Newspaper Page Text
* m
wnm sales*
Sheriff's Sales.
On Ihejtrtt 'l'vri tny in April next,
nUUbe sold at the Caurt-llou»e. in <h
W city of 8av» nih, between the hour* ■
ten and four o'clock.
All tbit Northern htlf pert of that Lot 01
B anel of Lind, lying, beinit aud aituited in
ll cl y of Savannah and county of Chatham,
known in the plan of iaM citv aa Trust Lot
(letter T) in Heyno'da Ward fronting on Key-
•oldaSquarc,together with all and lingular the
edifloea and buillingi thereon, levied on un
der a B. fa. on foreclosure as <he progeny or
Oliver Sturges, in favor of i hn humming.
All that Lot of L*nd in the r itvof Savannah,
eontaining 60 leet in front aod 90 feet in depth
known in the plan of said city by the No.
three (3) Brit Tything Reynold! Waid. levi
ed >n under a fi fa. on a forech sure aa the
£ r jpert v of lohn Hunter, in favor of Robert
litchell, assignee-
All that tract of Land on the Island of Skid
away, Chatham county, called Springfield iai('
to contain 750 acres, bound d northwardly h
lands of the Ratate of John Uilledge,eavtward-
ly by lands of James Bilbo, southwa'diy by
lands formerly Sutcliffs westwardly by rivei
and merthes with improvements thereon le
vied on as the property of this. Stephens, It
satisfy an execution in favor of Richard Rich
ardson, for use, he. ka.
All the* tr .ct nr parcel of Land containing
J67 acres more or less with 100 acres of Marsh
Land, called OIreland, situate, lying and be
ing in Little Ogechee District, in the count!
orChatham, bounded on the north by Ian's
of Fleming Akin, on the eaat by lands of Dr
Farker, on the south by lands of the late H.
Walburger, and on the west by a northeas
branch of Little Ogechee River together with
all and singular the ed fines, impiorementr
an J appurtenances, levied on under a fi. fa
oil foreclosure as the property of George I.
Cope, in favor of J ihn M’Nish, Pe er Mitch
ell and Robert Mitchell.
All that tr -et or percel of Land situate, ly
ing and being in the county of Cha-liam,
known by the name uf Muir Hall, containii-i
1097 acres more or less, bonnded on the soul
by lands of James Forrest, on the eaat by On
J. Marshall's lands, un the north, by Grorge
Jones’s land, and on the west b- Little Og ■ • •
ehee River i All i. Two Lots of Land in ih
City of Savannah, known by the Nos (-9
twenty nine, and (30) thiity, in Columbn
Wn d with he appurtenances thereunto ap
pn taming, levied on under a fi fa. on fo e-
clo ure as 'he property of Fleming Akin,
dec in favor of Wm. Dixon A Co. assignees ot
M M'Leod.
Fify-four Shares of Stock of the Rank of
the State of Georgia, subac ibid for by B
MUrne, in the names f 'is children F-li*
M K.nne and John M’K me, Jr, on wh-ch
)S 00 has been paid in no each share levi-d
on as the property of B. M’Kinne, tosntisfy
an execution from ficlimo- d nunty, in favor
of the Rank of the State of G- orgia-
A negro woman named Mary otherwise cal
led Conaian e, and her two children named
Lucy aud Margaret, evli-d is h- property of
Wm .Wayne, to satisfy an execution from
Striven county, in favor uf Alex. Hunter,
<8 dead > f Cattle, more or less, 2 horses, 1
PlantationF all, 1 fouroured bost,*F o' Gms, I
Lot Plantation Toi Is, 2 ploughs, and the biiil-
d'r gt on s Tract of Land belonging to James, consisting ot « Bin-, 1 ihreahin
Ms-hine, 1 Bwel ing House, K cheo, sod out
buddings, a dfiur negro bout s, lev. d mas
the property uf ihe Bit of Tbos. Melrose,
deceased, to satisfy an execution in favor ot
Wm. Inglis V r o
Two Negroes named Sancho and Andrew,
levied on as he property of Thos. Metros ,
dec. to satisfy a warr nt for rent in favor of
Jamea Posiell
Lot No. 2,‘wo, and improvements, Li'eny
Ward, in the city of Sav.mnah, levied on ib
the property of Thos. Lucena, dec. to satisfy
an execution from s Jus icca’s Court, in favo
of Justice's Court, and returned to me by a
Half Lot sod Buildings, No. 4, Rwinsburg
0,1. t' orpe Ward, in toe ntv of Stva nab,
the u'expired lease of said} Lit for three
years from I musry last, levied on t the pro
perty of C-iht- Lewis, to satisfy ar execution
from a Justices ''uurt in favor of J, U M. Pen-
dsrgaat, returoe 1 to me by a cot s' ao.e.
