Newspaper Page Text
.. tvf ftttirVta—V »V. ^ tL
-No m.
(SSJSI *r T Z} -r FT -rV>
Bv G. $ W. Robertson,
dp* %tm\m
for the coontry,
IS uub>»lied to meet the arrangement of
the naili three times a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday »nd Saturday) at llie Offioe of h
Daily Georgian, contains al' the in elli-
gr :,ce, Commercial, Political and alts eilsri"
eous, including advertisements, pub tailed it
the Daily Paper. , „ _ ,
The Countrv Paper is sc tto all parts o!
the State and Union, or delivered in the city,
st five debars per annum, psvshie in dvanec.
Advertisements are inserted in both pa .urt
at 74 cents per square, of 14 lines, for e fin
insertion, and 37* lor every succeeding pub
lication. , ,
Communications by Mail, mint be roil pntil
Sales if land and n’groes by AUmoosua
tors Ex '001018 or guardians, are required
by law, to be held on the lira Tuesday in th-
mnnth between the hours often n h fure
nnm, and ihree in the afiernono, st the Conn
H me of the county in which the property »
liluaie.—Notice of Ih- se sales must be given
in a public gazette sixty days previous to thv
dav of sale.
Notice ofthe sale of personal properly must
be give in I ke manner, Fa'ly daya previous
to the day »f sale-
[s' nice to th> debtor. and er.-ditors of ar
estate must bn published tor Forty days.
Notice that application will oe made to the
Cmiri of Ordinary f r V ive to sell land, must
be nublih 1 .Who Nanths
R° motion in Vrie s!
Goods to bu what they aro Sold for ! !
J\a<l Hon out Weight, if Measure divan !!!
rniiU Sulwcribur us willing as others to
arrange his business to suit the pre
sent. times, and save the public the trouble
of making bargains, adopts a mode lately
made use of in this city of advertising the
prices of his Goods, (the whole being too te
dious to enumerate, although not having
those enormous quantities that are usually
said to be sold when called for,) names the
following articles, and assures the Publu
that, the rest of his Stock is reduced in the
same proportion :
Lamp Oil (but not the best quality)
per gallon jP 37’
Do do do 0 50
Do do best quality, per gall. 0 62|
Paint do do ‘ do 0 HO
Spirits Turpentine do do 0 6U
Mixed Paints (but not the best
Greens. Blues or Yellows) per lb. 0 12j
English White Lead, per lbs.
(not because put up in iron bound
kegs) 3 50
American White Lead, 2Mlb kegs
laboratory manufactured Brook
lyn, New-York, (manufactory
price per cwt. $12 50, which
may be seen by looking at the
Now-York Price Current) 3 12}
0 by 10 Glass, but not the best
American, per box 3 50
10 by 12 do do do 4 50
A large and constant supply ofthe above
articles and goods generally in the Paint,
Oil. Oolor, Glass, Varnish and Brush trade
will he kept. The subscriber having
made arrangements with Manufacturers in
New-York, Philadelphia, Boston, and else
where, from which places he will continue
to receive those goods direct, of the best
description, and on the most advantageous
terms. He also oilers his Professional ser
vices in
PninlVig Gilding Gl zhig,
which lie executes on improved principles
at reduced prices, in Town and Countrv.
JVo. o. Wlutakcr-dretl) 5 doors from the Huy.
jan 21 50
iHfi Hi'ii & losfir t 9
Of Eli LOIt MALki,
HOGSHEADS prime atfd second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
50 barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar,
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
COO do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia flint corn
nov 93
thksh Garden seed
Ttower "Roots*
J UST rece ved by the rubscriber, and w»*
ranted of the last season's gr >wth, 2
•mies Garden 8eed<. put up Hv A. WMahon ‘
klo. Philadelphia, txpressly. for tbs market
containing the f din wing assortments, v,?.
I. Drumhead Cabbage ‘ ‘
2 Bed Beet
3 Fsong O'ange Carrot
•1 P.irsley
5 Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Raffish
8. Evlv Puqile do.
9 It stud leaved
’0 Early Turnipa
1. Lite do
2 c t» Sftfv
.3 Asparagus
4 Early curled Let-
15. Royal Cabbage d
If. Viifmeg Melon
■ 7, Spiiiiich
8. Summer Savoy
<y Sweet B,sil
'0 Sage
1 Ns lurtium
t Celery
*1 Early Peas
4. Lat * do
25 Earl" h inch bean
-6 Red French do
A L S O.
