Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, March 12, 1825, Image 4
OTIUJ $)&Lm Sheriff’s Sales. On the fir»t Tuesday in April next, I'L be sold m tlu.* Court iIouhc. tit lit W city of Sava mail, between the hours * ten a. d four o'clock, All that Northern half part of that Lot t parcel of Land, lying, being and situated in the ci’y of Savannah and county of < hit ham, known in the plan of aai 1 citv as Trust Lot (le ier T) in Reynolds Ward fronting on Rev- nol lsSqu-ro,together with all and aingular the edifices and buildings thereon, levied on un der a fi. fa. on foreclosure as he prot eny of Oliver Sturger, in favor of J thu Gumming. All that Lot of L«nd in the ci’v of Savannah, containing 60 feet in front and 9) feet in depth known in the plan of said city by the No. three (3) first Tything Reynolds Wad. levi ed an under a fi fa. on a foreclt sure as the propetty of Mm Hunter, in favor of U-iber* Mitchell, aesgnee- All that tract of Land on the Island of Sk'd tway, Chatham cotnty, called Springfield said to contain 750 acres, bound'd orthwardly b lands of the Estate of John Milledge,ea: tward- ly by lands of James Bilbo, southwardly by lands formerly Sutcliffe westwardly by rivt *nd marches with improvements thereon lo vied on as the property of i has Stephens, to •atiify an execution in favor of Uichard Rich ardson, for use, &c All tha* tr*ct or r.arcel of Land containing 567 acres more or less with 100 acres of Mars! Land, called O .eland, situate, lying and be ing in Little Ogechee District, in the count) of Chatham, bounded on the north by lar.-'a of Fleming Akin, on the east by lands of D Parker, on the south by lauds of the late 1*. Walburger, and on the west by a northeas branch >f Little Ogechet* River together with all and singular the ed fiuea, improvement • ani appurtenances, levied on under afi. fi- on foreclosure as ihe property of George 1. Cope, in favor of J »hn M'Nieh, Pc er Mitch ell and Robert sa te’.- II. All that (' ct or pa cel of T at.d situate, lv ing and being in the county . f Ci a'hau, known by the name of r.uir Hall, conteinirj: 1097 acres more or less bounded on the sout by lands of James Forrest, on the east by Co J. Marshall's lands, on the north by ^eon. c Jones's land, and on the west b»- Little Oir « chee River; Aljfr Two Lots of Land in :h City of Savannah/ known by the Nos. ^ .9, twenty niie, and (30) thirty, in Columhi' Wa d. nith he appurn nances thereunt- ay prttaiirrg, levied on under a fi fa. on fo e- closure as he property of Fleming Akii, dec. m favor of Wm. Dixon te Co. assignees ot M. M'Leod. Fif>*four Sharea of Slock i f the Rank of the State if Georgia, s ibsc ib- d for by B M’K nne, in the names f Sis children Frb\ 11'Knne and John M’K one, Jr. on wh ch jg-U'J has been paid in on each share levi d on as the property of B. M’Kinne, to savsf- an execution from Richmo. d “unty, in favor of tl»e Bank of the State of Gorgia- A negro woman named Mt. y otherwise cal ledConstan e, and her two children named Lucy and Margaret, ev • d .»‘h** propmtv of Wm \ Wayne, to satis <m execution from Scriven county, in favor of Alex. Hunter. 18 Head * f Cattle, more or less, 2 nmses, 1 PlantationFiutt, 1 fouroured boui,2F o* G n«,' Lot Palliation Tools, 2 Ploughs, and the buil- d«- g* on a Tract of Land V longing to James P si 41, consisting ui h B v, 1 Thrcahiu* tin bine, l IVvel ing House, K chen. vid out buddings, a dfour negro houi s, !ev d mas the property *f ihe E-t of Thos. sieirnse, decesil, to sa'isfy an execution in favor ol Win. Inglis U n o. Tw > Negroei named Sancbo and Andrew* levied on as he property of Thos. M hos , dec. to satisfy a warrant for rent in favor of James Post ell Lot No. 2, ’ wo, and improvements, Liberty Ward, in the city of Savannah, levied on vs the property of Thos Lueena, dec. to istiafi an exc.Ccti *n from a Jus ices'a Court, in favo of Justice's Court, and returned to me by a Constable Half Lot and Buildings, No. 4, Fwinsburg O I t orpe Ward, in t <e •* i. <f Sava nab, the mex.)ir»*d l iHse of skim $ L»t for th.-*?