Newspaper Page Text
DAti v I’AI’V.k, : : :
: k.ioiit nolens
O’ No mail north of Charleston, was re
ceived last evening.
u Governor Tnous and General Ci.abk,
ape formally announced in the Millodgevillo
p ipers, as candidates for Governor, at tho
Vdiction in October next.
In the notice published on S iturdnv, ol
.the cosiqof transportation from Millcdge-
ville and Macon, to this city and Augusta,
we were not perhaps sufficiently explicit.—
The rate of freight from Macon or Millodge.
ville, by boats to Darien, and thence by ves
sel to Savannah, is seventy-five cents per
hundredpounds, with an addition of twelve
& a half cents per hundred, if insured against
the dangers of the river and inland naviga
tion. If the impediments in the naviga
tion of the Oconee and Ockmulgee, were
removed, cotton cojiltl no doubt be deliver
ed at Savannah, at the rate of fifty cents
per hundred. The land carriage from Mil-
Icdgeville and Macon, to Augusta, is one
dollar per hwulre.1 pounds, and when corn
is high, one dollar and twenty-five cents
per huudred pounds. The conveyance by
water to this city, via. Darien, is therefore,
decidedly the lowest, and of course, most
beneficial to the planters of the western
part of our state ; and it has also this ad
vantage, that the planter can scud his crop,
or a considerable part of it, to market at
once, and that too, without risk, if he choos
es to insure.
Iftlio produce of the planter from those
parts of the state, is transported to Augus
ta, for shipment to Savannah or Charles
ton, the expense is still further increased
by the addition of the freight from Augus
ta to those places. The freight from Au
gusta to Savannah, is at present from fifty
to seventy-five cents per bale. To Charles
ton it is proportionably increased, an addi
tion which igay be very easily estimated
against that mode of conveyance,
We cannot doubt that the planter will
route by which he will carry his produce to
•aurket, and of one thing we believe we may
■sure him, he will here be enabled to ob
tain his supplies on os favorable terms, and
in as great a variety, as in any part of the
These statements may not now be con
sidered of greut importance. But we hope
they will be deliberated on.. There is an
inpnense region in this, state, which will be
thickly settled before the lapse of many
years, whose inhabitants, as well as of that
portion now settled, must of course be deep
ly interested in obtaining pie cheapest nnil
most speedy mode for the transportation of
their produce, which we believe is here
pointed out. Indeed, the natural channel
of business, fYom the western part of the
state, must flow to Savannah ; and the next
season will te.t the assertion.
A large amount of notes of the Darien
Bank, ($110,000,) has been held under pro
test by the Planters’ Bank of this city, for
some time past. We understand that the
former institution has recently redeemed
the whole of this amount. This measure,
wc presume, has been adopted, in conse
quence of the depreciation of the notes of
that Bank. Of the solvency of the Bank,
we believe no doubt is entertained, but
the credit of their notes, we are of opinion,
will not be entirely recovered, unless like
the other banks, they pay every demand
upon them promptly—and unless their notes
are received in deposit and payment by the
United States Bank, and the Banks of the
Speculation continues to tun high, not
only in Cotton, but in other merchandize.
Wo are informed that Coffee and Sugar, in
Charleston, have been bought up extensive
ly, by orders from Boston. The price has
ofcourse advanced.
We understand that on Saturday, a sale
of Cotton-Bagging was made as high os 27
cents, in this city.
The lion. William Hi Cn.twronn and
family, passed through Chesterville, (S. C.)
on Thursday morning. 31st ult. ou their
way to their residence in Georgia,
American Navv.—A paragraph in a
Washington pn|ier states, that we shall
shortly have in commission, or ready for
seprtce—7 line'of battle sliipa, 10 frigates,
3 corvettes, 15 sloops of war, including the
PnoonKss or L trAvrifr..—A letter to
tho Odirorsoftlie Milte'dgcvitlo Journal, da
ted at Port Mitchell on the 31st of March,
is the latest wo hove of the General. Tim
writer suys, “ we arrived here to-dny with
Gen. Lafayette about. II o’clock. Wc
reached the Agency tho day we left Mil-
ledgcvlllo, about 8 O’clock, P.M. and should
| have arrived here Inst evening, had it not
been for a very heavy rain that fell yoster-
!, 1825. day. This prevented our getting further
than Moss’s, 40 miles from tho Agency,
where we were well entertained. The re
ception tho Indiana gave tho Genoral, was
quite odd and interesting. Wo found them
in wniting on the western bank ofthe Cha-
tahooehie. comnnnandod by Chilly M’lx-
tosh. While we were crossing, they gave
several yells in concert. When we touch
ed the bank, they took from one
ofthe sulkies, seated tho General in it and
pulled him np the hill. We hero found the
Alabama escort, underthc commend ofMuj.
