Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 08, 1825, Image 2
,.**f ■r- aX ».*w. ROBERTSON, FUllMSIllO:* OK TIIK LAWS OK TUB UNION. DAtl.T KAPER, ! ! COUNTRY KAKKn, i,inUT nol.i.AHs. : KIVK ll'll.l,Alls. 6JWMSM FRIDAY MORNING, APRILS, 1825. ions at Faxnrdo, in tho Islund of Porto Rico, on the — of that mouth, llna been re ceived and considered. It is not intended, at this time, to pro nounce an opinion on the proprio y of thou transactions on your part, hot their import- of Georgia, to aid them in raining a fund for the purpose of advancing this patriotic, hut too long neglected, tribute of .respect, in accordance witli our own feelings, and It their request, we now address you. some distinction. To adorn ideas with ele gance, is an act of the mind, superior to that of receiving them, and is the province of gonitis; but to receive them with a hap. Wo will not insult your understanding, py discrimination, is a task not less usuful, , si... stf nrminiotiitf. in lirilVrt • r - ance demands for them a full investigation, by the advancement of arguments, to prove : and you will proceed, witl.out unnecessary! tho propriety ofan act. the neglect ot which «•« ”“■/ “ J— *"»— • pressed, owing to a neavy stoca delav to this place, to furnish such expluiia- |is already a stain upon our county—Wo, Yet, it will lie found that a just tnstc is not and a few sales were made at a small re- and termination. For that purnose, you j ted proclaim to after ages, the sacrifices, the officers whose tes-1 nobit during, and the htrmsm of these dis- it p.n baa been delayed some lime—and we are now compelled to divide his com munication. The conclusion shall appear to-morrow. ID* The Monument Committoe ac'tnowl- edge the receipt of a donation from the Grand Jury of the County of Camdofn. At the annual election of Wardens and Vestrymen of Christ Church on Monday last the following gentlemen were chosen : Wardens— Jas. Bond Rbaii, ' Wm. Park nit. Vestrymen— Tiieoo. Bartow, W. B. Bulloch, W. T. Williams, R. W. Hauersham, James Marshall, Wm. Davies, Authors Barclay. Commercial Speculation,—The unex pected rise in the price of Cotton tho pre sent season, occasioned by the shortness of Mocks, and by an incrcsed demand in Eu rope, has caused, perhaps, more speculation than any change for years. It has been the means of throwing large profits into the hands of many, whilst those who lost in the firstfinstance, or neglected the opportunity to win, by the continued rise of the article, have since been enabled to turn their enter- prize to good acconnt. In this enterprize, no plice in the union lias oxceedcd Savan nah. The arrival of the Emily, has added a new impulse to it, and every place which affords the most distant prospect of profit, will be ransacked. Expresses have been ■ent by land to Augusta, and the west, as far as Nashville, and by water, to New- Orleans, Mubile, Wilmington, N. C. &c. Should these expresses prove successful* tho transactions will have been immense— how much, we have no me&na of precisely estimating. An express from this city, with the intelligence by the Emily, arrived in Charleston on Tuesday morning, and about 5000 bales of Cotton immediately changed hands generally at 19 to 20 cents. Ode douse here, purchased —* r " nunureu Dales, the value of which, is up wards of one hundred and fifty thousand dol lari i other houses purchased twenty- three hundred. Much more would have been secured had time permitted. This Cotton, is now, or will shortly be worth at least 25 cents per lb. and probably high er. The amount of the speculations and the profits on them, in all parts to which the intelligence was forwarded, may thus be imagined. General Lafavtte, arrived at Macon at 12 n’olock un the 30th ult. and was receiv ed by the ladies and citizens in lines, on Bridge-street, near the Ferry. He dis mounted from his carriage and was receiv ed by the committee appointed for the pur. pose, and by the commissioners of the town. He was welcomed on the Bluff by James 6. Fuif.rson, on behalf of the citizens. A procession was then formed, by which he was conducted to his quarters at the Macon Hotel. He was here waited on and ad dressed by the Masonic Brethren. He re mained in town about two hours and a half, during which, in company with a large Dumber of citizens lie partook of a dinner. It was understood, that he would lodge at the Creek Agency, malting the whole distance travelled during the day sixty miles. A note on tlie post bill from Chattahouchie dated on the 31st 6ays—“ General Lafavettf. passed the Chattahouchie this day.” Southern National Road.