Newspaper Page Text
Fi-ni.isiixti* or Ttir i.aivb or tub i'nion
* of a bunk, specie i» only wanted, where Duty on Rick Impoutbu into 44in.—1 T«b Piratei—Tlie following extract of
l Prrb.noo rinriot bo obtained »t a prem- The fiillowing Royul Order was » ilfeaued! » letter from Key WeuI, from an officer of
; Exchange clnnot bo obtained at a prem tQ ^ (Jenorll 8uperintond«ncy o' Kcven- the U. 6. Navv, gives a correct account of
,. ium equal t* tho risk of remitting Bpoeio UB( under date of the 3d of Docemlj it 824, the capture of the Pirates, mentioned'in
from one country to another. A bank i* on-1 by the Secretary'of the TrousOvy j Spain, Saturday evening’s paper., The particulars
1 •_ 1 „r hlaino iia aanli. itminoH of a, ' m ‘ lf ' n tf®' ceaB,n art * c ^ e °f iniortutiuii, are confirmed by accounts'received yestur-
'• 'y dan 8 or of hlvl "« Vlult * drtinBd , nd im ,io* inn the dutie. thereon. ' Iday from Mut.nzoa.-Souffiem Pat.
baii.v raran. s
: rivK iioi.i.Aaa.
— | specie, when exchange is much against the. >■ jj;, Majesty declared by a Roil Qrder
r.ivi^ni t i' il(HININg,a i ; R il u.
place of its looalion •, and that rate of ex- of the 2d of October last, that Ri< r
change, generally depending upon the dif- not be embraced by the law upm grain.
, e ,. , fll , but that it sliould bo an article of iiniKiria-
ferenco utthe value ofthe money of the two ^ Juut& h&B thfirefoM thoUl pro-,
places, may bo roincdied by curtailing the per, tbr the present, to imposfe on tins arti-
issuca of that bauk. Exchange ta now fa- cle the duty ofil2 niaravodios f33 foSets.]
I . „ . . . ■. for every arroba. From thliisto »e dbdiic-
vorable to Savannah, and may bo made tcH the duties of nivelacion.iuhveAcioii. and
By the eloop William, errived'yesterday, i tnoro a °i hy» curtailment ofthe issues consulsdo, as established Jy Royi
we roeeiVedtheSt. Augustine Herald ofthe!of the Darien bank—the tiffins are unfa- uf November 20, Ittlt). The du'
0 . . ; mm. in tn ho onllooto/l nnlitaltr I’m
9th instant.
In the UnitedStates ship North Carolina,
which recently sailed tbr the Mediterranean,
went passengers Eatwick Evans. Esq. of
New Hampshire, and Mr. George English,
With an intention, as is stated, of offering
tbeir services to tho Greeks.
Private letters from Buenos Ayres Btatc,
iff 112
.. _ _ ,, mrs. is to be collected entirely frof the im-
vorable to a reiuetton of its dtscounte. It ■ , #l)d thfl MM(tm ofl ^ th L B .fore-
must then bo done by redeeming the sur- said is to be made therefrom, amjlpplipd to
plus quantity of its circulation. Two hun-1 their proper objects.”
dred thousand dollars of its notes sudden- „ „ , “ „
, .... I Tub North American Rdiew, No.
ly abstracted from circulation, would have 1 No. XLVlI.for April, is just pushed, and
a much greater effect than people are gen- contains the following articles
eraily aware of, in giving currency tu the
balance,—provided the remedy is tiincously
made, pud before the panic becomes gene-
that the lew prohibiting tho importion of ra l> 80 as *° throw all of their bills upon
flour, had been published in the official Ro- * be,n a * °ncc. A stitch in time saves nine
gistcr, and that there was no doubt it would ~ in the same proportion would one dollar
go into effect in July next. This law must i ot ' B P ecip h^e operated, .if paid put at the
have the most injurioua effects upon A.n<»- ! P ro P" r 1,111 aven now it is not~too
lican commerce, I late to stop the increasing depreciation of
■ the Darien paper. Let one hundred thou-
Ship Buildinq—The Philadelphia pa- sand dollars of specie be put into the
pers state that there are now on the stocks j vault of the Planters, and a like sum into
at Kensington, fourteen vessols, some of! the State Bank vault, and weekly set-
which are ships of the first class. tlements be made with them, and interest
' lit New-York, there are on tho stocks, paid if tlie balances are net discharged in
, 8 ships, (one of 2000 tons) 5 brigs, 6 schoon- specie, until by a regular and gradual cur-
ers,and 8 steam-boats—and there have been' tnilment of their issues, the Darien bank
launched, within thirty day, 3 large ships,' w j]l be enabled to meet the demands which
4 schooners, and 4 steam-bouts; in all 411can be made upon it, and Unite hanks, will
Vessels, exclusive of pilot-boats and numer
ous small craft, 12 of which arc ships of the
first class. Making 13,978 tons, carpenter’s
again circulate their paper, and all will gu
ous small craft, 12 of which arc ships ofthe well.