-. years from J nuary las', levi too a the pro petty of Cubt- Lewis, to satisfy a *xecuti"ii from a Justices ’’ourt in favor ot J 16 34. Pen* dergsst, rdtto.e ' to me bv a co- a noie. Al. that i. t-*f Ground m S ivann b, known as Lot 4 t W-'x «> on r ; hug,, Dv")' Ward. 60 I. et in f o* t on the Bus, and 90 feet in M-pth ; bounded westwardly bv L» No.5, eastwa- diy by Lot,No.3, an * southward ly y a lane , together it* ail ti»e house* and out lioiiee* thereon—the sad lot bring that of. which he Ci’y Holel au.ids—lev . d o** under at. ex* cutuin upon a rule absolut of tlie Super,or Court f Chatham county, as the properiy of Eleazer Early, to satisfy the Bank of Darien A negro woman named Charlotte, levied on as th.’ property of E z »b *h Whiting, to sa- tis y an execution in tavor of Wiliis R. Frank lip .igainst Augustus F. Hu ker. ami otliers \I, c?7 PAaC H LYCN S C. C. f';ty HiciifY’s ^alcs. On the first Tuesday in April next, s id before dn Cuttrt" ouse, between the usual hours, the following .nperty to wit: One negro man, named Andrew, levied on us the property of Man G lbert, to satisfy an execution f om the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Sa vannah, in fuvor of Miller Et Fort. A n gro woman named Ruth, levied on an the piopeity of Ben. Shcft- 1 !, »o satisfy an execution in favor of John I Dews, agai» s’ Benjamin an J Mordecat Sheftall, issued from said Court. A sorrel colt horse, levied on ns the prop- erty of Wm. BrowrJohn, to satisfy an execti tioii from said Court in favor of Alexander telfair. A Billiard Table, with Q les, £fc. levied on as the property of the Kst of Ku jene M'Conalonghe,, to satisfy an execution in avor of Francis Doyle, for house r*mt All tlu buildings on lot Nr. 34 Warren •Yard, bounded s mth by Broughton-street lorth by a ’aue. t ast by lot No 33, west h. Lot v 0 35, levied f *n as the property of t t.L Hayden, t » s:*t sfy an exa-ution for rent rustees Ch h unAcademy, vs. C. H.Maydm Two buildings on the wtstern h r.l part of Lot No 2, JekylTy'.hing Dn by Ward, and n>. building on the e-r of the cent-e th rd art of sa>d L t, ‘evied n us h *. property ot ;. H. Hayden, to sato.fy two executions fo •ent, Trintees Cougr ga ionsl Church o. •tteting House, vs C. H Hayden. All the buildings o*' Lot No 0, Warre. Ward, bounded north by Congress street, sim-b by a lane, east b - L it No- 3i, v <-s- h> Lo* No VO, levied on as llir property o, Mr<. Ann M- Finder, to sa ! isfv an execution P -nt in favor of the I rust-es of th (.h.i' » A*ademv A. I. D'LYDN C S. p. .-c' 7 *' 7 hherill’s sale. J. Shinn’s Panacea. 'I’UIE subscribe r havingdissnvete-l ihe com I. positiun ui 5IO/.W'iS CELEBUA I'Eh TAJ\ACEA, has now u supply on hand fo* sale ; he has reduced th< p-icc from ft.J 50, t- 82 SO, or by the dozen $24. All charitable institutions in the U. State.** mil the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order and distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. This medicine is celebrated for the cure of the following diseases:—‘'scrofula orkingV evil, ulcerated or putr d sore throat, lonp standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis eases, white swelling md disease of the bones, and all cases generally of th ulcerous charac ter, and chronic disease's, generally a iaing in debilitated ccnsiituti k a, but mote especially from syphilis or «fTactions arising therefrom ; ulcers in the larynx, nodes, and th»i‘ dreadful disease occaoioved by a long an* excessive use of mercury, £*o- It is also use ful in the disease ot' th*- liver*” CeTti&cates. I have within the last two years lad an op portunity of seeing several cases of very mve terate ulcers, which having previotsly resist ed th** regular modes of treatmrut wer '•ealed by the use of Mr. Swpim's Pun seen, and 1 do believe, from what I have seen, that it will prove an important remedy in scro ulou8, venereal and mercuiial diseases. N CHAPMAN, M. D Professor of toe Institutes and nracticr of Pltyrc, in the University ot Penn syl vania I hav** employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim •n numerous instances, within tlit h s’ tlire' . i’.arSj and have always found it extreme!; .•tlicacious, esprtciallv •» secondary svphil • :*.,d mercurial diseases. I have no hesttatio i pronouncing it a, nv-dici n of incsti-nubl- vai n 1 , W. GIBSON, M. ». professor of Surgery in the U; Ay ot Penn. P uladtlphia, February 17, 1823. JO‘FS SHINN, Chemist. Phil ale phia Aov 7 !«33. O N the fir*, Sa u-’oav after tbe -rst Tues- d-yin Mn next, between the noura of n four o'clock, will he gnl l rt »h roar* -et house in tl e town of ft Marys, he to»- w *>g negroes, * *z: Judy and Iter a *n Joi n, i n and ‘ h ub s, levied on as the proper* , of James V/ ihamson, dree ed, t<» satisfy n exteution on ti e f■r»c*i-«ii»- of a n»ort ; «ge nfavor of Edw id F lattna nd minis* inter f John liam-lton- M. H. liF.'tn l .RD, S C. C. St. M*»ry^. F bruarj 25 .825. Marc': 2 8 r; Sheriff's bales. On the first Tuesday in April next. riTW i.L be sold at theC *uri House n th** city of Savannah, between the hours ten a-d four o'clock ! he toPowing seven negroes, viz : Dav«s. Maria, Patience, Dublin, B? ck, Tre; hi’-a an Oscar with the increase f dt;.