—The Board of Engineers, consisting of General Ber nard, Mr. Shriver, and the other officers and gentlemen attached to that service, sat. *nt, on the 29th ult. on a tour through the Southron States, with the view of ascertain ing the most eligible route for tho contem plated National Road from the Scat of Go vernment to New-Orlcans. Every preparation is making in tho west, to do honor to the Guest of the Nation.— In Mobile, the mechanics of the city have voluntarily prepared a building for his re- reception. In Ncw-Orlenn8, the City-Hall is preparing for his reception. Colombian'Sloop ok war UnicA.—The brig Creole, Cnpt. King, arrived at New- . Orleans, spoke the above vessel, all well, in the Gulph. Com. Porter—The following corres- . pnndcnce, on the subject of the recsll of Commodore Porter, appears in the Nation al Intelligencer:— Navy Department. 27tt Dec. 1825. Sin—Vour letter of tho 15th November ]y*t t relating to the extraordinary transuo- will bring with you thoso . — timony is necessary, particularly Ineut. I tinguiahcd men—while they will tell to Platt, and such writtou evidence aa you , posterity the place, whore reposes the ashes may auppose useful. of “ Ghef.n, the saviour of the South,* ami You will return in such convenient ves-1 where freely flowed tho life-blood if the britre sol ns may bo best spnred from the squad- and generous Pulaski—while, on the R>:»o- ron, and on your leaving the station, you lutionari/ Ilr-tvcs, fast sinking in tiie I'onb, will deliver the command to Cnpt. Warring-, they will cast a glenin of joy, and colli to ton, with all such, papers, instructions, and | their remembrance days long since past— information, aa moy be useful to enable while, to the youthful patriot, like the Star him, in the most effectual manner to ac- in till! East, they will point to glory, land cornplish all the objects for which the ves-; teach him to emulate the deeds they loin- sols now under your command were placed' meniorntc—to posterity they will proclaim j nothing remains but a tumultuous sensa-j there. tho strong affection, respect and gratitude tion. He has only delighted himself with I am, very respectfully, &c. oftho present day. Are other motives wall- . j .... . „„i nr : n _ nlld tbe ,„i nl ,i pd sha- 8AML. L. SOUTHARD. ted, to inspire the Free and a re,,led Jttiron ? i t i hc brllhant COl<ml '?’ " I,d tn ° " g , , Com. David Ported, Commanding U.8. j To him, it is enough 'to know, that the cor- j dows oi a variety of objects, while the otli Naval Forces, W. Indies, Gulf of Mux- supply i and it win take large trfivals to ac cumulate a stock. This being the case, high rates are expected throughout the year. Mobile, March 22.—Cotton.—In the mid- die of the week the market was n little de can only be the effect oi a just taste— .pressed, owing to a heavy stock on hand, u ...:n i.~ * »•-* - ! and a few sales were made at a small re duction in price, but the last few days it haf been brisk, and fully maintains former pri es. Cotton, choice, 17$; Prime, 16al7;*- NINETEENTH drawing of Grand State Uit ryNo. /// Received, ' P RIZES Drawn as follows •— No. 3554 7075, 13070, 13103, S , 000 788, 3325, 3837,595, 10819, 10930 l( * lug. Ttvo persons of equal taste, ariso from tlie perusal of the same book, with ve ry different notions; the one will not only J Pair, 15$ a 10} i ! Infe"rior,13 « 14. have tho ideas of the author at command,; tu J5, ngg !()®’ Scotc ' ^ ‘ 4 > non1, ' on and strongly imbibe his manner, but will: Freights—Cotton, to N. York, in square liavo enriched his own mind by a new bales, lj to I{ cents per lb. i to Liverpool, accession of matter, and find a new train ; Kx cbangc on England, none i N. York of sentiment awakened, and in action.— 00 days, 2-J- por cent dia.; New-Orleans, Tlie other quits his author in a pleasing dia-; do. I j do. traction, but of tlie pleasures of rcuding, 17322, 18527, 13994, 107 of mmssst whl The 20th and lost drawing tooV«i,„. 