person tuvim -ie nands nepuns! Pe
'\ estate of I’onaCanl F ennan| 1 eo
the city of Was'ungt n, deceased, >i e 'C
q ired to hand teem in, lecelly • ie '
a-.thin the time prescrib- d bv law : id th'<
u debted to said < t t**, are r* qu.-i d In m k
immediate payment, to
JAMES HUN *’ER, Ml- 'r.
J»n H 4 i
Vegetable Catho/icon.
a ||IIE r res j cil'i-ly sulcits the a’
Tf tention uf every fund ofHtffcrmg hu
ti.nily, to to fee fhov n w an.l invxhiabb*
icmcdy, whose unequal pnwrrs in eliminating
from the svst *m 'In* ve^y seeds of dii-c’sc,
n .«,Iin r-st -rag the (bran.^ei and morbid
c-mditi 'n of the orgims • f 1 e 11 a f ec and
,‘ieafhy ever cs* oft l» ir fu 'Cions, has exci
ted the H t *n shm'’in, and completely silen
r-dtheoij nirvis of t . * mos< m .r'd doth —
poets are tit- heat arguments In order to pm
(t.e viriuet* oi i ’C .timlicun to a*; sev'-re a
«r.r"tiny <s p ssihle, it was « flfVred by s.lvc*-
t soment loge her w.ti the uLeudmce -f**
il'V'jic *n, gratuitously t-» h-y ntis »n wt\.
.viu’d pply f»r t, and vb'se cause migli*
4e>*m t come witlun 'Im fniige of its he-lok*
power—numbers of severe r*»s’Hot lo r 'g-ts
ing.Rid *i me ul'them seemingh* d * r t*
s, nr ■ rated themselves, all ofv> iiih have
bee'i cured or so inuc'i relieved ms t»w» rant
. .. ;,i-.e:*i hi that a little *> rseversnev wi l dr.
s In fnet. such is the co. tbl'SAce I h,’. physt
: an under whose ca e Uiese pat ents wer-
.'wre I, in this rem-* ly, a co fidrf ce r u l
in fiom he irre-istible con i^ i n f »t hits
.e-"i for id upon In 3 oind by oc. ar de no 1 •
•?' "Htinn, 4i d . person •! trial -f it on h -.8
t»j-* h > p^ inits me to ciealur** ii as l«.s d i
d eiiiiiun, »h t he Ch'Ii dm n h not «»•.! •
m*rt oily she and ionocen*, ut a in-»st p -w
e'lul sod invtilunbie r m»*dy m wan di*<
-s' s and states of tl.e s s em, such uk -nt f 1
•>win g?—
I’e -ilitv restilting from in'emperance an.
! 8-.:pation *, Ol i *nd in%\ te*at U-c *rs . Psm
to ineb'n s tt nded wi'.h bwoli.ngs of
j .in s; I ■ li/ - « s - n , B: jt'hcs on the fact,
,)nnp . ,«c ; Al comfilains of th.» Liver;
e'le'’.- Y-.tws; Syphilis- .* Cutaneous diseases
g moral y; M.,:curiwl mid scrofulous com-
fiie Cathoftc m (which the proprieter s<>1
emnly ol * os h s word coosis'-s exc’usive*
f .fg-tinic mu tr ) with me ex -ept on of n
1 g'.d d-t- rmi i«t'.on to the bowels, wh ch it
preserves in a soluble since, a«*t, insensibly, i-
ni ,uhxo< t-i tlie, and r« quire* n
ar regiman, tabs iu'*nct ti in snirtuous Ii
q u»r«. H vitvs except d ) or confinement. A'
