Newspaper Page Text
jv'cvsi —VoV. Vli.
>fo. tlt&.
Bv G. *5 VV. UoBEllTSON,
iT nnHT ll'lltiHB PUB »»»«*.
Qygf Hwfll*#
!S published to meet the ariaugement o!
,hl three time, . week, (Tuesday
Thursday »nd Saturday) at the Office of h;
Drily Georgian, »nd contains .1 the Infill,
eence Commercial, Pnliiical and MisoeUan-
foils, including advertisement!. pub .shed ir.
‘ h Tbe“coumry r ’l*»P e T ii «e tto .il part, of
the State and Union, or delivered in the city,
ft five dollar, per annum, payable In •dvancc.
advertisement, ate matted in both pa - rr
*t 7S cent, per square, of M1 me., for e fir .
insertion, and 3Tj for every auccoeding pub-
,iC Cmnm«nie.tion. by Mill, mu.t be Post paid
Sal-B of land and n'gvoes by
tors F.x ,’CUtnr. or guardians, arc required,
by Ww, -o be held on the firs' Tuesday in -he
month, between the hours of ten in If f"«
noon and three in the afternoon, at tin. Court
H »n«e of the county tn which the propei t) *
."uTe -Noticeofih. sesales must be Riven
in a public gazette rixly days previoua to tin
d *No!‘-e e of»he a.te of personal property mus-
be give in hke manner, fV-y days prer.ou
to the lay nf‘sale- . -
Notice to,ho debtors and creditor, of
estate must be publisl.ed tor Fori, days.
Notice that application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary for ’e ve to tell land, mua
be rubli h I .Vine Mont he
fflAMLiL & SlWd'a
Ol't Eli POlt SALE,
gawv HOGSHEADS prime and second
D'Js/ quality St. Croix Sugar.
5u barrels do do do sugar
7o bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 (ons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf BUgar
30 coils bnle rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do ' Hong Island white, equal to
Georgia flint corn
nov 23
1NE months after date application will
be made to tbe Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot land,
known as number eight, 8th District, rike
formerly Mtmroe) County, tor tho benefit,
of the heirs and creditors of the estate ot
of N.S. Bayard. jj j, B .\ YA R D ,
Administrator estato N. S. llayard.
utEsH garden seed^,
RuYboua TYimex TLootB*
J UST rece ved l>y the ruhacriber, and ws-.
ranted of the l»st season’s growth, 2
ho.,.-a Garden Seed ., pu’ up by 4. M’Mahnn
•o. Philadelphia, expresaly for this market,
and coot,lining the following assortments, v z.
1. Drumhcsd Cabbage ’4. Bari) curled
■i T.niiir lied lleet tuce
3 (.ons Orange Carrot IS. Royal Cabbage do
4 Parsley 1*. Nutmeg Melon
5 Leek 17. Spinach
6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy
7. Salmon Radish '2. Sweet Basil
8. Early Purple do. 'JO Sage
9, Round leaved <1. Nasturtium
'0, Early Turnip. 22. Celcr,
•1. Late do ’3 Early PCS
2 S.'ssfy "4. Late do
3 Asparagus 25 Earlv bunch bear*
6 Red French do
°0 "ackages containing ihe following Bui
mis Blower Roots, viz.
t, Doub'e Hyacinth. I 4.Meiicant’gerflowei
F oe Tulip. I 5 1) oible Tuberose
3 Narcissus |6 Star of Bethlehem
for Bale by P.M’DErlMOPr
p..i, o IS
State Literature Lottery, By *• ‘I?/'"’ pw f’f a '
• 4JEt HHDS. and 100 bblc PhiUdilp.. a
CLASS NO. IV, FOR DECEMBER, 1824, S3© Rye Wi iskoy
2 Prizes of $10,000
3 5,000
is $.’0,000
13,395 Prizes, J
20,825 Blanks, f
31,230 Tickets.
In this scheme with nine drawn ballots
there will be 84 prizes with-three numbers
on them, 1836 with two numbers on them,
and 1.1,475, with one number on llinm.—
Those tickets having none of the drawn
numbers on them being blanks.