But to say—because we cannot pay all
of our notes, wo will pay none, and be-
Extractofa letter, dated, Porto Cabello, ca,,so th « State and Planters’ banks have
March 9—The French men-of-war that bee * tr.dmg^pott our notes, and drawing
came here to demand the Spanish brig call- m f e ' ro *" “ utes - aa ""«‘ P»y “*■»’ “
■ j#* _ ,.. ,. . 4 indeed taking strange ground.
wTRoma Libre and her officers, as pirates, . ° , *
... .a ... . 4 . lr i Why did not tho Darien bank trade upon
vailed from this port on yesterday lor Mar- , v
.. . . 4 , mi the Planters’ and State bank bills, and call
tiuique, she not being delivered up. The ... , „„ .....
vessel is by all accounts the Rambler, for- ln f ieir °^ n nutt *' 10 P 0, * y ,n ot
merly of Boston, and it is said that she has beB " bad - b “t it would
committed piracies on American commerce, * a counter, ai ing tendency.
.. . .1-1 But in truth they were all mistaken ; the
time, however, will discloso every thing. _ : ’
1 State and Planters’ banks, to circulate Da-
East-Indies—Calcutta papers of the rien, whilst the Darien bank refused to re-
20th November last, contain an account of deem their notes ;• and the Darion bank to
a meeting at Barrickporc, of the 26th,47th, attempt to engross tlie whole circulation of
and 62d native regiments. The mutineers, the country, without redeeming their notes,
who had drawn themselves up in a line, The credit of a bank, is like that of an
Were fired on by a party ofthe king’s troops, individual—it depends upon the- most rigid
When they fled, leaving about one hundred punctuality in meeting their engagements
dead—one hundred were afterwards-con- —it is the best evidence of capacity,
damned to death, of whom seven were exe- What would be said tu an individual
cuted—the remainder being condemned to who had got a million of his notes into cir-
labor on the roads. , culation, if when called upon for payment
he was to answer : I will not pay you a
The Editor ofthe Sentinel, who .s one of 400 000 dl> „ ar8 in my Bttong
the Managers of the Philadelphia Alms b » x , hut it will go, but a very little way to
House, states that the present number of, . ... n , . .. ,
' ' discharge my debts—I have large debts due
i Of those 1069, between
“ Redwood, a tale ; Builw'n lemnhcencen
—ReminiBcenes of Charles Biller. Esq. of
Lincoln’s Inn; with a Letter tia Lady on
Ancient and Modern Music ; Imrrrdimof
Tupac Amaru—Ensnyu de la listoria Civil
del Paraguay, Buenos Ayreiy Tucuman,
Por el Doctor D. Gregorio Fines; Modern
Astronomy ; Letter* on IIic \ki*pdi—Let
ters on the Gospels. By Misi Vlannan A-
dams ; Canal Pulunki—Pulaski vindicated
from an Unsupported Chanyte?' tn&insider-
atoly introduced in Judge Johnsons Sket
ches of the Life and Correspondent of Ge
neral Greene ; Code Napoleon ; Imfcsanr
KccreWs Oration—1. An Oration pououn-
eed at Cambridge, beforew^he ,‘hi Be
ta Kappa Soeiety, Aug. 27, 1B24. jy Ed
ward Everett; Critical r Y,itiiei— hHall’s
Colombia.—2. Garnett’s Lectures in Fe
male Education.—3. Outline oftheUnited
States.—1. New Hampsire Historic! Soci
ety—5. Bnbi’s Spanish Grammar 6. Mr.
Wheaton’s Address at the opening of the
Athcmemn in Nnw-York 7. Dr. fYore’s
Address before the Peace Society I. Met
calf’s Digest; Quarterly List 'fuYew Pabli-
cations; Index."