Al. that Lot of Gr uud in Savannah, known
a - Lit N.I 4, W .mint on Tything, Dim
Ward, 60 f>. el in fto t on the Ho, and 90
feet in depth ; bounded w stwardly bv Lot
‘N * 5, eastwardlv by Lot,No,3, an I southward
ly '.y a lane , together - it'i ail tiie houses
and out house- thereon - 'he said lot being
that on wnich >hn Ci'y Hotel stands—leviid
o'- unde, so ex-, cut,on upon a rule absolul
of toe Superior Court of Chstlism comity, as
the property of Eieazer Early, to satisfy the
Bank of Darien
A negro woman named Charlotte, levied on
as the property of E izib-th Whiting, to sa
tisfy an esecutiun in favor of W-llis R Frank
li . against Auguvus F-llu'-kee, and others
M -eli7 ,HAaC DLYON S C. C.
City Sheiitf’s Sales.
On Ihe Jirtt Tuctihty in April next, a "id before un: C..urt-ttouse,
JJ between the usual hours, the fullnwing
■pe--ty to wit i
One negro man, named Andrew, levied on
as the property of Mary Gilbert, to satisfy an
execution f oot the Court of ( ommoo -Pleas
and Oyer and Terminer lor the ei ty of Sa
vannah, in favor of Miller A Fort.
A n. g-'O woman named Ruth, levied on ss
Ihe property of Ben- Shefinil, to satisfy an
execution in favor of John I. Dews, aguinsi
iiei-jsmin and Mordecai Sbeftall, issued from
aid Court.
A sorrel colt horse, levied on ts the prop-
erty of Wm. BrnwiJohn, to satisfy an execu
tio.i from said Court in favor of Alexander
A Billiard Table, with Maces. Q ica, Me.
ievied on aa the properly of the Eat of Ku
gene M’Cnnslo-ighe, to satisfy sn execution in
favor of Francis Boyle, for house rent.
All the buddings on lot No. 34 Warren
Ward, bounded s iuth by Brougliton-atrect
mrth by a !, cast by lot No. 33. west h,
Lot No 35, levied on aa the property of 0
H. Hayden, t» aat afy an execution for rent
Trustees Ch» h -mAcademy, vs. C.ll Hayden
Two buildings on the western bird part of
Lot No 2,Jekyl Tything Darby Ward, and
ne building on the ' etr of thp cent e third
art of said L< t, levied n as he property ot
H. Hayden, to satisfy two executions fir
rent, Trustees Congroga innal Church or
leeting House, vs C. H Hayden.
All the buildings or Lot No. '<0, Warren
Ward, bounded north by Congress atree'.
south by a lane, east bi Lot No- 31, wes: h
Lot No-29, levied on as 'hi property of Mr-.
AnnM- Pmder, to satisfy sit execution fo
rent in favor of the Trustees of th ch-thrn
Academy A. I, D LYON C. 5.
march 7 H7
Sheriff’s sale.
O N the firs St ur.'ny after the first Tues*
day in Ha) next, between the hours ot
n •ndfou* o'clock, will bo soi l nt the mat*
'*et house hi the town of c t* Marys, he fo -
wrig negroes, % is: Judy and her sin Join.,
iroon, and > buries, levied »*n as the proper*
tv of James W lliam^ in, dece^iied, t» satisfy
»n execution or the foreclosure of a ntort
.rage, n favor of Edw rd F. Tattni i, rdninis-
trator f John Hamit on*
M. H. HF.MBARD, S. C. C.
St. Mary*. F.*bru»r> 25, 1825.
Mire* 2 82
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
r HB subsenbrr havingdis .uv—.-! -h.. eom
position of SWAIM’S CEI.EBHA rEll
EAAACEA, has now a supply on hand fin
sale i he has reduced thrpi ice from $3 50, te
$2 SO, or by the dosen *24.
All charitable institutions in the U. States
and tiie poor will be supplied gratis.
If the eitisens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order and
distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine is celebrated for the cure of
the following diseases t—” scrofula nr king’s
evil, ulcerated or putrid tore throat, lung
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis
eases, white swelling m I disease of the bnnes,
and all eases generally of th-- ulcerous eharac
ter, and chronic diseases, generally a ising in
debilitated constitutions, but more especially
fro ,, syphilis or affections arising therefrom'i
ulcers in the larynx, nodes, Me. and tha>
dreadful disease oncasioi-ed by a lung and
excessive use of mercuvy. Me It is also use
ful in the disense of the liver-"
I have within the lust two years kad an op
portunitv of seeing several cases of very tove
u rate ulcers, which having previously resist'
ed the regular modes of treatment wen
healed by the use of Mr. -Swrim'i Panacea,
rind 1 do believe, from what 1 hive seen,
Uat it will prove an important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases.
Professor of tue Institutes and practice
of Physic, in the University of Penn
I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim
in numerous instances, within the laa* thre
.ears, and have always found it extreme!)