. r ode, s.‘c aMlKg-ee«bie csthurtie m«*d
C- e niprovmg the a ipetuc and pfslori-ig llu*
geurrsl*. no V he 8ys f ern, it is connJ< nil>
r°c'imme-idcd to isdies in h delicat«* situa*
on. W ’.V. POTI ER,
66 GbeuiUt-sueet.
Philadelphia May 31, 1824
At request ol Mr. »V. W Po’t^r, I hive
rte’y a b.tei’., in sever*.i in *ta ice:,« o*tdi
•iir’/i snip c.i i d ’•) tcr’s Vegetal) * tlstlio
icon, wit*- the o. ?-t dec’dt-i advantage* I
•us. as et, nev *r iniled tff.ict. ig a cure ii
'.ery case in wh\ h 1 hzvp p*t»Mtr l
employ it. H. K'MUIt * UIE, M i)
Administrator’s ^alc.
On the Jirst Tuesday in April next,
I ’VILL sell »r the .* urt-iL u-.c* in ,1 ff.-r.
son Csnideo County, between the tisu-l
hours of sal**,
Hurry, Nod, and his wife Tam-r, S 'd he<
tour children, Daniel, her, John u» d Y
• ck. 'hj property of die of Gr g
Mnn igon, deceasei , for the benefit of the
creditor 0 , and Ii *ira ot said estate, pursuant w
enve granted by ’he t’oirt of Ordina-v of a;,-.d
Atl mi n : st rat or, with the * id annexed,«-(
George M >rri<'>n, Sen. deceased,
< ff rson, 24 h Jan. 1825.
Feb 2 59
N INE MONTHS al . tlu. date hereof, ap
plication wiil be made to tlu* Hon “hi
tli Inferior Court of Lhmham count), vh 1 *
sitting f'»r ordhinry j u< poses, for h ave to sc!
h lot, with th - improvements, situa’e in t' «
ty of SAvamirth. in the Said County .and kn w
n the plan of said city b\ th - No 53, B - w .
•Yard, tor t e benefit of the- heirs mm ' iegute"
he estate ot the late Hugh M'Cail, d<
rt *4 7’ 1
Georgia—Camdm County.
Suw-'.moR Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Se/vester
* *. N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
' ^ that in consideration i f certain prom
saory noteSj made to the said Timothy, b
th-m, one pst able with inte-est, from fi-
of January, 1821, on tb». (ist of January. 1822:
s second pavsble as sforcssi , on the firs 1 o.
Janusry, 1823,* «n<l a th'rd pavsble as sf'»ri
said, on the first of Janusry, 18'4. executed a
mortgage to suid Timothy Hopkins, his hn
uid assigns, on nil thos^ four trHcts of *-.-d
*ilusted in the county xL.repaid, convey' d .
the said Ti nothy, to the suid F-sugloy an-
Sflvester, and lying on the south side o
Great Satdla River, one tract containing sev
«?nty*seven|seres, more nr less; two trsc
'-.ouUiniug fihy acies, more or legs, ai d ut-
vther tract, containing one hjundred and eigh
>-eight acres, more or less, conditioned fi"
he payment of the Miree said Several notes
on the days above mentioned, ami thut sai-
■itveral notes remain unpaid—on motion o'
Vrchibiild Clark, attorney for plainti^, it i
-ordered, that th* said Langley and Selveste
their heirs or assigns pay into Coin *, wilht
'welve months from this date, i-.e sum-i du
on said notes, and the intcres and cos’s, oili
erwise that the equity of redemption be to'-
*ver foreclosed, and that such other proceed
< igs tske place, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the mm »les, 27th Octo
her, 18.’4. JOHN BAH.BY, Clerk
nov 4 H 7 4r •:
A LL persons having demands against lie?
estate of Oliver 8turg< s Esq. Jsie o!'
the city ol Savannah, doeeased, are request-
(1 to hand them in, proppriy at Jested, and
hose indebted to said '-.stale, are requested
to make iuimediate paymri.t to
WM. P. IIENTER , A'ltn’r.
Fr-t. IO '
Sheriff *s Sale.