Piiiladei.piiia, Aprii. 5—The.brfe Ma
ry Ann, from St. Thomas, brings intelli
gence of he capture, oil - Porto Rico, of a
piratical slnop, by the schooner Peffine, un
der the command of lieutenant Pbnder-
grass, of the United States’sehoonnf Gijani-
pus. The piratical sloop captured formerly
belonged to captain Pieretts, who was- with
lieutenant Pendergrass, as his pilot. The
pirate arrived the dav previous to the Mary
Ann’s departure; anil was generously given
up by the officers and crew of the Gram
pus to the right owner. .
Day of tlie
Key West, April 2.
. By the arrival of the Sea-Gull at this
jiluce, I am pleased ttt have it iu my power
to communicate the capture, on the 26th
March, about I i degress to the N. and. E. of
Matantas, of a Piratical' schooner mount-'
ing 4 guns, supposed to have a complomentr
ot 30 man, by the boats of the 1 Sea Gull,
Cupt. M’lver, and of the British frigate
Dartmouth, alter an action of about ten
minutes.. The school or was discovered
close on shore at anchor, and the boats
wore immediately manned from both ves
sels- Upon nearing the Pirates they were
fired upon; the crew ofthe boats cheering,
immediately returned the fire. The Pi
rates then endeavored to make the shore in
their boats, and by swimming ; but several
were shot in the water, and the remainder
pursued on shore ; by whicii means 5 were
killed, and 19 mado prisoners, and the eclir.
burnt, attor taking tho Wine out ot hur with
which siie was loaded. The Sea Gull has
just landed her prisoners, 5 of them dread
fully woundod, with sabre cuts, among them
is the captain, who fought reaolutely ; he
has 5 w< finds.
On tho 26th, the day after the above affair,
the Boats foil in witii, captured and burnt
another 'small schooner, the crew of which
were the identical men who murdered the
crow ofthe American brig Betsey, (of Wis-
casset) the account of which excited so
much just indignation throughout the coun
try. The villaiuB unhappily escaped to the
Mangrove bushes. Tho chief officer of
the port(V\Ue Clara) where the Piratical
schr. was fitted out, is among those taken.
They Btate that they had a privateer’s com
mission, and deposited £600 in the hands of
the Goveruorr or Commander of. the above
place, as security. One of the Pirat es ta
ken is one of those who was reprieved at Ja
maica not long since, on account of saving
tlie life of Lieut. Hobson. The Sea Gull bus
nn hoard the figure head uf a vessel, which
was found in 4 the Piratical schr. Report
says it belonged to the Balize, a trader be
tween New-York and Now-Orleaus. I un
derstand from the officers of the Sea Gall
that the bodies of 13 unfortunate creatures
wuredmiml timl to trees en _ tlinre : what
vessel they belonged to has not yet been
ascertained from the Pirates.
A fever of a very malignant type prevails
here; outof 101 inhabitants 43 are nn the
sick list. But roads are cutting in every
direction which will no doubt conduce to tlie
health of the place.
April I.
N. W. t.
OteN byw.
N. W.'
.59 “ii.'w.
69 N N.w
_Tor Philadelphia
GL .. a- .The schr. 1
M ft R
1 schr.
" Th.&Lig’t.
“ Cloudy.
ur PWjaga only, apnJv tn
rrr. . Build’;.-
tm .—.rKimWify Flour
No. 3 Mackerel, Duck, Cordis
Claret and Madeira Wine, iu jL„
April 14 ’
Cl’dy t higkwindfi.
Darien Money?
68| do.
fjO.N, N.W.
571 N.w.
Cll’y, high winds
v light bree’a
it “
56 n. N. c. Clear with geu-
tie breeze.
e. by s.
e. by R
Pi. IV.
Clear and light
Al .
Kb by 8.
' 6.
N. E.
Cloudy. •
Light Clouds.
Cloudy. '
I .
o l a by».
v 3
IS. K.
1: N.E.
Clear, stiffbreez.
N K.
y. e
Hiigiit Clouds.
Light breeze.
6‘l|s.Ehy k
Clear,light breez
s. by R.
164 [SOUTH.
Clear and i-aliu.
8. S. E.
Light clouds.
73 south.jClear,light breez
S. I*.
Light v.louds.
Clear,light breez
E K*T.
S F.
Tjh?h* rim.'Jr.
n. i:.
rtui:i,t>trung urez
N. N. K.
S. F-
B ILLS of the Bank of Darien,'.-in i
received for Dry Goods, bv “
. .. . c - w - ROSWELL.