•fficacious, esnectailv in sec-ondary syphil s
nd mercurial diseases. I have no heaitatioi
• n pronouncing it a mrdiri <• of inestimable
value, W. GIBSOM, M D
Professor of Surgery in th .• Umhy of Penn
Philadelphia, F-bruar- 17, 1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist.
Philode'phin A*ov 7 18 3.
Adm n st atoi’s ale
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
April next, at the Court-IIouse in
the city of Savannah, by permission of the
Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court
of Chatham countv,
One undivided fourth of a tract of land,
containing about five hundred acres, on
Cumberland Inland, Camden County,known
as Plum Orchard, and an undivided fourth
of a certain tract of land situated on said
Island, containing about five hundred arms,
originally granted to Gen. Lachlan APIn-
tosh, and bounded on the south by the said
Plum Orchard Tract.
Also, a tract called Lottery Hill, situate
on th ■ Ogeechee Road, three miles from
Savannah, containing about six hundred
acres, belonging to the real estate of N. S.
Bayard, deceased—sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors, of said est ate.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Feb 2 58uf
Sheriff's scales.
On the Jirtt Tuesday in April next.
Y(V,LL be sold at me Court Hmise in the
W city of Savannah, between the hours ot
ten sud four o’clock
Tbe following seven negroes, vix : Davis,
Maria, Patience, Dublin, Beck,Trephina an-
Oscar, with the increase uf the females levei
on under a fi ft on s foreclosure of a mortgag.
as the properly of Joseph Carru'hers to satis
fy the Bank uf the Sta'e of Georgia.
Als., the following 35 n gro s, vis: Cuff :e.
(Cooper,', Harriet, Affy, old Charlotte, Ja -k
Sky, Chari -its, Peodiw, Bess, Preeessa anil
Child, Bridget and Peggy, William, Eisey,
Billey, Pn.lip Phyllis, old Cumbo, Jenny, old
Peggy. B utus, Juste. Brutus, Sandy, Maria,
Cyn-'a, Dick, Toby .Sophia, Daphne and cltild,
Jacoo,dye,Beck, y and John,with the increase
of the females, levied on as tbe property ol
N'Clmlaa Cruger, under a fi fa on a foreclosuri
ot a m irtgage in favour of John Carnahan and
James McHenry for use of Chris itna Levett
Also, a negro man named dam levied un a
the property of Char'es B. Fiin, under fi It.
on a foreclosure of a mortgage in favor o
James Anderson.
Also, the following 19 negroea, vixAbra
ham Harry, Onto, Chance, Daniel, Aaron,
Sambo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, Rachael, Lon
don, Aggy, Simon. Grece, Elisa George, Bo
dy, and Iim, with thi increase of Ihe females,
levied on as the property of Flemming Akin
dee. under a fi. fa. on a forecloiure of a mort
gage in favor of W m, Dixon A Co- assignees
of Murdoch M’Leod. I. D’i YOY, S. C..C
>1 dfi
,wc- -■ 1
Sheriit’s dale.
On the Jirtt Tuetday in May next,
WILL be sold in front of Use Court-
W douse, in the city of Ssvann.h, between
the bust hours of ten and four o'clock,
T oe following eight degrees, vis. Cuffee,
Ncggy, Kostnnaii Carolina, Joseph,Mary.De
fy and Jim, levied onunder a fi.ta. on a folks
oloaure, ss the p- upe-ty of Charlea H. Hay.
don, in favor ot Frederics W, Hien- man-
march 7 ISAAC D'LYUN, & C. C.
Administrator’s Sale,
On the Jirst Tuesday in April next,
[ WILL sell at the Court-Hoiiie in J ff r-
son Camden County, between the usu .1
hours of bale,
Harrv, Ned, and his wife Tam^r, and he
four children, Daniel. Stet hen John nrd Y > *
ck, he property of »he Esti t*. of Ge gt
llor'ignn, deceasen, for the benefit of the
creditors and h-rs ot said estate, pursuant to
ie»ve granted b) ‘he Cmrt -if O-dinarv of said
Admin strator, with the • i l annexed, of
George Morri«'«n, Sen deceased.
< -son, 24 h Jan. 1825.
Feb 9. 58
I* HAT throe months after date, applica-
• tion will he made to the Bank of the
State of Georgia, to issue a new certificate
of stock, for one lost, issued on the 17th
March,1819, in favor of John M’Kinne, Jun.
or twenty-five shares, and numbered 243.
Guardian of John M’Kinne, Jun.
Augusta. Dec. Id, 1824.
der 18 21-M
A LL pers'-n-t hiving demands against the
m. estate of Constant Freeman, Esq h’e <
the city of Was‘'ingt-.n, deceased, a e re
q.iired *o hand them in, lee-ally attested
within t ie timeprescrib d bv law : amt ib'»*
".debted to said "-tite, are r» qured to n. k
immediate payment, to
JaAMEiEUNt F.R, *dm» .
Ian ’4 4 l
NO Ii;b.
