Newspaper Page Text
City SherilPs sales
On the firsI Tuesday m Jim/ Mtit,
CTTgHU. be iota In ft nt ofthe Court Hen •
\M m toe City of Savan'-ah, between II
uii' 1 hours of l6 and 4 o’olock,
Out* negro win mini* 1 I 1 'W, liviinon »i
the property of John nod V.l-vta Her***
mUi'v Vwd el-C ItlyM ft..". lii* r:n "''
SB >.<-.raiia ierituner.for the e.
tv i Sirnmli, John O. Hlmie - vt, Joi n F.
G Otvis, G unluo of John nod Vvlevin P-
oil,and vt io. Boweu vs the su nt,
All the b>hU>»(» on the centre pirt of Tru
I/it le'ter H, *t present in ih ■ occupetion o
Job T. Bolleft, PeiCiV.I IVs.U b mnauil nortl
by Preiidont-st. ooiiih by V irk-vt east to 1
one portion ot uid I. it. treat by the Court
House, tened on aa he property of Job T
Bol e*, to eitisty mi ex.-cution from the Con;
of eomipon Plea* and Oyer and Terminer fo
the City of Savannah. Samuel M. Horded vs
Job T. Bolles.
Southern half of Lota! N a 39, thirty-nine,
and 40, forty* with 'h-imputveinenta there on,
Bilim t .Vs It, bmi'd I north by tlie norther
hd! Ilf aaid Lo't,* south by Liberty at. ea»> b
Jeflfe: Ion- at. lev ed on as the property of Ben
jimin Shef »'l, to satisfy two eaeomiona Iron
tbe Court of Common Picas and Oyer ami
Tenuiner lor the City of Sevan, ah, J.-ns
Mount va B.nj Sliettall.
it i the tlghi, title, and interest, of Bddwi
Co kin that double tenement on
ares'crn part of Trust Lot lotto A, boundr
no. thhy Biyanw-t snutb by St Julian-at. enn
by part of ai* d Lot, weat by Wlii'aker-a 1 lev
led on aa the property of Baldwin Cook, P
Satisfy eiPe»er,!j; 1 oii from the Court m Con
moo Pleas’anu O -*r and Terminer f. tin
Citv of 8avannab, Norman Pease vs. Baldwin
All that Lot and improvement! kn-wi ir.
the plan ■ f the City of Savannah, as Lot No.2,
two,f*erciv ,l Wa d,bounded north by Wngh
Square, south hi a laoe, ea*l by Lot No. 3
tlr-ie, west hv Lot No I, on-, levied on a.s
property of JjiiT- B tiles tu sal.sfv an eae
eo'i :h f o.n the Court of Common Pleas an:
O- vhod Terminer for In City of Savannah,
' J sepli Clark va Ji.b f it 1 ! a, rod assigned
to ■ B Parkman, property pointed out by
dtf odant, and subject to o .tmrtp'ge.
A. I D’Ll ON, C S.
*pri' 4 09
mu® SAS»
Sheri if’s Sale,
Oia th» first Tuesday in JWay nett,
nStl !,. be iold in front of the Court-
IJ ‘louse, in the city of Savannah, between
« stH hours often .md four o'clock-
Tbe following »lgl‘t negroes, via. Cuffoe,
v'rpcv, Itoaannal. Carnlio-, Joseph,MaryBel-
t ami Jim, levied nnuuder a A. fa. on a fire-
loaure, aathe p ope-ly of Oharlea H. May*
on, in furor of F -edorlek W. H.em-tmn-
march 7 ISAAC D't.VflN, V. C. C.
Georgia—Camden County.
Supkiuoh Court, October Term, 1824,
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester
« \N petition of Tm<dhy Hopkins, stating
1 * th«it in consideration of certain prom-
•jsory notes, made to the said Timothy, by
'tv m, one payable with inte eat, from fr«t
>fJanuary, 1821, on the first ot January. 182?:
second payable aa aforesMi 4 , on the fiir of
Innnury, 1823; and a th-rd payable aa af.rr
>*.d, mi the first of January, 18 4 executed a
ort^rage to said Timothy Hopkins, hi* lui ••
mid assigns, on all those four tr^c s ,of L..,d,
Puled in die county aforesaid, c mveyrd ,.j
•ne said Ti lothy, to the said F angley unit
■*< tv eater, and lying on the much' side of
Sat'fla River, o-ie trict containing *c
. ''tv seven, seres, more ir leas; two t*-uc's
••Haiulnn fit'y aciea, more or less, and oil*
her tract, containing one hundred ami tiigh*
\ weight acre?, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three said a* vt.ral owes,
m the dnys nbnve nientioiied, and thnt adit*
. veral notes remain unpaid—on motion of
rchibald C'ark, a»tnrne) for phint!^, it it
• dered, that r h a dd Langley and Selveate.,
heir heirs or assigns pay into Con. *, within
• welve months from this date, la--.* iumi due
>n said notes, Mnd the intere* and c« s's, oth
erwise that the equity ot redemption be fo»-
ver foreclosed, and that su b other pruceed
togs ink- p jce, as are oura-iant to law.
Tiue extract from th^* m n 'lea, 27th Ocio
ber, 18 4. JOHN BAILRV. Clerk
nov 4 •7 4r.?
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the Jirst Tuesday in May next,
*11^ l; I, b.t mtu a the * tourt Hou it. in the
If Citv of S nnnatk, between the hours
often and four o'clock,
Lot and Buddings No. *7, seventeen. Wash-
ing‘on Wuru in h-. C t* of S van iah, bound*
C l ean hy L »t No* 18 e*gtite- n, south by
8t J.dian-Bt. west by Pnce-at and north by
Brvan at* levied on us ilia property of Ste
pb^o S, WHliami t » satisfy an execution in
fuvnr of Ja nes M Henry, and others, As
signees of Win. Turner.