To determine the fate of the 31,220
tickets, the 60 numbers will severs y be
placed in a wheel on the day of drawing,
nnd nine of them will be drawn, and those
tickets having on them as a combination
the 1st, 2d nnd 3d, nnd 4th, 5th and 6th
numbers drawn, will lie entitled to $ 10,000.
Those having on them the 7th, ilth and
•th—1st, 2d anil 4lli—1st, 2d and 5th, will
each be entitled to 46.000.
That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th,
will be entitled to $3,082.
Those having on them the
1st,2d, anil 7thi2d,5tli & 6th 3d, 7th and 9th
I st,7th and 9th 2d,7th & 9th 3d, 8th and 9th
I st,ilth and 9th 2d,8th & Hth 4th,5th anil Sth
2d. 3d and 4th 3d,4tli & 5tlf 5til,6th and 7th
2d, 3d and 5tlil3d,4th & Oth 6th,7th and Sth
d, 4thand 9th 3d,7th &8th 1 each $1000.
Thus, having on them the
Jan 5
•\ otice.
F .RSONS having demands against the
estate of Thomas Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of R. & J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate of Tlionms JolinBton.
doc 18 2ltL
Illi 1 ll/ti,
T 'fV subscribers beu.g .bout to decline bu
Siness in I hi. place, request person, ha
ing demand, .g in.’ ’hem, to present the
for payment'
4 B.
FANNIN fc o 0
AdiniiustTet r’s police.
N N 110 < I HS from thiada'e, west all si
ply to tbe Honorable, the Inferior Coir
Chatham county, when ailtii g for ordinal )
purpose^ to sell tile real estate of Wilh.c
“ U,htW - C. H. HAYDEN,
twrn't 45
By the President of the Unittd States.
[ N pursuance of Ihw, j.Jamks Monroe, P ci-
ideal of the United Staler, do hereby di
line and mak** known. iHhi « public sale w
e held at the Lari» Ofli ie st Tallahasse, •
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, f
ih« dL'»« F»l o f the f 'flnw'me lands viz
Township I, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do t do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, cast.
1 &2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
flit- auk V,- II co dune nee with the lowes
umber of sec ion, township, snd range, an
roceed in regular rum.tical order. Th
.nds reserved hv law for the use of sch »oh
other purposes, will be excluded from th>
Given under mv hand, at the City of Wash*
ingtmi, this 26tli d:.v of January, 1825.
J »v the President.
geo obaham,
Commissioner of the General Land Offic
IXJ Printers of the Laws of the Uni»«r
atfg, in tbe Territory o ( Florida, and in th
States of 4 lab .ma, Louisiana, Tcuess e, M •
lippi, Geortiia. and South«Carolina, are ati
■z dto publish the fnre?'oing Proclame
t once a Week until th dr- of sale
•r 1-7 d t
Cojinac h randy.
G PIPES “Seignette’s Brand," just re
ceivud per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
60 Tiercns new Rice
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels flour
30 Barrels Hams
75 Barrels Gin
50 Cratos Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackarnl, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 CusksOil
Jan 12
Goshen liut ! ei\ Laid c.
J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
otlitfr late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bbls Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
TO bbls Pilot Broad, for family use
. For sale by
No. 1. Mongin’s New Buildings
«tb 12 01
Phare Mou'tls, P irk, Gin, 6;c
C l C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan
J, ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
56 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Moss Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
H)0 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
fob 12 67
Beers’ Axes.
A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
and for sale by JV. B. WEED.
set 27
lst,3il and 6th 2d.ltlideath
1st,3d and 7th
1st,3d and8th
1st,3d and9tli
1st,4th and 8th
st,5tli and 71 h
.d 3d and 6th
2d,5th & 7th
2d,5th & Ktli
2d, 5th & 9th
2d,6th & 7th
2d,4th & Hth
3d,5th & 6th
3d, 5th and 9th
4th,6th and 8th
lth,6th and 9th
5tli.7tli nnd 8th
Hth,7th and Hth
6th,Hth and 9th
each $500.
