Newspaper Page Text
fn edited and rrui.fsnfio
in th»
omr op savanitah,.
Bi G. ^ W. IlaBEBTsoM,
4T HKMIT n-'LlA'** Pr.R aNNVM|
JS jubliahcft to meet the of
»ti,. nail, three tireee « r.-ee*. »•. rvwtl-.
Thurwirv • n < 1 Saturday) at the OfTire of I-
Itail' Georgitn, tml contain* ai 1 t.hs In ell;-
eencc,Commercial, Vnliticel and Mis:.-
5, m8l .nrl'idinjf advert'ucment*. pub is 1
the roily i’aper- . „
The Country Paper i# se tto all parttot
the state and l ntott, oi delivered in tlie.nty,
at 6»t miliara per annum, payable iti dvanc
Mvertiaementi are inserted in both pa te
at7J cent, per square, of 14 fine*, for e fira.
insertion, and 37* for every aucr.eeding pub-
lit -ition.
•humttlW^ic^' 008 Hv U \\ mutt be P iit pilld
q.,H ofLnd ar.d n'T™*-* by Admii.imra.
tors K.a-cutn-s or fjuardi oil, are required
by i w, to bo held on tie firr Tttes lay in the
in nth, between the hours of ten in he fori-
nmm and three in the al'crnnoni at the Court
Hntae ef the eonnty in wiiich ttie property ta
situate.—Ninicvi f dt aewlea uiuat beKIven
in a public gaatttc tfirly doya previoui to Ih.
day ofsalt*.
Nniiita,pffhe srlc ofpe'tooal nroperty ipu*
be give it. I i‘ «> oner. /Wj days prevkxf
to the lay. if -ale- •
N. tioe to th; debtors an t eredttors ..ol in
est -e must be pitblishod. lur Forty laj's,
Not c - i|> :t ipplie.itton wj» be made to the
C.ujrt Ilf Oiotnarv for 'e ve to aell laud, mm'
be hi d . Vine Month*
N INE months after date application will
be innlu to the Honorable the Jils-
_f!.. .3 of the Idierior Court of Chatham
('otiiity, for leavo to sell a tract’ of land,
kti ivdit as number ei^lrt, 8tb Diotviut, Fill.'
(formerly Minimi') County, lor the .benefit
oftlte heirs anti creditors of thu estate ol
bf N. 8. Bayard.
N. .1. BAYARD,
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan a 3 M
BiKlUb & ttlMMr,
rtrxv HOOSHPADS prime and seeutnl
quality St. Croix Sugar
50 bnrrola do do do
.To hags prime grdmtcolfec
30 cratus blue and greon edged plates
10 intis iron, assorted
5 pi|»*s cognac biHtidy
r, do Holland gin
0 hogsheads Jamaica mm
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quart or casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 cnila bale ropo
•2()0 grind stones
2ft'>0 hu^bols Maryland «'or«i
lift!) do T.ung Island white, equal to
n »v H
Georgia dint corn ,
P ERSONS having iluiimnda aoimi.t the
estate of Thoimti. Johnston, will please
present them, properly attested, at the
Counting-Room of It* & J. Habersham.
Executrix of the estate ofThomuo Johnston,
d-e. lit ‘it+i.
T JK subs rihers being ahtitit tn dc-cUur* bu
»'if-ss in thifiptoue, request \ er- 'iis bt,
i,.i demands agftnit them, to present then
Y' payment
n. FANNIN & r O.
A (IminijitrVtiir’s JS otice.
N ' N*Kv>Yl MS from this date, we skull up
ply lo tb»» Honorable *hc I tfcrior Hourt
tJiTtham county, when sUti"g F>»r ordinary
pMfpi'Ses, to fell the real estate of Wihiam
' . . • C. H HAYOEN,
j. Administrator**,
•ti •n-.t 19 *5
t>u\tin\\B YYicnmc "Roots •
U3T rfc»* ved i y the rubscriher, and w» .
rnnteil cf the ‘ast season** growih, V,
•it.-*! Gurdet* Seed ■ put un bv \. M’llsh^n *n
’v>. Pjv.NI dphis, expr *s>v for t .is ma'ket
ind co ,- t lining the fnlln-ving a^ertm* nts, viz.