April 14 -,j
Loaf hugai*.
OU SUGAR, for sale by UMF
Ssow Storm.—v\i-t£- York. April 4.—
On Saturday pfternoon and evening the
wind blew hard from the Northeast, and
in the course of the night a snow storm set r . , , „ - „ -. .
in and continued with severity until about! boon ? x l*ected to flow naturally trom the
ck yesterday afternoon. It is sup- breaking up of a monopoly, however gener-
Stkam Boat Buii.oino.—The increase
of steam navigation since the decision of the
great Steam Boat question, might have
3 o’clock yesterday atteruoon. It ib sup
posed about a font depth of stiffiv full,a grea
ter quantity than has fallen at anyone time
the past winter—We did not learn of any
ous such monopoly might have been in the
first instance, and throwing open of this
trade to the active competitition which ex-
damage by the storm in the harbor. No istsevery where among the mercantile daa-
intelligence reached us during the day from i BUB °. ftho . r !'P ubllc ' We hivenot been d.s-
g ea> ^ appointed in the spirit of the American
The Steam Boat Connecticut, Capt-Bcn-1 "“^liant and ship-owner. When another
rer, Jun. arrived in safety yesterday about! bran, : b ofthc same « reat T !u8tlon was still
2 o’clock, from Hhod. I.Wnj. SKo o- I hamjine 111 jnom donht lielwocr, .k- Ok-..
bliged to lie to two or three hours ii tlie! callJr alld the Court of Errors, the buoy-
its inmates is 1069.
600 and 6S0, are old and infirm, insane,
blind, cripple, or laboring under acute dis
eases. In the Children’s Asylum, there
are, besides, 200 paupers incapable of labor,
they being undor eight years of age' The
whole number of outdoor pensioners is pro
bably not less than 1200, and it may possib
ly reach to 1000.
Such is the increase of papulation in A-
merica, that the importations in the United
to me, but I cannot collect them, and there
fore I cannot pay you, without husening my
means on imnd, and I will not pay at all—
In England, I believe, acommission ofBank-
ruptcy would be obtained against such a
person. But in thia country, the same poli
cy in a bank, is attempted to be advocated,
and the plea of necessity urged, to autho
rise a measure which compels individuals
to meet their engagements to other indivi
duals and banks, at a loss of from seven to
States increase, notwithstanding the nu- ten dollars in the hundred—how much more
merous an^ various manufactories in the, it may be, a few weeks hence will discover,
country. In Boston, the duties on import- i The Directors of the' Darien bank may
ationsin 1623, were £3,857,644 ; iu 1824, fold their arms, to the delicacy of their si-
forenoon during the thickest of the storm,
otherwise her passage would hove bicn the
quickest ever made. The steam boot Ful
ton, which left here on Saturday afttrnoim
for Providence, was at anchor yesterday
morning under Sands’ Point and the steam
boat Providence, for New Ilaven^vas at
anchor at Throg’s Point.—Capt. B. informs
that the gale and storm were very henvy in
the Sound As the Connecticut left Pro- 1 stocks, in the several ship-yards of this city.
A letter to the editors, from Augusta,
dated on Monday last, the Uth instant,
■ays—“ I am told an express has arrived
from Charleston, bringing news of a further
advance in cotton, of id. per pound, (by the
Commerce,) but a very few hundred bales j to “Many Citizens," for tho piece which
were purchased in consoquonce. Cotton is! appeared in the •> Georgian," on the 12th
quoted here at from 23 to 26 cents—stock I ffist and at the same time begs leave to
on hand about 24,000 bales, which is almost | inform them, that their remarks will be du-
exclusively in the hands of speculators. It |y appreciated, and his exertions redoubled
tuation. But the next session ofthe Le
gislature will teach them a lesson upon
Banking, which is not mentioned in Smith,
Say or Ricardo. ” HOMO."
The Lamp Contractor, feels himself in
duty bound, to return his grateful thanks
is expected that a great quantity of cotton
will be planted the present season, through
out the state. Iu some sections, it is said a
Scarcity of seed exists, which owing to the
lateness of the period, connot bo supplied
in time. This, however, will have but lit
tle effect upon the amount of tlie crop, as
what is in possession bf the planters, with
economy,will go as far as the usual quantity
planted. An election took piece to-day,
for Mayor. W. W. Hoi.t, was the suc
cessful candidate, in opposition to Joseph
to fulfil the duties which have been entrust
ed to him by the Corporation, and like a
watchful sentinel, never will leave his pest
until relieved.