11 31 at March, and is due here This ID' Call and examine your Number," 1 ?! LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. The next Brilliant Scheme, 4t|, will be published in a few days. s ’ April 8 icu, &c. tier stones of these monuments have been al- jer receives the impression, not only of the , re ? p y »vi : li ,r ig r hfi,1 | BrotllRr 1 colors and tlie shades, but the distinct grace, LAFAYETTE—that they have been pro-* _ , * * non need “ IVcUformed, Trmand Trusty"— 0,1(1 the accurate forms of the objects. Sir : I have tlie honor to acknowledge ; that upon them has been poured the corn of To account for these different effects, we U. S. ship John Adams, Thompson’s Island, Jan. 30,1825 • l 25, j ; | vutti upuii bin in II..0 uvCnpl the receipt of your orders of the 27th uTt. 'nourishment, the wine of refreshment, and maat lmve rucotlr6e to a lo „ ioal distinction informing me of your reception of mine of the oil of joy—that they will be reared by the 15th of November, relating to what the Wisdom of the Architect and stand for winch appears to reveal one of the grenl ' ' ' ' ' ages, lasting monuments of Strength and mysteries in the art of reading. Logicians Beauty. 1 lie hand ot a mason, is over o- diniuguish botwoen perceptions and ideas, pen to alleviate the wants ot the living, and, B , it will never be closed against the perpetii-, Perception is that faculty ot the ininu nlion of the memory ot the cliivalric and i which notices the simple impression of ob virtuous dead. WILLIAM DAVIS. T. U. P. CHARLTON J. W. JACKSON, you have been pleased to term “ the extra ordinary transactions at Faxnrdo,” and re calling me from my command for a full in vestigation of my conduct in that affair. Agreeably to your orders, I shall leave this place lor Washington without “ unne cessary delay,” and have taken measures to obtuin all the testimony necessary, and such written evidence as I suppose useful, and, on my arrival in the United States, shall hold myself ready to justify my con duct in every particular, not only by the laws of nations ami of nature, and by high ly approved precedent, but, if necessary, by the orders of the Secretary of the Nu- vy. To use the emphatic language of Mr. Adams, “Byalltlio law., of neutrality and war, as well as of prudence and humanity,” I was warranted in chastising and intimida ting tho authorities of a place who had not only become the allies and protectors of outlaws and pirates, but our active enemies, by tlie imprisonment and forcible detention ol'nn an American officer, while in the per formance of Ilia duties. “Thorn will need,” (continues Mr. Adams.) “ no citation from nur country, in the tamo of his brothers in .from their indulging tho facile pleasures of arms, is an assurance that this tribute to j poro( . pt j oni l0 t)le laborious habit of tbr- the valor and virtues ot two heroes ot the ..... ... , Revolution, will he an occasion of joy and' m,n o them into ideas. We must not de gladness to his generous heart, and wdljcoive ourselves. Perceptions require only lorm a pleasing and a lasting association in I lhp aensibility of taste alld their ,,| caS ures v uouvaia... the mind ot our venerable Guest, with his, J 1 printed treatises on international law to prove i future recollections of the state of Georgia. arc continuous, easy, and exquisite. Ideas the correctnees of thh principle. It isen*| Tho characters and services of the hrave'not only require the same power of tasie, graved in adamant on the comnmn sense of commanders, to whose memories we are | but Bn arl of coln b iniu i 0 „, an d an exertion mankind. JVo writer upon the laws of na-1 about to pay those tributes ot veneration, tiona ever pretended to contradict it i none j are known to you. Their names tre ro-1 °* U |e reasoning powers, which form no of any reputation or authority ever omitted corded in the history of our Republic—their j mean operation of the mind. Ideas are to insert it.” 1 l ij. .