AH that tract of land known hy the name of
Tweedrd^*, in the County of Cha ham, con
|sining346:.crefl, bounded on th? north b
Savanonh ft ver, levied on as the property of
Jo n Morel, to satisfy executions in favor o»
Wn. Taylor & Son, andodiora
Whar Lot confining fifi feet. 8 ; nches on
S avannah Hiverj 66 reet 8 inches on Itidian u
•tree’ f extending from said R ver to the said
st'ect, in extent about 400 feet, th same
being the eastern part of Wharf Lot No* ,3 t
three, levied on aa the property of Robert
W Poder to a t afy two executions in f»vo<>
of J Ysiah c*e- fi ’d, and John Dicks, property
pointed out by the defendant*
All that half of Lot No 12, Columbia Ward,
with the improvements thereon, to satisfy an
execution i(tailing out of a Justices Court in
’ favor of Wm Robinson, returned to me by a
Constable. _ _
a - .r ? 09
sheriff s hales.
Between Lows Ltcon-e and John Lewie, r om
plak'.nnis, << d /* :er I* con John 'f'Wi.-i
Vetupma ■, Hey no da u. d Vderiu
his ll i/e, U f iulun'a Ia e ty tiupietor
i ltiB Complftiuonts hnvitig filed their hill in
. this Court, the ni j nt of w rh i i to p r-
petoatc tbe testimo»y of perso.'isi 'fieri-
•» named, fnd it «;;>pe* ing that hs pef'eml-
••.ntg reapediv;.ly resirle beyond tbe itrnd.s of
me Jt*te of Q orgia, and within the United
S atts : It is ordered, that service upon th*
s«'U Defendants be cff.cte l bv pubii'a om in of th* G'X ttes o’ Savaon di, nquuisf
thf* aaifl Defejidnuts to appearand answer th •
said bill of ComplHiniint3, on or before Ur
levent: dav o April next.
Ji true cofy,
R. BAR sin, Clerk,
February 10,18r5.
Fe 7 " +
J. Shinn's Panacea..
T HE aub.crlh.rt UiiviYlIf Jla-.nvert-d Mi* cii
pnaition idSWMWa OEl.Kfittt.iTl)
PAJiACKJl, has new a aiipply on Imml T
-.ale i he ha* reiluoed thrprice from £3 J0(.
S'S JO, or by thf Horen $14,
All churitable inaliuitiona in the U. SUt,
and the (toor will be supplied gntit. t
If the eitiiena of the prineipnl cities a.
towna, will appoint an af;eiit to order h.
diatribulo this medicine to the poor, it wiUpe
supplied. ;,r
This medicine ia celebrated for the .eurr
the followioK diaeaaei t—•* acromla Or kipt
ovi(, ulcerated or putnd sore threat, W
-tandinR rheuma'icaffections, cutaicous J s
eases, whi'e swelling ind disease ujllie l>«r-
snd all caaca generally of th* ulcu iua Hi/*'
,ti-r, and chranio diseases, generally a.-is
<le.nilitated eonstitt tioea, but inure esp
fro sy philis or affvcliod* arising tht r,
ulcers in the laiynj, nodes, Ue. ai
dreadfui disease o'-easinred by a ini
vseeasivr useufmercury, £/c- Ilia
ful in Uie dia a*e ol the liver-”
I have within the fast two years baf an ot>
portunity of seeing s i :yjial cases of vty mye
l' i riite ulcers, which having previoun resist
dl the regttlhr modes of l.e«tmdt. we»\.
healed by the use jf Mr* Swrini’rfanarpn,
And I do believe, from what I hr*
•but it will prove an important remely io scru-
udous, venereal and merciu iai diseaim.
Profe««or of the Institute* and ptac\o
of Phys c, in the ITniv^raity of |V.fln‘
I hav»? employed the Panacea of Mr. Swafit
• n numerous instHUC(*a, vithin tht lust tht
vear^and have alwuys found i» AXt-emti
’ffi'ucious, especially »n sec-ondary svp'ij-
ind mercurial diseaies. I hav» no hesuata
in pronouncing it a iro'bci c of (neetiniuj.
value. W. GIHSDN, M D
Professor of Surgery in the Uoi'iv of Pci
Philadelphia, February 17, 1823.
J MIN SHINN, Chemist
Philadelphia .'Vo t7 18 3.
TvfcAsu ”3 Ue^att-n\Ei.t.
Makcii, 14, 1825
W HEBE IS or the 3d of Msrch, l‘;'S
’aw *- aa pass: 1 ?! b\ tbe C mirresa »;f l e
United Stat«*s,of which the 3d 4-h * *d J.(.
r?s*ction8 aro i r t •• f ill <w f,'v ; x :
" St c. J. And be it Ju di r entie td. TM t
rtijbtcription o tbe aniouni of twtlV.* mlilor*
•if dolin'a, of the nix p r cent. «t.'rk of t-u
\c** eighteen hundud and ihirtt-cn, b'*, 'O’ l-
tbe same is hereby proposa.l; for winch pur
pose booh shah be opened at the treasury ' f
• lie Unit' d Suits, and *«i th s void I ’*n • 01
ces, on the tint da of April next' to continur-
until the first day of Ocob-^r there Qu- ’
t'n such parts of the abeve mentioned d t-
-cription of stock at; shall, on h * day of *ub
ierption, et »;-d on the books ot the Tre^u i,
t-non thnsc of the s^veial loan . ffi e ? » t‘)
flpectivol) ; which juhscriiit’ ;n sh**h ue :tl« i"
ed by a trai»if ; r to l c United Stat.-s, -n tu*
mutin'r provided bylaw fo” pmh trim f' j rM”
he cred t or cutl'ts standfog or too jf:f'
oks, and by a su) a**nder of th- *< riifi-1«h.