"0 ^ackngcs cont«>*-ng the following Bui
mis Blower Roots, viz
t. D-.ub'e Hvacintha | 4. •Inaicifitige* fl >we
F. e Tulips
3 Narcissus
(•'or ta(e by
i ■ D -ubie Tuberose
I 6. S nr oF BetMeheu*
p. ii'DEb-io r r
By the President of the United States.
J tf pursuance of K«, I, James Mon roc, P •
1. ident of the TT .*i ed Stales, do hereby /it
.are and mak-* known, that a public sale w
■»* held at the I .an 1 Office at Tallahasse,
‘•’I oriels, on the third Monday of Ma ; ' nt.*t. f-
hi- di i *rl o( tli > f )»h:wirr* lard-, * z :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4. & 5, eust.
1 &. 4,north t, a, ‘J, 4, & fi-
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, 5.
Vh*- s»k* w II commence w:tl» d»j 1 w
imb:*rof section, townshii, and range, «
-oceed in regular numerical o**der T*
nda reserved by law for the use of sch'o!r
>r other purposes, wid be exclu ; d hoin ti
G ; ven under mv band, at the Qitv of w*-!-
ingtoii, this 26; i d-f of .1 muarv, 18 5
Bv the President.
Commissioner ofthe General Land Offi-
(O' Printers of th-» f.a’vs of the United
s a'/ s, in the Territory nf Florida. m*d in 'h
(tales of Gab mu, Louisiana, Teness' e, M *
sir pi, Gc;<r*;ia and Soutb-L'arolij.a, are mu
ho-iz dt» pubiLh the fme^oing Proclam**
•I once a week th- day of s-.ile
" •* 7 6 f
Damascus tstool Razors,
J UST received, a supply ofthe above ar
ticle, which will he warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED,
nov 24
i l4 k KEGS New Leaf Lard
J-Vfvf 150 Ilntns
3 Barrels Castor Oil
6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
State Literature Lottery,
I . TOaim
N otiee.
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
known us number eight, 8th District, Pike
(.formerly Muuroe) County, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of the estate of
of N. S. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan 5 3ln0
ts otice.
I PERSONS having demands against the
. (.'state ofThomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of R. & J. Habersham,
Executrix ofthe estate ofThomas Johnston,
dor III 21+1.
T HE subscribers being *buut to decline bu
siness in this place, request persons ha-
ing demands sg inst them, to present them
for payment,
. A. B. FANNIN k CO.
nc» 5 fiQ+i’s Notice.
N N -,KO.*T'HSfrom this date, we shall »p
piv to the Honorable the Inferior Court
Lbiitha.ii county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, to sell the real estate of Wiluam
•ugutU2 45
‘ jiTade’s onipany’' - o* s.
CASKS Brade’b Patent linen, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
doc 18
Georgia— t umdcn Cuuiuy
0 '- r the hr»t Tuesday in itfarch next, I
se ll al Jefferson, in said connty, a n g o
n**n» named Daniel, the properly of the es-
■ite of Mic j ih Crews, de ens -d, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court of O- dinary.
MA Y H EWS, E.entirix*
Jn 1 4 41
Adiniuisirator’a A oiuc.
N INE MONTHS after data, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court o.
yuatham county, (when sitting lor ordinary
>urp sea) lor leave to sell the real estate 01
ihksc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred.
itors. C- H HAYDEN,
august 12 45
liunch Muscatel Kuisins.
J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
F I. t Vicinity' \\ *»:•!■
brtsh 'lens, iluins, b'luiii, < c
A.. CHESTS Hyson Teas
U 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
I Illid Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received pur ship Savannah.
SO Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
\J. states .n otes.
F or sale at
Jan 20
2 Prizes of $10,000 is $’0,000
3 5,000 16,000
1 3,082 3,082
17 1,000 17,000
20 500 10,000
41 200 8,200
51 100 5,100
51 60 3,000
1734 12 20.008
11475 6 68.850
13,395 Prizes,
20,825 B1
■17,08, (
auks, y
34,220 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be 84 prizes with three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 11,475, with one number on them.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the late of the 34,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severa y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
and nine of them will be drawn, and those
rickets having on t hem as a combination
the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will be entitled to $10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, 8th and
*t-h—1st, 2d and 4th—1st, ,d and 5th, will
each be entitled to $5,000.