* I am willing, sir, to submit my conduct in to the '•II [CIRCULAR.] Savannah, March 18, 1825. Sin—It has been resolved by tlie citizens ofSnvannah, to erect monuments to the memory of Generals Greene und Pulaski. Tlie occasion of General Lakavette’s vis it, has been selected as tile mast, fit time for laying the corner stones of these monu ments. The lively interest which this great, and good mail has evinced, in all parts of j unfruitful, jeets ; but when these objects exist in the mind, and are there treasured and arranged as materials for reflection, then they are called ideas. A perception is like a tran sient beam, which just shews tlie object, but leaves neither light nor warmth i while an idea is like tlie fervid beam of noon, which throws a settled and powerful light. Many ingenious readers complain that their memory is defective, and their studies This defect, however, arises ... ... — j — - — i | wjiciuwoii a.* viiv .iiimi. atiuuo uic | deeds ill arms, were the oride of their com-1 thereforn , ab and for tho£e who wi „ patriots, ami the glory ot our country—the , . value of their services (lomau<l« from imb* ; not undergo the tatigue ot labor, it is un- this affair to the strictest investigation, und, —- — if I cannot fully justify it, I shall cheerfully, terity the tribute ot' their gratitude. We! just to complain, if they come from tlm submit to the severest punishment that can therefore invite our fellow-citiz ns through- harveat with 8c;lrce a shcafin lhoir bands, be inflicted. But, it it shall appear that the out the state, to co-operate with us m this > motives which influenced me were founded work of duty, that the state of Georgia, may i The numerous class of readers of taste, in patriotism; that the necessity of my con- ! give another example to tho world, that. who only prefer a book to the odd trick at duet really existed, and that “ my vindica- Republics are net unmindful of the obliga- , vhiat , havo , thcrotbro , „„ reason to mur- tion is written in every page of the law of tion which they owe, both to the living and nations, as well as the first law of nature, the dead. j raur * A f ' ,at which w only taken up •• seirueiein;«v* t shall then hope that atone- i It was before the ramparts of Savannah, tfjusement, should terminate like all amuse mcntwillhe made tbr this forcible with- that Pulaski foil on the field of glory, and ment8i jn tem 1(Jllaure> To bc wj drawal, for an alleged offence, from my com- heie General Greene was buried. It is, . , . mand. by restoring me to my former station therefore, with peculiar propriety, that two sor an “ better, is ruerly the intention of the and allowing me to retire from it in a man- of the most conspicuous squares of this city gay and frivolous, for the complaints of tho ner more honorable to myself and my conn- have been selected for the sites of these gay and frivolous are nothing but a new ty, and Ics6s injurious to my feelings and monuments. > ' character. It is proposed to complete these menu- man,,er displaying gaiety and frivolity ; This, sir, will bc an act of justice that Iments in a style, corresponding in simplicity they are lamentations full of mirth, hn nrar^ n z\ to me -„ . > a , nd dur ? b . ii,ty witi :,,° i,r pma., Tharo are aucrBtR in thc an of readi 1 have the honor, to be, with great res-1 pies, and to inulte them the common prop- .... . pect, your obedient servant, •’ erty of every citizen, lienee it has been which tend to facilitate its purposes, by ns- D PORTER. 1 Hon. Sami.. L. Souteinn. Secretary of the Navy. Extraet of a letter from Com. Porter to the Hon. Secretary if the Mwi/, dated IVath- ington, March 16, 1825. “ Officers continue to make to me their reports and to request of me orders. Not knowing whether the Department still con- aider me in command of the Wost India squndrnn, I have boon nt a loss how to act. Will you be pleased to instruct me on the subject. “ 1 have tiie honor to be, with great res pect. your obedient servant, •' D. PORTER. “ Hon. Sami.. L. Southard.” FORT OF SAVANNAH. Vassur’s ,\le. A SUPPLY of Vnssar’s Superior Ale r%. now lunding from ship Augusta, f™ sale at reduced rates by \V. LIPl'I'IT ‘ April 8 ARRIVED, Pilot boat schr. Savuniiali, Wiiite, 1 day from Charleston. Passengers,, Messrs. C. W. Rockwell, Hutchinson, Cuunou, Stoy, A.