Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 12, 1825, Image 2
BY ». 4 W. ROBERTSON, NJHMIHEM or THE I.AWH Or THE UNION. Wo learn from Capt. Br.nronu of tho I Colombian armed tchr. Repreealie arrived ' this forenoon in 6 days from Key Weet. I mi ran. that the U. 8. steam galliot Sea-Gull, ami ■■ " AMtt - * H. B. M. sclirt. Lton and Union, had: if 1 ■-AWMAB; Xa, 1826 rifed, at that place with a small piratical boat and Mneteen Piralee, captured on the DAir.v paper, : :: l t country Mrr.R, » « : : BIOHT DOLLARS# : rIVE DOLLARS. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 12,1825. coast of Cuba, a fow daya previous.—Eight pirates wero killed in the action, and, the Captain shot thro’ tho head by Lieut, M'Keovor.of the Sea-Gull—he wee not ex ported to live wlion the R. left Key West. Ono of the pirates brought in had offered to givo evidence ngamat the others. A •mall schooner carrying two 6 pounders and two swivels, belonging to the pirates Our columns are principally occupied this was also captured, but afterwards lost on day with tho Low respecting tho Poat-Of-.the coast. ’ ...... , . . „ llK On tho 11th ult. while at Key Cadix, lice, which is tho last of those to be pub-1 watering, the Represalie was attacked by lished. It necessarily excludes much other three piratical boats, foil of men, which, after a smart action of about 35 minutes. matter. she succeeded in beating off—during the for We are indebted to Capt. Wiltberqer, «etionnone seaman was mortally wounded we are liiuuui r and. the Contain slightly—The next mOrn- r the Charleston Southern Patriot ot Sat- ih tho R- in w ;* th -M . , chr> Union urday evening last, reoeived by the schoon- dr Anna Mdria, Sisson, Aoricvjltural.—We understand that the “ Georgia Agricultural Society of Sa vannah," at ita meeting yesterday, appoint ed a committee to draft a scheme of premi ums for the most successful culture of Black Seed Cotton, Groen Seed Cotton, Rice and Iodian Corn. As soon as tho. committee have made their report, it will be published, This early intimation of the intention of the Society, is given with the view of affording to the planters generally, an opportunity of preparing for the competition. Latest rnoM England.—'The ship Com, nmree, Ritchie, arrived from Greenock, at Charleston, on Saturday morning last.— The Commerce furnishes dates from Liver pool. one day later than the Emily, which advises further advance on cotton. An extract of a letter received by the Anna Maria, dated on tbe*4th of February, says. In substance «The demand for cotton this day, was very animated, at an advance of 1 to|. on yesterday’s prices. Six thousand bags, principally of American descriptions, were disposed off, some of which went at 13}— 13}d. was refused for a very prime parcel. WHKRE TO. "UpT Rice. •ri g. Liverpool, 26154 4067 277 n France, 254!) 156 350 O Rest of Europe, 2196 26 2 West Indies, 10 140 it Coastwise, * 40365 117 2415 *181131 to Churl.uit'i'i. 7|:.'74 v.m 4184 it Same t ime nun year* Foreign, 57681 4983 7520 t Coastwise, 26642 139 2315 7 84323 5122 98S5 8 More Speculation.—The cotton mar ket yesterday, was in a state of great ex citement. Tho intelligence from Charles ton, was received the night before by one house only, but kept close. Some purchas es, we understand, were made on the strength of it, from 23 to 25 cents—it be came generally known about twelve o’clock, after which few sales copld be effected, the holders preferring to hold on. Reports wero in SiKfllfuon, oT later intelligence, (March lat.) by tho Lafayette, at New- York, from Liverpool, received here by ex press, but we have not been enabled to dis cover whether they were well founded or not. These accounts were said to an nounce an additional rise of Id. Valuable Cargo.