That having on it. the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to $3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, and 7th 2d,5th & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th
1st,7th and 9th 2d,7th & 9th 3d, 8th and 9tli
1st,8th and 9tlij2d.8th & 9th 4th,5th and 8th
id, 3d and 4th'3d,4th & 5tJi : 5th,6th und 7th
id, 3d and 5tli'3d,4th At 6th'6th,7th and 8th
:d, 4th und 9th 3d,7th &, 8th 1 each $1000.
Thus • having on them the
T O he drawn on Wednesday, the 9th
March, 1824, and finished in a few
minutes—sixty ntimbers, eight ballots to be
1 Prize of lo.Oi'O Dollar! isgl'iOO' .
t *> 000 10.0 0.
2 5 000 10 000
2 8,1 >8 4, 56
20 1,00 20.000
30 500 15,000,
52 100 5 '00
104 so s n nr>i
*300 lfi 20.800
10 608 ( 8 81.064
SaSl^O Ticket WOO
34.230 Tickets it g6,
(st,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5th
.st,3d and 7th 2d, & 7th
ist,3d and 8th
st,3d and9t,h
'rft,4thnnd 8th
st,5th and 7th:
■ d 3d and 6th
2d.5tli &. 8th
2d,5th &, 9th
2d,6th 7th
2d,4th &, 9th
3d,5th 6l 6th
3d, 5th and 9th
4th,6th and 8th
4th,6tli and 9th
5th. 7th und 8tli
6th, 7th aud 9th
Utli,Oth and 9th
each $500.
All others (being 41 Tickets) having
: hree of the drawn numbers on them, will
ach be entitled to $200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
Irawn numbers on them only, will each be
ntitledto 100 dollars.
Tliu at Tickets having the 04 amt **th
rawn numbers on them only, will each be
•ntitled to 80 dollars.
All others (being 1734 tickets) with any
wo of the drawn numbers on them, will
ach be entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize,
nf a superior denomination, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
/lays after the drawing, and subject as usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
A. M'lNTYRE, j Ma,u, S ers '
The peculiar advantages of this scheme,
are, that it has two highest prizes—the
number of Capitals is unusually large for
the amount of cash to be disposed of in pri
zes^ 171,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the means of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the office of the Geor-
ginn, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tery, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50*s, Sic..
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 14th Class, received as cash.
Jan 18
rplIE subscriber intending to close bis
-L business in this city, oilers his stuck
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Busin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses,
Looking-GlusBcs, Fancy &. Windsor Chairs.
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-Street and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to ntuke payment with
out delay, aud those having any demands,
resent their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 5111
V I^JE MONTHS alter date, pr lication will
be ma le to the How/ruble lt.f*ror Coup
h^thatn cotiMy fur h ave In sell th» real
it > personal estate of theLte Mrs Ann H m
ton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
•d c ed tor§ of v iH ,
* OKTH1NG i ON GALE, Exert* nr
March 10 b9§a
In this Scheme, with eight drawn hslloti,
there wiP be 56)rizes with three numbers oi
•oer*., »456 withtwo numbers on them, ar-i
10,6 )8. with one number on them Thou-
t ckets having noie of the drav n ballots or
them being hisnki
o rffteim oi* the fate of all the tickets it.
the above lottery. 60 numbe s, from one to
sixty inclusive, will severall*. be placed in t
wheel on the Aay of drawing, and eigut ot
them will be (Hwn, and that tickel having oi.
t ><8 a comb npion. the 1st, 2d ai d third nun:
lersdmwn, wjlbf ent iled t $30000.
That havingeo it he 4th, 5th and 6th, wil
hr entift. d to $10 OW).
T os h v u (i >h.-m the 3d, 4 h aud -Mb
fid 7to 9. d8t’i, e«uh $*.000
T .is having nn them the 1st,6 land 8th-
n 1 1st. 7ilt mid Rih, ea**h
Those ' 0 havuig on them he
2 , 6th and 70*
0 cl 6 h and 8th
2 • 7 o and 8ti-
*d 4 b an.' 6*
3 .4th an 7 :
1 4 i atv 8
3:1* 5tb and 6'n
3d, 5'h and 7v
'Ll. 5 ') and 8 ‘
3 i. btii and 7t
3-', 6 h anr 8(
4 .5 hand 7
4* ,5m and 8t
•t h 6tti and 7th|
4'h 6*,li and 8th
M .7 ha d 8
Hi 6th and 7
5fh.6th «nd 8
' h,7l.'i and 8
3d, 7'h it 8 h
ach g UO'.