-li, uml Fagon. Slcnm boat Henry Shultz, Lubbock, Au gusta 2 days, to O. B. Lamar,—380 hales Cotton, to ltrown & Overstreet, Jaudon & Crowell, and others. Passengers, Mrs. Lamar, family and servant, Mrs. Clieve- roor, Miss Minis, Mrs, Herbert, Capt. Ju dah, Messrs. Mnnton, Ruynnle, Pudleford, Chichester, Adams,Evans,Richards,(Steel, Butler, Hoadley, Wells, and Cone, and 25 for Charleston. Passed, on Wednesday, within 25 miles of Augusta, steam boat Edgefield, Sussard. Tlie steum boat Geor gin, within (HI miles. Passed yesterday, near Purysburg, steam boat Alut&iuaha, Hartford. up eor this port. At New-Orlcans, 4th ult. sclir. Agenora, Lecraw, in a few days. Charleston, April 6—Arrived, Br. ship Dunlop, Mundell, Belfast, und 41 days from Milford Haven, Sclir. Wicker, Ward, Havana 8 days. On the 31st ult. 1st. 27, long. 70, fell iu with and boarded the brigClurissn, ofBris- tol, R. I. foremast gone within 19 feet of the deck, larboard main rigging apparently cut away, bowsprit carried away close to the knight heads. Her sails, rigging, ca bles, anchors, enmboose, cabin furniture See. had been taken from her. The hold about half foil of potatoes,onions and hoops The brig was perfectly tight, having no water in tiro hold. About 14,000 bunches of onions, and a large quantity of hoops, piled on the main deck, apparently for the purpose of being taken out. From the freshness of the onions and potatoes,. she had not. been long in that condition. Sclir. Eagle, Brothers, Havana 5 days, Schr. Olivo, Reed, Boston 11 days. Cleared, Br. ship Mary Catharine, Pace, Liyerpoo!; ship Robin-Hood, Woodberry Liverpool. Went to sen, lino ship Franklin, Monro New-Ynrk i U. L. schr. Orbit, Beers, New York ; sloops Amazon. Eldred, Boston ; rennnscot. wnaw.ivew-vurK ; hiuuji muton. Livingston, St. AugiiBtiiie. Norfolk, March 31.—Arrived, schr. Vo iusia,*Briggs. 9 days from St. Mary's, Geo Sloop St. Mary’s, Nye, 9 days fro in St. Mary’s, Goo. Extract of a letter from Hon. Sami, h. South ard to Com. Porter, dated Navy Depart ment, XOth March, 1825. “ It was the intention oftho Department, in ordering Captain Warrington to the West Indies, to relieve you from tho com mand oftho squadron there.” •“ I am, respectfully, &.c. “ SAMI,. L. SOUTHARD. “ Com. David Poiitkb, “ U. S. Navy—Present.” oommunicated for the Georgian. To the Most Worshipful Jer. Cuyler, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of thc Stull- of Georgia, Most Worshipful Sir, I am instructed by the Monument Com mittee, to solicit the aid oftho Grand Lodge ot the State of Georgia, in raising a fund for erecting Monuments tn the memory of twoofour Revolution arv Benefactors ; “One of them the intimate friend of La fayette, tlie other, like him, a volunteer in the cause of freedom, in which he receiv- ed his mortal wound upon our linos.” For tliiB purpose I have inclosed, to you, a number of copies, oftiioir Circular Address to the people of this State, with an equal number of subscription lists. These you will please distribute among the different Lodges, under your jurisdiction, ill a way you may think the best calculated to effect this laudable object. 1 am reapeettuliy, sir, your obedient ser vant, J\'0. STEVENS, Chairman. Savaunali, 18th March, 1825. [CIRCULAR] Grand Lodge of Georgia, ) Savannah, April 1, 1825. j Brethren—By the enclosed documents you will perceive that tiie citizens of Sa vannah, animated with a holy feeling to per petuate the heroic deeds of the illustrious dead, are desirous of having erected suita ble monuments to the memories of Major General Nathaniel Green, and Brigs- dier General Count Pulaski—They have called upon the Grand Lodge of tho State determined to limit the subscription to two sisting the memory, and augmenting inlnl- dollars, in order to enable every person to loi;lual (lpuleuee . Somc> ont own in rellity enrol Ins name on this list of revolutionary r * gratitude. Those who may wi.