Newspaper Page Text
&mftft—VoV. \ VV..
Bv G. VV. Robertson,
for the country,
is to meet tlif .rntiigrinent ol
the anil, three tnnca a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday) ut the Office of in
Daily Georgian, and contains all the mvlli.
tretice, Commercial, Political and Mis ellan-
eoua, including advertiaements. pub ashed m
the Daily Taper ■ , „
The Country Pay er is «e A to all parts o
the state and Union, or delivered m the nly.
at fir* dollars per annum, payable in alvanci
Advertisemeiita are inserts'.uin both (>a ...
at 75 cents per sauare, ot U laics, for e hrs.
insertion, and 37* for every auccecding pub-
'"communicallons by Mail, *™»< be Poifpnid
galea of land and n -ttroei nv Aa-nimatt i.
tors Ex colors or, are required,
by lew, to be held on the firs Tuesday in the
month between the hours of tea in he fore
noon sod three in the afternoon, at III; Com’.
K Oise of the county m winch the property ■<
situate. —Notice,t fihr.e sales must be Riven
in a public Rosette sixty days previous to l>"
(IttV of Rile,
Nonce oftlte sale of nersnnal property mttat
be Rive in like manner, Pony day. previou.-
to tile jay af sale.
Notice to tit,- debtors an I creditors of
estate most be published tor forty 'lavs,
Not.ce Unit application will o# mud# to the
Court • -f Ordinary for e -vn\o sell land, mwr
be :tih1i h* \ Nine Months
IBiiMb & TOW*,* ,
oi tin nut sage, I Stfttc Lilci iitui c IjOltcry^
c> t\ HOGSHEADS prime ami second : CLASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, 1824,
quality St. Croix Sugar. TO HE DRAWN IN FIVE .MINUTES.
60 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils hale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nnv 23
J UST rcee'ved by the rnbscriber, and wa*>
ranted of the list season’s growth, 2
boxes Garden Seed.. t»u‘ uoby A. M’Mahnn b
I»h Ldelphia. i-xpreasty for this makft
an 1 containing the f flowing assortments, v.z.
. Drumhead Cabbage
2 Long Bed Beet
3 Lor* Orange Carrot
5 Leek
. Onion
- Salmon Radish
. Evly Pu'ple do.
Bound leaved
0. Eurly Turnip*
!. ?.*te do
2 -fi safy
3 Asparagus
Unotion in Pric. s!
Goods to ho wliiit they nro Sold for I!
A ml Honest Weight bi Manure Ginn !l
riTllE Stibaffnliet ns willing us ol hers to
I arruiicc liits biiuinuss to suit tlio pie-
stud times, and save the public the troubh
of malting bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use of in this city ot advertising the
Prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not. having
those enormous quantities that are usually
said to he sold when called for.) noinus the
following articles, nml assures the Public
that the rest of his Stuck is reduced in the
same proportion :
Lamp Oil (but not the best quality)
per irallon ft** 3
I)o tlo do *> 50
l)o do best quality, per gull. (HW
l’aint do do do () till
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 60
Mixed Paints (but. not the host.
Greens. Blues or Yellows) per lh. 0 111
English White Lead, per Its lbs.
(not. because pul up in iron bound
l.i gs)
American White Lead, S‘:|h kegs
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, (maimfactory
3 50
3 12
liEbll Ua DEN SEED
4. Barit curled Let
15 Royal Cabbage do
1*. Nutmeg M.lrn
\y. Spinach
•' 8. Summer Savoy
•9 Sweet Basil
;0 Sage
I Ni lurtium
V. Celery
'3 Burly Peas
’4. T ate do
25 Earlv bunch bean*
•6 Red F ’ench da
°0 n ackag«s contain ng the following Bui
•*s Rl )\vf»r Knots, v-z.
D-r.b-e Hyacinth* I 4.M«*xic , *nGge»-fl--we-.
F r e Tulips I 5 D uble Tuberose
N trciss is ]6 of Bethlehem
i.-Veby P H’DBiU'On
price per cwt. $12 50,
may b-j seen by looking at
New-York Price Current.)
Shy 10 Glass, but not the best
American, per box
10 by 12 do do do
A large and constant supply of the abov
articles and goods generally in the Paint.
Oil, Color, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
will he kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places he will continue
to receive those goods direct, of the best
description, and on the most advantageous
terms, lie also oilers his Professional ser
vicer, in
Pniutv’g Gilding Sj Glazing,
which lie executes on improved principles
ut reduced priers, ill Town and Country.
