Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 12, 1825, Image 3
•feraon who shall have taken charge of the .ho United States, shall quit or de* ?erl he .S'e such person Oliver, it n o the Post Office kept at the tormme ™ Iff the route, or eojno known mail earner, or anent of the General Post Office, autlto- as. the aaino, every such per- son. so offending,shall«•'“ >T c ” not PKceedinir five hundred dollars lor eve ry such offence i and if any perron‘ ud in caryitig the mail of the United Stato . shall collect, recoive. or carry any letter, or packet, or ehall cause or procure the earn® to be done, contrary to this net- every such offender shall forfeit and pay, tor every ouch offence, a aura not exceeding hlly ''t!"?22. And ho it furthor enacted, That ifany person shall rob any carrier °* mail of I he United States, or other person entrusted therewith, of such mail, or °t part thereof, such offender or offenders shall, on conviction, bo imprisoned not less than five years, nor exceeding ten years i nnd, it convicted a second time time of a like at- fonce, he or they shall suffer death ; or, if, in effecting such robbery of the mail the first time, tho offender shall wound the person having custody thoreof, or put hie lifo in ieopardy, by the uso of dangeroue weapons, euclyiflfender or offenders shall suffer death, Aniif any person shall attempt to rob the mail of the United States, by assaulting tho person having custody thoroof, shooting at iiim, or his horse or mule, or threatening him with dangerous weapons, nnd the rob bery is not effected, every such offender on couviction thereof, shall be punished by im prisonment, not lsss than two years, nor ex ceeding ten years. And, ifany person shall steal the mail, or shall steal or take from, or out of, any mail, or from, or out off any Post Offiee, any letter or packet; or, if any person shall take tho mail, or any letter or packet therefrom, or from any Post Office, whether with or without tho consent of the person having custody thereof, and shall open, embezzle, or destroy, any such mail, letter or packet, the saino containing any article of value, or evidence of any debt, due, demand.right.or claim, nr any release, receipt, acquittance, ur discharge, or any o- ther article, pnper, or thing, mentioned and described in the twenty-first section of this act ; or, ifan v person shall, by fraud or decep tion obtain from any person having custody thoroof, any mail, letter, or packet, contain ing any article of value, or evidence thereof or either of tho writings referred to, or next above mentioned, such offender or offen- tiers, on conviction thereof, shall be impri sotted not less than two, nor exceeding ten, years. And if any person shall take any letter, or packet, not containing any article of value, or evidence thereof, out of a post office, or shell open any letter, or packet, which shall have boen in a post office, or in custody ofa mail carrier,before itshallhave ■been delivered to the person to whom it is directed, with a design to obstruct the cor respondence, to pry into another’s business or secrets: or shall secreN:, embezzle, or destroy, any such mail, letter, or packet, such offender, upon conviction, shall pay, for every such offence, a sum not exceeding lire hundred dollars, and be imprisoned, not exceeding twelve months’ Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That, if any ne-s-m shall rip, cut, teat, bum, or oth anv person acting under the authority of the P t naiter O ncrsl, or any person in whom tos powers are vested, io a cnnveyince of any mail, Jotter, packet, or newspaper, nr pamphlet, or shall draw or break anv XUple, or loosen any part of any look, chain, or strap, attached to, or belonging to ahy such valise, portmanteau, or big, wilh an intent to rob or steal anv.mtil, letter, packet, 1 news- p -p -r. or pamphlet, or to render either onh ■ same insecure, every such off-.nder, upon con viction, shall, for every snub off nice, pay a sum not teas than one hundred dollars, nor exceed! g five, hundred d tilars, or to be im prisoned, not less than one yesr, nor exceed ing three years, at the discretion of ,h= court before whom such Conviction is had fro ”4 And he it further enacted. That every verson, who, from and after tho pas *"ve of ii i act, 9hai( procure, and