- females 1-v et on under a fi fa on a for* cl"‘u e of a m'»rtgi»g-* as toe p v >perty of Joseph C.vru:hera to satis fy the B* :k if the S's*. of Geo*gi<, <\Is , It* following >5 *t gro , viz : C' ff (Coops**-. II>rriet, Afty, old Char t'e, ,|a » , S'iy, Chari t-, t’endaw, Bess, PreCwsra an- child, B'-.dg t and Peggy, Widan, E.acv, B !i?y. Ph hp Phyllis, old Cumbo, Jen. y. oh Peggy, B'-itus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, Marin Cyn ia,, for» v ,Sophia, l)a dine and cm d Jacob,$ye Beck y and John,with the incre<tr« of '.he em .les, ievn;d on ns the property o* N che.aa Cruger under a fi fa on a forcetouir* o a m tgige in favour of J »hn Carnahan a< f James Mciienry for use of Chris :»na I.evett Als», a a *gio man named 8am levied on a the property of Char'es E. Fun, under fi is on a foreclosure of a mortgage in fa%or u James Anderson. Alan, the lolloping 19 negroes, v : zAbr.. hum Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaro • Sambo, Lucy, Scipto, Maryan Rnchael, Lo. don, Aggy, Simon, G acs, Eliza George, Ho dy 4 and lim, with tbi increa,- of Uie femal• >n as tlu* property of Fh-mining Aki dec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosu e of a innrt. g'u;**in favor of Wm. Dixon 8c -lo- assign* of M-ird »<•:» N*'L id. 1.1)’ YON. V. ’ C bheriif’s ^ule. On the first Tuesday in Aluy next, ^rivii.L be soiu in of ti;n Court tAJ louse, in the city oi Savannah, between tl sud hoars often sn*l four o'clock T it* following eight negroes, viz CuffVe, Peggy, Kusannan Carolin-, Joseph,Mary lie ty and Jim, ievied onunder a fi.*a on a for,* closure, as the p oj e tr of durles H. Hay* den, in favor of F edc.ict W. ;ftiei» man- march 7 ISaAG D'LYON, Si. C. C. fsolice IS HERCliY GIVEN, r ff s HAT three months after date, npplir.a- ti'tti will be made to the Bank of the State of Georgia, to issue a in w certifueate of stork, for one lost, issued on tin* l/ili March.1819, in favor of John jMMCinno.Jttn. or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243. B. M’KINNE, Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun. Attn-usta, Dec. 10, 1824. do- ii: 2IM Adm n st ator’s ale W ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in April next, at the Court-House in the city of Savannah, by permisbiou of the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, One undivided fourth of a tract of land, containing about five hundred acres, on Cumberland Island. Camden County,known Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth of a certain tract of land situated on said Island, containing about five hundred acres, originally granted to Gen. Lachlan M’ln- tosh, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate on th) Ogeechee Road, three miles from Savannah, containing about six hundred acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said estate. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Feb 2 6llaf 4 LL Notice. persons h *v. [Is against the oe o »he city of Was uogt u, decc -ised, ae e f| iired »o ha*»d tnem in, leewlfy a c. tv-• .• -.thin the time presetib d bv law : an.'. ih«'* c ’ .•dehteil to said • >t te, are r* q*ti*ccl to tr tk immediate payment to JAME > HUN I’ER, Adm'r. t*>n ’4 4 l AdminiistnUoi’s Sale, On the first Tuesday in April next, F WILL sell at the .Icmrt*H »u*ie i f . J fF r- si n Ca rdan County, between the usuH "trs of sale, Harry, Ned, and his wife Tam^r, ami h?- uir children, Daniel, ^to* hen. John H**d Y > • ck,’h • property of ‘he Estate of Ge • p* 'Jo** is-m, deceased, for tho bent fit of the creditors ajto h t**s ol said estate, pursuant ♦<» eave granted b? h.-; r h*«trt of O.-dinw of said “ountv GEORGE MO MIC ON. Adtnin strator, w«t.» 'he v i!l anucxeJ, <.f Ge»r»»e M irr • *n. Si n. de-eased. ff s«n, 24 h Jan. 1825. Feb 2 5* NO I OK. N INE MON' iIS aftrthe date hereof, ap» plication will be mack- to tlu- Hen 'ablr th • Inferior Court of Chatham count* , vli.'ti oil g for orfiuary ru p -scs, for kave to s.1 lot, with ill? improvements situs*e in »'» city of S.vanish, in the said county,/-nd knew’ : n the plan of said citv b ; i h.- No. 5.1, B »wi Ward, lor t .* benefit ->f the he>rs R r .<: legatets of the estate ol the late Hugh M'Call. d*.? ceased. THOMAS M'CALL* PHILIP BRA SDH, Fthci iters. ect "4 7' N iSOilYvli INK months aitci d t , n-.plication w II hi n/.de to th* H? n. Ih-* J , g -j, ot the (.our Ordinary **1 Clia hum c u.ity, leave t sel ui! the real ^staU of the ‘ate William Craig, ieceavd, for the benefit of she netrs and cied it*. rs of said estate. JOHN M»*-TAH. Ex-cn’or o-t 1? 