I. Drnm'»ead Csbbag*
2.1.nng Heil Beet
3 (.n^^ Orange Carrot
4. Pnifley
5. I.eek
5. Onion
^i!m- n Psdish
8. Eafly Pirnh do.
9. Round lftsved
10. Early Turnips
II. T^ate do
3 SVsafv
3 As. aiagus
4 K»?1‘ curled L. t*
15. Royal Cabbage dt
i^. Vntmeg Melon
I 7 . Srnn^ch
‘8. Summer Savoy
19. ‘tweet B«sd
la Sige
*1 Nsdu'tium
2A Celery
*1 Eur'y PctS
4. l.nts do
"5 Eurl bunch b»an
■ 6 Bed Ft'euch do
A L S O,
^0 Psrkig.M .cnntdi*»ing the following Bui
ons Blower Rf»o*g, v ; *
. n .vb e Mvacintlis l 4.Vonlcfl ,w«*
F ,e Tidjps I j D'llble Tuberose
J Ntireics is |6 s ur c‘ Uet'd hsu
^or snle by P M*UE *« Or»i
puh o .R
By the President of the United MtUes.
I N pur.-m-oicc of law, I,,Tamm Monroe, P
>dent • f t’»e t T oi ed r va»eH # do '»
isrt and’ ; nftk.: kndvp dim « pnidi-.-. w>
?. held u.: the 1‘aus ‘ 'fffi v. at i stuhfcjse,
r’londn, ou live third Montlfcv of fcfty next t
be di-oof»> I o v lh» Fr'ilowlntf landa, v : z :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of tin
Meridian lino.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 , do do do do
Township 1, south 1, s?. 3,^4, k- 5, cast.
f ti : nftfth 1. ^ 4; Afc- f»- .
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, ti- 5-
ih. s<l<- v II co-n r»°nre with th j b.W',
imb. r of sec bm, townsViu-, und ramje, rj- in rrgulvr mun* ncal o‘iler Tl,
r ods reserved bv law for the use of sell•'<>!.•
•r other purpoacs will be excludid f un tl
G ven under wv band, at Ihe City o f w *“l
ington,this 6iu d.«v of .Isnuarv, 'll 5
Ilv th** President.
Cfinmiaslonerof'b? General I.srd OfPc
Printers of tfoi» Can's of tie Urn e
S hi the Territory ol Fl >ri In. red in h
States of ^Nb .ma, Lou .«"?*fia, Te^eis. e, Mi *
ssirpi, fler-rgin, nnd 8ou'b«Caridi'ia f Rrc a<’
ho'iz d to publish the f».Ofoin»; praclam .*
•.on once 'i week “iriil tlu d«v of s«le
n M 7 A f
Damascus Sled Jhtzors,
| UST received, u supjdy of the atawc nr*
tide, which will b<; warvant'‘d gru »l.--
For'sale by
N. II. WEM1).
Cognac uranily.
0 PIPES “ Seignetle’s Brnnd,* 1 just re
coived per Louisa .Matilda, for sale by
J. 11. HERBERT di CO.
50 Tierces new Rice
10 Pipes Hi'IInnd Gin
1ft Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels II.nag
■ 75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Marknrel, No. &
2ft Cnsps Port Wine
10 Casl;6 0il
Jan 12
Goshen Out er, l.aul &c.
r UST RECEIVED by ship Coreair, and
' other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, let quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bhis Butter Crackers
*2u half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
!0 bids Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. Mongiu’sNew Buildings
KEGS New Leaf Lard
150 Hams
3 Uarn ls .Castor Oil
" - b Pipes 11. Gin, Swan Brand
, ,,30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sajq by j; B. HERBERT & CO.
T ’TR HtibHe.riber intending to oty.j h\■*
bimim-ss in this city, offerli®‘ .^ton;
at reduced pricon. for CASH, om-.sfinj; f\t
Sideboards of va'i'ins pattern;;, S'»er« lurv
and Book Cases, Wardvolc?, French P ess-
es, BurcoUR, l^adiq.T DroiiHqg Tubles.Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tnhles,
Card Tables, Tea Table«, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, CandlelStnmls.Work Sinnds,
Mahogany Cribbs,.Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do.'Maple do. Majile
Field do. Wire Safiis, Cotta, Mattresses,
Looking-GliissoB, Fancy ^ VVindsor (-lairs,
&c. at tlur Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-Street and Bay hane.
v J.'H. O. qliHircqui-aJ^, :• jvlm are j
fndoltpii. wdi r>jer,KHpi riijalie}»apn»*qi with- j
Out delay, atid tlftHe' haHdg aiiy demunU.i,'
present their aceonntR for se’tienient.