Gon. TAYi.on, formed ready for hiB recep
tion. They saluted him as he passed. Ho
was then introduced to Mr. Bum, who
made a very feeling and appropriate address,
to which he replied. 1 was not able to pro
cure copies. The Indians then formed, and,
after going through some ceremonies, gave
a Bull Play, which, to those who novel-
witnessed one before, was very amusing—
It lasted an hour, and the General appear-
to be well entertained with it. lie then
dined, and set out about!? o'clock for Mont
-ro Tin: KniTons.
Augusta, 1th April, 1825.
Several expresses have arrived and pns-
ped through here since tho arrival of tho
Emily. The tlrnt got hero on Monday, at
surca of rigor with respect tnlroland, In or- ; Litter from the Governor of St. Thom
dertohave a pretext for pushing to rebel- 1 ximi.
lion this superstitious and bravo pcoplo.wlio
' ds in 1
Lieutenant Stoat.
Government, House, St Thomas.I
February 13th, 1825. {
Dear Sia—Feeling a grateful sense of
When tho destroying element threatened
destruction, and dismay was pictured in
every countenance, your arduous and unre-
_ i_i i. A r1
For the two ra*ill:'*,
The regular packet sl 00 a
R> Gibbs, Jilastcr,
Will sail this evening. p nt
captain on
April 11
liavc always been, at ull perioi
liistnrv, ready to defend, with arms in their
hands, their religion and ita ministers. It e ".'ilT’i'ifir community^7s under to freight or passage, apply to the
- .. - is to be hoped that the British cabinet will r officers, for yonr zealous and 1 board, at Bolton’s Wharf, or to
5 o’clock, A. M. in eighteen hours trom 8u- ,| efts t all these infernal projects, by adopt- ^°"f in „ rr Jtingthe progress EI.Ms
vannuh. This express was dospatcliod to, ing, with respect to Ireland a policy more "y\ C u"fla „ e9 during the late dreadful con-'
was made public immediately. Yesterday, i nM10 |, more advanced by causing the torch «l»P ortun,t y * P ^
at 10 o’clock, another express passed thro’ of knowledge, philosophy, and toleration, to UCH mn 8 or
here,on his way to Alabama. It is -id!
there was one received between the | flames ofthe decked the progress of the i April 11
above mentioned. No spcculationa have, j It may be concluded from all this, that the j pli5,u.
however,been made in consequence, -or e rf Golund brave men, sir. I u,n aware sock,
establishment ot a new transitory , reward former tor oils act onstlian 1
things. This moral revolution has operated, I» ZciZne*. of having done their duty, j K
through the Iforce ofnrciimsnces. tho no-; h(k| nll( , viatti(1 the dis trcu of their fellow j DU
Howard-Sti eet Flour.
■J fhfh,
J. Flour, landing from sloop Cadet’
will be sold lew if taken from the wharf u
would have been made even without the
first cautioning express, as the cotton dea
lers of this place, take alarm at heavy
and repeated purchases, and suspect some
thing immediately. The market haBbeen .. , . , __
Very brisk this week, and a large quantity j pmvpr fortifics itBe |f „,„i tokos positions.—
of cotton, nt fair prices, changed owners., Which will he the one which is forced to
Since the particulars of the Liverpool mar- commence hostilities ? lhe future alune
mom sollnnl tlllQ
vr ri* Ai._ u_i u Alii- RH<» nllftviaieii me uisir«b» ui uivir
t P Rr#t,0 k n .°[fT^ nlYrnmnmnira' Icreature**, but this instance of your groat,
. ,, . nc<! .• by interdict ng - activity and presence ofmind iuauving, in a] For sale by
• tion in tiiture wit - : not 'great innasurc.thecastern part ofthe town,| April 11
" o ILIAJ 1 Each S will «»« beheld in grateful remembrance I —
Sugar and Coffee.
BAGS Prime Green Ooffop
If) Hlids. do Muscovado Sinrars
20 Barrels Loaf ,p,
ket.brought by the Emily have been known
cotton baa advanced full two centu, and is
can revcul ibis.