Damascus Steal Razors,
J UST received, n supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by
nov 24
, GIN.
I ft fV KEGS New Loaf Lard
1UU 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
.Tan 14
‘trade’s •. onipany’ toes.
CASKS.Brade’s Patent Does, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
dec IH
Georgia— Camden Cuumy
O 'i the lit st T'tesK-My in March next, 1 ' iii
sell at Jefferson, in said connty, a negri
nun, named Daniel, the properly of the es-
.ite of Mic ’juh Crews, deceased, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court of 0< dinary.
MALY CHEWS, Executrix*
J p 14 41
All others (being 41 Tickets! having
three of the drawn numbers on them, will
ach be entitled to $200.
The 51 Tickets having the 1st and 2d
irnwn numbers on them only, will each be
ntitledto 100 dollars.
The 51 Tickets having the 3d and 4th
drawn numbers on them only, will each be
entitled to 60 dollars.
All others (being 1734 tickets) with any
twoofthte drawn numbers on them, will
each he entitled to 12 dollars.
And those having on them any one of the
drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or
1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each
entitled to 6 dollars.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prize,
of a superior denomination, can be entitled
to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty
days after the drawing, nnd subject as usu
al, to a deduction of 15 per cent.
A considerable portion of this Lottery is
put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing
all the combination numbers, from one to
sixty, which parcels are warranted to draw
at. least 54 dollars less the deduction of 15
per cent, with so many chances for the cap
ital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) * 1nnn „ nra
A. M’INTYRE, f Mann S cr8 -
The peculiar advantages of this scheme
are, that it lias tuo highest prizes—th
number of Capitals is unusually large fur
the amount of cash to bn disposed of in pri
zes,(171,100 Dollars) and the price comes
within the moans of every man. Orders are
received as usual, at the ollice of the Geor
gian, by
whose orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot
tcry, have produced a large amount in pri
zes, among which were one of a thousand
dollars, 100, 50’s, &e.
Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte
ry, 14th Class, received as cash.
Jan 18
i. dministrator’s in otice.
N INE MONTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court o(
imtham county, (when sitting for ordinary
urpeaes) for leave to sell the real esute ot
*shhc H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred.
tors. C- H HAYDEN,
august 12 45
Hunch Muscatel itaisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
146 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by -
I-' *i i AnrtnuxV Wharf.
b'rcsh leas, llums, Flour,c
OiA CHESTS Hyson Tens
m U 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Illid Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv
ed per Laura June, for sale by
Feb 5
T HE subscriber intending to close his
business in this city, oilers his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting ol
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes. Pillar ami Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables.
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands.
Wash Stands, Candle Stands. Work Stands,
Muhoguny Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses
Looking-Glasses, Fancy &.Windsor Chairs,
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta
ker-Strect and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands
present their accounts for settlement.
.Tan 25 51J1
tales Bank .* oies,
Jan 20
150 Dutch pem iohm
10 kega Saltpetre
50 whole a* d 100 half bbls. fresh Flour
6000 hushe-9 Liverpool grou d Salt
5 bln.g. & 20 bbl§. prime Si. Croix Sugar
3 pines and 25 demijohna beat Holland
5 pipes and 30 demijohna best Cognac
10 hbda. and 25 bbls. superior Northern
75 bbls Northern Gin
5-j b igaG een CL ffe*.
v ca-'ks superior old Lisbon Wine
25 bb;s Lump m.d72 ’. bis, (.oat Sugar
5 b-»te» white and 7 do brown Havana
25 bug* black Pepper
S pipes Imitation Gm
2 b»le« Ragging Twine
25 qr bnSc* Hyson Tea
50 .earns Wrapping Paper
15 buz a Pipta
5 cfrg'!* Wool Hats
10 ba!is beat Oz: » urgs
5 bales unbleuc td Homespun
4 cases colored ditto
50 segs Dupont’s Gun Powder
1000 bushels Table Sait
25 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tons aa-mrit-d (Carr* n) Castings
5 large Smith Bellows
5 kegs assort' d Cut Nails
100 bg h 8 assort'd Shot—als an
Assortment of Lid r Wa<e, Market and
C otlies Baskets
All of which w ; ll be sold low for cash, or
'>od town acceptances.