<h to eon- must form * 0,1(1 perhaps every student, lias tribute more, can do so, mid their names an artificial manner of recollection, and u will bo noticed as making special donations. p|culiar arrallgorannt . „ in ahort hand , a |. Tlie names ol tho subscribers will be en- r e grossed on duplicate rolls o; parchment, most every writer has a syst em of his own. one of which will be deposited in each men- Tlere are, however, some regulations ument. secured in the most perfect manner. w|a h a „f gcneral lltility , and , sha „ lour zcalouH co-operation, in tins patri- 1 ® J otic undertaking, is solicited with groat von .ture to communicate them. A volum- confidence. Thc monies that may bc sub- nious compiler (Pliny) asserts, that there scribed, you are requested to collect, and ....... pay over to the Cashier of either of the so bad, but which contained Branches oftho Bank of the State of Geor- something good. It is necessary, however, gia, or either of the Branches of the Bank to observe, that just and obvious as this of Darien, who will thereafter be directed ... •, ■ „ to transmit the money to A'thonk Porter, r ® o i y ppe , cj a Esq. Casliier of the Bank of the State of commentary to be understood. To read Georgia, at Savannah, subject to tho order every book would bc fatal to the interest of of Joskph V. Bevan, Secretary and Treas- „ . . . . , , . . , urer of tlie Greene and Pulaski Momimcnt n,,,st reHl] " rs 1 ,h "- v ' vhn 011 ^ rtc,:k 111 stud - v Committee. JOHN STEVENS. for mere pleasure would bo continually dis- Yi M. It. BULLt )CII, j appointed; for tlie observation is only adniit- JAMES B. READ, , R. VV. IIABERSIIAM | ®u to that phlegmatic perseverance, which ALEX. TELFAIR, S. B. PARKMAN, ANTHONY PORTER, JOHN SI1ELLMAN, A. B. FANNIN, M. MYERS, WM. P. MARSHALL, JAMES P. SCREVEN. : seems to find pleasure in mere study. He ‘ who only seeks for information, must bo ! contented to pick it up in obscure paths, to j mount rugged rocks for a few flowers, and to pnss many days bewildered ill dark for ests and wild deserts. The render of eru dition may therefore read every book. But Nantucket, March *21. Some enter- be W | )(J 01l | y desireB to gratify a more dcli- pnaing voung men trom F.dgnrtown, went , ,, off on Wednesday Inst, in two boats, in pur- catB sensation, who would only fill Ins heart suit of a whale on the south side of the with delicious sentiment, and his fancy Vineyard. They soon came up with one, with bright imagery j in a word, the reader which they killed ; but a contrary wind and * strong tide prevented their return until Pri- o* taste,must bo contented to range to more j day morning. Tliu whale it is thought contracted limits and to restrict himself to ±SSO£^TASftl£ % r"’17— T have recently been observed off the South, Without distinction in reading, study be side ot the Vinoyard. I comes a labour, painful and interminable, ,,, , , .—~ , „ _ ., - and honce readers of taste complain that Wo lonrn that in the gale of Friday , . . night, the steam-host United States, Cap-1 tllore 18 n0 tcrm 10 wading ; mid renders ot tain Brooks, on her passage from New erudution, that books Contain nothing but I Haven, broke her shaft, and was obliged to hrnse8i Whon the furmor confino th ' anchor. But such was* tho violence ot the . , wind, that, with three anchors ahead, she' BR,ves to Wwrks 01 taste, their complaints was driven ashore near Black Rock Goshen Butter, f?c a Lnndivg f -om ship Augusta, -J KEGS Superior Goshen Butter X Vf 10 Blits. Rye Flour, for Family use 15 do Newark Cider Jrt Store, 20 Cnsks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Whiskey 10 do Gin 10 do N. E. Rum 15 do Albany Ale snlo bv II. B. HATHAWAY. April 8 13p liawJing ftm\ for ale, 900 6 P erm Oil, best qual 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Window Glass, INSTORE, 1400 GallonsI’aint Oil 10 bbls Train Oil 5 do Tanners do. 12 bbls Spirits Turpentine And a General assortment of PAINTS, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS AND PAINTER'S ARTICLES, at wholesale and retail bv. HAZARD A DENSLOW, Whittaker St. 2nd Door from Bay. liulier, C5c. Just Rrreired liy ship Augusta. 1 i 1 Goshen Butter. 1st quality. 1U 8 Bbls. Sargennt’s Crackers. 5 do. White Ben ns For sale by A. BASSETT. April 8 13 At Private Sale, A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty-five years of age, an excellent cook, wash er and ironer, with her two children, one a boy about ten years of age* and a girl about five years old. April 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO. Sheriff's Sales, OF ATTACHED PROPERTY O th fu -tSatimla, after tlie first I u .