N NE MONTHS af-erth'- date hereof, ap
plication will bu madi to Die Hon -mhl
th Inferior Court uf Chatham countv, »h;i
iittiug ur ordinary rurp -scs, for leave to ai l
lot, with th - improvements, situa'e in'I .
city of Savannah in the said county,-nil know
in the plan of sad citv bv the No. 53, Brow
Ward, tor Die beni-fit if the heirs and legate,
uf ihe estate ot the late Hugh M'Call, di
net -4 yu
i\Oil E
N INE month* after d^le, nj pli^ntior’ w II b<
made to the Hen. the Jurg -b* «f th'* Cou:
.»^ Ordinary "f Ghu>hum ci u« ty, ieav*- t
iH ail the real i statvr of the iMte Wilham Ornig
■It cea«ed, for the benefii of the heirs ai dcreu*
it rs of smd estate.
JOHN Executor
Of*t 12 7
Georgia— Cavid n (’ounty.
Superior Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester
jN petition o’ Timothy Hopkins, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
ssory notes,, made to the said Timothy, !v
them, one povgble with inte est, from fi-
of January, 1821, on tht fi rst of January 1822:
» second payable ss aforesai ! , on the fis* o-
January, 1823; and « th rd pn^sble as af -r
Haidp on the first ^f January, 18’4 executed a
-I'ortgage to said I'l nntny Hopkins, his hti
and assigns, <*n all those four true s of ,,d
situated in.the county aforesaid, conveyed
the said Ti nothy, to the s v id f.angley ai»
9 *lvester, and lying on the souch side •
G r est Sstills River, one tract containing se\
cnty*seven|acres, more <»r less; two trac' 1
'.ontaining fif y acres, more or less, and ok
ther tract, containing one hundred and eigi
>'eight acres, more or less, conditioned f
he payment of the vhree said several note*
>n the days above mentioned, and that Mai
several notes remain unpaid—on motion o
Vrchibtdd Clark, attorney for plainti’', it i
> dered, that th said Langley and Selveste
♦heir heir*.or assigns pay intoCour,, witln
welve months from this date, the sums du*
>n said notes, and the interes and costs, oth
•rwise that the equity of redemption be fo -
•ver foreclosed, and that suoh other proceed
mgs take place, ss are pursuant to law.
True extract from the min des, 27th Onto
her. 18 4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk
nov 4 R7 *re
Non jc.
1^INE months aft* r d»te, application will be
L* mHde to the Inferior Court ofCh- han.
Gnu nt y, sitting for ordinary purposes f r an
order, ansolute, to sell lots N -s r.uram five-
\4 and 5) in Caipe. ter's Row, sod lot N >.
(l) Green Ward, in *he ci : y ot SHvannili,
being the real estate of Ernncis Ja ineau, dec
tor the benefit of th<- heirs an ’ creditors of
said estate WILLI \ M GAS O 4
Qua ifird Executor.
A LL persons having demands against the
estate of Oliver St urges, Esq. late of
the city of Savannah, deceased, are request
ed to hand them in, properly attested, ntid
those indebted to said estate, are requested
to make immediate payment to
WM. F. HUNTER, Adm’r.
Frh '0
N ine MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will he made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
tiie real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
der 18 *> I
Between Louis Lecome and John Leconte, Com
plat iants, u> d Peter Leconi John Thomas
(haptna > t — Bey no do and V Jeria
his Wife, D- fondants Li e ty ctupertor
I^HE Complainants having filed their bill ir.
JL this Court, the ohpet of whi«*h i» to p r<
petuatr the testimony of certain persons here
in named, and it appearing that the Deft nd-
unfa respectively reside beyond the limit* ol
(he state of G orgia, and within the Unitec
S<ati*s t It ia ordered, that service upon the
said Defendants be effected by publication in
one of the G z ttes o« Savannah, requirinp
the said DcfendMnta to appear and answer the
aid i>ill of Complainants, on o* before tin
vleventh dav n April next.
A true copy,
E- BAKER, Clerk.
February 10,1825.
Feb 17 7lf
Vegetable Catholicon.
spHE subscrib r rea > etfully sol cita the at
U tention of every friend of suffering hu
nattily, to to the above new and invaluable
remedy, unequal powers in eliminating
from the svstvm the. very seeds of (lise«ae,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organs of life to a free amt
healthy exereiae of their functions, has exci
ted tbe aifoniahmem, and completely ailen
end the nhj Ttions of t’ ** most inert d ilous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the viruea of tue «.uiholicon to as severe a
temtiny as possible, it was offered by adver
tisement, toge'her wit i the MUend^nce «*f it
physie-an, gratuitously to any '>"ri»n who
would apply for it, ant whine cause might
seem t come within 'he r*ngeof its healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long * ta d-
uig,ard^'Uno of them seemimrly de *»• r’e
on-'s, pr euted themselves, all of •which have
been cured or so much relieved as to warrant
Un.- assertion that a little n**raeverai»ce wi'l do
so In fact, such is the confidence of th * phv si
cian under whose fx p e these patients were
nlaced, in this remeily, a cor fide ce resu t
ini; from the irresistible conviction that tins
,een forced upon his mind by ocuiar demon*
si ration, ai d 3 person d trial of it on Ivmsei'
that he pc mitt me to declare it as his d oi-
tied opinion, that he Cxth dicon is not only it
perfectly safe and innocent, hut a most pow
ert'ul and invaluable remedy in certain di .