advise, or ass'sl, in the doing or perpetration of any o: the am or crimes by th-iact forbidden, shall be subj :ct to the asme penalties and punish- iPents :■ the persons are au j ret to, who shall io'uaiiy do or perpetrate aoy of the said actaor e-imes, according to the provisions of this act. hsc. 25. And be it furthrr enacted, That every person wlm sli II be imprisoned by a Judgment of court, und -r, and by virtue oi the twen‘y fi s’, twenty s- cond, twenty-third or twenty foui-'h Sections cf this act, shall be kepi at ha d labor during the period of such imprisonment. Sec it. A d be it further enacted, That tin ('•>* masters shall, respectively, publish, at the/expi-ation of every three months, or off ner, when the Postmaster General shall so direct ill one of the newspapers publishad at or nearest the pltceof his residence, for Jure- successive weeks, a list of ill the let ters remaining in their respective efficea, or instead there,-f t shall make out • number of such list*, and c«uae (hem to be posted at such public places in (heir vicinity, as shall •ppear t° them best adapted fur the informs- tmn of the oartiet concerned; and, at the exptmtio» of the neit three months, shall tend uch of the said letters as then remain o 1 ' aulesd letters, to the G-Hicral Pon pipco, where the same shall be opened Rid it;a ;• c».i:d i and ifsny valuable papers or mat* Jersof constqr nce, shall be found therein, it rhsll be the dotv of the Postmaster Gener al to return •unh letter to the writer thereof, or cans? * des ri stive list thereof to be inser ted in on** of the ne wspapers published at the place most convenient to the suppos' d resi* dence ot the owner, if within the United State* —and such letter, sn<l tho contents, shall bn preaeryefl, to be delivered to the person to wn'm the same shall be addressed, upon pay- mi nt of the pest ge and the expenses cf publication. And if such letter contain mo. kft.k? zppropriate ; master Genenl, and Aiilstinh Postmaster Ge eral, the Uumptrollera uf the Tressuiyi Auditors, Register. Treasurer, and Comtma- • oner of the General Laed Office, end inch n ffv dual who aboil have been, or may here after be, President of the Unitrd.SUtci, and e ich may receive newspaper* by post, free oi postage i Provided, That Postmasters shall nut receive, thee of postage, more than one daily newspaper, each, or what is equivalent hereto/ nor shall members cf the Senate, or oftlie House of RepressnU’ives, the Clerk of the House, or Secretary of the Senate, re ceive newspapers, free of postage, sftet their privilege of franking shall oease. Sso. 23. And be it fuither enacted, That, if any person shad frank any letter or letters, o- tlier that those written by himself, or by his o d r, on the business of hia office, be shall, un conviction thereof, pay a fine of ten dol lara, ei.d it shall be the especial duty of Post masters to prosecute for said offence : Provi ded, that the Secretary of the Treasury, Sec retary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, and P atma-ter General, may trank letters or packets on official business, prepared in any other public office, in the ah sence of the principal thereof And if any peiaon, having the right to receive hia letters free of postage, shall receive, encloaed to him, any letter ur packet addressed to a per son not havmg that right, it shall be hia duty to return the same to *he post office, marking thereon the place from whence it came, that it may be charged wt<h p-suge And if any person aha 1 counterfeit the band-writing or frank of any person, or cau.<e the same to be t ins, in order to evoid the payment of post age, each person, so offending. shall pay for vk y w e,, five hundred dolls ?. Sac 29. And be it Air. her enacted, That every printer of newspapers m>y send one new .payer to each and every o’h -r printer of newspapers w h n il U .i11 d States, free of postage, under such regulations as the Post master General shall provide. Sec. 30. And be it urther enacted. That all newspapers conveyed in the mail, shall be un der cover, open at one end, a id charged with s postage i f one cent each, for any distance not more than one hundred miles, and one a- d a half cents for a y greater d-nance Provided, Chat the pn- rage of a single news paper from any one purer to ano her, in th- -ame state, shall not exceed one cent, and the P istmaatrr Geuif,I shill require those who receive newspapers by post, to pay always the amount uf on: quaner’s poa’age in advance and ah u d ihe puhl sher of any newspaper, aft.