Jan 25
Opposite Ihtt Academy
M iV^. K.EU,
R ESrRCTFUI.LV informs Iinf fricmla
and llie pnbiii', tlmt hnr amour, is x«>w
onw*, opposite the dial tram Aimdemy, lor
'lie necKprto, of pnni.a. Assisted In
Imr daughter Miss K. A. Hahrixox, sIk
“Hers lror services in tenoning the lellowiiif
usefuj and nmnnienlnl hranchr's oleihica.
timi. Whilst she returns sincere tlmnks fni
flip putronago hitherto' exteuHi'il, she
hopes, from Vile reduced ra'es of tuition »ur!
tier incrcusorl exertieqa to !*...■!!|UI- tii ■ pro
gross of her J'npils, to deser ve i( -jj;; j' U f
(her extension of public favor. The.course
of tuition, anil the'tcruis pu which sciioiari
are received, rue—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading. Sev'ing and
Marking, per quarter, : 44 08
2d.Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, : .! : : : 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or nnj'slin, to any pattern,
per quarter, r : : : : 10 On
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : bus
ID’ The moat careful attention will br
■aid by Mrs. Kv.n, to tire deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
novd? ' eh
Consumptions oughs, ^ c
4 iii;aile’s ( Qiuimiiy,’.
.CA^lCii Bnulu's Pntont
" sale by
drr. Hi’. - >
5 OkS.
Hook, for
(ieuvgia—Camden Conn-ij
4 | * the ’ in ilnrch nexi, 1
" sell it JcfTvir«on, irfsaw! comity, a negir
*)hii, rtumcii. D*niel» tlie propurty of the tr
ue of tiic j ih Crews, de eas •(’, pursuaiu tc.
• cave granted by thr* Court of O tlinary.-
M \ Y ME WS, E * erui *ix*
.InM 41
fell M
I ^liarc Moulds, P ik, Gin, Me
C l C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lari-
4. ding from ship - Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
Jrr More,
. M barrels Norlliern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, Now-Yorit
100 kegs White Lead
M ki gs Hlack Paint
0 do -Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
in barrels Whiting
fit> 14
PeeiV Axes. . .
p P.L' n '" tile above Axes, received
^Idtortele by .y. u. H'JiBD,
limiaisirator’s in otice.
I^INE MONTHS after date, 1 *hall apply
i^l to the Hunotable the Infciior Court o‘
:.4thiin county, (when siring for ordinal)
urp- se.’) for leave to sell the rea 1 cft'-ti* »•
is.imc H. Rob.ns, to satisfy the heir* und orrd
itors. . C* H H/.YDE\
august 12 .45
liunch Muscatel Kaisius.
J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
HO Boxes Bunch Muscatel RaUins
For sale by
r-V. :) \ .,' : -t, V V W’l.Hlf
h't Sll leas, Hums, Ciutte, w c
Oil CHESTS Hyson Tea. B t* • i-D
Cs U 33 K<igs No. I;, Tobacco
1 IIlid ILichmond Cnt Glnss W’are
Rtjpqivedg per whip Eavaimah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Ilams, receiv
ed per Laura JaJtf, fnrflilb* by
^eb b - ■ ..
F OR He cure • fi g, Coughs,Conaump-
lions, Spilto g in UiomU At' tiuinS, kud
'.isciseh of; .e b-esat ai.U lui^s
There is pc-haps no m-.dr*l jb^ervatiei
»«*trr cstxV. is'n.d, none mere • c orsV.y cnn
' rmed by the txperierce of tic b .4 physri
'U9 u^ all Hees jind . noun I i> s an I r.'in^ o:
orfimpnrUnce to Mv hurvm fimity. It,hi
‘ f* famahat many of ffie n.ost ai'u in
'»«bl« ctuisumi liors criginat - in neglect j
C'*ld«„ l» Hclirare to • ur«W' aiiuat^ w!* *4
the ebanjfea nf The w»a h •• H"y t'r-qcvntl',
-.iid/lvnan I unexTi'f'ift'd it (■qiir'im- ic fi.s t
md ttt.eufiooto guStd aiif.‘'.*Sv this •la.-i'enm;
en:mv oflR^. than moM ‘people Jnutgine • r
•re Hblennd willing to b- sow "* he bills .t
mortality e*ib bn the rr>!i.:vc v ».1y Get that tl
proportion .if dea'hs bv Ibis may I-
•om»idcred about fi <r e »o <»ne. f asm •• !
