Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 06, 1825, Image 2

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BY ».* W.BOBSBTSOM, rum.uHini or thk i.awi or tii* uihoh OAII.T riPKK, : ! s : i t i kioht, countut : i : : nvr fwmtsm WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 0 Latkst most Fhabck.—By the ship Brandt, arrived at Charleston, on Sunday, Faria papers to the 18th February, inclu sive, and Havre dates to the 2lst, have been received. There is nothing in their con tents of interest, which has not been an ticipated in our British papers. The Cham ber of Deputies were engaged in the dis cussion of the Report upon the National Debt, and Sinking Fund, Law Project, and the law granting an Indemnity to the Emi grants. A private letter of 31st Jan. from Lis bon, states that M. Silvestre Pinheiro Fer reira will proceed to Rio Janeiro with Sir Charles Stewart, for the purpose of obtain ing the bust conditions possible, for PortUr gal, as the price of her recognition of the independence of the Braails. This sppoint- ment is said to give general satisfaction, as M. Pinheiro possesses the confidence both oftheKingof Portugal and the Emperor of the Braails. Among the measures decreed by the King of the Netherlands for the relief of the victims by the late inundations, iB that for all the vessels laden with corn and oth er provisions to proceed immediately to wards the places where the waters have oc casioned such lamentable disasters. In the Over-Yssel, 7000 persons are said to have perished. The sum of 3000 francs has been remit ted by the King, to the Consort of the French Ambassador, at the Court of St. Peterburgh, for the relief of the sufferers by the late inundations in that capital. The King of Naples has taken off the restrictions laid upon the exportation of English merchandize by his father. We annex the latest prices Hirre, Ftb. 18.—Fair Upland Cotton-* command readily 37 a 27 $s. Rice will br:ng 37 fr. and likely to keep up, if the supplies are not over abundant. Sea Is land Cotton may be quoted from 2f. 50c. to 3f. February 19.—In consequence of our sup plies of cotton coining in so much later than usual, and a great demand that has taken S ince by Liverpool speculators, our market as undergone a serious change since our last. We annex a comparative statement to 31st January, by which you will observe »*■ ———. -4'm>*. «■-“ then less than at. the same period in 1834, although theuurchas e» made Uurtng the past oy speem lators, are comprised in the same. Our im portat ions since the 1st inst. by two vessels from your port, one from Savannah, three ftom New-York. one from Philadelphia, and live from New-Orleans, amount to 61101 bales, and our total sales of U. S. cot ton, to 4,433 bales, comprising 2335 Up lands and Georgia, at 26 a 2!) j 961 Ala bama and Tennessee, at 26J a 28J ; and 1227 Louisiana, at 28 a 33. Out of the above sales, about 1200 buleB, a mixture of Uplands, Alabama and Tennessee, were disposed of the other day, at 20 ,, which we estimate at i a‘4c. under which had previ ously been paid; and so eager are holders to make sure of the protits which they can realize in their late importation, that should our supplies keep increasing, we think low er rates will be submitted to, particularly fur Georgia and Uplands, of which the qual ity generally is quite inferior, and we think therefore the time for prolituble adventures from your side gone by for the present; as we must now expect prices will gu up with } tou, whilst they recede hero. Prime Up- untls are scarce, and would readily bring 29s. The late sales of Sea. Islands were made at 45 a Oils, but we have heard of no transactions in that description, within the -past fortnight. We have endeavored to ascertain with some accursty, the consumption of cotton iu France and Switzerland, for the year 1821, and our enquiries lend us to think that it amounted to 280,000 bales, of which for France, 350,000, comprising 135,000 bales U. S. sorts, .50,000 brazils, 70 000 Egyp tians, 15,000 E. and W. Indies; and 30,- 000 tor Switzerland uf diderent sorts. The averugt: price of our sales we find to have been (luring the past year, 24 T J for Geor gia, 2C7„ iiir Louisiana, 44 for Sea Islands; and were the prices uf cotton shipments from tit- United States to this market to he also averaged, it would probably be found that they have been fully as profita ble as those made to any of the neighboring ports. As yet we have received but little new rice—our quotations are from 36 to 37f. anti some sales have been made to arrive at 35 and 35 50; most of What we have suen, is of very indifferent quality, and was any quantity to accumulate, prices would no doubt recede. February 20.