JVli. 5. Whiluker-strid, 5 ilnursfrom tlir Boy.
jan 24 ;,f)
Jly the Presulml of the United Slides.
pursuance of !*w, 1, Tamks MoNnor, P e i
ulent i f the TT ni ed S’.ate«, do hereby dc
are and mak * known, ihat a public sale wi.
e held ut the Office at Tullahasse, *
lorida, on the third Monday of May next, f«‘
3•* dj'j or. 1 of the fv’on'inr lard®, 1 '7.
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township I, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east
1 & 2,nortli i, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, & 5.
The .11 co ir ntnee with the lowea*
cimber of section, township, and range, ai
foceed in regular numerical order. Th resev^d by law for the use of school*
•i other purposes, will be excluded from th-
G-ven under mv hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this v.6tn d.»v of -Lnunrv, 18 5.
By the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Oflfic
ItT/’ Printers of the l.awx of the United
ates, in the Territory of Florida, and in Hi
Stages of ilab tma, Louisiana, Teness e, M' 1 -
,’siopi, Georgia, and South-Caruliita, are au
*i*» z d to pub ish the fore ;oing Proclam t* x week n-il th*- d*v of sale
- '• *T fi f
0 ho drawn on Wodn-'sdav, tin* 8th
March, 11125 and flubbed in n f'W
mi'—sixty numbers, eight ballots to be
2 Prizes of 410,000
13,395 Prizes, )
20,825 Blanks, (
4 ’0 ooo
34,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11*475, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 34,220
tickets, the GO numbers will severa y be
placed in a wheel on the day ot drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them as a combination
the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will he entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them tile 7th, 8th and
8th—1st, 2d and 4th—-1st, 2d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $5,000.
That having on it the 1st, 2d and Cth,
will be entitled to $3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, and 7th 2d,5th & Cth 3d, 7th and 9th
Ist,7th and 9th,2d,7th & 9th 3d, 81 h and 9th
1st,8th and 9th; Jd.fttli & :*th 4th,5th and 8th
2d, 3d and-1th 3d,4th & 5th 5th,6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5tli : 3d«4th & 6th,'6th,7th and Hth
:d, 4th and 9th 3d,7th & 8th 1 each $1000.
Thos- having on them the
* 2 0 Ticket! at gfi,
In this 8 Jmme, with eight drawn hallotf,
he r e wiT he 56 prizes with three numhe-s o".
. '456 with two numbers on them, aut
0,6 ;8 wit'i one number on them- Thos.
kets having none of the drav n ballots oi.
them being'dunks
o rleterm ne the fate of all the tickets in
he above lottery, 60 oumhe s. from one to
xty inclusive, will severoll be placed in v
wheel on the day of drawing, and e’g* t o*
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
as a combination, the 1st, 23 and *hird num
eridnwn, will bt ent llcdt" R30.000
'•’hat having on it the 4th, 5lh and 6th, will
• entitled to g 10,060.
Tikis' h-viiv; n th-*m the 3d. 4 h sod 5tl<
nd 6d. 71. s d 8th., each $'5,006
Thos*having on them t»<e 1st, 6.iand 8th'
.’. l»t. 7.h unci 8th, ca’'h 4,1° I
Those 0 having on them he
I st,3d and Cth 2d,4t.h & 5th
1st,3d and 7thj2d,5th &. 7tli
1st,3d and 8th
1st,3d and 9th
1st,-1th and 8th
.st,5th anti 7th
Jd 3d and Cth
2d,5th & 8th
2d,5th & 9th
2d,6th & 7th
2d,4th & 9th
3d,5th &e 6th
3d, 5th and 9th
4th, 6th and 8th
4th,6th and 9th
5th,7th and 8th
Cth,7th and 9th
Cth. Hth and 9th
each $500.
, 6th hiv! 7lh
°d 6' h and 8th
7 !i ar.d 8t v *
* 4 n an ' 6 !
4- ; an ' 8 •
1, 5th a-id 6*.
Damascus Stood Jtnzors,
f UST received, » supply of the above nr-
'** tide, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED,
nov 24
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot land
known as number eight, 8th District, Pilo
(formerly Munroc) County, for the benefit
oft ho heirs and creditors of the estate ol
ofN. 8. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jnn 5 3liR
I lF'RSONS having demands against, the
. estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of II. &. J. Habersham.