of the stock »o subsovibed ; Pio"* lei, i!':.*
ill subscription by suci« trhnsfev f (•••!:
be cns dei ^.d as nadot the said twelve *n ‘
lions of d diars urtiot xod to be bovrowetl by
the firnsr cti n f IiIt nc’.
ft 9ec. 4. And be »'• further enacted That fo
hi whole or in.) p*f'. of any sum which shah
b* thus subscribed, credits gb'dl be entered to
Vegetable Catholicon.
ipilR subsrribi r res •• ctfully solicits the at
ii tention of every fiiend ofsufTcri/Ui hu
,4n ty, to to the shove new ami invnftiable
•gnedv, whore unequal powera io eliminating
fjrsmthe S'at-jm th. v 0r y seeds of disease,
ind in riflt.r. -ig the H ir.mged and morbid
cpnditi n ofthe organs off Te to a free and
'lealthy esere'fle ofthdr fmet om, hst exri-
trt<l the avti'oixhmnn*, and comph tuly aib*»t
<u1 the rbj T.tious of the m»>»i im r'd dons —
Tacts are th* best argument*. In order to put
he Virtues oMue .‘atbolicou to as severe a
».ar"tiny as p- asible, it was offered by edve*--
Lsemenl together w,t. the attendance cfa
jihypiC"!!, gratuitously to *;iy pers-m who
wou'd apply fur it, and vlfse cause might
rcem t come within 'he range of its healing
power—numbers of severe chs*s of long st* d.
ng, and 4 "»mo of th*»m de ' r 'e
>npr- *rmted themselve*. all of vnich have
been cured, or an much relieved at ti warranl
tiK .in. e; tion that a little perseverance wil rlt*
so I» fort, suen is the confidence of ihs phyai
iau under whose ».a*e tbene patient! were
>lured, in this remedy, a co fide ce resu t
in>r from'h** irrebiHiihle coniietim that has
‘•eon forced upon lus mind by ocular demo •
»i.ation,aids persoti-J trial f it on h -r s-i*
h »he pc tints nu? »o declare it as his d
h d opinion ths.t ’he tin’h »lict:n is not only »
if-rlhctly gsfe and ionoceut, hut a m» st pow
•vful Bod invaluable remedy in octian dh
-:,S‘ S snd Ntatcs of Lies 1 stem, such as he f 4
owin rt
Pebilitj' resulting from in'emnerance an-
dissipoifoi ; Ol l and invp.te.-at U-ccrs. Pains
in t!|j»lv-n s attended wuh sw*ill.ngs ef tho
j in t; l'ldig'-riun, Bi -t hes on the face,
\n 4p e-, etc j AI comp* tin s of the Liver -,
Yiws; Syp'ntis .• Ou'snemisdisea'ei
g. nr’aiy { Mercurial and scrofulous com-
n e Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
e.mly pledges h s word consists exclusive!-
•f M*g ;t »ble nrtU«-) with the exception of i
sight dctfimi 'Stic;!'* to the bowels, which »t
,iiyscrves u* h soluble side, ar.t-* iumisib'y, i r
p' *a»h'U to the ta*tc ( «nd requires n- paiticu
ar regimen, ^absMnenci spirtmuts h
qutjfs' si vays except* d.) or confinements A
n g nMt*. sx»e and agre«.* 'b'e cathartic' mod
c >.e .mproving ttm apneuteand rcsior;.'g th
vp»n».-ri«l i*--n#» of the sye'em, it is confid nts
-Vromnie.idvd to iadica in a delicate silua-
66 Cheiinui-aueet.
U it ordered that the so id John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant’s slid bill, within nine months from
the dote of this order, otherwise that tbe
On thefirst Tuesday in May next, between th: J and bill, as to him, be taken pro confess .*
usual hours, I and it i§ further ordered, that a copy of thi »
W ILL be sold hi the Court House in the order be publish* d once a week, in one of
County cf Bryan, the following Lots he public G-xcttes of this state, until thr ex-
or parcels of Land on tbe Island cf Ossalm w, pirnviun ofthe time within which the said de-
i" tht said County, known in the ulan of he j t'endant is required to appear and answer us
pai'tiiion of the sau-e I*1*nu by the numbe:s | aforesaid.
Between IV Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant, and John C arnochnn Adm ntstmlvr, de.
bonis non with the will, annexed of George , ... . -fl ,.
1 T apm anng'that John Murray Cmochar. *>***«• '***<* ^ or the r mjgtjj r
I «r Vi^UniWa til,' '• 1 bill uf 8'im to be expressed th*:rem, qua* tmth
iimplaint num?d, reaidss without the slate of *«"«»• ° f , t , h ^ n ^‘" C A P “' S . tQck ’J?"’
I Geo-Ria, in that part ofthe United Kinploms ’ ,e » r "'V" rr L ^
1 Ol GrTst Britain an., Ireland, ealled Sootlard : | ^
Philaiiviplua. JfajSL. 1824.