-r being three m intha previously not lied lut h i paper is not taken out of the office, lo which it is sent fur delivery, continue to forward such paper in the nail, the post master to wnoae office auch pnper is lent, may dispose of • he same tor the postage, unleaa the publ-.her slwll pay it. I' any per son employed in any department of the post office, shall improperly detain, delay, emb's- a e, or destroy any newmsper.,, or shall p r mit any other person to dithe like, or alia!! open, or permit any other to open, any mail, nr picket ofnewaeapere»not diree'ed to the off foe where he 'a e "pluyid. auch off r der stuff, on ennvirtinn thrreof, fo-f it a sum, not ex ceed ng-.:f;v dollars, for every such offence. And ifany ether person shill open any mail -r packet or newspipers or shall embezzle or destroy the same, nut being direeied to such person, or not being nuti-nrized to receive or onen the same, such offender shall on con viction thereof, pay a sum not twen ty dollars, for every such uffence And if any person shall take., or steal, any packet, btg, or mail of newspapers, from, or out of any post office, or frum any person having custody »such nerson ahelL o;j conviction, be every such offence, to be kept at hard labor airnn# t he period of such imprisonment. If any uereon shall ‘ntffoae or conceal any letter, OI oilier thin,, or any memoran luniln writing in a, pamphlet, or magizine, or io a package of newspapers, pamphlets, „r maga innea, or make any writing or memorandum thereon, which h • shall hive deliver d into any past office, or to any person f,r that pur- j pose, in order that the same miy h r carried by post, nf letter pos' age, he shall for feit Ihe sum of five dollars for every such of- fence, and the letter, newspaper, package, memornndum, or other thing, slitll not be de liveredtothep rion to whom it ia directed, und the amount of single lelter postage is pa d fir cich article uf which the package is composed. No newspapers shall be received by the Postmisters, to be convened by post, unl.isa they are sufficiently dele I. nod enclo. sed tn proper wrapper*, onwhi-h, besides the direction, shall be noted the number of pi pers Which are enclosed for suhreribers, and the lumber for printers: Provided that the number need not be endorsed if the publish er shall agree to furnish the poa* master, at the close of e nc h quarter, a certified aiatement of the number of papers sent in the mail, chargeable with postage. The Postmaster G rneral, in any contrnet he may enter into for the conveyance of the mail, may auth-rize the person with whom such contract is to be made, lo carry newsps* pers, mng-zmes, and pamphl-ta, other than those conveyed in the mail: Provided, That no preference shill be given to the publisher of one newspaper over that of another, in the dared at the time of trial of such ease, then auch sum as the court and jury shall eatimn'e- equivalent thereto, to ba recovered by the Postmaster General, in an action of dent, or a bond against the Postmaster and bis secun lies, and for which the securities shall b liabie. GefiSfral, i n such advertisement, such person or persons shall forfeit and pay so muuh mo ney as shall be Use difference between the amount contained in auch proposal, and the amoun the post master general shall hav to pay for the same transportation-of the mail on such route or routes i which sum may be Sue. 33. And be it further reacted. That all 1 recovered by the Postmaster General in an pcouma y penalties and forfeitures, Incurred action on the case. under this set, shall be one hilf for the use of | Bkc.4.1. And be it Airther enacted, That if the person nr persona informing and prose- liny person ahall buy, receive, or conceal, or euting fir the iime, and the other h df to the aid in buying, receiving, or concealing, use of the United States, and ahall u e paid, -- s ■*- *—— ”— — over to the Postmaster General, and account ed for py him as other moneys of the De partment- Sac 34. And be it flrther enacted, That it shall be lawful for tbe Postmaster General to make