then »s ibis f ital di-eHAv f quentli bi a ib-li
.nice to the s k 'B '»ftl»«* <».tf b i-ion pl^ a t
ns, it ik a tr«u 'fi./itHin to the {t« rie.tor thn'
eiaen&hird tu drier to tblise hft)»:ietl with
•t, a ^oed-y prospect ofreaef. • ' -int * ijr’.R
idoabie remedy, ill Vegetable Indian Sp a.
tie. TlefdJians a*c huppv in their k r «o •-
• dge of m-.dical plant*; guv rnej wh**hv V.
iperience, they arc certain as tothuir (1 r.i,
■ .1 it is snd by an unthvr of gieat cImi< cter,
*'8’ a true co.-sumption is a disease nev* *
know among them.
'1 liv Specific is obtained bv extrsetine from
evbs, o-it*,fl <w rsjpLnt, 8c c.. when in pet
action. In conseqirrict* ' f a happy conilin;..
•ion of the moat vsloablc her^a, Ac it bfcomi
( balsam ofa Mipe' inr vame. It In als x.'R*.
j i ed parts, ope'sih; -pm es, and cuirproys
the dis'urbed nevrs, alter the nutnmruf ai
tiiorlyne / consequently the obstruction ol
he ches und tl e .imps which constitute th •
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
•epectoratior., winch isconstwntl) cdled for
1 nd whilst it cieaiis -s a-d heals, it fIso
-ength to the tender longt In th » I'am.ei
i removesthe hectic fever, inproves v
•on, (fives sip* ngth to the neiv* s, repairs the
pp-tte and improves the *t ir.U. This sped
i • nrirtv always be ,qivr n in sah ty ir is s*dd,
.•.e. a^nt to tie t»s*5, and may s *fcly he g'ver
o mfarts, lor which it is of inesdmab'C vjilut .
I’ affords rein f m bowel complaints, t e '.-inj*.
whooping coughs, f#r. and is fount) pfcilicu
r;y useful ih hypoChondr'i c«f. nerviml ;u«r
t atcricsl diseases. Escti !>. I or uirectioi.
outaina l d« tailed accnniM ol t.hi- <1 ease in
1 its differ* n- stages, r.'rd bj' scdnipa
fd viib the signature' oi th* |-rt»pi ret'or in
•fed Ink. It is oflirtd lir -ile by Gilp. BY
R. O; ftrxiy (ttlyS'de sge'ntj D'ltWed, eo.-
snd 'Whft'ake'-utrce'^ 3av.tno^l,'ai
»n(MilqUw i>or Kuttie.
....» jc u - W*lt- IHPfffB
.pqq , -3(L*■ . i j r •“ i; 3D -
* .-k ' •• I-""- ■» 'dlK-lt *» ' •'
\5 v i Aaltos iitt&k! .N oitos,
r lRHALEat! "■
Tun 20
Tty the l.-fo f,om PhilahttpHn,
11“<m aud 1 100 bklc I’fiil.JcJpiuk
fl- v ty. j.lcry
15'l Di*K)i Dk-rr.ifilms N
T9 Vifri SKl»*^.»rc*
59 whole a>.d 100 lair bbis. flreih Flour
60'Jft hushes Liverpool groin d ialt
•T h!'«.s ‘ 0 bbls. prime 31. 0r» ix Sugar
3 pqv-a and 25. demijohns best Hoilim.]
5 P p- a snd §0 demijohns best Cognac
10 Ithds, and ?5 bbls. supeiior Northern
75 bbis Northern Gin
5'J b.igv G ecu Ci ff
1 raska'superlqr *i»d Lisbon Wine
25 bb's Lump afd 72 bbD. T.oaf Sfcitrir
T ft w 7 \U> brown Haver a
SogrtT «* • -
25 b»gs block Pepper
5 p-pea Imitation Gin
2 bales Ranging 1'wine
25 qr box-s Hyson Tea
30 i earns Wrapping Paper
15 bn*, a Pipes '
S ruptVWool Hpts
10 b«>3 befit Ox a -*nrgs
5 bales ut»b?e*p ad. Homespue
4 i-ases eblnrc d ditto
5ft keg i Dupont’s G tn Powder
'•OftQ bushels Table Salt
°5 kegs manuf ictnred Tobacco
25 tons at»ar» d(04rn.n) Cualiugs
i. s Krge Smith Bellows
K> kegs »s-j»ted C-nt Nnils
lCOr baga assorts d Shot—ala.i an
vs.ion,mtnt -of Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothes baskets
„ M) of which w ; H be aohi low for cash, or
g^udtowt) acceptances.