—Georgia Uplands are si ill scarce—fine qualities bring 29s. Louisi- anas, fair and good, 30$ a 32js. Rice is taken on arrival at 36 a 36 jf. Harne date.—We quote Uplands 2# a 29 Js. and the stocks being sinull, and spinners badly supplied, our market is likely to keep good prices." Havre, Feb. *1.—Our cotton market is still in the. same situation as mentioned iu my former letters. Thu stock is Btimll and the prices are high, and there will be no change until our imports are mure impor tant. Georgia Bowcds are from 26 a 29 ; for a fine lot of 25 hales, 29 J lias been paid; at such a rate, and even at 29, there are few purchasers, and the best of the late ar rivals have not gone beyond 26 a 28J Louisiana ranges from 29 a 33, some fair parcels have sold from 30 to 31. These cottons are generally good and abundant this year, and will make up for tlie inferior ity of tbe Georgia. Tits wauts of the con- aumers are great, and I have no fears that prion* will gp as, low as I hey did last year. A Wl is to be expected, hut it will bo grad ual and without a atidtlen shook. The last sales of Rice have been made at 35 50 a 36 ; a parcel by the Duguay Tronin, on board, sold at 35 50. FoftEiax Extracts—From London and Liverpool papers, received at the Office of the Georgian, by the Emily. The Minister of Financo, Villole, in tha developement of his syBtom, gave a flat taring account of the financial state of thogtte, Aid 440 arrived in the CliristmisI France ano Colombia.—A Carries* ! ...... I Journal of the 2f!th of February, contain* W0BI, • . ... „ (the correspondence between-Capt. Depn'et, It appera that, since the peace of 1814, j commander ofthe French squadron offPor- Great-Brilain has advanced to tho'Europe-'toCabullo and Gen. Paez. Tho French an Powers, loans amounting to £574.300,- commander states, that no impediment , - | whatever need to be apprehended by corn- 000; of which Franco has Imd £112,300,-, aa his government are as much dis- 000; to North America £8,000.000|of mo- posed to perpetuate tho present good un. . 1 a— 11.... UaiiII, A ninrinait' fit port or IATAWBAH. now sneculationa, a grand total of Apmly " ni1 " r ^rs are given to Colombian cruisers, , hi;— „,i„ -not to interrupt French vessels, hewillim- : four hundred and twenty millions of pounds, m(1(]jaUily . otire , otberwile tbat be m(1(lt CLEARED, Schr. Torch, Wheelor. Nassau, N. P. Douglass & Sttrrel. I ('■““■'■>*»• *»« mvwpuon io those who. „„ Schr. Richard Nelson, Delano Mobile, £ P>“«* ““^ Ws Unt ou, wifi be Master. “ tCBpects^ their education fortunate enough to meet with a si " " patronage. His attention to those -' " f be placed i ' Schr. Eclipse, Wood, Appalachicola, Master. ARRIVED, morals. He gives this notice for ft, pose of ascertaining the number of likely to be entrusted to his care, fo r put. _ * „c ,hb4 /*h» more than half the principal of our nation- 'wall the order of the Governor of Martini- Sloop Rising Bun, Chase, 1 France. The whole receipts of 1823 (the mo™ in / ' i8 1 q„e and the Admiral of the Antilles. 340 bafes Cotton, to G. B. La year of the Spanish war) amounted to|»'debt; and tins has imon raised, ana is —— ler &. co. tindG. D.Cornwell ARRIVED, iiaety to do entrusted to fits care, for ! Sloop Throe Brothers, Howland, Darien *>e be so unfortunate as not to meet tvj'Tl day.”with Cotton. I B r 06 l ® r degree ot encourage*,,, -» 1,123,456,392 franca, (or about £45,000,000 proposed to be raised, it. less than/en years sterling,) and tho expenditure to t,l 18.025.