provision, where it may be necessary, for the reeept of all letters and paekeia in tended to be conveyed by tny ship or vessel beyond aea, or from tny port in the United States to another port tnere n; and the letters to received shall be formed into a mail, scaled bn convict! up, and directed tn the Potlmester nf the port to which such ship or vessel thill be bound i and for every letter or packet Bo received, there shall be paid, at tbe time of its raeep tion, a poitsge of one cent, whieh shali be for the use ol the postmaster, respectively re ceiving the seme* And tbe Postmaster Gen eral may make arrangementa with the post mailers in any foreign eountry for the ree - prncal receipt end delivery of letten and packets 'hrounh the post office. Sec. 3S. Ami be itfurther enacted, Thlt the postmasters, post riders anil drivers of the mail stages shall be exe mpt from militii du ties. and serving on juries, or any fine or pe» nu ty for neg ect thereof Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That letter carriers shall be employed at such post offices as the postmaster general shall direct, for the de ivery of letters n the places res pectively, where such pust offices are estab lished! and for the delivery of each such lelter the, etter carrier may receive, of the person to whom the delivery is made, two cents , Pro vided, That no letter shall be delivered to such letter carrier for delivery, addressed to any person who shall liuve lodged at the post of- .... ^^ .ww-..-.. , w. t any article mentioned in the twenty-first section of this act, knowing the same to have been •tolen or nmhezzted from the mail of the United States, or out of any poat office, or from anj person having the custody of the said mail, or the letters sont. or to be sent therein i or if any person shall be accessory after the Act to any robbery of the carrier of the mail ol the United States, or other per son entruskd therewith, of such mail or of part therein every person so offending shall on convictiie thereof pay a fine not exceeding two thnnsanl dollars, and be imprisoned and cdnfinetl to hard labor for any time not ex ceeding ten years. And such person or per sons so off'enling, may be tried and convicted without the principal offender being firat tried, provh :d such principal offender has fled from jus ce, or cannot be found to be put on his tr d. !i Sec. 46. A id be it further enacted, That a I acts and | arts of acts .which have been passed for thi establishment and regulation of the Genera- Post Office, shall be nnd the earns are hereby repvaled ; Provided That the act entitled “ An act concerning public contracts,” approved on the twenty-first of April, one thousand eight hundred and eight, shall not be aff cted hereby, but shall remain in foil force and virtue s Sind pioviiled, alto, That nothing herein contained shall be con strued to aff ect or extend to any offence com mitted against the laws now in force intended by this act to be repealed: but the same shali be prosecuted and de ermined and punished according to the said laws, nor to affect any- existing contract or debt, or demand, due to or from the department: but all auch offences, For New-York, ESTABLISHED LUTE, The regular packet ebip EMPEROR,-, J. H. Bennett, Maiter, Will have, immediate despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant ac commodations, apply to the Captain on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, nr to HALL St HOYT. March 31 it, 0 PJi A For^ Freight or Charter, The fast sailing pilot-boat schr. GEORGIA ANN, J. Low, Matter, -Apply to the master, or to IRADLEY, C April 7 , CLAGHORN & WOOD. Me person wno snail nave o< geo » ne puss o., efj deb -j ; demandSi and contrac „; hoe a written request that the e«ers»liallbe, lh> ,| be heM ' force „ |d adj , ld ^ deter , detained in the othce. And tor any ietter-f mmA > aAm ssme place. W lien the mode of conveyance of the mail, will adult of »t, auch it tn the use ot the D .‘partment, keeping an account thereof, and he amount shall be paid by the Department to the rightful claimant, •o 100.1 as he si ail be found Szc. 27 And be it further enacted, That letter! and packets to and from the following officers of the United States, ahall be receiv ed andoon.evedbypoit, free of poatage.