eases and states of the s' stem, such aa the f.4
OWio g :—
De il-tv resulting from intemperance and
1 ssipation; Ol l and inveterat Uicers. Pamr.
in the b. n a it nded with swellings f the
join's { Indiges-ion, Blotihea on the face,
oiitipe-, <kc ; Alt complaints of the Liver;
et e*Y t vs ; Syphilis .* Cutaneous diseases
general y ; Me curial and scrofulous com
The Catholinon (which the proprieter so)
em-dv pledges h-s word consists exclusive -
f veg 'tible mu ie ) with the exception of i
Ight d.tnrmi lation to the bowels^ which n
nrc servesin a soluble state, act^ insensibly, is
ol *MS;rnt to the taste, and requires n oarticii
ar regimen, (abstinence Ir.on spirttioua li
qu ifN I vays excep’ -d ) or confinement. A'
ugintle, sa ? and agree h e catharfic med
c e, improving thv aunetue mid iv st^riug tin
gen*ral'one of the system, it is conli<i<ntiy
recommended to iadu s in a delicat* situs*
.on. W W. HO 11 EH,
66 Che 1 ? ui-sireet.
Phihvlelplda. -Hay 31, 1824
At the request of Mr. «V. W Totter, Ih.ive
I tie v t xl.tbitcd, in severMl instances, a n.edi
c it -4 sirup, csib d Jo tc-r's Vegetable Catho
icon wit'-- the mort decided advantage. I
us, us et, never tailed » ttVctmg a cure ii
3 ,erv caie in which I have t' ongnt proper to
■mpioy it. H. M'HURI RIE, M D
Pin a tie phiuy July 28th, 18 24.
Mr. W W Potter
Dea 1 dir—Y i expressed a wish th t I
vmild gives concise statement of my s»»fT r
ngs, from ‘the hopeless commencemei t t
• tie present propitious stage of m v dise^ue*
About five years ago, on my passage from
lordewux, during the month of January, fron,
•mprudenl exposure on deck, I was seizod
with a violent fever Having no medicsiat
endantson board, I was compelled to bear
t, as I m ght for two weeks, when on my ur*
ivul at Cusrlostun. S. C it wxs treute.i
Vphiis. The sk 11 »f my Physician subdued
he fever, but P aniv-nke, the termination
>f this gave ris lo u di ,ease «qually disfres
ntr, ann which, till now i had th* ught Inciu-
hie. Vtr’ous abscesses made ther uowei<
om»'appearance, par(iculsrly on the ju nta,
vluch we-e-'we led to an enormous size.—
i’hese gradually subMided into hard tumors,
•ne of which on my left knee affected ti e
hone —hu incision was now made uno a large
iVMCuation of pus. mixed with p ; eces of bone
ook place. I \ addition to this, I snfforec the
nost excruci ating nainsin my joints that m-c
ever experienced Every thing that was
idm'nmterrd eitiier gave m»- no relief >r ser
ved to aggravate the iisea'Je, the to verity
whi’ h ncr rased with every succeeding year
w ttch w s mv painful si uation that I ie <p»ire
ever being restored lo my heal h ; 1 hud
lot o»lv tried t* e e ular means bf relief,
hut used, though in vs n, every popular rent 1
rd) 1 co,il l hear o* It was in this awful spd
despondmg condi*-o. »«hst I was persuaded to
ommence a course ol you* Vr- v » ta - 'ie c h I
’O' 1 , ar i t e hanpv result is, *’/om the use
of the two b ttl s my whslf r.ys , m has under
gonm comp et rtvo ntion, my puns li v fo sa
ke me;'* the dis .haty. from my jep. I
o d, and aoo s cease t alio jeliier, h
nicer from whence it proceeded being coir
nietelv healed, I he tumors, for the removal
of which I huve tr ied in vain more remedi
t .an I can name, are ripidly d* creasing ; my
unpetite, which was gone, has returned—I an
in fact, near'y wel. and f el confident ti at
few bottles more of y ir, (to me) mvaluabU
medicine, will m he me per ectly so.