—The cargo of the ship Pioneer, Capt. Oreenleap. burthen 319 tons, which loaded at this port for Liv erpool. consisted of 81 bales Sea Island and 840 Uplands, in all 929 bales, weighing 294,OOfl pounds—value $73,000. The Augusta Chronicle of Saturday in forms us, that the Hon. Wm. H. Crawford reached his residence in Lexington, in this state, a day or two since, with his family— and that, excepting- a little defect in b>s s inech. he has very much recovered from hi', late severe indisposition. We join with the Chronicle in the hope that he may ex perience a speedy and perfect restoration, and enjoy many days of health and happi ness. Capt. Lowe, informed him of the circnm-, stance, and he immediately proceeded to Havana for boats in order to attack them— on the same day the piratical boats were seen in a different situation under the land. Capt. B. was informed, by a pilot he took on hoard, on the coast of Cuba, that the whole of the Keys from Cayo Blanco, to Cayo Contitus, wero, occupied by pirates, to the number of about 200, but that it was almost impossible to detect them, as they kept concealed when any armed vessel was in the vicinity. Those mentioned above, as having been captured, were doubtless a part of the gang. The R. sailed from Porto, Cabello in Jan uary last,since which she captured 10 Span ish vessels, two of which were manned and sent in, and the others drittreved. — P-p DOMESTIC ARTICLES, Volin—Upland, prime 34 and upwards, Air to good, 20 a 33; Sea Island, 45 a 7i, Rico-t*. Post Office. _ IIe shall pay all expenses which may arise in conducting the Post Office, and in the conveyance of the mail, und allother necessary expenses arising on ihe collection of the revenue, and manage , ment of tho General Post oflico. Me shall prosecute offences against the Post Office Establishment. t He shall, once in three months, render, to the Becretary of the Treasury, a quarterly account of all the re. or cerrlage, carrying the tame, he shall up-' ordinary commissions. The P„,. ....iSi.iUsi for nirnru aiiok ftftnnna. nav • rSniiurnl iaa ho si • , OB.Q on conviction, for every such offence, pay a Generul is hereby authorised to alh?«f ,Ml * t tine not exceeding one hundred dollars; postmaster of the city of Washhuli and if any ferryman shall, by wilful negli- addition, to tho allowance made hv ,!. 0 ”' i " gence, or refusal to transport the mall across lor postage collected, and for free ! lCt| /'but—-Pbllsdelphis, Brtilmore, Richmond, .ceipHs and expenditures in the said Depart- sod Alexandria, superfine, 5$ a 5j. 13 '.moot, to be adjusted and sottled as o her aomx^jdc EXPORTS FROM SAVANNAH. FROM OCT. 1, 1824, to APRIL 1, 1825. EXPORTS FROM CHARLESTON,from OCT. t, 1824. to APRIL, t, 1825. Wilt HE TO. Upl. S. is. Rice. Liverpool, 35413 9104 1624 France, 6527 164 2776 Rest nf Europe, 7534 1567 18131 Weet Indies, 7588 Coastwise, 15681 19968 65155 10835 50107 Same time last year• Foroign. 81482 15025 43387 7456”,115025 00324 Charletlon Market—The Southern Patriot of Saturday states the 7 to 8000 bales of Cot. ' >n changed hsnds last week, in cona-quence of the advices hy the Emily, at rates fuly one tnt, and a half above thus? of the previous week. Upland, inferiortofair, If a IP good fur prime, 2i a 23 , Santee and Main 35 to Hi sea island! 50 a 60 sndi50t 60 Cotton B-aging, 25 a 27 nice, languid—inferior to good, 2 1-2 a The Mteon Messenger statea, that two men inspected of belonging to the gang of pickpocket*^ who have followed the route of General Lafayette, have been taken in the Indian nation, on the road to Ala bama, and conveyed back to Milledgevillo. By an extract from an Antigua paper re ceived at Norfolk, it appears that the crop of sugar Ih Jamaica, will fall short 78,000, hogsheads. This, with the late con siderable exports of Colonial produce from England to the Continent, is expected to raise the price. A rise has taken place in U. S. Bank Stack at Philadelphia and Baltimore. In the latter place, on the 3d inst. 120 was of fered, 121} asked. 3, prime 3 1-8 q 3 1-2. Corn 43 cents. Ineestments sod speculation in every article or Groceries h<ve taken place to • great ex tent during jtbe week A1 nost eyery hhd of nuie ivtdo sugar, and every <sgof oid'nsrv to fine coffee at mrk t changed hands nn Thur day «n 1 Friday. The stuck of both su ■ gir and coffee is very short in the Charleston market, there not being more than half tbt usual supply at this season an hind, md the great rains and short crops in th" West Indies with the increasing demand fur the Europ’ an markets, leaves i very doubtful whether we shall receive • soffi lent supply to meet the spring d imand, which is n ,w barely commen cing. In nny event, (here is no prospect ot prices decling tor the present crop, end every probability of their advancing We raise our quotations for sug.r 21 per cwt- end for eof- e 1 1-2 ce ti per ib. We heve heard <4 ome orders and some purchases of sugars for Boston, where it appears their stock is even leu In proportion tosn ours. Molasses.