— nrn h ackff.Tn r ’««*of hialettera h,lf ,n ounce in "»ch me m b er of , e Sen|l , e> a , lde|ch aentativea of the f?** e °* Repre- -the . C . 0, ’B re »* “f‘he United States theHauM of i ° fthe Se " Me ’ ,nd Clerk of Provided each by the ordm t i5 ei .l epl docu,n ' n >* printed ahall not «".s* *" her Hou!e of Congress) during their tcPilTrtmds*' in **'*0’ ,Bd of Coneress md . j *?• In ‘"J 8i »«on auchSn’-^ 11 d ?'.«y d -ys before and after theSecretsrir.nF c. ? .* Vl « Prendeni, War cf th. N. f St *> * ,h « f r. a-iury, of war. cf the Navy. Attorney-Genend, Poet- and the size m -g,trines and pamphlets as’are pnblished pr“ riouically, may he transported in the mail, to Rubflcrihersat one and a half cents a sheet, for o».y distance not exceeding one hundred miles, and two and a half certs for any great er d stance An-I such magrzlnex and pam phlet^ as are not published periodically, if sent in the mail, rhsll be charged with a post age of fi nr cents on each sheet, fir snv dis tance not exceedinir one h m.'nd m et, an s si* - e - s for any gr .-ster d's euce. -iSsr- 3t. And be it further erzetrd, Thzl if any Huetmtaier, or other person au horiied to receive the p- s’tge of le’tert a.-d packets, shall neglect or refuse to render Ilia accounts and pay over to the Pr stmaster General the balance by him due, at the end of every three months, it shall be the duty of the Post master General tn cause a suit to be com menced against the person or persons so ne glecting or refusing. That ad suits, which shall be hereafter commenced, for the reco very of debts nr balances due to the General Poat Cfll e, whether they appear by bond or obligations, msde in the name of the exist ing, or any preceding Poa* master G neral, or otherwise, ahall be instituted in the name of the « Postmaster Gene al of the United States.” t hat certified statements, under the seal nf the General Post Offie of the ac counts oftlie several Postmasters andeontrac- torx, off er the same sl-nll have been examined and adjusted at that offs -e, shall be admitted aa evidence in all suits brought by the Post master General for the recovery ot balances or debts due from the Postmssteri or contrac tors j and, also, certified copies of the quar terly accounts of Postmi sters; or, if lodged in the Treasury, copies, certified by the Register, under the seal of bis office, shall be admitted is evidenoe# Skcj. 32. And be it further enacted,’ That, if any Postmaster rh-dl neglect to render h » accounts for one month alter the time, ard in the form and manner prescribed bv law, and by tbe Postmaster Genera, # s instructions, c«n formsbie therewith, he s)»ll forfeit double the value of the postages whirh shall have amen at Uk* same office in any equal portion of the time previous or subsequent thereto s or, in esse no aocount shall have been ren* lodged at any post office, not to oe carried by post, but to be delivered at the place where it is so lodged the postmaster shall receive one cent of the p r$on to whom it shall be delivered# Sec. 37. And be it further enacted. That all causes of action arising under this act, may be sued, und all offenders against this act may be prosecuted before the justices oftlie peace, magistrates or other judicial courts of the se< vo-ral states, and of the territories of the United States, they having competent jurisdiction, by the laws of such smtes or terri tories, to the trial of claims »'id demands of asgreat value and of the prosecutions where the punishments are of **» great extent: and such justices, magiit^es or judiciary, shall take cognisance hereof, and proceed to judgnfifot ind execution, as in other cases. Sk<£3ft And be it further enacted, That in a'l suits or causes ariiin^ under this act the court »h«ll proceed to trial, and render judg ment the first term afttr such suit shal be commenced s Provuleitkfaays, That, whenev er service of ;h procen shall not'have been made twenty days at wait previous to the re turn day of such term, he defendant shall be entitled to one c ntinuace, if the court on the statement of such dfendant, shall fudge it expedient: Proyi'led 7i 0 , That if the de fendant in such suits fhuf make affidavit that he has-frdaim again? thcJGenera! p os t office, not allowed by therMtiiastcr Genera', al- "■ o*-,«iUmittE(lf/ .