7 Gi‘orgia— Canulm County. SupKRtoR Court, October Term, UI24. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Sielvesttr Bryant. N petition o r T in uny Hopkins, stating that in cops deruti'm ef certain pron* ss-.ry notes, ma*le to the said Timothy, : th m, one r vable with inte es», from fi: . of January, "* 821 on tf *• fi st ol January. 18 ' second p u'ablc as aforesai , on the firs lanu.iry, 1823; and a th rd psvshle as at't *aid, on tbe hist of January, 18 '4 execut'd a noHgage to said *'i :-.ot' y Hopkins, his hu and assigns, -n all those four trac’B of dusted ui the county aforesaid, conveyed • he said Ti notbv, to the said F-angley hi ivester, and lying on the smith side , Gr**at c »atdla River, one tract containing set utv-seven!acres, more i-r less; two t ,- »C' fi’itaininy fif-y acres, more or less, and • u ther tract, containing one hundred and eigi **eight acres, move or less, conditioned f ie j ayu ent of tl.e three said several note* ii the duys above menliottcd, and thut Ban •veral notes remain unpaid—on motion (• rchibald G’ark, attorney for plaintif, it i dered, that th.- said Langley a??d Solveste their heirs or assigns, pay into Dour., witln welve months from this date, t’,*e sums du >»» gai«l notes, and the interea and c f, 8 f s, mh rwise that the equity of redemption be lo - ever foreclosed, and that su .h other proceed gg take place, as are pursuant to law. True extract from tbe minutes, 27th Octo her 18 4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk nov 4 >*7 $r * IN EQUITY. Between Lows cove, and John Lecvite. Com pin amts, ail C ter J>/:©/!. John i'homu v upinu , Hey no da and V le m lua 11 ij'e, Jj Jen dome—— Lie ty superior Court• |>HE Complainants having filed their bill i: &. this Court, the ol j ct «-f wh’rb i( to p r letuate the test mony ol certniu persons there in named, an l it appearing that ihe Def- mi ants respectively reside beyond the limits ol lies-tdeofG orgia, and within the United S'atcs : It <s ordered, that service upon the . 'id Dt feiidun's be .rfkcted by pub iea-ion in one of the G 7.1-ttcs o Sa-.aimali, r. q u ing the said Defend-mts to appear Hn 1 answer ihe •a.d hill of CoinpiMinauts, on o. before tin eleventh diyo April next A true cofiy, E- BaK3R, Clerk. February 10,1825. Feo i7 71f iSO 11... r. INE months aft ** d«u % , application will be ..H made to ihe 1 ;f.*ri'»r Court n't’li. hat’ Cniimyj s iting tor 'irdinarj purp> sf*o f -r an >rde*-. *. d ilute, loselMolsN s four an five 4and 5'; in Caipe'te 's Row, and lot N-. • (i) Green Waid, in h.: ci yof Savann-m, »c»ng the rent estut • of Francis Jaiin* an. dec >r the benefit of th h .irs .in * creditors of iid estate A1LLHM GAS ON. Qua i/t‘ d Lx- cutor. N otiee. A LL persons having di’innmls against the estate of Oliver Sturgos, Esq. late of tin* city of Savannah, deceased, an* request ed to hand them in, properly attested, and those indebted to said estate, arc requested to make immediate pnym nt to VVM.P lll'NTER Adm’r. VALUABLE MEDICINE. I* OTTAWA Vegetable Catho/icon. rpilE Hubscrib* r res» ctiuily sol r-its the at if tent ion of every friend of suffering hu manity, to lo the above mw and invahiable remedy, whose, unequal powers in eliminating from the system the very seeds of disease, nudin restimg the deranged and morbid condition of the organs of Me to a free and healthy exercise of th.iir functions, has exci- tp*l the a-.t-.niahmein, and completely sikn -**. d the o! j-dmus of tin* most uu rid'ilous — Facte are the beat arguments. In order to put • he virtues ot i us«lathoiioon to as severe a scrutiny as p .gHible, it was offered by silver* t senent toge h'-r witu the attendance < f» •bysuC'xn, gratuitotislv to a ay p-'-rs m win. v -v'dapply fur it, ant vh*se cause might teem t come within the r,.nge of its he&lmg power ^-numbers of severe esses of long sit d- ing. a« d s -me of them aeeminglv do r *e r .-8, **re ented themselves, nil ojwdrh have bee t cured or so mucit reiiuv-das to wsi-ranl iht Hssei (inn that a little n rseveranre will do so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi ciai* under whose cS'e these oatitnts were 'urej, in this remedy, a coifide ce resu-t in.; from 'hi! irresistible conviction that has •e .