- : after coming out of a war the must terrific t«2 francs, or about $200,000 less. Tho a'"* Mttguinnay that ever distfacted the world A lettor from Callao, of tho22d of Feb- OODHUBROZAX.. Sloop William, Luce, Darien 6 days, with 1261 bales Cotton, to Hall k Hoyt, G. B. 1 Lamar, T. Butler & co. and J. M’Nisli. JVcb. York, Hatch 20.—Cotton—A good Steam Boat Alatamalia, Hartford, 53 Lamar, T. But- van " ah {•» May. The'ini&rniati^ solicits, IS therefore most desitable will controul his proceedings. ’ 11 April 6 ,. whole resources of 1824 amounted to 092,- 333,953 francs, (or about £39,693,358,) and the whole expenditure to 990,119,582fruncs. The revenue for the current year is estiina ted at 928,000,000 fei, (or a little more than ; 37 millions sterling,) and tho expenditure nt t that he had recovered 926,500,000 francs. In extending his view j«“ to th “ >' oul, 2 utUi;ct b J Bulivar ' was Te ‘ to the year 1826, the minister estimates the j T flattering. Accounts had been received from Cape demand was experienced on Wednesday j hours from Augusta, with Beats Noa. 1 & and Thursday, and considerable sales eft'oc- j 11 , 0Wi m3 bales Cotton, to G. B. La- ted. ftillv stinuorting previous rates, mar, Dunliam & Campfeild. G. Gordon, R. Tho reception gtv- national income at 924,095,784 francs, (or £37,000,000,) and the expenditure nt 915,- 504,499 francs, leaving an excess ofthe for mer over the latter to the amount of 6,591 ,- 205 franc*, (or about £010,020.) During the last year, one house in Hull, Coast, which state the Ashuntces to have been so paralyzed by the result of the last rencontre with the British forces, that they l,aJ n„t Uorod to attempt further attack, It appears, that rain fell (luring 180 dqys imported upwards of 300,000 bushels of (nearly 1 alf) of the last year. No wonthr the sheep have the rot. Canada AsheCopy of a letter, addres sed to the Mayor of Liverpool, dated cjoki- erset-place, 17th Fob. 1825 :— Sin—I Itavn the honor to acquaint y«Ju, for the information of the merchants aid otiiers of Liveipool, interested ill the tralo to Canada, thut Lord Liverpool and tie Chancellor of the Exchequer, having again had under consideration the subject of Can ada Ashes, have determined to propose to Parliament, to take off the duty on Alli es from our own colonies or possessions,a id to lower the duty on those imported trom bones! They were imported from the con tinent, principally from Holland, Hamburg, Lubec, &c. The same house expects dou ble the quantity this year, besides many from all parts of the united kingdom. The waste lands in Great Brilain, by ex amination in’1794, were found to be 22.351,- 000 acres, which, if cultivated and enclos ed, reckoning an annual iucrcase of 9s. per acre, tho annual rent would amount to £10,057,950 ; and on a supposition that the , , ,, . _ foreign ports, and to repeal the allowance yearly produce would be £1 7s. per acre 0 ( drawback altogether. I have the honor on three rents, it would be worth £30,173,- 850 per annum to the community. The Corporation of London, have voted £ >00 to the fund for the foreign refugees. to be, &c. W. I1USK1SSON- Extract of a letter from England, “ Let me intreat you to make an e .pertinent on It is the intention of the British Govern-! ‘ 10 cu!t ' vation °pi ||,n - I caused a great meat to allow the officers now on the half- incrRase ofthi,! artide at Palna ’ U " 8odto pay, and on the retired full-pav, to sell out sellror225 rupees the cakeof2 tnaunds. or e . * . . \ . .. 160 lbs.: it has been gold for 3000 lately, of the army, under certain restrictions, re- 3 ,, , . , . e ., . and the Company sells to the amount of ceiving the old regulated value for their 1 J 115.000.000 rupees, at 2s 6d. or 1 875,000 pounds sterling* I know it can be easily produced in America, and it is the best ar ticle tosend to China.” commissions. As a proof ofthe immense number of pri vate bills that will be presented at the pre sent session of Parliament, it is said that, one parliamentary agent has upwards of Accounts from Trinidad to the 26th of ffly, | February, are received at Charleston, but The Boroughreeve of Mtinchester, in