At the requc*8t of Mr, \V. W Tortt-r, I h.v
l : -'e v uUubtifd, in severs, in t:ince.,a "
ol jnrup. coiled do lor’* Ve,;et.bte tiatl.o
i-.ou, with tile most ducult.l advantaec. I
i»s, an - et, never laiteil . H'-t t-nff a cure ..
even in b'lii'lt 1 l-.n-'c t -mk'.-.lpinpdr t
employ a. H. M’eiUK: HIE, M 1)
one, two, three, four, five, aix, ae.en, and 11,at
part of number eight, beginning at the hedge
at the edge of ti.e wood*, in the 8outh part
of thi said last tract, from the Weatermoat to
the Kastermoit Creek.
Alto, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the
Ea-terovnt parti of tract ten, eleven, twelve,
from the path in the old A dd in the Savannah,
to be con'inued in a straight line until it inter
seels Bradley’* Hamo ock alarahea on one aide
ai d Jgeecliee river on ibe o'h -r. Alio,Horse
Hammock, containing fif-y acres. A l -o, Brail
lev’s Hammoc 1 ., c. nta.ning one huvd e.i and
fi ty five acres- And also, a Harnm" kcalle i
Bra'lilocV’i Camp cnntamg thirty eight acre*,
he Og pa. is sod parcel, ofthe aaid Island of
Ojiahaw. Levied up m as a part of toe es
tate of the I,e John More!, dec-ased, under
ardhy virtue of afi fa nn a decree of th
Suherion Court of " oath am C'-noty, in a case
wherein- Si moo Uonald and wife were com- ..
plainants aid I'bomaa N. Morel and others Honorable the Cuurt of Ordinary of Liber-
True copy from the MHitea, this 21st day
August. 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk.
•Ugost *24 J9+
N otice.
4 LL persona having demands against the
estate of Constant Freeman. Esq late of
*e citv of Washington, deceased, a e re
qoired to hand them in, legally attested,
within t ie time prose ib d by law : and tho«e
indebted to aaid ert -te, are roq-ii edto mr.ks
immediate payinrnt, to
Jan 14 4, -1
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the j
IV *m
b'ir,nue thousand e ght u- «lrcd a« d iwtuiy
five ; transferable in he ?nme m*»iner as c*
provid' d by law fov the traua'Vr of vbe «‘< -.b
subscribed, and su'j-ct to r, d. mpt-on ut ift<.
pleasure ofthe Umtdd Ptatcsi »» fdlow* '>r..
h«'f at any tim*»nfer the d»y »d
I) Ct-inbo., orve thousand eigh* hu.ulr<?<» -mu'
twentv-eight: and the remaind* r n. '»}' t on
nfter the tliiit"-fi st df>v of lleceinbcr,jom-
hnusand eight hnndrid and' twin.t *»<"*• :
Provided, That no reimhur-■■.ement si»a? i.’
made except fnr the who.e smeunt of me'
»ew ceri ft’Hte; nor until utter ht l^as'fix
month* public notice of such tmended re.r.i*
bursement. And it fli*all he the duty of »l»*
Secretary of lhe Trr if.ur-. tu cause to be iraos-
ferrtd to the respective i e-'stiic e-^er-
al truns by th'”n subscribed bet end the Hinomif
of the cer fi..a*es» uf four nnd one half per
:ent. »»ock tssn.’d t« th m rc spec'-i^’v
" Sec. . Ind be it further enacted That
ha same f mda wlrch have hceUitoT. beer*,
nd now are pledged b; 1 law to» the payment
of he. interest, nul for the redemption a'«1
eimburscmenl of the stock which may be re-
deemed «»r reimbursed by virtue of the fro*
visions uft'.Mfi actpBhali remain pledged in like
maimer for .he payment of rhe interest acru*
g on the stock created bv reas-m l, f m h
ubrerip ion, and firtiie redempton or ifun*
• * “- Aid
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stucy, deceased, for
tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN VV. STACY,
dec 18 21
N 1NB MONTHS afiertbe date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Howrahl
VU...V - ht Inferior Court of Chatham coumvi wh
inoC’Bsn’amtlletUVa, with’tlie increHae I -itiing 'nr ordinary purptiaei, for leave to a--,
the families, lnvi'-don unXr a forecloture I lot, with the improvementa, aituate ini’.
— — 1 -,ity of Sivaimah, in the aaid county,and know
n Ihe plan of aaid city b , the No. 53, Bi nwi
d’artl, lor tne benefit of the heira and legvtei -
the estate of the late Hugh M'Call, d.
I :eased.
net 1 4 T>
Unrftl to
Nlici-iff’s hales.
On the first Tuesday in June next
thiJiL.. i.t a „1 *t thv Coun-Huvii. in the
W# GUV of Savannah, between tlie hours
of ten and four o’clock, tlie following 16 ne
grovi,vi*.— ...
Sippio, Hager, Ahnrr, Snap, March, Jerry,
BilVv, Burke, P.rri>, B an, l)u,ah, Little Bram,
FT “ ' ' ’ '' '
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Wash ngton. for use. .
Two negroes, vn: Ned and GlasgotSj ltvi
ed on a foreclmuie of a mortgage from Ckas.
Uimor to Joseph K p;nan.
ISAAC D'r yon; S. C. 0.
sr-il 4 1 9
bheiiii ’s Sale.
O N the first Savurday er the firat Tues- |
day in Max next, between the hours ot
ten and four o’clock, will be soil at the mar
kei-house in the town of St- Marys# ihe fo|-
1* wog negroes, vis: Jody and her s>n John,
Sim in, and Charles levied on as the proper
ty of Jamea Williamson, deceased, to satisfy
ail execution on the foreclosure of a mort
gage, >nfavor of Rdward F. Tattnall, adininis-
tratov >f John Ham iion
M. fl. IIRBRARD, S. C> C.
fit. Marys, February 25,1825.