<illnpAnfiu«Mkl|i regulations of tlif^ost office, and shall speci ty such claim it«ne affidavit, and that he could priared for the trial at such term for want ofvidence, the court in such case being sailied ill those respects may gi ant a continuAce until the next succeeding term, and the i>st master general shall be authorised U> lischarge from imprisonment any person coilnetl in jail., on any judgment in u civil case, itained in behalf of the de- partment: Prfoiled it be made to apptar that the defendtit has no property of any description provided That such release *l«all not bar a iibsequent execution aguinst the property oflhe defendant. •Skc.39. Andlbe itfurther enacted. That it shall be theoity oftlie Postmaster t*eneral to report annually to Congress, every post road which shall not after the second year from its establishment, have produced one third of the expence of carrying the mail os the same. Skc. 40. And be it further enacted, Thi the Adjutant General of the militia of eac{ state and territory shall have right to receive, by mai free of postage from any Major Ge* neral or Rrigadier General thereof, and tt transmit to said Generals, any letter or packet relating solely to the militia of such state oi terri oryi Provided always That every such of ficer before he deliver anv such letter or pack age for transmission, shall, in his own propel hand writing on the outside thereof, endorse the natu e of the papers enclosed, and thereto 1 subscribe his name and office, and shal irc^ vioualy furnish the Postmaster of the ofied where he shall deposit the same, with a ipe- men of his signature. And, if any such #ffi- cer shall frank any letter or package,: in which sha • be contained anything relutiv* to any subject, other than oftlie Mili ia of nich state or territory, every offender shall on conviction ofVvery such offence, forfeitand pay a fine of fifty dollars. Sec. 4'. And be it further enacted, That whenever the annual emolument of *uv post master after deducting therefrom the 'ne'tea* sary expenditures incident to his office saal amount to more than two thous nd do furs the surplus shall be accounted for, ai.d paid to the Postmaster General, and by him to b. accounted for in the scime manner as other mom s accruing from the oust office establish moot. Sec. 42, And be it further enacted. That no Postmaster. Assistant Postmaster or clerk employed in* any Pos Office, shal be a con- tractor, or concerned in a contract for carrying the mail; Pr ovtded, Tha this section shal not interfere with contracts heretofore made. Sec. 43. And lie it further enacted, That no additional allowance shad be made by the Postmaster General to the contractor or car rier of any mail on any route, over or beyond the amount stipulated in the coat set enter, ed into for the transportation of the mail on such route, i nless additional service sha I be required: and then no addition I compensation shall be allowed lo exceed the exact propor tion of the original amount to the additional duties required; and the postmaster general shall, in all such cases, w tlun thirty days thereafter, transmit to the First Comptroller ot the Treasury an account ufxuch additional services, and the compensation to be a 1 wet therefor. Sec. 44. And be it further enacted, That any person or persons, who shall hereafter mak any proposal in writing, to carry or tra sport the mail upon any route or routes which may be advertised to be let, and such person or persons shall be determined by the Postmaster General to be entitled to, the contract, by virtue of auch proposition and itich person or persons shall fail or refuse to enter into an obligation, with good and suf- ficient security, to perform such contract within ihe time required by the Postmaster mined and executed according to the present laws in foree, as though tiiia act had not passed: nor shall it affect any appointment! to office made under the laws hereby repealed, H. CLAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN GAILLARD, President of the Senate, pro tempore. ' Approved—Washington March 3, 1825 JAMES MONROE. For Sale, The steam-boat ENTERPRIZE, With her machinery, now on board, in good order. For terms apply to WM. TAYLOR, or S. S. DUNNING. April 12 16l Third Company. The fourth and last drill of this Company, will be on Sat- li&n&ing and for dale, urday, the 16th inat. The Oftfl GALLONS eperm Off, best qual majority of the Company hav- wUv ity. 