Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 23, 1825, Image 3
Cotton* Bagging „ „ PIECB8 «i«« h Cotto " B W* 50 nV Doim^o Cottonwood. ^ N “ -P*S» HH-t- 24p For sale by Sugar, Molasses!! Q/t HOGSHEADS New-Orleam Mo- OUi 45 e«do 8ug«n 100 Barrel. Northern Gtn which will bo .old low for cash or town ptunces, by 1* PETTY. April 21 *4l WILLIAM PATTERSON, _ -TAB on hind a large and general as- H sorrmentof _ . Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, t which he will sell, at reduced prices for Da- i rien Money. April 19 85P Just Received by ship Augusta, g O DOZEN Soidlitz Powders I ltd Sulph. Quinine, English Mustard Cinchoniua April 14 Opposite the Exchange. , Flour. 1 A AA BARRELS Falmouth Superfine 4UU Flour,Thistle braud,fresh ground, received per sloop Lucy Healy. 130 Barrels Haxhall's Richmond Super- perfiuc Flour For sale hy PONCE & MACKENZIE. April Id 20l Masonic Aprons. s FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master A Mason’s ApronB. just received anti for sale bv BUTLER & SCRANTON. March 10 89 Prime Seed Rice, TTlOR SALE—apply to Jb SAMUfiLM. BOND, or R. Si J. HABERSHAM. March 11 »<» hzafthtiiglvi uni Vvttufc, JUST received and finale b^ REiD . Feb 22 75 Darien Money. TWILLS of the Bank of Darien, will be 3J received fur Dry Goods, by C. W. ROCKWELL. April 14 1° For Sale, A SECOND HAND GIG, in good order, A with complete Harness. Enquire at ftib office. March 36 0* Flour. 1 BARRELS FLOUR, for fam- J Ju ily use, warranted superior to Canal, for sale by JOHN W. LONG. April 4 09 Ch cks and Drafts on New- Y rk, at any sight, 1"V sums to suit purchasers. Apply at A tin- Marino and Fire Insurance Office. Act’ 1 ’5 19 V» allied, . TV-'PTY PORTER BOTTLES—Ap Li |,ly to GEO l VERSON. Mu roll 4 Door Mats. TUST received by the William Wallace #* three dozen best quality India Door Mub. • »T sale by I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 Butler, &c. Jost Received by thip Augusta. t KEGS Goshen Butter. 1st quality. I U a Bbls. Sargeant’s Crackers. 5 do. While Bos us For sain by A. BASSETT. April 3 13 Castor < il. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, lor sale by P. E. BllASSINNE, Ms rob 29 Opposite the Exchange. Gin and Butter. Received per ship Corsair, BARRELS GIN. and by Thomas • Hall, 34 Kegn Butter Forsnl by J. B. HERBERT & CO. March 26 Butter and Hams, T> F.CEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins Xl, first quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington tlnma jnr sale by A. BASSETT. March 31 (tlass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with x*. UIiwb Stands, for wile bv GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay und Whittiker-Streets. March 4 Potatoes. WK TIERCES Prime Northern Pota- f toea,iiiKt received and for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN Si WOOD. March 3 divuim s lUm ieea. A x? SUPPLY of this celebrated .. j “» e fi'cmc, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 ftWkitig. A i„„n, d T n of I,a y & Martin’s Genu- " me Blacking, for sale by - . P- E. BRASSINNE, Jan °PP° B ‘lc the Exchange. Prime Pork, txc. Juit received by brig Phermnt, on BARRELS PRIME PORK £t\J 10 do Mens do 20 do Prime Beef 10 do Mess do 5 do White Beans 10 Firkins choice Goshen Butter 200 Pounds Pearl Barley For sale hy A. BASSETT. April 21 UROCKKRY WARE. KA CRATES CROCKERY WARE, rJv just received by ship Westmoreland, for sale low for cash or city paper, by T. G. CHAMBERLIN, No. 5, Gibbons’ Building*, april 1 07||re Goshen Butter. QA FIRKINS Prime Goshen Butter, £t vr just received and for sale by COHEN Si MILLER. April 21 2-le At Private Sale, A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty-five Ixl years of age, an excellent cook, wash er anil ironcr, with her two children, one a boy about ten years of age, and a girl about five years old. April 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO. Whiskey and Paint. fl C. GRISWOLD, offers for eale, land- V/. ing from ship Savannah, 100 Barrels Whiskey In Store, 100 Kegs White Lead 22 do Black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting March 18 Goshen Butter. T71IFTEEN