Ila-c* 2 * 82
btirsetrent ofthe prir.cipMof It simc,
it shall be the dut . cf the eommi «;oners o >-<
nking fund to cause to he applied and "id
nit cf tlie said fun , yearly and .e’e-y ear.
such sum and sit n« a" may be annually ro u r*
ed to discharge the inte est acctu>ng on tht
■tuck which nmy be created bv virtue o thin
rt. The «aid comm s? inner? are, also, iere-
y authorized 'o apply, f • m t me to im»,
ich aum and aums ou» of thr 'd fun!, as
hev may think proper, tnwa»cfs refegning
y purchase, Of by rwrutW-ir*'U», Jlf 100*
irmity with the provision* cf 'tys act, th*
n ineipid ofthe ani l stock : anil aidh part o
the annua! sum often million* ofd'llara, vest
d by law in the »*id cnmmUaionoa, as m-
■e neceha iry and req tired for th« move pur
.josea. shall be and continue app’-mriated to
he payment nf interest and red^npf'on ot
he public debt, until the wlude -»#* tlie stock
h cli may be created under the provisions of
Mu act, shad have been redeemed or reinc
Now, therefore, notice i» hereby gven, that
books will he open-.dal the Trct-uy '>f thr
United States, and *t ’he several loai effi'“a.
n the first day of Anrj| next, and tymtmue
open until the firs' da’ of Oct«be r , thereaf
er, for receiving subset intiona in co^.rmity
with be prov aiensof the said Kw ;
The subscriptions may be made by tie pro-
77r ntlephia, July 26lh, 18.*'4.
Mr. W IV. Potter,
Dear Sir—Vt,i expressed a wish th#t
v. ,r *uld give* concise statement of my S' ffrr-
■ngt*. f-c*n ' th*3 hopeless commeuceme. t. *
ihe -/irt.-tpr-t propitious stage cf my d : se >*e
a\b »ct nye yen^s on rny patsage fror.
liordenux, durim? the r.tOnth of laninry, from
•mprudent exposure or. dock, I was seix
with ■» violent fever. Having no medical at
tendio.t* on boarJ, I was co-aa f ;elie;l to beu
»*, hs I tmg .t for two weeks, when on my %
ival at Charleston. S..C. it whs treated (
Typhus. «he skill i! my Physician subdii
'.he fever, but PI anm-'.ike, trie terminate
-.if this gave ris*- 1.0 .1 d;.<easc tqially dist es-
nc, -ni: which, t»d now. I had tlu oglit incu-
able Va - ion* *hsc|B8sei made thei uuwei-
'omo appearance, particularly on lhc j o
which were swvkd to an enormous s.-z
t'heFe g"?.duAHy ®ut»aided into hard lu nors,
one of which on my left knee affected ti
j bonn—nr. incision was now made *nu a law
•ati-.m cf utts, mixed with p->^c'i of bone
;»!ac . I;ia-!d»ii«ntothia, Isuff'ired die
nwt c*mucintmg pains in my joints that mv.
;r experienced. Every thing that was
,di 'torch cither gave mt no re1 ; eh r ^er
i to Hgg'avate the disease, the seventy of
i !•. Micrjuscd with every succeeding year
Kb w .3 »nv paiidui si uatiun that 1 e:,paire‘
evi-.r being nsstoted Vo my Ileal h;Ihod
no' a -l*' Tied the e nlsr meins of relief,
used, though in vs n, every popular rein-
iy I could hi 1 * o U was in tms awful anil
ispond ng conditiOM,th*t 1 was persuaded to
.omineii:cn co i se ofvour Vm ta i'o ^'“h I
and *.ve happy result is, ' f omthe use
nf the two b. itles. my while rys't in hat under
one a comp'etc rtvo.ution, my piins h.v'jo s>
kea me uie dU' I targe from my xn . -. :*eg
o dimmiab, and si on ceased altogether, I
ice-from -h viice »t proceeded being com
etclv lioaled. The tumors, for the rtmova
of which I r.v'e tried in vain mot c remedir
than I can name, are rapidly decreeing ; my
appetite, which w«sg ne, has return* d—I an
fn-rt; nearly wela, and feel confid <>t tfiat
w pottles move of y. u. , (to n.t) mvaluablt
mediwinc, will m k? me per ectl> so.
Your obhg *1 friend,
NO l lv,E.
N INE months after datt, application will br
made to the t|un-the Judges of the Court
>1 Ordinary-*f Chaiham county, fur leave to I prirlors nf the stuck, ciih*»r in person or by
*eli all the real ratate ofthe late William Craig, I their attorneys duly author z ’ *“
-U'ceascd, for the benefit ofthe heirs and cred
liters of said eatate.
JOHN ftt’NISH, Executor
vt 13 7t
N INE months aft*-* date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
to sub*crib r
nnd transfer t to the United States.
$h u!d subscriptions of said stock he made
to an amount exceeding twelve m llio"t of
JiolLra, a diitnbuti n * f the said aum nf twelve
million* of dollars will be made among,nr
s.ibHcribwra, In proportion to the sum* subscri
bed by them respectively*
Art-ng Secretary of the I’reaiurv*
March 96 1 0‘||'O
Phi adephia, May ’8,18°4.
