Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 02, 1825, Image 1
‘ ’ " “ SC , By Q. 4 %■ BoaBttTSOK, •ire p at >iarr snuas «»>»«>«. " liuin n* FOBTHB COUNTRY, n nubliahed to meet tb« itroflggoont »t Jr JS? three tirtio* 1 w '< k 'i TU !J d ^’ ?h,.X «* Saturday)»*•»,??'*.<* 1 !$ Di ! 1v Giorgisn, and oontaio* *B ienr- Uommevci*!, Politiool «ri >«»^IKn- "- 1W3§jpff *drent*emeflM.pntn*n«rn- \ ••I'tto *n p.rtt o( #hi- st*ie»nd Uniou, or dfclivcwd the wty. it lire dollars per annirto, Advertisements ate inserted™ both pa ere at 75 cent* per square, ofl41nes, fo( ! >® fit » Suortlon, and W* «**.**W tucceeding pub- “Communication*by *M1, mint »•*«<;£«« 9iiV* <>f Urtd and n-sroea. by Admimatre, to” KX'-cotors or guardian*, are required, S u™. t« be held on the fir. Tuesday m I he fj .. ’ u-twoon the houra of ten in 'he -fore « « a«W?m the afternoon, at the Court ij „i,e of the Bounty in which the property i« SZ& -Nofieeofth; »o.ale. mu. begiyen hi: pihlir guaetto nutty d.ys prev.ou. to the d * V,’,! Wthe sale of p B f«nal .propirty must ft5JSVT|.l» manner, /bet, day. previous to K!ltle il e* 1 to'\ f |ied’eMor8 and creditors of nr, , aatnlo must ha published for Arty'*yS' Notice "’*• .optiertioii will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell laud, mum be p».ibli«hft J ..Vine Month* Notice. tatINE months after date application will b6 made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Conrt of Chatham County, for leave tp.spll a tract of land, known as noraber eight, 8th District, Pike (formerly Munroe) Connty, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate oi of N. S. Bayard. * N: LvBAYAftD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Jan 5 3*"* - i\ otiee. I lERSONS hoving demands, against the estate ofThdiilah Johnston, will please present them, properly -attested, at the Counting-Room of R. &. J« Habersham. HAMUTALJOHNSTON, Executrix ol'tlio estate ofThomaa Jolmstcin. her. 111 3tti, JSOilCifi. T ICK subscribers being .bout to decline bu si ness in this place, request persona bav ing demands agduai them, to present then. for payment. A. B. FANNIN ft CO. V't. : 60+,. Administrator's' .Notice. N JNtiliO «TH8 from ibis date, we shill ap • p|y to the Honorshlc the Inferior Cour f Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to SCH the r®al,eeiftt<* of WUliiPi &U,bCW ' C. H. H AYDEN, Pi UAY1IEW, Administrator's. owes for r«#b,. Gtrlb H< HEADS prime and ®1J quaiityBt. Croix Sugar. ■ 50 barrels do da do 70 bags prime grSen coffee 30 '.rate* blue and tfrbeh ddge 10 ton. iron, assorted 6 pipes comae brandy 5 do flblland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum ; ltalr pipes,' quarter casks, and half -' quarter caaka wine 80 barrels ioafsugar 30 coils baferope *00, grind stones iOOO bushels Maryland corn 800 do .Long Island white,, equal to ... Georgia flint corn nov S3 VUJEMH CaBURIM SEten% AND ViwWYOTlS V\oWBT TkootfS* J UST received by the mbanriber, and war. ranted of the Inst aewoo’s growth, 2‘ boxes Garden Seeds, put up. by A. M’ilshon A iln. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, apil Boitalning the following aasortmrnts, vis. I. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Early curled Let* 3 T.,ong Red Beet tuee 3 I .one Orange Carrot 1*. Royal Cabbage do 4. Parsley • 16. siutmeg Melon J. Deck IT. Spinach S. Onion 18. Summer Savoy T. Salmon Radish IV. Sweet Basil 8. Early Purple do. 30 Sage 9. Round leaved ll.'Jtfasliirtium 10. Early Turnips it. Celery II. Late do .13 Early Peas : 3 Sq safy ’4. Late do 13 As^aiagus 35 Early bunchbesns -6. Red Trench do A t.B U, 50 Paoksge* containing the following Bui lions Blower Roots, viz. I, nnub e Hyacinths I 4.M“xleantlgAraiiwei n. F ne Tulips I 5 D mbie Tuberoae 3" Narcissus I 6 blar or Bethirtiem For sale by P.M’DBRKOTT P»b5 .SR By the President of the United SttUei. I Noursuance of law, I, Jams! Mosnov, Prer- i Vnt -f the 1’i.i ed Stale,, do hereby do elate an.1 make known, that a ptihlic ante wi 1 1 e held at the Land Office at Tallahasse, 1 Florida, on tbe third Monday of May aext, ft,, the disoonal of the following hod-, vti:— Township 1, south of Range 4, west of thr Meridian line. - ' , l and 2 north of Range 1, do do Fractions! 