ConoNP.ti’s Rrpo'lT.—Charleston, April
now quoted at 20 to -23*-cent.s, and it is 8 —A Jury oflnqiicst wns impannelled yes-
said, one lot sold at 24. The cotton deni-1 lerday morning, on board tile schr. Eudora,
. , , e. ■ . , ihine at O’Noal fiz Bird’s ship-yard, to fil
ers here have done a profitable winter's, * ir ® into the cause or causes whicl
At the dinner in Milledgeville, General
Lafayette gave ns volunteer toast—“ The
meniery of General Greene.’’
By Governor Troup—A union of all henrts
to honor the Nation’s Guest—A union of all
heads for our country’s good.
By (Jen. Clark—The memory ofPulaski.
Among the regular toasts is tho follow
DcKalb and Pulaski—Their bones are
entombed in kindred earth—their memories
are embalmed ill the rccollecliuu of a grate
ful people.
During the visit of Lifavetee at Mi!-
lodgeville, the same gang of pieji-pockets,
most probably, who exercised their dexteri
ty so profitably In this city, were busily en
gaged. Six pocket books ivero stolen, one
of which contained 4500 dollars.
A frost was experienced at Cheraw, S.
U, on.the 4th instant, which it is fenrerf,
Hub Hlncu uii mu nuu m t ii<il mriguutiiuutiu.
A.frost has also been experienced in some
of the counties in this state.
The brig Bramin, arrived at New-York
from Calcutta, spoke, off the Sand Heads,
the East-India Company’s squadron, under
Commodore Hayks, bound to Rangoon, to
co operate with the British land forces that
left Calcutta some time previously.
A spirited war was raging between tho
Company and the Burmese nation, when
the Bramin sailed.
, quire into the cause or causes which led to
and all appear to be in higli. ; ^ ei | oa thofHenryWilson.ainaiiner,hite-
About one half the crop of Uplands, ly-airived from Savannah, in the ship Ar
madillo. It np cared that the Eudora hod
been smoked ti at evening, and that the de
ceased went on board in the night, and o-
pened the hatch of the forecastle, and got
down iu the hold, where he went to sleep,
and was found the next morning. The Ju
ry brought in their verdict, that the deceas
ed came to his death by accidental suffoca-
remained in the hands ofthe Planters, when
the first rise took place.
Business, excepting in cotton, wns never
more dull in Augusta than at present.
A letter of the Mb, says— 4 Prime Cot
ton is held at 25 cents.”
hy me and the community ; and should an
apportunity offer whereby I can make any
return, it will bo cmbruced with much sa
Permit me to add, that your politenesBto
us, subsequent to the unfortunate fire, has
produced in'my breast the most lively sen-
timents of gratitude and esteem.
I am dear Sir, your most obedient,
(Signed) P. V. SCHOLTEN.
ToLt. Comd’t Sloat, of theU, S. schr.
A public dinner was given to the IIop.
John G aim.Ann, on Tuesday last, at the
Can lina Coffee-House, Charleston, which
was fully attended. Among the regular
toasts, were the following:—
General Jackson.—A ready acquiescence
to the will of the constituted authorities, is
worthy of that citizen who achieved so
much for his country’s safety and renown.
—«/tirksnn's' .March.
The Sage of MontWIlo—He renders the
evening of his days not less useful than i's
meridian was brilliant and successful. The
University of Charlotte, adds another hon
or to his alreudy crowded wreath.—Jrfi’cr-
xon's March.
Tim Secretary of State—It is fit and
proper to look into t he-motives that actuate
the most elevated or I ho most obscure ser
vant of the Republic; but it is neither just
nor liberal to rundown bv anticipation and
without evidence—Federal Consl tution.
James Monroe.—While we acknowledge
hfa early and long continued services, we
delight in extending to him the homage of
our love and respect-— mroc'n March.