—No change, pr'res Heady and stock low. Spirits —French Brandy and Ja maica Ram, have improved in demand, with out any change in prices. Rloek fair. U. S. Bank Stock, sites, LI. Bills on England, 8 pur cent pr. Do oi. France, 5f l2}o Com -46 1 48 eeatafpci bushel, Gaia—2 8 do do Peat—SO do do Miy-Prime Northern, 90 eta. tVhiokey—Pennsylvania, 26} a .'8 cents per gal Aeio England Rum—36, sales, do do As’M'rn Gin—33.35 do j do Tobacco Kentucky) Georgia, he. 5}» A J allow—10 eenls. j Pork—Mass, $1* i Prime, 12. Maekartl—No- 1, $5} , No. 2, 5j; No. 3, 4 37}. 1 Bacon—7 a 8, plenty. I Lard -10 j Antler—20 a 30 very scarce i Nortlern, inf. 8 ■ 12. Chccoc—5 • 7 cents. Soap-Yellow, 4a9centa. Comtes -Northern, mould tallow, 10 a 12 Geoigia, 161 Sperm, 37 s 38 acsrcc Demesnes. —Plaids, 17 to 201 St-ipes, 17 to 191 j checks, 16 to 18; 4-4 do. 20 to 22: B. ducking, 30 to 35} Shirting, 11 to l^t do. 7-8, ,19 to 15 ; Sheeting, 4 4, 15 to 17. Bleached goods 1} to 2 cents per yard, on th, above prices. lumber—Bosrdi und Scantling, 11 a 12; Floor, ing Boards, 12 a 14 t Hanging 'Umber, 4 a 61 Staves pipe, 30 a 45; Do. White Oak, hhd 16 a 2'; Do Red Oak, do. 10 a If; 8bingles, 3 a 41 White Pine Boards 10 a 13 FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. Bagging—Dundee and Inverness, 42 inch, 27 a 2 s , in demand, Oinahurgho—tl a 13. Cognac Brandy—120 1 137 eta. per gal. le noid'ng to brands Holland dm -90 a 95, do. do. Iron— Swedes. 105 a M0 per ton t English do 105 allO do i American do 1100.105) Shoe per cwt. 10 a 12. SUt—Liverpool, coarse, in bulb, 50 Sugar—Havana white $12 a 13; Brown,8 a 8}, none in market; Moaeovado, 10a 11,do, St, Croix, prime, 10} a li}, dot Ncw-Or- leans, 10, do. Refined Lost. 16s 2), dull Coffee —Havana green, V 1 a 22, scarce i St. Domingo, fi om good to green, uone. Hyson Tea—105 a 110 cents per Ib. Rum—Jamaica, 90s' 100cen a, dull i West In di. 65, nnmiml. Molaom —West India 33 scarce. BritiohDry Goo,ft —30 s 60 per cent, advance Crockery. 0 a 30 oer cent. do London Porter—$3 00 a 3 50, per dozen. STOCKS. United Staten Bank —No sales. Bunk of ihe State of Georgia—83 a 85 foe 100 pr d in. /tenders’ Bank—67 a 68 for 80 paid in. Darien Bank No sales Steam B at Company—No sales. Marine and Fire Insurance Company—21. N B. State Bank of Georgia, payable in Savannah, Planters’ Bank, and Bank of Au goats, notes, received at U. 8. Bank in depos* ite and in payment for bonds. EXCHANGE. On England—tj i9 oer cent prera. F'once—5 15 a5 ’0-nominal. J , t . sight, 1 nrem. WM Philadelphia, do. do. Baltimore. do. do. Darien Bank Notes 5 a fi dm. Charlettor,sight, } prem. A. Carolina S Bank Jiolet, l at} As, Cape Fear and Aewlem do 5 dm' FREIGHTS. To England, 7 8 s Id. Fiance, ■omins—no vessels in port JVVw Fork—3 4 ci. REMARKS. COTTON.—The market for Uplands, has further improved since our lost report —25 has been offered for prime parcels, and some have changed hands at that price. Sea Islands are held at 45 a 60, and up wards—several sales have been made at 55 a 80—some fine brands are held at 70 a 75. RICE Since the heavy sales of the last week, there has not been much done in this article—purchasers not willing yet to meet holders ut the advancod price required.— Prime is held at $ I, ceuv in CORN.—40 a 48 cts- Several cargoes afloat, but the demand steady at the above rates. BY AUTHORITY. MM liilS. FORT OF SAVANNAH. [PUBLIC ACT.] to the editors or the oeoroian. It is with pleasure, that wo remark the good ordor in which our lamps are now kept; the contractor deservesourthanks— let him continue ae he has begun, and his ■erviees will not be forgot. The foregoing bae thus been publicly an- ■ounced, that every gofid citizen may do Mpvtmogt to detect those evil disposed por- ■MBWbqt lately have made it a practice of Tweaking oar limpe, probably with the in tention of depriving ua of a faithful servant. MANY CITIZENS. ARRIVED, Colombian armed schooner. Represalie, Capt. Bedford, from a cruize, and 6 days front Thompson’s Island. Pilot boat schr.Anna Maria,Sisson, 1 day from Charleston. Pattcngere, Maj. Rey nolds, and Capt. Wiltberg.r. Sloop Maria, Snow, 4 days from Darien, 240 bales Cotton, to G. B. Lamar. Sloop Good Intent, Allen, 4 days from Darion, 300 bales Cotton, to G. B. Lamar. Sloop Matty,Salowich, from Darien, with sundries, to order. Sloop Herald, Heath, from Ancrum’s