(d tn M.y next, will he sold at the Court House in the town of St M.rya, between the It u * of ten and four o'clock, the followinf n.g ov.»vn;vir, Lancaster, Furry, Un«e,»m but it cease, and when tlie latter keep to books of he, two obit ren, Har.nub and Archibald, sold r.s iho nroperty of Thoms. Andrews, under an att ehmunt in favor of obe t Miller - Sold by consent of all parti. April 1,18 5. M. H. HE3BARD, S.C C. April H 13 r”P” ■»-« to have reached this city.—New- York Gazette. tholr ln *atiable curiosity. TO THE EDITORS OF T UE GEORGIAN. ON KElU)Ii\G. Having in my last communication, as- sorted “ that one reader receives a quant! P. (To be concluded in our next.) ooivnviEnciAi.. Postscript to a letter from Liverpool da ted 'i3d February—" Uplands liave been sold this morning at I2JJ, and there in an ty of pleasure unfelt by another,” I shall animated demand at full jd advance an the endeavor now to prove the position I have * ll S* ,es *- prices ol yesterday, say I2jd. Our , . ... ....... , stocks ol Cotton ore getting reduced so low, advanced ; and if writing is justly dcnomin- that there is no saying how high prices may ated an art, I think that reading claims the j go, unless we should receive a reasonable Sheriff’s Sales. O N tlie tir-t Saturday, after the firit Tues day in June next, will bc (old at the Market-House in the town of St. Marys, two negroes, via. B ,b and Hose, levied on as the property o> Joseph Rain, to istialy an execu- .ion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of 9amuel Clarke end George S. Brown. April i. 1«25. M. H. HEBUAHU, S.C C. April B 13 I3p Goshen Butter. F IFTEEN firkins received per ship Au- guntn, f*»r wait* by r J. B. UF.RBERT& CO. April 8 CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, ) Antu 7, 1825. { T IIE average price of flour being Jls 15 per barrel, 296 pounds weioiit, tho weight of bread tlie present mouth, nmst be 1‘Ji Cents Loaf, : : : 3 lbs. I oz. 6} do. do. : 1 : : 1 81, of wliich all bakers and sellers ofbread «i|| take due notice. April 8 M. W. STEWART, C. T, Whiskey and Paint C C. GRISWOLD, offer# for sale, land” • ing from t-hip Savannah, 1 1U0 Barrels Whiskey In Store, 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Bnint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting March Ifi oiru, Plant, WVukej ti llama. 2400 ®! tJsllKUJ Wl,ile m,, jh t»o Barrels Sunf. Ilowurd-St. Flout IfiO do Whiskey 200 Hums in bags Landing from schooner Thomas Hall, from Baltimore, for sale by HALL & IlOY'P. March 25 Goshen Butter. Just received per ship Empcmr, •g Q KEGS first quality Gofiicn linnet l O 8 Bids. Sergeant’s Butter Cmrkerj. 10 Half barrels Jinmule, tllrsu Pork 10 do Fulton Market Beef 2 Barrels Smoked Tongues For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, March 31 AnriauxV Whnrf. A fresh supply »fthc above vai* UAHLE MEDICINE, just receiid per brig Frances, mid for sale by GEO. RYKRSON. Solo Agent, Corner Bay and YVliiUnker-Btrett* March 4 Corn and Flour, * 2500 B c 8HELS BaUiinorc " Be 100 Barrels Susquehnnnnh fresh ground from white wheat 16 Hogsheads Whiskey Lauding from schooner Rising S' 1 * 1 ! w ;al<? by J. B. HERBERT & CO. April 5 Whis ey,, cef aiul Paints.' C C. GRISWOLD, oilers for sale, • 100 Barrels Whiskey . 50 Barrels Prime & \ Beef, N. 25 do Mess $ city iiwpcctwB* 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting MV i :>fl Hinges. r nWO thousand pair Hook and <’ W * A Hinges, assorted, from fi to l E | ac l ' for sale by N.B.W^ l) ' March 7 Paeon ai.d Lard. A A BOXES BACON . .. 50 tirkins Lird—Landing ' rr schr. by )| Barracoa,from Baltimore, March 8 silk Mi'iiary £toc!-;s. ■J Q DOZEN rich figured and pl“* n X £i Stocks, lined with hair cloth 2 do l’luin Hair Cloth do Received per ship Emperor, from *’ 1 York, jind for sale by Feb 17 CALVIN BAKER Troy candies. J UST received per ship Augusts, 1 Boxes Troy Candles. For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 25 ho ice. A LL persons having demands «?«>' , tlie estate of Francis Courvnise.Ist Chatham county, will present them « ' attested, and thoso indebted wtli make p>. D ‘ ent ‘ R. HABERSHAM, . and J. IIABERSIIAM, Starch II *•! L) Qualified El ' ecutor^