Win. H. Crawford—He won and wore
with credit to himself and advantage to his
mark the incorruptible man. He hns claims
that will not be forgotten.—Craujbi'd's
Law of Principal and Agent.—A case
ill this branch of law was decided ou last
Saturday in the Circuit Court now sitting
iu the City Hall.—The facts of the case
were these :—.Alexander Livingston, who
resided in a distant part of the Suite, sent a
parcel of wool to James Robertson, a wool
dealer iu this city, to dispose for him at the
usual commission. Robertson did business
on commission and was, in this particular
transact ion, constituted the factor of Living-
hton. No particular orders however accom
panied the wool beyond t he general implied
instructions which the law recognises in
such cubes. Robertson, the factor, made
sales of the property, un i among them
narticular sale of about $187 to a firm in
New-Jorsoy, to whom lie had frequently
sold before, and who were, at the time of
sale, coubidered ofgo* d standing. Tho fat:
tor received u note for the amount sold,
which became due on a certain day. Pre
vious. however, to the maturity of this note,
the principal, Livingston, made a settlement
of his account with ItylicftKOii, and iu the
account sales rendered by the latter, tho
name ofthe house in Now-Jorsny, was not
express'd as buyers of the wool. At this
settlement Robertson gave his note to Li
vingston -• -uch a date as to full due siib-
aeqneut to tho mammy w the note which
Linseed Oil, $* c .
R ECEIVED per brig Frances and ship
Emperor, *
20 Barrels Linseed Oil
ft Barrels White Beans
3000 Pounds Codfish
10 Kcg« Goshen Butter
5 Barrels Sergeant’s Butter Crackers
For sale by
April 11 AncianxV Wharf. '
Schr. Catherine Eliza, Anderson, 2 days
from St. Johns (E. F.) in ballast, bound to
Wilmington, (N. C.)—put in on account of
headwinds. 4 pasesiigcrs. The schr. Nan
cy, of New-York, with a cargo of five mil:,
went ashore on the beach nuar the month
of St. Johns river, on Saturday, 2d instant,
and went to pieces. Crew saved. Left at
St. Johns, on Thursdav last, schrs. Laurel,
and Eilgor, for New-Y’ork, loaded with live
Schr. Farmer’s Daughter. Chaplin, 4
days from Plymouth. (N. C.) with Corn, to
the master. The F. D. was bound to
Charleston, but run pusl her port.
Schr. Albion, Robinson, Elizabeth City,
(N. C.) 0 days. Corn to the master.
Schr. Enlerprize, Brickbouse. Plymouth,
(N. C.) 3 days. Corn, to R. Habersham.
Sloop Express. I day,
Cotton, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. &e. toT.
G.Cliiiinborlin, Cluiand fit Fraser, Philhrick
fit Scranton Cohen fit Miller, Hall fit Hovt,
C. \V, R.ickwellfit eo. P Hill, and B. \V.
Delumuter. Passenger. Mrs. Clurk.
Sloop Mercy. Bolios.Rieehiirongh 3 days,
65 hales S. I. Colton, to J. A. Maxwell, E.
Reed, 11. Habersham, ami Bulloch fit Dun-
woody, and rice, to R. Waterman & c.o.
Sloop Cadet, Robins, Baltimore 6 days,
whiskey and flour, to Johnston, Hills fir. eo,
I Hall fit’Hoyt, P. Hill, and Douglass fit Sor-
j rell Saw a ship standing in.
i Sienm Rnnt finmpenjr’- B"»k Georgia,
Bowman, Augusta 56 hours, wtli Bouts No.
T he co-partnership existing between
the subscribers, under the firm of
will be dissolved by mutual ruusent an :!i
first day of June next. Those liau.
claims against tho firm, are requested is
present them for settlement, and liaise in.
debted will pleuse settle their accounts In-
fore the fifteenth of May next—otier will h
tiino nil the unsettled accounts will be put
iu the hands of all attorm-v for rnllertioo
F. 011,1,KT.
the former had received from the New-Jer- 6 , uu | U) j n tow< 15 ,4 bales Cotton, to W.
sey buyers. Before the note held by Ro
bertson became due, the house in Now-
Gastou, S. B. Purltman, VV. Smith, G. B.
brought the oetion to recover the amount
thus lust from his principal. Livingston.
It was pleaded on lhe part nf Livingston,
Fonr.iox—The following letter appears
in a late British paper. It is one of those,
with which the European papers olicn treat
their readers, and calculated, for the want
of more substantial food, to afford conver-1 l * mt R cohclosivh settlement wub made he-
, ., • ! tween lhe parlies nt that time. Ilwnsfur-
sation to the quidnuncs until some new 1 ino ther p rrpse(l nn tlle )„ rv t |, at b , cause the
days’ wonder is manufactured. *'
theliticity is very doubtful.
Litter from Paris, Feb. 13, 1825.—At
bertson became duo. the house in Now- L , inlBri Ponce fit Mackenzie. J. Cunmiiug ' T'’f 2’«.