3 do do do do Towuship V, south 1, 2, 3, 4, ’& S, east. 1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5' Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5; The tale will commence with the low s' ...umber of section, township, and range, a.,.’ proceed in regular numerical order Th. i,nds reserved by law for the utte of ochool/, or other pnrpoaes, will be excluded from tii- {.ale • Given under my hand, at ihe CUy of VYaeh- ingtutt, Ibis 26th dav of dunuaev, IB.'j. JAMES MONROE. By the President. GEO. GRAHAM, Commits''nnrr of ihe General Land Office (ty Printers of Ihe Laws of the United S ates, in the Teriitory of Florida, and in th' Stales of Alabama, Louisians, Tenessre, M>— uissippi, Georgia, and Soulh^Cnrolins, are an thoriz 'd to publish the fotcgotug Proclamt- lion pneo a week until Ihe dav of sale ' tr,|, 7 6 f Damascus Steal Razors, | UftT iL'celVerf, a supply -orrnt? ttmrfc ai- tf tide, which will be warranted good.— For*sale by N# B. WEED. -XOUK. ^tatft Literature Lottery, classno.iV,For " 1 TOBEfiRAWNl ■i . ■ ...v- .j.r— SUM NUUBIRIjM.NX BALLOTS TO BE DAAW|. ■ SCHEME. * Prize* of $10,000 is $20,000 . .18 5,000 15,000 "1, ... 3,082 r 3,082 17 ' 1,000' 17,000 20 500 10,000. ■41 200 B^iiO ■' SI 100 5,100 51 60 3,060 1734, 12 20,808 11475 6 66,850 13,395 Prize*, ) 20,825 Blknkin $171,100 34,220 Tickets. )u tiiis schetne with nine drawn ballots there will be D4 prizes with three numbers on them, 1836 with two numbers on them, and 11,475, with one number on them.— Those tickets having none of the drawn numbers on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 34,220 tickets, the 66 numbers will severs y be placed in a wheel bn the day of drawing, and nine of them will bo drawn, and those tickets having on them as a combination the 1st, 2d and 3d, and 4th, Sth and 6th numbers drawn, will be entitled to g 10,000. . Those having on them the 7th, 8th.and 9th—1st, 2d anu 4lli—1st, 2d and Sth, will each be entitled to $5,000. That having on it the 1st, 2d and 6th, will be entitled to $3,082. Those having on them the j 1st,2d, and 7th 2d,5th & Oth 3d, 7th and 9th 1st,7th ami 9thj2d,7th & 9th‘3d, Sth and 9th 1st,nth and 9th 2d,8th & 9th:4th,5th and Sth 2d, 3d and 4th 3d,4lh afstn'stn.ourand no 2d, 3d and 5th 3d,4th & 6th.Sth,7th and 8lh zd, 4tliund9th'3d,7thdr 8tm each $1000. Those having on them the I st,3d and 6th 2d,4th & 5th 1st,3d and 7th lst,3d and 8th .1st,3d and9th Ist,4thand8th st,6 th and 7th 2d 3d and 6th 2d,5th & 7th 2d, 5th & 8th 2d, 5 th dt Oth 2d,Oth & 7th 2d,4th & 9th 3d,5th & Sth 3d, 5th and 9th tth, 6tli and 8th 4th,6th and Oth Sth, 7th and Sth 6th, 7th and 9th 6 th, 8th and 9th each Tickets) havini i tin a vine i, will nov 24 anen't Cognac Brandy. 6 PIPES “ Seignette’s Brand," just re ceived per Louisa MatiUta,,for sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. IN 8TOUK, 60 Tierces new Rice 10 Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 60 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Ilnms V 75 Barrels Gin 50 Crates Crockery 20 Kegs Butter 50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3 20 Coses Port Wine 10 Casks Oil Jan 12 Goshen But'er, Lard itc, J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and other late arrivals 12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality 25 kegs leaf Lard fi bills Butter Crackers *0 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat and Rye Flour JO bbls Pilot Bread, for family use For sale by A. BASSETT No. I. Mnngin’sNew Buildings feb 12 67 Share Moulds, Pork, Gin, fijc C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan- • ding from ship Corsair 4 tons Share Moulds In Store, . 