. Sir—I tm now, thanks to your medicine, a
hearty mar, F»*r nearly six years I have been
LLaniA^o C.-klxka I VTINE months aft** date, application will be I SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, a martyr to a doeSKe, whose ravsg • threat*
Mierin S Otlies. I|3| ma q«totl»e Inferior Court of Chatham I Act’ ng Secretary of the I’reaiurv* ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
O N the first Saturday, after the first Tuea-1 County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an I March 96 1 0-II'O my existence. Having had lift regular medi-
day »n June next, will ba sold at tbe I order, ansolute, to sell lots Net- four am five, 1 —— : • dv, * !e t r,, [ n commencement, my
T aortLnt of the above articles, war 0 f " i y Ub ^'"^ b'fhVfile'b'ort^oFlbS
of Samuel Clarke, indUttoree 8. Brown. -aid eatate WILLIAM GASTON. ranted to be of the beat quality, for sale by „ moat deaperale. I he five ofthe
iortlKlSM- IlThEBBABD,a C.C. qualified Executor. l. W. MOliREL. C.ihol,con which I l»ve taken have eo*-
13 j F 97a I octM Jpletdy cured me, and lain now M.weUui
'ouM wish to be. With my thanki, I am your
'idigcd hum ; /’e lervant, f/a
; , - Qi’OUCR (CANS.
City ofPhi'addphia, ss
G».>V.’’- K . t, «f the District nf South*
>-!irk, permnatly appearrd, and, being d il
'Worn, d *th declare and say flint th** u-mv
••at-ment is in all reapecM cor-ect and trut*.
-\'»d that the dig'mure to it is in the hau<t
writing of tbit deponent.
.Dir BL/H9, AWermaii.
Philadelphia, Ma> 28 i8-4-
The Vegetable Cathohnon »• nemiliufly
adapted to those -liseass*® wh-ch a e prevalent
■nong the colour'd po,/Ul;»t on of th*: south
In that disease which ia ciill-rd ya is, it .ss
fiure remedy t a single trial of it, wilBcotnrnce
p'anters of its superior to rfny reme
dy of a similar nature in the Uuited States*
NO i’ICF#,
llte advantages of this medic’ll 4 : are, not
confining the pa ient unnet«'s°ar:iv to the
house, or keeping him from his busin^sfl.—
With oneaoti' vy exception.'h*xt of s^i'' ”*
liquor*, it dots not lay any restrictions upon
his app ute it is no gentle h tm opera ••on
:ul me p tient finds himaelf '. etting well he
cannot tell how. A* it is not tbe w-sh ofthe
proprietor to take any thing 'or which he
annot give a co ini deration equal in value,
it*rsonj at a disi»nce who may wish to try
is medicine, but who are n »t certain if it
on applicable to thei" comolaint, are request
d . > descr !»« iteir cus" and symp o os id
et»er, p'wf-paM, a id directed tonunr-thts
et;er win bu imm «d-..uvtv nlace-1 in hind:
udy nomp'.t.eut to Ac d: ‘hs que*ti')n.—
hould h.: rt.medy no' *o suit the dis*
:R»e, they will he f. -*nklv told so.
To prevent d H.ipr»oi,u*n- 1 nt it is well to
it .to '.hut it tflV as it. ordinary enses F o n 3 to
ott’e-. to effect r cure ho ‘.h*» ne-s >«.« wh«»
.e !aoouring under any sc-roua n p ,r n.i)
nut make up their mind to pc ran ver e in that
exte n* at least—if-hev do not, they might as
veil Bivethemnelves thf trouble and ex^untt
f uni *o’H g-n-.ller qusn’iiv,
Alt o' de r s p-.'tt-p lid and enc'osing the m r ney
^mediately at:cnd d t.i, ami me iucdi^uie
• iCVedandd'»li» crel with directions for use,
»> any place in C £ city, and forwarded as di*
N. R. To prevent the possibility of 11 im-
.> 'sition,it vi - b' sh ? iutheci y of Pfiilade •
phia, at the «ifio'*. in Filtii near Uac.:-Sir?efi
»ra’ tbs dtvulitng of iltu ; ropri- tor, No. 66
Ihe^ni' a reet, only, an ! abroad by bis au<
hurszadage its W W p'. i i EV?,
66 Che nut Kt -eet, Ph/lade^p/Ha 1
I have appointed GtCORGK BYE .80V
Di-ugni't «t Savannah, m*' flo«e ag* nt. 1> "fi
•psts wi ting the above valuable medicine
will bs supplied 1»v him for cash, at the s»m
rat , n? if ordered direct from me—viZa^-'O
p«i d.z in, or i#.ree • *oI1h'*" a 9«ngie but lie.
W’. 'V. PO r> Ril, Philadelphia.
Any person on applinatiun to Ihesubscm
will b?. furnished with CertificuL s of thr «.fii
cony o‘ the ab ve medicine, sufficient *»
v nee the mind nf the m-»st ^r;e;it"’at <altl«ou)>
to » l umerouH nd U-ngthy for n-• spuper
lertion. GKO ftYEM-O*;', Dm. g st,
G«mor of Ba, ar.d Wliittakei Streets,
df**' 13
»Tf*«,.,. Tfr r niT i 0 ,.
tty sA if UE/. t. j)u 'sst/t )\fr,
imh'. H s'O'i f„- p,M,Z‘ V lJJ.
F.iHILY 'UU.ti eZvvin*
WJ.Mtrsvr.tL brtV:;' !l •«
belhthed with a lib-'
< oc'Tjtyit
'ics. of the Authtr
\ utov ut u VV antttA
A NY information from, or relative to Mr.
FuEDEmcK Lowe, Printer, a native of
Manchester, England, and who, when last
hear*! from, resided at Mouticello, Jasper
county, Georgia, where it was understood
he hail married a young woman of the name
of White, addressed to Robert C. Lowe, to
the rare of the editor of the Charleston
Courier, will be thankfully received.