con- they are uninteresting. The Trinidad Ga- sequence of a requisition which has been zntte, of the 23d February, contains an &b presented to him, appointed a public meet- stract ofthe law of South-Carolina, prohib- ing to be held on the 3d of March, “to con- iting the introduction of colored people from sidor of the potitinnina Knlh a ),mu<l nouaes or Parliament for an immediate re- ■=■= vision of the Corn Laws, with a view to the *^ ie ^ a ^ ona ^ Government is about to re- remnvnl of restrictions on importation." A movcth9 arnm " K ' nt and naval stores be- similar petition was agreed to at Hull- lon fl in « t0 the fleGt on the Uke st * tiu ' s ’ to and the s»les at the close ofthe dny amoun ted to about 13,000 bales of all descriptions, at an advance of I to \X cents upon previous prices. We accordingly advance our quo tations. The Import has been as follows, viz—from New Orleans, 208 bales Alubuma, 016 Georgin, 98 Virginia, 27 1212 bnles 27,193 bales. 9211 bales, a 17J- a 20 20 a 23 17> a 20 17 a 10-’ Total. Total Import, since 1st inst* Export, from lat to 2Ud inst. Son-Island, lb. Upland, New-Orleans, Alabama, Tennessee, Rice.—’file very limited deniuml for this article has caused a decline in prices, and we have accordingly reduced our quotation. The Import has been, from Savunnnli 121 tierces.—Total, since 1st instant, 1986 tcs. 2d.I half tcs.—Rice. 111. 3( a 3J. Freights.—'To Liveipool, Cotton lb. jd—• To Continent lb. U. E.rehant'e.—Bills on London, 60 days 9 premium ; do France, 5 15. Charleston^ April 4.—Cotton.—The ad vices by the Lancaster at Philadelphia, to the 19th of February, have cuused a fur ther advance in Cottons, of from I to 2 cents in the pound. We have not heard of many transactions in Sea-Islands, but the lower qualities may be quoted with sofety at I or 2 cents above the prices of the pre ceding week. We have advanced the rates of Uplands to 19 n 22 cents. Nothing can be had for less than 17 cents, and the best command* 21 and 22—the last named price having been obtained in two or three in stances on Saturday. Sea-Island, 35 a 50; Stained do. 17 a 22; Maine and Santee, 31 a 38; Siiort Staple, 17 a 22. R>ce.—The news of an advance in the price of this article, of 1 to 2a in the Liv erpool market, which reached us on Th rs- day morning, caused an active speculative demand, and three or four thousand bar rels changed owners in the coarse of that day. Prices are now considered as fixed, at .an advance of 25 cents in the hundred, w* i*«m; m-riTB rarw -rrx: quote imm to ; and fancy brands, if in market* would probably go a fraction higher. Rice, prime, J M, inferior to good,2£ aj}3{. Thk Nkw-Yohk MAnicrT.—A letter from UfcMWVAl. James Anderson & Co. H AVE removed ta the middle toncii™, Young's Buildings, where the, 2 for sale a large and general assortment of k anc? and Stable L/n ttooda, The sloop IleraldJIeath, which a "ived I amVal8 fr0m Lit «- ST i Mrs. Elliott, Messrs. Kennard, Moore, Fulmon, M. Crawford, L. Crawford, Chs. Crawford, Neske&ll, Whilton, end Clisbee. from Charleston on Sunday, is loading Ancrunfs Mill* I The line ship Augusta, White, wan up for this port, with despatch, at Ncw^York on the 26th ult. The brig Flora, (of Boston) Adams, from SavannaA for Liverpool, passed the Bar on Friday last.—Ch, Cuur. [Probably the brig CathaVine.] The ship Clifford Wayne, White, was up at New-York 26th ult. for Havana. AHRIVEO K&OA1 THIS FORT, ' At Charleston on Friday, ship Armadillo, Gray, 2 days. At Bridgetown, (Barbados)March 5, brig Splendid, Shepherd. Charleston, April 4.—Arrived, skip Plu tarch, (of Newburyport) Graves, Bordeaux 41 days. Ship Brandt, Cnrponter, Havre 37 days. Ship Belvidera,Hobson.Baltimore, 6 days. Brig Marcia, Brown, Providence, R. 1. 