On the Jirst Tuesday in May next,
B ILL be sold ill trout of Uie Court-
• louse, in the city ot Savann «h, between
the tSU il hours of ten and four o'clock,
The following eight negroes,- viz. Cuffee,
Peggy, Hosannah Carolina, Joseph,Mary Ue'-
ty and Jim, levied onuuder a fi.ta. on a fore
closure, as the p operty of Charles H. Ilay*
<Jeo, in favor of Frederics W. Hien man*
march 7 ISAAC D’LYON, S.JC, C.
Between Lows A- come, and John Leconte, Com
plai/ianta, <i d Peter Leeont John 7 homo
Chapmn -, Hey no da u>d Valeria
his Htfe t U f-ndunia Li eiy {superior
1 1HE Complainants having filed (heir bill in
. this Court* t'..e oi j -c' of wh'rh is to p- r
et iate the test mouy ot ccrt fin persons there 1
in named; an i ii appearing that ihe Defend-
lints rcHprcnvcly reside beyond the limits ot
ihet.titeofG orgia, and within the United
S'atis: It is ordered, that service upon the
said Dt’fcndan's be effected hy pub^siion in
one of the G z -ttes ot Savannah, rtq iiiiaj
the said Dcfeudauls to appear and answer the
mid hill of Complainants, on or before the
eleventh dayo April next.
A true copy,
E* BAKER, Clerk,
February 10, 1825.
Feb 17 71f
i\U i i tj
kJ4MB month.s a; crd-Ai, a plica*ion w M h
x made to tlu ’I n.i* J i g s o! th- Con
Ordinary -I Ch^ h.un c- u -vy. f r t
<* aii th*‘ real t stair.- t '..p late William Cr-,
c- mv <1, for '!:>■' btnefi: of the heirs ai-d .nen
rs of said estate.
JOPN jU' > laII. Kv c-.»rr
o-t 12 ”
Ph ode phia, July 2fUh, 1824.
Mr. W W Potter
Lea: Sir—Y m expressed a wish th *t l
would give a concise sUtcmcnt of my s’ ft r
-ng«. t om • the hopeless commencement. t'»
ie present propitious stage of m. disease.'
Ab ut five years ago, on rny passage from
RnrdeMix, during ’■he month ol January, from
mprudent exposure on deck, I was sciz<- \
vith a violent fi;ver. Having no medical at
ends-its on board, I wj* compel*el to beui
«t, asl r g’it tor two weeks, wh *n on my ar*
ival at C liar lest on, S. C. il was treated *<•
"y phus. 1 he ‘>11 of mv Physician subdiu d
ihe fever, but P! cauiv-tike, t‘ie termination
.if this gave ris- to a disease equally distress
ng, and which, tin now I had tli. light inni .
hie. V trious abscesses made thei. unwel-
:cme appearance, pariciilnrly on the j ‘ms.
which were swe ltd to an enormous mz :.—
• hose g aduHpy subsided into hard tirn-n't,
of which on my left knee affected t'«e
bom:—an inc siim was now made sou a lnrye
rv.ici.ation «-f’ui , mixed with pincea of bi-r-c
ook p!:tce. I • addition to this. I s-ftViec the
o ’R* ext*rue:. .>ng paict -n my j *in’s t **»t msi
, '• e’ipe. t*n- « d Every thing that was
• in tri-d , itne- no relief r ser*
t d io Mrir-wiitf the .li-sca <-, the s verity • f
to uid wish to he. Willi my thanks, I am your
»bliged Intmbic icrvant, Wn „
City of Phi ad ■ phia, ss
Goirgi* K -c, of ttie O'strict of Snittl’.
vsrk, perionaliy appealed, and, being d-d
.worn, d th declare and say to t the above
sat ment ts io all respect*- cored and true.
id that the sig* a ure to it is in the hand
writing of this deponent
.Mil BI'INS. Alderman.