With respect, “ Many Citizens”
Obedient Servant,
Finding a considerable portion of your
columns taken up yesterday, by the dis
cussion of the affairs of tho Darien Bank,
• few thoughts upon tho subject are offered
in addition.
Admit the issues of a bank to be two mil
lions—the redemption of notes ofthat bank
to the amount of 200,000 dollars, would re
duce its circulation by one-tenth ; and if
the surplus quantity of circulation was one-
tenth, then a complete equilibrium would
be restored.
' ,Wh«u there is no doubt of the solvency
ancy of that enterprising spirit could not
be repressed, so great was its elasticity en-
creased by the decree issuing from the hall
ofthe Supreme Court Washington.
We have been informed by persons, well
acquainted witii the course ot business in
stcum boat building, that since lust summer,
nearly thirty new steam boats of different
sizes and descriptions, have buen laid on tlie
Aprii 14
For Sale,
A. Tohacco? S * 10ad8 * >tim8 9 uobl y L»f
Kegs do Large Twist d 0
2000 Pounds Georgia and North Cir
olina Bacon
with a general assortment of Groceri™
App'yto., -. T.R. PRICE.
April 14 „, t
I O DOZEN Seidlitz Powd. rs
-i-AI Sulph. Quinine, English MusUrj
, Best Lamp Oil
• For sale by P. E. BRASS1NNE,
Anri! 14 Opposite the Ex, !,-
A. Bill N L’KMAN,
On the Corner of Broughton-Strat ani
R espectfully informs thc-yui&e
that he is again prepared far Bala?
| and will supply his customers both JLrs-
! iug and Evening, with
j on the most accommodating termB, ar.d u,
; *cits a share of public patronage.
April 14 it,*
Yesterday, nt 2, P. M. Alexanufr Bow
man, a native uf Metnei, Germany, uged 35
The friends am) acquaintances ofthe de
ceased, are requested to attend his funeral,
THIS MORNING, at. half-post nine o’, Ik.
N otice.
April 13th, 1895. (
T HE city taxes for the present yen,
Wilj.bc payable at this office from tb<
A. M. from ms late residence on tlie Bay, day. to the 13th of Mny next, after which
near Fort Wayne. ! time, executions will issue against nil»
ajrninpt nil per-
Bonn in default. M. W. STEWART,
Ajiril 14 City Treasurer.
liOTTVlWH JS'om'E.
vidcncu, a British brig was standing in for
that port, understood from Savannah
In consequence of the storm,, tlie new
steam beat, New London, did nnt stirt for
N. London on Saturday. The Chancellor-
liivingstnn, for Albany, and some others of
the North River steam boat, werj also
The Reception ofthe “ Nation’* Guest”
in this Republic has been witnessed ivvjth
feelings of warm sympathy by tlie nefifRe-
publics of South America. Perhaps the
strength of some of the expressions, in the
following extract of a letter from a distin
guished citizen of Buenos Ayres, may amuse
This fact will give some idea to a distant
render ofthe extent of enterprise and spe
culation which are going on ill this city, in
this branch ofinlaiid trade alone. It is one
ot the beneficial effects resulting from the
progress of free principles in internal as
well as foreign trade. We do not deny but
a few individuals may he injuriously affect
ed in their private interest, but we are con
scious that the magnanimity and generosity
ofthe legislature of this state will not allow
tho descendants of our own. pulton to be
allying the innocent sufferers.
A great many of these new Bteam-boats
which we have mentioned are intended for
the transportation of the passengers, both
aiiuivpii , FT7HE public are informed, that orders
’ ■ J- cannot be received tbr tickets in Uni- Mnrj, MICoy, Richardson, 3 days inn Canal Lottery, Ititll ClSX9, atilt die
from Darien,—1U2 bales cotton, to T. But- 14th inst. at less than Ten Dollars. Th»
tit ” on ® e ^ Mackenzie. Scheme is a very brilliant ore, and drm
Sloop William, bwasey, St. Augustine, 2 on the 11th of May, in Philadelphia,
days, in ballast. Patsengers, Mrs. Flesh-; -
man, Mrs. Galeshaw, and three children, Sixty Sfumbin—Eight HilhU to bt Drm,
Miss Davis, Col. Wool, Ins.U.S.A Messrs, i
Bell, Boycom, Barnes, Fitzhugh, Lynch,
and Billow. Left, sloop Northern Liberty,;
Crowell, for this port, first wind.