Executrix ofthe estate ofThomus Johnston,
dec. 18 21+i
T HE subscribers being *bout to decline bu
ainess in 'his place, request persons l\a
ing demands ag insi them, to present thee
for payment.
r' * 6°*.
Adiiiimstrat- r’s Mince.
VJ : N '■ tt..V. I'HS from tMndate, a esliull s|
IN ply til the Hanonble tin' Inferior Com
t Ji itham county, when sittinR fur ordinan
purposes, to sell the real estate of wiki,':
august 12 «
KF.i'KtvF.n rFR it it u> o tour: r Washington,
■g AA KEGS Now Leaf Lard
1UU 150 llama
a Barrels Castor Oil
5 Bines [I. Gilt. Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
.Inn 14
All others (being 41 Tickets) hnvinj.
■ Itroe of the drawn numbers on them, wil
ach be entitled to £200.
The 31 Tickets having the 1st and id
drawn numbers on them only, will each be
untitled to 100 dollars.
The 31 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
drawn numbers on them only, will eacn be
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1731 tickets) wilh any
two ofthe drawn numbers on them, will
each be entitled to li dollars.
And those having on them any one ofthe
drawn numbers, (being 11,473 tickets, or
1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket, which shall have drawn n prize,
ofa superior denomination, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, and subject as usu
ul, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put. up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at least 54 dollars less the deduction of t
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes..
J. B- YATES. } Mutineers
A. M’INTYRB, S w “ na S ors -
The peculiar advantages of this sehome,
are, that it has tiro highest prizes—tin
number of Capitals is unusually large for
tin- amount of cash to ho disposed of in pri
zes.( 171.100 Dollars) ami the price come!
within the moans of every man. Orders arc
received as usual, at the ollice ofthe Ueor
gian, by
‘ oi'iulc’s liiiipany’' o s.
CASKS Bradu’s J’atcnt Hops, for
sain by N. B. WEED.
(!(*(’ I 8
Georgia— VuvuLn Cou nt j)
O ' 1 the first Tue-i-by H March next, 1
sell at Jt tT/rson, in said comity, a n-g.'c
nan, earned Daniel, the properly of the ef-
♦•«teof Mictj th Crews, de ensH, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court nf Ordinary.
if A Y CHEWS, F.'e'MDrix-
T p M 41
z-.ilniiiiiAiiator’s jN uiiue.
N ine MONTHS liter dat**, I shall a:*ply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court«»
.uaiham county, (when sitting for ordinary
•tirp'-acs) for leave to sell the real B ! »t- u:
s-«hc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs «nd cred
tors. C- H H<iYUKh u
august 12 '15
Bunch Muscatel Gaisins.
J UST received per ship Win. l*enn, di
rect. from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
V , • • *
t'nsh teas, tiutns, tluur, c
ilA CHESTS Hyson Teas
£d\3 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Illid Richmond Cut. Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv
ed per Laura Jams for sale by
Feb 5
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
trry. have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one ot‘ a thousan
dollars, 10U, 5t)\s, &o.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 1 Uli (Mass, received as cash.
Jan 18
V. ta\es auk > ole*
F or sale at
Jan 30
T HE subscriber intending to close
business in this city, odors his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting ot
Sideboards of various patterns. Secntury
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French P
eg. Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables Com
inodes. Pillar and Claw Work Table
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Table
Breakfast Tables.Gent lemon’s Writing Ta
ides and Book Cast’s, Inclosed Basin Stand.
Wash Si anils. Candle Stands, Work Standi
Mahogany high
pie do. Map
Field do. Wire Safes. Colls, Mattressc
Looking-Glasses, Fancy cVWiudsoi Chairs.
&c. ut the Ware-House, corner ol Whitta
ker-Street and Bay Lane.
J. II. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment willi
out delay, and those having any demand!
nresent their accounts for settlement.
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles. Mahogi
post. Bedsteads. Field do. Maple in
Jan 25
1 Prize of
iO -V»8
Sc\u- ne.
3'.‘ 0 D Dollars is 8 Vx ()f)
li-G 0
5 <m
2 a
l.o o
5 -0
f 8
l?0 Priz«’S,
2.1Q0 IVank*
’ ^ 34, :*20 Tickets. ^
10 (J (
K oOb.
4, 56.
20 060
5 '00
s "on.