Pniladelphia, lluy 28, 18 !4-
The VigetaMe Oatholicon is peculinrlv
uda,;terl t<- those diseases wh-ch a* e prevalent
a nong ti e colour d populat ;»n of tlie south
In that disjase iSf-Mihsd yaws, it .s ;i
•airr remedy ; a single tri:«l of it, will conv.nee
planters of ita sip trior «ffi>r\ to sny rente
ly of a aim.lac nutu e i i toe U uted States*
The advantages of this medlc’n'i are, not
ionfining the pa-ient imnec* s->ar ly to the
house, or keeping him from hi« business.—
vVith me8olitvv exception, lx’ of sui " i-
••n- •i'lio'*?. it dor a not lay nni rrstric'ioia upon
his app. lie I’ gentle .n *ts opera on
n. me n tied finds - imtn’lf (-eHing well he
oni ot tell how. Ai it is not the w sh ofthn
oro ,ri“tor to take any thing tor winch lie
.annot give h ..o-si 1 oration equal ?n value
persons at » clit-tance wlio may wu.ii to tiy
,i r , medicine, hut who hre not certain if it
•« appucnhle to their complaint, are request
d .) deacr-be Musir c*s~ and symp'min i"
i tetter,n igt-paid, aad di ected ti him—th -
el'-*r wi! be unmed Htely placed in hmus
■siilv coi’ip- tent to de*dt the question,—
•ho Id h * ri.jiedy no> so. m o suit the dis
ease, they • ili be franklv t *»d so.*
To prevent d H-ippoinMT’nt it i9 well to
i »te th ,t it t- 1 ' in o* liuary c*ses f'.o n 3 to
5 bot-ie** to effect u cure sotha’ pe s * s wh*’
•e I h'j oil ring under anv se*ous in'rmitv,
0 -t m n*e u r » their mind to persevere to tha -
x‘* n xt leist- if they do not, they ought h:
r -.41 SMve thetnseives th.- trouble and expense
f usings s "niler qumti* .
All o 'dt‘ a p a: p tid md euc'ositig the money,
i Timaha ittei.U:.! i >, .tie rncli-iwc
vic edacdd -livere.t with directioris fin use.
• soy piace in the city, and forwarded as di-
r*. t» d
N. B To proven* the possibility of -1 ini*
o wi I b: s^l ’ in theory of Phihide’-
ihiii. at the office in Fifth near Raci-Str-et,
»r at the dwelling of i*ie t-ropri tor, N >. 66
Bies’i!)* S'ntct, only, **n I abroad bv his i
.hurized age its W W P*»nm,
66 C’lc nu* St 'eel, Ph '.iuU pft a
I have appointed GyHKGE RYE ’.SON,
Druggist of Savannah, m so eng^nt. I)v g
^i Us w-i .t ug ttie above valuable medicine
will b. supplied hy him fo’* c ish, st i!»-. R*im»-,»« if ordered !i<ect fr-un me—vz 2,30
per d z*sn, f, r three dollar- a s-ng’e bottle.
W \\ . POTTER,, P'ntad'dphia.
Any pe'sooon application to tlicsuhsc '&
wi! be furnisl-ed with cortilic-utes of th - fti
c:icv of the fb ivc metheine, sufficient o *vi«
v nee the mmd of th" most soe|.t’”a'. slthoug
mo numerous ^nd 1-ngthy for newspaper i
lertion. GEO. uYERr-0 , D.’i, gist,
Comer of Bi-.- and Whittaker Streets.
<w ti
N 1
Non r.