firkins received per ship A’u- Jl gusts, for sale bv April 8 J. B. HERBERT Si CO. Fish t ines. CJILK, Cotton, Hair, India Seaweed and *3 llomp Fish Lines, received per Wm. Wallace, and for sale by March 7 N. B. WEED Loaf Sugar. Q A BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP Ol/ SUGAR, for sain bv P. M’DERMOTT. An-il 14 Prime PorK rv Sperm -iil Just received per thip William Wallace, OJA BARRELS Prime Pork O Vr 20 Barrels first quality Sperm Oil ’40 Barrels Prime and Muss Beef For sale bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN Si WOOD, April 15 Anciniix’s Wharf. Fish Ho >ks and Fi ll Lines TVNE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted Uf 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the Augusta, and for salo by Feb 26 N. B. WEED. Bait ^Mattresses. TUST received by the William Wallace, ll an additional supplv of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 The Engine Committee, TT/’ILL receive proposals for eroding an Tr engine house in Liberty-Square— the matcriuis to be furnished by the con tractor. I. MINIS. J. MORRISON, J. W. JACKSON. April 15 19 Wanted, UANKABLE MONEY. Applv nt AJ LUTHER'S EXCHANYE OFFICE March 11 Howard-Street Flour. -* fWA BARRELS superfine Howard-St. JlvrUI Flour, landing from sloop Cadet, will be sold low if taken from the wharf, by April 11 HALL & HOYT. » Venetian Blinds. rflHE Subscriber offers fnr sale a com- X plete assortment of VENETIAN 'BLINDS, suitable for windows of every size. Also, old Blinds repaired. 1. W. MORRELL, march 30 105 At Private Sale. A PRIME NEGRO MAN, about twen- A ty-five years of age, an excellent house - servant and coachman, for sale hy | J. B. HERBERT & CO. 1 April T i Wanted, TNIRST QUALITY GEORGIA AR- . X ROW ROOT. Apply to April 12 GKO RYERSON. KOPMAN 8j CO. H ‘ A.VE received, by theWilliam Wah lace, a further supply of Btitlih, VtftflcYv & Canton UttoAs, viz •. t and J Cambric Printa Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Marseille Vesting Plaiu and figured Jaconet and Bool Muslin Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and Aprons Do do Hltdkfs pnd Points Silk Stripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, nsaortod Madrnss Handkerchiefs Super Bine Cloths and Cassimeres Black and Colored Canton Crapes Black Nankeens do Colored do Robes Sinchcws and Levantines Levantine Sattin Black Figured Silka Brown do do Baroges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nankeens Btndana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona 8ilk Stockings and Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fn ns 4 Cnsos i Linens, assorted 2 do i, {, and Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, die. II do Oznalmrgs jether with a variety of other articles, irtliy the attention of Planters and Coun- -iv-. wm M m stffe Mb TOB. tt.Ayft.Et. LINE OF PACKETS has been esta blished between New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the Firtt ™ Ffleenth days ijf each month during the '/tor. The ships composing the line, are fast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper faatened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be reqaired, for comfort and conveni ence. Pasaengers in the cabin will be ta- kenforgMO each, for which they arelurnish- od with beds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, maybe sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception ana forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such caseB be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by nnil. Letters respecting either freight or pas- age, must be addressed, post paid, to / CRASSOUS Si BOYD. Agenlt, New York. oct 14 72 moo wm, BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 23d inat. At eleven o’clock, Will be sold at Wm. Gaston, Fisa’s, store, 400 Bags Port-su-Prince COFFEE, in lots to suit purchasers.—Terms cash. April 22 , BY J. B.HERBERT tr CO. THIS DAY, 23d Inst. At XI o'clock, will be cold before our store, a general assortment of GROCE- I.— 1 TV RIES.