20 8 1 >
8i -M
g'205 336
MWy ,\Si\
1 Pri 'c- of—fe40,0 r 0 ir. 40,0’0 Dollars.
1 Prize o ——<‘0,0 -0 in o 000 DoJtirs.
1 IVze oi 10.000 is 10 S O Dollar*
2 Pv.zug of 5,000 is 0,000 Do.lass
30 Prizes of—— I/ O- is 3^,600 Dollars
°0 Prizes ol 5/t> 's 1.0,00Dol u-s
50 Prizes of 100 is 5, O.i D>illars
1»0 Prizes of —50 s Dollars.
5000 Frizes of 10 is 50 000 Dollars-
341 5"iar.d7f!
31, 5 li and 8i •
3 ' 6iti anti 7t
3 • 6’h am >V
4 5 hand 7
4' ,5t.',a cl Hi
1 h 6th and 7ih|
4'h 6 .h and 80
u.7 », i„ d 9
th 6ihsnc 7
5!h.6th RnH 8
i.h,7ll* and 8
3d 7*ha 8b
-:ach g 00*;.
All, being (30 tickets) having; ’hre
f »he d -two ».um -eis on them will each
nlitle.i to g500
•'he 53 tickets having on :h m two of tl,
rawn numbers and those »\v ». the 4th aif
ii», . L’! etch he entitled to S5 :(J;,
The 104 'i^kets having ><u 'hem two
>e drawn numbers, and thwse two the 6 !
id 7th, oi 6 h and 8 h, will each be entitle*'
A i »th *rs (being 1300 tickets) having tw -
f the drawn numbers on them, will each he
titled lo £?6.
All tli-ia* <*avmgon them any one of t' *
awn nu> ibers, (be ; ng ■ 0.608 tickets, or 13 6
t Cao!i l< numbai.I Auoil be Ciil>
A to ^8.
No ticket which shrill have drawn a pria.
tv‘a superior denomination can be entitled
inferior p -z* Prizes payable thirty ds ;
' er Hie drw g, and suljjcct, as usual, to r
l Juction 115 per cent*
A considerable portion s f this lottery is pu
in parctls of ’0 t-ckets, embracing all f-
.hiiiaiion numbers, from one to siat.
cf pa r c<ds «r narr^nted to draw at lea p -
,64, *. ss h- dv-dtU tion of 1.5 cent, wit
in-. ;.y chances f.r the caoiisl p' zes of 20 tickets, by c ; r'ifi.wt , m«
s ) be had by the payment of tin ‘ ff'e-enc
letvveen th: price of th- tickets and t : >-
oimt w.*' c.h they mu t .if nccca ty dra •
•uicn ifference beini; g65 60.
The ti- kets will rema.ii at the sch- m<
ice, (V ; 6) until Wedn-sdux, ih- 12th ms
• lK n th* "'3 V iv -•'-•'*» %7.
a.m-i™e,! m ^ 8 '
Philadflrtn. J . it 5 825
[LT Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at.
LU T (l E IV S
5 85 °r ; z 'S.
4rys Blanks,
180,0' 0 Dollais
‘jO'-OO t'irheta at g9 y is 180 000 DoPa s-
The whole of the prizes ... be floating
from the commencement o ihe drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : : . j $10,000.
On the 10th day, : • 5,000.
On the 16th day, : : 20,000.
On the 19th day, : : : 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Tan ft ut 5 5 t "wii\ ft only \\
The prizes only to be drawn. The whole
payable in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion ofthe drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners appointed hy the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WEDNESDA F, 17th inst.
Tickets $12—Shares in proportion.
received at the Balt imore price, and prize
tickets taken in payment, at
No. 8, Commerce-lfow
nov9 91
JN O. 91.
OpytoaUftUvft AcuAtmy.
r l ESPF.CTFULJ.jY informs her friends
1 and the public, that her school is m,w
oi*k.n, opposite the Chut ham Academy, lor
tl»e reception of pLpif.s. / s «*i»ft<;c] by
her daughter Miss E. A. IIariu ion, she
offers her services in tern hingthe follow big
iiseful and ornamental hrmichcs of cut ra
tion. Whilst, she vet urns sincere thunks n.p
the patronage hitherto extondi'd, sho
hopes, from tJie reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further 1 lie pro
press ot her Pupils, to deserve a still lur
flier extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the tetms on which scholars
are received, arc—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading. Ft wing and
Marking, per quarter, : $4 00
2d. Class—With Writ ing, (Laminar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, ::::::: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : : .*10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
IP The most careful attention will he
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportmt ut and
morals of those entrusted to her charge.
• *' . HS
Consumptions oughs, f^c.
i F b O G SilL.