!D«* 'll 4 9?
ider, Porter, Wine, c5c.
pe BOXES first quality Cider
i CasKa do do London Porter
36 Boxes Claret Wine
16 do Madeira do
126 Boxes Bunuh Raisins
16 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
t astings.
j'.ga TONS carron castings, just receiv-
i’QSJ ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from i to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches
130 untiuned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jf 8
” 9
1 Prize of— $40,000 it 40,660 Dollar*.
1 Prize of 96,600 it V0 000 l)oili ra.
1 Prize of 10,000. it 10 600 Dollar.
2 Pr-tea of- - 5,000 ia 6,000 Dollaia
30 Prize, of -l.i'OO is 30,606 Oollarz
26 Prizea ot--.—560 is 10,066 Dolma
56 Prizea of — — 106 ia 5,’ 00 Doll.ra
luO Prizea of 56 ia 5,000 Doilara.
5666 Prizea of 10 ia 50.606 Dollar.
186,060 Dollar!
20000 Ticket, at g9, ia 180.600 Do”, a.
The whole of the prizes n. be floating
from the commencement oi the drawing,
except the following, which are to be de
posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz:
On the 5th day, : i i i 410,000.
On the 10th day, : ■ . 5,000.
On the 16th day, 20,000.
On the 19th day, : : > t 40,000.
The whole to be completed it #
Twenty I TnVftu » onYj \\
The prizes only to be drawn. - The whole
payable in cash, sixty days after the com
pletion of the drawing, subject to a deduc
tion of fifteen per cent.
Commissioner! apjetinted by the Governor and
The above Lottery commences drawing
in Baltimore, on WEDNESDA K, 17(4 inti.
Tickets $12—Shares, in proportion,
received at the Baltimore price, and prize
tic 'lets taken in payment, at
No. 8, Commerce-Low.
M?. VIEtt,
R espectfully informs her friend*
1 and tile public, that her srHooi. is now
OI’KN, opposite the Chatham Academy, lor
the reception or pupir.s. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Haukison, she
offcrB her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks for
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from tiro reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholar*
are received, arp—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing nnd
Marking, per quarter, i 44 60
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Aritlime-
tic, 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : .- : • : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter.: : 8 00
C/" The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 85
Cumrteu Supertur court.
II enry Hrtord, i verdict MarehTcrm.
Thomas Kino. ) lll0U '
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain*
tilf, in the above case, it in ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first duy of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defeuduut, sixty days he*
fore the next term.
Extract from the Minutes,
dec 23 25$11
nov 9
Consumptions. > oughs, qc.
tutor inati i\\ \Vanted \
l iBL GLAND MILLER, who in the -et
815, arr ve»' in Savannah, in ihe Abetd?* n
rsnsport, belonging to Messrs. D< wsun &
Sons, of London is living, and will app>y to
is friends in Fznglano, he will hea' m
- •metb'ng much to his advantage, He lef•
Me Aberdeen while she lay at Savanimh, an-
•is not been heod of by his fiends sine
Mat period. He had been many years a aa
ir, and while on board the above voss- •
was employed as a carpenter. If he left S> -
vinnab at that time, it is probable that h
ntcred some vessel going to the Brazil I-
ands. as in his last letter, lw sta'ed that n
■ a fc his intention to do so. Should he hav
i d at any place whe' e s register or certifi
-.ate of hig burial can be obtained, it would b
liankfhl.y received andali expen attending
i, paid by
Savannah, or
o ~*r
Administrator’s ^ale.