Mills, 50 tierces Rice, to P. Devillors. Sloop Favorite, Courter, 4 days from St. Simons, 40 bales S. I. Cotton, to J. M’Nish, E. Fort, and W. Patterson. Sloop Lucy Healy. Hawkes, 5 days from Fredericksburg, with Flour and Corn, to Ponce & Mace St Mackenzie. Sloop Trader, Luce, 2 days from Darien, 164 bales cotton,to Hall St Hoyt, aad others. SAILED, Schr. Magnolio, Pitcher, Apalachicola, Sclir. Vexsation, Lee, 8t. Augustine. Revenue cutter Crawford,Paine,on a cruize. fX “ H." and •• MENDENHALL," are crowded out, as they-will readily perceive. WwshtU endeavor to insert them in out next. An Act to reduce into one the moral Acte ct- tabtUhing and regulating the Pott-Office Department. B E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representativesof the United States oi' America, in Congress assembled, That there be established, at the Seat of the Government of the United States, a Gen eral Post Office, under the direction of a Postmaster General. The Postmaster-Gen eral shall appoint two Assistants, and such clerks as may be necessary for the perform ance of the business of his office, and as aro authorized by law ; and shall procure, and cause to be kept, a Seal for said Office, which shall be affixed to commissions of Postmasters, and used to authenticate all transcripts and copies which may be requir ed from the Department. He slial estab lish Post offices, and appoint Postmasters, at all such places as shall appear to him ex pedient, on the post roads that are, or may be, established by law. He shalll give his Assistants, the Postmasters, and alj other persons, whom he shall employ, or who may be employed in any of the departments of the. General Post Office, instructions rela tive to their duty. He shall provide fer the carriage of the mail on all post roads that are, or may be established by law, and as often as he, having regard to the produc- Flour. FLOUR, use, wa Canal, for sale by April 4 1 fift BARRELS FLOUR, for fam ily use, warranted superior to JOHN W. LONG. 09 public accounts* He shall, also, superin toad the business of the Department, in all the duties that are, or may be, assigned to it i Prodded, That, in esse of the death, resignation, or removal from office, 'of the Postmaster General, all his duties shall be performed by his Senior Assistant, until a successor slitll be appoiuicd. and arrive at the Gonoral Office, to perform the business. Sue. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General, and other porsons employed in the General Post Office, or in the care, custody, or conveyance ofthe mail shall, previous to entering upon thedi lles as signed to them, or the execution of their trusts, and before they shall be entitled to receive any emolument therefor, respec tively take and subscribe the following oath, or affirmation, before seine magistrate, end cause a certificate thereof to be filed in the General Post Office : “ I, A B. do swear or affirm, (as the case may be,) that I will faithfully.perfurm all the duties required of me, and abstain front every thing forbidden by the laws in relation to the establishment of the Poet Office and Post Rosds within the United States." Every person who shall be, in any manner, employed in the care, custody, conveyance, or management ofthe mail, shall be subject to all pains, penalties, and forfeitures, for violating the injunctions, or aeglecting the duties, required of him by the laws relating to the establishment uf the Poit Office and Post Roads, whether such person shall have taken the oath or affirms lion, above prescribed, or not. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it thall be the duty of the Postmaster Gen eral, upon the appointment of any Postmas ter, to require, and take, of such Postmas- tet, bond, with good and approved security, in such penalty as he mayjudge sufficient, conditioned tor the faithful discharge of all tho duties of such Postmaster, required by law, orwhich may be required by any Instruction or general rule for the gnvernmeut of the Deportment; Prodded, however. That, if default shall be made by the Postmaster aforesaid, at any time, and the Postmaster General shall fail to institutesuit against such Postmaster, and said sureties, for two years from and after such deli,ult shall be made, then, and in that case, the said sure ties shall not be held liable to the Unised States, nor shall