A. iF.L OLAlND Hit
U ,V '.
i R. other« - se DAN
t R. who in ihe * e. r
8i5,* in S:van.i*h, m 'he Abeidi- n
n-itiort, belonging to M. «srt. l)i wson &
Sor-** 4 l.ondct) is living, and win apply u»
a f c-t.ds in lintlftiu*. In w.11 hea 1 ' ei
metl 'ng much i- his advantage. He lef
•e Aberdeen wh ieshe •■*>’ at Snvanuuh, a-"
as n t been lie * d of by his f lends sine
•' st period. He hud been many years a .w-
, and while ot, board »h * above voss
v a employed .*s k carpenter. If he left S .*
nab at tht.t time, it is probable that h
.t.-r»-d some vessel going t'» the Brazil I*
a. in Ins last letter-, he staled that i*
N . h a intrntioi to d . so. StiouM he hav-
iv-uat anypUre whe e a •cgiiter orcertifi
-..te of h:s burial can he obtained, it would b*
hinkful y received and all exper, *es attending
% paid by
Savannah, or
*T'* O 57
. 11, p ttor h - t ■ i 1 m»n.1s ap":nst the
<■ e ate < f-he lute John tVak-tly. (plan
■) £■ at '’ '-eqe, s ed to render them, prop
rly m. 4etl, in med s'.ely i sod ill perao
deb'ed. o m»k immedi ite pavment to
R H1EHT HOY, Exemt r.
V 4 ’7
VriNK MONTHS it'er d»te, prliction will
be made to 'he Honor ibie Inferior Coi.r
ho ham omit y *»>r leave to aeh 'he red
n l personal estate of the late Mrs Am. H m-
ilton, dec“».ed, for the benefit of the l eirs
■'Cod' r 8 fe..'
" HUNG 1 Oil G.vLE, EiV O'nr.
Mtrch lp
N .E UON'I US »t> r .late of this notice,
opplicadnr wil. be made to the Honoia.
,tie f-urt :fOrdinary ol Cb»th»m (hmn
tv :i>r pe to a. oo to sell .11 the real estate o
'■ h’> Witheri > dec. fot h bo. fit ol tht
eit 'hlldc— t.'-s .f S8ld d tee.sed-
HOH - HT HOY F.ierot -.
I- 4 W
iicers’ Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
ami for Bale bji Af. B. WEED.
oct 27
the cure
lions, Spiti
f . . .s, Coughs, Cnnsump
g oi Biuodj Asthmas, and
istijsea ofthe b east and lungs
’ here is pe. haps no medical ob6e r vatio
v'.ter established, none more necerally con
ir r»ed b\ the experience of the best physi r
•sol ail a. ; cs and countri s. and n-.»ne u
or. importance to the human family, tl'a.
fact that many of the n ost difficult auo in
•irable consumptions originate in neglect,
colds.. In Hcliit.ateso varisijieasours, where
he changes of 'he weath •- are frtquentl'
-.udden an I unexpected, it requires mere ca •«
nd attention to guaid agai.-s* Uii* dai'ger.sU
n *mv i»|l»ie, than most people imagine oi
•e able and willingto bestow 't he bids o-
nortaluy esh bit the melancholy fact that th*
“woporti'm nf deaths by tins disease may Li
ooaidcred us about five to one. 1- asm rd
hc-n s .his f.tal disease f** quen»l> t i s :• 8
nice to the skill ofthe most learn <i phys r
Hn«, it is a gratificat on to the pr»» rietor tin-'
v. is et.Hhlc-dto oiler to those afHmed witt
a goudty prosp^ ct of refief, i t 'r.-..» ‘ig L s.
‘’d'.able remedy, the Vegetable Indian Spoci
Jic. Tl-c Indians aie happ.v in th* ir ki<o%
.tgt* o» m.dical plants; g v. rned v.h* liv by
xpenence, they are certain as tot heir -.ff-c(,
i.d it ts said by an author of great charnel,
hat a t ue consumption is a disease ntvu
k-^own am*mg them.