INF-mon’hs ,1't doauph-.A: n.
made to the 1 f*nm Gjiir* o. Cli h'»-i
iiU'iiy^ sitti-’g fo o rlumv {iirp.-s-s i r
rde | ', h-H'.lute, 10 sell lohs N s f ur .-n- fiv-
4 and 5) in Ga r pe , 'ter , «« 4 , and l N
(i) Green Wmd,in 'll ; ci-y •»»'S..v»niv*
.icing th- real estat • of Fr-mcis J Pin an d
‘>r the benefit of tb- h-irs <*•' o*-* *»*. s o
aid estate <VlLU\ ( t GAS 0*4
Qua ified Executor,
7 t)
Li&iSmatum W aut-ed
A NY’ information from, or relative to Mr
Frederick Lowe, Printer, a native of
Manchester, England, and who. when last
heard from, resided at Monticello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
he had married a young woman of the nnnv
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
iU The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, wi"
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
iln r, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in t heir papers.
jun 22 49
;y OllCO*
N INE MONTHS after till) date of this
notice, application wil! he made to the
Honorable the Court ut Ordinary <4 Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Sracv, decea -' u, for
the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN YV. STAf’Y,
dec 13
» s EUl I i V.
Between IV Davies Adm nia'Httor, Lomp nin ■
unt and John a nocJun Aihn niatiat-.r iV
h aiin non with the wi I ann x d of lieu *r
Richardson and others, JVJendants —/•/
equity, i h ahum tupe. ior Court- Chancery
2Ul/i A gust, * 8 2-4
I V appearii g that John Murray Carnocliai*,
one of the defendants in th ■* s»iid b»W -.1
-omplsint numed, resides « slat" -t
Gcovgis, in tl.ut part >f the U.iit u Kingdon f
GreMt Britain aim Irethnd. etthtd !>• illsrd .
It is ordered that the said John Mm ray Gsr-
aochun, do appear ard answer to the corn,
dainMiU’s said bill; within nine mmitha Iron.
*. he d«te of this order, otherwise thj*t tie
said bdlj as to him, be tsken pro cor.ftss" .*
and it is further ordered, that * copy uf lh'«
order be puntislu d once a week, in one o'
the public Gitz.i tcs of this state, until the ex*
piration of the time within wtiichthc de
fendant is required to appear and answer as
4’rue copy from the Minutes, thi* 2lgt day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk.
auguRt 24 50f
bills oil New-York,
Feb s!4 C. C. GRISWOLD.
>vii: h increase*! wi h tve", succe^iting \<*ar.
*• -h w s mv r i --'d s' u r .*i -i ihat 1. e pnir.*
ev-*r h i *.g p--t -red to my heal h ; 1 had
• o 1> riel t' e e niar m-ans of relief,
-*-t uaed, ihong ' in vp r. -very popu ar rcnt»
l . hfi- o : l* Whs in this a ■ fill ai*c
je-'-ond'nty «• i Ki' o , n.v 1 was perse dc' t'l
«»-*ni *i •? a cc i 3« o* vou- V* r. ta >-c t’ h 1
r* * c ha »:•* '• u't in, 0 m tht me
f the ’wo h ul s mu wboh tys • m ha • under
s / ■ e iw/rtft'tf- revo ntion, mu p ais h ,v fo sa-
le me f* »ii? iu*r , fr *m m> knee, ot-y n
o m .. .jiin ' s o . cebi.e.i aho.»et' er. h
ij .*; f. mi I.-. ice t procsehed being c-.n.
i;te!-. h tied. The liroors, fi>rti;er- movtd
.f vh:ch I ' .t v e t'ic t in vain more remed;-. s
1 an ’ r... a'sie, are rqiid'v decreasing ; rny
* hich wax g"iic,has return* d— I
l:.< I, near y wel. hoi’ f*. el conl.d ..t ti k1 r
h w bottles mort of y. in. (*o n't) luvaluabl*
dii-ine, wid m he me per ecily so.
Your obi.g d friond,
Phi lade phi /, July 6. 18'4
Mv confidence in tli* v ge .* >ic catliohcui.
s un'’im-nis' an 1 ns fr* sl» m tauc-.-s of iti
m • « ur^ dadi occtr.ri* g ? in try own prac*
l ave ne hcsita.u.n in .c*< onurn.n 'ing i-
i *fif: pmul ar diseases tc which it is sp'-fic* *
oh-, h. uiperior to any rene’y f am a-q*mii.t*
ed with. V M’ UR! I1IE M. D.