Jersev became insolvent, and Robertson [ & Sun . T . Holler Si co. and T. R. Price— . ', -'jla ’
YoftftiveVs at VoiV.
T!ie miliari ihors offer for Rile, thrirentire
etowk of DRY GOODS, at cost, tor cash ir
good paper only. It comprint s a genual
ami well selected assor-'niHiit of
Fnsh Imported Goods,
suitnhie for the present season.
Darieu Bank Bills taken nt par.
April 11 l.>rb
"official LIST
F 2Utli and last day’s drawing in Grand
State Lottery of Maryland. No. 3:
No. 640ft, J20.C00 ; 11,451, f10,000; !«,.
491. <5000; 8694, 12.716. 14.027, 18,4!?,
19.119, <1000 ; 27:30, 4:119.
17,871. 17,912, <500 ; 53*21, 9302,12,.
333, 12,397, 13,405, 14,251, 18,058, jfWO;
one fkousand three hon*
o l
4 jiassengers.
! dred arid forty-nine of $10.
r,~ s , — i Holders of prizes will call and receive
‘he -oh. or invest the amount indthCte,
lengtii the Holy Ailianee lias come lo a de- j
, , , , frniu Cliarleslon, 140 bales Cotton, tn Berij.
the defendant, that the account sales and : Burroughs, and merchandize for Augusta
the note given by theplamlifl went to show un j Hamnirg. J’.wjmgeM.Measrs.Brookes,
Hill. House, Pral),and M'Doiiuld, and 5 for
. . Steam Boat Hamburg. Blackman, 36
Its au-: names o: tho buyers were not. mentioned in hours from Augusta, to Punco fit Mnekeii-
I the a-cuunt -ales, tho plaintiff assumed tho : zjp< nn j Mr> Uilmartin PeusmgrnM.nt.ta.'
I responsibility of the debt. , Stiles, Gotstnm, Lung, Beuiou, Giliun,
Grand State. 4th- Cluss Literature, 1611
Class Canal, or cither Lotteries, at
Anri 11
The new trial of Isaac B. Desha, snys
the Louisville Advertiser, commenced at; dependence of South-America.
Cyntliiana, on the 14th ult.
A fall of snow was experienced at llich-
moud, on tho 2d inst.
The New-Y’ork National Advocate, snvs,
“ The recent advance in the prices of Brit
ish manufactures, will, we are persuaded,
give a livelier star™ to
The Judge in delivering his charge, took Tut'ts, and W. Sillies.
| nn extremely full and clear view of the law i ' SAILED,
o co o ou , lesuejoct ml lie >'*-1 of principal and agent, and directed tli« ju-' ghip g ollt h Boston, Campbell, Liverpool,
able to find a field o. bailie on wl 1, to'7 t0 r a!,,>ly ‘h"l ,r ‘"" ,| ’ loa tl,er ; !i ." s ' alel1 *.° Ship Westmoreland, , dm
combat England, it has doterj m.e'l n ex-! i» the evt- shi|) pi„, ie er. Greenleaf, do.
... V. *» ueierjiiiuou OH ex I ,i enc0 . Thnjury retirrul n tow minutes and . j lrij Eugle, Carey, nock
i. s 4,-i. • I... .-I....— fV ^ 4 cA 1—1 —— . — ■ - * . ,.
i t i: i ,* , i . • . t'Ciici.i j 'i* iur / minm a iuw min**t. iinti
clu lmg her Iron, the continent, and closing t!>m|(| „ ynr(Ii 9 f„ r ,|„, plsinnff of)?l37 75
111) t(Y lit>r nvoi'L* ir A . . ' V*.
Corn rind Flour.
2300 Baltimore White
up to nor every access to it. As Lite. tr«m
bles of Spain become every day more seri
ous. and it is not known where the disor-
d'-r may stop, the Holy Ailianee .ias deter
mined on attacking the evikin its source,
& dismenibenngbpainjeaviu^to King Fer
dinand a petty appearance of a kingdom,
n the midst of his ancient Monarchv. In
damages audti cents cdsts.—A7/L Ado.
Written for the Irish Charitable Society at
Boston, by H. J. Finn.
Aik—The Legacy.