(□ The editors of papers in the State of
Georgia, and in the Western country, will
confer an obligation upon an anxious mo
tin r, by giving the above one or two in
sertions in their papers. •
jun 22 49
L oiviiig-tilusses,
F UST received, per schooner Retrieve.
•I nn elcgnnt assortment of Mantle and
l’ier Looking-Glasses, at manufactory pri
ces, by J. 11. HERBERT & CO
dec 18
Canon Castings,
AfD rt|Y*Vf\POUNDS Canon Cart-
It-1/ J 1/w ings, for sale low, by
doe IB N. R. WEED
Pi ot bread. •
| <y HALF RBLS. Ingli,’ Pilot Bread,
X U rust received and lof rale bv
just i
doc 29
J. i). HERBERT & CO.
Philadelphia, Jult, 6, ’ 8 4
Mv confidence in tile veget ,!.»le c,tliolicnu
ini timinisi.-J-l, nnd ua fr-sh in tinecs of it.
powers arc drib' oceui-ri g, in my own ptcc-
\ioe It ave no bcutnllon in recommencing it,
in the pecuTar d.semes to wi-ieh it -.a npolic: •
e, 119 superior to any reme L 1 am acquaint
ed with. M. H’ilUit l ltlE. at. D.
PMlaMiptoa, .nay -8, ;s 4
Sin—In enn.eq'i- nee of impru P-nt expos
nrefoet - ears ago Ih.d th: miafortune >o be
come . ffl cted with a disease, the painful re
ul sot which induced me to i.pply in sue-
ej,-on to -e-er.i respect.<ble uliyaiciana ol
tli.ft city, from wliom, however, I receiven
ilher no relief, or from whore ren ed cs I re
ceived inottier cninpl« ; nt quite «« distieaaing
» the former. My whole »ysto o became a -
fecled. I could get r.o rest at night oo ac-
on it of tl.e violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body ; the weakness and e nacia
turn if which waa such that I could scarcely
walk. In th ; s state t fbrtunine.y heard of
y-.ur vegetable catholicon—four bottles ol
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite is good i and mv
Strength restored With m»ny thanks for
the relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, be.
Sworn and lubicnSed to h. lore me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BlNNi, A dcrm.n.
Feather Beds.
J EST received by the William Wallace,
a large supply of the above articles,
ith Bolsters and Pillows to match, war
ranted to be ofthe host quality.
Jnn Vt
bpauisn begars.
I5D ""tTqTdo \ S P a ”W 1 S °g ars -
Just received per Globe, and for sale by
dec 4
Webster’s Books,
9 > ECEIVED and for salo bv
1* Jun 13 JV. B. WEED.
t ast . v heel Iron Box toves,
jj«OR SALE by
nov 24
No. 6, Gibbons’ Range.
Par, Kitcb, It sio 150.
20 10 do Pitch
10 do Rosin
5 do bright Varnisit
For sale by A. BASSETT,
No. t, Mongol's New-Building.
Feb 4
Wire i-’e -tiers a d Cast-Iron
( hltnney Baelt«,
R ECEIVED per ship Corsair, and for
sale by N. B. WEED.
dor. 27
. t. roix
-g f» HOGSHEADS of Su Croi - Sugars,
X O of very prime quality, landing from
schooner Nancy, and for sale by
hall & iioyt.
Jan 20
I n shi’l be well minted, on good pin,, .
I.e c mp,-is d -n 4* handsome
will eot.tairt the 3cri|itu-c-i of ti e Od fit
Alts Testaments, tie Inloduclory nt,*
Explanatory ' etet, sn.t /'niche d
»» J uII tlie copious Alar^ino' tteficenen
ine, printed word tor wor i ft im the l. iV™
Stereotype F.dit-on, publ-thed aince the A«.
tmrV dirThe prim, will he ioi ’
beard-1 *"4, in sheep i g30, in c*1f bi.,<t,i le
' *18 J5 * urk Wl * be re “ <lj ' for<leli,e, yv
Hx raets ef Lelle-t ndtlettedto th- Pul'IYr,
I srt'-cm Ur Scott’. F.mdy Bibl -, emin-ntlv
caicuiated to promote t*ie ca-n - of t u , t (, ?
piety I' seems scarcely potrh'.e for on io
read daily the, Notes and Oban v. ionj ) n ,v"
Family Bible without bet;,,mi-,», v -„, '
'Otter man. BIIWAitilD G’ltFPlM *
I li tre seen no comm ntsrv .if the Snired
icriptitrea which I think ,u well adapted t 0
general ute and edifisutioo. It , s a (reauira
- bicli ever, family ought to pmtite.
A ?, i TON
It is « work dijtingu shell for 'he aimnli’a.
tj and convenience of it. arungemeat ti, e
cl,,mesa mt I fi 'eltly of it* eipnti.i- Jn . ,i„
leatnesa and u-rspicu !y of ih style, ^ rg ,
nevob nee and candour of its apin', Or r-n.
i; sen css vid pv.tinennv of its uppVuut
and for its umf jrm t r.d. ncy to pro note t\tw
f'ei.caiHruth piety,
*BIKfa ROLve?
Of Dr. Maori’s Family !i,»i e 1 te I free
say. th it in tny estiimtibn ii deservedly r.*a||
•oftg our ablest «nd b -ai Comm nlp. ips
„ , « 'fiJOMJi, BALDWIN,
D-. Scull’s Family B.bie mircpj.
pectally fort 1 ’** use of 0h"8i:jn •,isi
liM|k high y ev»ngelica!, ttxtenaiveiy mnme.
uvey and deeply i uerj - ^n -;.