At Charleston, 11th instant, sloop Re
light, Cooper, 1 day.
At New-York, 4th inst. ship Savannah,
Prize of - - - 850,00#
- 20,009
...... 5,099
the colder and more calculating politicians j along tho roast in various directions, and
of these Northern Climes, hut it will at tho j up the rivers that flow from the interior.-—
same time show with how much zeal the ! Several of them, we hnVo understood, have
Republicans of South America enter inlo been built for the steam navigation of the
all those noble and generous emotions, which ' southern states, and some, if We ore not mis-
the presence of Lafayette has excited here
—Bo# ton Patriot,
taken, for South America, or at least with
u view to such a speculation;
Extract of a letter from Buena Ayra, Several of them are also intended for the
“ I have just received newspapers from transportation of merchandize. Indeed they
the United St ates, informing me ofthe mag-j are constructed with such a multitude of
nificent reception of General Lafaybttk. conveniences that our steam-bouts will op-
I have never read newspapers with such ! pear rather to be so many large warehouses
exquisite delight as these, and I firmly be-j united with taverns passing up and flown
lievc there never was so interesting* and the Hudson and Connecticut river’s, and a-
glorious an event in the civilized world, in long every sound, creek or bay which the
which all classes of people participated in ' geographical features ofthe sea coast pre-
the general joy, as on thisoccasion. Thebe'pent To all this activity we give our
is an association of ideas, connected with heart-felt approbation, and hopa that the.
this event, that produces in my soul emotions stir among our productive classes may long
I cannot express, and fills my heart with continue to gladden us in the same degree.
such grateful recollections, as 1 cannot for
get but with my existence. T^pt ten Mill
ions of souls, actuated by pureisentiniontn
of gratitude and friendship, slould, with
one voice, pronounce this individual the
“ Guest of the Nation,* anU pay him
The last number (5th) of the London tbo highest honors citizens of k free na-
Westminster Review, contains an elaborate l t,on can u ^ ( ’ r - I s an event, whirl) must ra
il ml able article on Mr. Livingston’s Re- 1 c,te tbe astonishment of Europe, and show
port on tho Penal Code of Loui-iana the inestimable price of Liberty."'
The Reviewer appears to have been struck
with admiration of the design and execu- The mails north ot this place art not yet
tion ofthe work, and finally expresses him- regulated. At present, we undersibiid, the
self thus; cross mail has ceased between Child Grove
“Wo cannot conclude this notice of an d Williamsburg. It is expected some
Mr. Livingston’s labors, without joining one near China Grove will soon get an tp-
our feeble voice to that of tho Legislative P°>ntment as Postmaster, who will 1 cause
Assembly, for which ho is preparing this f hemailtn he carried to Williamsburg as
code, and “ earnestly soliciting Mr. Living- U8U , a ^ We have not heal'd what, delays the
ston to prosecute his work” in the spirit of mu *l ^ r °m Pee Dee to Fayetteville—Neu-
this report. In England, tho eyes of its the old contractor, has been removed
most enlightened philosophers, of its best ; “ ttn d * contractor is in hisplace.-j—
statesmen, and of its most devoted philan- Georgetown Gax. Bth in*t. ^ ‘ f
thropists, will be fixed upon him; and in
his own country, his name must be hied, Gw.o.— 1 This article has become so plen-
“ in everlasting renieinberance,” venerated ty since the discovery of the mines in North
and loved. He is one of those extraordin-! Carolina, that it is sent in bulk, without be-
ary mdmdunls whom nature has gifted I ing coined, in payment of goods received
with the power, and whom circumstances I from this city. Yesterday, a remittance
have afforded the opportunity of shedding | valued at one thousand dollars, was sent to
true glory, and conferring lasting happiness one of our merchants, who, this year, has
on his country; and of identifying his own received about six thousand dollars worth
name with its freest, and most noble, and of the same article, which sold for 97 cents
most perfect institutions.”—AM. Oat. the pennyweight E. Pott
Nat. Adv.
We copy from a Northern paper an ac
count of the execut ion of a woman, which
makes us shudder, and which we present to
our readers only because it may excite in
them horror for this mode of punishment.—
The public hanging of a female would suit a
The U. S. sloop of war Hornet, was at. ^
Matanzas 1st inst.—all well. 3Q .