O s’ the fi s\ ..iur»a> afe. the fi st Tues
day in May n;xt, betw en the hour* of
t m and four o’clock, will bv sold at the mar*
<et-hnuf*e in the t' wn of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo-
•nm amed Jenny, belonging to the estate «f
Dav d G JO'ies. decess d, for the benefit of
die Creditors of and es ate.
rrti 96
4 I.L persons having demands against the
• v e .ate of the late John Wakerly, (plan •
r) dec are requrs ed to render them, prop-
-rlv attested, immediately ; and all perso: >
i-debted, to mske immeditte pavm^nt to
ROBERT HOY, Exec» t< r.
F °4 y 7
N INE MONTHS alter dsie^ -ptdication will
be marie to the Honorable inferior Court
hutham county for leave to sell the real
nd personal estate of the late Mrs Ann H>-m*
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
«ndCred •« s- f»*id «••■
March 10 89§a
N otice.
N INE MONTHS after date of this notice
application wil‘ be made to the Honors,
hi the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
tv, for permission to sell all the real estate o*
JnlnWakerK dec. for th* benefit of tlu
heirs and creditors -f said dc-evsed
ROB BBT HOY, Executor,
^eb 24 67
F OR the cure • f 0-jMs, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spiting of Blood j Asthmas, and
ssesses cf the breast and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observatiov
»«tter established, none, more yenerally con
*irmed by the experience of the brst physici-
'•ns of all ages and countri-s, and none ol
ore importance to the human family, that
-he fact that many of the most difficult and in
• irable consumptions originate in neglect' i
colds.. In a climate so variable as ours, where
the changes of ihe wea hor are fr-quenth
sudden and unexpected, it requires care
nd attention to guard against this dangerou
«*nemv of life, than most people imagine oi
ire ubieaml willing to bes>ow. 't he bills o*
mortality exh bit the melancholy fact that tht
proportion <>f deaths by tins disease may bt
oimdered as about five to one. 1 asmurh
then as this fatal disease f "quently hi ;s tb fi
mce to the skill of tbe most learned ph} sioi
•ns, it is a gratification to the prnorietor that
c is enabled to offer to those afU.cted with
\ a goi d'y prospect of relief, in that lighly
'siuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians are happy in their know-
dge of medical plants; ^vtrned wholly h\
xperience, they arecertam as to their iff ct,
! »nd it is said by an author of gieat character,
; hat a true consumption ia a disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
herbs, root*, flowers, pl.nt-, &c when in per-
eclion. In consequence nf a happy combina.
lion of the most valuable herbs, &c. it becomes
a bs’srtm of a superior value. It hi-als the in
jured parts, opens the, and composes
< ie disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
the ches> and the lungs which constitute this
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration,* which is constantly called for,
and whilst it cleanses at d heals, it also gives
strength to the tender lungs In this manner
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to tbe nerves, repairs the
appetite and improves the spirits. This speci
fie mat always be give n in safety it is mild
pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value,
It affords relief in bowel complaints, t etliing,
whooping coughs, &c. snd is found psrticu
S -ny useful in hypochondri cal, nervous and
hvstericvl diseases. Each bill ot direction
ontain* a detailed account of this di-ease in
iii its different stages, and will bj accompa
>h-d with ihe signature of the proprietor ii
Red Ink, It is < ff *red for sale by GEO. RY
■iK O , only (my s >ie agent) D uggist, cor
e-Bav i-mi Wluttaker-streets. Savannah, st
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
U\it\6& VVttit Matrasses-
T HE subscriber has just received an as
sortment of the above articles, war
ranted to be of the best quality, for sale by
Oct 28
Opposite the Academy
Treasw-j Department.