suit be instituted against them. Sec. 4. And bo it further enacted, That the Postmaster General shall cause a mail to be carried from the nearest Post Offico, un any established post road, to the Court House of any county which is now, or may hereafter be,established in any ofthe StateB or Territories ofthe United States, and which is without a mail; and the road, on which such mail shall be transported, shall become a post road, and so continue, until the trans- liortation thereof shall cease. It shall, also be lawful for the Postmaster General to entgr into cgntrnrts. for a term pot g-...., —. . - , , 0 — —a nMH St/ l *•*1 any ferry, delay, tho same, ho ahull forfeit received by him for deFivcrv' s „!. C — — J _ - -- r..„ #.,,ns,v t rt n minalt Au llint itin aI* Aua nns amm. * I. ’ and par, for every ten minutes that tho of five per cent, on the amount of i 7**^ same shall ho so delayed, a Bum not exceed- tributed at his office: Provided ,„!!!, .'h*' ing ten dollars. 1 hat tho whole annual emolument Sec. 10. And bo it further enacted, That said postmastor, including the extri U it shall bo the duty of the Postmaster Gen- aation of eight hundred dollars eral to give public notice, in one newspa- hereby allowed him, shall be subieli “ per published at tho seat of government of restrictions imposed by the-fortv h no or more of tion of this act. the United States, and in ono the newspapers published in the state or Sec. 15 I MO And be it further enacted, Thu r or iiacknt. tiFm.sai.s • . 1 states or territory, whore the contract is to every letter or packet, brought be performed, for at least twelve weeks he- United States, or carried trom into th e foro entering into any contract for carrying therein to another, in any private 1 " ? n the mail that such contract is intended to vessel, shall be charged with ""'P w be made, and the day on which it is to- bo delivered at the post office where t£ eW *' 1 concluded, describing the places from and to shall arrive ; ami if destined to L. ,,lne which sucll mail ie to be conveyed, tho time cd hy post to any place, with two .■'J*™!' - at which it is to be made op, and the day ed to the ordinary rates of tKistao. Mt8 and hour at which it is to bo delivered. Ho Sec. 18. Aud ho it further enntj-r shall, moreover, within ninety duye after if any poBt-inaster, or other Den.™ , 11 the making of any contract, lodge a dupli- ized by the Postmaster General , Ruthur ‘ * '* " ‘ •* * rvr. a „lc tl... ..fl.,*., . *T ,al 10 rOCflVft sury ofthe United Bute.: Provided, That ( S y this V for th*^age o? Sf 1 * no contract shall be entered into for a Ion- packete, on conviction thereof hi in’, ger term than four years, of posts, to authorize the persons, bo con tracting, at a compensation for their expen ses, to receive, during the continuance of such contracts, at rates not exceeding those fer like distances established by this act. all the postage which shall ariso on letters, newspapers, mngazines, pamphlets, and packets, conveyed by any such posts ; ami the roads, designated in such contracts, shall, during the continuance thereof, be deemed and considered as poet roads within the provision of this act, and a duplicate of every such contract shall within sixty days after the execution lodged in the office ofthe Comptroller of the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 5. And bo it further enacted,That the Post Mnstcr General be authorized to hove the mail carried in any steam boat or other vessel, which shall be used as a packet, in any ofthe waters ofthe United Slates, on such terms and conditions as shall be con sidered expedient: Prodded, That he does not pay more than three cents for each let ter, and more than one-half cent for each newspaper, conveyed in such mail. Sec. 0. And be it further enacted, That' it shall be the duty of every master or man ager of any steam boat, which shall pass from one port or place to another port or place in the United States, where a Post Office is established, to deliver, within three hours after his arrival, if in the day time, and within two hours after the next sun rise, if the arrival be in the night, all let ters and packets addressed to, or destined for, such port or place, to tho Postmaster there, for which he shall be entitled to re ceive, of such Postmaster, two cents for every letter or packet so delivered, unless the same