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Window Glass ing agreed to wear white pan- Wtronatdc IflTJXJJWtCTr 81(1116* quested, to be entire. The over dress to consist of dark color. On the day of Brigade Inspection,22d April, the Com pany will probably be furnish ed with proper equipments. • Di/ rei/veit, H. J. VALLEAU, First Serg*t. April 12 I5 Oznaburgs, Russia Sheetings, Ravens Duck, t*c. 7 BALES best Struiitz Oznaburgs 1 Bale fine, yard wide, Sheeting 2 Bales coarse Russia Sheeting 7 Pieces Light Ravens Duck 10 do Heavy do do For sale on accommodating terms, hy SAMUEL WRIGHT, Hunter’s Buildings, April 12 15i. Philadelphia Whiskey. 1 /"k BARRELS) PhiladelphiaRye -T 25 Hilda. 1 Whiskey, of a superior quality peculiarly adapted for store-keepers. For sale by WM. CROTIIERS, At the Counting-Room of Sam’l. Wright, Hunter’s Buildings. April 12 15, Wanted, F irst quality Georgia ar ROW ROOT. Apply to April 12 GEO RYERSON. UEJdOVAli. T HE subscribers have removed tn John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition lo their former stock. W. & H. ROSE. April 5 10 O' The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgcvile, will give the above four in sertions, aid forward their accounts to this otfi- and SW.M.WLK, GOODS. B Y the ships Georgia aod Harp, arrived fiom Liverpool, the subscribers have receited their usual supply of SEASONABLE jMB'jr ®©®a)s 3 Having been purchased with cam, pre vious to the advance in England, they can be afforded and will ba sold at low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 28 80 Vassar’s Ale. A SUPPLY of Vassar’s Superior Ale, now landing, from ship Augusta, tor sale at reduced rotes by W. LIPPITT. Aprils 13p For Boston, The schr. MARGARET, J. Mathewt, Matter. ,-jAs part of her cargo is engaged, she will have immediate despatch* For freight or passage, apply to JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Building. Who hat far tale from taid tchooner, 30 Dozen Sewing Twine ends bar rels Salts. In Store, Cordage, Duck, No. 3 Mackarel Madeira and Claret Wine, in boxes A few elegant Bibles and Family Flour April 9 |4 SSB5 moo n For Baltimore orNew-Yoik The first-rate, fhst sailing sclir. RISING SUN, Captain Fairbank, Burthen one hundred and thirty- six tons, coppered and copper fastened, will meet with despatch. For freight or pas sage, apply to Capt. Fairbank, on board, at Taylor’s Wharf, or to J. B. HERBERT St CO. April 5 M For Boston, The schooner BETH1A AND ANNA, Capt. Hawt, _Having, a part of her cargo engag- have despatch. For light freight deck load and passage, enquire of the mas ter oq board, or THOMPSON &. BONNEY. April 4 09 M ed, will ha n sion given. April 1 To Rent, The House recently the Subscriber, on the Common, until the first of Octo ber next, and immediate posses- J. P. HENRY. 107re INSTORE, 1400 Gallons Paint Oil 10 bbls Train Oil 5 do Tanners do. 12 hbls Spirits Turpentine And a General assortment of PAINTS, FARN/SHES, WINDOW GLASS AND PAINTER'S ARTICLES, at wholesale and retail hy, HAZARD & DENSLOW, Whittaker St. 2nd Door from Bay, April 8 t3 Cap Missing, A BROWN FUR CAP having cover ings for the ears, and somewhat soiled within by use, was taken from the Ex change on Monday night. As the adver tiser’s name was fastened inside, the per son having it can be at no toss in ascertain ing to whom it belongs. Apply at this of- fice. March 24 mo Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Francis Courvoise.late of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, ) Q|| . UfiedEx _ J. HABERSHAM, $ ecutors - march N) i 96 BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Savannah, 31st March, 1825. J Notice. A N election will be held at the Banking- House in this city, on MONDAY, the second day of May, ensuing, for Nine Di rectors, on the part of the Stockholders in this Institution, The poll will be opened at ten o'clock, A. M. and closed at two, P. M. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. April 1 07 IEF The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Georgia Jour nal, and Southern Recorder, in Milledge- Ville, will please publish the above until the day of election. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. ‘ BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19tl. May next, AT KI.I-.VEN O’CLOCK, Will bo sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene Ward, on lot No.20, An oxrfcllent Horse, Gig and Harness, one Gold VVaU^i, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash,, Ate. toge ther with a quantity of Household nnd Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS, Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administratix. April 8 113 The Chief Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining the number and location of the private wells in the city. He therefore renuestB those who own or occupy lots on which there are such, to leave a memorandum at the Post-Offico, or at liis Counting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which they are situated. If their deptn, their diameter, the depth of water in them, and whether there is now a pump or bucket for lifting the water, can be added, it will bp very ac ceptable. Maich 25 101 Notice \B\vereYvj Given, T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will be made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dsted 20th October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Fob. 1825. JAMES ,C. CAMPBELL. Feb II T 66 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, Onthe FIRST TUESDA Yin MAY NEXT, At. XII o’clock, in front of tbe .Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land, No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money will be required at the time of sale, and the balance on the first of January, 1826, with interest, 'secured by mortgage onthe land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of the administratrix. March 3 DISSOLUTION. T HE co-partnership existing between the subscribers, under the firm of F. GILLETSf CO. will be dissolved by mutual consent oa tbe first day of June next* . Those having claims against the firm, are requested to present them for settlement, and those in debted will please settle their accounts be fore the fifteenth of May next—after which time all the unsettled accounts will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection, L.LARDON, F. GILLET. SELLING OFF, Toa\tYveY$ at Cost'. The subscribers offer for eale, their entire stock of DRY GOODS, at coBt. for cash or good paper only. It comprises a general and well selected assortment of ENGLISH. FRENCH, ITALIAN, INjs DIA AND AMERICAN Fresh Imported, Goods, suitable for the present season. Darien Bank Bills taken at par. F. GILLET it, CQ. April 11 l5rb 1 C. KEL8EY if CO. H AVE received by ship Corsair, brjg Jane, and other iaje arrivals, a very handsome assortment of seasonable 2)3117 ®D®2)3 9 AMONGST WHICH ARE, Osnaburgs, Dowlas, Brown, White, Plaid and Striped Homespuns Common and Superfine 3 Si f Prints Irisii Linens, Silk Striped Drilling Denmark Sattins, Figured Silks Ribbons, Gauze Hanakfs and Scarfit Super Blue Broad Cloths Cotton Hose and Half Hose Flag and Bandana Handkerchief* Black Silk do* Cotton Flag & Maitrass do ** Black Canton and Nankin Crape* Apron Checks Muslin, Crape and Figrd. Silk Dresses Figured Book Muslins, he. he. which thoy offer for sale on accommodating terniB. March 26 02||l Sugar and Coffee. DO ttf&PfrtiSSSfflfoenr- 20 Barrels Loaf do For sale by B. W. DELAMATER, April 11 15l Sperm Candles. Q/~V BOXES Sperm Candles, just re- O VF - ceived and for sale by PHILBRICK h SCRANTON. April 9 l -lu Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just received and for sale by BUTLER h SCRANTON. March 10 89 Prime Seed Rice, F OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or. ...... March 11 R. h J. HABERSHAM. 90\mYg\is and Twine,, J UST received and for sale by JOHN H. REID. Feb 22 75 For Sale, A SECOND HAND GIG, in good order, with complete Harness. Enquire at I this office, i March 26 112 Flour. Jutt landingfrom brig Franctt, from Phil•_ adelphia, ' WA BARRELS Superfine. Flour of the * U first quality for family usd, for sals by JOHN CANDLER, Joues’Buildings. Aprils io Notice. T HE Commi-sioners of Pilotage have made arrangementa to furnish all vrs- sols inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will be kept in' the office of ths Commissioners in the Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply.. By order of the Board yf Committiantrt of Pilotage, March 31 06