56. barrels Northern Gin 18 do Mess Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel - 100 kegs White Lea# 22 kegs Black PaiiE 8 do Verdigris i 5 do Spanish Brown 10 barrels Whiting . feb 12 67 Beers’ Axes. A SUPPLY of the above Axes, received A and for sale bj Jf. B. WEED. eeta» NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RKCF.IVF.I) PF.It BIUO QF.OROF. WASHINGTON. •$ 4'ki'kjKEUS Now Leaf Lard 1UU 150 Hams 3 Barrels Castor Oil 5 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Moss Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 tirade’s Company’ THoes. CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for sale by N. B. WEED, dec 18 Georgia— Camden County O N the first Tuesday in March next, I will sell at Jefferson, in said connty, » negro nan, rained Daniel, the property of the cs- '.»eof Mic.jah Crews, deceased, pursuant to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary, MAUY CREWS, Executrix- .In 1* 41 All others (being 41 three of the drawn numbers on ach be entitled to $200. The 51 Tickots having the 1st and 2d drawn numbers on them only, will each be entitledio 100 dollars. The 51 Tickets having tbe 3d and 4th drawn numbers on them only, will each be entitled to 60 dollars. All others (being 1734 tickets) with > any two of tbo drawn numbers on them, will each be entitled to 12 dollars. And those having on them any one of the drawn numbers, (being 11,475 tickets, or 1,275 for each drawn number,) will be each entitled to 6 dollars. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize, of a superior denomination, can be entitled to on inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as U6U • al, to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 20 Tickets, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to Bixty, which parcels are warranted to draw at least 64 dollars less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the cap. iisl prizes. ' ■ J. B. lA'mo,—a A. M’INTYRE, ( PRICE OF TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. The peculiar advantages of this scheme, are, that it has two highest prizes—the number of Capitals is unusually large for the amount of cash to be disposed of in pri zes,(171,100 Dollars) and the price conics within the means of every man. Orders are received as usual, at the office of the Geor gian, by W. ROBERTSON, whoso orders in the late Pennsylvania Lot tery, have produced a large amount in pri zes, among which were one of a thousand dollars, 100, 50*s,&c. Prize Tickets in the Pennsylvania Lotte ry, 14th Class, received as cash. Jan 18 • Administrator’s Notice. N ine MONTHS alter date, I shall apply to the Honorable (be Inferior Conrt ot Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary purpuses) for leave to aell the real eatate ol Isaac H, Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred. iteri, C- H. HAYDEN, Administrator august 15 45 Bunch Muscatel Kaisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WbOD, Feb 3 AneianvV Wharf. Fresh Tens, Mums, Flour, cc QA CHESTS Hyson Teas 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 Hltd Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jan®, fo» eaUrbir , „ J. B. HERBERT 6t CO. Feb 6 ' ‘ \3. t+tatea Rank .Voles, YTtOR SALE at r LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, otters his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of SideboardB oT various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tallies, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlomen’s Writing Ta llies and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin tllands, Wasli Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. Wire Sates, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy &Windsor Chairs, die. at the Ware-House, corner bf Whitta,- kcr-Street and Bay Lape. J. H. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, apd those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J.H. OLDERSHAW. Jan 25 ■ 51H Notice. ]^r ink auer ippfieatiofi will be made io the Honorable Inferior Court >f Chatham county, for leave to fell the real And personal eatate of the late Mra. Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit ef tbe helm, - WORTHINGTON GALE) Ett'cutori Much 10 RECEIVED, ,frtm PlUUiiletf^ia, 100 bbla- Philadelphia 150 |)utch Deiifnhns 10 aegt'Sahpire 50-whole Snd »0 half bbls. foesh Flour also! in store, 6000 bushels Livqpool ground Salt 5 bhos, k 20 tils, prime St. broil Sugar 3 pipes end's! demijohns best Holland G.n | , • ■ 5 pipes end 30jdemijohos best Cognae Brandy I 10 hhds. end ?5nbls. superior Northern Rum y If 75 bbls Northern Gin . 55 bansG'een 4> ffe- 5 casks superior old Lts’'an Wine 25 bbls Lump ind 72 bbls. Loaf Sugar 5 boaes while and 7 do brown Havana \Sugar *5 W» black Pepper ; PA* Imitstion Gin 2^te?t. 0 y?o15fSf 56 resmn wrapping Pape* 15 boxes Pbel * erais wfol Hats 10 hal ■ best Oznaburgs 5 bat s unbleached Homespun ' 4 cat i colored ditto 50 kei i Dupont’s Gun Powder 1000 bus eli Fable Salt 95 keg manufactured Tobacco 25 l.ini knotted ( CaaUnga 5 Lrf: Smith Bellows 50 keg teiorted Cut Nails ICO bag assort'd Shot—alao an assortmei; of Ctdar Ware, Market and Clothes Baskets.' All of w ieh w'll be told low for cash, or good town tcceptances. P. M’DERMOTT, msrr.ll -4 9 1 ■ STATE LOTTERY MARYLAND. , if f HIGHEST PBIZB SCHEME NO. m. 1 Prize of—$‘40,000 is 40,060 Dollars, 1 Prire of—20,000 is 20,000 Dollars. 1 Prize of—.10.000 i» 10.000 Dollars. 3 Prizes of-—' 5,600 i» i0,000 Dollars. 30prizes of—rt.noo ia 30,000 Dollar*. 90 Prize* ot—5CK1 it 10,090 Doliais. 5000 Prizes of——10 in 50,000 Dalian. $>e i hopes, her' 5 "05 Prizes. 1479$ blaokt. 180,000 Dollara. Cider,Porter, Wine, &c, t) K BOAES first quality Cider A ^5 o o*do do London Porter 30 Boxes Claret Wine 10 do Madeira do 120 Boxes Bunch Raisin9 10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds For sale wholesale and retail by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Anciaux’s Wharf. Feb 18 H Castings. > TONS carron castings, just receiv- / eil from Greenock, vta. Charleston, consisting of the following assortment, viz : 2600 pota from 1 to 30 gallons 200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches 60 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to 4 lbs. 120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts 1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches 130 untmned tea kettles, from one to 5 quarts For sale by P. M’DERMOTT. Jen p | Camden Supenor Court. HENR V “f 0RD ’ iVerdictMarchTerm, • V 18W8 - O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain tiff, in‘the above case, it is ordered that the defendant do shew cause, on oi be fore the firdt day of the next term, why a final judgment should not be entered* in the above/case, as of March Term, 1808 ; and that judication be made of this rule, once a msnth, for four months, in one of the Gazeljos of this District, or that a copy be served pn the defendant, sixty days be fore the n»xt term. Extract fam the Minutee, JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. -I'- 9sf „ 20O00 Tickets at g9/ia 180,000 Dollara. The whole of the prize* ut be floating from the commencement oi the drawing, except the following, which are to be de posited in the wheel at definite periods, viz : On the 6th day, : i t $10,000. . On the 10th day, : . t . 