*n for- • d upon his mind by ocular demo.v ration, x d i personal trial of it on H ; »r»se* : • lut he pn-mits me to deniire it as It s d ci* Ud tpinioiL tb. t he Nathdicnn is not o 1 - • ritrctly safe ai d innocent, but a most pnw- erittl and invaluable remedy in certs n di«- essis sni states of the s* stem, such as .he f-.l owin g:— Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation; Old and invHerat U..: rs . Pams in the L»- n s -ittended with swell.ngs i*f tut j >,n o; Inffigestun, Bi <t lies on the face, ,n ».p t -, ike ; Al complaints of the Liver ’e‘ c .- Yiwa; Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases g* nrral y $ M^icunal and scrofulous com plaints fbe Galliollcon (which the propnetersol- emnlv phidgcs h s word cons's's exclusive f • c g '.tuiit'* niatu-) with the except on of lg-it d*t:«mi liition to the bowels, which t pr ja-rves i * a soluble state, art- insensibly, i** pleuwnt t?j the taste, and requires n • purlieu ar regimen, vahatinrnc^ from spirtuous b- q mu 1 vays except< d.) -v confinement. Ah • gt otle, sale and agree, b’e cathartic med c . e. improving tn. % a -.petiteand nstoring tin ,fon ral i*me »f : he ays’em, it i** couuu ntiy vcomme.ided to isdiv-s in a delicav aitua- .on. W W. POl l E l, 66 Ghes'iut-sneet. Philadelphia, May 31, 1834 At H-e request of Mr. t7. W. Potter, I lure 'e v « xt b it-d, ir» .several in tunefs, a medi u. .Iso-up ci !-d .'o'tcr'sVegrt -di* Catho i :o.i witi* tliu most decide*! advantage. 1 . s ss tt, i'!v/*r 1 ailed effecting a cure ii . * erv cast in whi h I have t om; t proper t •niploy it. H-M’MUR: iUE, M 0 Phi ailephiu, July 23th, 1824, Mr. W \V Potter Dei v ii—You expressed a wish th*’t I uld give a co imae statement of my stiffi.r •ngs. from t!ie • opeless commencement, t. i lie present i rupitious stage of mv disease Ab mt five years ago, on my passage fio*u Tmdeaux, during the month of January, from nprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seiz with a violent itvev Having no medical at- en^a- ts on board, I w*,s com el*e l to bta it, as 1 in g t for \ wo w eeks, when on my ar- »ival at C—irl-tston. S. 0 it wus t-eate i *' pints. I hr *jk T of my Physician eubdu- d the f<'Vi*r, but Pi aii.x-bke, t*»e termination •;f this gave ris- tog di’tase equally dist-es - in;.!, an which, tpj now l had Ji -light incu. *ble. Vi .Dusahscessea made thei uuw.-l- 'umu appearance, particularly on the j i*nt. which we h e we i- d to an enormous size.—• ’ base gad ••■ally uosided into liiv-o tu nor a, one of which on my left knee affcced t‘ e jcr.?.—an incision was now made am. a »i»r r-vscitation-.f ms, mixed with pieces of hone took p'-sce. 11 addition to this, I '.lie nosi etcniei tmgpainsin myj-jirffs tnat n t-ver experienced Every thing that war. idiom-- tervtt oil tier gave m no rel'.ef *r ser vedto itgg -j.vatu the disease, the s-vcritv« f which ncMasr.l with every succeeding v ^:ar <-ich w -s'uy painful si uali «n tl-Rt 1 lespauei o' ev »r being restored to my heal n ; 1 hud m- i *lv trie I the e-uilar means of relief, hut med, though in v«*n, every popular rem edy l co.iM ht**i o‘- It was in this a** ful anc! 'Je’‘ poml*ng condi*’on,that I waspersu- dert to ,o r.m -nee a course o. 1 vou * Vi i. r »'ahic ^* , h I *.*o *, and t'-e ba pv* r* * u‘t is, " f om the use of the two hatl « my whole tys ^m ha' umlc goic a comli et revo ution. my puna It. v fo »i- ice me / ’ ihedis tiar.,. Ir .m my an*. - ir b o ainiinish, an 1 soo-- ceas-e-i al-.ogether, h -dcei from -hence it pioceeded being c.-i. nleleB Ik iled. The tuniors, fi»r r. moval of which I hbvet'-ed uivaintnoie rem^di. t - an 1 can name, nre rapidly d- creasing ; my *pp«*tite, which w»s g me, has returned—I ar in fart, near y wel. and f. el confd *r.t that few bottles mere of y.ur, (to irej nvaluablt .nedicinc, will m ki me pcr:ectly so. Your oblig* d friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. oiild whh to be. With my tbaitVi, I am yov Q f* 2 TIT TIT n •ligedhumble.‘ervant,Me. ijLtf W / GEORGE KANE. ^ City of Phi , /id“ l phia, as tt-or; K-i .c, of the District of Soiph- * ark, persoi.aily appeared, and, being d-il worn, d ith declare and say that the ab jv statement is in all respectr correct and true uid that the signature to it is in the hand writing of this deponent J )H BIN NS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 1814- P R. O V* O » A l ft h’tihi ii a’on to ■ P'lbliahintr S' n, fi FA tlLY if/l'.E cowu mif ,,! /I J.