1 his Specific is obtained by extraction fron
iierbs, roots flowers, plant , be. when in pel
cction. I" consequence »-f a happ> combina
tion of the most vmuable herns, &c. it becomes
- balsam of a superior value It heals the i
ja edf arts, opens the, and composes
l ;e dis urhed nerves, after the manner nf ar
anodyne t consequently the obstruction <
the ches and tl*e lungs which constitute th
disease, particularly need its use. It promoter
apectoration, wh'cb is constant!) cslled for
rind whilst it cleanses a. d heals, it also gives
s rangth to the tender lungs In tint ntannei
r removes the hectic fevei, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerve s, repairs th#
ppetite and improves the spirits. This speci
ti : ma\ always be givrn in safety it is mild
lei sant to die taste, and may safely be giver
o infants, tor which it is of inestimable valm
I ■ affords relief in bowel complaints, t ething
hooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu-
ry useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
stericsl diseases. Each bill oi direction
•ntain9 a detailed accouo* of this disease in
l its diff rent stages, and will b.» accompa
i d wi-fi 'he signature of the proprietor i
Red Ink. It is offered for i-ale by GEO. RV
*’R O . only (my s ue sgent) l> uggipt, cor
p Bav end Whit .aker-streets, Savannah, a
me dollsr per bottle.
dec 30 M
V'wtYfcA Buys 4V at * asses
qtHE subscriber has just received an as
1 sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to bo ofthe best quality, for sale by
I. W. MORHEle-
got *8
I*. JVl DbUi'iw i i,
I NFORMS liis frienda and the public pen.
orally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a lartre and extensive assortment o,
Gt ocei ies, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tnil, on the most reasonable terms. Tit A
following articles comprise u part of hi*
present stock, viz.—
!0 ilc.g! e *l» prime St Croix 0 ur<ar
10 Boa, s Wbi'f. .nd j . ,
0 Boxes Brown ( dj
60 Barrels Loa- and f un.p
50 Bags Havana Gr<-en CofTe^
6 Fi. es superior 4th nrcmf B andy
* Pipes do H- Hand G /i
5 P'th 8 Imitation B; undy, 4th proof
5 D> do G*n
2 Pipes very superior o d ach Brandy
2 Puncheons do do Pish Whiskey
50 llogsh kdasnd) Phil d Ij.hia Rye
100 Barrels J U h.skey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pint s sup* ri ;r old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Casks Tene*-ffe do
Very sup*-rior old Madeira Wjr.e and
Cognac Brandy in en-ij'-fina
150 Whu e and? Bair< :« ^up. .ft te fresh
loo Half J FI ur
106 t'aivels No* New Muckarel
SO Barrels No 2, do do
1600 Bankets Table Salt
£0 Gasks Gorhen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
200 Il .ams Wraprung Paper
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 B'»xet Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Bar els Glue
100 Kegs HE and I1F Duponts Gunpowdel
5 Found ( *niste a of superior do
100 Pieces 4? inch Cotton Bagging
* Bales lagging Twine
10 Whole g„dj Boxes S WhittimoreV
6 Half J genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Boxes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils B*le Rope
5 Dozen Bed Cords
50 Do Plough Lines
100 pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, London Duffle
10 Caaes colored and bleached and UO'
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 D; do Tea do
0 Do Trmtania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compqt
tion Tea Kettles '.*f all sizes
Brts Kettles for making preserves
20 Setn f Difth Covers
20 To.usSh'sr Moulds
1 D : d Irons
1 1) 1 Bu Lead
1 D • Sheet Iron
100 Casks assorted Cut Nnlls
Mill, • Toss Cut rnd VA flip Saw, made
expressly for this market
20 Dozen Hards *w», Woodsawa and Ten-
nwi.t Suus
Blacksmith &kdgesmid Handliammers
Anvils, from 1 to 200ibs. real mouse
Bhcksm'th’s Bellows,from 24 to 3f
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mills, l orn No, 1 to 5
2 Tons Hooks and Hinges
Brass Andirons, from $2 50 to $3
Brats and Wire Venders, with shoved
and tongs to match
5 Casks Bra d's Patent Hoes
100 Dczcn Padlocks
ht-.rlyrds to weigh from 200 to 5001b«
2 Tom of Siecl»consi8tirg < t Shear,Eng
lish, Blistered and Cast
Stoves with Fip •
1C00 Pound*- Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Ragp Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
209 Dozen Currv Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forkfc.
consisting of 50 p.ecea each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
Sngar and Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts
' Doze-' Game Bags
2 Dnz*-n Powder Horns and Flasks
1 *; se dr uble and single but rel Guns
101) *zen Wire and 20 doz Hair Sifters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets
Table Mata
A general assortment of Carpenter's Planes,
Brushes, snd Fancy BePows, with many othef
irticles in the above line,too tedious to enur
20 Ton*) <4 Curron (Jablings, which w’dl hi
sold low from the whaif.
nov If