• *u 1 •
• v ‘T^fc9 f F u * ,; “T --ry-rti.
, ( . Ml • H.niFmn^ ■ w ,
Rem/tbitfig 4-A, /«4( Samnnah 31rf . . AV •
’mforcA, i &**,- ‘ -rffuM i.2* 6 ;?^'
IV Persons wishing leUt-rs from this list, Dani- ! Hat. Imr J Mrs Jfa.y M arren
will please ask for Jldxertistd Letters, 1 * —
•marfjt '4
Litier* Sorter, tVinfy.pc*
^ r ’t quality feller
mv) o iJit^ks (lo , do. London Porter
3ft Boxes. Claret Wine.
10 do . .Madeira <|o
12pJBoxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft. Hliell Almonds
For sale wtholiT»rtle>khd retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
IV1) 18 ' !i
V astmgs.
\ TONS carrniv castings, just rcceiv-
» ^ i'd fronf GMeifoek, via. Charleston,
con tstiugbf the 'following assortment, viz :
2Gftft pots from i to.3ft gallons
2ft0 Atuerican spiders, from 0 to 13 inches
50 $et tint rm-tal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 Ills. ' .. >
120 Lunlloi HkitlsfA. from t to f. i|iu*u
I-MW camp ovens, from to 111 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by p. M’DERMOTT.
Camden S ipenor Court.
II kkbv IlitFonn, I V indict March Term,
Tiio.mvsK.vo. )
. kN molion of the Attorney of the Plain-
^ ” till’, in the above casso: it is ordered
tlmt the shew cause, on or be
fore the. first day of the next term, why a
finaljndgmont should imt be entered in
the above cose, as of .March Turin, 1808 ;
and that jiuhlicntion be inaV/e of this rule,
•nic e a nioiithi for four months, in one of
the Gazettes (if this District, or that a copy
bn Forwd on tin.’ defendant, sixty dayR be
fore the next term.. *
Extractfrom thv JVitmto*, -•« i
JOHN BAHiDY.'Hr^k. !
VTINE MONTHS after date^ r -pr-lication will
Li be ma le to the Hotiora.du lid- iu»r .Court
•f Chat ham county, for leave to neb the real
-nd personal estate of the Lie Mrs Ann Ham*
iitqn, deceased, for the b ,-nefil .of the liein
tiU cied to 8i f • >id estute,
WOf THlNQf ON GALE, Bxecu or.
March 10 m*
V iiiuvuiliti m W auitoti \ i
i t* C i) ■G ". fc'U.t.f.R, otherw*ae DAN-
iRI.OLAND MILLER, who in the vein
’ 3 T arrive* 1 in SavanPnh v in the Aberdeen
••.mtitrt, belonging to Mufinrs. Dv-waon &
«»f London i“ living, and will up ply to
us i'u^uda in Efurlsno. he will beat ol
* iceif'ng much i bin advantage, He left
ue Aberdeen wh.Jt* she lay at Savannah, and
ho* ni*t been b«iid »f by his fiends sinci
ns! teriod. H« hud b;*en many years a fcui*
k kI while on board the above vussr?
w>.s - mph yed ef. a carpenter. If be left S »'
v'< i at thal -ine, it is probable that b.
r-l »mI some vussul going t.i the U:az.| I >
s. in Ins Isdt lettei, h* 1 sta'ed that i»
u h.a intention to do go, Simiild he lav
:i d st any place \*h ,r e a iegir.ler or ce-iifi
of oa can he obtained, it would b.
\iv-^il y received und all exper. es attending:
•i, paid by
Sarsnnuh, or
•/'TV o ^
AdniinistiRtor’s '>alc.
0 ^ 'he fi si iu - t. vf er Ik fi si Tue»
(.'iy in May -n**xi, bu'w-en t’ e hotira of
t *n (i<4 four
ct -*i Ibn ?r L
tw au vuer oiu : H
■ nart ‘-ai tie cm <
' n.o sinietl J - - *: v. b
,!) .. C 1 Jo v :l 'Vo
i • of a 'd
l k, uiM bo Mild at the mar
t s-r, of St. I?ary«, pursuant
fj.b't <he Court of Or
* >d Pirnden, a n<g«o W( *
• b.' trV.r to the estate »f
8 d. fir the benefit if
II'n H.VRDHH, /Idm'r.