6 days, and 4 from Newport. Br. schr. Waterloo, Johnson, Barbados, Antigua, and 10 from St. Kitts. Schr. Endeavor, Biscoe, Ponce, P. R. 12 days. Capt. B. informs us that on the 5th lilt, the U. S. schr. Grampus fell iu with and gave to a small piratical sloop, which succeeded in running osliove on the main land near Crab Island, when the pi- ruteB jumped overboard and effected their escape, with the exception of two who were killed. The Grampus then got the sloop off*, and curried her into Ponce,nnd from thence proceeded to St. Thomas. Upon receipt of t he above information in Ponce, a Spanish Lieutenant, having under his command a detachment of men, proceeded to the south side of Porto Rico, and succeeded in mak ing prisoners of eight ofthe pirates, among whom was the Captain of the sloop, who was mortally wounded. Schr. Pacific, Disbrow.New-York 5 days. Schr. Snsan, Budd, N. Orleans 13 days. Schr. Income, Burrill, N. York 11 days. Cleared, ship Henry, Kneelatid, Weeks, Liverpool; line shin Franklin, Monro, New York . Br. schr. Ilerald. Cook. St. Lucca. April 6 lib ST. PATRICK’S DA\. AIT ADDXUKB D ELIVERED before tlie Hibernittr S'.-- cifty of the city of Suvimmii, March 17th, 1885, BY RICHARD W. HABERSHAM, A MEMBER OV THE, together with other proceedings ofthe dat NE HL'BITA. SAM VERA VII1ES,—f'irg, JuBt published, price 371 cents. W. T. WILLIAMS, Aoril 6 ’!• A tragody, entitled “ Musaniullo, the t,ic Atlantic P or,li - a ie s “'-i ships have; New-York of the 25th ult. says,—-* Cotton Fisherman ofNaples," was on the 17th Feb- become much decayed nnd useless, rnary, performed at Drury-lnno Theatre, | xhc v _ g. Bhi( , N^thChrolitu, 74, Com. Kean was the hero. He played the chars* nu( . ERS , wcnt t0 sea from Hampton Ronds, on the 26th ult. destined for tho Mediterra- has again advanced. It is said 6 or 7U0U bales have changed hands this morning, at an advance of about a cent; in consequence ofthe news received at Philadelphia from Liverpool [By the Lancaster] which was brought here lust night by express. Iron, Hemp, Ashes. are also articles of spec ulation this day—indeed almost every thing except Bread Stuffs ia advancing. Rice is still dull, though more enquired for within a day or two.” The G izotto of tlie 26th remarks, u the nows from Liverpool yesterday produced much agitation in our Cfotton Market. The Brokers lmtl their hands full, and it is said actually eaten part ofthe blanket which! P„„,p F .n IT v P^7„E,.eH,v._TI,.pa- SjS* h " t 10 > W0 ba S a ° f UOttUU Wer0 ter very carefully ; but it is weak and tame in all its parts. The piece received very considerable opposition. Rachel Smith, of Ashton-under-Line, (England,) neglected her child of about se ven years old soshaioefuly, that, upon some of the neighbours going into the room ncau station. A quarry of Marble has recently been discovered at Catliarinestown, Tioga coun ty, New-York,' near tlie head of Seneca Lake. Some of the specimens are beuuti- where it was, they found tbe poor thing had variftsttted amlnl ' lUe fi, ' e81 B uaU ‘y- covered it! The unnatural mother was pofs of Plli | adelpIlia state , tlmt three ibn- found drinking at a public house and taken | ,| red nnd fifty bu i ldingfl ure raifliMg in aild into custody by Mr. Newton, the deputy j about that city< Rna) eBtate and alt kinds constable. The child died on Wednesday J of mercballdisB , hns increased twenty per ! cent, in value, during the last six months. afternoon, and the wretched mother stran gled herself with a hankerchief in the lock ups. Inquests were held on tho both the bodies, before Mr. Milne, tho coroner, and, in the case ofthe child, the Jury found a verdict of “ Died by tho neglect of and the FOR T1IB GEORGIAN. OZl?GXNA£. POETRY. The spring business had opened with great animation. Mkxico.—It was reported at Soto la Ma rina, Jan. 15th, that the Castle ofSt. Joan d’Ulloalnid fallen into the hands ofthe Mex- wnnt of due attent ion towards it by the mo-1 leans, and that the Mexican troops had do ttier.” In that ofthe womun the verdict j feated Gen. St. Anna, in Yuc&tun, and rc- t . . .L i j established the’Constitutional government was “ Lunacy," supposing that the dread jn tbat8tat0 . Under date of P M „ xico th ' e at punishment, together with horror and re morse, must have caused mental derange ment. Private letters have been received by the Clyde, East Indiaumn, which left Calcutta on the 21st July, and Madras the 3d of Oc tober. They state, that on the 13th of September, two Burmese