Your obi.g -d friend,
•muld wish to be. With my thanVi, I am your
obliged humb*e tervanl, f/c
City of Phi'tidc'phia, ss
Gji»rge. K.tie, of the District of South,
vark, penn-'atly appeared, and, being d I
•worn, d >th declare and say tiiht the mUov
H ut ment is in all respects correct and true
nd that the signature to it is in the hand
writing of this deponent
.1 >H ' BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 18 <4-
The Vegetable Catholicon is (leculiarly
adapted to those liscases which are prevale d
tong the coloured population of the south
In that disease which is called ian
iure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince
planters of its s ipenor efficacy tunny reine
dy of a similar naUre iu tiie United States*
The advantages of this medic’n* are, not
confining the pa dent unnecesburdy to the
house, or keeping him from his'business.—
With one soli' i-y c-'cepiion. *hi» o ; a-tifi "•
»u« liquors, it dors not fay any restrictions upon
his appetite It tsao gentle in is opera oi
that Hie pdient finds himself getting well ht
cannot tell how. Ad it i« not the w-sh of the
proprietor to take any thing <ot which he
annot give a consideration equal in value
M-rsons at a distance who may wish to tiy
lis medicine, but who are not certain if it
e applicoble to their conmiaint, are request
d <o describe heir case and sympio na in
etter, p »st.paid, and directed to him—th *
etter will be immediately placed in Innas
fully comp tent to de^d‘ »he question.—
Should he re.nedy not sem o suit the dis
ease, they will be franklv told so.
To prevent d s*ppointm nt it is well to
ite that it tares in ordinary esaes fro n 3 to
'•oil et to effect a cure so that pe a ns wh<
re labouring under any serous innrntity,
must m *ke up their mind to persevere to that
xti n' at least—if thfy do not, they might as
ell nave themselves th« trouble and expense
f MPi-iga ST.dler qunridtv.
All o"de s p ist-p lid and enclosing the m nev
nmedately t-rud a t •, aud Ir:
«C:<ed Slid delivered with directions for use.
any place in the city, and forwarded aa di*
N. B. To prevent the possibility of .1! im- wi j bi s-.iM in the city ofPhilade -
ohia. at tiie offic iu Fifth near Bact-Str. et.
»rat the dwelling of the viropri tor, N *. 66
'lie^mr street, only, and abroad by bis au-
lionzcd agents W W POT! P.R,
66 Che nut St eet, Ph'ladepfia*
I have appointed G '.ORGE RYE vSON,
Druggist, of Savannah, m Note agent. Dt tig
-fists wu ting the above valuable medicine
will b. supplied by him for cash, at the ssmi
rate, if ordered direct from me—v«z. $30
per d- s .n, or three dollars t a ngle boitie.
W. W. POT I'ER, Philadelphia.
Anv person on application to the subac-it r
will be furnished with certificates of the • ffi
cacv of the .tbove medicine, sufficient • i t.
•nee the mind of the most sceptical althoug
,»o numerous >-nd h ngthy for n< wspaper r.
sertion. GKO. HYEF>0’\ D-iyg'st,
Co-ner of Bav and Whittaker Streets,
der !3
t-i fc.ULil it.
Between W Davies Adm nistrator, Complain
ant and John • a-nochun Administratin', dr.
h> nis non with the wi t ann> uvW of dear re
Richardson and others. Defendants in
equity ( h ithnm Supr< ior Court- Chancery,
'20th August, 1824
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defendants in the laid bill of
.omplaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part if the United Kingdoms
.» Great Britain anu IreLnd, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the satd John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear ai d answer to the com*
dainant'a laid bill, within nine months from
the date pf this order, otherwise that tin
said billj as to him, be taken pro confess*’ •
and il is further ordered, that a copy of thi*
order be publish* d once a week, in one ol
ihe public Gazeitea of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within which the said de
fendant ia required to appear and answer ns
t rue copy from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824 A. B FtNNIN, Clerk.
• oglin' .'4 50f
hills on New-York,
Feb 24
Philade phiu, July 6, 18'4
Mv confidence in th- v get tide catholicci
is un liminishw 1, and «s fn sh in tanccs of it
now ’ « dully occurri’ g, in my own pruc
ice I ave no hesitation in recommending i
in the pc’. ul'ar diseases to.which it is applm
ble, ns .superior to any reme u I «m acquau t-
ed witii. M. M’ UR1RIE M D.
Philu-i- Iphia, May . 8 18 4
Sir—In con‘ « q i nee of imprudent expo*
ure fo* r ears ago I had ill: misfortune 'o be-
come ffi cted with a oi ease, the painful re
sill's ok ..hich induced me to apply in hu
cts on to several respectable physicians of
t'.'S city, from whom, however, I •motived
ither no relief, or from whose ren edies 1
ceiveu another complaint quite as dist easing
s the former. My whole system became
frteted. I could get no rest at night on ac-
:ou it of the violent pain that I felt in every
part rf my body ; th«: weakness and e nacia
tion of which was such that I could scarcely
walk. *n this gut- I fortunately heard (if
your vegetable catholicon-f jur bottles ol
which, has completely restored me, I b av
now no pain; my appetite is good; and m
strength restored With many thanks for
h- relief your medicine h is given me, I ain
your obliged friend, be.