•a 1,1. ptffionM;* ’.i»‘K d'm4nda agalpvj _(hi.
. j,. e (ate *‘f ,,, e t Vak. y, (piun 1 -
tr) d <: arc 'X(p a ed tu smli-r t e..b proj
e-H sttr.Mrd, m mt(bHc|y j. eld i»fi jn rsOf'*
A dotted, tp.makt ir^m dpiln pa m' lii lo
R »,1EUT tKiY, E.\> cirtor.
: > t 1 --'4 ’
N INE MOTTOS r lute of tbia notice
apphf«tiiii< ' bemsdo to *ht Honors
Ui the Caict ufOrdV-wv of fhalham Couq
iy. for perm ssiou Vv. sell atl the real estate Of
j. h * WaV.vrl, d»-c. f«ir b» benefit, of \h
lveir« a-d creditors f mud -F.ed
UOMiiltf HOY, Executor.
Feb 24 67
Mr. Arnaud
Susan Ada ms
James Adams
John A very
John Atherton, 3
Jos Alina
Dr if Amos
Serb T Amos
Ahrulmni Andrews
R J Arnold
John Abbot, sen.
Capt. JameR BUn-
Mr» Baker *•
Isaac Bnkley
t L.
* John Lawson
> Master G A Lathrop
\ Miss Junett Lcyon
| David Lee
< G Lee
\ Hugh Lnarmonth
i Mrs Mary Long
J James Loce
! * Bucmbus Luce
Andfow Marshall
5 Win Mallory
^Patty Macks
tOwen Maker *
jMias.Msrv Mnnyon
I Mrs Ainliellr 2 i
| Miss Ann C Millen'
D T Halsey
Clias Hammopft
Charles Hart
Pat Hoydoti
Lewis Hines
Charles M Hill
Miss M HyJton
pwen Higgins
Samuel Mine
John BHobkirlt
Miss Amanda S Ba-j f Johli My rich
Iter. 2
George Bailey, 5
Miss Elenor Batist
SttinM C Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jeilediah Barstow
David Brandon
Miss 11 T Bunies
F Burden
John Basely
Geo W Beckford
Richard Borrie
John A Bcntiy
Nathan Bennett
U H Bevins ;
A Bfiynnt
Edw’ii Boimqnjno •'
Mrs' L Bolluugh
D Blown
S T) S Brown
Jiicob Brown
} Tims Millor
J James Mints
j John Morre!
| G Mount fort
f Master'Chits Morrell
l Henry Morningstur
J J ms Mntc.Wrpon
l Neal McLucliu 2
t John Mi Rue
\ Wni McCorOiick
I'D McCarty
5 fsuac McKim
J Rob Mo Dow
t Pollard M’Cormick
I G W McAllister
I Alls B BM’Call
J JbmoH M' Conkey 2
(fliunl Mi'Faddiu
5-l>itvid -McMillon
HJrmd A M’H..nroy
l n. & o:
Mr. Mary H Brown ; Miss Ann iVowlan, 3
VVm B.iiioh j TJieadore NeDou, 3
\ Capt Sn phcn Nye 3
J Mrs R S Norton
{ Miss C Norton
? Wni Nye'
> R B Nyc
i George Oliver
\ W in Oglesbay
. . VVm A Pollard
L L (.’rune 5 David Parry
John L Clark {Sami Patterson i
Christiana Campbell $ Goo. H Parker
Mrs M Callahan
Stewart Campbell
John Caswell
Lucy Cainbredge
MmR A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Thus Bogshawr
Loudon BntVr
Jas R, Benedick 2
Wm. Cumpbell
Mrs L Capps,Elfing. «
ham county 5
i Cup Jas Perry
* VV ulter G Perry
5 Francis Preble
| Rob Petigrew
5 Phillip Pierce
*, Lewis Phinney
‘j Quit.. t.
5 John VV Pomeroy
i Mui C Powers
/ Gideon Powledge
{ R.
I Geo Randall
S Jnn Rain
\ Edw’d Ryan
> Dau’l B Rider
5 Henry Riugold
•| Alex Rybfirn
< Abraham Hiker
- ^ John J Richardson
Betsey Carpenter
Lupts Clark
Charles f'inv}.