} gmnl ttefaenc a o he .oxp iaeil r VOLU IE i OVAL Of rjy,] 1 TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Oatholic.on is neculi iPly danted to those liseastis vbich s> e prevale t mng the coloured population of the soutli In that disease winch is culled va cs, it s , re remedy ; a sirgle triai of it, will convuice planters of its s ipr-rior efficacy to any rente ly of a similar natire in the United States* NO IMF. The advantages olTlita medic'n** are, not confining the patient iinnec?s.var-iy to the house, or keeping h.m from Lis business.— With one solitH* v ''•c-.-ption. 'hat n r a r »iri , *»- ous liquors, it dora not lay any r: at vie Iona upon hiauppjtite It msu gentle in .ts oper« . .i. Ural me pdient finds'..imself petting well lie cannot tell how. As it is not the wish of the proprietor to take ary thing for which he cannot give h consideration equal in value, rsons at a distance who may wish to try is medicine, but who are n it certain if ii applicable to their cornphunt, are request- >o describe their case and sympions in etter, p '81-paid, and directed t *h*m—this letter wilt bs immediately >laced in Innus* ly comp-tent to de ; d '.lie question.— ho ild vhe remedy not se. m o suit the dib- isc, they will be tViuikly told so. CAUTI iN- To prevent d sippootm mt it is well to »te that it. in ordinary cuse9 fro n 3 to oott e-j to effect a cure so that pe-s ms who e labouring under any ser ous infirmity, n' t m ike up their mind to persevere to that cDn at mast— if ;hey do not, they might »?. ;-h save themselves th** trouble and expenaf 1 uriuga a caller -,unntitv. All ogle's pjat p iid tnd enclosing the mmey, nmedia>*dy ut,i.nd .d t , ami he incui.!;.e ackc i a id delivered with directions for use, any place in the city, and forwarded as di* t»d N. B. To prevent the possibility of al! im- ■'sition, it wi l be s;»13 i*i the city of Phihidek ;jliia, at the ofiic- in Fifth near Ract-Sir :et, •r at the dwelling of the propri* tor, N». 66 liesnu's reet, only, an t abroad by -us au thoriz'd agents XV \v P ) ri ER, 66 Che mu' Sleet, Ph lade pfiia• I have appointed GEORGE RYE :SON, Dniggift of Savannah, m so.e agent. Drug kts w^ .t ng the above valuable medicine, dl bt- supplied by him for c^sh, at the eumi •ate, »« if ordered direct from me—viz. ^30 per d> xen, or three dollar* a a nglc bottle. W. W. POr'f’ERj Puiladelpt.ia. Any pe’ son on application to the subset d*' will be furnisticd with certificates of (be *.ffi :-«cv of the ub ;ve medicine, sufficient •» ' Oi- vince the rn-nd of tlie most aceptira!. ahboug too numerous and lengthy f-»r n-- vsp.-.pur u sertion. GEO. ItYERbOD^q g at. Comer of Bay and Whittaker Streets, der »3 % nice VfINE MONTHS after the daft* of this ^ notice, application will lie made to tlie Honorable tins Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of tlie real estate of John Stti*-y. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors oi'^aid deceased. JOHN VV. STAGY, Administrator. dp<; IP I I l-.ULi! 1. Between l V. /Jarirs Admaiialraicr, Complain ant t and John a Adm.niatvut *'. d-- buna non with the wi l uivcx'd of (Jeorre Richardson and othn-a, /hjculants Li eiptiiy Ch ahum Superior Court- Chancery. 29th A /gnat, , 8^4 I i appean gihat John Murray Carnochar-, one of the defendants in the slid bill o? lompLint named, resides without tin* state o| Gee-giu, in that part »|*the United Ki,*.gdom» Grout Britain a o Ireland, cafed Scotland : it is ordered that the said John Murray Car- oochan, do appi-ar at d answer to the com* -lainnni's said bill, Within nine months fror*. he date of this order, otherwise that t'- S’(id billj hs to h.m, be taken pro confess - .- -t'd i' is further ordered, that s copy of th* order be j ubhsh- d on»*e a week, in nne o' .lv? public G»iZo»tea of this state, until th • -x- piraion of the lime within winch the said de fendant is required to appear and answer as aforesaid. T rue copy from the Mi. utes, thi^ ^ 1st day August. 1824 A. B FA’A'lN, Lic k. hit; 4 Ah+ tfllls on New-York, J ^OR SAL lu by . Cub ‘U C. C. ORJSWOLD. Philude'phi i, Jul^ 6. 18 4 Mv confidence in Di, v gei. l i catholic 's undimmisl* • 1, an-> as fresh in tuoces of i powers ar- daily orrurrii-g, m mv own prin ce. I have no hesitation in recommending i the peculiar cliseriser to which it *s apnl o'c, as superior to» >v re-ne-tv 1 am aequo -.t d with. it. m’ ;u;n hie. u. d. Phi hi p/iiu, May 8 18 4 Sin—In couMq’i- nee of immud.-nt expos nt !':• ears ag. I h »d th : misfortune w» be :u:t <• fil ctcil with a c.u-ease, the painful r< Mil s- * hiuh i ulnced me to apply in sue ,'.*s- on to several respectable ptiysicinns of • >9 city, friun whom, however, I ••ecpiv* •itlier no relief, or from whose ren ed cs I rc -,--v«-u another complaint quite- as distiessir » the fon»er. ‘•y whole nyste-1 became ucted. 