Sworn and subscribed to b* tore me* May 28,
1824 JOHN B1NNS, A der,nan.
Phi adelphia, May 28,1894.
Sir—I »m now, thanks to your medicine,
hearty mu.- F -r nearly six years I hHVe been
s martyr to a di.,ea«e, whose ravag a threat-
eued. if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regtrlar medi
cal advice from the commencement,
complaint at last got to such a height that.
could nut S'vallow without great pain and
difficulty- Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
*lmn<t desperate. The five bottles of the
Catholicon which I huve taken have com*
pletely cured me, and 1 am now ts veil ti
an itk.hti* • in* 1
Hy VA I WEI. T. *H t|.SJ'« ,y 0 ^
’-nrnhi i H .’on fo~ BiWtVuay ,y
FA 1f/,r HIBf.E
«,'./! ««/ in »
V tii tv mat iu u W anted
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
Frederick Lowe, Printer, a native of
Mnnchcster, England, and who, when last
heard from, resided at Monticello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
hn hml rnnrried a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C, Lowe, to
the care of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
iU The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
ther, by giving tiie above one or two in
sertions in tiieir papers.
jun i‘l 49
L OKing-'• lasses.
US T received, per schooner Retrieve,
an elegant assortment of Mantle and
Pier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri
coo, by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
doc 18
Car ran Castings.
doc. 18 N. B. WEED
Pi ot read
■J O HALF BBLS. Inglis’ Pilot Bread.
JL & just received and for sale bv
dec 29
Feather liens
J EST received by the William Wallace,
a large supply of the above articles,
with Bolsters und Pillows to match, war
ranted to be of the best quality-
Jun 27
Webster's pel ing Hooks,
. ECEIVED and for sale by
l Jan 13 .hT. B. WEED.
{Spanish begai s.
3D ?&0qr.*do} ®l >inish Se g #r9 '
Juut received per Globe, and for sale by
dec 4
l ast ;t - heel Iron Box toves,
t 'OR SALE by
No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
nnv ?4
Tar, i itch ii. sin ojc.
£t\J IU do Pitch
10 do Koain
5 do bright Varniah
For sale by A. BASSETT,
No. I, Mongiu’e New-Building.
Feb 4
Wire Fenders a.,d Last-Iron
Chimney Backs,
R ECEIVED per ship Otrtair, and for
sale by N. B. WEED.
• sale by
dec 27
fct Lroix Sugars.
I n HOGSHEADS of St. Croi- Sugars,
J. U of very prime quality, landing from
schooner Nancy, and for sale by
Jan 36
H nul Iteferenc i t 0 be
VOLU tEi itnr.ii, oi i-avo\
belli.hed with a /i/C- irsi of ihe Author.
I *' shall be well nnnted, on good p,p et ,
he compris' d in six han Isome volume
wH cm,tain the 9cr "tur.>9 of th P Oii .t
JY.w Tectnmentt, t ie Inhoducto-u 0n,., Vll 1 ’
Explanatory A olei, n t Emetic J Ulum,„
all,.' all Hie impious Marginal Refetemm
ine printed word tor word from ihe
Sicrentype Kilition, published since the ,! n
hor’s decease The price will be sfu ■
board* i »?4, in sheep ■, g30, in cult bir.din “
The wh o • .. irk will be ready for deliver. £
Slav, 1825, > °l
Ex i-ocrt of telle- • adilretiedio the
I esteem Dr Scott’s F .m y Bih| , emm „|L
calculated to proin ite the cause of trut sn j
piety It seems scarcely possible for on-to
-ead daily thi- Notes and Obsetvaiions ipR,
Family Bible W'thout becnmi ig . w„ rir j
letter man. BDVVARD D G'*,FPIV 1
I have seen no co nm ntary .if to., jo-rod
Scrip'ures which 1 think so well!
g.mersl use and editicstion. It is „ t r „ sl . ie
hich ever fatnaly ougtit to poes- s.
A K' '’DV
I, is a work distinguished for the simply,
t/and conve neiice of its arrang-ment t|, e
clearness ...: fi vlity of its es„oaitioni the
neatness and p.u’apicu'ty of no style, the
ncvol. nee Slid candour of its smri', the for
cseness and peitinency of t's applicin,,,.
oo for its uniform t,:id-ncy to pro rote e vin-
e, cal truth 'nh piety.
jbif.l imr.usji.
Of ilr. tcoit’s Family Hibie, 1 te.-l free t»
say, ihst in my estimation it descSffiilyr,p||
a "ong our ablest and h“si Oiuun n:» ier.
