Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 25, 1825, Image 3
Fov Providence, Tho sloop A p V E N T IHI B. Shaw, Ahuter., sp„, freight or passagb, apply totlie ANDl.ER, Jones' Buildings. 87 April 55 _ For Augusta, The elegant ste»m-bnat PENDLETON, Captain Bracken, _____JVVill ho here this "for- noon. end proccud immediately. P*®’ sage only, apply to the canton. or ,0 April PS * Baggmg. I r a PFEUES best 42 inch Bagging, lJU ‘orsdlchv oR(5BGORT)oN April 25 • 2Tp F esh Q itm>’nl H Grain S :g >, U RCEIVED by ship VV’m. Wallace, and K tor m)e\y & ; heotrtcks0 N. • Shad’s-Buildings, Savannah. < J ♦ • rotfnuj, OV MELANGES POL/TIQUES BT LITTBRAIRES, A FRENC1I MAGAZINE publlahod in Nhw-Vork, In weekly numbers, pride jji’ipnr annum, ®J Ihr six ninpths, or $2 toy three months, payable in advance. Sixteen numbers are received, and per sons desirous of obtaining it, are requested o call and subscribe. W. T. WILLIAMS. April 14 Wti.t.&a. Bale Rope, Powder, he, ■g /~v I'BG. Hale Rope JOO Kegs Powdor 80 do Tobacco 30 Bales Domestics 5 Bugs Pepper 20 Pieces Cotton Bagging, and 20.000 lbs. Rneon. Together with n goneral assortment of Wry Ooo&s and ^TOce,v\?s, For sale low bv ’ JENCKS. Market-Square. April 22 025p A mil 25 3<\mes Anderson Co. II r AVE removed to the middle tenement L Young's Buildings, where they offer for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY ANO STAPLE 1)11 Y GOOD-l, received by the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-York. April 25 27 Dissolution. T HE Co partnership existing between the nnbstrihbVt*, under the .fijm of POUCLASS & SORREL, will expire by its own limitation on tho firrtt «f May next. R H DOUGLASS. bv bis Att'hrhi’v Kb SoniiEi.* FRANCIS SORREL. The Suhscrioer win upuunuu me CfitUuUnttn ft«»\w8a, in hid own name, and ( so(jcitsthe patronage of the friends of the lermer House. FRAN CIS SORREL. April IP I2*|| • JOSEPH &0FMAN $ Cl). ' H AVE recoivad by tho Williiln Wal lses, a further supply of British, I'reftch & Canton Gooffs,•. I and ] Cambric Print* Ginghams. Dimities White and Printed Marseills Vesting Plain and llgured Jaconet and Book Muslin Plaiii and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and Aprons Do do Hhdkfs and Points Silk b'tripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted Madras, Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths und Cassimeres Black and Colored Canton Ciupes Illnck Nankeens do / Colored do Robes I Sinchews and Levantines Levantine Ssttin Black Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Drcssi Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nnnkcens . Bandana and Flng Handkerchiefs/ Black Barcelona j Silk Blockings and Half Hose j Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols nnd Fans 4 Cases J Linens, assorted i 2 do I, |, and •<, Diapers 20 Bales Domestic wnuda. Krri|u>. Sbirtiee-u oiC ' «• .j.. Oznaburgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy tho attention of Planters and Coun try Morel) nuts. A pril 16 20 FOB. HAYVAtt. A EINe OF PACKETS hta been esta- biishod between New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the Firtt and Fflcenth da y» of tack month during the year. The ships composing the line, are fast sailers, well (bund and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for $140 each, for which they arc furnish ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their recoption and forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases bo actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. AleticrBog is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRA8SOUS &.BOYD. Aerent*. New York, net 14 I” Din and W his key. -t HOGSHEADS New-Englund Rum J. U ‘JO Barrels dn do 2(1 Barrels Rntcnborg Lin W Pipes do uo 20 Barrels Morgan* dp . 20 Hogsheads Philadelphia Whiskey 10 Qr. Casks Currant Wine ' 5 Barrels Orange Juice 5000 Snanish Sugars 5 Half boxes Cotton Ca rds, No. 10 Rive in whole and half tierces For sale low by S. C. GREENE. April 25 27p|| OIL L VolPS, o>c. Lay &j* <■ iicndrickson, H AVE received by ship William Wal lace, a new supply of Glass Lamps Japan Socket and Stand do Lamp Feeders, Lump Wick and Lamp GIassos of different sizes Also, Pure Sperm Oil am) Oil Cannis- tors, of one,two nnd three galls, each* Together with every article necessary for making safe, cheap and pleasant light , nt tlit* corner of Congress and Whittaker-Sts. ap*'| 9<; ‘27 ( hath un Academy, A PUBLIC EXAMINATION of tho Classes in the Acadomy* will take place on Thursday next, v28lh inst. The parents nnd friends of the pupils, are invi ted to nt'end. The ensuing quarter commences on Mon day, May 2d. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. April 25- 271 R. W. M’KLNNON. Notary Public, H AS removed his Office to his resi dence in Chippewa Square, south west of the Theatre, and four doors east of John H. Morel, Esq’s, office, where during the Spring and Summer months, in addition to the duties of his appointment, lie will At tend to the posting of Books, and tho examin ation and drawing out of Accounts. Maso nic Coiiilicates, Certificates of Citizenship. Bonds, Deeds, and other Documents, exo- . cufed on parchment. N. B. R. W. M’K. wifi attend at the Of fices ami Comptiug Rooms of those who may prefer it. April '25 57 Cit^ feUfttifTa Ofitaft, April 23d, 1825. 5 T HE Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Sqvuii- •iiah, will bo adjourned until Wednesday, the fourth of May next, of which all per sons, suitors, and others concerned, will take notice. A. 1.1)’LYON, C. S. April 25 27 Notice. T IIE undersigned will receive propoi lor the erection of an Engine-Hoi •osals lor the erection of un Engine-House in Libnrty-Hquiirn. of rhe following mate xials and dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 28 feet long, ‘J feet in the clear, a door at each end 10 feet wide—the materials brick, tho roqf'slated, nnd to extend 2J feet from the raves, with irons from which to suspend lad ders—the Hour to btj of brick laid edgeways, 2j inches above the surface of the earth—- and all the necessary locks, hinges, ilc. &u. AL», for a similar building, materials wood, w itli the exception of the floor, which must Its the same as ubove specified. GEO. MILLEN, 1 MINIS, .T. MORRISON. April 95 07 Sugar, Molasses. <54e. DA HOGSHEADS Nnw-Uileans Mo OU lassos 45 do Sugars 100 Barrels Northern Gin which wiH be Bold low for cash nr town acceptances, by L. PETTY. April 21 24l Hale. For A FEW hogsheads prime quality Leaf Tobacco. Kegs do Large Twist do 2000 Pounds Georgia and North Car olina Bacon with n general assortment of Groceries. Apply to T.R. PRICE. April 14 l«ju ('iftton Nagging. PIECES Prime Hemp Bng- ging, for sale by A nri! GUMMING & GWATIIMEY, I'-uil, A AAA BUSHELS LIVERPOOL GROUND SALT, tlir sale by April 22 ORRAY TAFT f 'P Cotton Bugging. t5?c. S'/~w PIECES 42 inch Cotton Bagging ®'I VIII DlllUh Duiiir.rtio L«Unu^{.iiifu]it 100 ICegs Cut Nails, nssorted For sale by PARIS HILL. April 21 24p 20 Goshen Butter, FIRKINS Prime Goshen Butter, just received and for sale by COHEN & MILLER. April 21 24n Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just received and for sale by BUTLER &. SCRANTON. March 10 mi F Prime Seed Rice, OR SALE—apply to SAMUEL M. BOND, or It. & J. IIABEUSHAM. Mnrrh 11 90 IVtuivb ;vg\\s ant\ Cviiue, J UST received and fur sain bv JOHN II. REID. Fob 22 75 N otice To the holders of the Change Bills of 3oY> T. BgWiis. T HE assignees of Job T. Hollos request the holders of said bills, to make a re turn of them, preparatory to u dividend, for which purpose the assignees will attend at the counting-room of S. B. Parkman, every Monday in the month of April, from 12 to 2 o'clock y br a dividend will be made outlie second Monday in May. S.' B PARKMAN, J. PEN FIE.M). march 29 . 03in B Darien Money. ILLS of the Bank of Darien, will be received for Dry Goods, bv C. W. ROCKWELL. April 11 18 For '-ale, ibl!n K » , IllIIFrf.St“7l A SECONDHAND GIG, in goad order, ftil/floor wl,i! S h ml; A * ith com l ,lole Enquire at r lour. 150 B , ARRELS PEOUR, for fam- 1 v iiKo. warranted superior to JOHN W. LONG. 09 ,, , . ily uso, Lanai, fur solo by April 4 Check* and Drafts on New- Y ,r K at any sight, r&zsustsj&r thin office. March -26 02 DiSfcOv YTYOdW T HE co-partnership existing between the subscribers, under the firm of F. GILLETSf CO. will be dissolved by mutual consent on the first duy of June next. Those having claims against the firm, arc requested to present them for settlement, and those in debted will please settle their accounts be fore the fifteenth of May next—after which time all the unsettled accounts will be put iu the hands of an attorn*, y for collection. L. LARDON, F. GILLET. SRLLI G OFK, TfosYlvvfcYs at CostY The subscribers offer for sale, their entire stock of DRY GOODS, at cost, for cosh or good paper only. It comprises a general and well selected assortment of ENGLISH, FRENCH, ITALIAN. IN DIA AND AMERICAN Fresh Imported Goods, suitable for the present season. Darien Bank Bills taken at par. F. GILLET & CO. April tl 15rb YIEMAWAU. HE subscribers have removed to John T Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are -^potiin^ • ftmjortinent of Fancy and Staple Dry ‘ Goods, in addition to their former slock. VV. & H. ROSE. April 5 10 JT The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milled,levilli., will give the above four in sertiuns, and forward their accounts to this iiHico. mod BY CALVIN BAKER, On FRIDAY NEXT,29th instant. Will bo cold at the plantation of Major Steven., on Skidaway Island—4 Horses, 15 head of Cattle, consisting of one Bull, Steers, Caws, and Calves, 13 Sheep, in fine order, Plantation Tools, Ploughs, Carls, 20 new Wheelbarrows, Household Furniture, Sic, Sic Terms cash. April 83 BY CJUriJY BAKER, THIS DAY, 36th inst. At XI o’clock, will be saldbcfore his Auc tion Store a general assortment of GRO CERIES. Also, 45 barrels S.uperdu* FLOUR—for Darien money, Arril 23 - ■ ■■ . r or 1. verp-Mtl, [To sail about the 5th May.) Tim ship OGLKT H ORPE, Tubner. Muster. For fyi'ight of 300 bales ol Cot ton or passage, applv to BENJ. BURROUGHS. April 22 25c For Baltimore, Direct, f The first-rate, fast sailing sclir. 2 RISING SyUN, \ Captain Fairbank, F Burthen one hundred and thirty- six tons, coppered nnd copper fastened, will sail on Sunday next. For freight or pas sage. apply to Capt. Fairbank, on board, at Rice’s Wharf, or to J. B. HERBERT Si CO. April 16 For Philadelphia, The sclir. MARGARET, Mathews, Master, r passage only, apply to JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Buildings. Who has for snl.e Philadelphia Family Flour No. 3 Markurel. Diick, Cordage Claret and Madeira Wine, in boxes Anri I 44 IB t or Freight or Charter, The fast soiling pilot-host sclir GEORGIA ANN, Line, Master, Applv to the master, or to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. April 7 Freight for Augusta. HL’ftl.VG am\ HY.M.MxAl liOOUH. B Y the ships Georgia aod Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE SMB'S 1 Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to tho advance in England, they can be afforded and will be sold at low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 28 p.o T HE subscriber being consignee of the btenm- Bouts HENRY SIIULTZ, : : Capt. Lubbock, AUGUSTA. ; : : : Capt. Guej.n PENDLETON, : : : Capt. Buacken, EDGEFIELD, : : Capt. 8 ass.\n, running constantly from Augusta to Charles ton, will engage freight for Charleston or Augusta, to be shipped by them, and re ceive it free of storage, in the absence of the Steam-Boats. For terms or for pas sage, apply to G. B. LAMAR. April 7 12i.f Molasst s and Flour. Landing from schr. Jlgcnora, Qfk HOGSHEADS ty\J *4 Tierces 15 jRiirrels . 240 Barrels Flour, will be sold low from the wharf. H. LORD & CO. Mongin’s Wharf. April 20 24p Ncw-Orleans Mo lasses. DRAWING OF THK JYEW-YORK state literature LOTTERY, Qlass No. 4. ron December, 1824. T HE following are the numhers and tfie order in which they wore drawn, on the 61I1 day of April 1825: 20 17. 42.37 8 54.56 39.25. Those interested will call and examine the drawing and receive their prize money, or invest i> in some other Lotterv. at LUTHERS EXCHANGE OFFICE. April T€ \V anted. Notice. rffYHE Comnii sioners of Pilotage have A muile arrutigoiuents to furnisli nil ves sels inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will be kept iu the office of the Commissioners in the Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order of the Board of Commissioner* of Pilotage. Marrli 31 06 BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, j Savahnah, 31st March, 1425. j Is otice. A N election will bo held at the Banking- House in this city, on MONDAY, the second day of Muy, ensuing, for Nino Di rectors, on the part of the Stockholders in this Institution. Tiie poll will be opened at ten o’clock, A. M. nnd closed at two, P. M. Bo order if the Board. A. PORTER, Cashier. April 1 07 ID* Tho editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Georgia Jour nal, ami Southern Recorder, in Milledge- ville, will please publish the above until the day of election. j f o ice. A LL persons linving demands agoinst the estate of Francis Conrvoiso.late ni present them duly Chatham county, will attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM. ) n ... , _• and ? Qualified E« J. HABERSHAM, fj ecul0ls - march IR 96 Notice. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, ) April 13th, 18*5. \ T HE city taxes for the present your, will be payable at this office from this day, to the 13th of May rfbxt, after which time, executions will issue against all per sons in default. AI. W. STEWART, April 14 > City Treasurer. 