John Childs
Mrs Francis Cale
C Connolley
John Coebut
E Cooper
Ifenrv Cooke
Cap C Cooper
John Coit
M. Correghun
John Cooper
•MiijH C Cruse
Messrs J & C Cum
tilings JSam'l Richardson
Henry Cunningham J Dr C W Rodgers 2'
Wm Catterson j Thos Rodgers
Mathew Caehbo- \ John A Rowell '
| Ann E Roles
i CaptMoses E Robin*
\ son
{ B B Rutland, 2
.1 Green R Riither*
5 tbfd, 2
\ Capt J VV RuBaell
5 Miss R Russell
\ Miss Mary Stafford 2
William B Savage
' j JonatbauSawyvr
< Amoff Salsbury
; Thomas M Sanders
l George S'arbuch
j John R Sliad
t Naotut Stanton
| Sarah Sawyer
| Robert Sawyer
l Cap John Shaw
j Joseph Sackct
< Mi.'-s Martha Spal-
\ ding 2
5 Miss Easter Sheftnll
\ Miss Margaret Ste*
| yens
5 David Setson
Christian Dasher
A Daui'orih
Wm ( L Davis
lIonTy Durberk
Gilmore. Dexi or
Rev L Dewight
Wm Dogmand
Rob Dillon
John* Diver
Win B Hopson
John Doore
Charles O’Donnell
B Donavan
Farris Dorffey
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Dewforce
Lucy Durkee
Gilford Dudley
Paul Dupon
Miss Murjr Davis
Joshua Evrett
Jessee Ellerbee
Anllmny Evergreen
John Ellis
Rev Mr Elton
Mrs Mary Fare
Pat Fny \ wich
Mrs Margret Fegan \ James Sealy
Marline Frederick l Mrs Bethia Seabury
John B Flinn f Levaitt Steevens
John N Fry \ Mrs Ann Seogrovc
Michiel F(*shrr 5 Jnmes Smith 3
Miss Caroline Floyd \ James Sims
G. j Daniel C Smith
< Mrs Mary Smith
| William II Smith 2
> Capt Reuben Swift
J James VV Sirns
(Miss Jane Stibbs
| Thomas B Smith
5 Mrs Sarah Sims
Richard Smith
j Richard Stewart,
$ (colored man)
j Alfred Shearman
| Capt Michael Sole*
5 U'inh
Rob Galt *
Evans Grunt
Tlios Garnett
Joseph Gilford
Wing S Green
John Gibbon
John Grimes
Capt Authonio Gi-
ruldo «
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giridon
Wm Gilford
Mnry Griffith
Abner itihrd -*
Tlifis M Gojdard
Jas J Grogan
l David B Squires
< M rs Slone
| William I Sott 2
S Ezra Spooner
j Wi Ilium S)Mioner
c Abrnbam Strobhar
| Mrs Sarah Strobhar
l David A Strolih'ar
\ Jhinfts H Sirydain
Capt Nath Gookin i ' ’ T.
S H Goldsmith, Jr » Capt€’.B TrentHfi
Jacob Gould
Miss Sclvey Guy
Robt Hamilton
* Copt W'in -Toinmer-
{ son
j Jolpi Toebett
ef's j?t ■■> jltrsfis*
sttta ’“‘.'S'- *—
n™ Harri6on ? Capi J„o Winkler,i
(Wm WHltam* "
J Edw’rl Willey
| Mru AI \y,v,lly
; Elianbeth Wliitinff
) Jits Winy fi
.John Witter
| Peare Wirhingten
[Miw Anneit Wil-
j liamnon
5 Thos A William*
, Oeo H Wuod
Miss Jjm, H.Hogg J Jas Wood
FIlM Huntlrtyt" 11 j Stephen Wood
Crtit InliiiHiuuec
Simon Jackson
Lewis Jackson
Mrs Hose Joh. jieau
iiseph Jordon
II W Jordon
Mrs Surah Kasen- } js.
r , **'? , „ j Antonio Znnong
riomelKean John R ZiimwTr
ueo Kursenkie | Miss Ann Zuthuian
Yrencli 1 ettm
Mr.l(-anjucqiioaLaUr Miss Celeni
rent, 2 •* dresse
april 2 08
j Stepbei
I Mrs Philis Young
{ Barnabas II Yunuff
?John Young
| Ph» R Young
16th Nsn, fiantxa.