\ UlNtEL 3. S VNr.SRS.
Th? dfiaracter of Ur. Soli’s Coainirrmr,
-.n ti» Bibtu. is so generally kanwn, and »
ttghlv h; prove*! amotiusi the in .si iritclt.rr*nt
id pi*»u« Ghr.stians ihroiqrhdllt oar co-mu,
..n;1 has passed rapidty tl-r.^ugl so nirny ly je
ulitIons, lfi«t I Jetin fuitutr rec.'m^fiulii'
'.ous needless*
. . , J W0U8R.
I am ncqusml »d wiffi. no Gonr■»•*■ Untv no
•h SacreO he iplur**«. I vn/uld «r.,r e
cordially retouiniL i;a 'or gcntrNl use. Ue
• .an ofthe work is?ood
Perhaps in no way, can niini«l> rs, i. stnictrn
f youth, and private Ctri9tiar.», do gre.,ur
rv'ec to society, than bs esert iijr th* m.
•'!v«s to digs minute thin truly inviilinbfc
I «riowof no Comment* y which ih b<t‘er
.cuhted for.diftufling correct vieus of via
gr» *>t .rubs nf Chiisti-nity, ard*.j»|.
T v imp»esfio"S »»n th mind whin ruing
• m the pe u:fl of it, than the one yi.u ?re
b -ut to publish.
No writer 8'ems lessd.ap<sei] toccniend
for barren sprtubn ns None more uniform.
Jv or more pow.ifuily inculca'esthe grcu'ti*
entiala ol religion. The tpi'it which pt^
diS the work is cxcelV » / a is »he me k,
QViliomtre, healing, yetis fhfld spirit of the
. sr»e1* - D \ IPX DANA.
From particuta 1 exim'"i»ti n. am! concur*
e ng tyaiiir.on-,, the t is no (lcubt on my mind
»!•*» Scott’s Family Bibfi* >s lupirinr to all
h:rs JO " Pli EWEU80N.
You will plot's.'to ae*d to s x capita uf
Ic-ilt’a Bible ; I refer to your audy propoiei
edition. Pet fin,it, I diall induce hve tn»re to
tf*kr the rmemrmher. II-1.
Ii iaviith extrtn e pleanur** I-p**ccire
.ou are about »o puhfih a n* k w c '.i iond
dcof’s Bible. Having been in p.vB- r .f w *f
it mure tba* 20 y s:s, I trua* l fcr,.nv inr
hir g ••f.'s vuitii, nuti a n dct«:'tr‘- e t > •'>
note i s c rcutulion anionp my friends Va
wii; please foi ward six copies as sv<on s«>m>
isbed. fi. U
I have obtained four subicribers f *r l!<
exetHeist work you ar*. publishing il. 5.
I projiuse to take seven sets of 8dbt'* fli*
hie, and will be accountable ftriheismc
; c.
I fi«v* oMrt.'nrjfl 8'.bsC-*UeiBformn> Cr.piel
of Scott’:- F.nVuy B Me. J. ti
1 shall probably need eight or ten m t
Saott'a Family Bible. J. i’
Itev.S. S. of P. Las o' taincu ten s »V*c:i*
hors. K.W.
I liave observed that you are oboi.t pub*
idling another edition cf Sect's Hide
tope you may surcre i as you I* ve done**
drmer editimiF. I have been cmleavori; g to
locuresubscriherr amoi g our people, mi!
euoT more subscribers will be ob ai: t-J
0. $.!f,
I will take ten sets (of Scott’s H^t)
bound a"d lettered. f- *'
I have obtained ten Btibscribcis f ,r )' iUt
edition of the Family Uifc.’t—and n«
uht but there might be 8 >mciliir g'is*‘.w
iipies . old in this place if you bad kii *P'“
here—I ilioujfht tt-e work ought to br tj*
cottraged ai.a f-»r hat reusoo to ;k a subset'
•.ion paper. It is a work thit every f‘ m 7
should have that is able to puichste. *
J, £ «'•
I am glad, ’hat y^u propose to pM>' ^
Scott'g excellent Family Coinmtn*’ry» ••' 9
jtuiulil be very triad ff« were in my Vf aex }
•vc • more Itbeial patronage to the wor,
.ban, as circumstances are, 1 can D |Jl j
.mwever, be able to do something; eight tv
ten se a I shall c ertainly take} and it iwy “
double that number,
i huve procured fifteen subiciib'r* *
Scott’s Bible. J h,v>
1 think 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or iw**
he Family Bible. E.B,
I have circulated proposals for Frottk
B.ble ; how many have been''ng»gcd
cannot ull; but between 20 and
ha vicinity.
I have concluded to become renponiis *
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s
I have procured 106 subscriber! to ^
Ihblet 6 a.‘ > ts to be bound in calf; 3
be done in board* the other 97 setk ^
and lettered at described in the provp^r
1 presume I could procure J00
era tor your edition of Scott’s Bible ,
demar'd is inct-.-aaing for tliem. ThefV
fi.,ally aupertede every other large or I*”
'I,hie. Fifty ol my aubrertben lire
circle of 8 mile.! . ‘L
omplVteS'lMJn fli,lot, of the .»«£!$
references; pn«- m hastJi' »'»ft
51*71 • in calf Etth»r ot .jf*
i br l,a‘<.f»rt'publi.h rin U^ 0 ' 1 •
3" Jj.fc y SCHENCK. Savannah. m
la H
nov 20