6,000. On the 16th day, : : i a , 20,000. On the 19th day,. : : t t 40,000. The whole to be completed in TvieniTj Wrawia a onlj \\ The prizes only to be drawn. -The whole payable in cash, sixty days after the com pletion of the drawing, subjeot to a deduc tion of fifteen per cent. JAMES L. HAWKINS, N. F. WILLIAMS, J. B. RINGGOLD, Commissioner! appointed by the Governor and Council The above Lottery' commences drawing inBaitimore, on WEDNESDAY, nthinsl Tickets $12—Shareain proportion. ORDERS received at the Baltimore price, and prize tickets taken in payment, at LUTHEE’S EXCHANGE OFFICE, No. 8, Commerce-Row. pov 9 91 IJEEPBCTFULLV informs he*. A* and the public, that her school “’■“". WPOrite thpghathaipA ^ tha nvcEPTioif or purn.a. her daughter Miss E. Ar H*irn«ot., _ otters hqr serviecsinteachingthe foHoWim useful and ofnairiental braiilehea of ednek tlon. Whilst she returns sincere- thanks * *•>“ patronage hitherto extended, *; -j, from the reduced rates oftuitfopj* increased exertion* to further the*? of her Pupils, to deserve -a still f ftet extension of public favor. Thp er- of tuition, and the terms on which sell »>» received, are— Ciaae-iSjieffiBg-, Rdaffi, «4. €U«»kW.Ynm .. r.||niin Geography and^iSi! : i t : t. -s '■ B 0o The French or Spanish Languages, ’ including elegant embroidery, on lace or muslin, to any pattern) _ . per quarter, : : : , , j ,i0 OO Painting on velvet, per quarter,: • 8 00 ’ ?7;The most careful attention wiB be ^ paid by Airs.-JCf.h, . to the deportment' and morals of those entrusted to her charge.' ' nov2 . 85 ; Consumptions, Coughs, JJjc. BUTLER’S Lutucmitiun Wanted \ I F GbOttGO 9ILI.HR, otheraise DAN. iRL OLAND M1LE.RR, who in the year 815, arrived in Lvamirh, in the Aberdeen ransport, belonging to Messrs. Dewson & Sons, of London is living, and will apply lo his friends in Eifeland, he will hear ot vmetl'-ng much toi his advantage. He left he Aberdeen while,he lay at 8avam»h, anil is* not been herri of by his f iend* sine-.- that period. He had been many years a sat* ’nr, and while on board the shove vess-1, wsa employed «s a carpenter. If he left 8"- vsnnah at that time, it is probable that hr ntered come vessel going to the Brazil h- '**rir’s. sa in his last letter, he sta'ed that it r*> Ins intention to do so. Should he have lied nt any place where a register or cevtifi care of his burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all expenres attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or YV.W. BtT.L. CHES TER. New-York »n' O S7 Administrator’s iale. O .' the 6 si kturday sf'er ihe first Tuea day in M,v n-'it, betw ien the hour* of ten and fouro’tl »k, will behold at tbe mar- ket-hruse in the Uwn of MrMarya, pursuant to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo man named Jenny, belonging to the estate of Dav d f+. Jones, deccri' d, for tbe benefit of the creditors of sstd estate. JOHN HARDEE, Adm’r. »*: r«ti 96 Notice. A LL persons h iring demanda against the IX estate of the I ate John Wskerly, (plant er) dec. are requiaied to render them, prop erly attested, immediately i and all persona indebted, to male immediate payment to ROBERT HOY, Executor. Feb ”7 N l Notice. INE MONTHS after date of tbla notice) applicdion will be made to the Honor*, ble the CouX of Ordinary of Chatham Coun •y. for permission to sell all the real estate of John Wakcriv, dee. for tbs benefit of Ihe heiraaod ereditora "faalVl'deci+ssed' ROBERT HOY, Executor. Feb 34 67 F OR the cure of Holds, Coughs, Cnmnmp tiona, Spitting of Biood, Aslbmas, and liseue* of the breast and lung*. There is perhaps no medical observation better established, none more generally eon firmed by Ihe experience of the beat physici an* of all ages and oountrira, and none ot core importance to the human family, than -he fact that many of the most difficult and in curable coiisumptiora originate in neglected cold*.. In a climate so variable as outs, wherr the changes of the weather are frequently sudden and unexpected, it require* mere care und attention to guard against ihia dangerou: enemy of life, than moat people imagine u are able and willing to bestow. 