W ILL be drawn on the Ilth Of Mar,
IK/5. and finished in a few minutes.
Sixty Numbers—Eight Ballot, to he Dr awn-
1 Prise of
l 7,.. .
fo.0'10 lleli.r.jsjSJ'. 000.
8" out) iuoiiO-
wm mo ooo.
*,'00 1,000
4 730 47/0
LO’O 20.000.
IS, 000.
1(l « S 00,
** ,8(0.
SO 24 960
»0 . 106,080
ESS!*® Tick,... { 8-WW
g)~i ‘>)ioo
In thin Scheme with eight drawn ballot*,
thera will he 56 prises with three Humbert on
t. f*rr, ?4i6 with two nnmberH on them and
>0,6ft8, with one number on them. Those
t'ckett having none of the draw n hallo's on
them being blanks.
To «fete«tn'nc the fate pf all the tickets in
he above tottery 60 numhea, from one to
' Sty inclusivt, will severallv be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, -and effcM of
them will be drawn; and that ticket having on
t a* a combination, the lay, 26 and third oum*
tiers drawn, will be ent tlen t» $50 000
That having on jt the 6tb,7tk «m>8 h, will
be entitled to £
That having on it the 4th 5th ai d 6th, will
be entitled to j& ’O ClQ0.
Tt»<.»f' « them the 3d, 4 h and 5th
mil 3d,7tb and 8tl, each £5.00U
T.rat having on it the 2d, 3d and 4th will
be emided to 4,720.
Thoae‘20, having on them the
n - \ John. 8 Thompson
Miss Sarah Harri- \ N Turnbull
John lianco
117108 Hawkine
i Joseph Tuttle
} Mrs Mary E Turner
MT Turbef villi
5th snd 8'1 3d.'5rh and 6ll
3 , 6th arid 7lli
0 <l,6th and fbl
3 ) 4tU and 7
3d, 4th and 8 i>
4th.6th and 7th
4lti^6tb and 8tb
*tb,7tnai.d fith
ami 7th
•nd 8 b
5;h } 7th Hnci 8ih
each 8-000,
Tl 5tl and 7t’«
1^. 5th and 811
2d 7diand tttl(3d it»apt\7fL dth^ia
Jd. 4'ti and J’ Ipd* ft- i»am Otfiflth ■orh i
4 j 5.hand 7 \
4tl>,5(ti and Hi:.
All othets, (being 30 tickets) having three
•if thi* difcwr. miinheis on them will <acil oe
entitled to giftO.’
’’lie 5? ick' ta f having on h ni two of the
’rawn tiumbert aiul tutiie tw", ihe %3d and
4^ i, *ill exch be efititled to g 00.
The 156 tickets having on them the 4lh
^nd 5th or 4*h and 6i i, nr 4‘ h <ft d"Fth. drawn
umbers only; will each'be .-.titled to JiO.
All others (beingi.248tickeis) having two
of the drawn numbers on them, will each be
entitl’d to ^ ^0.
And tin ^ having dntfirm *ny one of t'.e
'l awrr numbers, (hedug ’0.608 tickets, or 13 6
f«>? each drnwn humbei w ) will each be enti-
tied to $10.
No ticket which ah,ill have drawn a t rixe
of a superior denomination can be entitled io
*n inferior prise. Prizes payable thirty days
.her the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a
deduction .»M5 per cent*
A considerable portion ; f this lottery is put
up in parcels of ^0 tickets, embracing all the
•omhinati'on mmibeis, from one to iiaty,
c.h parcels are warranted to draw at
ft 0, ii es lit* deduction of 15 pur cc ht, %RU
*»o many chare-'* f •*■ ’bp esnStsfl p» ; zda.
■h B. YATERi ) lf ,' nn ; •;
A.M’INTYllfi.( M B
Wiiiadciti.ii,»i.,.9. ....;
Ordcrn received and forwarded at the abow
pricti at
E X C HA # a jc Oh l'i C B-
March 31 :
T : Fall'23 ;
f. s. i.rtnER.
lulls on Ncw-Yoik,
• ■ • f. <1. OFTSWOLn.
..... ■ f .'| W , | f ... I .iy .
1 -Socket Spades . .V : ...
CASK Socket Spade, jimt 1 reedyed
ami for eal« by N. ft. WEED.' f