March, 14, 1825
W HEREyS on the 3d of Maicb, lf*5 a
law was passed by the Congress of the
United States, of which the 3d 4.h. and 5th
sections are in t’ e •• o » f llov g, v * *
•* Sec. 3. And be it further enuc ed, That a
iubseriplion o ihe ain-jii. t of twc.Vt: millons
»f dollars, of the six p r cen*. vtock of the
vetr eighteen hundred *nd thirteen, be, and
the same is heir by proposed \ for which pur
pose book* shall be opened at he Treasuty of
the Unit* d States, and at th- ■< veral loan ffl-
eea, on the first day of April nezt. to continue
open until the first duy of Ocnbsr therein,or,
tor such parts of tbe above mention-, d de*
scription of stock aa shall, on h day of sub-
sor ption, stand on the books cf the Tr- tsury,
and on those of the several loan ft es, re
spectively t which subscription shall oe effect-
ed by a trar..fsr to the United States, -n the
manner provided bylaw for such trao-fe a, of
he cted t or cred ts standing on the e--:d
■ooks, and ! y a iurren ler of tbe certificate*
if tbe stock 10 auhicribed : Provideo, Tlist
*•1 subs- rirdon by soeh trsnafei < f stock ahell
oe c e 1 aa pa-t of the azid twelve mil
lions of doilara act or zed to be borrowed by
the first accti n of his acL
'- Sec. 4. And be i further enae'ed, That for
the whole or «o> p-ri ot any sum which shell
thus subscribed, c-edus shall be entered to
the aubsc-ibeis, tfhp shall be *nti-
ile,l to a ct rt fi -ate or certitiufes purporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holders thereof, luz her, or their assigns, a
•urn to be expressed therein, equal to tbe
amount of the principal s ock thiusubscrilud,
bearing an interest n -t exceeding four mid
one hall per centum p< - annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-fi st day of Decern, thouisndeight hui.ored aid twenty,
five t transferable in the same n aimer as ie
provided by law for the traealet of the stock
subscribed, and subject tu r- dempt on kt the
pleasure of the Un ted Stzt a, as fo 'lows : one
lief at any time after the tlutfy-fiist day e-f
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eiglit : and the remainder at any t me
after tht thirtv-fi st day of December, one
thousand eight nui.dr d and two t-mne t
Provided, Th-t no re mhuractrent shall be
made earept for the whole amonnl of such
new ceri ficate / nor until after at leut six
months public notice of such intended leim-
horsemen!. And it shall be the duty nf tbe
Secretary tf the Treasuri tu cause to be Iran*-
furred to the respective subscribers the eei-et-
al sums by them sul-aci bed beyond the amount
of the cer H iatus of tour and one half per
cent, stock ssii-ul to thorn n spectivelv
“ Sec- b. And be it further enacted. Tint
he same f n ils winch have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of'he inti rust, ana for the redemption a; d
reimburaement of the stock which may be re-
deem-d or reimbursed b; vir'ue of ihe pro
visions of this act, shall rum-in pledged in like
manner for thepavmentof the interest accru
ing on tbe stock crested bv reason of su -b
subscrip ion, and fur the redemption or reim
burse!! ent of the principal of the same. Ai d
it shall be theduti o- tile commissioners of li e
sinking fund to cause to be appiicu and prid,
out of the said fund, yearly and e>e-y year,
such sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the inte est set tuing on ihe
stock which may be created by viriue of thie
act The said coninua,loners are, also, htte-
bj authorized to apply, f,m time to tion.
such sum and sums ool of the said fund, ai
they may think proper, fwa.ds redeeming,
by purchase, or by re.n.bursemcut, in con
formity with the provisions tf this set, the
p ineipal of the said stock : and such part of
the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest-
ed by law in the aaid commissioners, as m-y
be necessity and nq fired for the above pur
poses,shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redempt-on of
the public debt,until the whole cf t'e .lock
which may becieated under the provisions of
this act, shall have beeo redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, n M tiee is hereby given, (hat
books will be open-d at tbe Treasury ot the
United States, ai d .4 the several loau offices,
on the first day of Anril next, and c. n.inue
open until the first di of October, thereaf-
'*r, for reneiving sub-crintions in conformity
wi li he provisions of the said law
The subscription may lie made by the pro.
pnelors of the stock, either in person or by
i heir attorney! duly authorized to subscribe
and transfer it to the United Slates.
Sh and subscriptions of uud stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve million, uf
dollar., a disti ibution cf tbe .aid sum of twelve
million, of dollars will be made among >be
subscribers, ia proportion to tbe sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of ibe I r asury.
March 96 10 T G
W hiskey,
F or sale by
Feb 23 T. S. HJTHEIL-