7 he bills o> mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the oroportion of deaths by this disease may b< considered as about five to one. Inasmuch then as this fatal disease frequently bj-is defi ance to the skill of the most learned physici ans, it is a gratification to the proprietor that lie is enabled to otter to those afflicted with it, a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly vsluable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sp,:ei- Jlc. The Indiana are happy in tbeir -know ledge of medical plants i governed wholly by experience, they are certain as to their effect, and it I* said by an author of great character, that a true consumption is a disease never known among them. T his Specific is obtnined b^extrsetion from herbs, roots, flowers, pLnts, Ac. when in per fection. In eonaequenoe of a happy combina tion of the moat valuable herbs, Ac. it becomes a balsam or a superior value. It heals tbe in. jured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerve*, after the mannerpf an inodyne/ consequently the obstruction ol the cheat and the lungs which constitute th.s disease, particularly need its use, It promotea expectoration, which ia constantly called for, and whilst it elearsca and heals, it also gives strength to the tender lungs In this manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, renaira tbe appetite and improves the spirits. This apeci fie may always be givtn in safety it 1* mild, pleasant to the taste, and may wifely be given o infhnta, for which it i* of inestimable value. It affords relief In bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, tie. and is found purticu. My useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and hysterical diseases. Each bill of direction contain* a detailed account of this disease in ill its different stage*, and. will be aceompa "ied with the signature of the proprietor in Red Ink. It ia offered for sale by GBO. BY RHbO..., only (my sole ageot) Druggist, cor car Bay and WhUtaker-atreeta, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM. BUTLER. dec 30 30 < Gvtlti Hair Matraaseft. IYHE subscriber hae J*ust received en. as- I. sortment pf the above -articles, war ranted to be oft he besLquality, for sale by A W.JdQItAEL. ■ OCtH : • -> - - ' ' - TrffiftswY,' Uev«time>it. > 1’ March, 14, 1825 J | XN7HERE IS on the 3d of lfareh, lXvj * > * F law wa* pawed by the Cungrew of the United States, of which the Sd, 4th, apd 5th sections are in the words f'.Ubwing; v'af-. “ h •‘Sec, 3. Aid be it further enacetl. That* subscription to tbe amount of twelve millone c .ifdolls's, of tbe six p -r cent, stock of the year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, ahdi v tbe same Is hereby proposed i for which pur- pose books, shall be opened at the 7'ieasurv of the United States, and at tin afeveral iah IS- i cca, on the fifat day of April next, tocohllnu. open until the first day of October tberwItSv for such part* of the shore mentionfed de- ' aeuption uf stock as shall, oh th :■ day of sub- acriptiun, stand on tbe bouka of tbe TreasurV. anil on those of the afeveral loan ifllees, re- speeiivety / which subaoription ahalt be edect. 