2'hila 1-iphia, May '8 18 4
Sin—In connq . nee of im; -ru i nt expos
ire Io- • o-us He; I bud ill * misfortune ? o be-
nme ffi c’r.d *»lu a disease, the painful rc
kuI'S,«i . h:..h induced me to spplv in su -
c.'s* on io several respect ble physicians oi
.s .ity, ff-in whom, however, I received
.tlier no relief, or fro n whose rcc ed -is! re-
neivtid another c**mpluint quite as d-su easing
is the former. Mv whole system became
jrctctl. I c .uid got no rest a' night on ar-
ou d of ti e v oi r f nain that I felt in every
j)fi! i r-f my body ,* »h.- weakness and e nacia
tun, uf which Was Mkh that I could scarcely
•vaft. In tins stal'. 1 fortunately hoard of
y. ur Vegetable catholicon— f ur bottles ol
,v‘\ich. has rAUnpletely restored nw, I have
io a no pain ; my appetite is good; and m
- rejig-i: r -.tored With many thanks tor
h* rehet yo-r mcd : cne Ins given me, lam
your -bilged f iend, &c.
worn and suhscr hed i" h fine me, May 28.
1824 JOHN BINS’-i, A derman.
Ph : ude ptda, Mey 8, 18°4.
Sir—I **m now, thunks to your m- edeiue,
nearly m.u F r noariy six years 1 hive beer-
a martyr to a d:sea*-e, whose ra-;ig g threat,
ei ed. if not noon stopped, to pm a period t*
my existence. Having had no regular modi
cal advice from the ommencemen*, my
complaint at Lst g-*t to such a h**ight that 1
could not swallow without great i ain and
difficulty. Tumors fi rined in different pan
of my body, and 1 began to think .ny situation
almo-t desperate, the five h.-ttles of the
Uaiholicon which I have taU--’.i have com
pletely cured me, and 1 am now as well as 1
J. oking-nlasscs.
US r rwuivi’il, pur scliuoncr Rntrievc
an plr|fiiul assort incut of Mantle
l’ler Liiukina'-Glttss.-s. nt inaniifuctorv pn
ees, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
dec in
Carron Castings.
D VYfa'ITk FOUNDS Carton Cast
O tir-y w iags, Inr sale low, by
(lee. t H N. B. WE Ell
» inst receive
Fe.ither Bros.
F.ST received by the Willi m Wallace,
a In roe supply of tlie above articles,
auli Bolsters and Pillows to match, war
ranted to be of the be.-t qnalily.
Jan 21
dee -9
l’i ot i-rciut
BLS. Iiiglit* 1 Pilot Bread
d and for stile bv
Webster's pel ino: Books,
• t Et'EIVED and for sale bv
it) Jan Id jV. II. WEED.
Spanish Sugars.
D© K^lo ( S l’ anUl1 St 'S» re -
Just received per Globe, and for .sale by
dec 4
i ast heel Iron Box toves,
No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
nov 24
'far, Fitch, ilosia :;c,
Xd\J Id do Pitch
10 do Rosin
6 do bright Varnish
For sale by A. BASSETT,
No. I, Mongin’s Now-Building.
Feb t
'.Vue Ke ,deis a-d ast-Iron
I hlimiey Backs,
11 ECEIV’ED per ship Corsair, and for
fti sale by N* B. YVEED.
doc 27 *J7
it. t loix llgAl'S.
■J f* HOGSHEADS of Si, Croi * Sugars,
X') of very prime quality, landing f roIn
schooner Nunoy, and for sale by
Jan 20
V a W V 0 A A \, a
fly S AMU Eh T. AH HSTHOXU ,v 0 SJ
''onihi 1 B s on fo-' publishing SCO /"/"i
FA WILY ItlB'.E c'liitiuninj all th* M llr ,
g nu! Referenc-s to be r.rrnp iaed in .it
bedishvd with a lib lies'! of the Author-
I r shall he well printed, on good ptper, nn|
be C'loip is* d in six handsome vein p\. p
will C'*ntai T i th** ScrrdurM of the Oil
jY-w Tentamentn, t •** Introductory Ohs rvn
Explanatory Aoies, an-. Prnciic J Ohsrn; llJ0M
,-i all the copious Marumi Hefe cncn f.