stockades were carried, alter a sharp contest., in which se veral English officers, were wounded, but not mortally. The King of Portugal, in November, 1769, issued a proclamation, by which wid ows, more than fifty years of age, were for bidden to marry, “ because,” said the edict, “ experience has shown that women of that age commonly marry young men of no pro perty, who dissipate the fortune such mar riages put them in possession of, to the pre judice of children and other relatives. Accounts from Rome give a remarkable illustration of the decay in the influence of the Church of Rome upon the Continent. Upon occasion of tbe Jubilee, in 1750, the pening of the holy gate, were 1,300, and those that arrived in the Christmas week exceeded 8,000. The pilgrims at the pres ent Jubilee, were but 36 at the opening of REEDY RIVER. Flow on, proud stream I and swiftly flow O'er sombre rocks, thro'groves uf cane, Upon thy silvery breast I throw Tho tears of grief—the sighs of pain. While bonding o’er thy flowery brink, Wlicru the blue violet fondly sips The wanton stream. I stoop and drink ' The flood that bathes my Ellen's lips. Ye kiss her lips, white-gemmed stream! Ye murmur round her rosy bowers, BY AUTHORITY. Just (tectivcil. 1 74ROM New-York, by the ship William . Wallace, Improved Cologne WalerofRiret Genuine German Corn Plaster Oil of Tar Alt Disced Flaxseed French hair powder in half pound packages Soda Powders, die. &c. Sec. Ftp- sale bv F. E. BRASSINNE, Opposite the Exchange. March 12 91 W iiis: ey • eef and Paints, C C. GRISWOLD, offers for sale, . 100 Barrels Whiskey 50 Barrels Prime & ) Beef, N. York 25 do Mess ) city inspection. 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting March 28 [PUBLIC ACT.] is slated that Gen. Mora had been despatched to \ neat an at the head of Ye catch her eye's entrancing beam, the 7th battalion of Infantry with itistruc-I And taste the nectar uf her flowers 1 lions to supersede Gen. Santa Anna, and a hope is expressed that the presence of This wither’d wreath I give to thee, Gen. Mora will restore to order that dis-1 Embalm’d with kisses—bath’d with tears; turbed portion ol the Republic. Gen. Santa Tell Iter 'twas rudely twined hv me, Anna, under date of Campeachy, Decern- 1 An emblem of departed years, ber 22, had issued a proclamation, stuting that he had direrted a judicial enquiry to Flow on, bright stream ! flow on—in vain be instituted relative to the insidious rumour, My tears ore shed upon thy breast, from the capital, ot a supposed design of You cannot feel my bosom's pain, separating the Province of Yucatan from! You cannot lull my cares to rest, the Mexican confederation. ; ; Yet, in thy waves myself I see, A gentleman arrived in the brig Albert,! Those waves that itiss. then partin twain, at New-York on the 25th ult. from Ne,w- 'Till from yon verge—wild—carelessly, Orleans, who left Tampico on the 20th Feb. j They plunge—and never meet again, informs, that right schooners under Anteri-1 can colors had been taken, and one sunk, by j *T\vns so with me in former years, two Mexican Government schooners, all My heart, on pleasure’s sea was toss’d, from Havana, bound to the CaAle with sup- 'Till every sunbeam turned to tears, plies. The schooner which was sunk by a And heart and happiness were lost! shot from the Castle, had been raised, and ' ALLEN-A-PALE. her cargo saved with but little damage, and ———— conveyed to the Castle. Two Spanish fri- ItT A PUYcn gates, three sloopi of war, and 12 gun-boats. u i ' with troops. Imd arrived to relieve the gar- : i," d ’ t,le 3,st uIt - b y Lcs -; rison.-The Br. frigate Hussar. Capt. Har- ^ r M U '°!\ ar ' ls ' *****' Jus,Ml Howem., riB, was taking in specie for Havana. An ' l ^‘ 8il ^ AK ° ARtT I' K(ll|ff - | laid at Alvarado about the An Act to authorize lac surveying and making a roml from IAllle Rovlr, to Cantonment Oibsun, in the Territory of Arkansas- B E it enacted by tlio Senate and House ©{’Representativesol' the United States ol America, iu Conorressasseiubled, That the President ofthe United Sales be, and he is hereby authorized to appoint three Commis sioners, who shall explore, survey, and murk in the most eligible course, a road from Lit tle Rock to Cantonment Gibson, in the Ter ritory of Aikansus;undt>ai<l Commissioners shall mark out uccurate maps of such sur veys, accompanied with field notes, and cer tify ami transmit tlie same to the President ofthe United States, who shall cause the same to be deposited in the VVur Office. 