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston, and sc- landing Jrom jrhooner Riwn? ^
vers ntlmr coasters. Fa ' 1 ' b .' r J. R HERBERT i
American industry iconseqence, it lius been notified to England, ■ The wine-cup is full, and it beads are float-
than wo have yet realised from the Tariff, a**’ "otjmving been able to prevent
itself. From the arrivals for a month past
her j
it appears that almost every description of form tiio Inirest portion, lhe Holy Alliance
from confiscating to her own advantage the ! As fresh as the dew upon Wnmnn’s lip,
rich Spanisn possessions beyond seu which ‘ To those twin delights, our thoughts deco*
manufactured goods has risen in value in
the European market. The cotton gouds
of England have not only advanced, but
the rise has been felt on the banks of the
Pee Dec, on the Alabama, in this coun
try. Hardware and woolens have also ad
vanced in the English murket, hnd wo have
seen it mentioned somewhere, that tho
French market has risen as much as 3d per
Goods imported from Europe as - might
have been expected, have experienced a
corresponding advance in this market.—
English dry goods arc now sold about 15 to
to 20 per cent, higher at the present time,
than they were about six weeks ago
Hurdwaro and woolens have felt similar
changes. The advance in the price of cot
ton, has created a considerable excitement
among speculators nnd others, and all uni
ted together, gives a great briskness and
activity to business.”
The foreign papers by recent arrivals,
contain Borne details respecting the civil
dissentions in the Morca, which, however,
by previous intelligence, it wus stated, Imd
been suppressed. Bobulina, (wc are sorry
to learn) the heroine, who, for a time, com
manded a vessel against the Turks, took
] part with t^o insurgents, and was taken
tpn additional ones authorized at tho last 1 prisoner hy the government trnops at the
session of Congress, Will, a corresponding j time. Young Colocotroui, was killed, in
proportion of light vc^els.
It is stated in the Philadelphia Gnzette*
that the cargo of the ship (Caledonia, just
consequence, it is said, of excesses he had
committed; the m »st fatal of which, to him-
| self, was, that lie had pistolled a priest—an
arrived there* cost four hundred Ihomand, ou l’ ra ff0 which roused tho people against
dollar 9
on its part, avuils itself of its coniim.ntial
force, to take possession of Spain and Por
tugal. Iu execution of this design, France
acquires nil that part of Spain which is sit-
I uated on this side of tho Ebro ; and Rus-
] sin takes Majorca, Minorca, nnd Ivica, of
which she lias been desirous since iftl l,
to have a footing in the Mediterranean.—
Three hundred thousand French, Germans,
ami Russians, will put the lastJiand to this
(•Ian, in the spring which approaches, and
the doctrines of the Holy Alliance will
reign without mixture from one end of the
continent of Europe to lhe other.
All our Utopion Puliticions, who are ig
norant of the state ofthing*. do not fail to
exclaim every where, that England will not
suffer this dismemberment; that she will re
volutionize Portugal, Spain, France, and I*
tuly,to put herself ut the head ofthe grand
strugle of civilization against barbarism, and
that she will command in Europe, as she
already commands in America. Undoubted
ly, tliis conduct would be analogous to the
great and vast interest of England, well
comprehended. Undoubtedly, the Opposi
tion has not failed for ten years to surround
this question with all the light which now
shines around it. Undoubtedly this same
Opposition has forced th * Government to
bestir itself in the affair ofthe recognition
of South America, though Mr. Canning a-
lone reaps all the glory which is, no doubt,
not a little, from tho stupid hatred borne to
him by all the Cabinets ofthe Continent.—
But it is equally well known at Petersburg
Vienna, and Paris, thut the English Oligar
chy is still more afraid of Democratic doc-
riiu’S than the Holy Alliance itself. It is on
this intimate knowledge that the Cabinets
found their security, and they do not neg
lect, in their turn, creating dfticulties for
England in her own intercourse
It is known hero, beyond a doubt, that
the Jesuits keep up a very active corres
pondence with Ireland. The ignorune.e
and fanaticism ofthe Clergy of that coun
try are a powerful lever, in the handling of
which our political Abbet promise them
selves great iliings They desire, with all
their hearts, that England should adopt nita-
From lhe Bowl we’ll quaff, but from Beauty
we’ll sip;
The ;m7unioif eCn embIem of ,rio * l< I li| i i P ] W uliuc'ei ”\y uod) on the ^dfost
verul other coasters.
Arrived at Philadelphia, 30th ultimo, ship
Globe,Hamilton, from Liverpool. Cleared,
ship Julius Cesar, French. Ncw-Orleaiis.