1 could get no rest ut night on ac on t i ie violent pain that I felt in eve-.* l if my body; th- weakness and enacia cion * f which was gu-h that I could scarcely -valk. In t! .s slat'- I fortunuteiy heard of v ur vegetable ca'itulicon- fmr bottles ol which, lias completely restored me, I hiv- now no pain ; nty appetite is good; and m •reng'n restored With many thanks for h rel : ei your mi die;re h *s given me, I ac j our obliged friend, See. MIDI I AM WILSON. worn and subscribed * h lore me, May ’ 28, 1824 JOHN BINNS, A duman. Phi ade phia, May 28,18”4. Sir—I am n*»w, thanks to your m^dicioe, hearty ma . F >r nearly six years I have been a martyr to a disca-ie, wlios • ravag s threat ened, if not soon st ipped, to put a period my existence. Having had no regular modi -al advice from the commencement, my comelaint at last got to such a height that I could ii ;t swallow without great i sin and I flTu'.ty- Tumors firmed in different part: of n.y bodv, and 1 began to think my situati rtlmo- t deaperste. I'he five bottles of ti Caihohc'm which I have taken have pletely cured met and 1 am now as well as 1 '•«</ a IX i k will be ready for delivery sin »h e \ ui* jv uvatioi; vV anted A NY information from, or relative to Mr. Frederick Lowe, Printer, a native of Manchester, England, and who, when last hoard from, resided ut Monticello, Jasper county, Georgia, where it was understood he ha I married a young woman of the name f White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to the care of the editor of the Charleston Courier, will be thankfully received. tU The editors of papers in the St ate of Georgia, and in tlie Western country, will confer un obligation upon an anxious mo ther, by giving the above one or two in sertions in their papers. jail 22 49 L okiug-V lasses. US T received, per schooner Retrieve, un elegant assortment of Mantle ami Jicr Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri ces, by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec Iff Canon Castings, rfv/yriA PuU.NDS Carron Cast- Wo ing-.,, fur sulc low, bv don I li N. Jl. W Kill). l’i ot read. ~t ty HALF JiliLS. Ingli.;’ Pilot Bread, J. 4mt just received and for sale by J. B. IIKUIHSKT & CO. den 29 Fe ther llvi's E/ST received by the William Wallace, u large supply of the above articles, with Bolsters and Pillows to mulch, war ranted to be of the best quality. 1. W. MURRELL. Jail 27 Webster a hooks. • EUGIVED and for sale bv *4 Jan 13 AT. ii. WEFAJ. Spanish Sugars. H'D u!li! m <io ( S|mniul1 S, " ttrs - Just received per Globe, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. dec 4 ( ast « licet iron Box toves, j^Dli SALE by nnv 24 N. B. WEED, No. 6, Gibbons’ Range. Tar, • itch, it.-sin cje. JUST RECEIVED, OA BBLS TAR aUlil do Pitch 10 do Rosin 5 do bright Varnish For sale by A. BASSETT, No. 1, Mongin’s New-Building. Feb 4 bjil.shal with a tik.'.es of .he .lu,hot• TKHJS. ( shall be well printed, on gn.,d j„„ er be cunp is d n six bwlsomr, E. ’ y u ■ n-h-nbi th- Scriptur-, -.r t|,„ “ iV>w Te. tirnenli, t • Introductory 0h,. lv , /’* Expl mutiny Soles, Mi I't.iellc'll 04jcn lu( "’ alt me copmu, Mur inn iicjt ti,,., '' primed word lor ..o i ii-p e ^ Stereotype Edit on, published -inre the' j 011 hor’sdne-s n The price will be *" ■ innrd'-i in sh-ep , gib, in c slfl ' 1 I'he wh >' - M'iv, 1105, Ex rads of Letie- s addressed to the Pub'is'-rt I - st .-em Ur Bein'-F»m:!y Bible,em, ca.cuistcd to promote t;ie cause of tlu[-. piety. II seen s scarcely possible for on-', read daily 111- No1--s and Observation! family B'ble without becoming a octlermsn. EDWAUUU G".Kf|y I have seen no co.nm-ntary ,.f tu Scriptures which 1 -link so well ndaptelt, generai o re and edification; It is u <r c a-uie whichever fainaly ought A E* PON, Ii is s work distinguished for ihe oimpi t.- -,nd convenience of it, arrangement, r,i cl ■ .mess ... .1 fi ; elUy of its eiposilioni, the neatness ano p .-rspicudy of it« style, the ^ nevolt nec and candour of its spirit, the c v o seness and pe.tineocy of its applira*; , n . and for its uniform t; tidency to pro note e.jt,' ge tea! trutis Vd piety. *niKt. HOLWP.S. Of Dr. s C0'.t’a Family H.bli, 1 C I f re e. 0 >, that in my estimation it deservedly r.ith nung our ablcs' «nd b-s' Comm nts-i.