All nfhe being (30 tickets) havinK hre
>f ’he d awn uum >ers on them will lm.,1. t.
ntitled to £500
r he 52 tickets having on 'h m two of ti"
Irawn numbers and those tw • the 4lh and
«h, ni'l Crtch be entitltd to g '00
The 104 tickets having uu them two ot
'he drawi, umbers and those iwo the 6 h
,nd 7ib, o: 6 li and 8'h, will each be ent .lle/.
A i others (being 1300 tickets) laving two
•f the drawn numbers on them, will each be
e tilled to $;6.
AH th/'8c Having on them any one of the
■ rnmr-, x«u:nb*.m, (beng 1 0.600 L elert-.. or 13 O
"i chcIi -irawn nunher ) will each be enl: •
tied to 88
No ticket which ih II have drawn a t rtzr
of a superior denomhatinn can heentithd
. inferior j>>!Zi Irizcs payable thirty days
After the d.a '-g, tnd suliject, as usual^ to
deduction 115 percent*
A considerubii: pinion > f tliin lottery is pu
up in paiccL of Ot ckets, embracing all th
mnhioation numbers, from one to ai^t.
ch pR'ct’Is ar warranted to diaw at k. ■
8^4, h’Sg h dediuiion of 15 p :r cent, wi"
s'* in r«y chances ft the capita) p zes
Packages of 20 ick*ds, b, c- rufic it 1 , m»y
; so be had by the payment of the .1 ffe cue
between th * pric* of the tick ts and t r 'i
•mount w neb thet mu' »f neci.8-.ty dru
sucti ifference hung g65 60.
The ti kfts will terns'?, at ttie srh-ni.
ice, (86) until k cdnesla., the I ’CD ms
when thtj *' • 'vi -pi, $7-
A. M’INTYRE,, Malm e (!rs '
Philadel o J ii . ) 5 d25
O 3 Orders for tickets or shares, received,
and prize tickets in fourteenth class,
taken in payment at,
.Inn i
V uiuv umtl n »V .un 6 a
I f 1. u G 1.11.:. LK ollierv . DAN
,F.L OLAND HILLKH whn in re .
.415, arrve.' in Savaur.-h* ui ’he Abe id* • n
r.-.nsport* belonging to M n ^r.. D- we i> k
Sons of Londo. is living., and will apply ’ ,i
*.s f ends in Eng Ian/-, h/ w II hc*a* «
• meth'ng much to his advantage, He lef
ie while«hc !:•> »* Savaii"-n, •»
- us n * bt«n he”d of by his f iends str.c
■iHt perio He bad been many years a -a •
, and wf.iie on board the above v.-ss !
•VMS employed «s h carpenter. It he left S*<-
va*>nab at that time, it it probable that b
itered some vessel going to the Brazil I**
s, as in h s l. st lettet. he sta ed that r
a- lug intemio ‘o do s >. Should he hav
ied at any place whe e a egister or ce*t-fi
ate of his auria' can be obtained, it would b
'hankfui y received and all expen attenditn
it, paid by
SMVHiinah, or
W.W & T.L OftES 'EH.
rpr*' O
Noli e.
f 11, p rion- h i- d m^nds aga : nat the
**• e ate nf‘he l-te John Wak r|y (plan -
* r) d* c a r e I'eqn/'S ed to endi r them, prop
erlv attested, iu midu ely; and all perao
indebted, to m**k immedi te pavm«*nt »o
R VtRRT HOY, Rxeeti* r.
P 4 ”7
N NE MONTHS at' rd.te of Ibis notice
uppheati'-n wil be made to the Honora*
m the C’» urt of Ordinary of Chatham f Pun.
ty lor pe 1 m stion to sell sll the real estate o'
Inho Wakert , dec. for h h' ,r .'’fit of the
eiraand creditor* f said d*; e* sed*
ROBERT HOY. Exe »t r.
F '. A 4 67
He r ’ *xes.
SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
L and for sale by A*. B. WEED.
act 27 ■
1 Pri e of-$40,oBE i 4 )/' 0 Dollars.
I P .ze o: '0.000 it uOOODolkra.
1 Prze or. 10 000 is 10 J O Do'lar.
2 1* Z.“» of • 4.000 ia 0,0W) Do,la a
30 H izea of. -1,- 00 ia 30,000 Doilaia.
-0 Hr Z<‘8 oi HI ia 10,00') lliili.iia
so Prizes of 100 ,8 4, 00 Dalian.