The Philadelphia Aurora says, that there
are now fourteen ships of the first class, on
the stocks at Kensington.
At Now* York, 31st ult. brig Pheasant,
Bailey, 12 days.
At Charleston. on Friday, schooner Ann
Maria, Sisson, 3 days.
Ai New-York, 21st ult. ship William
100 Barrels S'isquehnnnnli Fleur,
fresh ground from whitewImI
10 Hogsheads Whiskey
■* ' S'in. lot
April 5
The loveliest leaves beneath flm Moon,
Char lesion, April 8.—Arrived, schr. Ann,
our bond slmll ho. like that triple common-
On St. Patrick's Day in the afternoon.
Oh ! give ns the ray from the fair eye glan
Schr. Release, Dough, Edenton, N* C. 5
Cleared, brig Lion, Felt, Bremen ; brig
Romulus, Webb, Liverpool; brig Emma,
j Fowler, New-York ; schr. fygnei, Cowart,
Ami a beam from the god of enlivening wine, i g j t * ’
Lessor is tho bum -light on ocean dunc-j tlWiO.-Amved. schr. Ocean, Taylor,
Vrum rJ . i u:« i i n i Boston, and 6 davs from Chatham. On the
Ihin! : P S “ ,l “ 1 " *1. lost, about ioo miles''N. E. of C«pe
’ Hattnras, saw a schr. of between 70 and 80
tons, with the loss of her foremast, apparent-
j ly bound to the northwurd—blowing fresh.
Tho bright summer-glow of the beautiful
Is a blessing to Man—but a sweeter boon,
Is the holy light of soft pity adorning,
St. Patrick's Day in the afternoon.
Oh ! give us the rose-hue that nature gives
-• %
I T should be remembered that fhw P fn ' 1 '
Ur scheme has drawn, and tint I"' 1 *
few days will elapse before the fate l ”
following splendid prizes is known, viz:
2 or lO OOO DOXXA^S.
1 or 3 092 DOLLARS.
17 or l OOO DOLLARS.
And prizes nf IOO, 60. fitc. fir. 10 the i®"
mense sum of upwards uf
®im 9 <D@© 0
UT A tew orders yet uncalled Ibr.n’tl^ 1
hud on application to
w uottEivr o>\
whose orders in preceding lotteries, '' ,r(
produced n large amount of Cush.
and being considerably to leeward, could
not speak her.
Schr. Only Son, Harding, Baltimore 7
Cleared, line schr. Gazelle, Osborne, N.
And the crimson which blushes thro' Bac- J
bus’s glass, j The undersigned sufferers by the wreck
And pleasure shall colour tho features of] of tho schr. Florida, beg leave to return
duty, '' ''
With fadeless tints,
i their sincere thanks to Capt. White for his
which the rainbow, very humane and kind treatment to them
j during their stay on the wreck, as well as
The Violets blue from its veins shall sever,! perilous situation in the boat. In justice to
The red shall forsake the Rose of June, Capt. White, • they "beg leave further to
But the green shall gladden the Shamrock | state, thut no blame whatever can be ,t-
On St, Patrick's'Day in the afternoon.
give us the tears from the fount of
And a rill from the grape running purple
and pure ;
For Erin ne’er witnessed those currents
In tho soul of her sons, whom their brothers
May tlm star of our freedom in splendor
Wrap the Isle in its mantle of brilliancy
soon j 1
Nay faith, hope, and charity ever be blend
On St: Patrick's Day in the ifternoon
Inched to him in the melancholy loss of
said schr. Florida, but on the contrary eve
ry exertion was made hy him to save the
vessel as well as the lives of the crew and
They also return their thanks to those
gentlemen who so kindly afforded them as
sistance in their way from Amelia Island
tothiscity. WILLIAM TRAVERS,
St. August'.'.e, JOurch 26.
T WO thousand pair Hook and Pint.
Hinges, assorted, from 8 to 24 inches,
for sale by N. B. YVEED.
lit* IT
T IIE drawing of this Lottery took P
in New-York, on the 6th ind.
will he received in the course of ’’Wf j.
or sooner. Those who have engnf™ .
ets will call nnd take them, and t<*
small sum of eight dollars, secure a :l *
for the following capitals:
- 10,000
3 of - -
a - - -
le - -
n - -
30- -
41 - -
51 - - -
51 - - •
fitc. Ac.
a os*
. 6)
Apply at