1 Sbc. 2. And be it further enacted, That! said road shall be opened and made under ] the direction of the President of the United j States, who is hereby authorized to employ ! the troops of the United States in the com-! plot ion, or assisting in the completion, of, said roud. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said Commissioners shall eucb be cntiteld to \ receive three dollars, and their Assistants Family lour vat ■ evolved rroin rausdclplm, pet, brig Frances. 75 Ttbls Fleur, aelected 100 half do do du 2 kegs Currants 2 bbls soft-shelled Almonds 50 boxes bunch Raisins For snlc by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN k WOOD, Anciitux’s wliutf. ktttlf sliu’u-ebbtb J UST received by the Willium Wallin’, an additional stiptdv of DOUBLfitid SINGLE HAIR MAfTRASSES, wltiti will bo warranted ofllte heft quality. I. W. MORll'm. Jan 37 Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent tell pressed Castor Oil, for fcmilf mi plantation use, for Fnlo by P. E.BRASS1NNB, M irch 29 Opposite tin* Exrhanpe. Hair, F or sale by March 29 Wire Bra s and Iron fcif cts, N B. WTEB. VEGETABLE one dollar and fitly coots for each an, 1 every j . FRESH SUPPLY ofthe above VAD day whiclt they shall nccesssanly be (emp ly-, A UABLE MEDICINE, just receive! ed] m the exploring, surveying,and marking! ^ brig Francos, and for sale bv sain road ; and for the purpose of cotnpen- GEO. RYKRSON, Sole Ac sating the aforesaid Commissioners, and their Assist ants, and for opening and making said road; there shall be, and hereby is, pa- propriated, the sum of ten thousand dollars, to be paid out of any money in the Treasu ry, not otherwise appropriated. H. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. Approved, March 3d. 1fl2;>* JAMES MONROE. Venetian Blinds. Corner Bay and YVhittnker-Stttdi. Mnrrh 4 THE HERMITAGE St AM. SAW-MILL AND Cast Iron Foundry. a HE subscriber respectfully inform? h* friends and the public, that the abet* establishments are now in full operation' Planks and scantling, suitable for ship: ping, can be furnished of the beet qttttl'IJ' nd of any size, to immediate eraer. T HE Subscriber offers for sain A com- nn u of any size, nlete assortment of VENETIAN has also on hand, a few fine BLINDS, size. suitable for windows uf eiery Also, old Blinds repaired. | 1. YV. MORRELL. march 30 105 SXBD, j Swaim s Panacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated Medicine, just received per ship Globe, I and for sale by GEO. RYERSON, dec 4 Cypress Logs, upwards of thirty feet in length, which It: will saw into such sizes ns may be require* At the Cast Iron Foundry, work of erefl description, in that line, will be executed ® a style equal to that of apy other fketory t* the United States, snd on the lowest possi ble terms. j He also continues the manufacture • 10th Feb. until 3000 troops were embarked I pilgrims who offered themselves at the 0- to ‘ ake Gen St. Anna at Campeachy, to On Christmas Day,at Karaaubasar. in the j convey htm to Mexico—Gen. Gassnr and Crimea, the celebrated Madame Krudener. — u-Wh he will sttoulv in any quantity, t»»f the Collector had been ordered to Mexico,' lit Horburv Workhouse, (Eng.) Hannah Socket KnadeS Carolina ailH der The oualitvoT the article is *(nVf to anawer lor misconduct at Soto La Mari-' Mctcalt, in the 70th yoar of her age. She oul ' Kcl Uhl OlUlft RI1Q der : , ifie quality u,it pfl! na. Four hundred highway robbers had took her bed 45 years ago, owing tt a dis-' Gl’llb HoeS, in- All ordt h M ef ' n . B " nt 10 the P“ bUc work “ at “ 10 cty of appointment in love, and never wee from it' n ECEIVF.D per Corsair and for sale by YVaflace, will be pusctually attended »• Memo. :to the day of her death. Jti March 29 N. B. YVEKD. , * «