100 P irea of So ia 4,000 Dollara.
4000 Prizet of——10 iz 40,000 Dollari.
5 ('4 I'rze-z.
’4194 Blaoki.
180,000 Dollars
Z0 .00 Tickets al g9 ( is 180,000 r>o’'a a
The whole of the prizes , be floating
from tiie commencement o the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz :
On the 5th day, : . 410,000.
On the 10th day, : ■ 5,000.
On the 16th day, : : . r 20,000.
On the 19th day, : : t 40,000.
The whole to be completed ii
Tvientj ‘ T -w wi g oi,Yj \\
The prizes only to be drawn. The whole
puj able in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioners appointed by the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WE ONES DA K, 11th inst.
Tickets $12—Shares in proportion.
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tickets taken in payment, at
No. 3, Commerce-Bow
nov 9
I ^OR the cure f • s* Coughs* Consump-
i'O s, Spilt g t B ood, Asthmas*and
me>:seH ofthe and lungs.
There is perhaps no me/IL'd observatio.,
better esisb islu d, none more generally con
•-mied by the experience of the bust phyai i
v * ih * if ail a^es and crunti. 8, and none v
ore importance to the bu mail family, thfe
fact that many of the most difficult an I in
•urable consumptions / rigmatt in neglect d
colds.. In a climate so * ariabie asour.s, when
he changes of 'lie wea h r are lr. quenth
bidden an I unexpected, it iequir«.sm.*rc ca r
n i at.entionto guaid ogau s' this dangi-rou
*n *m* f?t life* thar most people imagine «■
*e ib'eand willing to bes o« ''be bills
•i/'rtaiity e xh bit the metaucJ a y f»ct that th
•roportum 4 ilealfca bv this disease may t»
-onsidered as about five one. I asm i/t
iten -s his Mai disease f quemly hi s defi to the skill ofthe most learned phys .
ms, it is a Kratificnt on to the pro rietor ths
v is ei’ohled to oHc to those i-ffl ced witi
a go'-d v prospect of re.ief, i th*t l ig! !'
. .liualih remedy* the Vegetable Indian Sptci
fc. Th* Indians u.e happy in Un n know-
Ige ol m dical p'anis; g .V’-rned wholly Si
xperiem.e. they are certain as to their eff -.ct,
. d it <s said by an author of great cbatsctei,
bat a t ue c i.suo ption is • disease nevrr
known am.u.g t)iem.
This Specific is obt-ined by eitrsction fron:
•erbs, ro t*, fl- w rs, pi nt, &c when in per-
ection. I> c* nsequence f a happy comhina.
ion of the most valuable herns, Stc it becomes
balsam of a atipe-’inr value It beats the u •
ju ed parts, opens h.- p » es, «nd composes
•e dis'uihed netv<s, after the mann»r» f an
modyrie t conseq-iently the obstruction ot
'he ches und t. e ungs which constitute th.s
disease, p*rtrulari} need i's use. It promote;
•HK-et:rati-in, wh ch is constantly c lied for
ml wi-ils' it cleans -s a d heals, it also gives
reug'b to t)ie tender lungs In this mannei
• e'Tmvf gthe hectic fever, improves digeb
•in* gives strength to the new s* repairs tiie
pp-1U and improves the spirits. This sped
fi-. mai always be given in safety it is mild
dei san* to he taste, and may safely be giver
o nfants, 'or which it is of inestimable value
I affords relief in bowel complaints, t
* hooping coughs, tic. and is found particu
. r y useful at* hypochondriacal* nervous and
•i stk-r-cel diseases. Each bill oi directioi
•fiiitain« a d tailed account of this di-ease in
:» its d-ff •- tit stag/ a, ndwdl bv* accmpa
•d v i'l • he signature ol the proprietor ii
Red Ink. His -ff red for sale by GEO. RY
R O only (my s <*e agent) D uggist* cor
.uHs n Wln.'aker-strceiM, Savannah* s-
one doilitr per bottl'*.
dec 30 30
Cutlei tiuu .V atriiftsta
»|iHE subscriber has just received an as-
1 sortuient of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
/. W. JtORREL.
oct 2*
Oppositettif, aftcuAtrivj.