1 ed by a tr»usf,-r to the Uhited, State*, ih the ; i manner provided by law for such trai '.feri, of ' the credit ot credit* standing on the wid . oooka, and by a surrender of the certificate* * of the stoek so subscribed : Provided, Thai all subacripliun bjr such transfer of stock shall , be considered u part of tbe wid twelve mil- 5 liona of dollars anthorined to be borvowe"bv % the first section of ibis art. " . 8 '°' 1 6. And be it further named, That for the whole or any part of any sum which shall be thus subaenbed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who ^»u k. c ,.n- tied to ad-rtiflcstc er- certificates purporting that tbe United State* owe to the holder or holders thereof, hia, her, or their' assigns, a • sum to bo expressed therein, equal tsV the .mount of the principal stoek thus subscribed, bearing an interest nut exceeding fourth* one bair per eentum per annum, payahlb ’ quarterly, from the thirty-first day of bhoe«. ' thousand eight hundred and twenty, five r transferable in tbe tame manner tan* provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to redemption hr-tbo " pleasure ofthe United States, as follows i onft ’ aif at tny time sfier the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight t and the remainder at any time - after the thiity day of Decembcr. one thousand eight hundred and twentymlne i Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except (or the whole amount of such new cernficste/ nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended rent- «♦ mirsement. And it shall be th* duty of the Secretary ofthe Treasury to esuselo be tranw lerred to the respective sobscriben the sever, al aumaby them Subscribed beyond the an _ un t of tbe certificates of four and one half' net cent, atoek iasucd to them rrapeetiveiy- "Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the same fund* »liic*i have hci eiutore been* .nd now are pledged by law tor the payment of.he interest, snd for the fetitcrettion iKd ‘ reimbursement of the stock which may be re. ueemed or reimbursed by virtue of tbe pro- visions of this act, shall remrin pledged In like *+ manner for the payment of tbe Irterest accru ing on the stock created by reason of such subscrip'ion, and for the redemption •r reim- bursen ent of the principal of the same. Ard . , it ahill be the duty ofthe coirmiuioneri of lira <J sinking fond to cause to be applied and paid, out of the said fund, pearly and every year, such sum and sums en may be annually requir. ed to discharge the inleiest accruing on th* , stock which may he crented by virtue of tbti act The wid commissioneia atr, slsoj here by authorised lo apply, form time to time, such sum and aumt out or the wid fund, at Ihey may think proper, towards redeeming, ' bypurehase. or by reimbursemfeut.Jn co". tormity 'with the proyitiona of this sot, tbo pi incipal ofthe s»id stock t and such haft of ‘ the annual turn often millions ofdolTln) yett ed by law in the said commissioneia, as m*y be ntcess&ry ar.d required for the above pwi noses, shall be and Continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redempt'on of the public debt, until the whole of tie slock which may be errated under the provision* of .-.jeL.h.d have4>een redeemed or reim* . N“w, therefore, notice i* hereby given,'that book* will be opemdat the Trektofv'hf'lira United State*, and st the seveiMkM effl™ onthefirat day of April nfeht, and nolhiln open uuUl the first da» of Qctoberi tbe er, for receiving subicriptioaa ih confo with -he proviaion* of th* raidlaw' * Thosubsoriptionrmay b* made Ifoifei prietors of the stock, either m ' their attorneys duly sutborizi and transfer it (o the United 'S Shonldaubsoriptiona of raid to an amount cxeaadlng t dollars, a djwributionof th* i millions of oollars wlU’ba * subseribrn, iu proportion t* bed fey them napectively,. HM (hw Whiskey, ■pOR SALE by ^ T.#.}