The brig Frances, did not soil as stated
in our last—the goes first wind. 52 -
We understand that the Magistrates ofi &c. &
Campbelton have fitted up an Oil Light in mw/ia
that Harbour, which was lighted up on the j DOLLS. *7 nil D0U&
12lli Feb’ry, and is to be cantiliuod. The *
bearing of this Light, in coming from the Apply immediately and save a dmlar, at
east ward for the harbour, is by bringing the 1
light to bear by compass west ha It-north,
which will lead clear of all tho sunk rocks
on the north s de of tlie shore, and by con
tinuing that course right info the harbor —
In coming from the southward, in opening
the light dear off the eust end ofthe island.
Devan, bring it to bear west., theu steer
west half north, which will lead up mid-!
channel to the harbor.—Greenock Adtn
»t*a«,ttJt!ng in the Agg^gTrtotO
April 14
Bunch liaisins, A!mon> s, . c,
Charleston, April 12.—British brig Atlas,
Clegg, I’eruanikiica, 37 days, ballast.
Schr. Regulator, M’llheny, Wilming
ton, N. C- 2 days.
In the Roasts—Bremen ship Bienenkorb,
Goldmeiiter, Bahia, (Brazils) 57 days—
bound to Bremen—put in for water.
Cleared, ship Topaz, Callender, Liver
pool : ship Georgia Packet, Bunce, Phila
Wonf tA boo- Ship Chaflo* A> IfcAiy,
Croft, Amsterdam ; ship Perfect, Prince,
Liverpool; ship Rohin-Hood, Woodberry,
Liverpool; ship Ilitty. Cutts, Liverpool.
OU MELANGES POL1TIQUES ET . 30 Boxes firet qiishty <:laret | |M i,
LITTERAIRES. together with a full assortment ot «««'"
QA BOXES first quality Bunch Rabins
OU 5 Barrels Soft Shelled Almonds
3 Kogs Currants
20 Baskets Sweet Oil
5 Barrels Loaf Sugar
5 do Lump do
10 Half Barrels Fulton Market Beet.
for family use
15 do Pig Fork
100 Ha If barrels Family Flour
50 Barrels do do
40 Barrels'Pnmo Rocf
30 do Mess do
40 do do and Prime Pork
20 do New’ Rum .
5 do Old Kentucky Whiskey
21 do Prime New-Orleuni
Muscovado Sugars
75 Quarter Boxes “ ! 1
A FRENCH MAGAZINE published in
New-York. in weekly numbers, price
tinrharoiis age and nation n—it becomes not j a- p er anmlm) £3 for six months, or £2 for
our times and country; it is either too revolt- j months, payable in- advance.
ing or affecting to operate upon cither sex
ns nn example in the spirit ofthe lew. Thia
instance illustrtatcs its unprofitableness for
society in all respects except the destruc
tion ofthe culprit; a point at lest question
able as to its public utility, especially in the
esse f a female, whom other inflictions
might reform, however heinous her imme
diate guilt.—JTat. Oat.
Sixteen numbers are received, and per-
sons desirous of obtaining it, are requested
to call and subscribe.
April 14 18(i,t.4tts.
ofGroceries and Ship Chandlery, fur
. Anciaux’s W mb*
March 17 ^
Aran. 7,1825
S'. of Bread.
T HE overage price of flour being £5 75,
per barrol, 296 pounds weight, the
weight of bread the present month, must be
I2J Cents Loaf, : : : 3 lbs. t oz.
6) do. do. : : : : 1 8j,
of which all bakers anil sellers of bread will
take dun notico.
April 8 M. W. STEWART, C. 7*.
Administrator’s Sale.
On thejirit 7V«dey in wtfoy nsA, 5
1 WILL sell at tlie Court-House in Jeffer
son, Camden County, between the u«n-
i al hours of sale,
Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her
four children, Daniel, Stephen, John, and
Yorick, the property ofthe estate of George
Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of tin
A FRESH SUPPLY ofthe above
Corner Bay and Whittaker-
March 4
and Carol"
creditors Mid heirs of said estate, pursuant | „ . _
to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary t4 liCCFS Aaco
of said county.
Administrator, with the will annexed, of
George Morrison, Sen. deceased.
April U 18
Hoes, j
ECE1VED per WilltomW^'p,
In* ualnhv * . O.intfl
R tor sale by
March 7
No. 6, Gibbon*