MRir. KEY,
Ti es PKCTFULLY informs tier friend*
ami the public, that her senoor. r» now
» ’’•«, opposite the Climbam Academy, ,or
j t:CK r r,0 \, or l ‘ ul,,, .». Assisted by
bu- daughter Miss E. A. Hsmusok, she
oners her services in teaching the lUlnuing
usetul and ornamental branches of educu-
t on. Whilst she returns sincere thanks tor
tbe patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, trom the reduced rates of tuition and
nor increased exertions to further the pro
gross ot her Pupils, to deserve n still fur
tber extension ofpublic favor. The course
ol tuition, and the terms on which scholars
ttro received, arc—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : Cl on
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme-
ttC, ! ! ,’ • ; > . g QQ
The French or Spanisii Languages,
including elegant embroideryron
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : r : : : r : 10 00
l aiming on velvet, per quarter, i : 8 00
most carefl, l attention will be
paid by Mrs. Kv:n, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her din rue.
nov ;
P. M’DERMol 2,
■ NFORMS his friends and the public gen-
■ erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot
Groce. ies, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tan, on the most reasonable terms.' TI. a
following articles comprise a part of hi*
present stock, viz
•“''"Its e >« prime St. Croix '■ugzr
10 Boxe, white and 3 ,
0 Buxea Brown \ Havana do
*0 narrela Loat acd t ump do
40 Baga Havana Green Cuflee
6 Pi -ea superior 4th nroof Brand*
* P>pea do H Hand G>n
1 '’’oca Imitation B-andv, 4th proof
» Do do Gin
2 Pipes very -uperior o'd "- ach Brandy
2 Puncheon, do do Mali Whiskey
JO Hogah adz and > Phih,dcl, Ida Rye
J™ BarreU J Whiskey
100 Harrell Northern Gin
* JJ-'t* *upni ir old Madeira Wine
4 Half Pipea superior old Ltabon do
10 G '.rter Cooks IWItWe™ - ' do
, m ^^ i aaMyWi". ! .aM J y n isf
150 Wbitle and ? Barrels supt rffnb freih
1<)0 Half } Fl ur
100 ‘/ nr els No- 3, New Mackarel
50 liar-els No. 2, do do
1600 Buckets Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 Barrels Copperas
200 Reams Wrap'ing Paper
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 Bi-ixea Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Bar els Glue
100 Regg HE and HF Dupont's Gunpowder
5 Hound Caniste • of superior do
100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Baiaring
2 Bales Bhggmg Twine
1 0 tnri ? Boxes S. Whittimore's
6 Half 5 genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Boxes Straw Boonets
10 Coils Bale Rope
'5' Dosen Bed Corr’s
, 50 Do Plough Lines
100 Hounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point* Loudon D iffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and tur
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Tabic bpoons
15 Do do Tea do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper ( Cast, Wrought and Compos
tion l ea Kettle* of ail n tvk
Braa Kettles for making preserves
20 Sets f Dish Covers V
20 i ons Shuar Moulds
1 D S t -d Irmi
1 Do Ua. Lead
1 D > Sheet H on
100 Casks assorted Cut Nails
Mill* Cross Cut and Whip Saw, made
expressly for this market
20 Doxeit Hands*wd* Woodfaw* and Ten
nant Raw a
Blacksmith Sledges and Handliatrir-ers
Anvils, from 1 to 2001ba. real mouse
Blacksmith's Bellows,from 24 to 3i
Single undD'-uhle Screw Hlatea
Corn Mills, f:om No. 1 to 5
2 Tot.a Hooks and Hinges
Brass Andirons, fr/.m 8- 50 to 8*3
B a<8 and Wire Eeiidc s, with shovel*
hi d tongs to match
5 Casks d'g Patent Hi es
100 D **eo H«dlocks
.- It nya da to weigh from 200 *o 500lba
2 1 ons of Steel,consoling <>f,Eng
libh, Rliate.-er: snd Cast
Stoves with Pip •
1000 Pounds Waggo* Belli, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pins
5 Hag*> Trace Chums
2 Drsen Currying Knives
200 Dpi n Currv Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks,
consisting of SO pcce* each
10 Beta Britauoia Teapots,
Sugar and Cream do
^ 6 D >at r Patent Shot Belts
Dos*-1 Game Bags
2 D >z n Powder Horns and Flasks
1 (hat- double and single bnrtel Guns
10D ;*en Wire and 20 do* Hair Sitters
2 Doaen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets
Table Mata
A general assortment of Caroenter's Plane*,
trusliei, and Fancy Bellows, with many other
%rt clea in the above line,luo tedious to enu«
20 Tons of Carron CasuflHrhich will bg
sold low from the wfisit
nov U