D • Scott’s Family B b e intimdnt mure rs.
ecially for t’ e use of (ih isuan ‘amilies
•vrrk high y ev-ngelicsl, extensively msttuo
:ve, and deeply tnteresii 'g
Daniel n. sanpehs
The character of Or. Scott’s Cununrntu,
n til- Bible, is so geiiernll' kmn, and y,
ghlv approved amongst the m >«t intnllig, ,t
id pious Olir-stians throughout our ntinnov,
a-' has pussi <1 rst.idly through so rrmtiv Is re
nit ions, that 1 deem fu niter rec mmvnJi.
ions needless*
, . J t 0-fSE
I am ac.qufiintf'ff «vith no Crm-*>fntarv an
:i Sacred Sc iptuies. which 1 w»ulri mi re
oid sfiy recomm-no for gcneritl use. Ihe
.•ian uf the work is cood
JOSMU *• R 4TP.'h.
Perhaps in no way, cm mmirt. rs i- st •ii*t**n
f youth, and private Cb'irtisro, dn
•rv : ce to society, thnn b” exertmi* t:*. m.
•dyes to riiss-mi: ite this t-ulv i. v mi,| e
wo-k JOSHUA lIUN V Gl*0 i.
I tnownf i,o Comm»*nta y i» better
•iculnted for diffusing correct vii-'-s ofthj
•'refit iruths of Christianity, s» d Ie v insula,
irv imjjt vssiops on th mind wh»'n
r m the pern-h1 of it, than the one you are
b wt to pub ish.
No writer s» em« less disposed to c-ivend
f »r barren specula'! None moieunilnmi.
It or more powt .finly incuVstrsthe greM»es*
f*ntrals of religion The spirit which pi r*
i des the work is except n ; it is the ire k,
ifeciionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of \m
From part'OuUr cs -mmati i», cuncuf*
ring testimom, the e is no doubi on mv mind
( l 'Rt S-ott’s Family Bibl« is superior tn all
Y iu will pleas- to »e d ne six copies of
c- tt*s Bible t I refer to your ‘atelv proposed
dition Per naps I shall induce five m >re to
t»ke the s me number. H- \ .
It is with extreme pleasure I perreire
oi* are about to publish z new eii'ion of
Scott’s Bible. Having been in p*isg«iginn of
t more tba • 20 y-a.*s, I tms 1 kn w » ni-
hing of its vaiue, and ati dtte mine 1 to ’ii.
note i s c rculsiii n among my friends Y u
#di please forward six copies as soon as pub-
shed. f!. M
I have obtainod four subjcrihers for the
jxc lie nt work you are pubhsinng H. S.
I pronose to take seven sets of Scott’s Hi
ble, and will be accountable for the game.
J C.
I have obtained s bsciihc-rs for nine c' pici
»f ScomN F nnly B ble. J. C.
I shall probably need eight or ten s -ts if
Scott V* Family Bible. J P*
Rev. S. b. of P. has o' taineu ten s iitcri*
bers. K. l{.
1 have observed that you sre abo -t ,>ub*
:i»liing another edition of Scon’s B Me
•ope you msy succee-l as you ii ve done in
ormer editions. I have been endeavoring ti
roctire subscriberr anr.n g our pc-on ie, sud
enor more subscribers will be ob ai ed.
0. S. H.
1 will take ten sets (of Scott’s Bb'ej
bound tod lettered. .1 F
I have obtained ten subscribes for y *ur
dition of the Family Biblt—and have r.*i
d ubt but there might be sumetho g likt’ h'J
copies w old in this place if you had an nt
here—I thought the work ought to b en*
touraged and for hat reason to k a subsertb*
ion paper It is a work that every f**
ihould have that ia able to purchase.
I am glad, 'hat y* u propose to print IT*
*« cot t’s excellent F-mily Cummtniaiy,
ihould be very glad if it were in my power to
:ive a more libeial patronage to the work,
than, as circu natzuces arc, 1 can I «haH*
I' wever, benble to do sometinng ; ei? !,t ,,r
en se's I shall certainly take; and it ^ e *
double that number, A. B.
i hive procured fifteen subscribers t0
Scott’s Bible, J A. I).
I think I shall dispose of 20 sets or mo r of
lie Family Bible. K. B (
1 have circulated. proposals for S< ott ^
B ble t bow many h«*ve been engaged it *'J*
c innot u li / but between 20 and 30 sets id
hs vicinity.
I have concluded to become respm» ,,,jlf
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Comine»t*7'
C. B.
I have procured 106 subscribers tn the
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in calf; 3 set* ,0
be done in boar Is the other 97 sen. bout®
and lettered as described in the prospect
H. M*.
1 presume I could procure 500 subset! -
heri tor your edition of Scott’s l'. 1 ®
demand is increasing for them Tb T wl
finally supersede every other large or Fj*™ 1 '/
Bible. Fifty of my subscriber* live within •
circle of 8 miles! J ***
Just published an edition of the same wobh
completed in six volumes. wMsuf margin
references; price in bm-ras £18; in •“ CC JJ
$21; in calf $27. Either of th se editnj
m«y be ha»l of trie publisher in Boston; or
S. C. k J. SCHENCK, S ivannah.
Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, just r'ccivetl anl
for sale by • GEO. RYER^ON
nov 38