—Terms cash. April 22 BY CALVUf BAKER, On MONDAY, 25th instant. At XI o’clock, will be sold before his Auc tion Store a general assortment of GRO CERIES. Also, 45 barrels Buperfiue FLOUR—for Darien money. Arril 23 BY CALVIN BAKER, On FRIDAY NEXT, 29th instant. Willbe8old at the plantation of Major Stevens, on Skidaway Island—4 Horses, 15 head of Cattle, consisting of one Bull, Steers, Cows, and Calves, 12 Sheep, in fine order, Plantation Tools, Ploughs, Carts, 20 new WlieelbarroWB, Household Furniture, &c. &c.—Terms cash. April 23' HIE co-partnership existin', between the subscribers, under the firm of F. GILLET S( CO. will be dissolved by mutnal consent on the first day of June next. Those having claims against the firm, are requested to present thorn for settlement, and those in dehted will please settle their accounts be fore the fifteenth of May next—after which time all the unsettled accounts will be put in the hands of an attorney for collection.' L.LARDON, F. GILLET. April 16 20 DYftft0L\m0X. For Liverpool, [To tail about the bth Alay.) The ship OGLETHORPE, Tubmr. Matter. For freight of 300 bales of Cot ton or passage, applv to BEftJ. BURROUGHS. April 22 25c SKI LL G OFF, T?osYtVve\y ftt Cost'. The subscribers offer for sale, their entire stock of DRY GOODS, at cost, for cash or good paper only. It comprises a general and well selected assortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN, IN DIA AND AMERICAN Fresh Imported Goods, suitable for the present season. Darien Bank Bills taken at par. F. GILLET & CO. April 11 15rb BEittOVAli. T HE subscribers have removed to John stop’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Si Co. whore they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. W. Si II. ROSE. April 5 10 ID" The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milicdgeville. will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. ft I 5 RING and ftA.M.MLtt GOGOft. B Y the sliips Georgia aod Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE mm mm®* Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they can be afforded and will be sold at. low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 211 HO Fop New-York, [ESTABLISHED LINE,) The regular packet ship AUGUSTA, George White, Matter, Will meet with quick despatch, For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to Capt. White, on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL Si HOYT. April 16 Passage for England, The fast sailing coppered shi| W. B. Webb, Matter, Can comfortably accommodate three or four more passengers, and will sail for Liverpool about the 24th inst. Applv to ANDREW LOW Si CC April 18 21 For Boston, The aubstantial schooner DOLPHIN, Stephen Burgett, Matter. For freight or passage apply to the master on board at Bolton’s Central Wharf, or to PARIS HILL. April 19 122 nie mastei For Baltimore, Direct, The first-rate, fast sailing schr. RISING SUN, Captain Fairbank, Burthen one hundred and thirty six tons, coppered and copper fastened, will eail on Sunday next. For freight or pas- ipnly to Capt. Fairbank, on board, at Who " sage, a Rice’s barf, or to J. B. HERBERT Si CO. April 16 A For Philadelphia, The schr. MARGARET, J.-Mathews, Matter. £For passage onlv, apply to JOHN CANDLER, - Jones’ Buildings, lVho hatfor tal,e Philadelphia Family Flour No. 3 Mackarel, Duck, Cordage Claret and Madeira Wine, in boxes April 14 18 BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. THIS DAY, 23d inst. Will be sold before our store, a general assortment of GROCERIES. Terms caeli. . April 23 . BY J. B. Hi RULHT St CO. THIS DAY, 23d inst. Will be sold before our store,’at Xl.o’clk 100 barrels FLOUR. 