shall be carried or eonvoyed under a contract with the Postmaster General; and, if any master or manager of a steam boat shall fail so to deliver any letter or packet, which shall have been brought Uy him, or shall have beon in his caro, or with in hia power, he shall incur a penalty of thirty dollars for every such failure. And every person employed on board any steam boat, shall deliver every letter, and packet of letters, entrusted to such person, to the master or manager of such steam-boat, and before the said vessel shall touch at any other port or placo ; and, for every failure or neglect so to deliver, a penalty of ten dollars shall bo incurrod for each letter or packet. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That no other than a free white person shall be employed in conveying the mail; and any contractor who shall employ, or permit, any other than a free white person to convey the mail, shall, for every such offence, in cur a penalty of twenty dollars. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That, whenever it shall be made appear, to the satisfaction ofthe Postmaster General, that any road established, or which may hereaf ter be established as a post road, is obstruc ted by fences, gates, or bsrs, or other than those lawfully used on turnpike roads to collect their toll, and not kept in good re pair, with proper bridges and ferries, where the same may be necessary, it shall be the tiveness thereof, and other circumstances, , . -— shall think proper. He may direct the 0 l “ e P^st-master General to report route or road, where there are more than t . ,amo to Congress, with such informa- one, between places designated bylaw for u° n as can be obtained, to enable Congress a post road, which route shall be considered f° e *t*bliah some other read instead of it, the post road. He shall obtain, from tho m the same mam direction. Postmasters, their accounts and vouchers' Sec ' *• And be it further enacted, That, for their receipts and expenditurea, once in H*"? P®rson shall, knowingly and wilfully, three months, or oftoner, with the balances °hatr uct or retard the passage of the mail, thereon arising, in favor ofthe General or of any driver or earner, or of any hum Sf.c. It. And be it further enacted, That every Postmaster shall keep an office, in which one or more persons shall attend on every day on which a mail shall arrive, by land or water, ns well as on other days, at such hours as tiie Postmaster General shall direct, for the purpose of performing tho duties thereof; and it shall bo tho duty of the Postmastor nt all reasonable hours, on overy day ofthe week, to deliver on de mand, any lettor, paper, or packet, to the person entitled to, or authorized to receive, the same; and all letters, brought to any post office hour before the time of making op the mail at such office, shall he forwarded therein except at such post offi ces where, in the opinion ofthe Postmaster General, it requires mure time fer making up the mail and which he shall accordingly prescribe ; but this shall in no case, exceeil one hour. Sec. 12. And be it furtherenacted, That no fees nr perquisites shall be received by any ofthe porsons employed in the General Post Office, on account of tile duties to be performed by virtue of his appointment. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the following rate of postage be charged upon all letters and packets, (excepting such as arc oxcepted hy law) conveyed in the mail of the United States, viz. For every letter composed of a single sheet of paper, conveyed not exceding thirty miles, six cents. Over thirty, and not exceed ing one hundred and fltty.twclvo and a half cents. Over one hundred and fifty, and not exceeding four hundred, eighteen and three quarters of a cent. Over four hun dred, twenty-five cents. And for every double letter, or letter com posed of two pieces of paper, double those rates ; and for every triple letter, or letter composed of three pieces of puper,triple those rates; and for every packet composed of four or more pieces of paper, or one or more other articles, and weighing ono ounce avoirdu pois, quadruple those rates; and in that pro portion for all groater weights : Provided, Tlinl nn m U,— L.. II. dolla^ eVery ,0Cl ‘ Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That no ship or vmbpI, arnnn? at anv in tlia United Stntaxi ^ P 0 ^ fa in the United States where a .K»«t established, shall be permiued to f " make entry, or break bulk" until thermal.' ter or commander shall have delivered7. the postmaster all letters directed to », J person or persons within the United St-t or the territories thereof, which, under'S care, or within his power, shall be br„J m suchsl,,per vessel, except such as are directed to the owner or consignee of iIip s up or vessel. And it shall be tbs del,- f the collector or other officer ofthe port™ powered to receive eutries of ships or vw. eels, to require from every master or cone uiaiidor of such ship or vessel, an oath or affirmation, purporting that he hue deliver- ed all such letters, except as atiiresaid- and it any couiuiunder or master of snrsatb ship or vessel shall break bulk before lie slial have complied with the requirements of this act, every such offender shall n» conviction thereof,, forfeit, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding one Imtlrcd dollars. than quadruple postage, uulcss, the same shall contain more than four distinct letters. Nn postmaster shall receive, to he convey ed by the mail, any packet which shall weigh more than three pounds; and the pos tage marked on any letter or packe*, and charged in the post bill, which may accom pany the same, shall be conclusive evidetico ill favor ofthe postmaster who delivers the same of the lawful postage thereon ; unless sucli letter or packet shall be opened in the presence ofthe postmaster or his clerk.— Every four folio pages, or eight quarto pa ges, or sixteen octavo, or twenty four duo decimo pages, or pages less than that of a pamplet size, or magazine, whatever be the size of the paper of which it is formed, shall be considered a sheet, and the surplus pages of any pamphlet or mugazine, shall ulso bo considered a sheet; and the journals of the legislatures of the several states, not being bound, shall be liable to the same pustagH as pamphlets. Any memorandum, which shall be written on auews paper,orothor printed paper, pam phlet, or Magazine, and transmitted by mail, shall be charged with letter postage : Pro vided, The publisher of a newspaper may send a printed or written notice to a sub scriber, stating the amount due on his sub scription ; which notice shall be attached to the margin ofthe newspaper, and tho post' master who delivers the paper shall charge for such notice the same postage as for a nowspupof. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the Postmaster General be, and, he is. here by, authorized to allow to each Postmaster such commission on the postages by him collected, as shall be adequate to his ser vices and expenses; Provided, That his commission shall not exceed the following several rates on the amount received in one quarter, viz; On a sum not exceeding one hundred dol lars, thirty percent. On any sum over and above the first hun< dred dollars, and nut exceeding four hun' dred dollars, twenty-five per cunt. On any sum over and above the first four hundred, and not exceodiug two thousand four hundred dollars, twenty per cent. On any sum over and above the first two thousand four hundred dollars, eight per cent. Except to tho post masters who may be employed in receiving and despatching for eign mails, whose compensation may be aug mented, not exceeding twenty-five dollars in ono quarter ;. aud excepting to the post masters at offices where the mail is regu larly to arrive betwoen the hours of nine o’clock at night andfiveo’ciock inthe morn ing, whoso commission on the first hundred dollars collected in one quarter, may be in creased to a sum not exceeding fifty per cent. The Postmaster General may allow to the postmaster, respectively, a commission of fifty per cent, on the moneys arising from the postage of newspapers, magazines, and pamphlets; and to the postmasters whose compensation shall not exceed five hundred dollars in one quarter, two cents for every free letter delivered out ofthe office,excep ting such as are for the postmaster himself; and each postmaster, who shall be reauirod to keep t registorof the arrival and depar ture ofthe mails, shall be allowed ten cents for each monthly return which he makes thereofto the General Post Office. The Sec. 18. And be it further entitled.Hu the postmaster to whom such letters may be delivered, shall pay the master or cum- maniler, or