>: printed word to* wor-i fi m the i.-,i.rh* n
ereutype K iition, published since ’.hi* Au*
tier’s dccesm*. The prioe will be g21, i B
hoard- ; ^24, in sheep, glO, in calf biodbig.
The wh work will be ready for dc lively bi-
May, 1825, '
'.x'runts of Letters adtl'cssedio the Puh'ia’teri,
I esteem I)r Sc«*t*. F*m iy U>bl**,em : n'*nt!y
ca.enisled to prom Re the cause of trut'- #nd
piety I* seen.s scarcely possible for om.**o
ad daily tlu* Notes and Observa'.ioos in tbe
'atidy Bible W'thout becoming a w', rand
vtt .rman. EDWARD D G **FFIM
1 have s’.en no co inn -nlary of t . e
criptures which 1 think no well adapted t-j
n«*ral use and edification. It is a treasu.e
Rich ever fumaly ought to
A P.4 TON".
I is a work diatingu'shed f >r the sirDpl^i*
* 4iid convenience of its arrang-mcn 1 , tbe
cl Mrriess a..! fi *-"?hty uf its odur-ns, the
icstness and perspicuity of it* style, th? ri»*
evol ncc and candour of ita sp-ri', the r/a*
sends nnd pr titie.icy of ;»s apn|;**vi> n,.
ud for its umform tm.d ncy to pro rote tvsn*
eiicat truth H *m piety.
Of Dr. Genii's Family Hdiie. I fc 1 five 'o
say. ihv.tin mv estim*tioo ii deservedly r-ulii
a^iong our ablest and b-s' ' .omm ms i.-s.
D"* 8colt’s Family B bie int t.cle*i nioru pn*
ccialiy for t' « use of Gh-isiun families,i,s
fork high y evangelical, extensively ins true-
live, and deeply interesting
rh a character of Dr. S.iott's Commcntarv
>n th* Bible, in so g»*ner»*l| known, nn-1 so
ghlv approve t amongst tlr- mist int-.Mhgnrf
»d pious Christians throughout our coitnVy,
n ? has passed rapidly through so n.r»nv h up
-ditions. tt at l deem fuither rec n.mem.i*
ions needless*
J vo:ts>;.
1 so* 8cq<nint**d with no Com^entH.*; o.i
b Sucre.: w c iptu:e>. which I would mnr*
*o*d ally recorrmu no for general u..e. 'I be
plan of the work is pood
Perhaps in no way, ezn miuiaurs *-. s» -irt- ?a
f youth, si.d private Ch-istians, do greater
erv'ee t«» si.ciet:, t’i*»n by exert nj: tlirm*
selves to digs. mi<s-te this » ulv invuj nle
wo k JOSHUA HUN ’T.'Cro ,.
I know of no 'tonim^nt-.* y which i i b- ti-f
'.'icu’ited fo.* diflusmg correct vi-vs of tha
greet ‘iv.thHofCI cif.tianity, s*-ri lew ngsalu*
.‘ary imp-essioiis on th m ; nd when rising
rom the pc- u nl of it, than the one you kie
.b >ut to publish.
No writer s* ems legg dispised t.» contend
for barren speeulsti ns. None more uniform,
h or more pow . f idy inculcates the grest et.
*»nt'«lg of religion The spirit which p -'*-
**d?s the work is excel'en-; it is the mr k
dfi ctionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of I'm
r-'S-M'l. Da MEL DANA.