20 do No. 3 MACK' EREL-—Terms cash* - April 23 -ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, imh May next, AT EI.EVKN O’CLOCK, Will be sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberta, deceased consisting of a dwelling House in Greene ward, on lot No.20, An excellent Horae, Gig and Harness, one Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash, Epaulets, Sic. toge ther with a quantity of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Adminiftratix. April 8 113 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, OntheFIRSTTUESDAYinMAY NEXT, At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Land, No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. Ono half of the purchase money will be required at the time of sale, and the balance on the first of January, 1826, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by order of the administratrix. March 3 Savannah and Augusta Mai LOACH. New Arrangement——Georgia Side, T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has removed the Line •f Stages oil the Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sends; Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A.lL lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day, For seats, apply at the Georgia-Hote). JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, , Proprietor. Savannah, March 20,1825. N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Giga, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 100 IaO'CTER'I NOtiGE. T HE public are informed, that ordera cannot be received for tickets in Uni ion Canal Lottery, 16th Class, after the 14th inst. at less than Ten Dollars. The Scheme is a very brilliant one, and draws on the llthofMsy.iii Philadelphia. Sixty Numbtn—Eight Ballolt to he Drawn. CAPITALS. 1 Prize of - . . 850,000 • 20,000 - 10,000 - 5,000 - - 4,720 - 1,000 - • 500 100 1 1 2 1 20 30 52 Sic. Sic. amounting in the aggregate to DOLLS. 273,760 DOLLS. Apply immediately and save a dollar, qt LUTHERS OFFICE. EXCHANGE April 14 A FRESH SUPlLV ut the above VAL UABLE MEDICINE, juat received per brig Frances, stiff for sale by GEO. RYERSON, Sole Agent, Corner Bay and Whittakcr-Strects. March 4 1 on barb * GovefS March 14 BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, Savannah, 31st March, 1625. ( Notice. A N election will be held at the Banking- House in this city, on MON DA Y, the second day of May, ensuing, for Nino Di rectors, on the part of the Stockholders in this Institution. The poll will be opened st ten o’clock, A. M. and closed ut two, P- M. By order of the Boa rd, A. PORTER, Cashier. 07 irs of th* Augusta Constitu- ' ■ • ” "—ia Jour- Molasses and Flour. Tending from trhr. Jlgcnorto, Qfk HOGSHEADS t/U 24 Tierces 15 Barrels 240 Burrels Flour, will be sold low from the wharf. H. LORD & CO. Mongin's Wharf. April 20 24p New-Orloans Mo lasses. Corn, Flout, Wtttakoj & Gams. 2400 ® US11ELS vvl,it ® Mar J' Ia,d 50 Barfcls Supf. Howard-St. Flour 150 do Whiskey 200 Hants in bags Landing from schooner Thomas Hall, from Baltimore, for sule by HALL & HOYT. March 25 Linseed Oil, R ECEIVED per brig Frances and ship Emperor, 20 Barrels Linseed Oil 8 Barrels White -Beans 3000 Pounds Codfish 10 Kegs Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Sergeant’s Butter Crtckera For eale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & MOOD April 11 Anciasx’s W|arf. For Freight or Charter, The fast sailini GEOI J. Low, Matter, Apply to the master, or to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. April 7 tiling pilot-boat schr. JRGIA ANN, For New-York. The sloop . NORTHERN LIBERTY. \ For freight or passugo, apply Ctu the Master on board, or to JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Buildings. 122 April 19 Stolen or Strayed from the Subscriber. A BLACK HORSE, with docked tail. A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the horse, or any information which may lead to his recovery. WILLIAM ROCHE. April 20 23p JESt CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, J April 7, 1825. j of Bread T HE average price of flour being $5 75, per barrel, 296 pounds weight, the weight of bread the present month, must be 12-i Cents Loaf, : : : 3 lbs. 1 oz. 6f do. do. : : : : I 84, of which all bakers and sellers of bread will ! take due notice. Sperm Candles, Gtshen ter, &c, KECETTKD pra SHIP WIB. WALt.AI f\ ft BOXES SPERM CANDLE! £i ej 20 Kegs Goshen Butter 20 Hf if Barrels Beef 22 KegsWripe lie by J. B. HERBERTS CO. irillff ' April 8 M. W- STEVH0RT, C. T. Goshen Butter. Jutt received per thip Emperor, | Q KEGS first quality Goshen Butter K d 8 Bbls. Sergeant’s Butter Crackers 10 Half barrels family Mess Pork 10 do Fulton Market Beef 2 Barrels Smoked Tongues dEY,""CLAGHORN da WOOD. 31«*. Aocisux’s Wharf.’ J DRAWING OF THE Union Canal Lottery, loth Class, New Series. T HE subscribers,Commissioners appoint ed by the Governor of thu Common wealth uf*Pcnnsvlvauia, to superintend the drawing of the Union Canal Lottery, Fif teenth Clase, New Scries, do hereby certify, that the following were the numbers which were this day drawn, viz: 37, 22, 34, 20, 21, 50, 42, 28, ami trial the aaid numbers were drawn in the order in which they stand above; that is to say, No. 37 was the first that was drawn; No. 22 was the second t No. 34 was the third; No. 20 was the fourth; No. 21 was the fifth; No. 50 wts the sixth; No. 42 wsb the seventh; and No. 28, was the eighth and last. ANDREW BAYARD, ANDREW PETIT, JOHN READ. Attest—John Roberts, Secretary.' Those who hold prize tickets, will caR and receive the cash, or renew them in the 16th Class,(or other Lotteries'if (hey choose) which is a very brilliant one, and will be drawn on 11th’ May—Capital Prizes 850,(too, 20,000. 10,000, $C. The pcheme will be published in & faw daysf—Tickets 9 dollars. Orders received tit EXCHANGE OFFICE. March 24 N otice A LL persons are forewarned not to pur- A. chase a note which was given by me, as I thought at the time, to the estate of Samuel Clisby, but by ftraud which was practised on me at the time, I find now to be in the name of one Timothy Clisby. As I never had any dealings with, or owed Timothy Clisby any tiling, as soon as any person shews mo proper authority to col lect the debts of the estate of Samuel Clisby, I will pay any sum which I may owe the estate, in manner which was agreed upon at the time, and not otherwise. P. M’DERMOTT. April 7 12 Jfottce \\fctfcbj Given, T HAT ninety days after date, applica tion will bn made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dated 20th October, 1819, to. two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Feb. 1826. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb 11 66 Cap Missing. A BROWN FUR ,CAP having cover ings for the ears, and somewhat soiled within by use, was taken from the Ex change on Monday night. As the adver tiser^ name was fastened inside, the per son having it can be at no loss in ascertain ing to whom it belongs. Apply at this of fice. March 24 100 The Chief Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining the number and location of the private wells in the city. He therefore requests those who own or occupy lots on which there are such, to leave a memorandum at the Post-Office, or at his dounting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which they are situated. If their depth, their diameter, the depth of water in them, ami whether there is now a pump or bucket for lifting the water, can be added, it will be very ac "**.ble.— t ' *5 loi DRAWING or THE NEW-YORK STATE LITERATURE LOTTERY, ,-Clus No. 4, for December, 1024. T HE following are tlm numbers and the order in which they were drawn, on the 6th day of April 1825: 20,17, 42,37, 8. 54,56 39,25. Those interested will call and examine the drawing and receive their prize uioncy\ or invest it in some other Lottery, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE April It) OFFICE. Notice. * T HE Commi sioners of Pilotage have made arrangements to furnish all ves- sols inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will bo kept in the office of the Commissioners in the Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Pilotage, March 31 08 fO’ict}. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Francis Courvoisejste of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay- merit in • v ment to R. HABERSHAM, and l HABERSHAM march 18 :S Qualified 1 ecutors. 96 Notice.. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE. J April 13th, 1825. ( T HE city taxes for the present, will be payable at this office from this day. to the 13th of May next, after which time, executions will issue against all.por- sons in default. M. W. STEWART, April 14 City Treasurer Plough Lines and lied i.ords T WO hundred and fiftv d jzou Plough Lines 60 Dozen Bed Cords For sale by N. B. WEElT Feb 26