other person delivcriiiq the same, except the commanders of foreum packets, two C'Cnta for each letter or packet; and shall obtain from the person delivering the same, a certificate, specifying the u:.m- ber of fetters and packets, with the mm oi the ship or vessel, and the place front whence she last sailed ; which certificate, together with a receipt fertile money,shall bo, with his quarterly accounts, transmitted to the Postmaster General, who shall creii- it him with the amount. Sec. 19, And be it further enacted, Tint no stage or other vehicle, which regularly performs trips on a post road, or on a mad parallel to it, shall convey letters; nor shall any packet boat or other vessel, which res- ulariy pfies on a water declared to l/a this provision, the owner of the carriage, oi other vehicle, or vessel, shall incur the pert? ally of fifty dollurs. And the person aha. has charge of such carriage, or other vehi cle or vessel, mny be prosecuted under this section, arid the property in his charge may be levied on and sold, in satisfaction of the penalty and costs nf suit Provided, That it shall be lawful fer soy one to scad letters by special messenger. Seo. 20. And be it furtherenacted,Tint the Deputy Postmaster, and other agents if the Postmaster General, shall duly accnX and answer to him for all way letters wbirk sliull come to their hands, mid for this pie pose, the post riders, and other carrion if the mail, receiving any tvny letter or Icims, (and it shall be their duty to receive licit if presented more than one mile from a pel office,) shnll deliver the same, together with the postage, if paid, at the first post office to which they shall afterwards arrive; where tho postmaster shall duly enter Ihe same, and specify the number anil rate or rates, in the post bill, adding to the t«t« 'J each way letter, one cent; which shad to paid by the postmaster to tho innil carrier from whom such way lottc/s shall tore ceivcd. See. 21. And be it further enacted, That if any person employed ill any ofthe depart' meets ofthe Post Office establishment,toil! unlawfully detain, delay, or open, any to- ter, packet, bug, or mnil of Irtli rs, rill which he shall be entrusted, or which shall have come to his possession, and which are intended to be conveyed by post; on n any persou shall secrete, embezzle, or J fi ' troy, any letter or packet entrusted to person as aforesaid, and which shall cot contain any security for, or assurance re lating to mouey, as hereinafter dcscriWi evory such offeuder, being thereof duly®"' victcd, shall, for every such offence, be ed, not exceeding three hundred dollars.« imprisoned, not exceeding six months, o> both, according to the circumstance; « c < aggravations of the offence. And “ ‘"J person, employed, as aforesaid, shallsectetc, embezzc, or destory, any letter, pack 1 ' 1 ’ bag or mail of letters, with which he or th* shall bo entrusted, or which shall ha'* come to his or her possession, and arc tended to be conveyed by post, contaimng nny bank nuto, or bank post bill, bill« e, ‘ change, uarrunt of the Treasury of United States, note of assignment of etoc* in the funds, letters of attorney for rec* 15 ^ ing annuities or divideuds, or for sell 1 . 11 , stock in the funds, or for receiving the w terest thereof, or any letter ofcredit.or no» for, or relating to, payment of moneys. » any bond, or warrant, draft, bill, or pr"®' sory note, covenant, contract, or agreem* whatsoever, for, or relating to, the pay®*, of money, or tho delivery of any ,r * ic ® t . value, or tho performance of any act, ®* ter, or thing, or any receipt, release. * quittance or discharge of, or from, any covenant, or demand, or any part thoreoi' or any copy of any record of any judg®*"’ or decree, In any court of law, or chatuw. or any execution which may have t— 'thereon ; or any copy of any other re®®* ; Postmaster General may allow to the post master at New-Orleans, at the rate of eight beTmorisoned not less than tee years "" hundred dollars a year, in addition to nis excee ding twenty-one years; »»<* - ' or any other article of value, or inre renresenting the same; or if any w/i' - iuch ing representing the ssme; or u any - , person, employed as aforesaid, shall ® or take, any ofthe eameout of any j packet, bag, or mail of letters, that ^ come to his or her possession, such shall, on conviction for any such one ^