177 MPT Y jCi ply to March 4 PORTER BOTTLES—Ap GEO t YERSON. Dividend. No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, > Savannah, 22i/ April. 1825. f T HE Board of Directors linving this day declared a dividend on the capital stock of this Bank',fur the last six tnon'hs, of $3 per share, or six per cent per annum l he same will be paid to die respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday ne t. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. KT The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder mid Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, will please to publish the above three times, and chnrgcthccxpcnse to this Bank. April 23 20 Howard- ■ eet Flour. -| AO BARRELS superfine Iloward-St. lUU Flour, lnnding from sloop Cadet, will be sold low if taken from the wharf, by April 11 HALL & HOYT. Venetian Blind§. T IIE Subscriber offers for sale a com plete assortment of VENETIAN BLINDS, snitahle fer windows of every size. Also, old Blinds repaired. much 30 1. W. MORRELL. 105 ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, 4T FI.KVEN O’CI.OCK, Will be sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the persunal property belonging to the astute of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene ward, on lot No.30, An excellent Horse, Gig and Harness, ono Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash, Epaulets, &u. toge ther with a quantity of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, . valuable collection of BOOKS. permission of tiie Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administrutix. Aoril 8 113 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MAY NEXT, At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will he sold without reserve, that valuable trnet of Land. No. 75, in the Third District, Habersham County. One half of the purchase money will be required at the time of sole, and the balance on the first of January, 1826, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary, and by ol der of tiie administratrix. March 3 •savannah and Augusta MnU COACH. Nnc Arrangement OeorgiaSiie. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that lie has removed the Lino of Stages on tho Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, nt4 o’clock, A.M lodge at Pierce’s, and Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For seats, apply at tiie Gcorgin-Hotcl. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah. March 20,1825. N. B. Hurses, Carriages, nnd Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at tho shortest notice. March 24 100 ALL IN ONE DAY, To be drawn on the 18th day May, and by an aaiTiMryiE’D mode of ubawing, Secured bp Letter» Patent, under the teal of the United Stale,. . COHEN'S OFFICE. ) Bai-timori, Atrip 7,1825. J W E have the plea ure to preaant to. Ui* public 1 , the Fourth Scheme ofthe tti The mode of drawing on tn entirely new plan, approved by the Cotaaaivaiotters of Lotteries, appointed by the Governor and Council of State, and brought otit 'under special act of the Legislature. vvigWt P tiie %2O,0Q0. SCHEME. 1 prize of 20,000 dollars is 420,000 1 do of 10,000 dollars U 10,000 . is 10,000 ‘ do ot 5,000 dollars is 6,000 6 do of 1,000 dollars in 4 do of 50ft dollars is 20 do of 100 dollars is 30 do of 60 dollars is 50 do of 20 dollars is 200 do of 10 dollars is 300 do of 5 dollars is 10000 do of 2 dollars is 6,000 2.000 2,000 1,600 1,4.00 2,000 1,500 20,000 10612 Prizes. $79,000’ 20000 Tickets—not one hlauk to a prize!! iMXnWKJHnV • by GEO. RYERSON, Sole Agent, Corner Hay and Whittakcr-Streeta. March 4 prize payable in cash, sixty dnvs alter tho draw ing, subject to a deduction ol fifteen per cent. Mode af Drawing.—The numbers Will be put into one wheel as .usual—nnd in the other wheel will be put the prizes a hove the denomination of two dollars, aVid tiie drawing to progress in the usual manner. The 10,000 prizes of $2, will be awarded to the eddor even numbers ofthe Lottery, (as the case may he) dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of 4*0(000— that is to say, if the 20,000 dollar prize should come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be en titled to a 42 prize. If the 20,000 dollar prize should come out to an even number, then all the even numbers in the scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 2 dollars. Tiie odd Numbers are those ending with 1.3 5,7 or 9. The even Numbers ire those ending with 2. 