-s I’DOM W BALUA'iN Dr. Scntl’s Family II bin iott ndsti rnnre n. pecially for l'-e use of Ch.istian • its work litgh y evsttgoicsl, cstenstveiy ,i,»t, u0 . uve, and deeply i-tcrectii.g DtNIELf!. SANDEIIS, Th-ebaracler of Or. Scott’s (J..m.nt-tit«n on th- Bible, is so getierallj known, and n highly approvutl amongst th most stul r-iotts Citr sttans lliroughout our- CO'.I:--., .ni h,ts f '.sstd rapidly through so msm I. ,'t ,-dilions, P at 1 deem further rec .mines t- lions needless* J 1‘0'ISP, I a»n acqmiintttil with no Cfin ^rw*,, on »h Sacked Sc iptuces, which I wnild im re rec nomtim firr general u«e. 'Ibs plan ol ihe work is good JOSHUA BAT?. 5 ?. Perhaps in no way, can ministr rs*act»q •f youth, and pnvaie (;li r i&tiRr.s, do T -rv'Cf* i>. societ*., than bv exert tqr tV m- •it Ives to diss mi this t’ulv iiiv.'u.!.lfi •Vo-k JOSHUA HUN'H^GTOa. I know of ho tfirmnieiita y win*, h i*> b» t»?r ''ilculaitd for difiusing correct vi»*vs of ihj great truths of Chi intimity, •• d lenv ng s.s'u- r'ary impressions on th mind when risiiig r»*m the pci Ural of it t than the one you ».e '*b mt to pub.ieh. DANIEL SHARPE. No writer s'-ems less deposed tu contend for barren specula i ns. N.-rr.e moi e ni il'*>-m. lv or mure pow ,-fully inculcates tlie yreniej- -entials ol religion- Tiie spirit vhjch p^ Viid-iS the work is excefif n ; r is the ir.e k, ..ilootionure, healing, yetfa ihfi'l uplrV^e gospel* DaMKL I)VtH From particular extminaii n, andcorewf. r ng t .stimnn- , there is no d >ubt o i my Tni,l that Scott's Family Bible ir s"peri*'r t* i!l >.hera JO' v PII EMEliSON. Vou will plens-te st; d ne six copies ti ic tt's Bib'e ; I refer to •--•ur *ate!y pro) ose<j dition Perhaps I shall induce five mure to t *ko the s tne number. IJ. I, Ii is with extreme pleasure I perceive .--)U are about to publish a new e liiion i -Scot.'a Bihh*. Havr. g been in possesg.on c( l niAre i) a 20 y- s r s, I trus I kn. w s< me* hmg of us vai ie, ami a n dete- irit.e! t<. o*o. note i s c rcuh-iion among my friends Y u ] wil; please forward six -opies as soon :i§ shed. C. U I have obtain*»<1 four subicribers Lr tlie exceilent wm k j ou are publish rg H. S. 1 propose to take seven sei> nt Scott's Hi* hie, and will be accountable ful- the twe. J C. ] I have obtained s-’bsctibcrslbrn n-ci'pici \ »f Seoit'.- F.mily B ble. J- (!• 1 I shall pr-.bibiy need eight or ten s -ts f 1 Scott'« Family Bi'de, J P- Hcv. S. S. of P. has o’ tained ten s hbcri* bers. E. It. 1 have obaerved that you are pub* fulling another edi'ion of Scot’s JVblr opc you may smc.e i ak v<*ti h ve dercin •»mer edition**, l have been endoitv.'rir.pti procure -subscriber* amor g oi r people, 'M euor more subuc.ibers vuu be obtained. 0. vH. I will take ten sets (of Scott's Bb'e) bound and lettered. f I have obtamnd ten subscrib'-’s Inf) ,lf edition of the Family hil»!« — 3»k* hnve :l uht but Micre m'*pht be s unr'In: g lik • copies ,»old in this place if you hid 1,5 hero—I thought the w* ik cmiht to b- rs* -jouraged and for hat reason to* a » s-- ,;) sc J.* ion paper It is a work that every t ruly .iieuld have that is able to purrhsse. J. F, M'C I am g!nd, *hat v- u propose to print tit -icott's excellent 1’ mily Cormnfi»!»»y» g,f * 'oihl he very glad if i were in my power ve a more iibeial patronage o tlr* * •*< than, as circumsUnces av«*, I ran o’wever, he able to do sornet!-'.g * ,:I on se s I shall rertainly take j mul it n'») h®» double that number, A. H. I hav»! procured fifteen subscribers to 'Colt's Bible. J A. P- ( I think I shall dispose of 20 sets of nu e« he Family Bible. f- 0 I have c.rciliated propos'-’s for S B.ble ; l-.o.v many have been **ngsg«-d cannot teli ; but between 20 and JO s - 15 hsvicii.ily, J--. I have concluded to become responw* to you for thirty seta of Scott’a Ci/Rimei t>7* C. P* I have procured 106 subscribers to ** Bible; 6 seis to be bound in cuf; 3 se,s \ be done in boards the other 97 bcUi ’' and lettered as described in the prospectus I could procure 500 sultfcj' Wire Fe dors and Cast-Iron C himney Backs, R ECEIVED per ship Cnrsnir, and for sal’’ by N. B. WEED. Iji .’7 ..’7 ■ t. ti-oix Sugars, ; f* HOGSHEADS ot St. Croi - Sugars, AO of very prime quality, landing from schooner Nancy, and for Mil,- by UAL1 Jail 20 HALL & HOYT. 1 presum _ _ . hers for your e h*ion of Scott’s UibJi* demar.d is increasing for them. Tb*' finally supersede every other Urge or Bible. Fifty of my subscribera Jive circle of 8 miles! within t J L Just publi-rhed an edition of the same w*> ^ completed in six volumes, without refi?reiice§; price in bosrua }J18# ,n JJ. 'J 821; in caif 827. Either of these ed <>\ m*y be had of thepublhhT in M >« on; u S. C. k J SCHESCK. Savannah. .In 11 Mai*king Brushy ed ani O F a superior qualify.just receivW* for sale hy GE(J. RYERhUA aov 20