From particular ex iminati -n, and concur*
ng t**stimony, there is no doubt ow my mmd
*’•-11* Scott's Family Bihlf* is soperio** to nil
Y'*u will plens • to se- d »ne six copies «f
■.ic-itt’s Bible ,* I refer to your lately proposed
ditiou. Pet htpa I shall induce five mire to
t-kc the s>me number. li-i.
Ii is with extr. me pleasure I perceive
■ of nre about to publish a new e Iition • f
Scut’*s Bible. Having been in pm»s »s.i-n of
t more tha . 20 y ars, I trus* I kn -w s»ir.e #
■iu»g *jf us value, and an detc mite-, to ;) r o-
r.oie i s c rculu'.ion among my tnei.Js Y n
will please forward sis copies as soon as p->
ished. f:. U
I have obtainod fiiti** snbacribcrs f ’r the
excellent wo-k you are puhiishmg II. $.
I nrojmse to take seven sets of Scott’s Hi
ble, and will be accountable for the same
J 0.
I have obtained subset i'>**rs for nin.-c-ipid
of Sc« M .'> F ,muv B bl<*. J. 0-
1 d.a'» {»i'(ib;ibi> need eight or ter. i'.s f
SuotiS Family Bible, J. P-
Rev, S S. of P. has o’ tained ten suWcri-
vers. fi. II.
1 have observed that you are about pub.
>hing another edi 'on of S<o *’s B bie
ippe you may sue cue ,;s you live d«vr In
ormcr i-ii.tion*/. 1 have been endeavoring ta
o’-ocurr ' um.criherf g.noi g our peoinv. »»i.d
enor more subscribers will bo ob’ai '.el
! will take ten sets (*»f Scott’s fiib'e)
bound and let tore'. J F
I have obtain*?*! ten subscribe $ fur y .ur
idition of the Family Bible—;nd h:»r.-
d -ubt hut ther** might he s* mcli ’g i*k- ^
copies old in this place if you Imii no .g nt
bore—-I'bought ti e work ought to b* tn*
enuruged sod for hat reason to»sk a subFC'Y*
ion puper. 1 ! is s work that every I*n»*ly
diould havethiat is aide to puich<*st.
J. E M'C.
I am glad, hat y-u propose to print M'-
Scott's excellent F.nnly Commit) uy, »"d
should be very gla J if t were in my p-.w^r t-'
give s more liberal pa'ronage to tlie work,
than, as civctrnsUuces arc, I can 13*iall»
however, be able to do something ; eight i-f
ten ac'it I shall - ertainly take; and it mav i’ e *
d<iub!e that number, A. 8.
I hive procured fifteen subscrih r< ta
Scott's Bible. J 4.1).
I i hink 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or m »• e ^
'he Fam iy Bible. K. B (
I have circulated proposes fur ScotUi
II bie ,* l o.v many hive been»‘Pgiged in al|l
c. nnot.. II ,* but between 20 and 30 se'-s in
Ii s vicii.ily. J.
I have c included to become responsible
to you fo- thirty sets of Scott's Coul'iienta p y*
0. B'
I have procured 106 sub°cribers to the
Bible j 6 sets to be bound in cuf ,* 3 sets 10
be done in boards the other 97 ^eis, board
and lettered as described in the prospectus.
H. H-,
1 presume I could procure 500 suhscr.-
oers for your edition of Scott’s Umle The
dernat.d is increasing for them Th y
finally supersede every other large or Fa^’V
Bible. Fifty of my subscribers live within l
circle of 8 miles ! J k
Just published an edition of the samp w jbi1 !
completed in six volumes, without ins-jp""
references; price in boards &18i i» s ' l . ce ^
jA‘2l / in calf g27. Either of those ed»tt«»
■ti'-jv be had of the publi-h'r in Boston ; u r 0
S. ii. & J. SCHENCK. Savannah.
in - n
Marking Brusikes,
O F a superior quality, just received aafi
for sale by GEO. RYEitSON
nov 20