4, 6, 8 or 0. This mode of drawing not only enable* the Commissioners to completp the whole Lottery in one drawing, but has tbe great sd outage of distributing the small prize* regularly to every alternuto number in th* A o, v i siliMmcs.sothnttJ- -folder of two tickets riA i» l w AtPm.naTi/ nt ' tt ^ ,Ve VAL ; I or two i,h,,rfs nr '^ l 'Wie, (one odd anil on* IIABLE MEDICINE, just received even numher)will be certain ofobtsirnng at per bng satebjr least one prize, and ip fhe same ratio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in thia , scheme., is not restricted from drawing an —i n f, r j or oniJ hIsm, > otice The rtrllwin fr wi *l take place in the city It „ , j of Baltimore, on Vi'rdnesday. the IBth day LL persons are forewarned not to pur-! of May, and will finish on the same dRv— chn:-i‘ a note whicli was given by me, 1 A very short period therefore, intervening as 1 thought at tin: tunc, to tlm estate of. before thetime of drawing will arrive. Ad- ■ Sumncl Olisby, but by fraud which was venturers at a distance, should avail thorn-' practised on me at. the time,I find now to ' selves of the verv superior advantages of- be in tho name of one Timothy Cltsby. As ftred by the scheme, and eend on their or-’ 1 never had any dealings with, or owed dors without delay—they will remark the Timothy Llishy any thing, ns soon ns any ] mv rains of tickets—the very trifling risk person shews me proper authority to col-, to ho run. (there not being one blank to a lect the debts ot the estate ofbamuel Cltsby,; prize) and that the capital prize of 1 will psv any sum which I may owe the , _ ,, * ----- Twenty Thousand Dollars is of a magnitude hitherto unprecedented for so small a sum investod—above all, how ever, is the certainty of obtaining at least one prize, by the purchase ol two tickets or shares—(one odd and one even number) and in the same ratio of ccrtninlv in the pm* chase of a greater number of tickets or shares Tiie limits of an advertisement do not permit a detail ofthe various and maiiy ad vantages in this improved mode of Lottery —they will naturally present tliemseResto the adventurer on examination of the scheme, to a scrutiny of which, we invite their attention, estate, in manlier which was agreed upon at the time, and not otherwise. P. M’DERMOTT. April 7 12 Xottce \\exebj \i\ven, rilHAT ninety days after dpte, applica- JL tion will he made to the Steam-Boat. Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroyed, dated 20th October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savannah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Foh 11 Cap Missing. A BROWN FUR CAP having cover- iitgs for the ears, and somowhut soiled within by use, was taken from the Ex change on Monday night. As the adver tiser’s name was fastened inside, fhe per son having it can be at no loss in ascertain ing to whom it belongs. Apply at this of fice. V*irrth ?4 tOO J'/ie <_ huf Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining the number and location of tiie private wells in the city. Ho therefore requcslR those who own or occupy lots on winch there are such, to leave a memorandum at the Post-Office, or at his Counting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which they arc situated. If their depth, their diomoter, the depth of water in them, and whether there is now a pump or bucket for lifting the water, can be added, it will be very ac ceptable, March 25 101 H air J UST received by the William Wallace, an additional supply of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted af the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Just Hea ived by ship Augusta, | Sy DOZEN Seidlitz Powders A m Sulph. Quinine, English Mustard Cinchonine Best Lsmp Oil For sale by P. E. BRASSINNE, April 14 Opposite the Exchange. Prime I'ork ft Sperm M'l. JuH received per ,hip William Wallace, 9A BARRELS Prime Pork MV 20 Barrels first quality Sperm Oil 40 Barrels Prime aqd'Mcss Beef For sale by BRADLEY. CLAGHORN * WOOD, April 15 . AneiniixV Wlmrf. Wanted, B ANKARLE MONEY Applv at LUTHER’S EXCIIANYE OTflC* March 11 Whole Tickets, - - . .84 Halves, 2 Quarts s, ..... ^ To be had in the greatest variety of num bers, (odd and oven,) at COHEN’S Wt&Y? & Vx-change Office, No. 114, Mxkkkt-St. Baltimore, . where in the four Iasi State Lotteries, wore sold the great Capitols of4100,000—40.000 —two of 20,000—two of lo.OOO—besides no J less than ten capitals of5,000. &c.4tc. And * where more capital, have been told than al any other office m America. ST Orders from any part of the United States or Territories enclosing the cash, or prizes in any of the Lotteries, (post paid! will meet with our accustomed prompt at tention.—Address J. I. COHEN, Jim. Baltimore. Baltimore, April 7th, 11)25. April 16 20f